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10929152 No.10929152 [Reply] [Original]

>first FF that has a lousy music score; Nobuo should have wrote ALL the songs
>you HAVE to play with ALL your characters all the time to make sure they level up and don’t fall behind
>battle system is worse version of Pokémon battle system with way less element types; way less types than most FF games even
>Blitzball is turn based soccer with shitty AI teammates; fuck that
>barely any NPCs in the game after the first 1/4 of it; no interesting NPCs
>the Cloister Trials are frustrating and boring; I’d rather have actual dungeons
>the whole game is corridors until Calm Lands, and it’s the only area I can ride a chocobo; what’s the fucking point of the chocobo if I can only ride it here?
>airship is just fast travel
>SPOLIER: Tidus is a dream? Oh yeah this story is amaaaaazing /s

Why is this game so beloved again? There are so many better FF games than this, and so many better JRPGs in general. I think the people who love it feel that way because of nostalgia - maybe this was your first FF game and on a brand new system at the time and it blew your mind? I don’t know. I’d rather play XIII and even that game is one long corridor for the most part, but at least it’s more fun and has better music. Who else feels how I do?

>> No.10929156

>first FF that has a lousy music score; Nobuo should have wrote ALL the songs
That would be 6. And funnily enough a lot of 10's best songs like Pursuit and Assault weren't written by Uematsu.
>you HAVE to play with ALL your characters all the time to make sure they level up and don’t fall behind
Yeah this part sucks, there should have been XP sharing
>battle system is worse version of Pokémon battle system
Sure but I don't really care how good the gameplay is if it's a JRPG anyway
>Blitzball is
Blitzball is something you have to play once and isn't a big deal
>barely any NPCs
Not sure I agree
>the Cloister Trials are frustrating and boring
The Bevelle one can go fuck itself. The rest are inoffensive
>the whole game is corridors until Calm Lands
>airship is just fast travel
Yeah agreed, but you unlock it so late in the game that it doesn't matter anyway
>Learn to spoiler, newfag.

>> No.10929178

6 has a fantastic score. Battle theme isn't great to hear over and over again but there are no other good criticisms relative to any other FF game.

>> No.10929201

Also, the enemy variety sucked ass. Most enemies were the same reused ones over and over, with color swaps. Awful

>> No.10929207

this was definitely a weak link in the FF series
it did look pretty good for its time tho

>> No.10929280

It was the first FF to really go all-in for fujo pandering. It also has a pacific islander setting instead of being western fantasy. Those two things made it huge in Japan. But the game isn’t very good.

>> No.10929293

>I don't really care how good the gameplay is if it's a JRPG anyway
kek, there is a genre called visual novels for retarded faggots like you

>> No.10929318

FFVI really shows Uematsu's porno music background in unflattering light. Much of the soundtrack borders on kitsch. His work on FFVII and his contributions to FFX are more mature and thematically legible.

FFX was my first FF game, and my first PS2 game, really sort of definitional game for 6th gen in my mind. So I have a hard time being "objective" about it. For this reason I'm willing to forgive all the obvious drawbacks OP mentions. It's an extremely cozy game.

>> No.10929331

What an awful opinion. Just because your gay fujo game is getting rightfully trashed doesn’t mean you should shit from your gay lose asswhoke

>> No.10929341

Zoomnigger melt melt

>> No.10929346

The irony of saying FFX was your first FF and calling others zoomers is palpable. You’re gay.

>> No.10929351

Keep melting, zoomnigger. I own your thread now.

FFX mogs the every loving shit out of the entire Ps1 trilogy.

>> No.10929353

Pseuds trying to share opinions on music is always embarrassing.
> thematically legible.
So you think Locke and Celes themes aren't "legible?" You don't even know what you are saying.

>> No.10929357

>first FF that has a lousy music score
Contrarian retard.

>> No.10929359

Yeah, that's right. It's not really clear what kind of character he's trying to portray with those themes. Compare to something like Auron's Theme which makes it instantly obvious the grizzled old veteran is dropping some knowledge on the greenhorns.

God, you guys are such niggers. You writhe and want to peel your skin off anytime you see a creature with a soul.

>> No.10929374

>It's not really clear what kind of character he's trying to portray with those themes
To you, because you're dumb.
Locke's theme is a rousing anthem, like the Main Theme to Indiana Jones.
Celes' theme is gentle and wistful, a mix of sorrow and longing.
Both themes are leitmotif and used in different contexts ("Forever Rachel" is a sad variant on Locke's theme).
They are also composed in counterpoint to each other, reflecting the relationship between the two characters.
You're a retard who shouldn't try to talk about music.

>> No.10929380

The corridors are the biggest problem. I don't know why it took until 13 for that to become a meme when 10 was 90% of the way there already.

>> No.10929384
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>only if you understand the complex notion of leitmotif (uhh it's a melodic line that uhhh repeats) may you post about music
What a pointless observation. You're acting like a Mexican. You have to go back.

>> No.10929392

The music isn’t melodic enough like in other FF games.

>> No.10929416

The themes are legible. The FF6 soundtrack is not lousy. You're a childish zoomer who doesn't know how to argue.
The music is just as melodic as other FF games.

>> No.10929418

who are you quoting

>> No.10929435

you were supposed to stop playing jrpgs after the ps1 era m8. 3d graphics and voice acting obviously ruined the genre

>> No.10929439

You, faggot.
>The themes are legible. The FF6 soundtrack is not lousy.
>You're a childish zoomer who doesn't know how to argue.
And you don't know how to read. I didn't say the earlier work was illegible. I said FFX's themes are more legible.
That other guy melting down ITT notwithstanding, I don't even see how that's a controversial claim. Even setting aside the basic facts - Uematsu was more skilled by then, having more extremely successful games under his belt, was more immersed in the Square movie game pipeline - by 2000 he had better and more representative music samples at his disposal. It's a trivial observation that the technical improvement alone would yield more immediately obvious thematic consistency in a game soundtrack - which it did, in my opinion having played both games and liked both quite a bit.
The other thing is that Hamauzu made some excellent, moodier/ambient contributions, as well as high-octane action themes that really make some of the airship sequences unforgettable. Overall it's a great game with a great soundtrack.

>> No.10929464

This was one of the first games I got with my PS2 back in the day, and I fucking hated it. I bought a friend's old copy of FFVII not long after and it was SO much better.

>> No.10929472

>Nobuo should have wrote ALL the songs
My brother in christ, Uematsu was already in decline back there. Hamauzu and Nakano hard carried that shit.

>> No.10929484

tl;dr, low IQ retard getting filtered by the best FF

>> No.10929538

>ffx faggot is also wojak cancer
kek, shit games also attract shit fanbase.

>> No.10929556


Zanarkand has about 8 million more listens on Spotify than the most listened to songs from any other FF soundtrack
You are both objectively and subjectively wrong. You have bad tastes, and you're never going to make it.

>> No.10929559

>jiggaboo beats have gorillions more listens on zoomify than classical music, therefore better

>> No.10929571
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Why don't you jerk off again to lady bois, autistic faggot.

>> No.10929587

Not only did you get btfo because you're a zoomer retard, but sage doesn't go in all fields. youre not supposed to announce a sage, newfag dipshit.

>> No.10929590

FFX is still a great game that a lot of people enjoyed and still cherish to this day. Take your meds. Enough posting for today.

>> No.10929591

Ff 12 is probably the perfect ff

>> No.10929593

FFX is great, the gameplay is the peak in the series and the amount of extra for fun bonus content is really good. Only retards hate it desu

>> No.10929594
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I hope you live forever, because your contrarian ways will make your life hell. I find joy in knowing that you will make yourself sugger forever.
>sage in all fields
Yes, because I'm a much older fag than you

>> No.10929597

12 suffers from often feeling disconnected from its own story and a sort of bad party. Gameplay is fun and it has a really nice amount of bonus content though. grab a difficulty mod for it and it's a top tier FF game

>> No.10929602
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You're so fucking stupid, kek

>> No.10929603

Hahaha, I know, I know... but... I'm still going to have fun playing FFX, and more fun than I would have playing any of the PS1 or Nintendo FFs, and you can't stop me!

>> No.10929604

You're idiot, that was a meme. Only fucking retards saged in all fields, holy shit you're all the stupidest fucking niggers what the fuck happened to this place.

>> No.10929606

I dont think you're stupid for enjoying ffx, moron.

>> No.10929615

>You're so fucking stupid, kek
>I dont think you're stupid for enjoying ffx, moron.

>> No.10929617

You think ffx had bad music, look inward and stop projecting

>> No.10929640

>I think the people who love it feel that way because of nostalgia - maybe this was your first FF game and on a brand new system at the time and it blew your mind
I can only imagine it must be that. nostalgia, 3d being new at the time, etc. It's crazy to imagine there are FFfags out there who complain about newer entries being "corridor-like" and praise FFX, a game where left-right are the only directions.

>> No.10929652

If you think 10 has better music than 6 overall you have the taste of a retarded gay faggot dog with aids

>> No.10929669

The difference between X and 13 is that X still felt like a connected world. 13 doesn't.

>> No.10929673

6's top-tier tracks:
>Dark World
>Searching for Friends
>The Veldt
>Dancing Mad
>Decisive Battle
>Devil's Lab
That's about it really; the rest of 6's soundtrack has not particularly changed my life. You get the impression Uematsu wasn't particularly motivated when writing most of 6 and just fell back on the musical equivalents of platitudes. These top-tier tracks I mentioned are among the franchise's very best but 7 has this many before you've even left Midgar.
As for 10, there's so many brilliant tracks in that game it's ridiculous, I have absolutely no disdain towards people who consider it to have the best FF soundtrack.

>> No.10929676

but he's right, it does.

>> No.10929680

6 has great standout tracks, Searching for Friends is the only one I can really remember. Narshe theme is charming because it hearkens to Uematsu's porno soundtrack days. Outside of these I can't really even remember too much of the music. FFX has a greater quantity of memorable tracks, and the soundtrack overall is more consistent and atmospheric, and as much of this is down to technical improvement as to Uematsu's maturity as an artist (of which COLLABORATION with another composer is a major indicator!)

>> No.10929691

Ya it sucked it was the first final fantasy I didn’t finish I quit about 8 hours in. So boring

>> No.10929703

Narshe's music is mid on top of being plagiarised from Chrono Trigger

>> No.10929847

>And you don't know how to read
no, you can't even remember what you already wrote.
> I said FFX's themes are more legible.
You also wrote:
>It's not really clear what kind of character he's trying to portray with those themes
You're backpedaling and doing damage control.

It's an asinine argument, also. Motte-and-bailey fallacy. You've asserted that FF6 is lousy and then try to retreat into the fine print (oh well technically Uematsu was a more experienced composer in 2000 than 1994) which is irrelevant to the assessment of the FF6 OST's sountrack as a whole as it compares to FF10.

Still no arguments, just shitting out half-baked opinions and expecting everyone to agree. Typical brainless zoomer.

>> No.10929870

Here's the post, try reading it again after taking your zoloft

It's really weird to accuse me of motte-and-bailey when your entire nigger-brained attitude is prompted by taking my pieces of evidence for the whole conclusion of my argument, which to be sure is not that FF6 is "lousy," but that its soundtrack is, and I quote, immature and less thematically legible than his later work.

>> No.10929892

>Doubling down on disingenuous shitposting.
You are definitely deploying rhetoric way beyond what your feeble arguments can support. Not a single criticism of the actual music has held up to scrutiny.

>> No.10929943

Oopsies, look like you mistook an ad hominem for a thought. Read the posts and try again.

>> No.10930000

>You are definitely deploying rhetoric way beyond what your feeble arguments can support.
Oh please. As if anyone ITT has done more than state the contrary case. The only post that nearly approached a counterargument to the original claim is this one: >>10929374 - it seems to be the thrust of the argument is that FF6 has a superior soundtrack because it uses leitmotifs and counterpoint to differentiate and link Locke and Celes as characters.

But the problem with it is that we are discussing Uematsu, for whom leitmotif is a basic compositional unit, his soundtracks awash with track after track modifying and examining familiar melodic lines. So pointing out that Locke and Celes share a leitmotif is like saying water is wet. Yes, Uematsu is a characterful composer who specializes in personalized themes and their music-theoretical-ludonarrative harmony. It's not an argument in favor of one soundtrack or the other to say he uses leitmotifs and species counterpoint to interlink them, because he does that all the fucking time, for instance, between Tidus' and Auron's respective themes, or between Tidus and Yuna, or the various resumptions and modifications of the main line of Suteki Da Ne throughout the soundtrack... etc etc.

So we've established to some extent that Uematsu's music theory sets an appreciable floor to the quality of his soundtracks. The task now is to differentiate the superior from the inferior, within that quality floor. It doesn't mean FF6 has a "bad" soundtrack, because we agree Uematsu is a good composer who composes good character themes and soundtracks. I would have thought that agreement - that whatever entry we are discussing in the FF series passes a certain quality minimum - was implicit in any FF discussion on /vr/, but I suppose i'm the fool for assuming anything like a cosmopolitan spirit animating the knuckle-dragging /v/ rejects that congregate here.

>> No.10930072

>lousy score
Stopped reading there, youre objectively wrong and also a whiny faggot.

>> No.10930210

>FFX mogs the every loving shit out of the entire Ps1 trilogy.
You're smoking crack, nigger.

>> No.10930220

Countable polygons, slow load times, midi music, schizo plot, loses steam after first 2 hours
Trivially broken in the first 5 minutes of gameplay, assblastedly retarded plot, boring non-character characters
slowest video game ever created, deliberately sabotaged by Sony and Square to market the PS2

Remind me why these are so well regarded when FFX took literally everything good about them, discarded literally everything bad, and then upgraded the whole package to 6th gen graphics, music, FMV, and above all load times?

It's OK to admit that the early 3D era was very rough and tumble.

>> No.10930239
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>> No.10930326

>>SPOLIER: Tidus is a dream? Oh yeah this story is amaaaaazing /s
I don't know if this is real, but the legend goes the twist would be Tidus was a ghost, but The Sixth Sense came out so that was shifted over to Auron, and Tidus became more complicated
>you HAVE to play with ALL your characters all the time to make sure they level up and don’t fall behind
This is a legit criticism, you either collect lots of abilities for khimari and use him all the time or he stays on the bench. Maybe it encourages switching (which you couldn't do in chrono trigger, a game that shared XP) but an "optimal" FFX playthrough switching everyone in for XP gain would be fucking tedious
Unrelated, a lot of discussion of FFX is how the postgame is where the real FFX begins but I think its strength is in the gimmick bosses of the main story instead of spamming Quick Hit with Tidus, Wakka, and Rikku

FFX seems very popular on /vr/, someone always wants to talk about it, maybe like >>10929318 it's a generation-defining game for late 20s gen Z more than the SNES canon

>> No.10930332

>first FF that has a lousy music score
stopped reading there, bait thread or retarded. anyway op is a fag.

>> No.10930708

What? Lol buy yourself some ears, the melodies in 6 are much more diverse and of higher quality and quantity, compared to ffx which is made up of cringe nu metal, cringe anime song (my god do you like this type of garbage, this is so cheesy) the rest is the same song remixed so many times (do you even know how much the same composition appear in the ost) and actual porn music along with other composer's lesser work, plus a few good tracks mostly ambient. Absolute dog taste

>> No.10930760

Final fantasy is entirely bad

>> No.10930907

6 may rely less on leitmotifs, but that doesn't guarantee the songs are written more interestingly, nor does it even prevent many of its songs from blending together which they absolutely do. Meanwhile, 10's music covers a ton of different genres including jazz, downtempo, metal, prog, DnB, with some trance elements here and there and even incorporating ethnic instruments more heavily due to the southeast Asian aesthetic. And of course you get the orchestral stuff Uematsu is known for. Furthermore, most of 6's tracks are also extremely short and repetitive.
>nu metal
There's one metal song and is about the furthest from nu-metal that metal can be. It's also really good.
>cringe anime song
I might appreciate it more if I spoke Japanese but it's inoffensive. Melodies of Life was way better though.

10's soundtrack is amazing, here are the highlights for me:
>To Zanarkand
>Wandering Flame
>Someday the Dream Will End
>Normal Battle (holy shit this is the best normal battle theme ever)
>Fight with Seymour
>Macalania Woods
>A Contest of Aeons
>Out of the Frying Pan
>Servants of the Mountain
>Thunder Plains
>Final Battle

>> No.10930989

The game is fantastic. Complaints like "you only go forward" when you're on a pilgrimage and "you have to use every character" when there's a quick swap and you just have to get one attack in every once in a while are bad
Story, music and voice work in this game blow the fuck out of every other JRPG. It's like the one JRPG that's not embarassing to play

>> No.10931337

>>first FF that has a lousy music scor
opinion disregarded OP is a fag

>> No.10931760

>first FF that has a lousy music score; Nobuo should have wrote ALL the songs
This was a point of transition when Squaresoft was pushing out all of the "old guard" to bring in "new fresh perspectives with new ideas for today's kids." And it really showed with the follow-up FF X-2 which was blatantly aimed at a young teen J-pop market.

So Nobuo was there to begin the soundtrack, but not to finish it.

>> No.10932746

>battle system is worse version of Pokémon battle system with way less element types; way less types than most FF games even
I've never seen anyone judge a battle system by how many elements it has. How does that even matter? Pokemon is piss easy and designed for babies while this game has respectable difficulty curve until endgame

>> No.10933089 [SPOILER] 
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>first FF that has a lousy music score
Stopped reading there, this mogs Uematsu

>> No.10933090

Fucking Pokemon retards trying to upplay their baby as fuck gameplay.

>> No.10933104
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>battle system is worse version of Pokémon battle system
Which one?

>> No.10933283

This was the first zoomer fantasy. I still remember the marketing push for it, they had cringe TV commercials of Yuna dancing and this shitty jpop song playing, it's probably burned into their brains.

>> No.10933290

Final Fantasy Sonic X is canon.

>> No.10933351

I definitely agree about FFVI’s OST. The whole game felt off to me in general, but the music being largely forgettable was another aspect of it that I disliked.

Seems like no one made an effort to make an actual counter-argument, but that’s to be expected. Screeching fanboys begin frothing at the mouth when someone points out something that discredits their favorite FF game.

>> No.10933368

>you have the taste of a retarded gay faggot dog with aids
That’s a pretty convincing argument if I’ve ever seen one. Who knew that 5th grade playground trash talk could be so powerful?

>> No.10933420

>spoiling the game's ending twist with zero spoiler tag
niggers like you should be permabanned

>> No.10933434

The only people who hail FF6 as this lifechanging masterpiece are the same people who still call it FF3

>> No.10933703

It is worse than FFXII in every way. You would have to be a women or a limp dick man to like FFX

>> No.10933750

I'm about 3 hours in myself and debating dropping it. Nothing about it really grabs me

>> No.10933754

That's when I dropped it. Too many boring cutscenes. No sense of freedom at all. Gameplay advancing too slowly. Pretty setting but that's about it.

>> No.10933759

Arguments have been made and nobody could respond with anything but pleading to taste. No one shitting on 6 soundtrack has anything better than "I'm an idiot and don't understand music" to defend their asinine claims.

>> No.10933908

The truth is that any reasonable argument made against 6's score is conveniently ignored. Have you commented on how short 6's songs are? Have you commented on its lesser tonal diversity? Its lesser genre diversity? Dancing Mad is rightfully iconic, but it's also not the only song in the game, and most of them are among Uematsu's worst.

>> No.10933925

The game is no fun, and I don’t see myself revisiting it like I would with VII.

>> No.10934274

>The music isn’t melodic enough like in other FF games

>> No.10934304

>first FF that has a lousy music score
Absolute shit take.

>> No.10934647

>most of them are among Uematsu's worst
No that'd be FFV's soundtrack
For every <<<DRUMS>>> of exdeath and Big Bridge, there are 15 fart noise tracks

>> No.10934838

I can't believe how often I see people say FF7 goes to shit after Midgar. That's when the game gets good!

>> No.10937740

FF6 was my first final fantasy, the themes are way more memorable for me followed by FF7. To each their own.

>> No.10937756

Fuck now I have to listen to these again.

>> No.10938250
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>first FF that has a lousy music score; Nobuo should have wrote ALL the songs
Music obviously comes down to personal taste. However, you give no attempt at a critique here, no reason to say it's "lousy" other than that there are multiple composers and not just Uematsu. Most critics and fans alike welcomed the change and it's an example of a lauded Final Fantasy soundtrack. It's different than previous games in the series, but that doesn't make it worse.
>you HAVE to play with ALL your characters all the time to make sure they level up and don’t fall behind
This is just misleading. A character merely needs to spend one turn to get all the AP for that match. This is why in runs on Youtube you see players switch in a character just to guard, then switch out. Also, the battles move very quickly, so it was designed to make this easy. Furthermore, you don't even need all characters levelled up to do well, it's an easy game overall, and many of the characters (like Kimahri and Rikku) can be seen as superfluous.
>Blitzball is turn based soccer with shitty AI teammates; fuck that
I'll give you that, I don't like Blitzball, either. But it doesn't detract from the game besides the fact there could have been something better in its place, (incidentally, I didn't like the card games in VIII or IX either) or get in the way of it. (there is one point where you have to play it, but it's just one point and it's over within minutes if you let yourself lose, which there's no penalty for)

>> No.10938254

>barely any NPCs in the game after the first 1/4 of it; no interesting NPCs
This is just an untrue blanket statement. And you say nothing specific about the many NPCs in the game. Final Fantasy X made a deliberate effort to be filled with interesting (fully voiced) NPCs to better bring Spira alive. For example, Maechen. A constructive criticism could be, "Maechen is a shoe-horned excuse to feed lore to you," which has validity, but it's just false to act like there was no effort put into the NPCs in this game.
>the Cloister Trials are frustrating and boring; I’d rather have actual dungeons
Again, a valid criticism. They're just pointless puzzles and padding. It makes the game feel dated and the game doesn't benefit from them. However, it's wrong to act like it makes the game bad or even really that worse, even if you hate them. Many exaggerate them. They're all easy and over fast.
>the whole game is corridors until Calm Lands
Most JRPGs are linear, including all Final Fantasy games before X. X is just more honest about its linearity. I'm not the first to say this. At one point in development they actually wanted a world map. Again, there's potentially a real point on its linearity somewhere, but just saying "it's linear" (as many detractors of this game do) is unconstructive dismissal. On the Chocobo, they obviously just wanted it somewhere instead of not in the game at all, especially since it has no traditional world map, which was the sole purpose of Chocobos in every game prior to it. You'd complain if there was no Chocobo too.
>airship is just fast travel
I addressed this above, it's because there is no world map. You're stating the obvious.

>> No.10938260

>Tidus is a dream? Oh yeah this story is amaaaaazing /s
The entire story of Final Fantasy X is based on Japanese mythology, specifically the stories of Susano-O and the Yamata no Orochi. Tidus corresponds to Susano'o, Dream Zanarkand the Heavens he is banished from, the mortal world is Spira/the world 1,000 in the future, Orochi is Sin, the daughters sacrificed to Orochi are the summoners, Kushinadahime the eighth daughter of a couple Susano'o meets and vows to prevent from being sacrificed to Orochi is Yuna, and Susano'o's plan to get Orochi drunk to kill it corresponds to when they sing the Hymn of the Faith to lull Sin so they can fight and go inside it at the end of the game.

Again, you don't have to like the story and can criticize it. But just invoking one plot point with a perfunctory negative reaction and dismissal is not productive criticism. Subjective tastes don't have to be rational, but when you pass them off as an objective assessment, and don't even seriously attempt to give constructive, legitimate criticisms but pass off emotional reactions as blatant signs the game is simply bad, it just sounds stupid.

>> No.10938273

>FFVI really shows Uematsu's porno music background in unflattering light. Much of the soundtrack borders on kitsch. His work on FFVII and his contributions to FFX are more mature and thematically legible.

>> No.10938301

FF proper died with IX. Everything after that is just using the name for marketing purposes.

>> No.10938327

I agree. This is something I've thought about a lot. Of course, many of the same developers, designers and writers at Square are present to work on them, and many of the same motifs are present. But I've actually had the thought that if not for the fact that the game being called "Final Fantasy" is guaranteed to make it sell better, their new big-budget games would be less likely to be called "Final Fantasy" at all, especially since so many of the "connections" to older games in the series are just shoe-horned nostalgia bait, like "a Chocobo is in it!" (one baby Chocobo inside a character's hair) "A Cactaur is in it!" "Now it's Final Fantasy, see? See?" If anything, if they freed themselves from these references and the weight of the title, it would allow for better creative freedom and better games. (Final Fantasy XIII seems bogged down by the legacy of the previous games in the series, but Final Fantasy XV doesn't, and was refreshingly different and a decent game in its own right) Even Final Fantasy VII Remake, an ostensible remake that was only made due to fan demand, has nothing to do with the Final Fantasy proper you mention and largely seems to be them wanting to make an original game, because the story is totally different from the original Final Fantasy VII, just with the same playable characters and (some of) the same environments. (even if in practice it's a cookie-cutter mold of a generic mission-driven, semi open world modern video game, they clearly want Final Fantasy to not become stale and derivative of MMOs or the XIII series of games)

At the same time, suppose they did actually do this, think about how much money they would lose, just because of a different title and the lack of brand recognition. So what are they supposed to do? I can't blame them.

>> No.10938691

>>first FF that has a lousy music score; Nobuo should have wrote ALL the songs
You saying Assault, Servants of the Mountain, Challenge, and Contest of Aeons are "lousy"?

>> No.10938712

>I give up on FFX
Ignoring the Kitase/Nojima slop
It's this one grievous sin, rotating party members for EXP. It's just not fun, it's a gameplay killer and the encounters aren't balanced to allow for it.

I do think the whatever it was called, maybe pulling from XIII, crystarium? skill system? Yeah that was nice. Great system there, like FF X-2 more though thanks to jobs. Outside of the art and the progression system, it's just another VII VI.5 to me.
I know the game changed peoples lives and all that who grew up with it but by that point I was too embroiled in JRPGs for it to make an impact and I'd already fell in love with V & II, soon to become XI.

>> No.10940534

>Only made due to fan demand
Yeah fuck them, right?

>> No.10940984

I didn't say it was a problem with me. But it's just a fact. Also I was bringing this up to make a specific point: it drives home by point about the market pressure for Square to make their new games all related to and under the Final Fantasy banner, especially because on the surface it's this long-requested remake, but really it's mostly original and an excuse for Square to experiment with new ideas and take things in a new direction.

But if you got that far into my paragraph you probably read my entire reply, so you should know that I went on to spend the rest of the reply basically praising Final Fantasy VII Remake for being original and subverting expectations, since it's an original game altogether: the story is not only totally different from the original Final Fantasy VII, but the gameplay has nothing to do with it, either. That said, it's still a generic modern mission-based action game with RPG elements, albeit a high-budget, competently made one. I don't happen to like the game, I dislike the modern anime tone which is sharply contrasted with the original Final Fantasy VII which had wonderful tone, writing, and atmosphere and didn't take itself too seriously. (Dunkey aptly described it as "a funny game with serious moments," and Remake as "a serious game with funny moments.")

>> No.10941842

I generally prefer ff6's soundtrack because I find in limitation it managed to become very memorable. I'm really not sure how old musicians made beautiful music on such ancient hardware.

>> No.10941989

>Why is this game so beloved again?
It isn't. It's a loud minority who can't accept that this is where Final Fantasy died.

>> No.10941994

I frankly don't understand how anyone could defend X after Spoony's review of it.

>> No.10942006

Loved 7, 8 and 9. Hated 10 and couldn't even get halfway through before dropping it.

>> No.10942009

Because I didn't watch it and made my own opinion

>> No.10942129

>No exp. sharing

I actually like that part of it. Dont use a character? Then reap the consecuences when you need to use it later. And exp. sharing is inmersion breaking anyway

>> No.10942131

I'm sorry for your lack of taste and capacity for fun, anon

>> No.10942134

Why tf would I need someone's opinion to form my own? The game is beautiful, fun and probably has the best battle and leveling mechanics of all FF, I dont care what your e-friend has to say about it

>> No.10942147

He concisely demonstrated how indefensibly bad the game is. No amount of deflection from you will ever make this not the case.

>> No.10942157

holy shit lol

>> No.10942214

No one is going to watch your video faggot, go shill somewhere else

>> No.10942217

the videos are like 15 years old, everyone who was interested has already seen them, fuck are you talking about lmao

>> No.10942262

>everyone who was interested has already seen them
Exactly, so fuck off with your second hand opinions, drone

>> No.10943239

It's no FF7, but it's the next best thing

In fact, FF7 is kinda embarassing. But this game has an artistry to it, it's almost okay to show it to other people and they probably won't cringe

>> No.10943262

It's final fantasy, and it was squaresoft's first big leap onto the system.
And at the time it did look amazing, in some ways it still does for the ps2.
And if there's one thing squaresoft knew how to do it was hyping the shit out of the new final fantasy.

>> No.10944324

what a lousy opinion

>> No.10944343

read the second post in this thread

then get off my board, you navel-gazing, fart-huffing jackass