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1817965 No.1817965 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /vr/, does anyone knows what FPS game used the WASD + mouse as the standart input?

>> No.1817989


>> No.1817990

any fps ever made was capable of WASD + mouse.

>> No.1817991

Turok comes to mind.

>> No.1817996

Assuming you are talking about the 'first' game that used wasd + mouse as the standard, of course.

>> No.1817998

>actually believing this

>> No.1818046


Yes, a lot of games had WASD + support, but I want to know what as the first game in which it was the standart.

>> No.1818047

I loved how they adapted the equivalent on N64.

>> No.1818054
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>> No.1818070

You could even rebind keys in the original Doom and use the mouse to look left/right if you load NOVERT. So yes.

>> No.1818084

>something possible in Doom must be possible in every FPS ever made
Really dude?

>> No.1818085

>the mind of an autist

>> No.1818531

It's standard not "standart", dude.

>> No.1818554


Oh shit nigger how dumb can you get, do you even know how games take input

>> No.1819653

first time i remember it was counter-strike, when it was still a mod.

>> No.1819659

Pretty sure the first one was Marathon.

>> No.1819661

>first time i remember it was counter-strike, when it was still a mod.
your young is showing

>> No.1819720

I know there where games before it but I think Quake 2 was the game that really made it the standard

>> No.1819950

i think cyclones might of come out a little earlier

>> No.1819962

I recall Quake 3 shipping with WASD standard, but not Quake 2.

>> No.1820008
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I believe it was Half-Life.

>> No.1820049

I was understanding OP as using "WASD" to use not just those keys, but specifically A and D to strafe like pretty much all modern FPS defaults. In which Cyclones is actually an example of a game where WASD strafing doesn't work because of how the mouse aiming works (it's not locked to the center of the screen); you need A and D to turn, not strafe, although I guess it's technically possible to play the modern way.

>> No.1820067

Not the guy you're replying to, but what are some PC FPS that don't support rebinding keys and using the mouse? I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.1820085


not fps but ultima underworld didn't have a sidestep (strafe) ability as 2 standalone directions

>> No.1820086

Guys, he said BY DEFAULT.

>> No.1820147

You can remap keys in Wofl3D and use the mouse; but even if you do, you won't have a "WASD+Mouse" setup simply because in Wolf3D you need to hold a key to strafe.

>> No.1820197

28 is young?

>> No.1820215

yup, fucking young ass faggot.

>29 here

>> No.1820234

Realms of the Haunting is an adventure game/FPS hybrid but I'm pretty sure there are no dedicated strafe left/right keys.

>> No.1820257

Quake3 had it as default for sure.

Quake 1 didn't, but I always remapped the keys to that.

Back in the mid-late 90s, strategy guides in game mags tended to go for ESF instead of WASD, with back button being bind to Space (which doubled as the "open" key), and left Shift as something else (jump or run or whatever).
The reason for this was because you had a finger on every key, you always backed away from an opening door to narrow your viewpoint (and incoming fire should the room be occupied), and because the most commonly used weapons were mapped to keys 3/4 and you could also easily hit 2/5 as well.

>> No.1820272
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tl;dr Quake popularized it (even if it wasn't its default controls scheme), after which games started adopting it as default

>> No.1820753

I'm liking a lot of those alternate binds.
I've been meaning to get into ESDF anyway.
Thanks, anon.

>> No.1820771

Yep, definitely half life and counter strike.
Mouse look + strafe keys were possible since one of the expansions to Doom. I think marathon came up with mouselook first?

>> No.1820784

>Raven Software's November 1994 release CyClones featured a rather primitive implementation of the free look
>The next major step was using the mouse to control the free look. Marathon by Bungie, released in December 1994 for the Apple Macintosh was the first major release to feature the mouse-controlled free look that would later become universal.
Yep, Marathon perfected the "mouselook" or freelook. I'm pretty sure the engine revision used in Final Doom had mouselook too.

>> No.1820790

Forgot muh sauce:
inb4 >wikipedia

>> No.1820804
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Although Quake 1 and 2 had mouselook always enabled as standard, they didn't suggest using the WASD as default settings.
Clusterfuck in pic related is how the preset default bindings were like in Quake 2.

>> No.1820806

GoldenEye had it, too, m8

>> No.1820813

Goldeneye had you holding R for precise analog stick aiming, as default you had to use the yellow C buttons which were imprecise as fuck. You could argue it was the retro equivalent to CoD's iron scopes.
I realize one of the settings were setup like goldeneye but you couldn't change the crazy sensitivity, so you still had to resort to holding R for aiming anyway.

>> No.1820821

>one of the default controller settings were setup like Turok
Also, hilariously enough, back at the time everyone praised GE's scheme and thrashed Turok's. Because free aiming with the analog at 12 fps is completely unreasonable on the N64.

>> No.1820972

>back at the time everyone praised GE's scheme and thrashed Turok's
That's the exact opposite of what I remember. People evangelizing 1.2 controls (and cleaning up with them in multiplayer) was a thing even back then, at least with the people I knew.

>> No.1820985

>vertical aiming in Goldeneye
Goldeneye is about as flat as a 3D game comes, save for maybe Wolfenstein 3D.

>> No.1821028

it was so good owning your pleb friends who used the default scheme

>> No.1821063

Wow, pay close attention to this post class. This is what is known as "doing it wrong".

>> No.1821102

Holy shit, the arguments you didn't post and the explanations you didn't give totally changed my viewpoint entirely.

>> No.1821116

If you meant capping headshots, freelook always autoaimed at the character's chest area, you had to use the R button aim for that.

>> No.1821121

Terminator rampage has no way of rebinding keys if I recall. I think I recall mouse being an option but it being shit. It wasn't very good overall.

>> No.1821146

There were a handful of configs you could use as well if you knew but they're mostly junk as well. The best one in the group is thresh.cfg which does in fact use wasd.
xian.cfg is not great, but it uses asdc for left/right/forward/back. The others mostly have strange variations a bunch using mouse1/2/3 for +forward and +mlook instead of constant +mlook.

>> No.1821171

It's just a nicer control scheme regardless. Strafing instead of turning on the movement hand.

And anyway, although yes Goldeneye combat tends to be flat, looking with the stick has its uses. For example, when throwing mines (especially in multiplayer), you can do it without stopping to aim.

>> No.1821182

Duke 3d and Quake on the Saturn were the first to feature analog aim plus digital forward/back/strafe on the button pads, as far as I remember (which worked ridiculously smooth for a console fps - I swear back in 2001 we had more fun with Quake 3 on the Dreamcast than on the PC).

Did any other console actually use the analog aim + buttons for movement type of controls before those?

>> No.1821212

Well I guess analogue movement speed is pretty pointless, so I see how it would be better.
Treating your "turning hand" as a "looking hand" was not really a thing in my circle at the time, so forward-backward-turn was standard enough for it to be the regular mode given that auto-aim was the pre-set way to play it.
Mines (other than Remote Mines, but they were used as insta-grenades instead of "mines") were never a very popular style in my circle because of the weapon selection (grenades were on the other hand, but holding time was way more important than aiming with them anyway) so I can't say, but I guess your way would be better.

>> No.1821284

BattleZone had WASD with strafing and mouselook.

>> No.1821445

Quake 1 did not have mouselook enabled standard. You had to put "+mlook" in the console for constant mouselook, otherwise by default you have to hold a button for temporary mouselook whenever you want to aim up and down.

>> No.1822269

Most Wolf3D era games did not have seperate strafe left and strafe right keys. You could bind forward and backward to W and S if you wanted, but you could never get a WASD-like configuration because you'd still need to hold down the strafe modifier and use turning keys.

>> No.1822292

If you used like Autohotkey or something could you feasibly do it?

>> No.1822379

It depends on the game. For example, it doesn't work with Wolf 3D. because it turns the mouse to strafe whenever you hit the strafing button, so no mouse turning.