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1690918 No.1690918[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are the mario land games at all worth playing?

>> No.1690920

Super Mario Land 3 is.

>> No.1690921
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1 is a decent game with a great soundtrack.

2 is arguably one of the best handheld Mario games

>> No.1690947 [DELETED] 


Super Mario Land is fun, short, and has great music. Well worth a 30-45 min play through.

Super Mario Land 2 is also fun decent length and again worth spending some time with.

Can't say anything about 3 as I've never played it but honestly there isn't a bad game in the series and 1&2 are worth owning.

>> No.1690952

You're a troll although I know you're referring to Wario

>> No.1690959

No shit, sherlock.

>> No.1691038

I played SML2 back when I was a kid, only got to play up until a certain part because I was an idiot and lost the gameboy and all its games on the same trip I bought them, but I got to a boss fight with a witch, not sure how far I was in. I remember being super hooked on the game, I also had Tetris and Mortal Kombat II but SML2 was the one I played the most. I'd say it was pretty good, should play it again some time.

SML1, I played it not too long ago. Short, easy, but fun to play and also the novelty of having a shoot 'em up stage as the final boss.

>> No.1691185

Recently unearthed my copy, that I didn't even know I had, Shot through it in two lives, but still had a lot of fun. A very precise platformer, doesn't deserve the hate it gets.

>> No.1691209

Of course, why would you suspect they are not? All three are excellent.

>> No.1691214

I used to play the FUCK out of SML2.

>> No.1691219


>> No.1691236

I really recommend 2 and 3. 1 is not bad but it's not for everyone.

>> No.1691246

I still do to this day. I fucking love that game. It's my favorite Mario game.

>> No.1691258

I'm surprised they advertised it with "challenging" being a selling point. You don't see that anymore.

>> No.1692662
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>> No.1692679

In general, they're all good

Number 1 is the most interesting thought - strange enemies for a Mario game, vehicle levels - pure awesome

2+ are all solid platformers, but feel like cheap rip-offs of SMW most of the time.

However, I don't recommend anything with Wario in the title cue the flamewar

>> No.1692765

SML1 is a must play because it introduces Daisy into the Mario mythos. So you if you want to see and understand her origins you really need to give it a play. It also establishes Tatanga as a villain, who re-appears in SML2. Without playing the first one you'll be left wondering who he is or where he came from.

>> No.1692865

>playing Mario for the story

>> No.1692905

SML is great if you can pick it up for a fiver. SML2 is essential GB stuff. SML3 is Wario tier.

>> No.1692925

>Wario Land
>Cheap SMW rip-off

Stopped taking your post seriously past this point.

>> No.1693053
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I miss this artstyle. Mario characters look best in 2D.

>> No.1693073
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Pretty much any game with 'Wario' in the title is going to be incredibly fun.

>> No.1693106

>not immersing yourself completely in the series with the deepest lore

>> No.1693497

I actually couldn't stand the first Wario game, don't remember why exactly. I guess it felt slow?
2, 3, and 4 were really awesome though. I only have good memories of all them, especially 4.

Will 5 become a thing?

>> No.1693506
File: 52 KB, 620x362, warioland--article_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wario Land Shake It on the Wii could be considered Wario Land 5. I haven't played it yet, but from what I've heard it's pretty good, the only criticism is the mandatory waggle.

Also you forgot pic related

>> No.1693552

What everyone says about SML having some of the most bitchin GB music? It's true. Very true. So good actually that there's a remix of the underground theme from SML 1 in Smash Bros. Brawl.

I sometimes replay the games/certain stages single-handedly because of the music and aesthetics in general. They're that good. Practically everyone knows the Star Maze song.

>> No.1693653

1 is good, 2 is meh in my opinion, 3 (Wario) is phenomenal.

>> No.1693660

Having grown up with the first one, I enjoy it the most. #2 was fun, but the gameplay felt totally different. Never played 3 and 4 couldn't keep me interested for very long.

>> No.1693751

Bitch you wanna start saying some shit about Wario Land 3 because if you do I'm gonna have to forgive the shit out of you and try real hard to respect your opinion.

For real though that game fucking rules.

>> No.1693761

It's the opposite.

>> No.1693771

Loved 1, hated 2.

>> No.1693919


Wario Land 3 was probably the best of the lot, but they all felt way too slow for me. And in 1... God those controls were smooshy.

The best wario games are the warioware series, but they ain't /vr/

>> No.1693940

>Will 5 become a thing?
God I hope so or maybe a Wario World II, but this isn't retro.

I remember getting the ending in Wario Land II (the first one I played) and discovering all the multiple routes and endings, realising I could go back and collect the treasures and picture pieces I missed. I was so excited. That was a lot of fun.

>> No.1693978

Mario mythos? Lore?
For a second I thought this was a platform game thread. Are there some RPG elements in here?

>> No.1694016

wait what. i always thought wario was just some really bad chinese bootleg mario clone. kind of weird seeing actually NINTENDO owning the ip. seems like they could have done better for a fatter mario though.

>> No.1694036

You didn't know about Wario until now?

>> No.1694043
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>The best wario games are the warioware series, but they ain't /vr/

>> No.1694047

wario land shake it is really fun, good levels (though sometimes a bit easy), great graphics with HD sprites and nice backgrounds, and good music

the only bad thing about it is that its not as long as I would have liked, though some of the missions and hidden treasures are challenging to find and will take a few attempts

heres a level

>> No.1694054

i didn't know it was an official character until now, yes.

>> No.1694060

I also thought that for the longest time

>> No.1694065


What the fuck? How??
He has at least a dozen games of his own and has appeared in countless Mario spinoffs. Where the fuck have you been?

>> No.1694070

when you lived in china most of your live, you could expect a game named "wario", with an upside down m, to be a bootleg.

>> No.1694072

>he doesn't know about the deepest lore

>> No.1694102

That kind of makes sense, but he's loads of Mario spin-offs as well. If you don't follow them though, it's understandable.

There's a Waluigi as well, in case you didn't know.

>> No.1694305

They are all worth playing, yes, but lots of games are worth playing.

SML3 is very close to being the best game on the system, though.

>> No.1694310

. . . the game that was called Super Mario Land 3?

How is that a troll?

It's not really a "how far in are you" game, because you pick the order you want to beat the lands in. Each has like 2-5 levels.

>> No.1694318

Which other Super Mario Land games other than 2 are rip-offs of SMW? Are you thinking there were more SML games staring Mario than there actually were?

>> No.1694321

Would you really be left wondering? Or would you just not care at all? Because I just didn't care at all.

>> No.1694327

How are you somehow not at all aware of at least one of any dozens and dozens of video games released over the past 20 years?

>> No.1694330

I'm sorry, I just don't get how this is possible. You've never played or even seen a single Mario Kart game since the SNES? Or Mario Party? Or Smash Bros? Or Wario Ware? Or that Nintendo Monopoly game you can always find in Barnes & Noble's? There's probably a longer list but I'm done.

>> No.1694332

When he says troll, he really means
marketing trickery. They made Wario Land carry the Mario Land name on purpose so as to inspire confidence in the consumer. Same way that they made Yoshi's Island out as Super Mario World 2 even though it plays totally differently from SMW and is in fact a prequel if anything.

I'd guess that as a kid, he bought the game fully expecting a Mario Land sequel and instead was disappointed to find a Wario game. I guess I can't blame him, even if I thought Wario Land was boss.

>> No.1694334

I'm not saying he has to follow them, because he certainly does not. It's just astounding to me that someone who cares enough about video games to post on a video game message board -- let alone a retro board -- wouldn't somehow accidentally see a game that has Wario in it.

>> No.1694335

That's a lot of conjecture. I'm going Occam's Razor and betting he's just an idiot and thought the guy was trolling.

>> No.1694483
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>> No.1694487


No, I'm counting Warioland (SML3) in there - from a controlsand "crappy powerups" POV

>> No.1695063

No, I know what you mean. I think if I ever saw one by chance I'd look it up and realise it wasn't a bootleg, but if you're so convinced that something is a bootleg and don't have knowledge about the spin-offs Wario has appeared in (I didn't know he appeared in the spin-offs until after I was introduced to him via Wario Land II - I just thought he was his own thing) I guess you wouldn't look into it.

Wario's just always been very big to me. Just too big to be considered a bootleg or just too legit, but he's the one from China so I guess if you're surrounded by it it makes sense to dismiss it.

>> No.1695104

>he's the one from China

What does that mean?

>> No.1695253

Means he's from China. He said so.

>> No.1695392

Oh, I didn't see that post.

>> No.1695406

So for your education, Wario was created because the team that made SML2 hated having to make a game around an established character, so they made the villain their own character.

>> No.1695417

funny, it's the worst of the wario land games

>> No.1695470

That's a funny way of saying best.

>> No.1695475

It's funny because it's not true.

>> No.1695804

I found wario 1, 2 and 3 recently at my flea market. i got 4 through the ambassador program and I have VB wario, but that is impossible to beat due to headaches. which of the first 3 wario games is the best?

>> No.1695917

Pretty close since they're all good, but II or 3.

>> No.1695935

>I guess it felt slow?

They are slower compared to mario games, that's the point. you're supposed to explore and beat the crap outta monsters

>> No.1695939

>SML3 is very close to being the best game on the system, though.

That would be DK94

>> No.1695945

3 and 2. I don't care for 4 at all, and I haven't played much of 1.

>> No.1695948

is dk94 Donkey Kong (World)?

>> No.1695950
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>> No.1695953

Cool, downloading it now

>> No.1695956

That game was fucking amazing.

>> No.1696101


not the same guy, but it really is the best Game Boy game

>> No.1696620

Shake it is horrible. It's a bad copy of Wario Land 4. It's repetitive, clunky (gimmicky motion control) and annoying. The music sucks, too. It looks good, that's about it.

>> No.1696654

I had a copy I used to play with my best friend on my super Famicom super gameboy. Its an awesome game!
There's the moment when you know you fucked up a level and just have to tough it out.

I need to download it and finish it

>> No.1699719

They sure are!

>> No.1699825

I was nearly finished with world 5, and then my SNES died. And I've got no GB to play it on. God damn it.

That game is a fucking masterpiece.

>> No.1700146

>SNES died

Wait what? These two words next to each other don't compute.

>> No.1701737

Definitely, especially Land 2. I consider it to be the unofficial successor to Super Mario World.

>> No.1704251

Yeah they're fucking great, are you scared or something? Just play them.

>> No.1706872

2 is very very good!

I bought it sometime last year I believe, I've had a lot of fun with it.

But to be honest, I'm stuck at Wario's caste :/

>> No.1706874

They're easy but interesting because the art styles are a nice departure from the usual Mario fare

>> No.1707350

Sure, go ahead OP