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1756348 No.1756348[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the hardest boss you ever fought?

>> No.1756364 [SPOILER] 
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The Popful Mail final boss in the PC-98 version is just fucking ridiculous.

>> No.1756373
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The fuckin space ship in bucky o' hare. The ship, the ground and the spikes all kill you in a hit if you touch them. Theres also a shit load of stuff shooting at you.

>> No.1756583

i'm still convinced he's impossible

>> No.1756598
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This fat goddamn fuck from the sega CD version of Lunar Eternal Blue.

>> No.1756602

The last boss in magic sword. Came so close to 1cc-ing it.. then that fucker

>> No.1756604
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seriously goddamn

>> No.1756624

Oh come on, he wasn't that hard. I might have white dragon shielded that attack, though.

>> No.1756626
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Counting only successful victories. Big step up in difficulty from the rest of the game.

>> No.1756631

Lunn was also a fucking bastard if you didn't know that Doppel Dance would counter Chameleon, and Zophar was just straight-up hard to kill with tons of damage and 10k HP in both forms.

Still one of the best boss themes ever.

>> No.1756640


he is when he pulls the attack almost every other turn and he has his stupid orbs taking pot shots at you

>> No.1756647
File: 45 KB, 640x450, zophar cd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>, and Zophar was just straight-up hard to kill with tons of damage and 10k HP in both forms.

what's amusing is that while the PSX version is generally much easier they actually made Zophar Harder in the PSX version by given him a bunch of extra arms. He had something like 10 targets in the PSX version

>> No.1756648

Jailmaster Dumas is one of the longest and hardest battles in the game, and the last fight with Kane is just a massive Fuck You.

How much of a fuck you? His favorite spell has an AOE of ∞ and he uses it every fucking turn with impunity.

>> No.1756652

Borgan's harder than Zophar. Ruby even says so after beating Zophar. She says something like
'That's it? Borgan was tougher than that!'
I don't recall if she says it after the first form or after beating him altogether, but she def says it and I def agree.

>> No.1756656
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Forgot pic. Vandal Hearts 1's bosses are bastard hard in general.

>> No.1756659
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you know the real funny part about Borgan

he still lives to bang the shit out of Lemia's mom

>> No.1756664
File: 190 KB, 1280x720, BKBoss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This motherfucker right here, the 3rd boss in Battle Kid. I was actually just gonna make a thread to ask how the hell to beat this bitch.

>> No.1756673

Ah, only after a certain line is crossed in the map does he use that. As long as you know where it is, you can use your Hawk Knights to bum rush him and commit him to using single target attacks....I think.

One of the best missions in that game is the one where you're supposedly screwed. All 4 generals invade the town you're kipping at to make love to you.
With tactical use of the environment, obstacles and a pinch of luck, you can tongue-punch their shitbox's instead :)

>> No.1756674

>posting a screencap of the pigdisgusting PSX version
You swine.

>> No.1756695
File: 4 KB, 128x128, borgan-portrait.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting nothing
step it up

>> No.1756798

Final boss of StarOcean 2. Still never managed to beat that asshole, even at level 120. Yeah yeah limiter whatever, I don't think I ever did that, at least not on purpose. But he'd still take out my entire team in one hit doing that flood move that does 9999.

>> No.1756804
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For some strange reason, I've been able to be the final boss of every other game I've played easily, except this guy. I don't understand...

>> No.1756805
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Try it without auto potion. It's not impossible, just improbable.

>> No.1756806

Algol shield instakills anything. Bloody Armor gives 100% invulnerably. Stock enough healing to counter the Bloody Armor HP drain and you can beat anything.

>> No.1756814

Theres about 1000 different ways to beat the shit out of Wiegraf, its just about preparation and knowing what to do.

Your first time? Yeah good luck. I've had Ramza get crush punched into Insta-kill back when I first played.

Theres a few fights in FFT you can lose before getting a turn which is kinda shitty if you're trying to do a speedrun or whatever. Off the top of my head:

>Yardow Fort City, Rafa can die before you get a turn if Ninjas get a crit or your too slow
>Elmdor on the roof top, Rafa can die to a huge number of things, namely Stop Bracelet, or Muramasa from Elmdor

What do these battles have in common? Rafa is in them. Otherwise FFT is pretty easy.

>> No.1756823

I remember after finally passing Wiegraf I thought to myself "finally now I can continue with this game"
then Rafa continued to die at the start of the battle

>> No.1756845
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Try this guy with Knuckles, like pulling teeth when i tried it the first time.

>> No.1756854
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>Be me
>17 years old and only have one memory card with one slot available to save game.
>Get to sheep man
>group looks strong, many knights and thief's
>Ramza keeps dieing.
>Always dies to sheep mode
>change Ramza from knight to wizard with all my points in flare.

>> No.1756857


Agree-- should have given some context was stuck with one save spot on memory card and had no notice of the pain train that was that fight. Unless I wanted to start over the entire game, I had to figure out how to win, it took young me a week of experimentation to get there. Ended up using a weird combo of jump and Demi to beat both forms.

>> No.1756875

>Final boss of StarOcean 2. Still never managed to beat that asshole
>I instantly killed him

did you just ignore item creation?

>> No.1756880

The final boss of Ironsword:Wizards and Warriors 2.
Its not the boss that is hard, its the fact that by the endgame you have no lives left due to all monsters repeatably taking pot shots at you or other insane one hit deaths in the earlier levels.

>> No.1756881


The first time I played FFT I had no problem with Wiegraf, but that's just because my Ramza was a Pieces.

>> No.1756882
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>> No.1756886
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>> No.1756889

>thinking you can identify someone solely on a first name

>> No.1756894


I stunlocked the last bosses, and took no damages. Which was kind of a let-down (party: Claude, Rena, Cecil (? if I recall correctly, the sorceress), and Ashton).

>> No.1756898

Fun game. I can't even make it to the first boss though. :(

>> No.1756935
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Tough question, but maybe this guy. Without bombing or getting hit, either.

>> No.1756942

I don't know about the Saturn version but I usually fought 2-3 mobs in dungeons and the only boss that was real hard was Ghaleon in the whole series. The rest was hard but just about using buffs, defense, sacrifices etc.

>> No.1756953

Is that his toughest attack ?

Come on now in Lunar on PS1 every single boss I fought either killed me in one shot or two, that's nothing unusual.

>> No.1756962
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Nah, I take that back. It's definitely a shoot 'em up boss but it's hard to decide on which one. I still haven't beaten Dimahoo but I'm getting pretty close.

>> No.1756992
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>Is that his toughest attack ?

It's a combination of more than just that attack.

to start with you can't actually hurt him till you take down his barrier.

He can drain your MP and you can only hold so many MP restoring items to start with and barrier spells are expensive

he's fast as hell and he will use gravity bomb back to back and often ON TOP of his orbs taking shots on you

>> No.1756995

dracula in castlevania 3. could never get past his third form

>> No.1757009

Yeah, when everyone is saying how hard this game or that game is, I'm always thinking STFU and play Battle Kid, it's like a better, way way way way more challenging Mega Man.

>> No.1757034
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>Google image search
>Visually similar images

>> No.1757050
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The final boss in Jackal is tough as balls

>> No.1757052

>to start with you can't actually hurt him till you take down his barrier.
That's Ghaleon alright, his special attack is killing one party member ( as in no amount of HP or defense will make you survive it ), followed by casting this barrier that last for three to four turns

>He can drain your MP and you can only hold so many MP restoring items to start with and barrier spells are expensive

I think the PS1 version had that too, I ended up killing him with nothing but physical attacks. But anyway Ghaleon has enough HP so that you'll use every single MP healing item you had till now, he also by taking HP away from your party members, which means beating him with regular attacks is nearly impossible, also just before there was another boss that's not hard but still can't be beaten just with full MP.

>he's fast as hell
That's every boss ever in Lunar, anyway in the PS1 version you could combine the Goddess Crest and the Shiro Crest to make sure one character always was the first to perform an action.
>and he will use gravity bomb back to back and often ON TOP of his orbs taking shots on you
Ghaleon attacks twice with two attacks of opposite elemental affinities, you have four items in the game that give you elemental strength and I think only Mia can resist well to all of those, so yeah that's nothing new.

When I fought Borgan on the PS1 it seemed like a bit harder than your average boss and that's it. I'll probably try the Saturn version just to see how hard he truly is.

>> No.1757074

Probably. Every time I tried to craft something it failed. Repeat x100 and I said to hell with this horrible system. I still don't know how that game works, but I don't really care anymore since I sold it.

>> No.1757102

>Thinking you'll have trouble identifying someone called Giovanni in a small post apocalyptic region of Japan

>> No.1757107

Not him but that's your fault for not setting up a proper formation.

If you spread out your characters this won't happen.

>> No.1757119
File: 26 KB, 771x723, MM2WilyLv4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit right here... Jesus Christ

>> No.1757143


that's actually not my screen shot grabbed it off a LP in the archive

and just FYI unless you want to waste all your MP on white dragon protect it's better to use Lemia's shield spell which requires a tighter formation

B rarely uses that attack unless he's out of MP anyways

>> No.1757148

I'm pretty sure there's a (semi) safe spot at the edges. I don't even really this boss too well, but I think I just darted out from safety once in a while to land a hit then retreated.

I don't remember this guy at all. Was he a bonus boss?

>> No.1757173
File: 17 KB, 640x447, borgan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't remember this guy at all. Was he a bonus boss?

no he was a major antagonist and rival to one of the main heroes.

All the heroes had rivals. Mauri was a QT4.13

>> No.1757530


>> No.1757539

Oh my god yes

>> No.1757669


No one seemed to notice this, so I'll point it out to you:

They're talking about the Sega CD version of Borgan, so stop your talk about how easy the PSX version is.

Borgan was flat out pussified in the PSX version, so your claims of "I had no trouble with him" is like announcing you took your first steps today.

We look forward to your tears when Borgan sits his fat ass on your corpse.

>> No.1758210
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The feels are real

>> No.1758260

My first encounter with trial and error.

>> No.1758960
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>> No.1758979

this is bait, right?

>> No.1759000
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>First time playing FFV
>This faggot

I know, FF bosses are laughable, but goddamn this took me forever to formulate a strategy of some sort.

>> No.1759031

>FF bosses are laughable
There's Ozma.

>> No.1759061
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>Hard in any sense or manner

>> No.1759084
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The last boss in Atomic Robo Kid for sega was nuts. Dude gave you just enough room to circle him. Also special shout outs to the boxer in Streets of Rage 2 (not spamming Axel dash) and the last boss in Revenge of Shinobi. Also special recognition to Shadow of the Beast for still being an unbeatable game.

>> No.1759123


Why does this game look like a fucking smudgy mess?

>> No.1759126


That's not hard, just pure bullshit. And I think if I remember right if you fuck up even once you may as well just reset.

>> No.1759134
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I still haven't beaten this motherfucker with the Goddess's Bracelet. It traumatized me.

>> No.1759149

IIRC, the walls don't respawn once destroyed. You should be able to do it in two passes if you screw it up.

>> No.1759152

I'll just say Little Samson, Fester's Quest, and Batman for the NES.

You can pick any damn boss available.

>> No.1759159


>> No.1759172

I would have to say that very boss you posted.
Seriously, you could be a damn pro, and there'd still be a chance that you'll die several times.

>> No.1759173

it took me 15 years on and off to beat this game anon. I'd play for a few hours before getting frustrated as fuck with it and rage quitting and not touching it for a day, week, month, then years later. Hang in there

>> No.1759201

Dude, there's one hard boss in Little Samson and its that pricky fuckin' blue knight. >>1759159

>> No.1759208

Oh fuck this game. The only thing I really hate about it is how most of the boss difficulty comes from sheer size. They intentionally don't give you much size.

>> No.1759210

*much screen real-estate

>> No.1759214


Dude, looks like you have a differing opinion.

>> No.1759470

depending on your party, multiple bosses in that game are incredibly difficult/easy

>> No.1759580

Am I just really shitty at vidya or did nobody else play through Actraiser and take on the final boss?

Sure, ramping your protagonist will get you through the 6 boss replay and the first form, but then the fucker rapes you.

>> No.1759656

Even though the walls don't respawn if you loose a life, your Crash Bomber doesn't refill energy, so you're fucked anyway.

>> No.1759668
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Oh shit anon, i remember i got stucked on a gameplay in this stage and had to re-start full gameplay. Fucking piece of shit man, no matter how i got raped by those demons.

In the new game i leveled so much that i passed it almost walking.

>> No.1759725

Why would you say that? It's not hard as in he kills you fast, but it is pretty hard your first time through when you don't know how to budget your bombs. If you place them wrong you have to keep killing yourself to get a continue since the weapon bar doesn't refill. And it could take a few tries to get the order right. I remember having trouble with it too. As far as puzzle bosses go he's pretty frustrating.

>> No.1759748

FFV has probably the most creative and potentially difficult bosses in JRPGs. I mean yeah, once you know all the strong skills and exploits and weaknesses it's going to be a walk in the park, but that applies to any game with a formulable strategy. FFV bosses can be brutal especially for a first time player. Neo Exdeath is probably by far the most difficult RPG boss and one of the hardest bosses I've ever faced. Sure I can solo him with a Bard now, but I've spent literally dozens of attempts trying to beat him on my first playthrough. "Just Gil Toss or dualcast Bahamut on him until he dies", strangely, didn't work as well once it left the realm of uninformed posts by tough /vr/ kids.

>> No.1759836

Can't you refill it within that level? It's been a while. I forget.

>> No.1759849

Absolutely you can.

>> No.1759952

Zodiark from ff12 gave me the shits. Thank god for scathe motes though.

>> No.1760071

Not hard, just cheap.

>> No.1760093

You have to backtrack a lot, and it's kinda hard to get to the boss with full health in the first place, which you're gonna probably need. It's just all around a pain in the ass.

>> No.1760130 [DELETED] 

I found Storm Causer far more difficult.

>> No.1760307

illidian prenerf

>> No.1760375
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This guy. Took me 10 years to beat him.

>> No.1760402

That game was Decent.

>> No.1760451


>> No.1761106

He has a pattern that never varies, most of his attacks can be avoided by standing in the right position, and you get a sword projectile that completely negates any need to get close to him.

If you're playing one of the versions that has a difficulty select (I think it's the Euro version) he can actually be a bit nasty on Hard, but on Normal, or in the US version, dude is a piece of cake.