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File: 22 KB, 328x400, Quake2box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1680260 No.1680260 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best way to experience Quake 2? Are there source ports for it?

I don't want fancy graphics/features, I want a vanilla experience since I never played it.

>> No.1680264

Either use the original patched to latest or go with Yamagi Quake II.

>> No.1680274

original is fine.

i've a boxed copy that i never use because the Steam release is, like, just there.

>never played it

you're in for a treat. it's got a bit more weight to the movement than Q1, more like Half Life than Doom, but it's a great game. have fun!

>> No.1680287

Original would be great, but does it work on a modern win7 machine?

>> No.1680324

No idea, try it and see. And if it doesn't work use the source port. Definitely use the source port if you intend to play online because there are known security issues.

>> No.1680334

Yes, it does.
You don't need to use any mods. I play Q2 on very low settings and bad sounds for nostalgic reasons and I think it looks grittier like that but if you up the resolution, the game still looks decent even today.

>> No.1680427
File: 1.15 MB, 1600x4288, Quake 2 PS1vsPC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does, but the soundtrack wont loop because of the different CDR drivers used since Win Vista.

>> No.1680896

>What's the best way to experience Quake 2?
>I want a vanilla experience since I never played it

>Are there source ports for it?
>I don't want fancy graphics/features

Stupidest thread ever.

>> No.1680903

Fixed in the Steam version, at least as far as I can tell. I'd say it's worth it, if you feel like you want the best experience.

>> No.1680905


sometimes people want compatibility, limit removing and higher resolutions. you fucking chode

>> No.1680907

Be warned, it's slower than Q1

>> No.1680926
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>I want a vanilla experience since I never played it
>I don't want fancy graphics/features

>> No.1680930


why have you not engaged with my argument sir, i believe you are posting in bad faith

>> No.1680939
File: 63 KB, 643x1139, 1342558783491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ends quote unquote argument with an insult
>expects to be taken seriously
>and obviously doesn't know how to read

>> No.1681979

I'm not sure there are any Q2 ports that don't screw with the graphics in some way. One of them even has the nerve to alter the gameplay significalty with no way to turn the altered gameplay off.

To deal the music looping problems using the console:
cd info
>console prints out "Currenty looping track x."
cd stop
cd loop x

Of course you'd have to do this every single time the track finishes. It's a workaround, not a solution.

>> No.1681990

Are you really stupid or never heard of source ports?
Prboom and Chocolate Doom are great since they run on modern machines, but remove the need for DOSBox and other faulty emulation.
If every landmark FPS out there had a port that keeps the game identical but lets me run it on my laptop with a higher resolution, I'd lap it up.

>> No.1682004

Quake 2 runs fucking fine on modern Windows, no need for, or point in, any source ports

at most you don't get widescreen resolutions, but the game is still fine in 1280x960 or (1600x1200 if your display has enough vertical resolution)

>> No.1682006

>thread about Quake 2
>hurr but DOOM

>> No.1682026
File: 48 KB, 341x342, Hard Target.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mah nigga!

I just started playing Quake 2 an hour ago.

I played it once before in the early 2000's and thought it was too frustrating so I ran through it with cheats. Now, in the year 2014 I'm pretty goddamn good at FPS games and thought I would give this another whirl.

I really like how obvious the weapon effects are, something that newer FPS games try to make more subtle. Things like the shotgun spread; it's super obvious where all your bullets are hitting, or how exaggerated the assault rifle recoil is. Objectively, maybe the subtle approach is better, but it's refreshing to experience something that feels more "gamey" rather than "realistic." It's also pretty neat how every explosion is a mini mushroom cloud.

I also like how enemy AI will sometimes duck down to avoid headshots, sometimes keep shooting even when they're knocked down on the ground, and if you don't gib an enemy they'll have flies buzzing around them when you come back to them.

If it wasn't for the little things like that, I'd probably hate the game for looking drab. Everything looks like puke.

I'll probably continue loving this game as long as the weapons keeping getting more and more powerful and I never have to go back to using that incredibly lame laser gun. Shooting yellow glitter at people is lame as fuck. I'm also hoping I never have to worry too much about strategic ammo management, because I'm having a lot of fun just using whatever gun I feel like gibbing people with.

>> No.1682093

But Quake 2 still has shit netcode in vanilla. EZQuake has better netcode than Quake. Zandronum has better netcode than Doom. there are more fucking benefits to modern sourceports than cosmetics.

For OP, R1Q2 is a real good multiplayer sourceport. No frills, no eyecandy, nothing but the Quake 2 online experience, meant to be fast. There is no music support however, as this was made in mind for competitive, and every bit of lag counts. Comes with a Quake 2 Server Browser too (QSB.exe). Try it out.

>> No.1682113

Download Quake 1 and Quake 3 and forget 2 even exists.

>> No.1682120

>I played it once before in the early 2000's and thought it was too frustrating so I ran through it with cheats.
damn you must suck at video games

>> No.1682140


I played it probably a year or two after Half-Life 1 came out, and Half-Life 1 was my first ever PC game besides the education games I played at school like Math Blaster and Number Muncher. In fact, it was my first ever FPS because my mom never let me get FPS games before then 'cuz she believed in that "Doom is murder simulation" media frenzy bullshit.

Back then, I was still playing FPS with arrow keys and I didn't ever strafe. I still remember when a friend taught me WASD controls and how bizarre they seemed to me.

Playing Quake 2 now though, I have to agree with you that it's mostly very easy. I'm a few levels in and so far the only times I've died was once when I didn't realize exploding barrels were exploding barrels (they're not red and only kinda look like barrels!) and I've died once to those dogs that spit bullets at you. Those fuckers are pretty tough since they run up to fast with a rapid fire hitscan attack and are bullet sponges.

Those dudes with the nail/hammer arms are fucking jokes though.

>> No.1682160

What are you saying? It is still a great game, not sure why so many people feel this way about it. Quake 2 had, and still has, the best multiplayer. Quake 1 is rocket spam and spawn kill, the game. Quake 3 is actually pretty good, but still subpar in comparison. I love Quake 2's singleplayer as well. It really isn't a game to skip, because if anything, it is still an above average first person shooter.

>> No.1682162

Try KMQuake 2 (http://www.markshan.com/knightmare/).).

I used it to play Quake 2 on a Win7 machine 2 years ago. Better screen resolutions, graphical advancements (but can be configured to look just like vanilla Quake 2) and some more.

The only downside is that it won't play any of the expansion packs (Ground Zero, Reckoning, etc.) because it can't load the add-on DLL. Or maybe it now can, but back then it couldn't.

>> No.1682169
File: 2.65 MB, 640x360, George Lucas.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect Quake sequel:

>Giant sci-fi military hub level inspired by Quake 2 but designed like a 3D metroidvania in the sense that you need to unlock new abilities to reach different parts of the otherwise non-linear map. This hub level has portals that lead to unique, more traditionally designed Quake 1 inspired episodes.

>Each episode has a boss, each boss you defeat gives you a new ability that not only gives you more combat options, but allows you to explore more of the hub level and get to new portals.

>The hub level's atmosphere becomes slight more "human" and less "machine" after each portal to help keep it feeling fresh and give a greater sense of progress.

>Final boss is in the last accessible area of the hub level, it's basically a giant Quake 3 arena map where literally every Strogg in existence is doing a "Battle of the Bulge" style final assault on you, a now God-like hero. Final boss is like a Titan from Attack on Titan, and when you kill it a human comes out of it and he's like a very difficult Quake 3 Arena bot.

>> No.1682170
File: 32 KB, 250x272, stopped reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unlock new abilities

>> No.1682179


I was thinking abilities like double-jump, maybe a way to have unlimited rocket jumps without damaging yourself, wall running, stuff like that. Obviously all that shit would be on at default for multiplayer, I'm just talking singleplayer.

>> No.1682185
File: 8 KB, 200x200, Gunner_2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's all about zoloft

>> No.1682186

Quake 1 has superior single player and multiplayer that isn't broke as hell.

Quake 3 has VASTLY superior multiplayer that also isn't broke as hell.

Quake 2 does nothing that the other two don't do much, much better.

>> No.1682187

Quake 3 is so vanilla it has no flavor.

Quake 2's base CTF mode had goddam grappling hooks.

>> No.1682193

Chocolate Doom is the only one that's 100% true to the original though. The prboom -complevel 2 isn't quite the same, except for demo playback.

I think every game warrants a Chocolate Doom style port, when game's source code is available. There *should* be similar ports for Duke3D, and the Quake games, but from what I can tell those ports all do something different, to varying degrees, rather than sticking to vanilla as close as possible.

If nothing else, someone should be making sure the original source code still compiles on all major modern OS, just to prevent bit rot. The side effect of that is of course a playable vanilla version of the game (without going through emulation layer).

>> No.1682198

Vanilla isn't always the best.

I remember some years ago (around 2005-6) I couldn't properly play vanilla Quake 2 at all, on several computers. Every time I tried to restore a saved game, I was dropped back to the console with an error message "function pointers have changed". No matter where I saved, restoring absolutely never worked. It was always the same error message. But when I tried one of the source ports (Quake 2 Evolved IIRC), it worked flawlessly and had absolutely no problems in saving and restoring games. I haven't touched vanilla the Quake 2 since that.

To this day I don't know what the exact meaning of that error message is/was. I know what a function pointer in C is, but why would anyone save them in savegames?

>> No.1682203

And which Quake game invented grappling hooks? I'll give you a hint: it was the one that comes before 2.

>> No.1682208


I agree with you, but Quake 2 has really fun weapons and a lot of neat details. I'd say that it's still worth playing the single player if you're a fan of FPS games.

The level design feels like an alpha version of Half-Life. I imagine HL felt a lot like Quake 2 until they decided to fill the maps with as many scripted events as they could come up with, especially since it runs on the same engine. The weapons have heavy recoil like you see in more modern shooters like Counter-Strike, but they still work well for Doom style run 'n gun gameplay. Games don't really do that any more, either they go for realism (meaning you're not going to be running and shooting with accuracy) or they remove all the recoil so that you just have to keep your cursor on the target without having to pull down.

It definitely has a unique flavor to it.

>> No.1682221

>Quake 3 is so vanilla it has no flavor.
>Seinfeld is unfunny

>> No.1682223
File: 632 KB, 2560x1440, 2014-06-10_00002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KMQuake II is probably the best Q2 sourceport.
>Quake 2

>> No.1682274

>The level design feels like an alpha version of Half-Life

I'm sorry, what the fuck?

Quake 2 still has Doom-era type of level design; except that it takes use of full 3D (like Quake1), and replaces cards by 'objectives' and has a hub system. But, in its pure form, it's still the same type of level design in the regard of freedom, exploration, secrets, etc

Meanwhile Half Life was the beginning of modern FPS with linear realism. They really have nothing alike.

>> No.1682305


Half-Life 1 had a lot of levels where instead of collecting cards you were completing objectives in hub-like levels. People don't remember the big "activate all the switches" maps though, they just remember the center piece those levels always had... like the gargantuan monster that chased you around, or the three headed tentacle beast. Yet to get past those parts, you had to activate switches that effectively worked the same way key cards worked in Doom maps.

>> No.1682347

Shouldn't the game play identically since it's about playing vanilla demos?

>> No.1682349

I don't understand your reference (and I'm not that poster as I've never played any Quake game, ever) but I'm here to say that Seinfeld is indeed wholly unfunny.

>> No.1682353


>> No.1682357

Best way to play quake 2 is online. Ra2, ctf etc unbeatable. Also hi to any kots2000 and vortex players. Gamespy 3d and nitro quake proxy

>> No.1682421

that sounds like registry errors, Like someone had installed the game to a folder and you just copied it over and put it somewhere else. I had similar problems when I copied over the game files it wouldn't save anything like controls set or options. I fixed this by updating the registry myself so the game knew where to look for cfg files.

>> No.1682434

Half Life is also bloated with some of the most boring shit ever, like that train ride. WOW we get it black mesa is big what a techincal marvel, just let me fucking skip that shit though. It tried to build atmosphere with too many scripted events when it could have done the job just as well through more solid gameplay. They should have just stuck a scientist in the train that talks about black mesa and what you are doing there to build plot also let you punch the shit out of him once you have seen that part 100 times so it isn't so god damn boring.

>> No.1682436

most of gamespys master servers are down :(
It would be so nice to have a tool like gamespy 3d again for playing old games that shit was a god send back in the day.

>> No.1682479

Oh, I see. Thanks for linking me. That's some QI shit, right there.
Nonetheless, and oddly so, I found Seinfeld unfunny as it was airing and find it unfunny still to this day though I do rather enjoy many derivative works, such as CYE.

>> No.1682538

i actually liked gamespy back in the day
it was ahead of it's time

>> No.1682616

not at all, quake 2 is horrible and boring. play quake 1 or doom instead

>> No.1682690

>those dogs that spit bullets at you.
They don't do that and they aren't hitscanners. They lash their tongue out at you.

>> No.1682697

None of those are things that should ever be in a Quake game

>> No.1682698

>If nothing else, someone should be making sure the original source code still compiles on all major modern OS, just to prevent bit rot.
I don't think that means what you think it means

>> No.1682704

Sounds like you want something like Yamagi Q2:
It fixes a number of bugs and improves compatibility with modern systems, while maintaining the original gameplay wherever possible.

>> No.1682878

That sounds good, thanks.

>> No.1682973

>just let me fucking skip that shit though

start game
click 'console'
type in 'map c1a0'
hit enter

>> No.1683227

I....I like Quake 4....please don't hurt me

>> No.1683273

These "id" games communities have somehow devolved into an inbred circle-jerk, it's really sad. People seemed a lot more laid back in the 90's. I don't know wtf happened... Tried to get back into it a few years back but got fed up, it's not worth it man.

>> No.1683414

hitting escape should do the same thing. At least a way exists to skip it though unlike that fucking shitty deku tree who needs to tell me about the 3 goddesses of hyrule EVERY FUCKING TIME

>> No.1683446

I like it too. Multiplayer is bleh, and the vehicle segments are retarded, but other than that, I still have fun with it. Okay, I'm done being not retro.

>> No.1683505

Maybe these games were designed on the assumption that anybody who enjoyed the game enough to play it twice wouldn't mind going through the two-minute intro scene again

>> No.1683535

Watching it the first time is okay because you dont know what is going to happen, the next few times it's pretty fucking boring.

>> No.1683675

sounds more like hexen than doom, "1/6 switches found to open the tentacle monster in the center of the rocket"

>> No.1683679

qtracker and xfire do relatively the same thing

>> No.1683938

Okay dudes, playing singleplayer and I just got the laser assault rifle. I think it's called Hyper Cannon or something like that.

It's about time I got a long range weapon, it was really annoying whenever I ran into long-distance enemies that I couldn't accurately fire at. But now I have this baby...

>> No.1683987

>Back then, I was still playing FPS with arrow keys and I didn't ever strafe.
Er, I played Q2 that way, too. I played it with standard Doom controls, only using mouse look occasionally (and standing stationary) to aim at enemies on roofs. I did use strafe though, obviously not as effectively as you do with WASD but I did use it.

It wasn't until Half Life 1 that I became acquainted with WASD.

>> No.1683994

>multiplayer that isn't broke
There is a reason mappers decided to stop putting other guns in their maps beside the rocketlauncher, grenade launcher, and lightning guns. All the other guns are ineffective in Quake 1. The multiplayer is extremely broken, as any more than 4 players on the default maps will end in spawn killing, as they are all too small. You can die immediately after you spawn because there is no spawn buff, there is no indication that you are being shot at, the only thing done right was the single player, and even that is a mixed bag with a hodgepodge of theme fuckery because of its development.

Quake 3 had no single player. It was multiplayer with bots. There was no reason to play it offline then, and now the official game has scarce servers because the free2play version of the game. Now Quake 3 is an adridden piece of shit run by Bethesda. It's multiplayer WAS really good though, it surpassed Quake 2 by fixing every problem Quake 2 had initially, however pales in comparison to the new and improved Quake 2.

Quake 2's multiplayer was Quake 1's multiplayer with all the issues ironed out. I never had the problems many people claim, such as the famous two "you could expect to not be able to connect", or "you could expect to leave the game at any time", but maybe Quake 2 had its problems. Well, releasing the source fixed that, and now clients such as R1Q2 surpass the original as well as every other Quake games multiplayer. Not only that, but the singleplayer is actually progressive, with enemies of an appropriate theme and levels with gradually changing themes as the game goes on, similarly to Doom. Quake 2 is fucking fantastic. I wonder how much longer this hate mongering meme will live though, as Quake 2 was hailed on release.

>> No.1684029

>Quake 1 has superior single player
nope. Quake 1 is boring.

>> No.1684031

He's right.

>> No.1684041

>The only downside is that it won't play any of the expansion packs (Ground Zero, Reckoning, etc.)

It supports them. I have them. The problem is you have to run a Q2 server seperately and join it over multiplayer to not have KMQuake2 fuck with the balance. KM changes damage values and various things.

>> No.1684062

>Quake 2's multiplayer was Quake 1's multiplayer with all the issues ironed out.
Not even remotely close. It's actually nothing like Quake 1's multiplayer really and has even worse balance problems. QW's only balance problem is the NG->SNG direct upgrade and the LG supersceding the SNG at close range but the SNG can be used underwater if a map has water whereas the LG will get you killed.

Quake 2 can't even handle rockets correctly with movement speeds far outpacing them. The movement is vastly different. The weaponswitch speeds barely balance with the movement speed at all. The game is far more broken than any other version of Quake period.

>There was no reason to play it offline then, and now the official game has scarce servers because the free2play version of the game. Now Quake 3 is an adridden piece of shit run by Bethesda
No. The scarceity of servers happened before the pay2play QL. Also QL isn't Q3, it's QL. They haven't touched Q3 in forever. It's still there to play. Ultimately two things killed Q3, newfags who can't and don't want to learn to play and people outgrowing either the game or games in general and spending their time on jobs and families, leaving a significant amount of people not playing it. What killed Q3 was time and the fact that it was Quake 3.

If you released Quake 3 with all the modern shininess and marketing of today the game would still die quick because it doesn't appeal to most gamers.

>> No.1684065

>nope. Quake 1 is boring.
That doesn't contradict him. That just makes Q2 look far worse.

>> No.1684103

I think I just beat the first boss.

It was a big guy with tank treads for legs. He kept spawning the hammer-and-nail melee enemies. Seemed intimidating at first, but I figured out that you can trip the hammer-and-nail dudes with the laser rifle and the big guy died pretty fast once I unloaded my chaingun on him.

>> No.1684112

Quake 4 isn't bad. The hovercraft, walker and tram parts were extremely annoying, though. And give me my BFG back. That Dark Matter gun sucks.

Be sure to shoot at the enemies' feet so they can't duck and make you miss. Also keep your eye on the ammo count. Hyperblaster chews through ammo really fast.

>> No.1684224


Thanks for the tip, I was running out of Hyperblaster rounds fast until I started aiming at their feet. Now I seem to have plenty of ammo for sniping, at least until I get the rail gun.

I just got out of the mines and into the factory. So far the enemies still aren't giving me too much trouble, but I'm starting to get fucked over by environmental traps. Gonna have to watch out for those.

>> No.1684380

>watching lucas destroy art

>> No.1684427

Enter "gl_texturemode gl_nearest" without quotes in console... Q2 linear filter sucks huge ass.

Get R1Q2, it improves a TON without adding any graphical/gameplay tweaks whatsoever.

If you wanna play DM type "connect tastyspleen.net:27916". We hit 16 players at around 10pm eastern every night.

>> No.1684432

Quake 2 SP ain't boring.

Quake 1 is boring.

Now piss off with your crappy opinions.

>> No.1684508

Right back at you.

>> No.1684607

I liked the Q1 mission packs in SP.

>> No.1685741

It is what he does best, but they should be using an overlay clear sheet or something.

>> No.1686291

Quake 1 SP ain't boring.

Quake 2 is boring.

Now piss off with your crappy opinions.

>> No.1686820

>Quake 2 can't even handle rockets correctly with movement speeds far outpacing them
This is the main thing that bugs me about Quake 2.

The singleplayer is fun, but multiplayer is dull and slow. Quake 2's rocket launcher feels like a Nerf gun. Quake 1's rocket launcher is like being punched in the face by God.

>> No.1686821

>not using the railgun exclusively

there is only 1 weapon in quake 2 bud I dont know of this rocket launcher you speak off.

my friend actually banned me from using the rocket launcher when we played because I was too good with it

>> No.1687005

The first three quake games have an enormous changes in style, atmosphere, gameplay and content. They encompass lovecraftian episodic fast paced shooter, hub like, slower paced, sci fi shooter with permanent powerups and an inventory as well as an arena shooter.

Your comment "None of those are things that should ever be in a Quake game" therefore makes no sense whatsoever and as a result I have no idea what you're on about. Moreover, I don't think you have any idea what you're on about either.

>> No.1687009

>Quake 1 is boring.
The quake 1 nightmare difficulty episodes represent some of the best gaming experiences I have ever had the privilege of enjoying.

Stop trying so hard, damn.

>> No.1687018


Quake 1 rockets - High speed, High splash, medium fire rate

Quake 2 rockets - Low speed, Low Splash, High fire rate, High direct hit damage

They are just different. Rocket still rules the arena for some people. Spam some of those fuckers down a hallway without worrying about splashing yourself and you are bound to get kills.

though if you aren't using the rail + gl you are doing it wrong

>> No.1687026

>They are just different.
Yep, the quake 2 one is the shittier one.

>> No.1687070

lol why does this hurt your pussy so much? They're just video games m8. Aka children's toys.

>> No.1687110

Quake 2's minigun is my favorite of any FPS. I'm talking singleplayer mode, I don't know if multiplayer mode's chaingun is balanced/nerfed.

>Has a wind-up time, but it starts firing almost immediately when you pull the trigger, as slow as a standard machinegun at first but once it hits full speed spin it spits out 200 rounds in like 10 seconds.

>Wide spread but it fires so fast that you can accurately hit targets just because of how much of a fucking high speed constant barrage it is.

Other games either have nerfed miniguns that don't feel as powerful, can't fire during wind-up time, the minigun is a turret, or its a temporary weapon that you can't carry with you at all times.

>> No.1687117

how good was quake 2 weapons of destruction, made every gun OP as fuck. I played that on tastyspleen lots

>> No.1687125

lol why does this hurt your pussy so much?
I don't know, you tell me
>They're just video games m8. Aka children's toys.
Ok, so you're not hurt after all? Great, let's go get some punch.

>> No.1687131

Agree. I would say that it kind of broke the game for me though as I saved up a quad damage for the final fight. Pop that and have full ammo on this badboy and basically the guy goes down in 5 seconds tops.

>> No.1687158
File: 618 KB, 400x229, 1377144431260.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone other than me remembers Vortex.
I don't know who you are, but you're awesome.

>> No.1687171


I'll remember to do that then, I'm in the middle of my first playthrough now.

I just got the railgun, so I think I have all the weapons except the BFG now. The game is a lot more relaxing now, because I'm not stressed over conserving ammo since I think I'll always have a good gun full of ammo even if one runs dry between ammo pickups. I hope to never use the glitter-spitting handgun ever again.

>> No.1687348

Have the BFG, just overloaded the reactor and heading to the Big Gun.

I think I'll give the game a break for now.

>> No.1688447

Protip: Find the manual and read up on how the BFG works. The mechanics are not immediately obvious and it's easy to do terrible damage if you use it improperly.

>> No.1688452

Why are you getting so mad at someone making objective observations?

>> No.1688735

What's so complex about the Quake II BFG? Isn't it just "green ball lasers nearby enemies and causes lots of damage to them on detonation". I seriously doubt it's the mess that the Doom BFG is.

Quake II's rocket launcher isn't useless but it doesn't have the amazing feel of the Quake 1 one. BOOM.

>> No.1688934


Don't have the manual anymore, but I looked this up on a wiki at your suggestion:

"The BFG’s damaging system is quite complicated. The BFG’s splash radius when it hits a solid wall or ceiling is enormous but how much damage it deals to surrounding enemy depends on the location of the enemy, point of impact and the player. If there is an unobstructed line of sight between the enemy, the point of impact, and the player, the enemy will receive the full force of the shockwave and even strong enemies that are hit by the beams beforehand can be killed or even gibbed just by the splash damage in this manner. "

I didn't realize that, that's weird. The way I've been using it is, if I see a ton of enemies in a room around a corner, I fire the green ball into the room and run back around the corner (out of enemies' sight) and wait until I hear the ball stop before I walk back in. Apparently I'm doing terrible damage with it by using this way?

How are you supposed to use it then? Fire it into a room and strafe around hoping for the best, keeping enemies in view? I feel like I would take a lot of damage from hitscan enemies if I play that way.

>> No.1689550
File: 32 KB, 518x565, sauce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got the source code of that mod.
>not q2pro

>> No.1689619

> Apparently I'm doing terrible damage with it by using this way?
Far lower than you could be. You're only getting at best the laser damage and direct/splash upwards of 450 damage if you hit something close or directly, otherwise if the ball just flies by you're doing closer to 50 maybe 100 damage to enemies.
If you're in view of the ball and the enemy you womp an extra 500 points of damage onto everything.
So, stay in view.

Essentially if you can hit the target and stay in view, it'll laser out about 50-150 damage, impact for 400 and tack on extra 500 effect for everything around you. You can total about 1000 damage.

One of the common CTF tactics was a suicide blast to the ground to just wipe an enemy base. Also ceiling blasts. People move to fast to catch a detonate, but the line of sight effect you have to take cover behind something to avoid.

>> No.1689831


Thanks for the tips and that link. I'm not going to have to worry about enemies using the BFG against me in singleplayer, will I?

>> No.1689932

Just finished the mission where you have to "mark an airstrike" to continue. Now I'm on my way to kill Makron, whoever the fuck that is.

Quake 2 has a type of AI that I feel is lost in most modern FPS games: charging enemies who try to dodge your attacks. Since that's pretty much 90% of Quake's AI, it does get as repetitive as today's basic "whack-a-mole" AI who take cover. However, imagine if a game had 40% "charging enemies dodging your shots" and 40% "enemies hiding behind cover," with a clever dash of 10% "enemies who do scripted things like tossing their gun in the air and run away from you."

That could be very fun.

>> No.1689982
File: 46 KB, 420x532, Kingpin_-_Box_Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kingpin (runs on Q2's engine) had enemies that fled if they were overpowered (ie. you pull out a shotgun on a guy with just a crowbar); or injured, though if cornered in a dead-end they would still try to fight back and not just thrash around

dynamic/adaptive AI is where it's at, not static hard-coded tactics

>> No.1689983

kingpin was shit though

>> No.1689987

>I'm not going to have to worry about enemies using the BFG against me in singleplayer, will I?
only the Makron

just Quad Damage+chaingun him

>> No.1689993

says you

>> No.1689994

Did anybody play the Quake 2 mission pack called 'Juggernaut'? I remember it being quite beastly as a kid but I only played through it once. Threw a whole lot of shit at you and had some crazy textures iirc.

>> No.1689995

fuck yeah
My opinions > your opinions
just kill yourself

>> No.1689997

Check it out. I think it looks great, would love to play it again:


>> No.1690024

>hello, this is
stopped watching there

why is this a fad
why can't there be just gameplay video

>> No.1690050

Sexual frustration detected.

>> No.1690054

This is what I do.

I'm too fucking awkward to talk for half an hour about a game.

>> No.1690267

>quake 2 one is the shittier one
>the balanced rocketlauncher is the shitty one
>people complaining when they are able to actually dodge enemy rockets
suddenly, the game actually takes skill to win, as rockets don't instantly make contact with the enemy, so therefore you must actually plan ahead, either by shooting ahead, or getting closer.

do people really hate quake 2 because of its rockets or some fucking shit? angry because more than one gun actually gets used in multiplayer? how do you feel about mods like Weapons of Destruction? Where you can switch between a slow and powerful rocket or a fast yet weak rocket?

>> No.1691343

Just finished Quake 2 for my first time.

Enjoyable experience.

>The weapons were very fun. G.O.A.T. minigun. The way enemies reacted to being shot by a rail gun were fucking awesome.

>It was neat seeing enemies duck to avoid shots or get knocked around by the impact of weapon fire. Too many games these days have enemies who don't react to damage until they get ragdoll'ed by death.

>Rocking soundtrack


>Vast majority of the color is brown, grey, and orange-red. Coupled with the blurry, simple textures it looks like vomit.

>No change in aesthetic theme outside of maybe the levels that take place in space, of which I think there's only two counting the secret level. As a result, the sense of progress feels worse than the Doom's and Quake 1.

Overall, the game feels like a step in evolution between Doom style FPS design and Half-Life style FPS design. You activate scripted events to open barriers to progress instead of just collecting key cards (there's a little bit of that too, though). Weapons have recoil. You can sneak up on enemies, who sometimes shout something like "CLEAR!" and sometimes cock their guns between shots.

I still say it feels like an alpha version of Half-Life 1, which also explains why so many Doom and Quake 1 fans hate Quake 2. It has gameplay elements tailored towards an immersive experience rather than a straight arcade-style experience, but doesn't have the story to back it up. As a result, it feels too easy for a Doom-style shooter but doesn't feel like it should be played as anything but a Doom-style shooter. Fast-forward a few years to Half-Life and you've got a game that takes Quake 2's new design philosophy but deliberately slows down the pacing of the game right off the bat with the tram ride and "0 enemies" first level, plus adds even more scripted events than Quake 2 had, and BAM you've got an evolution. I don't believe Valve would have pulled it off had they not studied Quake 2's design philosophy, however.

>> No.1691539
File: 27 KB, 450x305, Bilinear_id1344107678_92522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brown, grey, and orange-red

Well, you might have wanted to check the software renderer.

>> No.1691608


Yeah, my game looked like the left side of that picture. Once your eyes get adjusted to the orange filter everything looks brown, grey, orange-red with some yellow or green dashes of color here and there.

It's not necessarily a bad look, it's just that almost the entire game looks like that. It becomes boring to look at and adds to the feeling of repetition.

>> No.1691618


You can even see in that picture how the Open GL render makes the textures look blurry as a method of making them look less pixelated.

I know Quake 2 is an old game, the sequel to the first fully 3D FPS, so it was a big graphical achievement at the time. I'm just stating how the art style looks to me as someone playing it in 2014.

>> No.1691652

Just to clarify, I'm not ironic about suggesting the software mode, in fact I prefer it. It's just if you are using a sourceport, there might not be such an option. Anyway, you just completed the game, so I don't assume you would want to replay it right away. But if you decide to play it again, maybe you would like to reexperience it in vanilla software and see the difference in how art style is perceived. If you don't mind the pixels, that is.

>> No.1691736

Did the software renderer have coloured lighting? If not is there a way to disable it? You can also switch gl_texturemode (I think that's it) to GL_LINEAR that'll make it blocky rather than blurry.

>> No.1691767

If you ever decide to play Quake 2 again (you should try the official expansion packs, they're really good), try installing a HD texture pack first. You can still find them floating around the 'net. I wouldn't be surprised if there are HD model packs too out there.

No, the software renderer in Quake 2 used only the light intensity, not the color. Unreal and Half-Life 1 both had software renderers that could do colored lighting.

>> No.1691892
File: 217 KB, 1280x480, q2 sky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just look how fucking orange/red the sky is

>> No.1691901

>As a result, the sense of progress feels worse than the Doom's and Quake 1.
>worse than Doom
I'd say it's on par with Doom.

>worse than Quake 1
lolno. Quake 1 was all one big, abstract, boring mesh of browns. After the first episode I just don't give a shit anymore.

Seriously the only thing Quake 1 had going for it was verticality. It's the most repetitive game I've ever played. Quake 2's areas however had a real sense of progression and were far more distinct and memorable in their design.

Quake 1 is excellent for multiplayer, but single player is a massive snooze, save for a couple of amazing levels like that secret low gravity one in the first episode.

>> No.1692085

The problem with that is custom levels used absurd amounts of crazy colored lighting and weren't blurry brown and grey. Software, pushes towards grey/greens with spattered browns and reds. GL is sepia toned.

>You can even see in that picture how the Open GL render makes the textures look blurry as a method of making them look less pixelated.

You can change that in game if you want. gl_texturemode gl_nearest_mipmap_linear

>> No.1692146
File: 86 KB, 1280x960, QUAKE2 2014-06-15 14-31-35-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this really look that brown/orange?

>> No.1692225

Yamagi was designed with similar goals to what you want, OP. It also supports actually using the soundtrack on modern machines.

>> No.1692315
File: 43 KB, 715x561, 1362597445182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this asshole unloads 3 grenades right in your face

>> No.1692541

I can confirm it does, I installed it from CD about a month ago, played through the first few missions. The CD was from a pack released in '99 though, so if there's older versions than that, I can't say.

>> No.1692556
File: 43 KB, 329x365, 1380773618998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Quake 1 is boring.

>> No.1692565

I remember when I took a regular AI class, the teacher actually bothered to do a segment about Quake 2's AI. The thing was about how it tried to code little quirks like that to make it appear advanced, even though it's actually really simple and not a true AI.

Still really neat how everything came together though.

>> No.1693695

>I don't want fancy graphics/features, I want a vanilla experience since I never played it.
So play the original game as is, faggot.
it runs just fine on modern systems

>> No.1693990

Yup, just without all of the potential benefits of having a sourceport in the first place.

>> No.1693994

>Be younger
>Always liked the Quake logo and name for a shooter
>Never think much of it
>Years later realize that "Quake" is the code name of an enemy you're hunting through different dimensions and must stop at all costs
>Bad Ass

>> No.1694048

>play the steam version
>no music

idk how I feel about this, on the one hand it makes it more atmospheric and scary but on the other hand the soundtrack really added to the FUCK YEAH

I felt the same way about quake 1 and hexen 2, idk what it is with the steam releases and not including the soundtrack.

>> No.1694053

How does one get Yamagi to work? Everytime I try, after following the directions in the readme to the dot, it says "quake 2 has stopped responding" and prompts me to close it. This is before any graphics show up. Am I supposed to get other files beside the 3.20 patch and pak0? Similar to r1q2? Necessary files not stated by the creator?

>> No.1694121

The 360 version is hilarious. It's pretty much a perfect port, but they added achievements which nb you 0 gamer score each.

>> No.1694145

Can you actually play online on there? Not that I want to, I could use my controllers on the computer, but it seems interesting as it appears to be a direct PC port. Very good port too. Seeing that on the Quake 4 bonus disc was just insane.

>> No.1694146

FYI none of the current versions of Quake or Quake II have music. Because the devs were lazy.

Any and all source ports fix this.

>> No.1694231

That post is incorrect. The original GLQuake and Quake II updated to their latest incarnations support CD music just fine when used in windows. Steam versions are not 'more current' versions they're just ripped and distributed differently. Also not all source ports fix the steam rips. EZQuake, the predominant quakeworld client, supports music in winamp control or CD. If you don't have the CD, you don't have the music. You can rig up a makeshift winamp solution but it's not exactly the same. It doesn't support built in OGG/MP3 support for SP music.

>> No.1694326
File: 24 KB, 512x384, 1395024645430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw ive only played the PS1 version

I really missed out on the beautiful pc version.
well i guess its not to late!

>> No.1694543


Quake Music fix


>> No.1694553

Scratch that, links seem to be broken. I'll look up an alternative and report back.

>> No.1694585

I grew up with Quake 2 ex post facto release (born in 92), and when my brother, dad and I all had computers that's when we figured out network MP and eventually online. Tastyspleen still has servers, btw. Every sound effect, enemy and map is almost burned into my mind. For me it's the definitive Quake experience, but obviously I'm biased; I go back to try Quake 1 and it seems clunky and doom-like. Quake 3 was a huge phenomenon but I was never very good at it. Quake 2 kind of sits with me as the first definitive game made to have perfect multiplayer.

>> No.1694593

To expand a bit: Every singleplayer map has a Multiplayer counterpart with all the locked doors open (duh) and teleporters. Think of the pure fucking ingenuity to take single player designed maps and have them all work perfectly for deathmatch. That seems like an accomplishment.

>> No.1694890

I think despite having a good enough computer at the time for sure, the first time I played Quake 2 was on a N64. It's port is surprisingly well done.
How's the PS1 version?

>> No.1694907

>To expand a bit: Every singleplayer map has a Multiplayer counterpart with all the locked doors open (duh) and teleporters. Think of the pure fucking ingenuity to take single player designed maps and have them all work perfectly for deathmatch. That seems like an accomplishment.

The real accomplishment would be to have ONE map, which plays well both in SP and in DM (oh, and in coop too), but actually just one same map (not 2 maps based on the same map), designed and playable for all modes.

Which, you know, Duke Nukem 3D did for most of its maps.

>> No.1694923

Then again, I'm ASSUMING they are different files but maybe they aren't. Duke Nukem 3D maps has some telepoters and stuff that are only useable in DM.

Also, for Duke3D it's not really singleplayer maps transformed into DM. It's more like maps, made with both SP and DM in mind; hence all the interconnection, circular design, etc I suspect it might be the same for Quake2.
That totally influences the layout of maps a LOT and is part of what makes the difference between that era of FPS and the newer ones where SP and DM are too distinct things.

>> No.1695031

What resolution and framerate was Quake 2 on 360? Didn't even know they made that game for that system.

Anything less than 1080p 60fps is a failure.

>> No.1695058

>expecting 1080p and 60FPS on a microsoft console

Hohoho, very funny.

>> No.1695109

well is it AT LEAST 60fps?

I mean ffs, that game is like what, '96?

>> No.1695114

Can you die already? I hate your shitty posts.

>> No.1695115

>Anything less than 1080p 60fps is a failure.

>expecting a game from 1997 to be natively 1080p

Man, you fags are BEYOND spoiled brats.

>> No.1695119

Yes, it's 60fps.

>> No.1695129

I can tell you're a really sexy and handsome man irl amirite?

>> No.1695150

I'm not sure what drugs you're on, but it's probably a good idea to lay off.

>> No.1695358

so you're ugly then? too bad

>> No.1695409



>> No.1695565

>>expecting a game from 1997 to be natively 1080p

It already handled 1600x1200 and far higher than 60 with the right hardware by just changing the cap on the framerate. Handling 153,600 extra pixels at less than half the framerate on the PC, which was built in already in 1997. It wasn't going to hurt anyone to add a few more and cut the framerate drastically compared to PC in 2005. Also note

Suggesting that it's spoiled to have lower bandwidth requirements in 2005 is fucking spoiled.

>> No.1695589

16:9 widescreen didn't even exist in 1997 you dumb nigger

>> No.1696070

What kind of achievements, because most of the time they're boring as hell.

Quake engine games supported high resolutions like 1600x1200 when they were new, though I don't think it was feasable to run them at playable speeds until later. Modern source ports have no issue.

>> No.1696229


I dunno dude. Although the PC version is technically more impressive, I think the PS1 version is more interesting to look at because it's more colorful.

PS1 version is kinda like Software Render Plus, an improvement over PC software render mode but not as technically impressive as the Open GL render. That render was probably godlike when the game first came out, but it looks like shit today.

I'd say you did okay playing the PS1 version. Controls might have been shit tho.

>> No.1696234

>but it looks like shit today
only because people saw others complain about a cawadoody game being all brown'n'bloom, and blindly applied same logic to Q2 ("it looks brown and it's an FPS game, so it must be bad too")

>> No.1696248


You're right, but that doesn't make me wrong.

I'm not going to pretend that the majority of FPS by the year 2014 aren't brown 'n bloom and that I should feel like Quake 2 looks better with its brown 'n bloom than modern games that objectively do it better.

It's not a criticism against Quake 2, Quake 2 is a classic. It's more of a statement about, "if you were to play it today." I stand by my thoughts.

I would argue that Doom 1 and 2 both look better than Quake 2 in the art department, just because they're more colorful and Quake 2 came out in a time when almost all 3D graphics looked really fucking bad. Quake 2 had way better than average 3D models, but let's be honest... 3D models have come a very long way since then. It's like comparing the best 60's board game art to the best 70's video game art. Of course the '60s board games had better art even if the 70's video game art was a bigger technical achievement, but the fact remains that Risk aged better than Pong even though Pong the bigger art/technology achievement by far.

>> No.1696252
File: 2.98 MB, 237x178, 1369711316159.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the dude who played through the entirety of vanilla Quake 2 throughout the thread with commentary about its design.

I'm starting a vanilla Doom 3 run (seriously considering the famous duct tape mod though) and I'm wondering if it would pass as /vr/. In my mind it's retro, since I was a teen when it came out and I'm a full grown adult now, but I think it's technically not retro according to /vr/'s rules.

So should I try to start a new topic about somebody playing the entirety Doom 3 for his first time in 2014?

Or is there another gaming forum that would be better suited to use as a sort of "gaming journal" with vets to give me hints and tips?

I truly appreciated the few hints I got about Quake 2 in this thread, and talking about my progress it made it a lot more fun.

>> No.1696346

Guys I just installed quake 2 and is expansin on my pc but I can't fullscreen. The game work right but its' hust the non-fullscreen that make it uneasy.
when I try to make it fullscreen, Only a grey screen appear and then it turn back to windowed.

Im on window 8
Any idea why and what to do.

>> No.1696350

Doom 3 is a terrible game.

Hell was p cool though.

>> No.1696357


The entire point of Doom 3 is having to juggle between your gun and flashlight. It's called strategy. You can think anything you want of Doom 3, but to be a condescending fuck and install a duct tape mod instantly renders you 100% completely unsuitable for any legit opinion on the game.

>> No.1696369

>It's called strategy
>implying Doom 3 was in any way remotely challenging

kek. Also id admitted that the reason they didn't put flashlights on guns was due to hardware limitation. Having that dynamic light source would kill the framerate w/ gunfights so they decided to swap it up like that.

Personally I thought the flashlight shit was entirely unnecessary, as was Doom 3. Just a slow, boring, clunky shooter that was only like the original games in name alone. Doom 3 was a tech demo, nothing more, and Source was a better engine anyway.

More importantly however,
Go talk about this with your buddies on /v/ who probably hail it as a nostalgic classic by now.

>> No.1696392

what show is your gif from?

>> No.1696434

There were nine achievements in all. All of which involved the completion of certain levels.

>Just a slow, boring, clunky shooter
>likes half life 2

>> No.1696449

Any way of playing Quake 2 with multiplayer bots in a modern sourceport?

>> No.1696526

>that was only like the original games in name alone

If only you went to Hell and fought a Cyberdemon or something, right?

>> No.1696528
File: 77 KB, 600x599, 1399574465777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear this is the same fucking guy who shitposts his "Quake 1 is boring" meme in every relevant thread.

Quake 1 on Nightmare is fucking amazing.

>> No.1696532

You should take your time with Doom 3, don't play too much of it in one sit just for the sake of "reporting online your impressions". You'll get bored quickly and it'll become a chore to finish, because the game is, well, not very exciting. Small doses of its slow gameplay, however, can keep the interest steady.

>> No.1696535

Don't use the duct tape mod
You couldn't carebear the game up more

>> No.1696538

1. Don't get the BFG edition, it's easier thanks to various things, but these will probably be optional when iodoom3 gets somewhere anyway.

2. It's okay in Doom General at least.

>> No.1696545
File: 67 KB, 985x369, doom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny you say that, this post was mine, too: >>1696350

Doom 3 is far too slow to be considered a true Doom game. It's also far too linear and repetitive. All the environments are the same, it's one big snooze of an ultra confined corridor shooter. Walk into a room, three enemies spawn, kill them, find PDA, go to next room, repeat x1000. There is NOTHING memorable in that game apart from Hell. Slow as fuck, shit mechanics and it's not even scary. The guns aren't even satisfying and feel like cheap plastic or tinny made in taiwan shit.

Seriously kid just go back to /v/ and talk about it there. This is /vr/ so your shite ain't relevant here.

>> No.1696578

Has there been notable content created for Doom 3, anyway? I didn't use to like the game but recently playing through it I found myself enjoying it. Less jumpscares and more straight up action would have made it better, the weapons feel great and the monsters have potential, they're not just hitscanning baddies.
I hear then expansion is more like that though, I should try it.

>> No.1696659

That's a gigantic red flag that a game is awful. If you can't stand actually playing it.

>> No.1696664

Doom 3 isn't completely bad. I find all the intricately created machinery in the levels to be quite fascinating. Plus the ambient sound design was really nicely done. In many places the level itself wasn't scary, but there was something greatly unsettling about the ambient sounds that made me feel weird.

Then there's one thing no other game engine has ever created: those interactive GUI panels. In all other games using computers or other terminals consists of standing before it and pressing your "use" key to perform some predefined action. In Doom 3, Quake 4 (and I think in Prey) you actually have to use the UI with your mouse. Much better, even if the UIs are simple. I'd love to see that used more. But I guess that won't happen, because they won't work well with consoles. Deus Ex is a notable exception, but even its intricate UIs aren't embedded in the actual game world, they replace the entire screen.

>> No.1696665

I was just pointing out that it was more than Doom in name alone.

I made no opinion about the game, so stop with the faggotry.

>> No.1696672

Good fucking point you retard.

Oh that's right, Carmack the guy who did the engine code for the very game we're talking about used a 16:9 monitor in fucking 1995 at 1080p.

Also yeah the xbox 360 was out in 2005 not 1997 anyway already fucking mentioned. So when you roll a port to a system fucking 8 years later when 16:9 is becoming the standard I think it's safe to say you can add a bit of code for fov and tuck in a custom resolution since the game would just scale resolution anyway.

Try not to be so retarded, at least bring it to /v/ if you're going to be a dipshit.

>> No.1696695

Someone in the costs says the screenshot is from Doom 3 development.

>> No.1696702

I mean comments; someone else says the monitor came out in 97. After quake's release.

>> No.1696706

Also DVDs supported 16:9 format in 1995.

The standard came together in the 80s and only pushed forward heavilly after 2000. Widescreen existed before 16:9. Anamorphic 2.39:1 existed as early as 1927 but didn't really get usage until the 50s.

>> No.1696721
File: 57 KB, 557x276, capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The monitor itself existed in 1997 at least. Whether that comment is correct or not I can't say. There's an older looking picture with him. Whether that picture is from Doom 3 development I can't say. He does have is more modern short hair look. But he doesn't in this this.
They might have just used that picture to show off the monitor more rather than be chronologically correct.

>> No.1696729

It makes sense for Id to put graphical options nobody can actually run, after Doom and Quake they were probably sure their game were going to survive.

>> No.1696740
File: 98 KB, 1024x685, quake-linux-24-monitor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's retarded not to allow high resolutions, it takes virtually no effort on your part. It just expects future hardware to handle the bandwidth. Texture resolution and model polygons won't change though. So there's an upper limit to how much you can get out of it.

Also no one was really running 10240x3270 in 1999. But this still happened.

>> No.1696743

Derp 10240x3072. My bad. 8x3 of 1280x1024

>> No.1696753
File: 196 KB, 1200x800, quake2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, you won't get the full quake2 experience because you won't get all the mods, not to mention you don't have all those servers anymore anyway.

>> No.1696773

The game works fine on my machine but how do you fix the tracks to loop?

>> No.1696780

The expansion's pretty good. You get the SSG and a new antigravity grabber tool that you can use to throw back fireballs and lost souls.

Someone also recreated the entirety of E1 in Doom 3, as well as the Tower of Babel.

There's a really good graphics mod called Sikkmod, and it has some optional gameplay tweaks like random encounters, random enemy health, and a more traditional Cyberdemon fight.

I personally prefer most the original Trent Reznor sound effects to the ones that ended up in the final game, as well. If you look around, you can find mods that prevent corpses, blood splatter, bullet holes, and ejected shells from dissolving.

>> No.1696796

How about maps? Don't really care about mods to the original game

>> No.1697290


Are any of those mods single-player campaigns?

>> No.1697390

Kinda want to play Quake II....But I am adding hi-res textures to Quake 4...what do /vr/?

>> No.1697407

Quake 2 uses the same maps too with added teleporters. Some of them don't work to well for multiplayer unless you have enough people. The Boss maps were used for DM mostly. Quake 2 also had good multiplayer maps of its own though like the edge.

>> No.1697661


-Single player, coop, deathmatch, capture the flag , dons of levels - obviously
-deathmatc , botmatch and, IIRC goal based teamplay / several levels included
-deathmatch / last team standing, dons of addable levels
-single player, deathmatch, goal based teamplay, uses action quake levels, though it does have a few of its own

>> No.1697667

Secont row

-deathmatch and CTF, uses standard levels
-goal based teamplay only (RTS), by neccessity many own levels
-mainly for deathmatch
-probably mainly for single player

>> No.1697696

There was ONE single player mission for terror quake. It was divided into two maps for performance's sake though.

>> No.1697789

There wasn't exactly a set of single player campaign mods.

There were a lot of single player missions.

A number of the mods supported single player, but a whole lot didn't even include a basic unmodified option.

Weapons of destruction and wyrm are two similar mods that allowed it, but wyrm would often crash by certain levels.

"stand - the merge of powers" was a mod that had it's own artistic style, but didn't get around to having any missions, just a new set of weapons.

There were some "units" of levels, which is kind of short relative to a campaign, the thing about units was that you could go back and forth between the levels.

The most notable was probably the "space odysseys" series. The author of that actually made 3 1-unit instalments (and really focused on the setting).

There was also one level that was as large as a whole normal unit, kind of took its sweet time loading on the hardware back them. IIRC that was "small pile of gibs". Also IIRC, another mapper made two levels about twice as big as normal ones - "what the end is for" and "the widening gyre".

>> No.1697928
File: 51 KB, 500x477, kermit_ak47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Small Pile of Gibs
Muh nigga.

>> No.1698801

OP here, playing through the game, I got to the Big Gun mission.
I must say the levels are pretty bland. The "warehouse" setting is usually the most boring in shooters, and this game is one big industrial/warehouse level, bleh. Some cool weapons and mediocre enemies. It is interesting to see glimpses of many future shooters in this game, but it does feel like a regression from Quake I.

>> No.1698805

>Calls Quake 2 SP bland
>Praises Quake 1

>> No.1698813

Quake is a good game bro

>> No.1698927

Try the mission packs (Ground Zero and The Reckoning). They're good, and very hard.

>> No.1698957

Hard enough to make me regret playing without mid level saving? I've been playing like that to add some spice to the game, and I'm kinda used to treating id games like arcade challenges. It's not a hard game so far

>> No.1699015

Oh yeah I love how every bad guy in Quake 2 is "cyborg with gun" with like three variations. Totally exciting compared to Quake's diverse cast of bad guys.

>> No.1699045

Kind of like how Quake is zombie with a shotgun. Zombie with a lasergun. Zombie with a grenade launcher. Zombie with a sword.
Zombies with guns, real fucking diverse.

All seriousness aside, both had a limited subsection of similar themed enemies and both have their alternative enemies. Even among 'cyborgs' they still have some interesting characteristics in Q2 like a medical enemy like the revenant. Both have their flying enemies like scrag/flyer/icarus. Both have a lunging enemy like mutant/fiend.

>> No.1699050

Quake's diversity was the result of its fucked up development and being rushed. It was in no way a creative and artistic work. The enemies in Quake are fucking retarded and make absolutely no fucking sense with anything, not that they need to, but praising the characters for their originality? Quake 2 actually formed a believable story around every single enemies creation. Cyborgs weren't big in 1997, and no, Terminator did not even feature cyborgs. That was a really neat idea. Those enemies, the Strogg, are fallen marines spliced after death to mechanically live to destroy. And really, please do show me all these 'variations' of one another. All the characters are extremely unique. In Quake 2, there are many more than just one flying enemy, there are even underwater enemies, I dare say Quake 2 had a much more varied enemy line up.

>> No.1699060

You left out the dogs, piranhas, blobs, vores, shamblers, and the two gods, but yeah I totally see how quake 1 isn't diverse or whatever. Technically none if those guys were zombies, so by extension you actually forgot to mention the regular ACTUAL zombies.

>> No.1699130

Quake 2 is relatively easy even on hard+, but the mission packs are nightmarish even on easy. Save freely, otherwise you'll only get frustrated and stop playing.

>> No.1699147

>those fucking turrets in Ground Zero
>dem fucking power-shield gladiators in Reckoning

jesus h christ everytime I get an itching to replay the packs I think of those and go right off it. It wouldn't be so bad but the turrets are everywhere and the shield gladiators aren't difficult, they just take an absolutely insane amount of ammunition to kill.

>> No.1699406

dogs and pirahnas were both in Quake 2 as well, as well as vores equivalent, the gladiator. even characters like fiends had equivalents in Quake 2 (mutants). And don't even tell me that the bosses did anything for the game. The only real difference is that Quake 2 enemies all followed a similar theme. There were also archvile like enemies such as the Medic, and also has its share of minibosses. Also, nearly every enemy in Quake 2 had more than one different type of attack. I believe I am the victor in this dickwaving contest, now fuck off, this is a Quake 2 thread.

>> No.1699793

I'll ask here in the quake thread.
I'm trying to add the Parallax 2.0 mod to it just to see what it looks like. When I do that the ground looks like it's covered in grease. is it my card that can't handle it and I hould jsut give up or is there something I can try?

>> No.1700094

Which one is that?

>> No.1700265

KMQuake2, probably.
It makes a bunch of massive, completely undocumented changes to various weapons (for example, the shotgun gets a huge buff).

>> No.1700486

Sounds like that would make the multiplayer mode incompatible with normal quake2 clients.

>> No.1700490

Or at least would impose it's own rules on normal q2 clents when used to host a server.q

>> No.1700528

It uses a different protocol so yes it is. You can connect to a VQ2 server though with compatibility protocol which solves that problem.

>> No.1701509
File: 99 KB, 800x600, xteacher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends what exactly you're looking for. If you want to play action quake 2, there's a fully packaged together version called LTK-TBM, that has an enhanced engine built in.

If you wanted to play ot on a linux box, that would factor in.

Of you wanted to play it on a raspberry pi, you wouldn't have all the same options as with a more conventional setup.

>> No.1701516

Be sure to find an ISO of it online, then burn it to a CD-R and put it in your CD drive while playing, or you'll miss out on the soundtrack

>> No.1701787

doesn't the .iso format *not* contain more than 1 track (ie. cd audio that's on track 2 onwards)?

you ought to be looking for bin/cue or mdf/mds images

>> No.1701839
File: 84 KB, 570x575, wut am I reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because it can't load the add-on DLL

>> No.1701931

Stop with your shitposting, faggot.

>> No.1701973

>mods single-player campaigns
>Final boss

Sounds like "the Armageddon device". That introduced new weapons/enemies as well as levels.

Besides that, one significant campaign was "the powersphere quest". Don't remember it all that well, but it should be worth looking into.

>> No.1701980

Just completed it. The boss fight was so evocative of early 2000s shooters that it was just familiar to me. Climbing on elevators to reach the arena. Boss taunts you along the way. Escaping in the nick of time from an explosion... All the fps based on the quake engines I played, and this felt like the blueprint for them, I don't know if there was a game before it that followed the same structure.
Overall enjoyable, but certainly surpassed in a few years by better games.

>> No.1702291

the Quake Collection is on sale. I was thinking of getting it and Rise of the Traid. What say you?

>> No.1702362

why bother, the money just goes to bethesda and valve, and you will just end up using superior ports or going through hurdles to patch the music so it will play. either buy the real discs or just pirate it. Rise of the Triad sounds fun, but you might as well buy it from a different source, such as GoG. Don't support steam if you don't have to. As long as the bastards aren't making games I sure as fuck wont.

>> No.1702364

There's no point in paying for it at this point, all the developers have long since moved on.

>> No.1702381

ROTT was cheaper on steam. they got me. they got me soul.

>> No.1702386


If you're talking about the new Rise of the Triad, I have it.

It's incredibly faithful to the source material for better or for worse. Most of the weapons are different types of rocket launchers, and levels are full of enemies whose AI ranges from "run at player and shoot" to "stand still and shoot." There's also a bunch of coins to collect and moving platforms like in Mario and Sonic.

I was enjoying it until the rooms started to be huge and grey, and since the bad guys are all grey and tend to stand still they blend into the background. The damage indicator was horrible at pointing you in their direction, but maybe they fixed that?

Also if you don't like first person platforming, be warned that there's a lot of it.

>> No.1702389

also, it runs like crap on my 560 ti and athlon 2 x3 considering the visuals. 40-60 fps isn't great for a game this fast

>> No.1702419

Would you like to play it Co op with me? I would love to do this shit man

>> No.1702427

Not OP but I would love to. Probably tomorrow though as I need to sleep now. Can this be done with the original game, or should I use a source port? R1Q2 doesn't have music support and I cannot have that.

>> No.1702512

Regarding maps and co-op, note this:


>> No.1702958

The version of KMQuake I used back in 2011-2 could not load the add-on mission pack DLLs. Like the others have said, now it apparently can.

>> No.1703745

Is that just the ground zero and reckoning dlls? It's laughable if it can't play the other add ons. Or if it, say, has no bots and as a side effect can't play ones like chaosDM, on top of having no bots. Or if it doesn't play nicely with other q2 clients, clashing with the progressing development of standalone quake spinoffs.

>> No.1703949

I don't remember anymore if I tried any other missions. I only tested Ground Zero and The Reckoning and both refused to run.

>> No.1704085
File: 1.05 MB, 1280x960, kmquake2 2014-06-20 17-19-47-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KMQuake can run the two official addons.
I'm not sure if it still modifies weapon damages though. You might still need to run a VQ2 server with it.

>> No.1704162

is that screenshot with some kind of high resolution patch?

Quake 2 might be the only retro shooter in which a high res textures could improve the visuals.

>> No.1704209

It's KMQuake with high res textures and AA.

>Quake 2 might be the only retro shooter in which a high res textures could improve the visuals.

Not even remotely the only.

>> No.1704214

That screenshot looks ugly, the textures are even fucking misaligned, and changing only the textures makes everything else fucking pop out. Quake 2 looks perfectly fine the way it is.

>> No.1704316
File: 1.19 MB, 1280x960, kmquake2 2014-06-20 19-30-18-90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Plus you're a fucktard.

>> No.1704339

Co-op multiplayer. It can get a little boring if you go at it alone.

>> No.1704351

imho coop is iffy and best not done until you've already played through the game. Else someone else is completing half the level before the other person and the pacing is shit. Games with more direct corridor style play are worse for coop because of that. Unless you both stick to eachother like glue mostly.

>> No.1704917

no to what? how am i a fucktard? are you so fucking dense that you couldn't bother to explain yourself? these 'graphical improvements' look fucking ugly. they bring out all of the fucking issues of the game, and antialiasing just makes it worse. i seriously just dont get people like you, people who probably have never played the game with its original graphics their whole lives, much like most of the faggots in the doom general. if you didn't want to play quake 2, don't play quake 2.

>> No.1705019
File: 894 KB, 1280x960, quake2 2014-06-20 19-27-56-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no misaligned textures
Oh no AA didn't exist in 1997 even though raising resolution does the same thing and it always supported higher resolution and AA did actually exist.
Oh no, it brings out issues that aren't there and looks fine.
Oh no, let me be a gigantic prick who doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.

Go back to /v/ newfag.

>> No.1705032

>muh purity

No one likes you, go away. Doom General hates you too.

>> No.1705146

out of these two screenshots, the one with original textures looks better - especially that red-glowing wall panel. and the misaligned floor texture is less eye-catching. the shotgun with the green glowing bits looks a bit cooler though

though anti-aliasing does make games look better, especially the older ones, and especially at lower resolutions, as long as it's not further blurred by display scaling

>> No.1705160

There's two types of bit rot: physical degredation of media, and there's also entropy due to changing environment. Take for example all the DMX sound code in the original Doom source. That stuff only ever worked in DOS, and it's a closed-source library, and the associated code never even got released. Now if johnc (or more likely some employee of whatever company still has the original code) tries to ever compile it one day, they won't be able to because that DMX thing is DOS-only library. The environment changed, and now they have to refactor the sound code to make it work in modern OS. Of course, that's already been done by fraggle in Chocolate Doom. Thanks to him, the original vanilla engine lives on in modern OS's. He's essentially preserving a piece of history, keeping it alive so you can experience the game as close as possible to how it once was played, without any kind of emulation layer needed.

Another example of changing environment is the old 8-bit X server display code in the LinuxDoom source. If you go download that code from idgames, exactly as it was released in 1997, you can still compile in on modern i386 Linux system, but you'll have to run it in Xnest or else reconfigure your X display to be 8-bit color. Pretty much everybody these days uses truecolor X server, but that source code can't handle other than 8-bit color. Well Chocolate Doom changed all that code to SDL, and now you don't need to jump through all those hoops. This is a minor example of bit rot, because the program would still run if you adjust your environment, but in other cases things change so drastically that it's impossible to use the code at all without refactoring. Now consider how GCC has been changing things often over the past couple decades, and how modern machines are 64-bit instead of 32-bit, so the old assumptions that an int = 32 bits (and so on for other datatypes) are no longer valid if you're on amd64 architecture...

>> No.1705162

Kill yourself

>> No.1705167

>and the misaligned floor texture is less eye-catching.
It's not misaligned you dipshit. I already posted the fucking image showing that.

Just stop posting. Seriously.

>> No.1705171

I wouldn't even care for these graphical replacements if the retards who used them didn't shit on the original games and called anyone who played them unchanged a hipster faggot ot something

You can replace every fucking texture in the game if it gets you off, but stop this bullshit. Can't you at least see that playing them once without any mods is good just to experience the evolution of fps and how it seemed at the time
I just don't get it

>> No.1705176

No ones doing that, at all. But you, you are acting like a hipster kid. Quit it.

>> No.1705198

Actually from what I heard there's a lot of new players who just play only Brutal Doom and think original Doom game (like just the IWAD, regardless of port used) is outdated and inferior. It creates quite a rift between old school players (who've been active in community for decades and have lots of knowledge and maps/mods and even actual Doom source ports under their belt) and the new kiddies who only brind that bad 'tude to the table.

>> No.1705215
File: 60 KB, 246x190, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's this then

>> No.1705310

All these Half-Life faggots...

>> No.1705363

your autism at work

>> No.1705507

Holy shit you are actually mentally handicapped.

>> No.1705719
File: 95 KB, 322x240, 24326357486575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


meanwhile, in quake 2, there is actual depth in textures.

>> No.1706002

Fuck off.

>> No.1706028

Alright /vr/, brace yourself because this is a doosie. I have completed the ultimate addendum to the Quake 2 experience. Quake 2, vanilla, with the original executables, complete with repeating AND dynamic music PLUS dramatic musical pausing, and no graphical glitches. On Windows 7.

I have to post in pastebin because too long for 4chan.

Hope this helps someone, wish it existed for me.

>> No.1706296

yeah, i found that everything was a trap, the shotgun couldn't kill shit and it was slow as fuck. i stopped after dumping the shotty into a zombie for fucks sake. m-muh game balance.

>> No.1706753


>> No.1706778


Replacement textures can be useful for making stuff more independent of original quake2, but then it gets all held back when all the other stuff isn't replaceable, like the enemy models.

>> No.1706792

For System Shock 2, they replaced the monsters, the weapons sounds AND the textures. And even made the cutscenes higher res, however well exactly that worked.

>> No.1707265

Fantastic argument.

>> No.1707278

They're just flat 2D textures. No bump maps, no normal maps, nothing but plain 2D textures. There's no "depth" in them other than some that have been edited to look like they have shadowed parts.

>> No.1707312

if you want to talk semantics, is it really possible for a videogame to have depth? it is all just perceived, which the original game does much better at making you perceive it than the 'hi-res' textures do.

>> No.1707330

The shading on the textures really give it a 3D look imo; though only in that screenshot and not with the high resolution shit

>> No.1707340
File: 1.79 MB, 300x217, 1266318479_big_dog_slipping.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.

Quake II is not science fiction. It's biblical prophesy in video game form.

>> No.1707727

How easy would it be to just view contents of a Nintendo 64 rom? I see Zeldafags posting stuff they ripped directly off their carts all the time. The reason I ask, is because Quake II 64 is to Quake, what Doom 64 is to Doom. It is completely original, no levels were rehashed, and the PSX port shares only the first level. Now the reason for my madness, THE CONTROLS ARE ABSOLUTELY ABYSMAL. I don't expect much from the Nintendo 64 controller, or the Playstation controller, but holy fuck. If what I could only expect to be true is just so, the actual maps should just be a .pak file. Maybe it is much more difficult than I try to make it out to be, I mean nobody has taken the time to mess with it, there are no uploads of this map set, but I tell you it is worth it. Any takers on a project for the greater good? I have no experience, but have extra time and am willing to learn.

and man, what is this gif of? A robot? It is so fluent, and reactant, like a living creature. Magnificent scientific strides.

>> No.1707775

A robot dog called Big Dog.


Could one day be our version of the Parasite enemy in Quake 2. Gotta start from somewhere.

>> No.1707814

This is fascinating. This thing has better trip reduction than me. Every step it makes is like a minigame of chess and it is fucking magnificent. And yet it is so real, I wonder what the future will yield.

>> No.1707949 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 600x849, come_here__boy_by_snrssnvr-d752n1i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy fuck, haven't you been paying attention?

>> No.1707951
File: 253 KB, 545x1050, strogg_iron_maiden_by_mikazukishigure-d5qwe60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wonder what the future will yield.

Holy fuck, haven't you been paying attention?

>> No.1708997
File: 181 KB, 358x428, bob page.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1709619

I don't beleive cartridges have simple filesystems that you can just copy files off, so it wouldn't just be a .pak. Rather you'd have to identify the specific level data and maybe dump that into seprate files and then write a program that converts them into proper Q2 compatible .bsp files.

I'm being optomistic, I imagine it would be far more complicated than what I just said. Of course it could be much simpler too, it's not like I know shit about N64 carts.

>> No.1711229

You could map it to a key though, couldn't you?

Make it so that hitting . resets the music or something.

>> No.1712772

Or see >>1706028

It is a solution, but it is a long one. Hope it helps.

>> No.1712785

Also I don't think that would work. There are 12 tracks in all and I think when he means "x" he means the current track number. You could probably wire it to twelve different keys, but then you have the expansions, and you need some controls for yourself.

>> No.1713882

quake 2 has the most crates per map kilounit than any other game in existence

that's an accomplishment!!!! it's the cratiest game ever made. I don't like Quake 2 at all, I think it's utter trash. A massive step down from Quake 1, lacking any sense of cohesion in aesthetics, failing to create an identity, and having some of the worst designs around.

Fuck that game! Sorry, I hate it.

>> No.1713954

>drop random-themed "episodes" of maps in favor of a consistent world design
>hurr it lacks cohesion
you sure don't sound like spouting random bullshit

>> No.1713986

>lacking any sense of cohesion in aesthetics
Q1 was literally designed around 'go make some maps.' and then they grouped them together by textures.

>> No.1714013

I meant more in terms of enemy aesthetics, who all look like they serve no purpose and fit into no niche despite fitting into...somewhat defined niches. can you even remember what any of the enemies looked like or what they did besides grunt and hurt you.

Like I think there's 4 flying type enemies...but there's no difference between them. One looks like a trash can but shoots you I think

and they look gorgeous!!

>> No.1714037

>can you even remember what any of the enemies looked like or what they did besides grunt and hurt you
I sure as fuck can

>> No.1714246

You don't need twelve different keys. You just need twelve different aliases with one key so long as you know the music order. Or three binds to go back and fourth in number and one to play.

>> No.1714921

or two and make it like old CD-ROM drives that had one button for stop/eject and one for play/next

>> No.1716494

It's with QuakeXP. Not sure why nobody has recommended it yet.

>> No.1716540

Yeah the Quake 2 has kind of assy enemy designs compared to Quake 1.

>Quake 1 enemies
>Soldiers, knights, slashy demon dinosaur things, flying snake creeps, huge electric beasts, fucking vores

>Quake 2 enemies
>guy with gun, guy with different gun, guy with yet another gun, slightly bigger guy with gun, guy with two guns, guy with no guns, woman with a gun, guy with chicken legs and a gun, guy with three guns, guy with four guns

>> No.1716550
File: 552 KB, 1024x768, Quake 2 Enemies(1024x768).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you didn't play much Quake 2.

>> No.1716582

The few enemies that don't fit the generic "guy with variable amount of guns" mold are rare and insignificant.

How many levels do you see those sharks in, for example? Like two?

>> No.1716617

Tanks for piss-easy. Rocket, beep beep beep, move aside for his counterattack, another rocket.

And the woman thing was so easy you could kill her with the stun gun or whatever that weakest gun was. Just went "eh, eh, eh" the whole time.

>> No.1716620

Yeah, iron maidens are pretty harmless once you get over the initial shock value of "holy shit, an enemy with a rocket launcher"

The enemies that killed me the most are probably gunners (fucking grenadespam) and gladiators.

>> No.1716636

Yeah, that enemy that flung those grenades was the worst. But many monsters were just too easy. Tanks and Brains, for example, were just way too slow.

The Gladiator was pretty tough, you had to time exactly right to sidestep that ray gun or whatever it was. That gun also made the last boss easy as hell (his second form). Just hit him in the head with that gun, he falls over, get up, bam, he's down again.

>> No.1716639


They're all really boring robot people. So what?

At least it fits in with the general Quake 2 theme of "boring"

>> No.1716654

What do you guys think of half life? It's even worse than quake 2 for enemy variety and twice as boring probably.

>> No.1716669

>ray gun
Rail gun. It's a gun that uses electromagnetic rails to fire a metallic slug at several times the speed of sound.

>> No.1716675

Yep, that's the one. Loved the sound and effect you get when using that gun.

>> No.1716837


what was even the purpose of that enemy

>> No.1716952


Enemy variety isn't anywhere near as poor. The enemies in half life all kinda suck, but if anything they are varied until you get to the soldier section.

>> No.1716987
File: 171 KB, 346x500, 1267155885728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody know if there are decent RA2 servers still around for this? Used to play on Hal9000 a lot like, 15 years ago.

>> No.1716997

Looks like they were really stroggling with enemy design in Quake 2.

>> No.1717409

None as far as I can tell except to eat damage. Technicians are basically more worthless versions of Flyers too, but at least they dispense cells fairly often.

>> No.1717439

We used to take acid and LAN quake 2 deathmatch when it was cutting edge. Shit was so awesome. Jesus christ what have I done with my life.

>> No.1717485

we don't need that reddit tier shitposting here.

>> No.1717563

try on hard+ where enemies don't get pain-stunned

>> No.1717585

Honestly, it's not that good

>> No.1718238

If you get it on Steam it will be ported for you.
For example DOOM on steam runs through a DOSbox. That's as vanilla as it gets aside from running it on an actual dos computer.

>> No.1718246

Me and my friends would just lounge around in my apartment drinking mushroom tea doing the same thing. Fun times.

>> No.1718254

Quake 2 doesn't need to be ported you asshat. It still runs perfectly fine on Windows 7 with its normal installation from the CD.

>> No.1718441

Sounds like someone never played HL1 or Op4.

>> No.1718708


>> No.1718973

HL1 has better enemy variety, and level design, it's too bad the hit registration is broken even in single player. There are frames where the AI are invincible during various animations. It's entirely possible to be point blank and use the double fire on normal difficulty, hitting every single SPAS-12 pellet - 12 pellets at 5 damage for 60 damage against a HECU's 50 health and they will live through it. Likewise, the same shot during different animation can kill them. So there's no armor at play and the damage is a constant defined by skill.cfg. They can even survive two point blank secondary shots as well.

>> No.1718974

>There are frames where the AI are invincible during various animations.

Well, shit, this explains a lot...

>> No.1719029

I'm that guy Op For is amazing it actually has some decently paced action. Half life on the other hand is a fucking snooze fest the aliens are a non threat, waiting for stupid scripted events is annoying like trying to get some faggot to open a door or the entire first 30 minutes of the game not just the train ride but once you are actually in black mesa it's a ton of fucking waiting too. Xen sucks so hard, just when the action starts to get better it throws you into that shithole. I still like half life don't get me wrong but quake 2 is a far more enjoyable game.

>> No.1719050

None of half lifes enemies were any threat though, hound eyes, headcrabs, zombies were all just obstacles. The level design was great but could have done with more action just too many empty spaces. I totally agree with the invincible enemies it's so annoying waiting for a pain animation to end before you can finish them.

>> No.1719819

The same applies to Quake 2 as well. Except, some of the HL1 enemies are a threat. The grunts aren't instantly dangerous but they chip, they're also placed in lockdown sections. It's possible to get by them generally but it's likely you'll take some shots. Also alien grunt hornets will hurt you if they see you often. If you're unaware when you jump in the water, hagworms can mess with you. OpFor adds in enemies who will almost definitely hit you such as the assassins should you not be absolutely aware of where they.

None of them are really 'instantaneous' threads, but really nothing should generally be an instantaneous threat. A significant amount of them will ruin your day if you don't fight or dodge them at least but that's what playing any FPS is about. Not too many FPS games go all out and have agile enemies that murder you instantly. Most of them aren't CS.

>> No.1720436

>nothing should generally be an instantaneous threat

>> No.1720740

This is a Quake 2 thread, but if you think HL1 is easy, go play Black Mesa, the fan remake. It still hasn't been finished, but it's fucking HARD. Even the houndeyes can shred you apart if you're not careful.

>> No.1721250

> but if you think HL1 is easy, go play Black Mesa,
If you think the wright brothers plane couldn't get far, then try the Airbus A340-500 remake. It's been finished and it can fly 9500 miles nonstop.

>> No.1721263

>Black Mesa
did they release Xen yet?

>> No.1721313

I'll make a muh opinions /v/log post sorry about that.

Best single player and multiplayer experience of its time. Expansion packs ensured that. Dark gloomy gothic art, nice color contrast on palette, great mapwork and non stop action with rocket jumps.
Nice single player away from Cthulhu references, away from gothic structures, not-so-balanced multiplayer. Everything is gray and brown I personally believe Q2 did a terrible thing to us and inspirated CoD series for color pallette.
Perfect balance of things in multiplayer. Even everything looks so shiny "contrast" is at foreground like Q1. All Q3 maps looks dead until some gladiators come into scene, remember it. This is the game that made us create 100-200 line of configs along with Half-Life 1.
Q3A designed to be a team based game, with flag carrier scouts, tanks and grapples yet this idea discarded in the long run. You're staring at a second attempt to make Q3A teambased, I believe.
Unbalanced multiplayer, some team power ups are overpowered and spawns for them make it a bit awkward.
An evidence that Quake still trying to fight UT2k series beyond its grave with QL, even it's a great game it slowly rots because of wrong turns and not everywhere have servers.
Nice and immense singleplayer experience. Takes the events after Q2, a bit more detailed story unexpected from Quake series. Tried to take multiplayer one step ahead of Q3, no one really cared since things were too colorful even for a quake game, at least it was balanced.

Can we talk about Q3A here?

>> No.1721351
File: 498 KB, 298x205, 1388002749252.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boot up HL1 years later
>in between U.S.Soldiers and Xen Grunts
>take out crossbow
>aim for Xen Grunt's head from far far away
>it didn't like it, nor dead
>have to take a second may be third headshot to kill it
>go closer and hit the end of their chest arm with xbow
>goes down in one shot
damn, they expect us to work on their anatomy?

>> No.1721367

>Everything is gray and brown I personally believe Q2 did a terrible thing to us and inspirated CoD series for color pallette.
another mindlessly repeated uneducated opinion

>> No.1722496

Alien Grunts have protection on their armor if you didn't hit the open face it should have bounced off and done far lighter damage.
Headshots afaik only work on HGRUNT. I see no other code for it in the SDK.
Hitting AGRUNTS in the face and chest should do full damage and the crossbow does 50 damage normal and 40 explosive to singleplayer monsters. AGRUNTS have depending on your difficulty: 60,90,120.

>> No.1722775
File: 141 KB, 1269x478, q2 warehouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people who complain about q2 being too brown/orange seem to have not progressed beyond the first two levels, where the sky is dark red and the buildings have a lot of windows and open roofs

indoor places have whiter lighting, it's warm gray at most because of the rusty metal panels everywhere

>> No.1722792
File: 54 KB, 640x437, 1401698258093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god I want the source of this gif.

>> No.1722807

I like them all for different reasons.

Quake 2 also have much better weapons than Quake 1.

>> No.1722812

I frankly like it better than Half-life because the enemies are a lot more fun and most of id's game are pretty metal.

>> No.1722814

God, it sounds like a vuvuzela monster!

>> No.1722831

>the enemies are a lot more fun

that's just plain wrong, most enemies are no challenge, nothing more but an annoyance to kill, and/or require a very linear, scripted way to kill

at least in q2 it's entertaining to watch the friendly fire between enemies

>> No.1722850

I was saying that Q2 had more fun enemies, you strogger.

>> No.1722870

All of Quake 2's weapons feel like utter shit though. The only good gun in the entire game is the hyperblaster, and it's just a cell version of the nailgun, and the nailgun is so much cooler just based on the premise that it fills your enemies with GALVANIZED, STEEL!

fucking steel nigga you are making jesuses out of your foes. in q2 you have a generic fucking plasma gun. and the shittest id rocket launcher ever. and a terrible machine gun, bland chain gun, mediocre bfg remake with the ugliest model ever, and the most pathetic grenade launcher around

shit q2 weapons blew!! and they were weak as fuck.

>> No.1722873

Nah' Quake 1 weapons are too generic.

>> No.1722889

and they feel fucking incredible. also there's only 3 weapons that are generic in the game, the rocket launcher and shotguns. everything else is completely new.

>> No.1722904

Meh, they are alright. They just look and animate in a very boring way compared to Q2.

It's also more fun to do damage in Q2 because the enemies will look pretty mauled after you hurt them some. I don't know why more games never picked up on this?

>> No.1722909

>shit q2 weapons blew!! and they were weak as fuck.

This kind of "balancing" always fucks up weapons in sequels if the devs can't think of any better way to weaken the ... dominant ones.

>> No.1722916

yeah, instead of making weapons situationally good, they're all equally worthless. quake incentivized weapons by having ones that were flat out better for certain tasks, strong or weak against certain enemies, different results at different ranges, effective for controlling enemy encounters. I feel like in quake 2, if you hit the target first, you will win. the animations are very showy and the enemies are too bullet spongey in the most boring way.

>> No.1722968

Doesn't the enemies in HL1 and HL2 get blood stains all over them when you shoot at them? I recall them doing that, but it's been a while since I've played either one of them.

>> No.1722971

in that case disregard that post i suck cocks

>> No.1722978

HL2 has blood decals on monsters
HL1 doesn't, only those huge blood decals on walls

Q2 has one 'injured' skin for the whole model
Kingpin has more local injuries (iirc - head, upper/lower arms, upper/lower legs, torso)

>> No.1722987

What's the best way to play Quake 1 in this day and age? Any good source ports? Or does the original handle modern resolutions and refresh rates okay?

>> No.1723085

I've mostly used Darkplaces.

The original Quake 1 is a 32-bit DOS game compiled with DJGPP. Don't bother with it, use a source port.

>> No.1723279

I LOVE Quake 2, but the overly brown and red color palette really bothers. Even as a kid when brown games were incredibly rare I didn't like it.

>> No.1723283

Yep, Darkplaces is fantastic.

>> No.1723316
File: 216 KB, 749x578, 1377999567239.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I like quake 1 AND quake 2 single player

Fucking fight me, nerds. I genuinely don't understand how someone who likes classic FPS wouldn't love both of them.

I do have some issues with both, though:

>quake 1 feels like it doesn't have enough weapons, but the weapons that are in there all feel incredibly impactful
>quake 2 feels like it's weapons are missing a certain something sometimes, but the variety is perfect
>quake 1 levels sometimes feel a little claustrophobic, but still really well designed and fun throughout
>quake 2 levels feel a little more inconsistent in quality, but are generally pretty great and never feel suffocating
>both quake 1 and 2 have seriously lacking color palettes
>quake 3 fixed that and ended up becoming one of the most beautiful games of all time as a result, but forget the fucking single player in the process

>> No.1723449

quakespasm, darkplaces is really unoptimized so the framerate drops cause fuck ups in the physics. playing it faithfully with quakespasm and unfiltered textures is lovely. The game just looks so much better like that. DP's moody lighting is nice, yeah, but it handles terribly.

Quake 2 just doesn't have much in common with most classic FPS games. I find it hard to call it one simply because it's not very good. the hub levels are full of backtracking and the level design is pretty goddamn bad. Most of the game was designed by hired modders and it really shows, the game lacked Romero's touched, and Romero was responsible for making the best levels in DOOM and Quake. The weapons are mediocre and extremely bland, with there being new fresh ideas or good execution in what's already there. Seriously there's a problem with every weapon in that game. the blaster is just shit compared to a proper melee weapon, also leaves out close range combat entirely. the SG is pathetic and underpowered, the SSG has a diagonal and massive cone of fire making it annoying to hit targets, and also due to the size of the CoF it practically becomes your melee weapon, mostly because there's so rarely a number of enemies moving towards you unlike in Q1 so that spread is worthless, the machine gun has the worst implementation of recoil ever, the chaingun has the weakest sound of a gun ever, sounds like fucking popcorn. The hyperblaster has unfitting cooldown and fills the niche of the supernailgun without any of the brutal aesthetics of killing with the SNG, the bfg lacks impact, and the grenade launcher meekly farts out grenades. the rocket launcher is about as strong as the shotgun and it lets out this pathetic little explosion.

The game makes no use of colored lighting and instead makes the game red and brown. really brown. Browner than Quake who is often falsely accused of being overly brown (at least quake 1 had fresh aesthetics in textures and otherwise great art!

>> No.1723536

Since I don't agree with almost any of this, I'm just going to pick out the parts I do

>blaster is shit, why the fuck isn't there a melee weapon
>machine gun recoil is too much

Also while I agree Quake 1 has a really good art direction with nice textures and generally looks much better than Quake 2, I don't know how on earth you could say the accusation that the game is overly brown is false. It looks great in spite of all the brown, but it still would've looked much better with more color more often.

>> No.1724432

I don't care about what HL2 does. That game is boring.

>> No.1724439

We can agree to disagree.

>> No.1724453



Just because it's not as good as Quake 1 or Doom doesn't mean that I can't enjoy it.

>> No.1724815

>quake 3 fixed that
For as bright as Q3 is and it has some pretty shader bits for things, a large majority of it's color scheme does suffer through the same thing. Except it's a mish mash of shiny metal, reddish, yellow, orange hues mixed with some yellow/greenish and browns with some purple, pink and purple and pinkish greys.

Largely the color scheme still comes off as a similar kind of brown and bloom as the former two.

>> No.1725358

I don't get why people complain about the Quake colour palette in Quake?

I personally prefer subdued colours in my violent horror shooters.

>> No.1726013

I just like more colorful things, it's just a preference.

If it were up to me it wouldn't be violent or horror themed either.

>> No.1726962

Then it wouldn't still be Quake would it?

>> No.1726969

I guess that's his point, he'd rather play something like warsow than quack.

>> No.1726980

The gameplay and level design would be the same.

I guess if you play Quake for the atmosphere, then no, not really.

>> No.1726981

Then why the hell bring it up in a Quake thread?

That's like going to a Doom thread and complain about the same thing.

>> No.1727036

If by technically what they released, any changes would by definition not make it Quake.
But within the scope of gameplay, yes it'd still be quake. You can make as many colorful maps for quake as you want. It'd still be Quake.

>> No.1727043

>Then why the hell bring it up in a Quake thread?
He didn't. The person your responding to made the assumption which for some reason you bothered to validate.

>> No.1728917

Don't die just yet.

>> No.1732709

I'm playing through Quack 2 right now for the first time. It's really fun, but I'm now at a part where I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing.

>> No.1733234
File: 1.72 MB, 2000x1339, Male_mallard_duck_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm playing through Quack 2 right now for the first time. It's really fun, but I'm now at a part where I have no idea what the duck I'm doing.
I fixed your joke.

>> No.1733250

That's kind of a silly argument, because some of the most popular Doom mods are ones that completely break the tone and setting. Pirate Doom for example.

People who go all, "muh purity, play something else if you want bright colors" tend to get laughed out of threads.

Besides, Warsow IS Quake. It's based on the open-source Quake 3 engine.

>> No.1733484

Wikipedia says it's based on QFusion, a fork of the Quake 2 engine. Also the engine doesn't mean a goddamn thing, by your reasoning Call of Duty or Star Wars Jedi Knight II is Quake 3.

>> No.1733749 [DELETED] 

>It's based on the open-source Quake 3 engine.
It uses a modified Quake 2 engine.

>> No.1733772

Press F1 to view your field computer. It tells you your location and objectives. If that doesn't help, maybe we can help. Just tell us where you are and what the objectives are.

>> No.1734139

Thank you anon, I really appreciate the help. :^)

Thanks but I figured it out, I was just being super retarded. It was that level with the pyramid. I didn't realize I had already gotten the thing to deactivate the force field on the door inside the pyramid, so I was just running around everywhere else.