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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 12 KB, 256x240, gfs_59505_1_1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1779393 No.1779393 [Reply] [Original]

You know the story. It's Friday afternoon, your parents take you to the video store to get a game for the weekend. You choose one only to get home and have your excitation dashed when you realize it sucks for one reason or another, yet it's all your stuck playing all weekend. What's that game, /vr/?

Starting off with Double Dragon III. I couldn't beat the first level. Maybe I did once or twice, I don't really remember, but I definitely didn't get much farther than that. Just kept replaying that first level all weekend praying to get further. I was pretty good at DD1 and 2 though, so still don't understand the problem.

>> No.1779430
File: 5 KB, 248x186, dd3fk1-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not beating Double Dragon III
Git gud Did you use the nunchakus against the first boss?

>> No.1779439
File: 151 KB, 529x364, Mission_Impossible_for_N64,_Front_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1780991

I was 10 mang, I don't even remember who the first boss was. If he's the guy in your pic it's not ringing any bells.

>> No.1781004

>be like 8
>see this
>ask mum to let me rent this
>"no anon, that's a game about sex for bad people."
>believe her

>> No.1781082


>telling someone to git gud
>uses nunchucks against Jim

top jej

>> No.1781168
File: 47 KB, 620x430, Yoshi's_Story_(NA).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's either this...

>> No.1781174
File: 32 KB, 406x281, Dragon's Lair SNES boxart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This game is awful



>> No.1781218

Taboo or whatever for NES. From what I remember it just asks you questions and tries to predict your future.

>> No.1781236
File: 82 KB, 513x448, legacyofthewizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rent pic related because the cover looks cool
>get home and start playing
>realize it's obtuse as fuck
>realize there's no way in hell you'll ever finish this game in a weekend
>realize you'll probably never finish this game in your entire life

>> No.1781334

I watched Arino play it so I bought it off ebay. I can't get through the first couple screens, I'm so confused.

>> No.1781345
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>I was pretty good at DD1 and 2 though, so still don't understand the problem.
The arcade version was P2W.

>> No.1781373



You actually had to pump in more quarters to get upgrades?

>> No.1781417


>> No.1781434

I actually really like this game

>> No.1781454

Batman Beyond for N64 and Amazing Island for GCN were my biggest rental regrets.
I usually just rented Tales of Symphonia and Majora's Mask over and over again.

>> No.1781485
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>> No.1781497

>"no anon, that's a game about sex for bad people."

What? How?

>> No.1781498
File: 48 KB, 370x257, 161065_v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you get to play as joe pesci?

>> No.1781543
File: 63 KB, 650x842, 1404026365666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is by no means a great game, but tainted by nostalgia-goggles i do too.
the experience putting so much effort into it as a kid with two friends and the different kinds of scenarios they tried to create made a lasting impression. replaying the most complex missions with sniper and explosives just to fuck around and the mindless destruction of the cannonboat-mission can still be fun.

>tfw you will never be woken up again by your best friend screaming "anon, i got through those fucking lasers"

>> No.1781551

I remember really enjoying a level where youre at a fancy ball or a museum or something and there's a part where you have to knock out a guy in the bathroom and assume his identity with the face changer.

>> No.1781601
File: 124 KB, 560x561, 1316307106080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's at an embassy and you later have to change into a firefighter to escape.

jesus christ i'm afraid i remember the whole game.

>> No.1781725
File: 211 KB, 731x816, topgun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this game was fucking garbage

i'm pretty sure my dad took it back to the video store after 20 minutes because it was so bad

>> No.1781747

>You actually had to pump in more quarters to get upgrades?
Only in the US version. You have a full moveset available from the outset in the JPN version.

>> No.1781751

I remember getting this and literally crying because it was so bad, and all my dad could do was yell at me like it's my fault, because I "didn't read the directions". Yeah, that would've fixed it from being a shitty game, I'm sure.

>> No.1781781

That's hilarious

>> No.1781784

You could say it was top lel

>> No.1781794
File: 16 KB, 330x330, lance WTS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up! Double dragon 3 was awesome.

Oh boohoo, so not every beat em up can be as simplistic as TMNT2 Well, fuck that crap.

Everything I've heard held against DD3 is actually really great, people are just idiots.

No extra lives? Only extra characters? That means you don't lose a life ever, you just switch to another character if you're about to die.

Chin? Fuck the chin haters, he's awesome, his punches are brutal.

Italy just being an unrewarding chance to lose a character? If you can't beat that stage quite safely, you wouldn't be able to beat the last one.

Huh, why you need to do that?

>> No.1781804
File: 29 KB, 475x347, streetcombatcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought this for my bday

i got 2 games a year
imagine if we had emulation like we do today.


>> No.1781807

Mario's time machine.
I fucking loved mario, what could possibly go wrong.

>> No.1781813
File: 830 KB, 1470x1870, 26570_boxshot_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corridor 7.

Damn doom craze. so many games no more advanced than wolfenstein 3d cached in on it.

Ran into too many of of those. Corridor 7, Blake stone, Terminator Rampage.


>> No.1781908
File: 15 KB, 300x277, feelyourpain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Getting street combat for your bday

>> No.1781917

fucking smartball for the snes uhg what a terrible game

>> No.1781921

>buy a game for your son
>he throws a tantrum and sobs like a bitch

Your poor father

>> No.1781924

I used to rerent this because I liked it

>> No.1781931

Holy shit

>> No.1781973

It was a rental, he was out $4, no reason to get pissed

>> No.1781982

i remember having a lot of fun with that game as a kid, but i can't remember why

>> No.1781990

I liked this one. The surfing segments were pretty fun. I'd do them, reset, do em again. Kinda sad when you look back on it, but that was the most action the game had. I re-played that game so much I memorized every answer and breezed through it but still couldn't stop Bowser. I guess some stuff was optional and was put there to waste your time.

>> No.1781993

i remember a lot of NES games that barely worked, had nearly unusable controls and gameplay, or were just incomprhensible

>> No.1781995


It was all the gadgets, anon.

>> No.1782167


I bought this pos instead of oracle of seasons. I know, it was stupid. Back then I didn't know much about zelda games.

>> No.1782176

I had plenty of games as a kid that I would rent and find myself completely incapable of getting past the second or third stage, but they were so cheap and the rental period was so short that I never really felt like it was wasted. I was terrible at games but we couldn't really afford new ones very often, so either way renting was pretty fun.

>> No.1782179

Rocko's Modern Life on SNES. I actually took it back because I couldn't figure out how to play. Same thing with The Lion King on SNES.

>> No.1782520

When I was a kid the local video store had a special offer: you pay, I think like $20, or $30 maybe, and for an entire month you get unlimited rentals. One at a time, but you can trade them back in as much as you want, 50 times a day if need be, so you'd never get stuck with a bad game. My dad would get me that during the summer vacation, it was great. Now we got Gamefly which is the same premise, but the week turn-around to mail it in and back kinda kills it.

>> No.1782539

> your parents take you to the video store to get a game for the weekend

all of my nostalgia. Sorcerer's Kingdom was my friday video store game.

>> No.1782623
File: 92 KB, 256x192, SNES_Goof_Troop_Box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this game to this very day.

>> No.1783606

tfw raised in fundamentalist christian household

sex = a tool of the devil
ever questioning parents = sin and you're going to hell

I was also told eBay was a television show about sex and that porn was a tool from Satan to turn people away from God

fuggin sucked, mane.

>> No.1783613

I feel bad and ashamed just by proximity to this thread
$4 in 1988 or whenever is probably $10 today or something. That could have been over an hour of work depending on the father's job.

>> No.1783627

I was 7, only chucks work on boss.

>> No.1783628

It is your own fault. 4chan logic, the victim will always be the one to blame.

>> No.1783718

One of the best multiplayer games on the SNES.

>> No.1784286
File: 35 KB, 300x226, 1327491335078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1784295

You must admit DD3 is a hard game, every square of life is vital, i can say i could beat that game alone and with a friend, doing that Double hurricane kick is helpful to beat the game.

Chin is best character, his combo punch can kill every normal enemy in the game.

>> No.1784359

The embassy function music is still one of the best /vr/ songs

Probably the cheats and glitches

>> No.1784370
File: 2.34 MB, 275x200, 1399478563639.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


On that note:

>Renting Majora's Mask
>Not realizing you need the expansion pack

>> No.1784458

Does anyone still have any signs around where they live that say VHS and Nintendo rentals? There's one in Whitney Point, NY even though the store has been long gone.

>> No.1784478

That happened when I rented Jet Force Gemini.
Parent at first refused to drive back to the store, then when I actually got the chance they didn't have any available. Apparently you had to reserve them or something.

I was so psyched to play that game, too.

>> No.1784501
File: 82 KB, 613x424, Superman_64_Box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You knew this was coming.

>have a policy as a kid to never re-rent the same game
>parents were seemingly the only ones that listened to the ESRB
>could never rent T or M games while N64/PS1 was still relevant
>work my way through all the good N64 and PS1 games I was allowed to rent
>eventually get to pic related
>didn't care at all for superman but "mite b gud" I told myself
>get home, pop it in
>oh god what have I done

>> No.1784567

Let's see how good my memory is...

Top Gun
Something Knight by Square
Double Dragon 2 or 3 (It was the one that had multiplayer where both characters had to be the same)
Bubble Bobble (Not a bad timewaster, just not the game I really wanted to rent)
Legendary Wings
7Up's Spot

Really, any schump I felt was a waste when I rented it, and I rented a few and keep thinking the next would be more interesting. None of them that I played really had much to them, shoot enemies and get weapon extensions. Nothing wrong with that, but there needs to be a whole lot of different weapon types, ship types, and things to make the game different each time you play. It was especially bad for NES schumps because some didn't even have enemies that dropped stuff -- you literally floated around the screen shooting slow enemies raining down.

I think Gradius did something similar to what I was looking for, but by the time it did, I was pretty turned off the genre and had other games to keep me interested instead.

>> No.1784628

Double Dragon III's just hard as fuck. The NES version's still a good game, though.

>> No.1784659
File: 92 KB, 519x389, wall-street-kid-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember my mom taking me to the video store after school one day because it had been penis inspection day that day and she knew how much I hated it. I could rent anything I wanted and I rented this piece of shit because I thought the box art was cool.

>> No.1784676


it's hard yes, but nothing you can't master. I had the game and I played it for months until I finally reach egypt. then I quit because it always took me the whole day.

>> No.1784686


My worst video game rental experiences were the Simpsons snes games. Kept expecting fun like I would have at the arcade. (Komani only made the arcade game)

>> No.1784713
File: 91 KB, 400x550, Nobunaga Ambition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this looks cool, I hope it's like Ninja Gaiden
>numbers and shit

>> No.1784734

Cool Spot's a good game though...

>> No.1784759
File: 138 KB, 600x600, xcomps1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a bad game of course, but I rented it once when I was probably like 8 and couldn't figure out how to play it at all.

I thought it was going to be an alien action game or something

>> No.1784850
File: 114 KB, 400x550, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldnt figure out how to get past the first screen. The store lost the instruction booklet, which made me want to kill myself. Cant believe its not an AVGN video.

>> No.1784856
File: 20 KB, 252x347, 252px-Milon's_Secret_Castle_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom rented this as my first game after I got my NES.

>> No.1784897


>Wall Street Kid

Someone hates fun

>> No.1784958

Even worse, I owned this game as a kid. The only way I got to play the other levels after the second was by using the built in cheat the pirated cart had which let you jump stages by pressing AB + Start

>> No.1785005

>Something Knight

*King's Knight. And yes, it is a shitty as you may remember it.

>> No.1785010
File: 207 KB, 256x364, ducktales2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1785197

This is a very, very good multiplayer game. Can't comment on the single-player though, I could believe that it wasn't balanced all that well.

>> No.1786336

This reminds me of when my dad rented me ogre battle, but I was still too young to figure it out and he rented it because it had a cool name.
Ogre battle is now one of my favorite games

>> No.1786364

Mario's time machine... Boy was I disappointed.

>> No.1786368

>penis inspection day


>> No.1786376

It's a meme.


>> No.1786384

My penis was and still is inspected at every physical

>> No.1788398

Is it a hard game? I don't know, I'm not sure what games I should be comparing it to, maybe I've found games with less variation to be harder from being boring, maybe I've found the pacing of DD3 easy to work with.

Chin is all around good. He can also kick once then punch once, which works much the same as ranzou doing two swings or one swing and a kick, but chin is less cumbersome overall, with ranzou, he's always considered to be using a weapon, like it terms of jumping.

>> No.1788415
File: 118 KB, 535x799, olivianewtonjohn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hate the Dragon Slayer games. Shame as they all look super cool. Pic related.

Drasle Family (Legacy of the Wizard) also has a really awesome concept which I don't think has been done before. Again, massive shame.

>> No.1788513
File: 68 KB, 640x439, 46877_front[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Smash TV was great, so this must be good too!

I turned it off within five minutes and my mom was wondering why I was doing homework instead.

>> No.1788560

You really need to make maps and write stuff down. Also, read a short FAQ summary or manual or something on the characters and their powers. You can figure this game out, it just requires dedication and exploring every nook and cranny you can find.

>> No.1788625

Frantic Fucking Flea

>> No.1789315

I can beat Jim using only the basic kicks. Git gud.

>> No.1789320
File: 17 KB, 640x480, Nightmare Creatures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This turd here. It's the only rental I've ever actually returned before the rental period was even over.

>> No.1789363
File: 55 KB, 640x442, 1766306-cool_world_snes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me, just going to shit all over your weekend rental!

>> No.1789679

Ergheiz I think or whatever it was. I saw pictures of it with FF7 characters and thought it was an RPG. I was so disappointed to see it was a fighting game it went back the next day.

>> No.1789684

this was prolly my favourite nes game as a kid, after tmnt arcade game

>> No.1789694

If anything he was trying to teach you not to be a crybaby bitch. All you other faggots in this thread saying the crying baby was in the right might as well be a bunch of fag enablers

>> No.1790014
File: 2 KB, 256x224, Mystery_quest-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>randomly selected Mystery Quest
>seemed like a fun platformer at first
>confusing as fuck
>just when I thought I was making progress, I was just going in circles
>was somehow able to get past the first floor of Milon's Secret Castle but can't even get anywhere in this piece of shit

>> No.1790070
File: 43 KB, 366x380, 1307142896976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>See this
>Oh, these guys made final fantasy, I loved that game!
>I get home after renting it

>> No.1790237

It's still not cool to yell at little kids.

>> No.1790251

Double Dragon 3 is excellent. It's one of those games that is difficult at first because you don't understand the mechanics, but once you become accustomed to the enemy patterns and your character's moves, then the game becomes very easy, fun and satisfying.

>> No.1790264

But this game is good.

>> No.1791052


>> No.1791078

>see Pit Fighter at video store
>cool, it looks just like Mortal Kombat


>sick at home
>Dad runs to the video store because he's dad
>Brings back Bassin's Black Bass (Featuring Hank Parker)
>"I thought we could play this together son"
>It's the best fucking game ever

>> No.1791079
