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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 53 KB, 940x529, wolfenstein3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1804828 No.1804828 [Reply] [Original]

Wolfenstein thread? Wolfenstein thread. Let's talk about the underrated series that got overshadowed by quake and doom. Any of the Wolfenstein titles are fine, not just Wolfenstein 3d.

personally, Wolfesntein 3D is my favorite of the Wolfenstein titles. A classic that played a major role in founding the FPS genre.

>> No.1804832

3d is the best one
i prefer the doom tc, the controls actually make sense

>> No.1804837

agreed, it's a tad awkward playing wolfenstein 3d being so used to WASD + mouse

>> No.1804839

that's the problem with being the first to do shit. Strafe was a button, it was obviously made for keyboard only.

>> No.1804854
File: 5 KB, 560x384, And a rose compass.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to go deeper.

>> No.1804857


>> No.1804892
File: 83 KB, 651x477, Wolfenstein_3d_Mein_Leben_by_ReturningDragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1805175
File: 23 KB, 640x480, wolfenstein_3D_hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there isn't really much to talk about in regards to wolfenstein is there? what custom maps for wolfenstein 3d were there? if any? and since return to castle wolfenstein was made in 2001, we can't talk about it.

>> No.1805293

They said they were going to have dragging bodies, looting treasure out of chests and all that kind of shit in Wolfenstein 3D, but they took it all out. I want to play the Wolfenstein 3D with all of that shit. Is there a mod that has shit like this?

>> No.1805294


Wolfendoom was my favorite Wolf3D mod.

also LOL at these WASD people
left handed arrow key master race reporting in

>> No.1805309

Relevant: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbnpEJ11ANk

>> No.1805315

Did that "Escape from auschwitz" mod ever come out?

>> No.1805336
File: 25 KB, 355x417, MyWood-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some over sensitive shit-heads got their feelings hurt and made home stop producing it. They covered the controversy of this mid on my fucking local news. http://kotaku.com/5715739/auschwitz-game-creator-yanks-wolfenstein-mod-under-pressure

>> No.1805339

Sorry, I'm fucking shit at typing on mobile.

>> No.1805342

Damn, I was hoping they grew a pair after the heat died down and released it anyway.
What a bunch of pussies for stepping down, it's just a video game.

>> No.1805363

What didn't people go apes hit when the original game came out? But a mod, from a single guy gets covered like it's a massive fucking tragedy, and he should be sentenced to death for it? What the hell.

>> No.1805368

Yeah If I recall correctly, it's about a jew escaping from the camp and killing nazis.

How is that bad?
I bet the same people Loved Inglorious Basterds.

>> No.1805928

3D and Spear of Destiny are pretty cool games.

Though as much as I do like them, I just cannot call them favourites of mine. I mean, because of its limitations, a LOT of the levels end up being very indistinguishable, and a bit of blur.

>> No.1806149

I played Wolf3d with a source port (I can't remember right now, I guess it was jwolf) and I found it very comfortable to play it with WASD & mouse look. Obviously, you can't look up & down, but you don't need that anyway.

In regards to Doom mods (Wolfendoom & TC) I think they're completely different in terms of gameplay. Don't get me wrong, they were kinda cool, but not the same. Also I found them quite easy. What I'll try sometime is playing the mods in combination with weasels Nazis gameplay mod and see if it works...

>> No.1806218

Oh man, this is something else.

>> No.1806234

The fun bit is that he was actually a pro-israeli jew himself.

>> No.1806239
File: 11 KB, 640x480, Wolf3d_episode6_level3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>horst vessel lied as soundtrack
>swastikas, pictures of hitler everywhere, actual hitler in game
>the level on pic

I swear, wolfenstein would have never been released if it was done today.

>> No.1806246

Yeah it's not like there was a Wolfenstein game that just came out or anything.

>> No.1806252

Does it have swastikas, though? The reason I'm saying this it's because the iphone remake of wolf3d was completely changed. They removed all swastikas, redesigned hitler's pic and so on.

>> No.1806279

let me ask you /vr/, what are the best tools for modding wolfenstein 3d? any good source ports? I don't see why wolfenstein 3d doesn't have it's own zwolfenstein along with countless modding tools like doom or quake does. why is the wolfenstein 3d community so smalls despite it's contributed as much as doom did?

>> No.1806289

It really isn't. Assuming you had a source port and used M+KB because otherwise it would be even shittier for control. It's still not the best one.
RtCW would be the best Wolfenstein.
The original Wolf 3D has a few glaring problems. The RPG style combat mechanics are mostly junk as an FPS. The levels design is mostly bad and the game relies on an overabundance of wall humping. The weapons are too similar to matter. The game has effectively three weapons, the knife for when you're fucked, the SMG for 90% of shit and the gatling for 10% of the time you feel the need to unload all your ammo. So really it's all the guns are effectively a rate selector. It's not really an issue of age either. They could have balanced items had them differentiated for use even then back then. They just weren't so hot at it. They could have even used their same crappy mechanics to improve the game by having varying distance hit percentile and damages and different ammo counters for each one. It would have been all too easy within the scope of the time, it's all simplistic back end code completely in line with what they were doing.
It's also not like games before 1992 didn't have different functionality, even their beloved D&D did that. Shit Metroid and Zelda did it 85/86 on 2D, Megaman did it, Contra did it. Plenty of NES and computer games had some sort of actual real weapon variation. It would have made for a better game if Wolf also did.

>> No.1806292

Wolf4SDL is the primary source port and the main one used for modding. You can check this forum if you're looking for modding info. IMO it's the best on the subject:


>> No.1807037

I'd agree with this assessment of Wolf 3D. I've been playing Doom off and on since 1996, but I never played W3D for the first time until recently, and I think it's aged pretty badly gameplay-wise. It was interesting to play for 15 minutes to 'see where it all started,' but I don't think it holds up at all these days.

After my short time with 3D, I played Return and Wolf 2009 (for the first time on both) to completion right before The New Order came out. As much as I like oldschool FPS's, I found Return frustrating at times. It had some serious difficulty spikes (the mandatory stealth sequences sucked, the 'tesla hoppers' almost made me ragequit) and the weapon selection bothered me. There's a nice variety, yes, but like half the arsenal is redundant or useless. Was still generally pretty fun, though. Fast-paced combat, good level design, etc.

Wolf '09 actually had some neat ideas with those Veil abilities, and I found most of the weapons to be satisfying to use. I was surprised at just how well hidden a lot of the secrets were, and the upgrade system was kinda cool. The hilariously slow movement speed and confined level design made it a bit of a chore, though.

If I'm to be honest, I consider TNO to be the best of the series. I thought it did an excellent job at combining the design philosophies of older and more modern shooters.

>> No.1807174

>It had some serious difficulty spikes (the mandatory stealth sequences sucked, the 'tesla hoppers' almost made me ragequit)

Tesla hoppers are some shit. I wasn't suggesting that the game had no flaws, it does.

Funny thing about this thread, OP wants any title, but every title except the first isn't /vr/, so really this should be more or less strictly a Wolf3D thread. So I'm not really going to elaborate on any of the others. It'd also be the reason why the series has been overshadowed, because it's largely been nonexistent until modern era and that's not a good thing. Honestly it's surprising that RtCW was as good as it was. Though I suppose they had to have one last half bid before they started making awful games and getting merged into Treyarch.

It's kind of hilarious and shitty how Activision was the publisher for id and how they just naturally shifted the new business into modern console era and picked up the guys from rogue/nerve/xatrix/grey matter/raven and into treyarch alongside IW and basically got all the id engine titles and monies handed right to them. Activision was riding the ever living shit out of idtech. It's really surprising that id was even using them for publishing instead of hiring up to do it in house, almost gives the impression that someone was in bed with them basically guiding them to the money train.

>> No.1807197

Hi, I'm OP, There are four games we can talk about in regards to wolfenstein that are /vr/.

>castle wolfenstein, 1981
>beyond castle wolfenstein, 1984
>wolfenstein 3d, 1992
>spear of destiny, 1992

I made it a general wolfenstein thread because I didn't think there was enough content in wolfenstein 3d (at least compared to how large the doom/quake/build/whatever generals get to) to last a while and not get error 404'd after a matter of hours.

>> No.1807406

GBA port sucks

>> No.1808507

I loved this game as a kid. Sure, the successors left it sucking dust pretty badly, but back then I adored the claustrophobic atmosphere and the imagery. It made me nervous as fuck, when the enemy was aware of your presence, and they hunted you trough those narrow corridors, and you had no way of knowing when a nazi was going to jump in front of your face and shout HUHAHO, before it gunned you down. Or worse, if you played carelessly and one got the chance to shoot you in the back. Wolf3d and Spear of Destiny were tense games, and I fucking loved that.

Too bad I can no longer enjoy playing them, I have the levels memorized so well, it's gotten boring. Key hunts are also dull as fuck.

>> No.1808532


Oh please, everyone knew about that game and everyone loved it (except the German government).

>overshadowed by Quake
ONE of these series had a game come out this very year which was well-reviewed, while the other hasn't had a game come out since 2005, and one that was actually liked since 1999. Which is which?

>> No.1808543

Is this game still banned in Germany?

>> No.1808727

I'm thinking about finally getting around to playing >>1804854. Anybody know which version is best?

>> No.1809370
File: 6 KB, 236x256, 1385363280607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everywhere but Der Vaterland. It's uncensored here.

I swear, Germany is one giant fucking pussy when it comes to censorship.

>> No.1809423

Eh, They're two different series.
I suppose you could have them all in the same thread, it's just tangentially related.

>> No.1809435

commodore 64 imo it has the nicest graphics