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File: 83 KB, 256x358, Zelda_II_The_Adventure_of_Link_box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1556885 No.1556885 [Reply] [Original]

Im about to finish the legend of zelda. Should I play this or just jump to ALTTP?

>> No.1556889

Play it, personally I prefer it to Zelda I.

>> No.1556893

Sure, give it a go. It's an interesting look at what the Zelda series could have become.

>> No.1556896

it's totally different then legend of zelda, so it's worth trying, i really like that there isn't much tedious exploration. I have a feeling legend of zelda cost them so much time and money on the tip hotline they went to the dev team and were like "listen motherfuckers..."

>> No.1556902

Depends. Zelda 2 is tough and rewarding, but a bit dated in some aspects of it's design and presentation.

A Link to the Past is one of the most well-crafted games not jsut int he series, but in all video game history. It's not the best Zelda - I'm sure Link's Awakening is better, - but it's the best in the series in terms of overall quality of build, for lack of better words. It's imperfect in it's design philosophy, but just so ridiculously tight all around.

>> No.1556914


At least give it a try and see if it's your speed and if you find it to frustrating/difficult just skip over to LttP.

>> No.1557263

Op here, played, had no fun, gave up. Should i go to alttp, or links awakening?

>> No.1557280

A Link to the Past

>> No.1557283

Just wondering but how much time did you give it and what did you not like about it?

>> No.1557291

5 minutes. I don't like how the game controls and how it feels like a weird mix of mega man with super mario bros and final fantasy.

>> No.1557314

Ah that's a shame. I love the game for the exact reason you hate it. Really tight controls and pretty good action. I really enjoyed the combat and gittin gud.

>> No.1557321

I'm rather impatient, maybe ill return to it someday.

>> No.1557354
File: 48 KB, 458x365, 1395089426482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is exactly why a lot of people don't like Zelda 2.

They play it for 5 minutes and give up.

I'd like to see some of the guys that do this play something like Wizardry, where you have to spend 30 minutes AT THE VERY LEAST just reading about how to play the damned game.

Give it at least an hour or so, its a fantastic game.
I really liked how much more streamlined the game was because although a few parts are cryptic, if you look around the game gives you hints about every scenario you encounter.
Zelda 1 was REALLY tedious without a guide because it left far too much up to the chance that the player will randomly find/ figure something out.

Sure Zelda 2 is more "difficult" but I never had to use a guide for it because its not a cryptic mess.

>> No.1557372

I will probably try it later, but i think i need a bit of alttp to get me to continue being into zeruda.

>> No.1557401

You should definitely play it, but go ahead and play LttP first.

Did you just beat the first quest, or did you play the second quest too?

>> No.1557435

Personally I hate the incoherent script. A script that is so bad that without a guide book the game becomes unbeatable because you do not know where to go next. The game really needs to be retranslated and additional tips should be included in some of the dialog.

>> No.1557438

The script had to use the same amount of space as the Japanese windows, because the Japanese can say more with less characters, the English version had to truncate a lot of the original text

>> No.1557450

they made money on the tip line bro.

>> No.1557454

It's okay to play AoL and not like it because it really is a game that ended up belonging to an entirely separate genre than the other Zelda games. We have a thread that's essentially about these type of games.

>> No.1557475

very interesting combat system but it can be really confusing to play at times. worth trying at least but generally weak as a zelda game but good as a non-zelda game.

>> No.1557492

Only first quest. Not really in the mood to rebeat the game just with things even more fucked up.

>> No.1557494

Not a valid excuse. The Japanese game was limited by the size restriction of FDS media and the NES cart just needed bigger chips. Chips which had already dropped in cost and negated the savings of using writable media. Which is why FDS never was released outside of Japan.

>> No.1557509

Adding more storage space doesn't add more characters to the text boxes, that would take a recode

>> No.1557512

Its one of my favorite Zeldas. LttP is a little more scripted in terms of where to go and where it points you. Zelda 2 is still a bit more open to wandering like the first one in a way.

Imagine Zelda, but with Castlevania's combat and an RPGs world map.

>> No.1557525

There are few games that I've finished that have given me the sense of accomplishment that finishing Zelda II did.

Dat final dungeon

>> No.1557680

I think people whine too much. I beat Zelda II (american NES release) without any major problems or cheats or walkthroughs and didn't find the game particularly difficult, except a few arcade sequences that took me several attempts to beat.
Same deal with Castlevania II.
And it's not like I'm particularly bright or anything. About average in most respects... I think there's some bullshit myth surrounding these games that they're too hard or unfair or something. They're actually very good, give them a chance without any preconceptions.
And play Faxanadu also.

>> No.1557687
File: 56 KB, 373x263, thumbsup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came into this thread expecting a huge argument, was pleasantly surprised. Good job.

>> No.1557702

Earlier this year, I decided to finally sit down and put real time and dedication into playing and beating Zelda II, a game I had only played a little of in the past before getting bored/sidetracked.

It turned out to be one of the most rewarding gaming experiences I had in a long, long time. I was expecting it to be a buggy, unplayable mess, but it was in fact very well designed and didn't feel at all unfair or punishing, though it was very difficult at times. When I beat it that week, I was on top of the world - it was a great experience overall.

I wouldn't blame you if you skip ahead to A Link to the Past, OP, but do consider giving Zelda II another chance somewhere down the line.

>> No.1557843

If you're a casual Nu-Zelda fan then skip it.

If you want the proper Zelda experience you HAVE to play this.

>> No.1557991

That's too bad.

>> No.1557994

Play it OP.

There's no shame in using a guide for this Zelda, it's difficult and the towns folk don't know shit.

Just don't get discouraged by Death Mountain.

>> No.1557996

>the towns folk don't know shit.

>turns into a bat and flies away

And I'll STILL take that over the Castlevania 2 townsfolk.

>> No.1558000

>because the Japanese can say more with less characters

This isn't consistently true for prose even with the full range of the Japanese writing system, let alone in a famicom game limited to kana with every syllable explicitly spelled out.

>> No.1558132

And yet hackers can expand rom sizes and utilize the new space. Nintendo has the source code & did a number of tweaks to the code, including improved graphics. So once again, not a valid excuse.

>> No.1558172
File: 154 KB, 640x905, Zelda II The Adventure of Link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just play it. You can do it.

>> No.1558454

Word of advice, and this is absolutely critical:

After you beat the boss in the first palace, do NOT, I repeat, do NOT place the crystal in the stone. Instead, jump over it and walk out of the palace, then go back in. All of the enemies will have respawned. Go through the entirety of the temple a couple more times in order to level up. This will make Death Mountain and the rest of the game much more tolerable.

>> No.1558880


>> No.1558937

If you ask me you could improve Zelda 2 with just a few simple tweaks:

-Infinite lives--whose fucking idea was it to put limited lives?
-Game overs put you at the start of the dungeon you died in. Having to trek all the way over to the dungeon again is a pain, especially if there are monster infested areas
-Exp progress shouldn't be lost if you die
-Fuck enemies that can TAKE AWAY your Exp
-Replace the magic and life meters with either traditional Zelda hearts or Castlevania style "pegs"/"bars" because the existing ones are too vague
-Enemies dropping health or magic more often wouldn't hurt

As it is, the game just punishes you too harshley for fucking up. Some of the combat (Iron Knuckles) are insanely difficult without practice and having to hike back to the dungeon after dying once or twice sucks ass

>> No.1558967 [SPOILER] 
File: 295 KB, 742x667, 1398022907207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play it

>> No.1558980

Totally with you on that death/respawn thing. Dying in a dungeon is a pain in the ass because of how long it takes you to get back there.

Whether to fix this by altering the world layout (I ain't too fond of it for a number of reasons, but this is one of them) or by respawning you at the beginning of the dungeon I don't know.

>> No.1559008
File: 2.34 MB, 275x200, 1306896238827.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All she does is heal you. Yea hue hue, it looks like she's inviting you in for sex. That isn't what's happening and you all know it.

>> No.1559010

I always find it funny that no one ever acknowledges the old woman even though she does the exact same thing.

>> No.1559031
File: 41 KB, 648x400, zelda2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about you, but she fucked me.

still had sex

>> No.1559035

>come inside

How can it be any more obvious?

>> No.1559038
File: 1.91 MB, 1000x3145, 1386755275531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1559050

She was "obviously" referring to her home, not herself.

>> No.1559076


Yeah, 'cause 'special medicine' can't be referring to medicinal plants, right?

Old lady = you smoked a bowl
Ladies in red = fucked 'em good, setting up future progeny and games

That's how I see it, and no one will make me think otherwise.

>> No.1559101

One thing I never see anyone bring up about the ending of Zelda II:

It's been confirmed that the Zelda in a sleeping spell is the very first Princess Zelda, so when you wake her up at the end, there are actually two Zeldas alive at the same time.

That's why it's called Zelda II.

>> No.1559107


What? That makes no sense. The Zelda in the sleeping spell is the first Zelda...Whom you wake up at the end of the game....Where do you make the leap that it's two people?

>> No.1559108

The Zelda from the first Zelda game is still around.

>> No.1559139

>come inside
What a filthy whore. She wants to have baby links!

>> No.1559187

I love how even in the source language it sounds even more like a sexual come-on.

It's pretty obvious what they were implying. If she was just healing you with magic or something, they could have made her sprite look more like a wizard or nun.

>> No.1559192

if you really want to get into lore around the Zelda series
don't, it's not worth it

>> No.1559209

>spend 30 minutes AT THE VERY LEAST just reading about how to play the damned game.
lol wut? sure you could spend all day reading about how to play mario but that doesnt mean you "have to"

>> No.1559212

No, there's two Zeldas. They explain it in the manual.

The girl who wakes up at the end of the game, in the final palace, is actually a legendary princess who's been under a sleeping curse for hundreds of years. It's the ancestor of Princess Zelda from the first game, and they're both named Zelda.

>> No.1559231

>They explain it in the manual
Why do I get the feeling this is in stark contrast to the original japanese story?

>> No.1559251

no it's legit
LoZ 2 was about the literal Legend of Zelda
at least until Aonuma shit all over it with Skyward Sword

>> No.1559265

It isn't. Nintendo manuals are actually faithful to the Japanese source, sometimes to a fault. (US LOZ manual refers to things from the Japanese version that were changed for the US version.)

Anyway, point is, it was only third parties like Konami and Capcom that couldn't be trusted.

>> No.1559586


There is a huge difference between the immediate accessibility of Mario vs. the first Wizardry.

>> No.1559602

It is easily fixed by respawning you at the start of the dungeon like most Zelda games. Oddly, the game did start you at the start of the last palace if you chose "Continue" after dying in it. How kind

>> No.1559604

>-Fuck enemies that can TAKE AWAY your Exp

Blame Nintendo of America. They didn't take away your EXP in the original

>> No.1559613

You are largely over estimating the tools hackers have now to the tools they had in those days

>> No.1559647


>> No.1559652

They went out their way to make the game harder like levels needing more EXP than those from the original version.

>> No.1559716


In the backstory to Zelda 2, Impa reads to Link from a scroll called "the Legend of Zelda." The Legend of Zelda isn't the games themselves, it's an actual legend that exists in-universe.

>> No.1559726

They also improved the graphics and music, and added a new boss (Gooma). In the FDS version, the boss of the fifth palace is another Helmethead.