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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 433 KB, 900x600, after getting the top uac scientists to unfuck his neck, doomguy decides to sit down at his new table and play a game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10938206 No.10938206 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>10927448

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

Quickstart torrent (IWADS etc): https://mediafire.com/file/wuniyrhsjjgq4y8
PortaDOOM: https://github.com/Kroc/PortaDOOM/releases
Quake 1-3 FAQ: https://pastebin.com/Ucb11XhU
Downloads for various /vr/ shooters:
Doom Shovelware:
Fileplanet archives:
4CHAN DOSPACK + Win98 games (pre-configured):


Vanilla/Boom: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/



https://desuarchive.org/vr/search/text/"doom thread"/type/op/




OUR SRB2K SERVER (Kart Game in Doom), more info here:



>> No.10938209
File: 546 KB, 720x1280, Shadow Warrior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/Vertex Relocation/
IWAD : Doom 2 | Format : Boom
BETA V2: https://files.catbox.moe/tc0rgk.wad

IWAD : Doom 2 | Format : UDMF

=== WHEN IT'S DONE ===

=== NEWS ===
[5-14] Duality: MBF21 5 maps mini-wad

[5-13] Anon makes a graph detailing long history of /vr/ projects

[5-13] Aleph One version 1.8 released

[5-10] Fraggot deadline has been extended to May 27. This is the final extension.

[5-8] Brutal Half-Life Version 3 teaser released

[5-7] DOOM 64 EX+ version released

[05-04] ZSAnimator, a Blender to ZScript workflow for weapon animations, has been released.

[5-2] DOOM Retro version 5.4 released

[05-01] Gnome Hunters Ep 1 released, short Boom wad about bastard gnomes.

[05-01] Embers of Armageddon updated to 1.9.3

[4-30] Woof! version 14.5 released

=== PREVIOUS ===
TO SUBMIT NEWS, REPLY TO THIS POST (ideally with the [mm-dd] date bracket)

>> No.10938226
File: 1.06 MB, 1920x1080, 1704309931367941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10938234

>Still not in the OP

>> No.10938235

Sooner or later you gotta draw a line for things, especially when it comes to keeping mods up to date and knocking more stuff out.

>> No.10938251

Yeah, that's a real classic from the 2000s. Very fun.

>> No.10938272

Is OP at character limit? Might be worth slapping all the DL links in a retry or summin

>> No.10938274

Could try tagging it next time, the bakers don't have time to comb through 500+ posts per thread to find one request

>> No.10938319
File: 91 KB, 640x480, tiny baldie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10938326
File: 89 KB, 506x446, Baldies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10938347

more like dumb lmao

>> No.10938348

What the FUCK was his problem?

>> No.10938349
File: 823 KB, 1440x1165, quake colors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Quake's muted colors.

>> No.10938360
File: 862 KB, 1440x1165, quake increased saturation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upped the saturation on this collage by 50%, and I have to say that I don't actually hate it. Probably because of the solid original art direction.

>> No.10938363
File: 3.12 MB, 3832x1080, 1712907537224457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me? It's gamma 1.2 and contrast 1.5. Can't go back to the regular brightness settings ever again.

>> No.10938370


>> No.10938490
File: 979 KB, 500x239, Doom Becomes Her.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10938618
File: 1.00 MB, 1000x2700, doom mirror.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you play Doom and Wolf3D on the haunted school bathroom mirror, /vr/os?

>> No.10938624

Only selling point of a "smart mirror" and still I'd rather have a dumb one and just play Doom and Wolf on a proper machine instead.
Give me a bundle port of Wolf+Doom on something like the 3DS, or anything else which might be comparable in size.

I miss actually pocket sized handhelds.

>> No.10938637
File: 10 KB, 236x217, 1445207851719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>love doom, could play it for months and never get bored
>always end up dropping quake after the first ep
anyone else know this feel? It just doesn't click with me no matter how many times I pick it up. I think it comes down to the weapons and the enemy roster. They aren't fun to use and fight respectively. Not a fan of the aesthetics either.

>> No.10938642

Try Arcane Dimensions anon.

>> No.10938643

>They aren't fun to use
The axe and shotguns are pretty boring, but everything after that is great.

>> No.10938647

>He doesn't enjoy styling on a shambler with his axe
A pebble in your shoe for you anon.

>> No.10938649

doom but its a first person turn-based dungeon crawler

>> No.10938650

There's no enjoyment to be had with those animations and sounds. Shameful display of an axe.

>> No.10938654


>> No.10938656


>> No.10938659
File: 533 KB, 381x512, 1708205873437497.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10938660
File: 11 KB, 366x195, Sng_w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick tip is that Shotguns do not overpenetrate dying monsters like in Doom, and that the Shambler takes half damage from Rockets and Grenades, thus you should save Nails and Cells for those guys, and instead use Rockets and Grenades to blast other enemies, including destroying Zombies.

The regular Shotgun is less like Doom's Shotgun, and more like a better Pistol, it's very accurate at range, you can plink distant enemies down if you really need to.
The Axe, unfortunately, is 100% useless in the original game, there's no Berserk powerup or anything. It's weak, and there's plenty of ammo to around anyway.

If you find a Quad Damage, hurry and go find enemies so you can annihilate them, Quad Damage + Super Shotgun alone is seriously powerful and it will destroy Zombies, Quad Damage + Super Nailgun will quickly decimate tough enemies of any kind.

>> No.10938664
File: 107 KB, 1027x589, medicine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that I will respect. I think it looks cool, and I like it seems like wherever the fuck Ranger came from, an axe is standard issue. It just needed better sounds and damage.

>> No.10938668

Nominating this as the next OP image.

>> No.10938704

Great gif. Good movie.

>> No.10938759
File: 3.03 MB, 2048x1536, Runnerfinal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turok 1/3 Map Jam when?

>> No.10938784

Yeah, I like Quake's rundown aesthetic - old mainframes in rusty military bases, enforcers with clunky hazmats(presumably for exploring other side of slipgates), and those shabby axes they give to the troopers - one thing I gotta know though, is that rust or blood on Ranger's axe?

>> No.10938785

It's Chris' blood.

>> No.10938789
File: 219 KB, 1920x1200, NUGHUD_split_modern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nugget-doom 3.1 released, built on top of woof 14.5

pretty minor release, but I wanted an excuse to post what's now possibile using NUGHUD (picrel)

>> No.10938792
File: 216 KB, 1920x1200, nughud_split_classic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picrel is for people that prefer the traditional arrangement, instead
just like the "fullscreen statusbar" mod for gzdoom

>> No.10938797

also I greatly enjoy that there's an entire family of food themed doom ports now

>> No.10938820

No hard feelings, there are as many bakers as one could imagine and I'm certainly not "the usual one". Frankly, I think OP became too bloated these last few years and anyone would be hard-pressed to bring a solution of cleaning it. Eventhough it's pretty nifty to pass up, you won't fit HL compilation anywhere, unless at the expense of something or the restructuring of the whole OP without making it even more confusing. Your idea is as good as any.

Killough gifted us Marine's Best Friend only for someone to eat it.

>> No.10938829
File: 11 KB, 672x93, 1693563848496452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Off the top of my head, pic related can go in the pastebin right before it.

>> No.10938835
File: 36 KB, 881x180, 1709108577997556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This can all go into a single pastebin link.

>> No.10938843 [SPOILER] 
File: 242 KB, 654x527, 1692808724887919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a doom wad where you fight prostate cancer

>> No.10938845

Quake is fun, try doing levels saveless, it actually makes it a lot more tense and fun, you notice how the level flows into itself and you start to sort of think a bit like a speedrunner minus wanting to cut off your junk.

>> No.10938846

Damn dude. God be with you.

>> No.10938847

Cyb's Freaky Colonoscopy MIGHT feature that?

>> No.10938849

Take a look into Cyb's Freaky Colonoscopy

>> No.10938850

It's the ''doom more like dumb'' underage poster that keeps shitposting, not anyone deserving of any sympathy.

>> No.10938853

>me irl
>>no savestate yolo run
>me playing fps
>>savestate before every enemy, reload if I waste a single round or take a hit

>> No.10938856

I hope it's just shitposting because that seems like a really random thing to shitpost about.

>> No.10938858

I know people like this and it's painful to watch.

>> No.10938863

Long-term exposure to JRPGs will do that to a man

>> No.10938886
File: 361 KB, 640x480, ct_2024-05-17_04-31-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gamma 1.2 and contrast 1.5
This + software rendering is a pretty good approximation of how Quake actually looked on a decent CRT - lack of scanlines aside.
I think a lot of the 'Quake is just brown' meme began when people started (re)playing the game on hardware rendered ports with LCD screens.

>> No.10938887

Was that not always possible with NUGHUD? Boom HUD bars when?

>> No.10938889

I love the faux software rendering in Ironwail, but it's a shame it kills colored lighting for modern maps.

>> No.10938951
File: 1.11 MB, 1280x720, 1585738563366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he actually did it
Fucking NICE.

>> No.10938954

wait are you the nugget dev?

>> No.10938956

Yep. Contrast 1.2 is an absolute bare minimum, I refuse to play my Quak with anything less.
Ironwail says 1.0 is default, yet it's actually 1.2 after clean installation

>> No.10938960
File: 10 KB, 256x256, woof_page_0006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Icon looks nothing like a dog, rather I'm thinking of fins and flukes like it's a rocket or some marine mammal.

>> No.10938963

You could edit STBAR png manually and split it into multiple parts and load them as separate patches, but obviously you had yo do that by hand for every single custom STBAR.
If I read the chunks docs correctly, now you can write a single NUGHUD, and it would split any custom STBAR however you want in game.

>> No.10938964


>> No.10938969

one of the main reasons I never actually used woof is because it gives furry vibes

>> No.10938976

how come there's no DOOM esports league?

>> No.10938981

Despite being fast-paced, Doom deathmatch has a fairly low skill ceiling and lacks in gimmicks that make it interesting to watch.

>> No.10938982

Oh, that's what the chunks mean. That's really cool, then.

>> No.10938983
File: 222 KB, 800x1200, 1517663947942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some good horde mode wads? I've tried Zandronum's basic Invasion and Shotgun Frenzy so far, and they felt like they exist on a spectrum of too little or too much going on, and whether they deviate a bit too much from the Doom feel. Reelism 2 is great, but GZDoom is a drag for online play and so far the mod doesn't properly work with co-op anyways. I've got Hordamex and Stronghold: OEC to try soon, but Odamex is kinda eh even though it works, and Stronghold sounds like it's actually way more than just wave defense.

>> No.10938985

I think they only way they could make DOOM even remotely interesting to watch would be racing new maps, but even that'd be pretty boring and the winner would be half skill half rng.

>> No.10938986

there used to be, like 10-15 years ago there were real competitive scenes in both skulltag and zdaemon with clans and tournaments and shit
since then everyone got old and the new kids aren't into pvp

>> No.10939026

Like the other anon said, it's not that interesting of a game. You just SSG people and try not to get hit by the SSG back.

>> No.10939043

There's your problem

>> No.10939046

Do I have to put monsters into the deathmatch maps?
The last submission had an immediate onslaught of imps+vile and now I'm confused.

>> No.10939064

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.10939080
File: 99 KB, 828x1105, SNIFFFFFFFFFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the one in fartyguns
boss battles also comes to mind, but it's been forever since i tried it

>> No.10939081
File: 489 KB, 962x740, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like seeing fake astronomy in games.

>> No.10939082

>Half-Life 1 Anthology v8308 - October 2019 Update
Wouldn't it be better if the pack was unzipped and shared as a folder? Maybe it will also truncate the link like those in the OP.

>> No.10939084
File: 8 KB, 218x250, violence has escalated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can quick-swap sawn-offs from pepperginder
oh i'm really feelin it now

>> No.10939114

It's a dog's head from the side. A german shepherd to be exact because it's supposed to be a successor of mbf that introduced wolf3d dog allies into the port

>> No.10939115

Palace is a kino area, love it

>> No.10939132
File: 2.61 MB, 512x512, AAATTENTION.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In any case, I revised the OP template a slightly bit, char length is 1957. If there's nothing to add/change and the post receives sufficient positive traction, anyone may tag it in place of me for the next baker (as I might not be here myself).

Pastebin acts fussy, review draft for the new OP here >>> https://dpaste.org/XH5cU/raw <<<

1) Download links were reformatted and given category GAMES/RESOURCES
- added HL mods and expansions pack by >>10921240 anon, which replaces:
- removed Fileplanet Archives (such link exists in Quake 1-3 FAQ pastebin, although you need to look for it)
2) /VR/DOOM COMMUNITY section was sorted
- Booru links merged
- Link to OUR WADS is to be shortened

As for suggestions, I also believe that all of the INFO/LINKS section could be dumped into https://rentry.org/vrbin, therefore freeing up space for something more potentially useful. Up to the question of course is whether rentrybin anon is still around. >>10938829 >>10938835

Share complaints, bring ideas (be modest about it), call me names. GO.

>> No.10939171

I'll add it if I remember around the next time an OP needs to be made and nobody else is doing it. dweeb

>> No.10939182

Are there any good horde mode mods (like stronghold) for doom?

>> No.10939190

After the Quake 2 Map Jam, aka never erver

>> No.10939194

You stink

>> No.10939201



>> No.10939235

Any modern gzdoom games/retro inspired shit worth a punt?

>> No.10939247
File: 184 KB, 640x480, thanks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nightdive remove thanking the player for playing the game
Do they hate their fans?

>> No.10939248

nope, just someone who fools around nugget's github page and discord server

I merely implemented various custom HUDs in the past year, they're showcased here with works from other people too

>> No.10939256

It sure seems like a lot of people only regard MBF as a format and not as a port.

>> No.10939259

They probably do hate them after the Blade Runner shit.

>> No.10939264
File: 1.99 MB, 1920x1200, DUDE BACKROOMS LMAO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys hyped for the No Gameplay Jam for Quake?

>> No.10939267

You don't have to.

>> No.10939276

It makes me think of some of the areas in Portal of Praevus (which is a good thing).

>> No.10939309

>this makes zoomers piss and shit their pants

>> No.10939321
File: 316 KB, 463x333, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope the doom 64 beta leaks one day, i want to play this level

>> No.10939326

Beta 64 was a lot of fun as a mapset, and I think it was actually finished last December. It may scratch that itch as it was heavily inspired by the beta levels and screens.

>> No.10939348

Those dirty gold/yellow textures, the purple sky, dark grass and grainy quality of the screenshot.... It's perfection, makes my cream my pants

>> No.10939387

God speed, anon.

>> No.10939421

go shave yourself

>> No.10939489
File: 104 KB, 1013x570, 1000101802-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw using Winlator to run OBLIGE on my phone

>> No.10939492

Yeah and Quake is right there next to it which is legitimately one of the highest skill cap multiplayer FPS games in existence.
I do wanna add that Doom singleplayer has a much higher skill cap than Quake does however.

>> No.10939525

>Doom singleplayer has a much higher skill cap than Quake
How? All the mobility stuff that make the skill ceiling higher in deathmatch apply to singleplayer as well. Only thing I can think of is Doom having respawning enemies on nightmare.

>> No.10939672

https://www.moddb.com/mods/backrooms For the few waiting for the Quake backrooms, (That probably wont get made, project seems dead) here are the HL backrooms

>> No.10939730

What if I told you this already exists?

>> No.10939751

Doom 1, Doom 2, Heretic, Hexen, Quake 1 or Quake 2, but based more on Buddhist and Hindu concepts.

>> No.10939796

Which game?

>> No.10939845

I don't know if I even agree with him but he probably meant in terms of the limits of how hard you can make a map and still have doom autists beat it. I don't even know why, I think it's because of the much more tight balance and larger, more diverse enemy roster that enables people to create such ballbuster maps that you don't see in quake. When it comes to speedrunning both games have their autistic tricks but quake is the one that seems just genuinely more impressive.

>> No.10939852

>Michael Kirkbride but he does a fuckton of adderall and gives the Nerevarine a railgun

>> No.10939859

Because one has a slaughter scene and the other doesn't

>> No.10939862

guys really live in apartments like this and don't see any issue

>> No.10939870

Women envy how little it takes to make us HUH

>> No.10939885
File: 426 KB, 220x213, quaking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huhpiness is free desu

>> No.10939914

In my many years of playing doom, there are two skills which I have yet to have mastered
Two shotting cybers and fisting boners

>> No.10939932

Doom but you play as Doctor Doom.

>> No.10939937

Whats Japan's deal with Wolf 3D.
Backrooms fad is strange.

>> No.10939979

Doctor Doom 2: Hell on Earth.

>> No.10939984

There are maps out there for learning how to do these.

>> No.10939990

Doom but you can choose between one of the Fantastic 4 to fight against Dr. Doom and Galactus.

>> No.10940029

>Tissue on table

>> No.10940073

Bro that's a cacodemon.

>> No.10940075

Doom but it's not even MFDoom music

>> No.10940140

Doom but it has no memes.

>> No.10940156
File: 438 KB, 1150x1150, Word cloud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10940158
File: 64 KB, 300x300, doomdoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10940160

Doom but the

>> No.10940182

So, Doom.

>> No.10940217

Doom butt

>> No.10940218

Alright I just beat map 24 and Scythe is really turning up the bullshit.

>> No.10940225

>Backrooms fad is strange.
i like it but it would probably fit HL/Portal more

>> No.10940232

The original story did remind me of Valve games because I remember noclipping around to find random rooms for scripting and stuff, or just the devs fucking around.
Anyway I highly recommend anyone with any remote interest in the backrooms to go play Yume Nikki.

>> No.10940241

Or Build, considering some of the peculiarities of the engine like how mirrors work. I remember somehow bugging out The Abyss as a kid and getting stuck in an inescapable tube when falling down that big hole before the Battlelord fight.

>> No.10940250
File: 426 KB, 1080x1700, 1684691333366565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10940269

>love mods
simple as

>> No.10940270


I'm frustrated because backrooms are a genuinely unsettling experience or something that gets me uncomfortable both in a videogame and irl in places like being completely alone in a metro station or something of that nature.

However, to me personally they're only effective when it's carefully planned and done well or incidental like when you semi-accidentally end up out of bounds, and the more obvious it is the backrooms stuff is intentional the less of an actual effect it has on me. This is why I can't get into games that are horror games first and foremost, the main attraction to me is the action and the horror provided the flavor. It's kinda like showing the monster in a horror movie, you have to play it very carefully.

>> No.10940275

Wait, is this real?

>> No.10940285


>> No.10940302

The Bloodrooms
>It's kinda like showing the monster in a horror movie, you have to play it very carefully
this is true
>casually glances at his Blair Witch action figures

>> No.10940307

stupid sexy cybie

>> No.10940332

As much of a fad as it's become, it's boring and uninspired along the same lines of haunted GBA cartridge shit.

There's way more you can do to unsettle people than having an empty space, but that's the shit people have latched onto with it.

>> No.10940334

is mailing a cheque or money order to the p.o. box still the best way to buy doom?

>> No.10940403
File: 585 KB, 1920x1080, myhouse_cheaterjail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it's about to be in both Quake and Doom before making its way into Half-Life.
>i like it but it would probably fit HL/Portal more
Between HL, Quake, and Doom I think I can fit that concept somewhere in all of them. They're all about opening the door to craziness through portals and stuff. It might be most appropriate with the HL aesthetics, getting lost in a series of repeating Black Mesa halls, changing styles slightly to allow different floortypes and footstep sound variety. Still sounds absolutely boring but might float someone's boat.

>> No.10940838

Tomb of Thunder, a Quake mod that's been in development since 2015, finally released today.

DL link:

>> No.10940891


>> No.10940961
File: 18 KB, 638x396, 1703926509089365.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10940973

good christ, i was feeling like hot shit because i was able to get through most of jenesis pretty easily but now i'm playing speed of doom and it's kicking the living shit out of me. only on map 5 and i've been stuck on it for like an hour or two but i don't want to start save spamming yet...

>> No.10940975
File: 95 KB, 640x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on the alpha doom HUD?

>> No.10940982
File: 554 KB, 1920x1080, vkquake_tot04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doom 3 styled nightmare with healthdrain
>restore health on axe kills
cool so far

>> No.10940983

The eyebrows make this image.

>> No.10940989


>> No.10940990

Poor man's System Shock.

>> No.10940992


>> No.10941018

we all know that demons are bad but if you think about it don't you think that space marines are equally at fault?

>> No.10941027

>Whats Japan's deal with Wolf 3D
I assume it's just a case of "first FPS a lot of JPbros experienced"
it got a PC98 port and also the SNES port was released on SFC first, with several months between it releasing in Japan and it eventually releasing in NA/EU

>> No.10941042

I often hear that the Japanese were more susceptible to motion sickness from FPS games, so I wonder if Wolf's lack of movebob and verticality actually worked in its favor for them.

>> No.10941045

Too cluttered.

Also, I love how obvious it is that it's a toy shotgun being held.

>> No.10941051

>thank mapping
>nah die
>project ass

>> No.10941059

I've tried looking that up before but a lot of the info is very conflicting
best I can tell, it's less "East Asians are more susceptible to motion sickness" and more "some people in East Asia are abnormally susceptible"
thing is that quite a few (non-/vr/) FPS games have gotten quite popular there, e.g. Apex

>> No.10941063

Maybe this is a dumb question, but is there a recent list of must play megawads? Everything I see on doomworld is either very old lists or just yearly lists of notable wads. Looking for a "greatest/most important of all time" list.

>> No.10941073

>youtube updated
>love mods better
>continuous expansions
>aesthetic monsters
>free general quality format
>plutonia difficulty
>half-life versions okay
>dario starts dead
>nice feels animations
>remake awesome
>monster anons released
>another completely single type line
>pistol cool
>udmf super pain
>og worst mode
>jump issues
>ideas bad
>hate guys pc
>malice bitch
>links coming
>terrible today
>including seriously combat light fighting movement
>retarded citations
>update violent
>download recommend
>autism occasionally
>mapping modern special enough

>> No.10941402

Look up the Doom RPG series. They're old mobile phone games (so java for nokia and sony erikson and the like). I think the second one has an iphone release as well. I use retro2mr to play them on android these days.

>> No.10941427

Reelism 1 works with Zandronum don't it?

>> No.10941443

VERY based.

>> No.10941454

Didn't it already come out?

>> No.10941471
File: 119 KB, 1024x1006, p7pupux2hqsa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doom, but the demons are ethereally tangible concepts given form by human belief, and you can only kill them with 4th dimensional prayer resonance, or by killing those that lend them strength, or both, and once you do that concept is either eradicated or heavily weakened.

Example 1: Doomguy nukes NORTH KOREA -> DICTATOR CYBERDEMON becomes mortal -> Doomguy prays away DICTATOR CYBERDEMON with Wii Remote gestures + waveform matched prayer recital over a karaoke mic -> all boss monsters become weaker for the remainder of the .wad
Example 2: Doomguy prays away INERTIA IMP -> movement becomes less slippery.
Example 3: Doomguy prays away EXPLOSION MANCUBUS -> splash damage is nullified across the board until a barrel explodes within line of sight, reinstating belief in explosions.
Example 4: Doomguy prays away DEMON DEMON -> DEMONS are now corporeal beings that can be shot normally -> Doomguy remembers DEMONS exist since he keeps shooting them -> DEMON DEMON revives shortly after and you now have to go back to praying.

>> No.10941516

Don't think I can help you much there, but what notable megawads have you played as a point of reference? I was about to type a list starting with Ancient Aliens but then realized that thing came out 8 years ago, what the fuck

Doom 2 in Spain Only, Doom 2 In City Only, and AUGER;ZENITH are from this decade and they're quite good imo.

>> No.10941550

>Boom HUD bars when?
Let Alaux know that you're interested, try the experimental branch at the repo.

>> No.10941570

Huh, was randomly recommended this. Gonna watch it when I eat later. Seems interesting; I thought it was going to be about Myhouse or something spooky but no it's literally "What if Doom was non-euclidean?" in a presentational format.

>> No.10941586
File: 1.33 MB, 498x278, foot-dive-doctor-doom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who needs the BFG when you have the FOOTDIVE

>> No.10941616

How recent is recent? Gnome Hunters in the news is worth giving a go.

>> No.10941646

Level 5 of Turok: Dinosaur Hunter has textures very similar to that.

>> No.10941653

Doom but you play as Thulsa Doom and you must fight against Kull, Conan and Red Sonja

>> No.10941693
File: 1.82 MB, 1984x768, hereticGiggles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A while ago an anon did a widescreen Heretic title screen (non serpent riders) using AI, which looked pretty solid at low res. But I wanted to paint over the enemies at a higher res. This still isn't super high res, but it's 768px tall.
Here's my paintover may or may not be done with it. It's been sitting around half-finished until two days ago when I picked it back up. Original in next post.

>> No.10941697
File: 1.84 MB, 1984x768, hereticGigglesOG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10941698

Das purdy
Oh dang if the first is your alteration and this one I'm replying to is the original then you did a pretty good fucking job.

>> No.10941712

>Oh dang if the first is your alteration and this one I'm replying to is the original then you did a pretty good fucking job.
That's the case, and thanks. I'm not Brom level, but I did my best.
I'm sure there's a bit more that can be done with it, but I'll probably let it sit around for a while before deciding that.

>> No.10941715

Based Brom enjoyer.

>> No.10941736
File: 2.45 MB, 3842x2160, 1686283395573317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're a Quakefag and you still haven't listened to this yet you really should. Trent's sound is untouchable obviously, but this is really something. Over two hours of Quake music to get lost in.

>> No.10941742

just found out gzdoom got a new version. does it cause issues with any well known mods? corruption cards for example.
i only use gzdoom for modded playthroughs

>> No.10941762 [DELETED] 

I'm trans btw

>> No.10941764

Nah everything's fine. The only thing it did was make the options menu nice again and removed the opening console log for some ungodly reason.

>> No.10941791

I think it's high time some changes were implemented in the OP format, and those you made are good; I haven't looked at in in detail in a long time. Some of the links seem outdated or questionable to me and could probably be replaced if you need more space.
I feel this link is unnecessary given the comprehensive and generally more useful "sourceport" section from the inforgraphic. Does anyone actually use this bundle? Is this really what new users should be directed to?
> 4CHAN DOSPACK + Win98 games
I think this pack has value for /vr/ broadly but I don't follow why it should be at the top of the FPS general. Most of these games aren't FPSs, and the few that are usually work better with a sourceport. A common newbie mistake is assuming you should still play doom in dosbox, which may be worth avoiding.
This seemingly hasn't been updated since 2014 and was pretty bare bones even then. It still recommends doom builder 1 as the best mapping tool and the link for it isn't alive anymore. If no one's able to update the pastebin I feel it's useless or misleading. Making a proper mapping/modding tutorial section for modern formats would be quite an undertaking.
Do we need to link this every thread?
It seems redundant to have 2 "resources" categories, though I understand this link is more mapper/modder oriented.

Also, it's not part of the OP, but you can apparently remove Violent Rumble 2 from the news now.
Hey, I remember making the older version. I didn't expect you to actually finish your edit since it was a long time ago, but you did a really good job making it look official. It could make for a good titlepic graphic for ports that support hd and truecolor. Man, I wish game companies still hired professional painters to do their covers.

>> No.10941795
File: 491 KB, 1280x720, STOP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turok 3 N64. The credits would end with thanking the player.
Meanwhile this is in it's place for the remaster.

>> No.10941802

>removed the opening console log

That sucks, some mods put some nice flavor stuff in there.

>> No.10941805

Yeah it's genuinely baffling and I've yet to see somebody say it's reenableable.

>> No.10941851

Kek, straight through the crotch. That's perfect aim.

>> No.10941862

I've dropped it around map17 I think. It was very good before that, but then hell maps started that are much less interesting to navigate.

>> No.10941867

Has anyone ever remade FF7 as a DOOM wad?

>> No.10941920

twisted metal 2 energy
I love it....

>> No.10941923

I take it those textures ain't available anywhere.

>> No.10941943


>> No.10941950

go check those texture CDs they used to sell, that's where 90% of the photo textures from that era of 3d gaming came from

>> No.10941954

Got any on hand anon?

>> No.10941961


>> No.10941967
File: 74 KB, 1379x826, 1703098265600002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmm never mind.

>> No.10941973
File: 281 KB, 1031x1400, pumpkinhead_bloodwings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10941976

There are a lot there, just gotta look better, advanced search and categories is your friend
Here's a neat account that posted a lot of these

>> No.10941983

Then by the early 2000s everyone had a high resolution digital camera and enough sd cards to store an infinite amount of photographs so they just started taking their own pictures to extract textures from. These days most textures are either painted in Photoshop or whatever or procedurally generated in Substance Designer.

>> No.10942019

god i wish demons were real

>> No.10942035
File: 340 KB, 526x556, bazooka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a consistent way of using the homing cluster missile launcher in hdest at all? at least one randomly decides to curve around and tear my fucking face off every time i pull the damn trigger. or is it just a meme weapon?

>> No.10942104

I'm not really a fan of PB's disposable launchers, so I don't have that much experience with it, but having a shield core never hurts when aggressively using explosives (or using aggressive explosives in this case.)

>> No.10942123
File: 104 KB, 868x608, 1000 boy stare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i guess so, i was just hoping there wouldn't be a straight up need for defensive equipment. then again, its description in the merchant shop does mention user mortality rate.

>> No.10942124

Anon if you're extensively playing with explosives in HD, you're gonna either need defensive gear, or you'll need to become intimately familiar with each explosives shrapnel amounts and their ranges.
Not too intimate though. You don't want that shit inside you.

>> No.10942140
File: 2.80 MB, 498x498, fire.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the aforementioned cluster launcher is the only thing that i couldn't tame by just keeping distance, timing fuses or chucking around corners/under doors. i like it when the room around me burns just as hot against my flesh as the blues inside me.

>> No.10942318

rage wars is really not a good game to port over, the maps have less polygons than a shoebox
though I see potential on an entirely new rage wars game

>> No.10942327
File: 31 KB, 620x124, 1704314396892108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over, is it?

>> No.10942356
File: 632 KB, 2560x1440, vkquake_tot08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First map was a solid and good impression. I like this Zerstorer-styled shotgun and its utility. I’m looking forward to play more of this later, got some house stuff and some enemy reskins to work on.
Mjolnir is like “super Arcane Dimensions”, and Peril was a cute big mod last year made strictly for AD.

>> No.10942407

Doom but you work inside a supermarket.

>> No.10942426
File: 2.46 MB, 1425x1908, 1716040265084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10942448

anyone here know any good mods for the OG doom I got Brutal Doom, Moon 2 and Brutal Wolfenstein I just wanna know if there are anymore I can get.
(quake too)

>> No.10942465

>BFG one-two punch
>I am
>the manager

>> No.10942490

HFFM Party Pack

>> No.10942492
File: 2.71 MB, 960x540, Replay_2024-05-18_10-18-07.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been replaced by a more reliable homing missile launcher as of the most recent updates anyway, but it seems relatively safe as long as you mind the backblast and fire it from a position where there aren't any enemies or even corpses close to you. The rockets won't just seek targets in the direction you're looking in.

>> No.10942536
File: 3.89 MB, 960x540, Replay_2024-05-18_10-29-20.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Example on the corpses. The rockets don't seem to care whether a target is alive or not.

>> No.10942543
File: 3.11 MB, 960x540, Replay_2024-05-18_10-38-31.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new launcher that replaced it requires you to designate a target first before it can be fired at all. White phosphorous though, if you don't keep your distance you're dead, shieldcore or no.

>> No.10942620

>Man, I wish game companies still hired professional painters to do their covers.

>> No.10942625
File: 104 KB, 699x800, Nerves of Steel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even utter garbage like Nerves of Steel had a pretty strong cover.

>> No.10942651

i'm in the middle of stumbling through neodoom rn, so i've got plenty of time to put the advice to use. thanks, anon.

>> No.10942665

They used texture packs up to the 2010s extensively, well into the 7th gen.
Even nowadays, textures.com is still popular for 3d artists since some objects and assets need to be based off photos

>> No.10942693

Coincident just finished Okuplok UVMAX in two segments (1 save/death) (never done before). Single segment looking quite possible.

>> No.10942712

I saw this for sale nib for cheap recently and was like "I like this cover", so yeah. Never played it though.
I agree with most of this, but I'd keep portadoom/dos or whatever in some list of ways to play. It might not be the best way, but some purists might like the info.
Really the whole thing needs an organizing.

>> No.10942752

>Never played it though.
Do yourself a favour and don't, it's fucking awful.

>> No.10942894
File: 1.01 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20240518_023708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need steampunk mommy gf

>> No.10942973

I feel like they should've used that engine for a different kind of game. Blobber or something. They obviously weren't up to the task of an fps.

>> No.10943006
File: 283 KB, 800x484, ahahahahaha.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10943007

That fucking thing came out after Isle of the Dead too, fuck knows how they got worse in two years.

>> No.10943058

Did scythe2 not replace the text intermissions and map names?

>> No.10943059

serious question: why aren't there any "boomer shooter" that follow the doom formula? they all seem to follow quake instead. why has no one made a no mouse look, no room over room game? doom is arguably more followed than quake in the retro scene, so i'm a bit surprised every time there's a new retro shooter that doesn't follow it. even gzdoom games want you to play with jump and crosshair.
rekkr is an exception of course, but even that is built directly on top of doom

>> No.10943060 [DELETED] 


Everyone point and laugh at this idiot.

>> No.10943062

Nope, first post in this has a mapinfo for it that does.

>> No.10943065

Most are only superficially following anything without learning what worked from 90s shooters.

Closest to Doom is probably some arse like Proteus and even that's off in so many ways.

>> No.10943081

While i agree with you that most of them (except, as you said, a few) don't really know very well the inner workings and the feelings they want to achieve, one can only wonder such things after seeing the resurgence of "retro fps". are all these people just newbies who follow the wave? i believe a well made doom-clone would knock all the others out. just seems weird no one has done it. could it be that we're old and a game with such limitations would not attract new players? if that's the case, how do we explain all the new, young players coming into doom in the last 10 years?

>> No.10943087

>are all these people just newbies who follow the wave? i believe a well made doom-clone would knock all the others out. just seems weird no one has done it.
Why go to the effort of doing something like Doom's weapon balance and monster design when you can just make something that on the surface resembles it and go all out nostalgia marketing?

Catch the attention of a handful of Youtubers who are desperate for content and you're basically set since their fans buy any old shit that's in a video.

>> No.10943090

that is a sad scenario, but it's probably the one closest to the truth.

>> No.10943097

>closest to doom is prodeus
Based. The only modern shooter I've enjoyed after Serious Sam

>> No.10943129

That game looks closer to Doom 3 than the more classic 90’s Doom approach that >>10943059 brought up.

>> No.10943141

Sounds like you just want Doom with different assets, which just seems silly to me. The best "boomer shooters" are the ones that deviate from the standard formula the most (i.e. Ultrakill,) I think the problem with the ones you're describing is that they don't deviate from Doom enough and are just derivative.

>> No.10943160

>That game looks closer to Doom 3
No, not at all. Gameplay wise it's a lot closer to Doom. Visually it has bump mapping etc, but that's the superficial bit.
It's included map editor is actually a lot of fun to use too. I just with the game looked a little cleaner. It's visually noisy is all. I still think it's more good than bad though.

>> No.10943174

>Gameplay wise it's a lot closer to Doom.
Reloading, bumpmapping, full 3D mouselook compared to the strict horizontal aiming that’s being discussed... This does not remind me of classic Doom at all, this reminds me of 3 and the newest Dooms.

>> No.10943180

>I just with the game looked a little cleaner. It's visually noisy is all.
They intentionally did that, especially with the monsters, they designed it all then applied "make it look like shit" filters for a "retro" look.

>> No.10943181

me when i remember i have a pack of cookies in the back of the drawer

>> No.10943198

Just make a Zandro compatible mod

>> No.10943209

I think what anon wants to say is that amongst all the other modern games, Prodeus is probably the closest, "feeling wise". If that's so, I am inclined to agree. Too bad it looks like shit

>> No.10943298

Does Zandro still have a good population, and is it still the best multiplayer port? Does anyone still do vanilla or lightly modded survival and coop? Have been wanting to get back into it, but it's been a couple years at least since I've played any sort of MP Doom.

>> No.10943313

I wouldn't call it swimming with players but it's less dead than anything else for multiplayer.

>> No.10943384

Same but the other way round. I've never finished any Doom game. Have played through some WADs though lol

>> No.10943401

I’d be inclined to agree as well because it reminds me of Doom 3, which reminds me of Doom…But that’s only regarding similar looking shooters that were released recently. “Modern games” is a pretty big net and feels like it could even apply to those GZD-engine releases.

>> No.10943405

Yeah, I lost the original "mouse aiming and room over room" plot in the conversation. It definitely mimics Doom otherwise, or more accurately: GZDoom.
My point was that it doesn't more broadly play like Doom 3 or Eternal or whatever. But that's out of the scope of the conversation I guess.

To the original point:
People like freelook. There were a bunch of people bitching that REKKR locked it out of the options originally, and that was designed for no-freelook.

>> No.10943510
File: 745 KB, 1280x420, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

End of the day, the primary audience buying that kind of stuff aren't the ones who played Doom or anything back in the 90s.

>> No.10943537

>People like freelook. There were a bunch of people bitching that REKKR locked it out of the options originally
me but total opposite.

>> No.10943580
File: 239 KB, 800x600, SCREENSHOT SATURDAY BITCHES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10943605
File: 2.53 MB, 3840x2160, Base Profile Screenshot 2024.05.18 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10943642

Well I beat Scythe. I have no idea how the fuck anyone could possibly get through Map 30 UV without savescumming.

>> No.10943704

Why is that pharaoh vomiting mountain dew?

>> No.10943705

I tied the first levels and it just didn't click for some reason.

>> No.10943708

Do Hedon, Selaco and Supplice have achievements on Steam? I normally don't bother with achievements myself but I was told Steamies love those and even get mad if your game doesn't have them, so I figured I'd first find out how other people who made games on GZDoom and Steam went about dealing with this.

>> No.10943734

Hedon and Supplice don't claim to have cheevos, Selaco does.

>> No.10943736

>mountain dew

Anon... you might be color blind.

>> No.10943738

>Selaco does.
Any idea on how exactly they went about adding those? Did they make modifications to the engine to add them or was it something done through just ZScript?

>> No.10943743

No idea, I just checked their store pages.

>> No.10943748

Hmm, I see. Thanks for the help Anon.
If anyone more knowledgeable on this knows, please respond. I don't even need the exact implementation, just the fact itself on how they did it.

>> No.10943762
File: 541 KB, 626x581, dice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if there's a GZDoom game which is also a free gameplay mod so you'd be just paying for maps balanced around it?

>> No.10943784

Reminds me of that procedurally generated indie shooter from a few years ago with Wolf 3D pixel density, but it had bumpmapping, dynamic lighting, and was smothered in bloom.
Inauthentic is bad enough, but unaesthetic is inexcusable.

>> No.10943787
File: 337 KB, 800x1919, 800px-Mtn_Dew_Voltage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10943804


>> No.10943813

No, but that one is kinda ugly too.
You played as some mental patient woman having nightmares or something. Didn't get far before noping out and refunding so idk.

>> No.10943837
File: 901 KB, 1920x1080, Unreal Engine 3 22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think its most heinous sin is being a UE engine game that isn’t retro unlike pic related.

>> No.10943857
File: 1.07 MB, 1920x1080, 2024185001122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loosely based on my first apartment.

>> No.10943874

>why no one has made a no mouselook, no room over room game

Because that's stupid. Between DOOM 1, 2, Final Doom and Doom 64 and not to mention all the thousands upon thousands of mods you have massive competition and in the 2d space doom kind of perfected doom style gameplay.

Making good looking sprite graphics and animations is agony, it's very time and money consuming when you actually would to pay an artist even if you have access to one which is why a lot of modern retro shooter cashgrab shooters have enemies with very low pixel density and no directional sprites. Additionally depriving yourself of the third dimension is just... counterproductive. Why would a level designer voluntarily deprive themselves of more possibilities in creating more cool levels and challenges based on the vertical dimension?

>why Quake?
For a long time there's been a relative drought of good singleplayer Quake mods / wads. It's only really been relatively recently that we've seen some good Quake singleplayer mods coming out.

Have you asked /agdg/?

>> No.10943876

Kirkbride doing adderall? WTF!?

>> No.10943884

Even Doom let you mouselook, and no RoR was ditched as soon as possible after Boom's silent teleports and portal-based engines like Build and Marathon let you fake it.

>> No.10943891

Nightmare reaper really looks like those "DOOM HD Remake Shader for GZDoom" you see from time to time on Youtube. It's a shame, because GBA SP menus and platformer minigames for upgrades is something I dig.

>> No.10943893

Ahaha yeah, I remember seeing that. It ticked off all the ''indie bumshoot cashgrab'' boxes for me in one go :

>low pixel density
>no directional enemy sprites
>modern lighting / postprocessing effects thrown on top
>proc-gen so no level design to speak of

I think it was called Nightmare Reaper or something. I mean kudos to the devs for making a product some people enjoy I guess but I personally made a 360 and moonwalked away.

>> No.10943928

i've never understood why we let karters in this thread. its been too long now

>> No.10943950

Cover IS pretty cool. Makes me think more of a 2d run and gun kind of game though.

>> No.10943979
File: 112 KB, 770x324, unthinkable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10944006

Anon you don't get it, the kart server is detracting traffic from Clovr and Sunday Night Shitsh- oh wait

>> No.10944025

Quake 2 64 is done, moved on to Call of the Machine. It's pretty good so far, kinda slaughtery and not in a bad sense.

The remaster has most definitely made me respect Quake 2 a lot more, two years ago the idea of liking the game as much as I do now would've been quite the lark I must say.

>> No.10944027
File: 887 KB, 1600x720, Screenshot_2024-05-18-23-51-02-906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just replayed ep1 of Shadow Warrior. Dunno, I remembered it was better. Puzzles and key hunting are too annoying. And damage from monsters is way too high. Was replaying Duke ep3 just before that, and it was as good as ever. Likely to go to Duke e4 now instead of planned Wanton Destruction.

>> No.10944051

I would say that the latter half of Shadow Warrior Shareware episode is the worst outside some very choice levels from the main game so don't lose hope, I implore you.

>> No.10944087
File: 1.70 MB, 1280x1000, tombofthunder_poster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys, for Tomb of Thunder the mediafire link is better, dropbox sucks dick (and also has an obsolete package whereas MF links can be updated) :


>> No.10944120
File: 516 KB, 1920x1080, Shadow_Warrior_Classic_Redux_Artwork_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10944153


>> No.10944206

Why does GZDoom every once in a while, change my settings to default?

>> No.10944267
File: 11 KB, 256x256, librewolf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a wolf (dog), and there >>10938960 is a tail of torpedo. So far I agree.

>> No.10944289

Maybe its a coyote >>10938960

>> No.10944320

I'm making a vanilla map for the first time.
Do people still care about these or is it all about those Burtal Doom mods and GZDoom cashgrab indie slop?

>> No.10944326

Graf wants you to turn on that sweet bilinear filtering. It makes those old ancient sprites look so much better! :^)

>> No.10944346

It's probably swapping from the portable ini to another one, somehow.

>> No.10944474

Yeah, people still care about vanilla stuff. There are vanilla-compatible maps and mods still being made today.

>> No.10944491

MBF/Woof icon should be given an eye like in your pic, it'd clear up the confusion

>> No.10944492
File: 524 KB, 1466x1919, german-shepherd-dog-1376919962IQm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't?

>> No.10944506

Invasion Simulator. It's compatible with any map pack.

>> No.10944545
File: 95 KB, 664x800, 3950971-dungeon-keeper-dos-front-cover-1634170852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10944549
File: 675 KB, 1920x2560, 74c393c3e0c3a40e3542ace173e8fe20133c055f82bd1d9103c229006a20d9d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why, but I love this fucking song so much.
The game got me curious enough to buy Pumpkinhead 2 on vhs. It's a pretty entertainingly shitty movie and a nice bit of concentrated 90s nostalgia. Also some of my favorite cover art.

>> No.10944557
File: 12 KB, 237x397, Aseprite_P3gywYRrog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing rotations for my zombieman replacement.
Brainstorming what I want my knife-throwing imp replacement to be.

>> No.10944590

I vaguelly recall hearing that this game was supposed to be absurdly bad.

>> No.10944598

Ok I am considering Scythe 2 after finishing 1. How much harder is Scythe 2 compared to Scythe map 30?

>> No.10944623

First 20 maps are no slouch, but aren't too bad. Map 23 and beyond are all raw slaughter.

>> No.10944628
File: 547 KB, 961x747, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say if you want mystical brown textures you should convert some from Heretic 2 and get to work on a map. I believe in you anon, you can do it.

>> No.10944629

more enemies = better map
this is a proven fact.
If your map doesn't have me holding down M1 with a BFG for at least 30 minutes then it's not worth touching.

>> No.10944638

>did someone say something bad about my precious doom slaughter
>quick, I must act like a faggot about it
Ok, I act like that too, but doom slaughter isn't important enough to be "defended" like that. Same with quake copper since that behavior is also noticed there (likely from a lurking slipseer faggot).

>> No.10944643

I think the real problem is that past a certain point slaughter difficulty just becomes trial and error reloading savestates over and over and over again. There's no room for adaptation in your play because you instantly die if you make one mistake. It's just not fun.

>> No.10944680

Come the fuck on dude, do they not have sarcasm where you're from?

>> No.10944698

Go for it Kegan.

>> No.10944701

I have never even played Copper, I just like shitting on it because you get so unbelievably mad about it every single time.

>> No.10944707

It sounds like you're being too much of a bitch. I recommend that you try being less of a bitch.

>> No.10944708

Probably a bit of both I'd say. Dunno where the line is.

>> No.10944709
File: 860 KB, 2560x1440, Fury Screenshot 20240502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some get a kick out of searching for that "key" or solution to stricter combat puzzles.
I could finally give him my money.

>> No.10944718
File: 16 KB, 400x300, I seriously hope you knaves don&#039;t do this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That ain't me though.

>I could finally give him my money.

>> No.10944734

Gay Defense Force?

>> No.10944742


>> No.10944790


>> No.10944802

>he didn't get the DLC

>> No.10944804
File: 102 KB, 960x679, 173512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's only a blondie when playing the mirror mode of the original levels. The look is growing on me though.

>> No.10944805

She's going Super Aryan

>> No.10944842

>Have you asked /agdg/?
I might as well go ask ChatGPT than going on there. That general fucking SUCKS. Besides, not one of them knows what GZDoom is, that I know for certain.

>> No.10944853

SNG nerf is unacceptable.

>> No.10944919

Just got to the Keeper library in Black Parade, I'm already so sick of this mod making every map ubercomplicated. It doesn't feel fun making progress when the map is such a maze and there's absurd loot totals.

>> No.10944920

Ashes is that, kind of.

>> No.10944947

Oh. I'm only really familiar with the regular kind.

>> No.10945081

Global Defense Force, a stand-in for EDF that they could not use since the game is not part of the Duke-verse. Ah, what I would give for seeing Duke Nukem himself doing the drill sergeant routine at the Academy for young Shelly.

>> No.10945119
File: 1.98 MB, 320x322, 1645988379965.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta love how Shelly carried on the proud tradition of sequels to goos Build engine games being absolute shit, except the first Shadow Warrior reboot game I remember that being ok.

>> No.10945129

she will eventually have her Death Wish

>> No.10945151

No better blonde than a bombshell blonde. And no better woman than a blonde.

>t. Dated batshit crazy redhead. Bro dated schizo brunette.

>> No.10945154

If not for the vocals, you could have fooled me into thinking this was a Super Hang-On track.

>> No.10945161

I mean, Shelly's actual first game was liquid shit, the original devs of that had little to do with Ion Fury while the followup was made by the former.

>> No.10945195

Duke and Lo Wang never got theirs.
Honestly I forgot about that game.

>> No.10945252

I like

>> No.10945261
File: 72 KB, 346x334, 1695219655965704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very nice

>> No.10945268

Duke has the AMC crew. Voidpoint was working on Shadow Warrior Deadly Kiss before they went on to do Ion Fury. They’re supposedly still doing slow work on the mod so it might plop out some day.

>> No.10945270

saved for wallpaper reasons

>> No.10945305

how good is Shaky Grounds for Douq?

>> No.10945319
File: 2.62 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20240519_104146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in gzdoom, ANIMDEFS seem to override any custom shaders in GLDEFS. is there any way i can set the priority so that the shaders get loaded first?

>> No.10945352

How did something like this get made? Holy shit. The art alone would be worth a purchase however.

>> No.10945358

Whoa, thanks anon.

>> No.10945360

Nightmare Reaper is a true tease because I know if I got it I'd be addicted to it pretty quickly.

>> No.10945363

I enjoy those aspects you're bemoaning :(

>> No.10945386
File: 1019 KB, 1366x768, c1a00023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? There's furry Half-Life, so furry Doom might exist.

>> No.10945391

Doubt it, the mapping scene for Ion Fury is barren.

>> No.10945405

The Combine did nothing wrong.

>> No.10945421

Probably because it's still getting official content. Still, your post prompted me to look. There really isn't much of anything. This looks neat however:

>> No.10945432

>it's still getting official content
It got one expansion, and that expansion took years to release.

>> No.10945441

You've got me there. Don't mistake me, even Wang's game is more popular than Ion Fury, so lack of engagement from users would mean less of a chance of a strong mapping community. Ah well. I can always replay Ion Fury if I need more of it.

>> No.10945474

>Build is pretty unfriendly towards those new to the tools
>Ion Fury is made with loads of detail and byold hands, so it's really intimidating to measure up to
Never really had a chance.

>> No.10945481

People underestimate the entertainment value of Doom 1 and 2 levels of detail maps.

>> No.10945495

there's a whole channel dedicated to shaders in the zdoom discord. You should ask there if you really want to know a solution.

>> No.10945504

That and you can still have detailed and complex aesthetics through things like GZDoom without the Build hassle.

>> No.10945543


thanks man

i could always just disable the animdefs, it's not like BD fans deserve the extra consideration

>> No.10945653
File: 68 KB, 880x480, 1573499271172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>faux CRT mask
>but not attached to the whole screen itself
>instead applied to every individual surface and sprite separately

>> No.10945665

It's bizarre, it's like every wall and floor surface is its own screen display showing whatever given texture. This is a filter made by someone who has never actually seen a CRT in real life.

>> No.10945668

The shit people do in the pursuit of misplaced nostalgia.

>> No.10945728


The sprites/flats were all designed in 2D on a CRT, I'm just showing them the way they were meant to be seen

>> No.10945730

It feels less like nostalgia and more like it could MAYBE be a zoomer making a rough guess based on a few photos or something. The other option is that someone made that filter with the full knowledge and intent that it looks wrong and awkward, but that it was either intended as a joke, or as a very deliberate and specific artistic decision, but that later users don't understand that.

Anyone who grew up with CRT screens could tell this looks wrong.

>> No.10945734

Serious Sam uses EDF lol

>> No.10945752

>Windows video capture won't capture the audio from Nuked SC-55

>> No.10945775
File: 13 KB, 194x259, images(6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm taking the bait, I don't even care.

1. The kind of 'grill' you'd see with a CRT would be like a single element laying over everything displayed all at once, at a fixed scale and perspective, as things get close to the player they get increasingly clear and chunky, ergo less downscaled and less distorted. Combine with the overall geometric clarity of that screenshot and you get a completely incongruous image which a CRT could not actually display.

2. A lot of Doom's assets were physical illustrations or objects which were created or adapted by hand, then digitized with a camera and post processed. Some was illustrated digitally.
Given the untold millions of different kinds of CRT computer screens, and later on CRT TVs, together with how closely graphics would frequently be scaled, the exact distortion could not, and would not have been possible to account for in any meaningful manner. What was accounted for (mostly) was aspect ratio, and then how detail would be distorted and lost when downscaled from the original high resolution scans and captures into Doom's resolution and scale.

You can see this with how the face on physical clay model for the Baron is actually very flat with just some outline detail, because Adrian Carmack recognized that a finely detailed face would turn into noise at that scale anyway and so instead he worked on that in post.
Meanwhile, the models which Greg Punchatz made did not properly account for that, which is why the Revenant was substantially redrawn in post, as his original gory detail turned to visually unreadable noise, why the Archie and Fatso similarly differ from some of their model detail, and why the Spidermind is actually pretty gritty and rough, probably because they hoped it would be less noticeable with his huge sprites.

>> No.10945778

I've seen random doomguy replacers that replace doomguy with some kind of cat-guy or wolf-guy. I guess if you wanted full furry doom you'd need a furry enemies replacer too? Although the demons are animals basically just hellish, minus the zombies and the demons aren't literally covered in fur? Do furries care specifically about if the animals they wish to be are FURRY or can they be like snakes and those hairless cats? Do furries want to be fish or squids? Where is the line for furries?

>> No.10945780

I think there's fish furries, bird furries, and lizard furries. They don't call themselves that, but I also don't really care.

>> No.10945781

>Anyone who grew up with CRT screens could tell this looks wrong.
Though the same could be said for people throwing TV scanlines onto stuff like Doom, shit doesn't fit to what it was like.

>> No.10945792

I've been replaying Redneck Rampage lately and found something weird. In the penultimate map, "The Mansion", if you walk along the edge of the back outside of the mansion and go around the windows, the Alien Hulk trapped behind the fireplace will teleport into the backyard. I wonder if this only happens in Raze or if it can be replicated in the original version of the game.

>> No.10945810

>Honestly I forgot about that game.

Can't blame anyone for doing so, Bombshell is just that unremarkable.

>> No.10945850

Nice SRB2 map

>> No.10946086
File: 6 KB, 266x190, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember someone posting one that applies scanlines to every sprite and face.

>> No.10946128
File: 579 KB, 1920x1017, Screenshot_Doom_20240519_180949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sure am glad the CRT hud doesn't do scanlines on the face.

>> No.10946143

That's a cool looking HUD.

>> No.10946148 [DELETED] 
File: 2.00 MB, 1920x1080, 1713268892599518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I think I couldn't possibly make with my own commercial FPS on GZDoom or something I remember something as visually drab as Nightmare Reaper exists and has enjoyed great success.

>> No.10946162 [DELETED] 

why do you insist on posting this shitty game here? did you make it? do you need publicity? i dont understand.
rather, why don't you show us your progress with your game? that'd be more interesting than this low quality shitpost

>> No.10946184

And all that on top of brutal doom.

>> No.10946185

It is, yeah, I'm gonna make some personal tweaks to it with alignment and stuff but it's pretty neat.


>> No.10946187 [DELETED] 
File: 251 KB, 214x448, rangerhang.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bloom on even the fucking shotgun shell pickup

>> No.10946190

Originally the idiots tried to make it a Duke game. Unsurprisingly, Gearbox sued.

>> No.10946191

There's a Doom mod called "Austrian Avian Association" where you play as a Schnabelperchten, a bird-like creature from Germanic folklore, though I'm not sure how much that counts.

>> No.10946193
File: 637 KB, 1080x729, cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>download "speed of doom"
>look inside
>requires slow meticulous play in order to not die as well as *teleports behind u* traps out the ass

>> No.10946195 [DELETED] 

I liked the idea of it but the execution isn't that great, I'd rather stick with DRLA or something.

>> No.10946218

Pillowblaster has an entire gameplay mod dedicated to his furfag OC.

and then there's this shit : https://www.moddb.com/mods/boy-kissers

>> No.10946234


I'm not the guy who made this but I'm the guy who suggested it so I'm gonna repost it so it doesn't get lost to time. It's the day/night cycle mod, if you haven't checked it out yet you should, it's really cool. I'm also the guy who found those old Doom MSpaint comics so I can repost those too if anyone wants.

>> No.10946250

Iirc anon did that for shits and giggles.
Can someone throw a oom filter on top of a CRT filter for me real quick and post a screenshot. I think it would fix my issue with crt filters. They always look too dark because they have the RGB visible even on the brightest sections. It should blend more.

>> No.10946294 [DELETED] 
File: 274 KB, 620x349, Screenshot_Doom_20170130_142046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I am a fox. So? I dont see any problem. I embraced my animal soul long ago and I am happy together with my boyfriend (who is a cute b/w wolf!). We have a fucking lot of friends in and outside of the fandom and I am pretty slim and good looking. But thanks anyway asshole. Go and play your stupid hideous destructor shit while I have SEX with my boyfriend.

>> No.10946308

gatekeeping the effect of a very common display type makes you cool and interesting
keep it up

>> No.10946315

>pointing out that the effect is being done incorrectly is now gatekeeping

>> No.10946318

Crying gatekeeping at the first sign of not getting universal praise is also very cool.

>> No.10946340

Are you playing on 4.12.x?

>> No.10946354

it's the first time i see this. CRTs/filters don't look nor work like that.
you can't blame anons for wondering what the fuck is up with that pic. you're probably just pulling his leg though.
probably a troll pic
ok he's doin a trollan

>> No.10946359

sounds like my ex

>> No.10946361
File: 1.63 MB, 1920x1017, Screenshot_Doom_20240519_195133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon, I've been running it on 4.12 and it's not done anything seriously fucky, though I've had it set to real time.

>> No.10946363

she teleported behind you??

>> No.10946365

he always wanted to be on TV. Satan had the perfect hell for him. now John is a TV

>> No.10946370

nah confusion about advertised relationship speed and the real thing.
i'm doing the teleporting

>> No.10946374


>> No.10946407
File: 669 KB, 1600x720, Screenshot_2024-05-19-19-30-27-684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided to try Wanton Destruction, and first two levels are pretty good. Maybe two squarish, but enough firepower and not too many enemies. Textures and custom art looks nice. Don't remember these maps at all though, perhaps only played the first expansion in the past.

>> No.10946429

I can't figure out why the fuck 4.12.x randomly stops rendering everything except PSprites and UI elements. Dunno if maybe it's the sky crimes in the mod that cause it somehow. I upgraded from 4.11.3 at roughly the same time as I did the mod though so it could be unrelated. Reported it two weeks ago but Graf is out to get milk and I dunno if he'll be back. I'm hoping it's happened to any other anons so I know it's not a me issue. Would be completely shit out of luck if it is. Sticking with 4.11.x for the time being.

>> No.10946509

Yeah, it's called Zandronum

>> No.10946543

please post the comics anon, I wanna save them all.

>> No.10946557


>> No.10946581

I think he posted a link but I lost it :(

>> No.10946587

Last time it got posted, the link got deleted for some reason.

>> No.10946603

I'm still going to buy Phantom Fury and I am also going to have a good time with the game. And I'm also learning to draw so I can hopefully eventually make good fanarts of Shelly.

Make sure to also play Redneck Rampage Rides Again. Man, that game's a doozy, like on one hand it's got extremely aggravating key searchin' ''puzzles'' and one basically game breaking bug on one of it's levels, way too small variety of enemies etc, but holy hell do a lot of it's locations and set dressings and the inside jokes have SOVL. And it was also made in a culturally good time where you could just have fun with the south cliches without it having to get all current year political and such.

>> No.10946652

I'm planning on playing the sequel, but first I want to play Suckin' Grits On Route 66. From what I've read, Route 66 is better than the first game, but not as good as the sequel.
By the way, apparently I was wrong and the Alien Hulk I commented on did not come out from behind the chimney, but from somewhere else. Maybe it's a normal part of the map.

>> No.10946682

Is he playing Insect Armageddon? The shittier EDF spinoff?

>> No.10946706

I can reupload them, I just forgot which upload site I used last time, gimme a link to a good one and five minutes. Ten tops.

>> No.10946718


>> No.10946775

>18 minutes ago

>> No.10946780
File: 315 KB, 2812x1968, 1672183358204826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he didn't make it. rip

>> No.10946791

I said I need a website to upload them to. I can't remember which one I used last time.

>> No.10946806


Okay, this should do it. Sorry for the wait. This has almost all of them, I think one or two might be missing, not sure.

>> No.10946809

Very based. I have it for my archives now.

>> No.10946812

>File will be deleted after download
You tremendous cock

>> No.10946813

I didn't notice that until after I uploaded it, my bad. I thought that was the site I used last time, I'll try to remember to use catbox from now on.

>> No.10946882
File: 584 KB, 1600x720, Screenshot_2024-05-19-22-15-50-034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanton Destruction is pretty good. Really liked that the maps are compact and key hunting is more straightforward. I remember first expansion being more cryptic. Just finished Airplaine, parts on top of flying plane were not nice (save-load excercising), but the inside were well done.

>> No.10946883

>mirror mode
Oh, neat.

>> No.10946919
File: 43 KB, 558x655, 2009-08-30-how-doomguy-holds-weapons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10947074

First game has some outstanding maps, like hospital, mansion or mines. At the same time puzzles on other maps can be overly braindead, remember passing the whole sewers without the guide and being stuck on exit puzzle. Only played couple of levels from Route 66 (going to revisit it one day), and level design there was different. I think original was more atmospheric.

>> No.10947245

Here's a weirdly specific request: what's a good megawad to go through with Ashes 2063 weapons, and Rampancy?

>> No.10947261

DBP39: Carnage Oasis

>> No.10947273

Wait, you said megawad, shit.
Well, I still think it's a good match.

>> No.10947290

What's a good post apocalypse/fallout type map set? Decaying urban/suburban/rural environments essentially. I'm specifically using the Ashes weapon set + enemies.

>> No.10947293

Wtf I didn't even see your post before I made mine.

>> No.10947314
File: 47 KB, 460x258, 1707383935007125.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Malice Jam released:

>> No.10947357

Monster Hunter LTD.

>> No.10947361

you wouldn't download a DOOM

>> No.10947368


>> No.10947443

I have, and would do it again.

>> No.10947492
File: 128 KB, 640x480, DBP50_MAP03_screenshot_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emerald city (greening city)
Monster Hunter Ltd (decrepit industrial zone)

>> No.10947526

This and Carnage Oasis both work.

I'll have to try Emerald City.

>> No.10947530

After Dying Due To God's Mistake I Was Reincarnated In The Last Game I Played But Wait That Game Was DOOM?! - I Don't Want A Bad End So I Guess I'll Live A Slow Life Farming Demons For Ammo And Become The Solar System's Top Arms Dealer While Building My Harem

>> No.10947545

these isekai titles are getting ridiculous

>> No.10947549

is this gonna be the official name for jpcp 2?

>> No.10947551

Fuck off, you stupid faggot, I'll gatekeep as much as I fucking want.

>> No.10947590
File: 1.05 MB, 3840x2160, mjam_daviddg_2024-05-19_22-49-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just played this on Malice Refined.
The map with Daikatana textures is an absolute 10/10.
The big city map feels like it's trying too hard in a few places, but is pretty cool overall.
Sewer map is okay. There's really nothing to say about it.
The last one is pretty meh and it feels like the author spent more time writing his reddit-tier text logs than mapping.

I don't really get the overt Bladerunner aesthetic thing they've got going. Vanilla Malice, while high-tech and industrial feels a lot less grand in scale and with more noir than neon.

>> No.10947591

this but wolfenstein but the mc decides to make sure glorious nippon wins this time

>> No.10947642
File: 1.09 MB, 1400x2185, 017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some updates on the DoomBlame! Project:

I finally decided on a format. Since I don't know how long this will take, the kind of help I'll need, and don't want to spend too much time planning the whole thing, the maps will be released as 'Episodes' or floors. The idea is that each map will be huge, like Polygon Base, and take 30-40 minutes to finish on UV.

The first floor's title is Concentric Core and will focus on the ruins of an artificial sun industry complex. I like to frame it as an attempt humanity made to power an array of quantum processors in hopes of breaking the security of the Netsphere and regaining control. The player's mission will be to find the last remaining TA Oscillator, the only power cell that can power the space lift that will take them to the next upper floor.

I won't be doing original monsters, but use juiced up versions of the standard Doom II mobs, taking some cues from Complex Doom. They'll be reskinned to appear more like the goth cyberpunk that Nihei employs.

Regarding the gun, the only way I could make it like the original source is by using a different engine altogether. Instead I'll make the gun have three stages: Blast, Pierce and Crush. Blast will be like the Pistol, causing rocket-like explosions. Pierce will cast a ray that explodes on mobs/surfaces it touches, and Crush will make the ceiling/floor sectors of certain stages smash against one another.

And that's all for now. This week I'll start working on something actually playable.

>> No.10947687
File: 19 KB, 850x600, 1709280347211311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10947753
File: 259 KB, 1024x768, titl_512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of Dredd Vs. Death maps

>> No.10947770
File: 134 KB, 700x798, 332b3f5cb954cfce15384a4c4d2f409219011ad56874bd1404867bddc36b9418_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DOOM downloaded me. what sorcery is this

>> No.10947772 [DELETED] 

I heard Japanese schoolchildren are required to memorize a coded message to give the government in the event of a WW2-related timetravel/isekai event

>> No.10947791

I've purchased Doom over a dozen times and I still just Google for the wad if I need it real quick.

>> No.10947827

Is the phrase the game

>> No.10947828
File: 26 KB, 310x451, 132463724131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10947835
File: 45 KB, 460x672, 1706763117979605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10947846

Emerald City captures that Ashes feel really well so far. I tried smashing several of the garbage bags to get scrap lol.

>> No.10947865

I don't know who to reply to but here's an update for my Fraggot map, "Green Harvest":
Thank you to that one anon for providing feedback in the old thread. I minorly changed things according to that advice. I'll probably make one more update after the playtest session.
I just added monsters as an afterthought. You can use the "multiplayer only","not in coop" and "not in deathmatch" flags to keep things nice and separate between game modes.

>> No.10947887
File: 1.90 MB, 480x360, duake.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quake if it was a good game

>> No.10947894

fots shired

>> No.10947895
File: 23 KB, 348x300, 1698974321642624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quake but you play as this fucker

>> No.10947898

Huh. Whole campaign?

>> No.10947915

Preaching the good word to the denizens of Quake.
Alright fuck you I'm gonna try making a Blame! Quake map. Otex right? Sheeet.

>> No.10947960
File: 1.40 MB, 400x259, Barrels O&#039; Fun (Doom 2, Map 23).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10947963

Now that looks like a man who hates demons if I ever saw one

>> No.10947994
File: 67 KB, 521x516, 1710246449394990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this actually a thing yet? With how overblown "anything can run Doom" I assumed after whole two decades of both being open source at least someone ported it to Quake.
And I'm not talking about QDoom, I'm talking about actually running Doom in Quake, at least original wads.
If it's not a thing (because I can't find it), what's the closest we have?

>> No.10948004
File: 11 KB, 512x512, 1705035234722608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10948089

This looks really really sweeeet.

>> No.10948127

no anon, you look really sweet

>> No.10948139

Anon, I...

>> No.10948185

Doom but everything is made of sweets. Candyland Doom. Like that one Pokemon ROMhack.

>> No.10948191
File: 314 KB, 600x338, GOAyRRCXwAA71ml.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corruption Cards updated to 6.0.

>> No.10948197


>> No.10948202
File: 988 KB, 1380x771, 1692479431271857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CTRL+F "Zandr"
>0 results

>> No.10948203

Zandybam's fault for being behind and outdated.

>> No.10948205
File: 301 KB, 632x451, 1703663931799297.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, and I also know if I really gave a fuck I'd do something about it I get all that. Still, kinda sucks.

>> No.10948209
File: 26 KB, 279x380, 1707659450435946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now kiss

>> No.10948226
File: 175 KB, 816x1002, siren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the FUCK do i make an overlay stay when i switch weapons? any gurus here?

>> No.10948271

Haha time for more psychological torture!

>> No.10948365

The overlays are defined per-weapon. Switching weapons clears them. You'd need to define the overlay on every weapon. If it's the exact same on each one, use a mixin to reduce copy-pasting. Or use a base weapon class. Depending on which one is more applicable. You can make a custom action method to reinstate the overlay in the weapon's Select state.

>> No.10948372

Nah, both GZDoom not having actually decent netcode that everyone else has figured out for decades and Zandronum not having full DECORATE or any Zscript support can suck my fat cock to completion.

>> No.10948376
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>> No.10948390

That's no toy shotgun, that's Kevin Cloud's gigantic trucker hands making a normal-sized shotgun look like that.

>> No.10948428
File: 6 KB, 211x239, defeat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit. the idea was to always have a melee weapon out, and to be able to easily switch secondary weapons even mid-swing. i'll still try to figure out how to rig it, but man, that's annoying.

>> No.10948436

The engine was never designed to have more than one weapon out. You could jury rig your own implementation if you have the skills but don't expect it to just work, especially with mods than utilize weapons e.g. Gun Bonsai, War Trophies, etc.

>> No.10948442

makes sense, i guess. good thing the only compatibility i care for are monster packs.

>> No.10948463
File: 1.11 MB, 1280x720, 1688211300706713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a tool or mod to let me pick and choose from monster sets yet?

>> No.10948468
File: 15 KB, 191x116, BYIgRGuLhhw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no zscript friend to help me finish my gzdoom game

>> No.10948530

I HATE running GZDoom.

>> No.10948539

Are you the faggot that keeps asking for people to help but never actually explains what the project is about? How do you expect someone to hop on board with this cloak and dagger bullshit? Are you afraid that zscript friend is going to tell you your project is doomed to fail? Fuck off and learn to code already. For all we know you haven't even started anything.

>> No.10948543

I'll concede that GzDoom's netcode and how to interact with it is in fact fucking bullshit, but Zandybam only has its devs to blame for giving up on actually updating it. Can it even run MBF21 content yet?

>> No.10948619

>Can it even run MBF21 content yet?
Nope, they've been chasing shit like voice chat instead.

>> No.10948620

Its real, it comes out in may 22

>> No.10948621

Voice chat for a multiplayer-centric engine doesn't sound all that bad.

>> No.10948637

I remember when that was a "we will never do this" feature. Weird that they added it now in a post-Discord ecosystem with a long-dead competitive scene, demand for in-game voice chat couldn't be lower.

>> No.10948649

Eh, Discord's going to shit anyways but this seems more like it's aimed at drop in party game sort of stuff than organized sessions.

Kind of like they're hoping for something like Hellshots Golf to show up and get big.

>> No.10948679

OTEX, yes.

Also please do it in a superior game such as Doom II (jk do it any way you like!)

>> No.10948774

>waaah why don't I have someone to leech off of
>sage in all fields btw teehee
please fuck off

>> No.10948834

>a post-Discord ecosystem
This always feels massively overblown. Discord isn't preoccupying users or otherwise satiating their desire for direct communication on the internet; it's just that the average user age 25-40 puts the majority of their focus on enjoying the experience of their own personal game night, rather than care about interacting with the other players beyond the gameplay.

If anything, Doom ironically has better odds under such conditions, because a main contributor to people ignoring voice chat isn't because they're in a voice call, but because that aforementioned mindset means they're usually cranking their own music on top of everything. However, with Doom, music is just as much part of the identity of the map as everything else, regardless of gamemode, and players are more inclined to listen to game audio only as a result, and thus actually be able to hear voice chat for once.

Plus there's a setting for proximity chat. That's always fun.

>> No.10948852
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>> No.10948892

wrong board in all fields

>> No.10949006
File: 146 KB, 261x571, Heavynew_tfc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you guys going trick or treating?

>> No.10949059

lmfao, brilliant
I swear that GzDoom will sooner get unfucked netcode than Zandybam will ever get MBF21 or full Decorate support

>> No.10949105

he's a man of his word

>> No.10949150

Looks like a fucking WingCommander cockpit

>> No.10949151

The doom shotgun was modeled after something ''tootsie dakota'' toy shotgun and probably edited a little bit.

>> No.10949154

Nice work, what's this gonna be?

>> No.10949176


>> No.10949214

I feel like neither of them will get either at any point. There's already been so much time to implement these things that if it hasn't happened already, it will never happen. Of course I'd greatly prefer to be wrong.

>> No.10949223

It's giving SH4: The Room
Puzzle map?

>> No.10949309

>with Doom, music is just as much part of the identity of the map as everything else, regardless of gamemode, and players are more inclined to listen to game audio
Whatchu talking about Willis? If zoomers aren't willing to listen to the music in any other game, why would they care about the music in Doom? Especially since it's so often either the result of a 10-minute Google search for Cool MIDIS, or just the Doom soundtrack again.
There's also the fact that there's a whole lot of games that use audio cues far more heavily than Doom does.
What zoomers are actually doing is using Discord to chat with their friends about bullshit while the game keeps the rest of the brain occupied. Or they're attempting to stream/clip/record it, in which case they're talking to the audience.

>> No.10949439

>zoomers this
>boomers that
>oomers coomers doomers

Lol it's irrelevant. What is everyone playing / aspiring to play today or this week?

For me, it's trying to finish Quack 2 and then moving on to Ion Fury : Aftershock.

>> No.10949452

>What is everyone playing / aspiring to play today or this week?
This just hit RC1 so I'll probably give playing through it a go.

>> No.10949453

testing a community project wad before release, sadly did not play a lot of doom lately

>> No.10949486
File: 3.71 MB, 1920x1080, outplayed [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fjgsgk7.opus].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to get off nicolas monti's wild ride

>> No.10949503
File: 1.88 MB, 2560x1440, Fury Screenshot 20240504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually chipping away at that Ion Fury playthrough. I've not ran into the crossbow bug and there now appears to be a more staight-explosive weapon slot. Pretty good.

It reminds me to also look into that Selaco demo and see how it runs since it too features some brownhaired future-armored chick, I've heard its running smooth through GZDoom somehow. That's also all I've heard about recently regarding these big stand-alone GZD releases: I have no idea what Age of Hell or Supplice have been up to.

>> No.10949504
File: 130 KB, 450x581, can.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm playing Extra Beany Canned Doom and other stuff.

>> No.10949506

Outback Anarchy on Grime with Ashes Monsters.

>> No.10949524

Frag be damned, if I see that many barrels, I'm blowing them up, more likely a mimic in the mix than not, but I understand not wanting to shred the radsuit.

>> No.10949528

Quick rundown on this one?

>Outback Anarchy
Sounds like an australia themed doom wad.

>> No.10949531

I was trying this a few days back, it's pretty great.

>> No.10949540
File: 223 KB, 3090x1485, rangerbed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no GPU-based light compilation tool for Quake
>new EricW Tools dev build takes even LONGER to light
Well, at least I can have my completely unutilized RTX 4090 AI generate me some huge fuckin tiddies while I wait.

>> No.10949576
File: 56 KB, 662x662, 1714499218974147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pistol start UV Doom 2, semi-blind from fading memory
I'm so fucking rusty I need to shake the cobwebs out, vanilla maps are kicking my ass again
but it's fun

>> No.10949586


>> No.10949608

I did a continuous no-save playthrough of Doom 2 early this year or really late last year and a common theme I noticed was the levels being generally... I wouldn't say 'easy' but there was a lot of tedium and then you get to an end of the level where a cyberdemon or otherwise nasty trap splats you.

I feel like Doom 1 was more based around pistol starting / ''no saving'' and by Doom 2 Id was like ''yea the players are probably saving''. Sandy's city map block made me quit Doom 2 once and I think last year was the first time I was able to power through all of Doom 2 with the force of sheer willpower.

>> No.10949634
File: 1.53 MB, 1842x871, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone want to donate a decent skybox (or two) for the Doomblame! Project? God the standard ones are very unfitting and I suck at art in general.

>> No.10949646
File: 63 KB, 960x600, skybox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10949658

Just black should work, shouldn't it?
There are a ton of panels in Blame! where the megastructure just leads into pitch darkness because of how large it is

>> No.10949661

It's a gameplay mod where you play as an Aussie punk chick.

>> No.10949680
File: 253 KB, 512x271, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some areas, sure. Each floor has a different light setting, in some of Blame's artwork you can see structures stretching as far as the eye can see, while in others it's pitch-black. When Killy and Cibo are escaping through the ceiling of that floor after the tower scene (the one they meet with the messenger), you can actually see the entirety of the floor, even if it's far as fuck.

I'll see how far playing with fogs will take me, but eventually I will have to present something more than 'its so huge it vanishes into the fog'.

>> No.10949713

stealing this for my wad

>> No.10949726
File: 348 KB, 1920x1017, Screenshot_Doom_20240520_231946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's beautiful, anon.

>> No.10949839

no anon, your beautiful

>> No.10949850

Anon, I...

>> No.10949873

Playing Wolf3D, the mutants are so fucking brutal.

>> No.10949882

>Quick rundown on this one?
the author's post will do a better job than me but it's a mix of different types/styles of maps.


>> No.10949924
File: 420 KB, 1130x900, 1715455514484064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain what is meant by playing Wolf3D with "Mouse Only", how that works exactly, and how I could also do that and try it out?

>> No.10949926

DOOM: Hug & Kiss Edition

>> No.10949934

I'd hug & kiss you if you know what I mean sugar plums

>> No.10949942

Get in line, buddy

>> No.10949945

Mouse turning, LMB for fire, RMB for use, probably mouse for fowards and back.

It's stupid but people are desperate to make CONTENT so Youtube is probably full of that kind of thing.

>> No.10949953
File: 3.89 MB, 1280x960, wolf3d e5m3 [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Faonycu.opus].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using the mouse for movement as well as aiming and shooting. Technically you can play the game entirely on the mouse, but switching weapons is useful sometimes and there's not really much benefit to not using space for opening doors. The important thing is the insane speed and smoothness you get from mouse movement and strafing. Since Wolf3D has no inertia or verticality unlike Doom, it's as responsive and precise as moving your cursor around your OS. It's more taxing than using keyboard movement (you may want backup keyboard binds so you can take it easy going through long stretches of corridor) but you can really fling yourself around the map when you get used to it.
>how I could also do that and try it out?
In the original game, just play with the mouse. LMB shoots, RMB strafes, MMB opens, or you can use your free hand exclusively for opening doors and switching guns. In ECWolf, make sure "Disable Y Axis" is unchecked in the control options and that you have RMB bound to strafe.

>> No.10949976

imagine your mousepad is the entire map and your mouse is doomguy

>> No.10949994

Thanks anons. I have a follow up important question(s): what happens when you run out of mousepad going forward, just lift and reset? Cause that seems rough. I think I would rather hold W when needed if I was already using my left to switch weapons but I'll have to give it a shot.

>> No.10950000
File: 67 KB, 600x910, 1699012801839872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy a bigger mousepad

>> No.10950004 [DELETED] 

Can't argue with those digits

>> No.10950025

>just lift and reset?
Like the old days when mice were manly mice with balls.

>> No.10950029
File: 657 KB, 1920x1017, Screenshot_Doom_20240521_011104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's something a bit disconcerting about this smiling fucker peering down at you in Plutonia.

>> No.10950030
File: 72 KB, 630x611, 1688218837218085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never pick the lint off your mouse ball and eat it ever again

>> No.10950037

I have an authentic 90s rig for win9x gaming with a mouse ball and it's terrible, you're only remembering the good parts

>> No.10950043

We had some ancient systems kicking around at work because they were paired to some specialist machinery that couldn't easily be replaced and the mice were so fucking awful.

You forget how responsive even a cheap, shitty optic mouse is till you've fought with one of those spherical bastards.

>> No.10950080
File: 31 KB, 572x303, 1711103274833178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're only remembering the good parts
>having to eat the lint

>> No.10950085

I still clean dead skin off of my trackball mouse

>> No.10950094

it's full of bad nutrients and synthetic fibers

>> No.10950098

>computer lab
>that one psychopathic kid in the corner who doesn't eat the mouse lint when the teacher tells the class to

>> No.10950119

I was using the Japanese Community Project with Ashes to simulate a Fist of the North Star type feel.

>> No.10950132

I used to find that and chewing wires (not exposed ones but more like the ones on old gamepads) to be quite tasty as a child.

>> No.10950141

Ours were pretty decent, but you had to clean them constantly. The second any lint built up it was a jittery mess.

>> No.10950142

>to simulate a Fist of the North Star type feel.

>> No.10950180
File: 319 KB, 712x703, 1639407623621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google "keyboard goop"

>> No.10950278

I'm the motherfucking Fist of the North Star Jesus Christ.

>> No.10950280

"emergency rations"

>> No.10950339
File: 151 KB, 512x512, ḭ̶̗͚̫̈́̅̃̈́ͅḿ̶͍̠̬̱̖̮̪̗̣̉͊͒̇͐͠ả̷̧̺̲̹̰̳̘̬̊͛́ͅġ̶̨̩̲̇͝ͅe̵̳̝͋͌.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10950349
File: 2.87 MB, 1407x1012, 1706754597765516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had fleas a while back and couldn't figure out where they were breeding and then i opened my keyboard one day

>> No.10950353

It's actually a thing, it's a putty you put on your keyboard to sponge up crap between the keys and underneath. But really you're better off just pulling the keys off and doing it yourself.

>> No.10950371

oh that? i thought it would be yet an other disgusting internet horror

>> No.10950375

There is a related something awful thread titled "Keyboard goop" with some freak scraping crap between his keyboard, jizzing on it, and eating it. Thinking about it, that might be what that Anon was talking about, but the first thing that came to my mind was the cleaning product.

Seriously though, clean your fucking keyboards. All of you.

>> No.10950376

I just hate how all modern "gamer" mice have pointless gaps and crevasses that just capture hand gunk and are impossible to clean
>b-but it looks cool for marketing shots!

>> No.10950404

I hear that Duke 3D 20th Anniversary World Tour is apparently compatible with eDuke32.

How exactly does eDuke32 make the game better?

>> No.10950436

That's actually what I was referring to, yeah, it's a doomworld meme because the dude who made that thread also frequented doomworld and got bullied relentlessly once they found out about it

>> No.10950437

>cleaning your keyboard when you could just let the dirt cushion the clicks

>> No.10950441

I'd smack your hands with a ruler if I could.

>> No.10950443

Just get Rednukem if you want accurate gameplay.
Eduke32 is fine too but just stay away from Randy's shitty world tour thing.

>> No.10950446

my fingertips are cushioned with goop

>> No.10950447
File: 73 KB, 500x673, dynamite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit these are perfect.

>> No.10950460

okay but why?
what does 'accurate gameplay' mean that World Tour isn't delivering?

>> No.10950465

Accuracy means that it can play vanilla demos without desynching.
Eduke32 made too many changes in order to accomodate for modern mods so it broke compatibility with the vanilla game.
World Tour is even worse in this department, not only is it not accurate but it also forces the shitty polymer render by default and replaced Duke's iconic voice lines.

>> No.10950475

demos? like actual demos of the full game? I wouldn't care about that.
Desynching? like audio lag?
Unless I'm missing something, World Tour gives you toggles for original voice lines, and 'original' graphics. I don't know what the implications of a polymer render are

>> No.10950479

If you're not willing to do basic research or pay attention to what I'm saying then you can fuck off and buy 2 copies of World Tour while you choke on Randy's tiny clit penis.

>> No.10950497


>> No.10950514

i guess i'll have to ask reddit then, still looking for a compelling explanation as to why World Tour is a bad version

>> No.10950515

Go back there.

>> No.10950518

>i guess i'll have to ask reddit then
While you're at it, you can stay there.

>> No.10950535
File: 4 KB, 240x210, 1714676219716859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10950540

just play the damn thing and stop annoying us then

>> No.10950554

This just makes me want to do crimes with that anon's day/night mod to have it go full WHAT A HORRIBLE NIGHT TO HAVE A CURSE once it hits nighttime.

>> No.10950575

i have the music stuck in my head now thanks

>> No.10950593
File: 377 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Doom_20240520_210415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shotgun flipcocks. It's cool. Looks like she's missing a pinky, though.

>> No.10950596

>cause of death:
>looked into death star after I told him not to

>> No.10950643

>Reverse google image
>0 results
Fucking love you dude. Saved.

>> No.10950645

Why does she have a dildo embedded into her skull?

>> No.10950648

I love the bow in Ion Fury more than I thought I ever would.

>> No.10950650

I think you need to get better dildos if yours looks like mohawk.

>> No.10950658

Things like this are still made? Total 90s cheese? Hell yes. Thanks for posting it anon.

>> No.10950669
File: 1.33 MB, 1839x868, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One more from DoomBlame, I'm making this into a 'grand passage', or a central part of the floor/level that connects many different parts.

>> No.10950726

>eduke32 runs even on shit pcs, gzdoom lags and stutters on even the most top-of-the-line hardware
>ion fury is worthy to be in the same leagues as the legendary classics of fps gamss whilst all gzdoom games are slop
>duke modders are still cool nerds, (z)doom modders are all fags and trannies
Duke won. Doom lost
Ken Silverman won, Carmack lost.

>> No.10950734
File: 1.16 MB, 498x420, shut-the-door-door.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does this to any Build engine protag
>they instantly splatter into chunks

>> No.10950747

>quakeguy's face when he sees a concave quad

>> No.10950767

>ion fury is worthy to be in the same leagues as the legendary classics of fps gamss
Let's not get crazy.

>> No.10950786

Duke is only memorable because of the voice acting. If it wasn't for that, it'd just be a footnote in FPS gaming history.

>> No.10950787

Nah. Douk's monster roster and arsenal are very solid. Combat's pretty good too.

>> No.10950790

A large footnote, but I'd wager 50% of Duke's success and legacy is the voice for sure.

>> No.10950791
File: 66 KB, 800x742, 1685084336231619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't agree with you but I can't refute it

>> No.10950836

New thread?

>> No.10950838
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 1696785265650967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread can't be pruned!
>It's past the bump limit, I assure you it can

>> No.10950841


>> No.10950842
File: 39 KB, 360x388, 1686254092023293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next time.

>> No.10950849

I expected a little more food for self-reflection, let's call it a "moderate success"

Give some minutes

>> No.10950854

God's work anon. Don't let the detractors get you down.

>> No.10950863

They were only joking anon, but thanks


>> No.10950865


>> No.10951128

>update EDuke32
>every single mod breaks and needs to be updated to fix it

>> No.10951151

>Person who made the mod is deceased
its over..