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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 113 KB, 1200x850, 907470Wikipedia_SNES_PAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1700042 No.1700042[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Don't mind me, just the greatest 16-bit console passing by.

>> No.1700051


I like the snes and all but keep the console war shit on /v/

>> No.1700053

Too much slowdown and the music sounds like farts in a tin can recorded in a hallway with the microphone 20 feet away.

>> No.1700063

Oh yeah, the metallic screeching of the Genesis is sooo much better.

>> No.1700067

Did the Sega console have a faster CPU? So it's technically the greatest.

>> No.1700084
File: 2 KB, 125x102, 1351130990670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>glorious genesis music
>metallic screeching

>> No.1700085
File: 50 KB, 552x658, hey-you-your-gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1700087

It sounded terrible. And the SNES had a superior library of games.

>> No.1700105

If you like the same rehashed JRPGs and Mario games I guess
Doesn't change the fact that the soundchip and CPU are utter shit

>> No.1700108

>implying SNES didn't have the best music of the fourth gen
Come on son, are you even trying.


>> No.1700114
File: 43 KB, 551x523, tiu954953ikierm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1700116

Sure is terrible music up in here. Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.1700120

You're welcome to post something from your oh so superior Genesis. Oh wait, you can't because the thing sounds like ass!! Ahahahaha!

>> No.1700121

Right, that's why actual musicians like Michael Jackson or Brad Buxer programmed for it, right?

How fucking underage do you have to be to think SNES has better music than Genesis or Neo Geo. Seriously.
>tee hee sounds like ass!!! AHAHAHA LOOK MOMMY IM TROLLING!!

>> No.1700125

Still waiting for those awesome tunes you claim that thing has.

>> No.1700126
File: 102 KB, 1191x670, super_waa_hoo_bros_by_i_freez-d5mvv79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genefags cant beat this

>> No.1700127

Guys, please. The PC-Engine was the best 16-bit console.

>> No.1700130

You realize MJ quit working with Segay during Sanic 3 development because he got frustrated with how limited and terrible the MD sound chip was at handling his compositions, right?

>> No.1700131

Why is it always fourth gen faggots who start these fucking console wars?

>> No.1700134

They're all over Youtube faggot. Maybe you'd know if you had played anything other than a Nintendo console, because then you'd know just how limited your scope is. Nintendo is fucking garbage, they take genres pioneered and established by others and casualize the fuck out of it. I'll take actual decent sounding chiptunes over a shit system that tries to have it's music sounding CD quality and fails horribly any day.

>> No.1700135
File: 16 KB, 600x700, keep-calm-and-heil-hitler-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1700136

Actually it was because he was in court over molesting a kid. Btw, reported. Keep your /v/ tier faggotry back where it belongs kid.

>> No.1700137

I had a genesis, and I kind of regret it. The limited color palette was dull, the twangy sound card was only good for a few types of songs, and a black background was consistently in every game in my library, and it made every game look extremely similar.


You fucking summer faggots need to stop console warring all over the board.

>> No.1700141
File: 88 KB, 1000x800, walurambo_by_marineacu-d5ivu5x.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to your call of duty, you pussy
You shall not dwell these lands!

>> No.1700143

[citation needed]

>> No.1700145

Fuck off back to /v/ you underage cocksucker. Like holy shit, nice unfunny picture with a deviantart watermark right on it. Go back there faggot.

>> No.1700153
File: 32 KB, 437x333, 111111.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah because wasting your life with shitboxone or fagstation4 is not bad enough already, you use unoriginal insults...what a shame

>> No.1700154

Epic meme faggot
Seriously, stop projecting and fuck off back to /v/ or your furfag deviantart community or wherever it is underage retards congregate.

>> No.1700157
File: 31 KB, 354x500, FJLYw_fullsize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for getting your cunt all wet, sir now go back to your call of dutty and have fun sucking the mic as you talk to other man...

>> No.1700158

>continues posting memes for no reason
>can't even spell properly

Average Nintendo fan.txt
Don't you have some "squidlolis" to be masturbating to or some shitty card to be sending to epic Treehouse streamer shills?

>> No.1700160

Holy shit this is the worst thread I have ever seen on this board.

>> No.1700161

You are just upset because you are wrong and you know it LOL.

>> No.1700163

>all this asshurt
Kay there pedoshit, have fun with your rehashes.

>> No.1700165

Is little timmy mad? poor thingie!! let me give you a pat on the head X3

>> No.1700174
File: 14 KB, 286x214, 1246762508291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i smell lots of samefagging here

>> No.1700175


>> No.1700178
File: 30 KB, 845x766, Sanic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

l3ts jest cheel 0ut and admier mah fast!

>> No.1700185

Yet another simply epic meme, please keep sharing your deviantart page with us.

>> No.1700189

Thanks for appreciating my art, i will gladly keep sharing this stuff with you

>> No.1700191

I liked the good old neo geo most. But that's because of KOF 98.

>> No.1700203

God fucking damn'it kid, stop this shit. Go read a book, get /fit/, fuck bitches, or get a job instead of spamming your console war bullshit threads.

>> No.1700204

King of the fighters...Awesome

>> No.1700214

what metallic screeching?




>> No.1700220

This isn't music, it's just a bunch of high pitched noise.

>> No.1700221

y-you want me to spread my seed?

>> No.1700225

Muh nigga
Also Garou, Last Blade, Metal Slug, and Waku Waku 7.

>> No.1700229

Fck yea

>> No.1700231

Yes spread it

>> No.1700234

Those attributes don't disqualify something from being music.
It's possible for music to be high pitched and have noises.

>> No.1700235

>1990 genesis game
>1995 SNES game


>> No.1700249

Progess indeed

>> No.1700250

>It's begging to look a lot like /v/ here....All throughout this thread....

Back on topic: I used to be a Super NES fanboy back in the day, and while I still prefer the Super NES to the Genesis, I do have quite a bit of respect for the Genesis now. Both consoles have their strengths and weaknesses.
Regarding music/sound (since that seems to be the most recent tidbit all the /v/fags are bitching about), here's my $0.02: Both consoles can create equally awesome music.
Gradius III, Axelay, Battletoads/Double Dragon, Chrono Trigger, Super Turrican, and Jim Power are great examples of high-quality SNES music.
Steel Empire, Gleylancer, Thunder Force III, Lightening Force, Midnight Resistance, and Devilish are great examples of high-quality GEN music.
I'll admit that I find myself listening to GEN music more often than SNES music, but I'll also tell you that the SNES crushes the GEN when it comes to sound effects.

>> No.1700253
File: 3.57 MB, 4060x1340, Neo-Geo-AES-Console-Set.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1700256

a sidegrade at best
almost like metal slug vs a ps1 game

>> No.1700260

Funny thing is, that console doesn't even have much hardware in it. Most of the hardware came in the gigantic fucking carts.

>> No.1700267

I never heard that actually

>> No.1700269

if banks n' banks o' rom = hardware, maybe

>> No.1700270

Probably because it's fucking bullshit.

>> No.1700274

It's not. They were basically arcade boards shoved into a gigantic cartridge, and then a really simplistic console that's basically just a bunch of connectors.

>> No.1700276
File: 186 KB, 900x900, keep-calm-and-heil-hitler-69.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1700278

You're such a fucking idiot. 2 seconds on google for anyone who can read and understand hardware specs (i.e. not you) would let anyone know that you know fucking nothing.

>> No.1700279

I remember when you guys had tasteful discussions on your different opinions instead of this /v/ tier shit flinging.

>> No.1700281

I figured it was a lie since they were modified MVS carts really, and the actual hardware of that system can be compressed to the rough size of the AES.

Oh, and the MVS was technically advertised as a 24 bit system. So comparing it to the SNES is a moot point

>> No.1700283

Nice adhom. You contribute so much.

>> No.1700284

That was before this place became overrun with underage faggots that only know Nintendo. /vr/ is dead, and will be until Nintendo kids get a containment board.

>> No.1700287

it wasn't though

>> No.1700289

Come on man. You're sitting at a fucking computer and instead of taking 5 seconds to check your facts you just spout bullshit. It makes you look not only stupid but underage as well.


Just stop posting here until you grow some hair on your nuts or something.

>> No.1700295
File: 20 KB, 600x700, keep-calm-and-heil-hitler-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1700296
File: 47 KB, 222x301, neogeo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the small pic, but if you read it carefully it clearly says 24 bit.

>> No.1700301

Too bad that doesn't say anywhere that the neo-geo had 24-bit gp registers good going

>> No.1700303

yeah writing on the box determines the spec of the hardware. gj

>> No.1700307
File: 15 KB, 279x394, 43336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1700325

Don't even waste your time on these faggots bro, if it's not their epic oh so retro hipster Nintendo systems then they don't give a shit.

>> No.1700326

SNES > TG16 > MD > NG

the proof is in the puddin

>> No.1700341 [DELETED] 

The SNES happens to be my favorite 4th gen console, but even I can tell that you've just posted some SERIOUS flamebait there, anon. Prepare to get scorched, SNESfag.

>> No.1700352

I love my SNES, but that is some super-sweet flamebait you got there, SNESfag... and I just can't resist taking a small bite of it by saying this:
When it comes to hardware specs, that "puddin" you're referring to is a pile of your own diarrhea!

>> No.1700370

>the proof is in the puddin
Yeah, Neo-Geo was released in 1989 and got new first-party games until 2004.

>> No.1700373


>> No.1700417

Rehashing the same stale fighting game formula to 2004 doesn't count as "new first-party games". Also, how long a system lives is irrelevant anyways. DC was only in the market for 2 years globally and became a great console regardless.

Why do hardware specs matter? What's important is the system's library. I don't see a game as amazing as Super Metroid or F-Zero on the Turbo, Gens, or Neogeo.

>> No.1700419

NA snes is 1000x better looking then the pal

>> No.1700424

>Why do hardware specs matter
To be fair hardware specs do matter
when it's of current generation

>> No.1700425

Sure if you're a fan of the 80s and 90s boxxy look. More power to you I guess.

>> No.1700431

pal one looks like it was made by fisher price

>> No.1700434

The pal design is identical to the Super Famicom

>> No.1700439

It's easier to type pal than super famicom on my phone...

>> No.1700445

>muh sewper metroidz!
Wow, just wow.

>> No.1700446

Well take the time to make it clear what exactly you're talking about. You're free to like the American design if you like, but I like the rounded edges and colorful compact design.

>> No.1700452

You just said they're exactly the same, so what wasn't clear? You're sure taking a long time to say that the fisher price design is what appeals to your childhood.

>> No.1700468

>Dissing Super Metroid
Wow, just wow. Never expected to see this level of shitposting on this board.

>> No.1700489

Not him but come on, just because you masturbate too much in that game doesn't mean everyone will do the same, some people is too busy playing others games they like you know.

>> No.1700535

You were trying to say it's better than EVERY GAME on any other 4th gen system. If you consider someone refuting that to be "dissing muh metroid" then just leave /vr/.

>> No.1700561


>Yet another fucking Gems Victim
>Not listening to the music of Bad Omen, Air Buster, Sword of Vermilion, Pugsy, Time Trax, Langrisser, Gaunlet IV, Fantazy Zone, Thunder Force IV, Dashing Desperadoes, Decap Attack, and a BIG LARGE E-T-C!!!!!