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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 378 KB, 942x795, Retro In Japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10850791 No.10850791[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Oh great, it's bad enough the collectors that hyper-inflated prices of retro games have fucked things up for us here in the US, now they are fucking over Japan with their bullshit too.

I would also like to point out these three quotes from the article where this is specifically about collectors:

>"A year ago, there were tons of Famicom Disk System games, but this is all that’s left. The PS1 section is half empty. The tourists have taken everything. I don’t bother shopping for retro games in big Japanese cities anymore."

>"I saw a guy just taking everything off the already paltry DS shelf. There [are] tons of people like him and very little anyone can do because it’s obviously not illegal. So I don’t even bother anymore."

>"I should specify that if you’re a tourist in Japan and buying these games because you genuinely want to play them, I don’t have an issue with you," Jia says. "It’s the people who clear entire shelves just to scalp them online when they get home that ruin the hobby here for everyone."

So where was that bubble bursting again?

>> No.10850796

never because collectors are stupid I mean imagine paying thousands for games you can emulate for free now if the manual hasn't been scanned okay I might understand but when it's been scanned then why even bother?

>> No.10850803
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>> No.10850808

This. Plastic trash collection is fucking retarded. I live in Japan and I don't give a shit about plastic crap.

>> No.10850810

Then don’t sell. The fuck is wrong with that?

>> No.10850816

Not even 1 post and the thread went full retard, what a shame. Also fuck scalpers.

>> No.10850819
File: 19 KB, 260x218, OIP (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the shop owner had any integrity he just wouldn't sell them.

>> No.10850820

>Buying games
Also nobody likes disk system games, it's why people seek out the cartridge conversions instead

>> No.10850832

if it bothers them just deport them
>inb4 not legal
then change the law

>> No.10850834

At the very least do a fucking literacy test on the retarded gaijin to make sure they can actually read Japanese. If they fail, then no fucking sale. Absolute quickest and best way to filter retards like this.
This assumes that they won't try and put other Japanese people up to buying it for them in their stead, but I get the feeling the average Japanese person would refuse on principle.

>> No.10850837

Bwaaa, why are people hoarding the games *I* want to hoard? It's not fair!

Fuck coomlectors. Scalping is ba~sed. Also those Famicom Disk System floppies are probably paperweights at this point.

>> No.10850840
File: 194 KB, 333x316, MISTAH MERRIKU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most anti-archival group of do-nothings sho want you to own nothing and be happy like with their png puppet animated pachislots

>> No.10850847
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>> No.10850852

>sell game
>need money to run store
>*oh noooo scalpers bought my shit nooooo" *fans with yen wad*

>> No.10850858


>> No.10850864
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you snooze you lose

>> No.10850868

Tell the jap stores to stop selling internationally online. Not my problem that they are willing to ship to my country and even include a thank you note for the purchase.

>> No.10850869

Time to pirate
Fuck Japan's corporate laws
Nip gamers need to rise up

>> No.10850872

>should specify that if you’re a tourist in Japan and buying these games because you genuinely want to play them, I don’t have an issue with you," Jia says. "It’s the people who clear entire shelves just to scalp them online when they get home that ruin the hobby here for everyone."

Been saying this for years. Japan had immense glut of this stuff that was never going to deplete in most of our lifetimes, but people buying 10+ copies repeatedly will fuck it up.

>> No.10850879

They can be rewritten, but most care about everything besides the disk itself for that reason.

>> No.10850896

>Also those Famicom Disk System floppies are probably paperweights at this point.
Nah, plenty of them are just fine.
I don't care if people buy them to play or even for their own collecting, but most of these people are just buying as investment, because US games gave already been largely milked dry.

>> No.10850914

It is funny to me that 99% of the prototype ROMs of Japan-only games are online because some gaijin collector shelled out to get it, probably competing directly with Japanese "private collectors," and then went through the effort to dump it and share it. Most Japanese prototype and other undumped game collectors just throw it in their hoard and maybe show it off on Twitter. Or use it to make bootlegs.

>> No.10850920

Good. Youtube bandwagoners get fucked and if I feel like selling any of my shit I get a premium now.

>> No.10850929

>had 30 years to buy anything you wanted

>> No.10850932

I knew it was over the second I started seeing Buyee ads on basedtuber videos

>> No.10850939

30 years was not long enough to buy everything i wanted.

>> No.10850947

learn self control

>> No.10850967

>This assumes that they won't try and put other Japanese people up to buying it for them in their stead, but I get the feeling the average Japanese person would refuse on principle.

Unfortunately, apparently a lot of this is also perpetuated by Japanese people working as a middle man for said tourists.

>Bwaaa, why are people hoarding the games *I* want to hoard? It's not fair!

There is a difference between wanting to buy anywhere from one to at most a handful of games you always wanted to play or have, and people literally shoveling entire shelves of games, including multiple copies of the same game, into a bag to clearly scalp at higher prices.

How did the Japanese deserve to suffer from the collectafags that plague the US retro gaming scene?

There was already a store that converted from two floors to one due to not having enough stock to justify a second floor anymore. Problem is if your store sells more than just retro games now you will have less non-tourist customers coming in for games that could potentially end up buying other things too.

Article talks about that, thing is there are many services which will act as an intermediary for you and then ship it to your real address.

A lot probably has to do with how much insanely stricter copyright laws are in Japan. Just recently there was a guy in Japan who was arrested for selling a service where he modified your Pokemon saves to inject Pokemon into them.

>> No.10850978

>A lot probably has to do with how much insanely stricter copyright laws are in Japan.
Bullshit. A lot of these Japanese hoarders are special snowflake scumbags who don't want gaijin to have it

Like that one fully finished JRPG which was never released and that scumbag collector saying he was gonna protect this ''Japanese treasure''.

>> No.10850996

>So where was that bubble bursting again?
Is it a bubble?

>> No.10850997

Kick foreigners out of Japan. None of them understand the culture, not whites, not Koreans, not Chinese. 99% of them just come to fuck the women and buy cheap food & games. For every 1 Peter Barakan you have 1000+ people who just dont belong

>> No.10851001

>There is a difference between wanting to buy anywhere from one to at most a handful of games you always wanted to play or have, and people literally shoveling entire shelves of games, including multiple copies of the same game, into a bag to clearly scalp at higher prices.
You don't need this garbage to actually play and enjoy the games. You can just load famicom disk system games in a nes everdrive or emulate.

Also, your desire to have a stupid collectible piece of plastic in your shelf is in no way any less selfish than scalper-kun's wish to resell it some sojak with a mark up. The outrage at scalpers is self righteous nonsense.

>> No.10851008

I keep all the thank you notes I get for my games they're cute. I think one was even signed by the owner and his daughter or something.

Don't get mad at me though I play my games and dont sell them

>> No.10851016

It's literally Japanese companies shipping them overseas. Tourists aren't buying up the games you moron.

Go on eBay and look up any rare game, you'll see the Japanese releases there being sold by Japanese from Japan.

>> No.10851017

>According to research done by Beep, the figure he quoted me was, something like 70% of games sold on Japanese auction sites end up leaving the country.

>Now the wealthy collectors are travelling further afield in Asia. Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, etc. They're buying the Japanese games which had been imported into these countries back in the day, and which still haven't yet been picked clean by speculators and scalpers.

Fuck these bastards, they are even now desperately trying to find anything other than videogames to also inflate in price for no reason, like VHS tapes or strategy guides. What scum of the Earth, taking older things that people had fun with for cheap and jacking up the prices in some cases by literally over a thousand times and completely destroying the market and hobby so they can try to act like they are one-of-a-kind Picassos to sell for inflated prices. ADN now they are fucking over the Asian countries because they are running out of stuff in the western markets to scalp.

>> No.10851026

>Also, your desire to have a stupid collectible piece of plastic in your shelf is in no way any less selfish than scalper-kun's wish to resell it some sojak with a mark up.

Nice try troll-kun.

I buy a single copy of a game both to have it and to play it, leaving all the other copies behind for others who want to do the same.

Collectors buy multiple copies of the same game so others cannot have it and then jack up the price.

We are not the same.

>> No.10851053

The age of collecting is over, the age of FPGA has dawned
You can’t eat spite. I hope you find happiness one day

>> No.10851060

This stuff is probably a symptom of the wider picking/scalping/vintage sales culture spreading everywhere and infecting people who think they’re going to get rich from it when their minimum wage jobs won’t cut it.

>> No.10851081

I keep all the origami they send me.

>> No.10851086

they just need to do what the porn theaters do: no foreigners

>> No.10851092

For their legal whore houses, do they still reject you if are a legal citizen? Like, no non slant-eyes is getting in no matter what?

>> No.10851093

Normalfags fooled by people like RetroRGB podcast

>> No.10851097
File: 387 KB, 515x437, 1230295137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buying/collecting things you will never use is called HOARDING DISORDER
Retrocollectorsfags are a disease.

>> No.10851103

Retro collecting started because people were using them.

>> No.10851104

japanese cant emulate or they go to jail

>> No.10851108

And now it persists because faggots on youtube line their walls with boxes and funkos.

>> No.10851123

Why is there so much faggotry in retrogaming?

>> No.10851126

>Shilling for fpga garbage because too dumb to emulate on PC
>Defending autistic hoarders
Kill yourself you double retard

>> No.10851127

Japan has the Galapagos syndrome and simply never knew such scarcity for decades; this is a recent phenomenon. Their respect for copyright law will evaporate once it becomes impractical to follow it.

>> No.10851132
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>> No.10851135

The shops are almost always thrift stores. They don't care, they just want money.

>> No.10851139

I’ve been emulating since before your dad stuck his dick in your mom and left. I like FPGA better.

>> No.10851140

>It's literally Japanese companies shipping them overseas. Tourists aren't buying up the games you moron.
Both are happening in large numbers, and both are a problem.

>> No.10851142

Why is that?

>> No.10851148

>Their respect for copyright law will evaporate once it becomes impractical to follow it.
i mean, pirating a game is not breaking copyright law.
Distributing the rom sure, but not just downloading and playing it.

Pretty sure they would pirate like anyone else if Nintendo didn't threaten to put them in jail.
Based Yuzo Koshiro just dosn't give a fuck and uses a Mega Everdrive on stream.

>> No.10851150

Do people use Japanese sites just because they're cheaper? I think just buying from Japanese sellers on eBay is much better. You have a direct line of communication, you don't have to worry about middlemen importing services, importing fees and shipping tend to be similar to those on eBay, and you can return the item if there's a problem.

>> No.10851151

>Based Yuzo Koshiro just dosn't give a fuck and uses a Mega Everdrive on stream
That's not illegal

>> No.10851152

You are a shill and a fat neckbeard who doesn't have a powerful rig with a high refresh rate G-Synch monitor nor know how to set up a emulator

>> No.10851157

In Japan it is because it's illegal to pirate shit
Corpos own Japan

>> No.10851158
File: 6 KB, 165x250, 1679035232477190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to Japan
>Stop by Akibara, a place I know exists because it was in a Persona game
>USD is equal to a gazillion yen
>Fill shopping cart with priceless mementos to gaming's heritage
>Slap down a good ol' president grant on the counter
>Walk out
>Fly back to America
>Discover that my Genesis and NES are region-locked so I can't play my games
>Tosses them because I can literally play them for free on my browser
>They end up in the Philippines, polluting their water so I don't have to deal with it
Damn being a gaijin is the best

>> No.10851160

remind me why these kind of threads gain so much attraction like offtopic anime and vaguely political ones? its not the mid00s anymore and millennials are already in workforce and have kids
stop lamenting about the past you're a teen anymore
i bet you also suffer from chronic backpain and rotting crooked teeth

>> No.10851162

It works with a CRT and plays a majority of games with a minimum of tweaking. In most cases it just feels like I have the original consoles hooked up, which software emulation never gave me.

>> No.10851163

>you're not a teen anymore**

>> No.10851165

>i bet you also suffer from chronic backpain and rotting crooked teeth
Actually my teeth are very nice, I chew gum and brush+floss after every meal, But I do have back pains, but mostly because I'm 6'5, the world forces be to bend and contort in weird ways all the time.

>> No.10851173

I can relate to plug and play maxxing. Which is why I still use OG hardware with a single cartridge at a time. It turns on and starts the game immediately. No menus. Just turn on and the game starts.

>> No.10851174

>It works with a CRT
So does Groovymame and Retroarch
And they are free

>> No.10851176

Owning everdrives isn't illegal. I'm Japanese and I have the Mega Everdrive Pro, Turbo Everdrive Pro, the GBA and GB ones, Famicom N8 everdrive, and various dumping devices.

>> No.10851181

>overspending on a ridiculous rig for emulation when you could just plug in a small box to a $20 Facebook marketplace TV

>> No.10851182

186cm and I felt this on a personal level

>> No.10851183

>No menus.
FPGA is all about menus. Cannot do shit on Mister without a menu.
Unless you're a consoomer and bought the shitty overpriced Analogue memesoles.

>> No.10851184

>they are free
So are the MiSTer cores

>> No.10851185

But actually pirating roms is.
I don't think dumping your own carts in Japan is legal either.

>> No.10851189

6'5 is 196 cm. Shit's fucked dude. Especially since most jobs don't have uniforms in tall sizes.

>> No.10851190

I used Retroarch on a crt with a raspi and an RGB hat for a few years. Every annoying thing about Retroarch still applied plus additional hassles with CRT-appropriate video modes. When software emulation is all you use, you have to get used to a certain amount of constant tweaking like you’re a recreational Linux user

>> No.10851193

If you want the best latency possible(better than original hardware on CRT), the best gameplay experience possible you can only achieve that with high-end emulation.

Of course you can use that rig for far more stuff than just games unlike with a $600 Mister which is a huge scam

>> No.10851195

>If you want the best latency possible(better than original hardware on CRT)
I don’t want this

>> No.10851196

>and rotting crooked teeth
Im not asian nor british.

>> No.10851198

Mentally i am.

>> No.10851202

I'm glad Youtubers and resellers shone spotlight on Japan and raped it bare.
The same happened to the camera industry years back and it's never recovered.
One of the key figures who spearheaded that movement set up a business specifically to source cameras from auctions & private sellers because he'd resold all the stuff from private shops.

>> No.10851203

Everybody has a PC and can easily output 240p to a CRT through Groovymame/Retroarch
Nobody owns specialized FPGA hardware

It's free
You're retarded for using a Raspberry Pi instead of your PC

>> No.10851207

Because you don't care that much about games.
If you cared about them you would want to eliminate that scanout latency with a G-sync 240hz or 360hz monitor or higher so the gameplay feels ever-so snappier.

>> No.10851208

>pirating roms is
Yes, that's illegal in every first works country. Fun fact: did you know that American citizens are bound by Japanese copyright law?
>I don't think dumping your own carts in Japan is legal either
It's absolutely legal. We have a huge market here for dumping devices and you can even buy equipment for it at mainstream electronics shops. There's a lot of people who are sitting on digital collections that they dumped themselves. And of course, a lot of people just download their roms online.

I have a large collection and I keep my own dump archive as well. I also download though, it depends on the usecase.

Yeah I'm 186 and I'm very thankful I'm not any taller because finding stuff larger than my size sounds awful.
A lot of people go out of their way to buy specialized hardware for software emulation, like mini PC's to hook up to their TV or Chinese handheld devices. The price of getting into FPGA is no different. And no, not everyone has a PC. It's 2024, most people get online through a cell phone.

>> No.10851210

No, its because I want the authentic experience.

>> No.10851212

Uhm you can't impregnate women through the mouth dude. You not only know nothing about emulation but also basic human biology.

>> No.10851214

It's a resident complaining retard, not the store owners.

>> No.10851217

>you will never use
According to who?

>> No.10851223

If you wanted the authentic experience you would buy original hardware and original game cartridges/CDs.
>you can't impregnate women through the mouth
Speak for yourself. Skill issue.
Your game library

>> No.10851224

>Yes, that's illegal in every first works country.
Not in the US.
Plus, in Japan they are way more autistically strict compared to most countries.

>Fun fact: did you know that American citizens are bound by Japanese copyright law?
Making shit up now?

>It's absolutely legal.
I heard otherwise.

Prove that you're Japanese, English Teacher

>have a huge market here for dumping devices and you can even buy equipment for it at mainstream electronics shops. There's a lot of people who are sitting on digital collections that they dumped themselves. And of course, a lot of people just download their roms online.
Everything I've heard suggests otherwise.
If that were the case there wouldn't be such a huge reseller market for old games and the guy in the OP wouldn't be complaining.

>> No.10851225

Honestly the guy bought it so he can do whatever the fuck he wants with it. It's just a shame that a prototype being sold to a Japanese collector means it's almost assured that it will die with them, unless they wind up selling it to an overseas collector who is statistically far more likely to dump it than a Japanese collector.

>> No.10851234

>A lot of people go out of their way to buy specialized hardware for software emulation
You are so out of touch it hurts
The people who do that are in the minority

>The price of getting into FPGA is no different.
FPGA is a huge meme

>And no, not everyone has a PC.
Most people have a PC(Desktop or Laptop)

>It's 2024, most people get online through a cell phone.
Guess what moron?
Most people emulate in their phones and are happy with that.
Technically smartphones are basically computers.

>> No.10851236

>Technically smartphones are basically computers.
Technically, so is a console. Technically, so is a refrigerator with a built-in screen.

>> No.10851237

>Authentic experience
Nice try mistertroon
You can't even get authentic Mega Drive sound because Mega Drive audio used analog chips which FPGA can't emulate properly compared to PC emulation

>> No.10851238

Why is it you can stand to sit in an office chair at a PC to play console games?

>> No.10851243

>Honestly the guy bought it so he can do whatever the fuck he wants with it.
That particular guy is still a massive douche
There are faggots like that one preservation society which has some Hi10 Bomberman shit they refuse to share but they aren't dicks about it like that guy

>> No.10851247

MD sounds perfect on mister. The YM2612 and YM3438 aren’t analog and the IC used for an output EQ isn’t some magical pixie dust. You can choose how much output filtering you want, categorized by MD model.

>> No.10851248

>Technically, so is a console.
Modern consoles I agree.
They are getting more and more PC-like with every gen.

What I mean when I say PC-like is that they have an OS and all sorts of extranous features that aren't meant for playing games.

>> No.10851252

I don't disagree. The way he presented his purchase made it even worse. If he were just some random guy who wanted the game as a kid, that's one thing, but claiming to have bought it just as an FU rubs a lot of people who were prepared to shell out to see it preserved the wrong way.

>> No.10851256

To me the people willing to emulate on their phones are the same ones willing to watch movies on low-bitrate watermarked hardsubbed pirate streaming sites (also on their phones).

>> No.10851259

>i mean, pirating a game is not breaking copyright law.

You're going by US laws.

>Japan introduces piracy penalties for illegal downloads

In Japan filesharing copyrighted content is not just a civil offense, but a criminal one, with penalties of up to ten years for uploading and penalties of up to two years for downloading.

The import of them however, is. And those things sure as fuck are not being made in Japan.


>I'm Japanese and I have the Mega Everdrive Pro, Turbo Everdrive Pro, the GBA and GB ones, Famicom N8 everdrive, and various dumping devices.

If you downloaded a ROM, you can get up to two years in jail for that, yes, for DOWNLOADING. Modifying consoles even for non-piracy purposes is also illegal, I bet you they would put dumping carts under that banner as well.

>Yes, that's illegal in every first works country.

I believe the word you was looking for was "world", not "works" ESL-kun. And yes, but lawsuits over downloading are rarely enforced in other countries, and even then at most you get a fine, and that's at MOST, usually it's a simple warning from the ISP. Japan tosses your ass in jail.

>Fun fact: did you know that American citizens are bound by Japanese copyright law?

Uhhh, no, if we were then people downloading ROMs would get arrested left and right.

>It's absolutely legal. We have a huge market here for dumping devices and you can even buy equipment for it at mainstream electronics shops

Being able to buy it != It's legal to do.

>> No.10851264

shouldn't have been a poor unsuccessful cuck then

>> No.10851269

>MD sounds perfect on mister.
Keep deluding yourself troonie
If that were the case MDFourier wouldn't be a thing
The truth is doesn't sound accurate to the OG hardware

>> No.10851271

You can break into FPGA emulation for under $100. You can get the beat handheld FPGA device for $200, or the best current FPGA device for $250. The only person here who is out of touch is you.
>Most people have a PC
This is false. Most households have a PC, but not most people. And most household PC's struggle with even browsing the web with a few tabs open. This thread is also focused on Japan where PC adoption is less than the US.
>Most people emulate in their phones and are happy with that
Careful moving that goalpost. Most mobile emulation happens on Android because iOS makes it a pain in the ass. Also Japan is iphone country. Enjoy your touch controls.

>> No.10851273

What I meant was that it's not treated as breaking copyright law but as a sort of digital theft.
At least that was my understanding of it.

>> No.10851275

>Not in the US
Downloading is illegal, you're just unlikely to get charged for it because they go after uploaders more often. The same is true for Japan.
>Making shit up now?
Not at all. Both countries follow the Berne Convention, they're bound by each other's copyright laws.
>I heard otherwise
I'm telling you it's not illegal in my country. Are you really debating against me in the basis of secondhand information that you heard from some retard who has probably never even stepped foot in Japan?
>Prove that you're Japanese
Do you want me to post my passport again?
>Everything I've heard suggests otherwise
There's a clone console that they sell here at major shops like Bic Camera and Yodobashi, and it has a dumping functionality. They also sell adapters so that you can dump carts for other consoles. It's kind of like the Polymega but has been around for much longer. If you go into specialty shops there's just straight up dumping hardware that serves no other purpose. They even sell that stuff on Amazon.

>> No.10851282

>ou can break into FPGA emulation for under $100.
Yeah if you build it yourself.
This is how it starts too and then you start buying SNAC adaptors.

>Most households have a PC, but not most people.
Same thing.
Also most people do have PCs, maybe not Desktops but definitely Laptops. Because they need them for school.

>This thread is also focused on Japan where PC adoption is less than the US.
Stop LARPing you bitch.
You are not Japanese.
The Japanese do not use FPGAs because it's illegal for them to pirate or dump roms.
They are far less likely to do that than own a PC too.

>> No.10851284

This is rarely enforced
>The import of them however, is
It's literally not; I've imported flash carts for all of the main retro systems. A ton of people do; hell even Yuzo Koshiro did.
Yes, those are banned
>If you downloaded a ROM, you can get up to two years in jail for that, yes, for DOWNLOADING.
This is extremely rare. I and many others download them all the time.
>Modifying consoles even for non-piracy purposes is also illegal
You're misrepresenting what the law actually says.
>I bet you they would put dumping carts under that banner as well
They don't and you can buy dumping devices even at mainstream stores.
>Japan tosses your ass in jail
They literally don't though. You're misrepresenting the law.
>if we were then people downloading ROMs would get arrested left and right
America and Japan are both signatories of the Berne Convention.
>Being able to buy it != It's legal to do
If they were illegal you wouldn't be able to buy them at mainstream shops.

>> No.10851285

based tallanon

>> No.10851287

>Downloading is illegal
No it's not.
I am going to ignore your trolling ass because you got called out on your bs by another anon here too >>10851259

>> No.10851292

my pc is not in the room i game in, and its mostly for design work. buying additional hardware won't break the bank for me - its ok if it will for you, but not everyone lives in permanent personal austerity, anon
i dont see why anons like you have to sperg out when you see someone playing differently than you, just enjoy your toys

>> No.10851293

>If they were illegal you wouldn't be able to buy them at mainstream shops.
They are there to buy for devs who dump their own games or homebrew indie games. Not for pirates dumping commercial games.

>> No.10851298

I don't care what you do.
Just stop shilling FPGA garbage.

>> No.10851304

Just crouch by bending your knees man.

>> No.10851308

>i dont care what you do
>b-b-but please d-dont do that one thing i dont like!!!!
pathetic lol

>> No.10851312

>>Fun fact: did you know that American citizens are bound by Japanese copyright law?
Nope otherwise we wouldn't have game genie. Rekt and chekt m8.

>> No.10851313

I'm going to keep using a Wii hooked up to a $10 CRT
And I'm going to continue playing it directly beside my gaming PC

>> No.10851316

Seek mental help

>> No.10851319


>> No.10851321

>Your game library
I've beaten all of my games and play them all regularly. Stop projecting, zoom zoom.

>If you wanted the authentic experience you would buy original hardware and original game cartridges/CDs.
>b-but if you do that you're a hoarder!!!
Make up your mind lil sis.

>> No.10851325

I've so many modern collectorfags posting their le epic pickups from nip stores on social media, on top of Proxy sites being advertised everywhere and sponsoring youtubers, it's definitely over.

>> No.10851327

>>"I should specify that if you’re a tourist in Japan and buying these games because you genuinely want to play them, I don’t have an issue with you," Jia says. "It’s the people who clear entire shelves just to scalp them online when they get home that ruin the hobby here for everyone."

"Jia". that's literally a chink, man. smells like nipponeses don't give a fuck.

>> No.10851331
File: 2.17 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_8378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it feel to be wrong?
>start buying SNAC adaptors
They're like $10 on AliExpress. I have the one for connecting the GB link cable.
>they need them for school
Most school kids use Chromebooks or ipads. You're out of touch.

>> No.10851336

keep dabbing on him, anon

>> No.10851338

Still not convinced you're not a white boy. Post penis.

>> No.10851339

Japan's reality distortion field must be on par with Apple and Disney's. Anime has done a bang up job PR-wise for post-war Japan, it really couldn't have gone better. Now we have low-testosterone white shitlibs wishing they were slit-eyed.

>> No.10851340

Sorry but I'm not gay. Maybe you'll have better luck on Grindr.

>> No.10851346

I tried not to be, but the jews said no.

>> No.10851350

>The information gathered from the comparison results can be used in a variety of ways: to identify how audio signatures vary between systems, to detect if the audio signals are modified by audio equipment, to find if modifications resulted in audible changes, to help tune emulators, FPGA implementations or mods, etc.
What were you hoping to prove by mentioning that?

>> No.10851368

Ah geeez, dude, geez. If ONLY there was a way to play these games without the faggot husk shelf stuffers. IF ONLYYYY

>> No.10851383

>This is rarely enforced


>It's literally not


>This is extremely rare. I and many others download them all the time.

"I didn't get caught (yet) so clearly they don't arrest people for that"

>You're misrepresenting what the law actually says.


>They literally don't though. You're misrepresenting the law.


>The suspect could face up to five years imprisonment, and/or a fine of up to 5 million yen

>America and Japan are both signatories of the Berne Convention.

Which is a law that states that if a copyright exist for one country you can't claim it does not exist in yours and pirate it to your heart's content, it does not mean the same legal punishment apply to every country, AND it has exemptions in place like how the US has fair use laws, you fuckwit.

>If they were illegal you wouldn't be able to buy them at mainstream shops.

You mean like how I can buy shitloads of devices pre-loaded with roms on Amazon? Or how I constantly see those being peddles in stalls at malls?

>> No.10851385

Gee, is almost like we shouldn't have taken their games or something!

>> No.10851386

AHHHHHHHH GAIJIN are actually buying product in stores! AIIIIIIIII!
NOOOOOOOO that junk is supposed to collect dust! Aiiiiiii!

Every footage of Japanese game stores I've ever seen is some tiny cramped store liter filled to bursting with game tat. Based baka foreigners coming and actually putting money into their economy and paying the bills for those store owners.

>> No.10851390

Downloading roms, isos, etc is illegal it's just that most companies don't give a shit, and don't press charges unless it's the current new game. Same shit with abandon ware. I got tons of .z64 files, and has ever hap

>> No.10851403

BS. They're selling everything on ebay to wees like me. Tourists have nothing to do with it. Typical racist Japs.

>> No.10851404
File: 2 KB, 200x158, 1712486182897464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck coomlectors. Scalping is baseACK ACK ACK

Remember all the reseller scum from the early 2010s and faggots like MetalJesusCunt and Mike Matei who made videos creating speculation over MUH HIDDEN GAYMES!, here the consequences motherfuckers.

On the plus, yeah japs should just destroy their anti preservation/emulation laws once and for all, piracy is the only way to preserve the past.

however i am also in favor of having phsysical media and not pay fake bullshit prices the faggot infiltrators (YES, 99% LW people) entered the retro gaming community and made it about themselves for grift, and shit everything up.

What we need to do is adopt the japanese system of, GIVE IT BACK, sell it at a fair price, NES games, should not go over 20$, and that's for medium average games, and most games should NOT be over 5$, and SNES should be 8$ (YES, including BIG titles like Zelda) for mosty common shit and average should be 15$, medium rare 25$, uncommon at 30$,
and only legit rare stuff at 80-120$.

And fuck shitbay, let it die, ignore shitbay, fuck this is a bigger issue then many people thing but no one gives a shit because MUH COMPLACIENCE!

>> No.10851410


Fuck is that white thing top middle?

>> No.10851416

He wasn't arrested for downloading. Try reading the article retard. He was arrested because he was caught in the act of a crime.
That law doesn't apply to anything but r4.
>I didn't get caught (yet) so clearly they don't arrest people for that
There's a huge piracy scene here. They go after the people who upload, rarely after the people who download. Worst you'll get for downloading is a letter from your ISP saying to knock it off.
Your link doesn't work, but I remember reading articles on the story when it broke and the articles misrepresent what the law says.
Try reading the article, retard.
>You mean like how I can buy shitloads of devices pre-loaded with roms on Amazon? Or how I constantly see those being peddles in stalls at malls?
No, that's not the same. Physical shops can face serious legal consequences if they choose to sell something illegal. Places like Bic Camera or Yodobashi aren't going to risk that.
This. It's the same in Japan.

>> No.10851417

Cartridge dumper, I would guess.

>> No.10851418

It's a dumper. It lets me dump FC/SFC/MD/N64/MS/GB/GBC/GBA games. And with adapters I could dump others that aren't supported by default. The project is open source but you can buy kits to build them from a variety of hobby shops in Akiba. I 3d printed the case, it's usually just a bare stack of PCBs.

>> No.10851423
File: 135 KB, 561x561, IMG_0546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this gay earth...

>> No.10851450
File: 64 KB, 828x765, 1676612923828603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't companies make re-issues of old games? Like how albums get re-issued on vinyl, CD, etc. I feel like that might fix a lot of the issues that these fucking redditors are causing. I think it would be cool to get to buy a new copy of certain games. If the Chinese can make reproduction cartridges for somewhat fair prices I'm sure Nintendo can put something like that together.

>> No.10851451

Sony still reissues PSX games today.

>> No.10851454

I think Square does, right? I wish it were a more widespread practice. I understand that some games would be hard/impossible due to licensing. But if they could re-release Goldeneye 007 on the Nintendo Switch online service, I am sure they could've made a quick buck re-realising a cartridge as well.

>> No.10851461

>Fuck is that white thing top middle?

Sanni's Cartridge Reader


Looks to be either the latest V5 model, can't tell if it has any of the optional components like the SNES CIC, RTC, or voltage switcher installed from just that photo.

>Try reading the article retard

I did:
>He was charged with downloading music without permission from a music game console set up in a game center in Abeno-ku, Osaka

You seriously think he was arrested for using their internet connection and not for downloading music?

>That law doesn't apply to anything but r4.

Wrong, the law went into effect in 2012, when the R4 was very prevalent and the biggest example, not many other alternatives existed or were well known back then.


But the law specifically refers to "Majikon" devices, which would apply to all flashcarts, the law did not specifically ban just the R4.

>There's a huge piracy scene here

And? There is a piracy scene damn near everywhere, US too, does not mean it's not illegal. You seem to have a very VERY hard time understanding that "It exists" does not mean "It's legal"

>Your link doesn't work, but I remember reading articles on the story when it broke and the articles misrepresent what the law says

"I didn't read the article but I know it's wrong" - Person so has so far been wrong about literally everything they have said here.

>Try reading the article

Again, follow your own advice, fuckwit.

>No, that's not the same

>"T-t-that doesn't count!"

It's literally the same thing retard, again, just because they haven't gotten in trouble for it does not mean it's not illegal.

God damn you are fucking retarded, I can't wait for your ass to get busted one day while you get dragged kicking and screaming "It's not illegal! It's not illegal!"

>> No.10851464

This is the only hobby of mine where people constantly bitch about the prices of things they were never going to buy in the first place. Kinda funny.

>> No.10851467

I literally refuse to pay 200+ USD on Castlevania Symphony of the Night on Sega Saturn.

>> No.10851468
File: 275 KB, 680x316, 9dd1fd5903f6990f5439263d433878f7_original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I highly doubt many if any at all chip fabrication plants that still have the machinery to fabricate those old chips still exist. A lot of modern homebrew carts rely on jury-rigging newer hardware in it's place. And you can forget it if the carts required any special custom chips like many SNES games had.

On top of that, the market is very very small for something like that. A small run for the few fanbase (and a usually inflated price) might be doable, a major company making tons of reprints of old carts? That's just going to be a huge loss.

>> No.10851501

He was caught in the act of making an illegal recording. He was charged with downloading because it was the easiest thing to get him on without having to prove intent. Downloading is illegal in the US too, it's just rarely enforced because it's not worth the trouble. People have absolutely been charged for illegal downloads in the US and I don't understand why you're pretending this isn't the case.
>they’re completely blocked from import
This is from the article. I have literally imported multiple flash carts. If they were blocked from import then they would have been taken by customs.
>the law specifically refers to "Majikon" devices, which would apply to all flashcarts
Flash carts and majikon are two entirely different things. You're taking a law against oranges and are using it to say that bananas are illegal.
And, they primarily go after uploaders and not downloaders - same as the US. This is why in the article about the music game they arrested the guy because he was making a recording.
>You seem to have a very VERY hard time understanding that "It exists" does not mean "It's legal"
You seem to have a hard time understanding basic English because I never claimed such.

What's it like being black?

>> No.10851503

>Like, no non slant-eyes is getting in no matter what?
Anon, most of them are run by the ultra-nationalistic Yakuza, what do you think?

>> No.10851504

It's hard to take someone seriously when they use the word "yakuza"

>> No.10851505

>no one but me should be allowed to buy this stuff!!!11!!
why are consumers so retarded

>> No.10851507

no people have only been charged for uploading in the US. every story in the media about people being charged was actually because they were file sharing which means uploading too. They just reported it as downloading because they want to scare people away from it. Those angry letters they would send to people mean fuck all and they cant do a thing unless you were providing the files yourself.

>> No.10851516

What's it like to be wrong?

Also I searched about the Everdrives. It seems the reason it's not a problem is because they're being purchased from overseas stores so it's considered an export (exported from a store overseas), not an import. The problem with r4 and other devices is that Japanese stores were purchasing them in large supplies from overseas suppliers in order to sell here, which is an import. A consumer can order them and there's no problem.

>> No.10851519

I've seen the tweet a few days ago, he was boasting about having "over 200 FDS games" in the same thread. An hoarder complaining about hoarders.

>> No.10851520

>He was charged with downloading because it was the easiest thing to get him on without having to prove intent.

So in other words, downloading is illegal and can get you arrested. And "recording" or not a man was arrested for downloading.

>Downloading is illegal in the US too

Excerpt as I already explained to your sieve-like brain, the point is it doesn't come with jailtime.

>This is from the article. I have literally imported multiple flash carts

And I've seen people import modchips despite those being illegal under the DMCA

The law enacted in 2012 literally makes all flashcarts illegal, you are a braindead retard if you're trying to argue that it only applies to the R4 or that just because someone did something illegal and was not caught that makes it ok. Again, you seem to have a huge issue understanding that concept.

>Flash carts and majikon are two entirely different things

You are really fucking stupid. The law is flat out referred to as banning flashcarts.

>You seem to have a hard time understanding basic English because I never claimed such.

You are literally making that argument over and over. "I got a flashcart so clearly they can't be illegal despite literally every article on the matter saying otherwise!"

>What's it like being black?

Why are you asking me? You would be the one experienced in that.

>> No.10851523

Brah. It's gonna burst any day now. Trust me.

Oh Look. Its the "my passport makes me japanese" LARPer.

>> No.10851525

again retard the media trying to scare you, he was literally selling the material read the article.

>> No.10851527
File: 157 KB, 1170x1121, IMG_20240414_012817_280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of this
post hand

>> No.10851546

>dude just don't make any money and fail to pay your store rent/property tax lmao
If the world had any integrity it would abolish all government and all taxes and the shop owner would be more flexible in selling items at true market value, instead of the distorted market value that taxes bring.

>> No.10851549

>So in other words, downloading is illegal and can get you arrested
Yes; I never claimed this wasn't the case.
>Excerpt as I already explained to your sieve-like brain, the point is it doesn't come with jailtime.
What happens when you don't have $200,000 to pay the fines?
>It almost never comes with jail time in Japan either, otherwise half the country would be in jail for using manga mura.
>The law enacted in 2012 literally makes all flashcarts illegal
Yes and no. Based on how they're choosing to enforce the law, it means that consumers can purchase them from overseas (because that's counted as an export), but shops cannot purchase and sell them (import). Also, the devices themselves aren't illegal as the law only applies to imports. Theoretically I could make my own devices and sell them and there wouldn't be a problem under the law. Additionally, if I have a device in my position I could sell it in the used market.
>The law is flat out referred to as banning flashcarts
Quote the law, basketball man.
>that argument
That's not the argument I was making. The argument I was making was that there's no ban on consumers purchasing them from overseas, this is evidenced by the fact that I and many others have done so and the devices made it through customs with no problem. You and the article claimed that they're barred from import. However it would seem that we're both technically correct. Actually this is similar to how the law for dual citizenship is applied in that it's technically illegal but due to how they choose to interpret the law there's no problem (but they could change interpretation at any time).
>Why are you asking me?
Because you can't read and I can smell your hair grease through the screen.

>> No.10851553

By what other measure is someone Japanese besides citizenship? It's not a race and Japan doesn't hand out citizenship like candy like Canada does.

>> No.10851565

Always trust on 4chan for being source of some of the most baffling shit you could read. Sad some retards are using this thread to spout some nonsense shit about Japan as if some pissy korean is behind it.

>> No.10851589

>What happens when you don't have $200,000 to pay the fines?

Great, a phoneposter.

Also, great job posting an article from an in-progress lawsuit. You didn't even look up the resolution of that since the very link says it's going to be appealed in a supreme court.;

I DID do your own research for you however.


She declared bankruptcy so she would not have to pay them.

The RIAA also tried to get her to do an anti-piracy video for them where they would lower the fine if the did, but she told them to fuck off


And that's pretty much it, the RIAA didn't get a cent and she didn't go to jail.

... your point being? Was this supposed to imply the RIAA sent her to jail or something? Because as I recall about the only case where someone did go to jail was a person who was uploading on a massive scale and pleaded guilty to multiple felony charges.

>Yes and no. Based on how they're choosing to enforce the law, it means that consumers can purchase them from overseas (because that's counted as an export), but shops cannot purchase and sell them (import)

Yes, the law is on importing, my point is it applies to all flashcarts, not just the R4. They didn't enact a law that only made the R4 illegal. That export loophole is not too different from how imported modchips were sold without firmware to bypass the DMCA in the US.

>Because you can't read and I can smell your hair grease through the screen.

Are you seriously attempting to toss every insult at the wall hoping to run into one that sticks? Because this is pathetic. You didn't even read the article you phoneposted otherwise you would have seen that you posted a link to a lawsuit that was not even over yet.

>> No.10851594

>You didn't even look up the resolution
Because it's irrelevant. You said they get fined. I'm asking you what happens if they can't pay the fine. It's not a gotcha, it's just a question.
>She declared bankruptcy so she would not have to pay them.
What comes along with that?

It's weird that you're attacking me for owning a phone instead responding to anything I said. Pure basketball mentality.

>> No.10851616

>I'm asking you what happens if they can't pay the fine.
NTA, but the debt would likely be sold off to a collections agency, who'll hound you and everyone you know until you pay. There's not a lot of legal recourse for lenders in the United States. We don't have a debtors prison, or anything of the sort. You can typically settle with collections agencies for pennies on the dollar, since that's how much they buy your debt for. Or you can file bankruptcy.

>What comes along with that?
It depends on how you file. The way your average person whose $200k in the hole would file would result in their debt being wiped out, and their credit absolutely destroyed. If they owned any assets that could be used to pay off the debt - with the exception of their primary residence in the case that they're a homeowner - then they will likely be taken. You can usually rebuild your credit in a few years time. After 7 years, your bankruptcy will fall off your credit report entirely.

All and all, it's really not as dramatic as it sounds. Bankruptcy is often a non-event for those who are middle-class or lower. As long as you don't have assets to seize (most people, even middle-class individuals, don't), all your lenders can really do is pound sand.

>> No.10851636

Ok that's actually hilarious

>> No.10851664

/his/ have haplogroup fags
/v/ have console war fags
/a/ have shonen fags
and /vr/ have coomllector fags

>> No.10851669

>By what other measure is someone Japanese besides citizenship?
lolwut. Less than 20% of Japanese have a passport, fucktard. When someone touts their passport as proof they're Japanese you can be sure they're an immigrant trying desperately to fit in.

>> No.10851684
File: 318 KB, 1576x1117, ps2vars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well how the fuck am I supposed to get shit that only released over there? not my fault Sony decided the US didn't need the Special edition PS2s. all we got were fat blacks and silver slims.

>> No.10851697

>Less than 20% of Japanese have a passport
That's one in 5 people, retard.
>When someone touts their passport as proof they're Japanese you can be sure they're an immigrant trying desperately to fit in.
Do you want to see my 戸籍?

>> No.10851794

I think we are on the cusp of one of these companies of the past doing it. Hell, "Atari" technically is already. I feel like Sega will be the next to try and score some bucks doing it. They already do collections and mini consoles, this seems like the next logical step. I've seen the argument that companies don't do this because they no longer have a quality assurance division to test them, but I think that's moot if they worked through someone like Retrobit already working with companies like Capcom to do reprints and letting the blame fall on them from angry nerds if they fuck up a release that doesn't work.

Logistically, the reason we dont get games re released like vinyl and dvd, is because there are so many hardware formats. Making new all-in-1 systems like the 2600+ would need to be done more. But anything is possible if companies are willing to play ball. Songbird Productions got the rights to reprint Nuon games and that's about as obscure format as you can get.

>> No.10851805

The coomlector fag theads, like to the point of ranting about obnoxious shit, are minority topics compared to the threads and random posts popping up in coomlector topics bemoaning and bitching about anyone daring to own things in current year.

>> No.10851806 [DELETED] 

Arbitrage is healthy to any market, fucking retarded gooks.

Maybe complain about your government mismanaging your economy instead. That way your currency wouldn't be worth shit and games would actually be expensive for foreigners.


>> No.10851819
File: 40 KB, 878x722, 05c4c6b7c07d7045516d668a1598fd56d0b9750b7f28df1b1d54bb17b997dca7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've had 30 years to collect for PS1 and now you complain?

>> No.10851829

But the stores were doing fine before tourists were scooping up everything.

>> No.10851896
File: 57 KB, 620x1000, Pixel Remaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they do in the form of rereleases, it's just not profitable enough most the time to bother and nothing super famous isnt going to get it outside of some niche LRG or limited print release.
also, I'm not paying $30 - 40 for a handful of ROM's i can download for free in five seconds.
Pic related currently costs $120 ish in my country and I'm not paying that for less than 100mb's of data.

>> No.10851904

>want Super Metroid
>US cart is expensive
>SFC cart is dirt cheap
>has the entire English language version on the Jap cart
One of my smarter retro game purchases.

>> No.10851924

I mean they do have a point. As much as I like having the cartridges of the games I enjoyed back in the day, it is a sad fact, that the PCBs and the rom chips will decay. At some point all you have will be unusable plastic shells which you can use as decoration if you so desire, but nothing else. For playing games, you will use emulators or if your demands are higher, either a Mister or an everdrive or equivalent.

>> No.10851937

Based fuck all collector basedboys.

>> No.10851938

>For playing games, you will use emulators or if your demands are higher, either a Mister or an everdrive or equivalent.
my thoughts exactly
if you want to play on original hardware, you can buy the hardware then use ODEs
collecting games is just making your shelves look nice while incurring additional costs

>> No.10851942
File: 2.30 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20141015_115219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stopped collecting physical games, but when I did I used to get only Japanese from ebay or import shops because they were always always cheaper and in near mint condition. Since then I've stopped collecting, but the Japanese know how to take care of their shit that's for sure.

>> No.10851972

>That's one in 5 people, retard.
>>When someone touts their passport as proof they're Japanese you can be sure they're an immigrant trying desperately to fit in.
>Do you want to see my 戸籍?

20 percent is low. and posters on 4chins are almost non existent in nippons. you're impossible. trust me i am a japanese sex tourist.

>> No.10852007

I can read basic Japanese and I would like a Super Famicom and Super Metroid. Do I qualify?

>> No.10852020

see >>10851904

If you have an SNES, just remove that plastic tab in the cartridge slot and the SFC cart of Super Metroid will fit and play. It has the option to use the English language which makes it the same exact thing as the US version except 90% cheaper.

>> No.10852039

Problem is I don't have an SNES. But that's good to know I can use a Japanese copy on it.
I'd also get LttP, Mother 2, Chrono Trigger, and FF6.

>> No.10852058

Well, time for them to accept piracy into their hearts!

>> No.10852067

I hope that this story will awaken Sega, Nintendo and Sony to their video game heritage.
I have the impression that deep down the Japanese don't care about that.

The preservation of video games is done through piracy or with a handful of YouTubers.

There are French people who are going to build a video game museum near DisneyLand Paris, where there will be everything.
Everything released in Japan, North America and Europe!

And they also care about a Japanese guy who's trying to keep all the arcade machines.
It's stored in an abandoned shopping center that he rents.
The owner wants to separate from the center, but the collector does not have the money to buy the building.
And these are French people, foreigners who care about keeping it in good condition!!

Title:"This is a cry for help!"

>> No.10852072

>boo hoo we put things up for sale and people came in and bought them!

I love when people get into collecting things because they find that hobby appealing and then get extremely upset that other people are also interested in collecting those same things.

>So where was that bubble bursting again?

Never. That's not how this has ever worked, these old things will become increasingly rare as time goes by and people collect them.

>> No.10852076

That's probably not legal. If you put something up for sale in your store people are allowed to buy it.

>> No.10852078

>I have the impression that deep down the Japanese don't care about that.
The people in suits in charge of those companies at present time certainly do not.

>> No.10852081

>How did the Japanese deserve to suffer from the collectafags that plague the US retro gaming scene?

Let me think about this a moment... maybe by putting those used games for sale at low prices? I thought the Japanese were supposed to be intelligent, they can't fo basic math and logic?

>> No.10852089

>posters on 4chins are almost non existent in nippons
Are you really about to argue that all of the posts on Japanese BBS sites translating 4fhan threads are somehow actually made by foreigners?

>> No.10852092

That last line is the important part and he's 100% right.

>> No.10852094

yes and no, the problem is your industry is infiltrated by fake artists who have shitty political aspirations and think they're getting access to unguarded minds. of course people are racing to save the old stuff, we've all figured out video games are being made bad on purpose. your market isn't supposed to have zero new inputs, at that point you're in an "antique" market where items are now individual "examples" and the arbitrage stuff changes. fuzzy values everywhere, condition rating shit, right to repair, lead not being able to be in a "toy" if moved across certain lines on a map, it's a nightmare.

>because of troons video games are now priceless antiques but with legal copy protection and lock regions
one of the rarest and most restrictive products ever created that is not a drug or firearm. have fun kids.

>> No.10852097

Why are weebs so insistent on spamming this all over the website and getting mad on behalf of Japan? You don’t care about anything getting scalped except Japanese video games where you suddenly cry about decency/empathy/etc. you are NOT Japanese you will NEVER be Japanese and if you move there they will NEVER accept you. Goddamn you faggots must have absolutely nothing going for you if you spend all day playing internet defense lawyer for Japan and your first instinct in your faggot brain is to go America bad instead of blaming the shop keepers who are willingly selling all this and making money hand over fist lmao, get fucked.

>> No.10852105

>That's one in 5 people, retard.
The retard is the one pretending that saying the same number a different way changes his embarrassing ignorance that less than 20% of the population have a passport.
>Do you want to see my 戸籍?
There's no point in you showing anything. You've already outed yourself as a tourist. Sorry, chuckle fuck. No one is going to worship you or believe your LARPs because you have some paper from a country you know fuck all about.

>> No.10852107

>fake artists
>bad on purpose
>rarest most restrictive products ever

This post is some good comedy

>> No.10852113

This is funny to me because the guy on the right is European. If it waa a native Canadian and the Anglo was lumped with the others he'd have vague point. As a Canadian I enjoy pointing out this dichotomy to racist Canadians and watch them melt down with rage.

>> No.10852136

1 in 5 is a huge number. Imagine if 1 in 5 people had aids. You're only pretending it's a small number because otherwise you're argument would fall apart.

The only thing I "outed" myself as is Japanese. Take your meds.

>> No.10852140

>Retro Games
Just pirate your shit senpai

>> No.10852145

You're not Japanese, hoarder. What's sad is that you know it, if you went outside and asked any person on the street, they'd say you're a gaijin.

Post hand.

>> No.10852148

I've never been called a gaijin except by schizos like you on this website

>> No.10852157

Even if he isn't ethnically Japanese, what kind of a point do you think you have? Impotent moral outrage that someone else bought something for sale in a store? Your anger that you think it should have been ignored by anyone else who wanted it and wait for you?

>> No.10852163

I don't give a shit about people wasting their money on plastic, I just think that guy is pathetic for larping as a nip.

>> No.10852176


>When your boss turns a profit by pocketing the surplus labor at your wage job: Be thankful and ask for second servings
>When someone buys shares of company XY on the global stock market and sells them for a profit: Just nature running it's course
>When Gaijin buys retro vidya and flips them for a profit: throw a huge fucking fit

What is capitalism?

>> No.10852192

Lol so you're actually this upset about something even less important? Shine on dude, shin on

>> No.10852206

More like emuvegans fags. Those annoying retards are a pest and part of the constant lowering quality of this board, next to console warring bunker schizos.

>> No.10852218

You will not ever be Japanese.

>> No.10852220

How does emulation lower the quality of the board?

>> No.10852224

This thread went full retard, the discussion is completely moronic and doesn't make any sense. What s bunch of shameful idiots.

>> No.10852230

Emulation is fine, it's retards spouting shit and getting angry when they get called out the issue. Fucking faggots I hate them.

>> No.10852234

Spouting what kinds of shit? Serious question.

>> No.10852241

It's a thread of people complaining that a store had items for sale and someone bought them. What kind of erudite discussion were you expecting?

>> No.10852250

of course they will, but not in a timeframe that affects anyone here. Nearly 50 year old 2600 games are still functioning after being stored in humid attics and wet basements for decades.

>> No.10852263

Imagine being mad because of someone else's passport

>> No.10852292

What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.10852315

I can see both sides, for the jap collectors it sucks but other japs can now sell their collections for top dollar with ease. Blaming it all on le gaijin is easy but some of that blame has to lie on their fellow nips buying all the shit up and selling it for profit online as well. That and the greedy brick and mortar stores that buy collections for 25% of what theyre worth and then price them above eBay.

>> No.10852332

Collectors are all mentally ill by definition, that's just another aspect of his craziness.

>> No.10852356

Everyone on this board will be dead before that actually occurs on a large scale.

>> No.10852361

This is the dumbest pity part of all time, Japanese games are historically cheap as shit even with westerners buying it. Pokemon Box is $30 for the Japanese at top resale while the US version is $1000.
There are very little games that are actually expensive in that country, and the tourist areas having more expensive prices doesn't change things a bit

>> No.10852374

I like this term, will steal

>> No.10852379
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You mean plastic collectors. That's why I prefer to follow youtubers that emulate.

>> No.10852383

You do realize there are other parts inside that plastic that makes it work, yes? Is your pc a lump of plastic because of whats on the outside?

>> No.10852398

You do realize that the plastic parts make most of the physical game and are required to store the chip inside. Is your cartridge collection removed from the plastic to save space?

>> No.10852410

And this my friends its part of the problem, the Denial.

But what do you expect considering the type of people who run this board.

>> No.10852434

Cartridges take up barely any space, so of course not.

>> No.10852450

That makes you a plastic collector then.

>> No.10852456
File: 140 KB, 1147x1200, 1557595176661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If downloading shit is illegal in Japan, what's stopping them from either:

A) buying those harddrives from china that come with a million roms.


B) Using a $5 raspberry pi zero w to download the roms they want from a store with free wifi and then trashing the evidence they downloaded anything by throwing the computer into the ocean?

I've never understood digital/internet laws because they're so trivial to get around.

>> No.10852457

Some of you seem to be unaware that many Japanese just won't play a game if it doesn't involve fondling physical media, and many never owned a PC so downloading ROMs is entirely alien to them.

>> No.10852460

They just use archive like normal people

>> No.10852463

69% of Japanese people own a PC. That's almost 7 in 10, and the first NES emulator was made by a Japanese guy.

>> No.10852498

they're still afraid to download ROMs because they could get arrested for it

>> No.10852506

Literally who the fuck cares besides plastic collecting onions-infused manchildren?

>> No.10852507

Nonsense. Go ask around on Japanese boards, people do it all the time.

>> No.10852509

It’s not just that you want to own nothing and be happy, you don’t want anybody else to own anything.

>> No.10852510

Anon will never not be Japanese

>> No.10852560
File: 3 KB, 140x140, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been pirating games from Japan and US for decades before owning a PC. A third worlder was able to afford much more piracy than a japanese or american would afford to consume their own original products.
>69% of Japanese people own a PC.
They can also emulate their games in a cheap TV box. That's how poor third worlders who can't afford a PC do nowadays.
>they're still afraid to download ROMs
Try VPN or buy a hard drive full of games in Hong Kong.
You don't need to own it physically to enjoy it, unless you got a plastic fetish.

>> No.10852567

I have not bought a single game, retro or otherwise, that I had no intention of playing. If you want to make money, there are much, much better investments.

>> No.10852573

Like what?

>> No.10852579
File: 96 KB, 804x1000, 81yJkukDLuL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only japanese game I've ever considered buying was pic related. Uooohh!!!

>> No.10852583

that subseries fell off hard after the first one

>> No.10852589

Thirdies are a plague on this board.

>> No.10852605

None of us are tranny plastic collectors. And never was.

>> No.10852612

>he thinks japan cares
lmao, "no foreigner" sign is legal. gaijin out.

>> No.10852617

Japanese people can't VPN because Japanese people can barely computer

>> No.10852630

t. scalping faggot salty because he was called out on his bullshit

>> No.10852691

Owning nothing doesn’t make you superior. It just makes you cope.

>> No.10852713

The true joy isn't "owning", it's having the experience.

>> No.10852717

This guy gets it.

>> No.10852719

As you have seen on recent posts, you have this retard who believes owning nothing is the only way and gets mad when he gets called out, to the point of using /v/tier buzzwords and reaching new lows. These kind of scum are trash and have been rampant recent years.

>> No.10852728

>both are a problem.

>> No.10852736

That's why I used most of my money in the 90's renting as much games I could instead of buying just a few. Renting games is also illegal in Japan besides piracy. I had none of these problems.

>> No.10852749

Why don't they just fucking make more?

>> No.10852767

They prefer to make shitty remakes to push people to buy new consoles.

>> No.10852785

I mean I agree with him there's little point in owning hardware and carts if what you care about is just playing games. Personally as soon as I can emulate something I usually sell off my old stuff. I don't think there's anything wrong with collecting games either, but I don't think they're necessarily the same.

>> No.10852790

China still produces the same old games new and cheaper but without their license.

>> No.10852796
File: 477 KB, 1600x900, MetalJesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sucks! Where am I supposed to go for reasonably priced hidden gems now?!!

>> No.10852798

This. Just yesterday alone, my play session was comprised of games valued at more than 10k USD together. It was all emulation, thankfully. I understand who built their collection when prices were fair, but, nowadays, it's plain stupid to pay current prices.

>> No.10852806

Economies of scale don’t exist for cartridges or CD-based anymore, plus lots of the old factories were shut down/scrapped.

>> No.10852808

I do both, I don't have to choose a side. People that always go "why don't you emulate?" are a bunch of annoying retards that simply don't know what they're talking about and spread like a plague. A lot of the posts of this thread feels super fake with the way are written so that doesn't help any favors.

>> No.10852859

What's the point of doing that when you can rerelease old games on modern consoles?

>> No.10852873

They are in way too much debt for that. Upselling original copies to foreign scalpers and making a locally distributed repressing is such an easy way to kill freebirds without getting stoned.
I think it's time to export my cock to nippon.

>> No.10852878

>Is it a bubble?
It has the potential to become one. If it *already* is, that's debatable. The main argument is that people enter the hobby not (just) for the hobby itself, but for a perceived investment. They see a $50 game being sold for $60, then resold for $70, then $80, and Grug's brain can only think of "infinite money". As that kind of people becomes majority inside the circle, the chance of creating a bubble increases.

What will happen in the future? God only knows. For now, the only certainties we have are swollen prices and a looming risk of collapse.

>> No.10852904

>annoying retards are a pest
That's the issue: "annoying retards". Any other qualification is unnecessary. As long as a person is an annoying retard, he will suck the joy out of discussions. It doesn't matter if he emulates or have real hardware, or even if it's videogame related or not. You have annoying retards in discussions about music, movies, comics, animes, sports, cars, weapons, cooking... whatever your interest may be. Just go to any place about any topic online, and you'll see good posters and bad posters, it's something about their behavior, not about the items they own or not.

>> No.10852905
File: 36 KB, 480x360, still better than stick drift.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more or less over to collect physical games anymore unless your source is known to be legitimate, so emulation saves the day once again. Glad I got most of my favorites before Metal Judas Pussy Priest overinflated them to hell and back.

>> No.10852909

Genuine question, if anyone's here is knowledgeable enough: suppose you're a japanese, stuck in Japan, what would be the best/most feasible way to download roms without worries, just like westerners do?

>> No.10853016

>If the Chinese can make reproduction cartridges for somewhat fair prices I'm sure Nintendo can put something like that together.

A re-issued vinyl disc or CD still uses the same technology as the original release. Luckily the technology still exists to do it.

The Chinese repro cartridges only look the same on the outside, but on the inside...they use modern internal parts. It's not the same thing as the originals.

>> No.10853102

Babe Ruth rookie card "bubble" still hasn't popped after decades.

>> No.10853110

Sorry Japanese government. We aren't going to help you track down your citizens. Do your own dirty work.

>> No.10853117

Not them, but that is a classic apples to oranges comparison. You can't compare a legendary baseball player with huge name recognition on a baseball card of which there may be a few handful in existence, to video game cartridges that were literally produced in the tens of millions and most likely exist in the same numbers as evidenced by the fact that they show up everywhere in great shape all the time. Even sealed video games, anon, are that "rare."

>> No.10853147

How did you know it was me and my dirty plans all along? You're so smart and above the low-IQ NPCs. It may be pointless, but I still hope to fool you one day.

>> No.10853172

And thus... Japan's annoyance with the ganjin increase continues to slowly boil.

>> No.10853174

The Japanese game stores are just as guilty for selling to tourists.

Why aren't Japanese protesting their own game stores?

>> No.10853181

Like I said, get a cheap computer, don't connect it to your home wifi, go to a location with free wifi(the farther away from your house the better)

Download what you want and burry the cheap computer in a mason jar or something like that.

Potentially you could try some shit with VPNs or TOR, but I've hear the US government can still track that shit, so the japanese gov might be able to as well.

>> No.10853187

This. They have a responsibility to not sell games to tourists or anyone that will send/ship out the game to another country.

>> No.10853189

>video game cartridges that were literally produced in the tens of millions
There are three NES games which sold over 10 million copies: Super Mario Bros., Duck Hunt, and Super Mario Bros. 3.
There is one Genesis game which sold over 10 million copies: Sonic the Hedgehog.
There are two Super Nintendo games which sold over 10 million copies: Super Mario World and Super Mario All-Stars.
There are two PlayStation games which sold over 10 million copies: Gran Turismo and Final Fantasy VII.
There is one N64 game that sold over 10 million copies: Super Mario 64.

Of these games, only three of them - Super Mario Bros., Duck Hunt, and Super Mario World - broke twenty million copies sold (your initial claim of "tens of millions").

Almost every expensive game had a print run in the tens of thousands, not tens of millions. There are, obviously, some exceptions to this - Pokemon comes to mind - but as a rule, expensive games are genuinely scarce. If you truly believe there are 20 million or more copies of Aero Fighters and Hagane just floating around out there, you are insane. These items are a lot less common than you think they are. Certainly not as rare as a well-preserved piece of cardboard from 1914, mind you. But the fact that they're priced at $5,000 and not $5 million is reflective of that.

>> No.10853192

go home gaijin pig

>> No.10853220

youre stupid. we conquered the land and built the country. the browns were just invited by our politicians. people are probably raging at how stubborn and stupid you are when you come up with that midwit "gotcha"

>> No.10853268
File: 1.90 MB, 638x530, 1713129387236.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw got all my retro from hard offs in 2016 and then subsequently lost all interest in physical
>tfw will probably still out of habit go to hard off again this year

>> No.10853274

Sometimes I forget what sheltered, autistic spastics you lot are, until I read a post like this.

Then I enter another thread and forget what I know.

>> No.10853292

Thanks! Once downloaded, we can share things offline or privately.

>> No.10853313

And Sony retroactively censored it.

>> No.10853321


>> No.10853328

How's that work, system update?

>> No.10853329

And by owning the things I like, I get to re-experience them over and over again whenever I am in the mood.

>> No.10853335

Again, there are components inside that plastic. Im sure you own actual "worthless plastic" in the form of figurines.

>> No.10853339

>You don't need to own it physically to enjoy it, unless you got a plastic fetish.
My enjoyment is amplified by the hobby of using vintage technology and the colorful labels, boxes, manuals and other extra materials. It's like collecting trading cards, except better because each one contains its own world and experience to enjoy.

>> No.10853350

I agree, it's worthless plastic, so don't buy any of it. Encourage other people that it's worthless, too.

>> No.10853353

You all only call it worthless plastic because you have a 4TB drive full of ROMs and ISOs

>> No.10853357

>The tourists have taken everything
that's a fucking lie
they did sell them - online! this is what's so bizarre about this cringe story. how the fuck can they complain when these japs opened up online stores? what were they expecting? nobody was going to buy their shit at overinflated prices? this is just trash and op is a fucking faggot once again.

>> No.10853363

chad post. i bought my favourite games 15+ years ago at second hand game stores when they were literally worthless. $5 here, $2 there, didn't pay more than $15 for a cart. consoles of all descriptions sold for less than $50. now i have some megadrive games that are worth $200+ each somehow. i don't see how they're worth that much. ebay grifters just make up numbers as they go.

>> No.10853367

>A re-issued vinyl disc or CD still uses the same technology as the original release. Luckily the technology still exists to do it.

Barely in the case of CDs. There's like, one factory left.

>The Chinese repro cartridges only look the same on the outside, but on the inside...they use modern internal parts. It's not the same thing as the originals.

Not to mention that there is a good chance they are using modern parts that are based on 3.3 volts even if the cart is intended for an older system that used 5 volts, which could potentially cause damage in the long run. If they are already trying to bootleg carts as cheap as possible it's unlikely they will waste more money putting in protection circuitry for that.

>You can't compare a legendary baseball player with huge name recognition on a baseball card of which there may be a few handful in existence, to video game cartridges that were literally produced in the tens of millions and most likely exist

Other than the produced in tens of millions part, you are correct. Baseball cards were MADE to be collected. They are a tiny piece of cardboard with a picture printed on them, being collected is their only purpose. You can't even buy the card you want, you have to buy a pack of random cards and hope it has the one you want. Many even have a numbering system to let you know which and how many you have in the set, some even came with a checklist of all of them.

Videogames are nothing like this. You didn't go to a store and buy a bag that contains random games, they weren't designed so you collect them all in a set. They were meant to be individual purchases of a product, they weren't designed to be collected any more than Lawnmowers are meant to be collected.

So there is indeed a potential for the bubble to pop someday, even items meant to be collected can have their bubbles pop (Beanie Babies anyone?).

>> No.10853375

I have ~30tb of ROMs and ISOs and I still buy and play original copies on real hardware 99% of the time desu. Emulator purists are just immaterialist freaks.

>> No.10853383

>the outside of his pc is made of plastic
mama mia!

>> No.10853392

>If it wasn't made for the explicit purpose of collecting, it's not actually collectible.
Tell that to record collectors. Or sneaker collectors. Or antique collectors. Or car collectors. Or figure collectors. Or, really, collectors or virtually anything other than CCGs, Beanie Babies, and Funko Pops.

>> No.10853396

get off my land white man and take those weird frenchies with you

>> No.10853408

There are some people who will collect anything, so what? Just because there are a very tiny minority of people collecting it does not mean it was made to be a collectable any more than some idiot shoving a lightbulb up their ass means lightbulbs are now buttplugs.

>> No.10853414

that's just being retarded

>> No.10853450

The point is that video game's are not unique in this regard. There are many well-established collectors markets for things that were never meant to be collected. I don't know how on Earth you arrived at the conclusion that, because it wasn't meant to be collected, that makes it more likely to be a bubble. Do you also think vinyl is a bubble? Or vintage cars? Do you think Funko Pops aren't a bubble because they are intended to be collected? What about the recent MetaZoo fiasco?

If anything, something being marketed at launch as "collectible" is a bad thing as far as long-term financial prospects are concerned. Remember the hundreds of CCGs from the 90s and 2000s that tried to ride on MTGs coattails? Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon were the only survivors out of literally hundreds of games. What makes a collector's market is scarcity and genuine consumer interest, not manufacturer's intent.

>> No.10853464

Yamatoku had been exporting used Japanese games in bulk via ebay for pocket change, for around 20 years, if memory serves...
prior to COVID, at least. COVID fucked up a lot of stuff, and the decline in cheap ebay listings from Japan probably drove a lot of newfags to using deputy services, which in turn made everybody start ransacking Yahoo auctions directly. But that's just a guess. Also doesn't help that the yen is in the toilet, and now you have YouTubers directly pitching deputy services to everybody, even doing vlogs about shopping for cheap Japanese games. It's funny because until maybe the past few years, hardly anybody outside of Japan gave a fuck about Japanese games as collectibles, now almost every listing I follow is littered with Buyee bids.

>> No.10853469

Have you ever had a job? Like an actual, on the books, job?

>> No.10853475

Considering my family has almost certainly been here longer than yours I find your opinion meaningless. We emigrated here and now other people are emigrating here. There is nothing bad about that. If you don't like it, you can move back to whatever country your family came from and make a stink there. Canadians are Canadians.

>> No.10853528

>I don't know how on Earth you arrived at the conclusion that, because it wasn't meant to be collected, that makes it more likely to be a bubble.

Because it makes the collator's bubble purely artificial and only exists because of a small subset OF the collectors who want to keep the price high, which is already starting to backfire on top of stock running out to keep that bubble going.

>Remember the hundreds of CCGs from the 90s and 2000s that tried to ride on MTGs coattails? Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon were the only survivors out of literally hundreds of games.

In other words, their bubbles all burst.

>> No.10853541

I was just there and saw so many jeets and other assorted mongoloids at some of the big stations, they’re fucked. White tourists with money should be the least of their concerns.

>> No.10853579

Not a denial at all. For $150 you can buy dozens of the best Gamecube games for the system including ones that are very expensive in the west that one copy would go for $150. And that's for the western Ebay resale, it's cheaper in Japan.
Truth is outside only a few specific rare exclusives games are far easier to collect in Japan then the west, will stay that way because most can't be translated over and are just plastic display pieces, and the market there is barely affected by small westerner interest

>> No.10853584

>Not a denial at all. For $150 you can buy dozens of the best Gamecube games for the system including ones that are very expensive in the west
Yeah because they're in Japanese. A language most of the westerners buying them can't read, ergo they're just putting them on a shelf never to play them. It's retarded.

>> No.10853594

I bought a PAL Demons' Crest last month for $50 last time I was over there.

>> No.10853601

I'm not a zoomer and I agree with them. I sold all of my games to the retards who want to buy them and I emulate everything now. I have access to basically every platform ever, aside from a few exceptions and the emulators are so good now that you'd have to be a mega autist to tell the difference. The convenience of having almost every game ever made practically on my PCs is just too good for me to ever want to go back to original hardware.

There was a time when I wanted a big collection of games, and that was when emulators were buggy and incompatible, and when flash carts didn't exist. So even if you want original hardware, there's no reason to own the games aside from collection autism.

Collectors who don't get something out of their collections beside owning a bunch of shit are genuinely the lowest form of human.

>> No.10853602
File: 1.21 MB, 2923x3024, rnwd1d12svdc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh good. Another cheapskate bitch fest bandwagon thread.
All OP wants is to be handed what they want for free. That's all this ever is. Stop your crying.

>> No.10853618

>Because it makes the collator's bubble purely artificial
What is more artificial: genuine, multi-decade consumer interest, or a company saying "this is collectible - buy it"? Forced collectibility is, definitionally, artificial. This is extremely clear in modern Magic, where the so-called collector's variants of cards are often cheaper than their standard printings because there is not actual consumer interest in the variants they keep pumping out. Again, what defines a collectors market is consumer interest and scarcity, not manufacturer's intent.

>stock running out to keep that bubble going
Dwindling supply with unchanged demand causes prices to go up, not down. In what reality do you exist in where scarcity brings the price of a desirable good down?

>In other words, their bubbles all burst.
Are you like 20 or something? There were never bubbles for any of these card games. They were all DoA. A manufacturer saying that something is collectible doesn't make it so. It's just a marketing ploy to try to generate hype around a product. This is obvious to everybody except for you, specifically.

You have no idea what you're talking about. You clearly don't know anything about the history of collector's markets. Basic economics is a mystery to you. This is likely the first time you have ever thought about this topic. Just shut the fuck up if you have nothing to add beyond your detached, off-the-cuff musings.

>> No.10853619
File: 203 KB, 1915x402, pandemic prices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bubble has already burst, but the ever growing awareness of valuable video games combined with the bad economy is motivating everyone to either oversell or hoard.

>> No.10853620

Some game admittedly the japanese doesn't matter or isn't there, but that really keeps the price low for most games and saves their market, and only few games ar really wracked up in price

>> No.10853638
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>> No.10853645
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Why post charts for single games while talking about the market as a whole unless you're trying to be deceitful?

>> No.10853646

>What is more artificial: genuine, multi-decade consumer interest, or a company saying "this is collectible - buy it"? Forced collectibility is, definitionally, artificial.

And this laughable trend of people trying to turn their childhood copy of Super Mario World into a Piccaso could not be any more artificial, far more artificial than baseball cards being collectable.

>Again, what defines a collectors market is consumer interest and scarcity, not manufacturer's intent.

The only intent here is idiots destroying a hobby so they can try to turn it into a fake collector's market, they might as well be NFTs.

>Dwindling supply with unchanged demand causes prices to go up, not down.

That only works when there is real value to the things you are selling, not that the only "value" comes from you attempting to flood the market with overpriced crap and people only buy because it's there.

>A manufacturer saying that something is collectible doesn't make it s

Neither do watafags

>You have no idea what you're talking about

That's rich coming from an idiot who did not make a single point other than to defend this artificial shit while calling everything else artificial. You literally don't how how reality works and are sucking the cocks of the people who ruined retro games. I'm surprised you can type with that many wata dicks in your mouth.

>> No.10853647

I should sell my copy…

>> No.10853651

lol Square still sells new ps2 games on their website

>> No.10853672

Because both are buying up games in large quantities and taking them outside of the country. They're both responsible for increasing demand and decreasing supply which causes prices to go up.

>> No.10853674

>And this laughable trend of people trying to turn their childhood copy of Super Mario World into a Piccaso could not be any more artificial
It's a good thing these people have virtually no impact on the market.

>far more artificial than baseball cards being collectable.
It's a good thing I never described the interest in sports cards artificial.

>The only intent here is idiots destroying a hobby so they can try to turn it into a fake collector's market, they might as well be NFTs.

>That only works when there is real value to the things you are selling, not that the only "value" comes from you attempting to flood the market with overpriced crap and people only buy because it's there.
Is supply running out, or is the market being flooded? Make up your mind,

>Neither do watafags
It's a good thing I never defended, or even brought up grading,

>You literally don't how how reality works and are sucking the cocks of the people who ruined retro games.
Frankly, if prices going up makes retards like you upset, I hope they go higher. Things would have to triple from where they are before I'd quit buying.

>> No.10853686

>It's a good thing these people have virtually no impact on the market.

These are the kinds of idiots that caused the prices to go up



>Is supply running out, or is the market being flooded? Make up your mind,

Supply is running out because this thing is being sustained by them trying to flood the market, you can't flood the market if supply is starting to run out. Do try to keep up.

>It's a good thing I never defended, or even brought up grading

You didn't need to, the stink of watafags is emanating off you through my monitor.

>Frankly, if prices going up makes retards like you upset, I hope they go higher.

Like I said, you can smell the stink through the monitor. Your rotting plastic will become worthless soon, cope.

>> No.10853705

>Your rotting plastic will become worthless soon, cope.
“rotting plastic” is the most pathetic cope and is the true sign of a poorfag who slept in

>> No.10853725

>These are the kinds of idiots that caused the prices to go up
Prices went up because of COVID stimulus giving everyone $3,000 worth of fuck you money to pull supply from the market, and the inflation that printing such an insane amount of money caused. There is no cabal of retards jacking up prices. You are literally schizophrenic.

>Supply is running out because this thing is being sustained by them trying to flood the market, you can't flood the market if supply is starting to run out. Do try to keep up.
"Hey guys, let's jack up the price of a good by, uh, flooding the market!" You actually believe this. You are actually this fucking stupid.

>You didn't need to, the stink of watafags is emanating off you through my monitor.
I have never owned a graded game in my life, nor do I plan to. I don't even own a sealed game.

>Like I said, you can smell the stink through the monitor. Your rotting plastic will become worthless soon, cope.
Nobody is this mad about the price of something they don't want. You're just upset you missed out.

>> No.10853739

>Prices went up because of COVID

Confirmed retard, retro prices went up way before Covid. It was fucking PC parts that were a big thing selling out during covid because everyone was building one. Covid didn't help, but prices were far from sane before that mess.

>"Hey guys, let's jack up the price of a good by, uh, flooding the market!" You actually believe this. You are actually this fucking stupid.

Far less stupid than people like you who believe they are the "true collectors" by inflating prices to try to make games a collectable.

>I have never owned a graded game in my life, nor do I plan to. I don't even own a sealed game.

The stank don't lie

>Nobody is this mad about the price of something they don't want. You're just upset you missed out.

And now baseless speculation. I went on a retro buying spree in the mid-00s, back when prices were still sane, doesn't mean I still don't find this fucking retarded because of some autists who want their cheap childhood copies of games to be treated like Picasso.

>> No.10853746

Americans and Europeans are a virus to this planet.

>> No.10853751
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>> No.10853754

>Video game prices for Japanese Zelda CIB goes from $5 to $10

>> No.10853765
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>Confirmed retard, retro prices went up way before Covid.
Huh, I wonder what it was that caused the prices of games to go up ubiquitously, simultaneously, and substantially in 2020 and 2021? It definitely had nothing to do with the biggest macro-economic event since '08.

This is my last reply. You are a fucking clown.

>> No.10853771


PS1 games.

>> No.10853793


PSO games. The "O" stands for "original", the original PlayStation.

t. Creator of the (original) PlayStation.

>> No.10853802

>Own charts show that prices were going up before covid too, just like I said.

Nice self-pwn.

>You are a fucking clown.

And you're the entire fucking circus

>> No.10853819

How to tell someone's under 20

>> No.10853821

>Yamatoku had been exporting used Japanese games in bulk via ebay for pocket change
>hich in turn made everybody start ransacking Yahoo auctions directly. But that's just a guess. Also doesn't help that the yen is in the toilet
yeah this all makes perfect sense, more than "tourists".
>hardly anybody outside of Japan gave a fuck about Japanese games as collectibles
that's true. many years ago (25+ years or so) i remember imports from japan were for dedicated gamers that played them on their imported consoles and they paid a hefty price for the privilege as the yen was pretty high. scene is so different now. not sure how i feel about it. seems like a waste if people are just collecting them like pokemon cards and never playing them.

>> No.10853826 [DELETED] 
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Japan should ban all fat americans from purchasing their products or entering their country. Entitled selfish cunt muricans dont deserve shit.
They should stop blaming whitey tho since its also all the reseller mutt scumbags from various shithole countries. Japans libtard useful idiots are turning their country into a shithole just like all the other progressive countries.

>> No.10853881

>loose price $67
i walked past a store on friday where i saw a loose PM64 for 280 yen, made me laughing thinking about how much it would have cost in the US and now I know lel.

>> No.10854048

I dont get why resellers would/are stockpiling this stuff. The casual retro gamer that got into this stuff in the past 15 years is generally not buying these jap games unless its the collectible ones, like "dood look i got a boxed pokemon crystal/mario rpg/chrono trigger" type deal. Runes, even for games that barely use them, plus slight mods needed to play them, still appears to be a huge turn-off for most who just want them to play. At stores and conventions, I hardly ever see the average attendees digging through this stuff. I almost imagine its just bought in bulk because it's so cheap, which pays for itself when they can sell the common, but collectible stuff marked up to those who dont know better and maybe a couple bigger titles to collectors who know what they are looking for. It's not like sport and horse racing stuff is suddenly becoming valuable because it's been exported out of the country.

>> No.10854056

my great grandma was a chug too brother lets crush some big bears cuzzin
okay jeet lover i dont care even if it were true. jeets suck and im sick of them

>> No.10854103

>that 2020 vertical line
Kek. Did a lot of RPGs see a price spike then? I guess it would make sense, if you're wanting to get lost in a game to take your mind off lockdowns, RPGs would be a prime choice.
The US game market has been milked dry, for the most part. While not impossible, the days of finding games for dirt cheap that you can flip for a decent profit are largely gone. Now that the yen has depreciated severely, combined with the knowledge that Japanese region releases of games are (generally) cheaper than their US counterparts, has resulted in a surge of resellers thinking they're getting in on the ground floor of the next pricing bubble. As you suggest, yes, I think some will be in for a rude awakening when they find out that outside of complete copies of said popular games, they're probably going to struggle to find somebody who wants to pay even $10 for a mint CIB copy of Heiwa Pachinko World. The hardest of hardcore weebs who actually import these kinds of games probably already know how to buy from Japan on their own, so they're not going to pay a US reseller $50 for a game they can buy for $8 and throw in with their next deputy service shipment.
That said, I do feel like even actual collectors are growing increasingly attracted to Japanese resellers, thanks to YouTubers and the fact that the US retrogame market is 100% fucked. Even Heritage Auctions is now trying to get the Japanese game hype train going, so that's never a good thing.

>> No.10854114 [DELETED] 

>growing increasingly attracted to Japanese releases
Also, the Japanese aren't helping things either. Ebay is absolutely flooded with overpriced as from Japanese sellers who just copy active listings from Japanese websites, which they'll order once somebody purchases their inflated ebay listing. Ever wonder why so many Japanese eBay sellers have hundreds to thousands of listings with no uniform photo style? That's why.

>> No.10854119

>growing increasingly attracted to Japanese releases
Also, the Japanese aren't helping things either. Ebay is absolutely flooded with overpriced items from Japanese sellers who just copy active listings from Japanese websites, which they'll order once somebody purchases their inflated ebay listing. Ever wonder why so many Japanese eBay sellers have hundreds to thousands of listings with no uniform photo style? That's why.

>> No.10854567

I stopped collecting plastic once I realized how silly it was.

>> No.10854581

I haven't realized it's silly yet, so I'm still having fun collecting.

>> No.10854590

Just another crybaby that wants a free handout.

>> No.10854613

white piggu go hom

>> No.10854614

I'm not a NipFed but if I were, I would just go to the store of the wifi you used, ask for information on who bought something between X-Y time, and then do some digging on the hobbies of the people in question then focus on those who are into gaming. Even more so focus on people who decided to randomly go to an out of the way store. Even more so if the store owner recalls them spending an oddly long amount of time at the store. If they get whatever the Japanese equivalent of a subpoena is then they would see you bought a cheap computer recently and would want to know what happened to that.

If the police REALLY want to get you for a crime you actually committed nowadays, it's pretty easy for them to do so.

>> No.10854682
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>Bubble already burst guys
>shit gba cart solfs for 30$ still despire being 20 years old when it sgould be 7 or 10$ max
> 25$ for shipping please.
>No guarantee LOL.
>wait what? Some youtube LW influencer says its a HIDDEN GAME?

This aint a bubble, ITS A BLACK HOLE, its meant to get bigger forever until it eats all matter.

If these faggots get robbed and their collection sold for dirt cheap on glea markets, that would be a neccesary evil.

>> No.10854685

You want a real virus?
Nippon Steel trying to buy US Steel
Now that's an actual parasite group, not westerners buying $2 games to resale for $15

>> No.10854691

Because he is a Jannie thats part of "the clique" that caused this problem in the VERY long run, the speculators, and yes. They were all subversives at thr end of the day. And just like everything else they corrupted, they jist co-opt for the money and clout grift, and shit it up for everyone else, they i filtrated the community, took over it. And made it about themselves and their own evho chamber, ONLY THEY pay and buy among themselves their bullshit fake prices, most cannot afford them and know its fucking stupid to pay more then $5 for NES games like Zelda, Mario, Contra, etc, specially with games that sold like pancakes.

Jannies also control narratives and shill out naysaying opinions to a problem, and ban users for calling them out on their abuses, just the fact that the WORDFILTER exists, it just ruin everythinh

>> No.10854702


Fuck off commie.

>> No.10854705

>Is jist 5$ dollars more guys, dont complain, supply and demand! Tgose silly japanese should hate piracy, its their fault!
>now lemme make a dogwhistling media literate video to support my reseller hoarderr scum friends!
>later get exposed as sexpests and full on commies

>> No.10854706

>later get exposed as sexpests and full on commies
You mean the Japanese via Nippon Steel?
I agree

>> No.10854707

shut up jannie, we know its you covering for your allies, cause you dont believe in friends

>> No.10854708

one day these collectors will get so old they will simply destroy their collections out of spite for those who did not buy their marked up games as this is precisely what many car collectors have done and I have no doubt in my mind that these game collectors will do the same many years from now

>> No.10854712

I want to be buried with mine desu

>> No.10854714

Most things humans do are "silly".

>> No.10854715

Cumzoomerism is filled with leftisms, not even bullshit.

>> No.10854717

realistically anon we're all probably getting ashed, theres only so much space to hold dead bodies

>> No.10854724

I bought this stuff when it was trash and I will stick with it until its trash again. My descendants can cash-out or throw it into the same ditch as my body when my consciousness has met its expiration date.

>> No.10854725

I live on a few acres in the middle of nowhere. My family can probably figure something out. My grandmother was recently buried out on her ranch, so it wouldn't be unprecedented for us.

>> No.10854728
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>The US game market has been milked dry, for the most part. While not impossible, the days of finding games for dirt cheap that you can flip for a decent profit are largely gone.

How about just playing the fucking games like they are supposed to be? Games to be played and enjoyed? Npt as get rich quick schemes?

>> No.10854730

I wanna be taxidermied.

>> No.10854734


Typical hipsturds, reset the clock.

>> No.10854737

This guy knows.
The tweet that spawned the shitty "article" is from an expat who is mad that he can't get stuff for cheap anymore. Cry me a fucking river. There is plenty of stock all over Japan. Only Akihabara has real problems and that is because they are overrun not just with tourists but also window shoppers who make impulse purchases. And there are only 5 real video game shops left in the area anyway. This is a storm in a teacup that isn't worth the amount of bickering crying and misinformed whining this thread has kicked up.
>t. expat collector

>> No.10854739
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They dont buy games for $2 and resell them for $15, they buy dry up japanese games for cheap to resell to stupid Garbage Millenial lefties filled with Trannies, Breadtubers and smelly weirdos for 50$-100$ each and far more cause they held gamea for ransom.

>> No.10854742

Akihabara looks like it has really gone down the tubes. I imagine the locals who grew up with it before the influx of tourism and foreigners are pretty pissed off about it. Haven't they also cracked down on the lewd merch being sold there because of the influx of outsiders?

>> No.10854745

No fucking Trannie, you and your lefties freinds are the sexpests, its your side. Not ours, stop smelling your own dilated HRT farts and you will never be a woman.

>> No.10854752
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>> No.10854754

>This is a storm in a teacup that isn't worth the amount of bickering crying and misinformed whining this thread has kicked up

>> No.10854763

>calls others lefties
>wants an oversight committee to protect people selling things from having people buy those things
You kids get stupider every day.

>> No.10854770

Everything is fine. It's called a free market. If Japan doesn't understand supply and demand how is that supposed to be my problem?

>> No.10854775

Why are you guys so salty about this? How old are you?

>> No.10854803
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>me trying to parse this esl babble

>> No.10854825
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>Problem is I don't have an SNES.

>> No.10854859

Samefag detected. Seek help, you're just proving my point

Akihabara is fine as long as you're into weeb things generally. But it's definitely no longer electric town and hasn't been for at least 15 years. This is not a new development.
You can still find plenty of weird shops selling weird shit like used underwear, weird DVDs and other cringe idol shit. Loli shit is also still openly visible but you need to actually go into the stores to see it now, you won't see it from the sidewalk like you used to.

>> No.10854887

They're all very young. They heard about this trend growing up but had no money now they're at least old enough to buy things on their own but they have a tantrum because other people also want to buy the stuff they wanted. Early 20's is what I wpuld guess for most of them, but still menta 12 and angry.

>> No.10854934

You really think a random starbucks employee would remember a random person?

Pay in cash, or don't buy anything and download it outside

>> No.10855068

>1 in 5 is a huge number
No it's not. But your real problem is that there's only 1 in 125,000,000 people who would claim that a passport makes them Japanese. That's only something an immigrant ignorant of the culture would do, tourist.
As for your imagining. Imagine you had to take a cognitive test and you answered that less than 20% is 1 in 5. Imagine you scored 20% because you're that retarded. Would that be a huge number? Now imagine you LARPed about how things are in Japan with less than 20% accuracy. Would anyone have any reason to believe anything you said.

>> No.10855080

I think that's too much work for the average police officer for such a small crime. If a fed can't have a log delivered to him on a silver platter, I doubt he'll go very far. There are both tastier fruits and low-hanging ones to chase after.

>> No.10855095

So? The business owner has the right to deny gaijin service, but sold them anyway. Threaten to stop shopping them, ya goof. Worked back when otaku complained about gaijin cosplayers started flooding their print magazines.

>> No.10855205

Very lame response considering that the "lesser games were produced and sold in the single millions. You are disingenuous.
>Baseball cards were MADE to be collected
Wrong and another tryhand bad post.

The cold hard truth is that METAL JUDUS SUCKS DICK posts here and is desperate to keep the bubble from popping and it will.

>> No.10855249

Oh god, you're in denial.

>> No.10855254

>The supply and Demand fartlight

People stop using that for years qhwn they got fucked over by the pandemic, also are you 12 or something? How childish.

>> No.10855259

Nothing is fine, you are trying to defens the people respomsinlw for tbis, and it aint japan.

>> No.10855278

It's super funny how the Japanese are like this, but I love that ambitious investors are taking advantage of them not knowing the value of this stuff, scooping it up and watching them cry about it later.

You can not like supply and demand, but it's a thing. These are stores with items to sell at the prices they decide. If someone comes in or sends someone else in and they buy it all, that's just business. It's a store, not a fucking library lol.

>> No.10855287

You are a plague upon what used to be a fun hobby.

>> No.10855290

It's unfortunate retro gaming has become so expensive, but I enjoyed it as a child. I have no regrets. I didn't miss out on this era. It was fun while it lasted.

Besides a few specific games, I have no interest in having large collections. I only have games and consoles that are sentimental to me.

>> No.10855292

>wanted to buy an obscure-even-in Japan, JP-exclusive GBC game that i like
>used to be on eBay for like $20
>decide to bite the bullet
>it's now like $100 because some jerk has clearly looked at the list of GBC games and bought everything on it
i wouldn't be bothered if i thought a bunch of people had discovered the game, but the fact it's never talked about online suggests that's not what happened.

>> No.10855307

Hey man, I don't collect anything. I only keep what I can't currently emulate. I just think your reactions to normal collecting culture is hilarious. You're the most spoiled people imaginable.

>> No.10855329

You're not fooling anyone METAL JUDAS SUCKS DICK. (yes, I know it's you.)

>> No.10855331

It sounds like your fault for not understanding prices go up if you're not on the ball.

>> No.10855337

Honest question here:
What is causing the prices of old games to go up?

You don't see the prices of old DVDs, VHS tapes, or Betamax tapes to skyrocket. So what is the root cause here?

>> No.10855338

>on the ball
This flies in the face of your claim of not manipulating the market for your selfish gains to the detriment of the entire hobby. "On the ball" is an investor mentality. There is no causal implication with "being on the ball."

>> No.10855341

The root cause it that old games are superior to new ones in almost every conceivable way, plus coof-hoax forced more people to become gamers.

>> No.10855364
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I think that guy is a giant goofball loser from what's been posted here. I mostly think it's funny.

I didn't say anything about not manipulating the market. I'm saying you should have seen this coming. Back when I was collecting used Genesis carts for my Nomad in the early 00's I knew the prices of things were never going to be that low again do I got all I could. If you far more recently didn't look at some obscure game that was already $20 and passed on it, sorry dude but that's on you.

There is nothing wrong or unusual about any of this, it's the normal way collecting hobbies go.

>> No.10855370

>I didn't say anything about not manipulating the market. I'm saying you should have seen this coming.
That's the same thing and you know it. Stop it.michaeljordan

>> No.10855375

You seriously need mental help.

Because you can get all that shit on modern formats easily for very little money. Not so with old games. Also, playing a game is very different from passively watching a film. As more people enter the hobby, demand goes up, there's a finite supply, prices go up. Simple. Nobody wants old tapes and DVDs because they look like fucking dog shit and better versions of the same films are readily available.

Most of the Japanese sellers on ebay are flippers and resellers themselves you buffoon, they're not selling this on the side to fund their hobby
There are some seriously delusional and brain damaged people on this Manchurian Circumcision Forum

>> No.10855378

I figured that for a game no westerner has any good reason to want, they'd go up a little but not explode.

>> No.10855382

I'm sorry you're upset by easily predictable reality.

There ya go, live and learn.

>> No.10855383

Final word, if I am to spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars, I'm getting more arcade cabs that are actually scarce to rare, unlike these carts scalpers get idiots to splooge their screens and then pay 8000% markup on a run over and burned copy of Splatterhouse 3.

>> No.10855445

>Because you can get all that shit on modern formats easily for very little money. Not so with old games.

Don't they re-release old games all the time? What can't you get?

>Nobody wants old tapes and DVDs because they look like fucking dog shit and better versions of the same films are readily available.
But old games look awful too the further you go back.

>> No.10855472

>Nobody wants old tapes and DVDs because they look like fucking dog shit and better versions of the same films are readily available.

You have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.10855564

The key is not desiring many things in the first place. That’s how you thrive in modern America.

>How did the Japanese deserve to suffer from the collectafags that plague the US retro gaming scene?
They can’t exactly close themselves off from tourists under normal circumstances, and Japan is not doing well economically these days, so if fat neckbeards come from abroad to buy cheap plastic at inflated prices, they’re probably happy to sell to them. I’m sure Japanese authorities are quietly happy to choke off their own young people from another addictive gaming avenue and transfer that problem here. Bigger problem is the huge number of tourists swamping the place.

Agree. Most foreigners and their children should also be kicked out of America, pronto.

>> No.10855608

Speculative investors. The prices on "rare" DVDs and VHS have started going up. If you get caught in the retro youtube algorithm you will see people that flip all of it and give tips on what to pick up as an investment.

The cycle seems to be this based on what I have seen over the years.

>People that grew up with thing start to go back and buy it to relive memories
>Small set become enthusiasts for the thing
>They usually are willing to just throw money around and not hunt for deals
>A second group notices that there is money to be made (selling their old collections or flipping)
>A third group sees money to be made an notices that some games go for more than others
You are now in the speculative market

At this point people just look for what is rare for whatever reason or in high demand to buy them all up and sit on till prices give a return. Baseball card collecting and coin collecting are the best thing to look to if you want to see how this all happens then eventually dies. There will be a few things that never really drop in price but things will stay bad until the investors find something new to pump and dump.

>> No.10855613 [DELETED] 

There's very very little of gaming's back catalog available on modern platforms. The only legal way to play a lot of this stuff is extremely limited, and people want the feeling of ownership. Moreso now that the whole streaming and digital backlash has begun.
Older games not looking good because of hardware limitations isn't the same as a DVD looking like shit because MPEG2 is ass and they used a tape master. Fact is nobody cares about films from the 1920s, they can get The Matrix on a Blu-Ray so problem solved.

The number of people collecting old games vastly exceeds the number of people collecting tapes and DVDs by tens of thousands. You don't know what you're talking about.

Let's start with (you), the descendant of white colonists who displaced native peoples. Oh shit, turns out you're a fucking retard and your "logic" makes no sense

>> No.10855623

>Their respect for copyright law will evaporate once it becomes impractical to follow it.
No, they will always find a way to do so, even as a weapon. Japanese fandoms have and will weaponize copyright laws in even the pettiest fan dramas.

>> No.10855624

Thanks anon. So basically the root is nostalgia and a 2nd group of people willing to take advantage of that nostalgia as much as possible.

Can I ask why the retro game market seems to only affect 1990s games? Why isn't Atari more in demand? Like Atari 2600 and such? I would imagine Pac Man and that whole brand brings up memories for people.

>> No.10855632
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Speaking of car collectors, importing JDM sports cars to the US have been a craze now since many of them are 25 years old (minimum age for parallel imports). This has led to things like unscrupulous sellers stealing and parting out cars in Japan and selling them as spare parts in America (even for cars that can't yet be wholly imported).

>> No.10855646

My best guess is a few factors. Games before the third gen don't have as much consistent quality and fewer people were hard core console players in that generation of kids, a lot went to arcades instead.

Each console generation gets more "gamer" kids that grew up with it that end up feeding back into the cycle. So millennials go after third to fifth gen pretty hard, while zoomers are getting fifth to seventh. There are some other factors like rarity of games, youtubers, and new releases but from what I have seen prices tend to follow an inverted bell curve pretty consistently. You start at MSRP when a games comes out, the system ages and prices drop, then once nostalgia kicks in it goes back up.

The thing that will be interesting now and less /vr/ related is with current gen people are HARD speculating on what will go up. And with companies like limited run you have a lot of shit people are sitting on looking for a return. Similar with the comic industry you are probably going to get a burst when people think they should be getting a huge return when prices would be naturally at their lowest. That is what will hurt the speculative market the most but what people will do after that I have no idea. I assume it will get worse for us before it gets better.

>> No.10855651

Considering modern games require an internet connection and multiple digital download patches to function, I don't think it will be collectible.

>> No.10855657

No, they weren't doing fine. They were throwing away anything that looked dirty. Working stuff was literally in trash bins. I was in Sendai walked into a junk store that had a white packing cardboard box sitting on the floor with a PCE Duo 6 controllers, looked clean, 1 was a 6 button controller and maybe a dozen or more cards, and a couple CDs. It was marked 7500¥. It was sitting under a shelf with tools on it. I asked if it worked. The guy said yes everything is tested and he claimed he already marked it down, it won't be any cheaper. So yeah, coomlectors are saving pawn shops and junk stores. IDC, I just emulate, card adaptor, or hack the system.

>> No.10855707

You don’t need the cartridge to play it. You’re a hoarder of garbage and you’re mad that you have to pay more to hoard more garbage.

>> No.10855730
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Tapes you have a limited point, it's mostly old people wanting things they remember. With VHS it's more people wanting to hold onto what they have. There is a lot of it though With DVDs, those are quickly going the way of video games now that streaming has taken over and there are a shit ton of movies and shows that used to be readily available that are now either behind weird paywalls where you can watch but not own or just plain not available anywhere. And that's just for the main movie, many DVDs used to have all kinds of bonus features. It's not quite where video games are yet, but it's not far away. If you care about owning physical media of movies and shows from the past, now is the time to be grabbing them whenever you can.

>> No.10855738

Not them but sometimes the VHS versions are different, like in the Golden Voyage of Sinbad (I think) has exposed nipples, yet the DVD;et al versions do not.
Sometimes the exact same thing happens to video games.

>> No.10855759

Remove americans from the world, the world immediately becomes a better place.

>> No.10855791

Shit that one i didnt know.

>> No.10855796

Stop it with the cope

>> No.10855804

Stop pretending to being a female and to know what you are talking about.

>> No.10855809

Zoomers don't pirate, this has been shown time and again. Zoomers are way more tech-illiterate than millenials were and are closer to the boomers in that thinking that shit will give you a virus. Zoomers aren't the ones emulating everything.

>> No.10855817


>> No.10855824 [DELETED] 

Anti ownership faggots deserve the rope
My property, my right to sell it or modify it
Kill all j

>> No.10855847

Yep. Even Clash of the Titans has been partly censored in later releases.

>> No.10855891

>Clash of the Titans has been partly censored in later releases.
QRD? That's one of my favorites that I've seen countless times on TV (where they did show boobs and butts) and own it on DVD. What am I missing and where? Sorry for the partial off-topic, but this is important.

>> No.10855896 [DELETED] 

*I'm speaking to the 1981 release, that's my fav, never saw the original.
>in b4 massively off-topic
SEGA censored Shinobi in a similar fashion, as were countess Japanese-oriented releases. You know the ones.

>> No.10855898

*I'm speaking to the 1981 release, that's my fav, never saw the new one
>in b4 massively off-topic
SEGA censored Shinobi in a similar fashion, as were countess Japanese-oriented releases. You know the ones.
[fixed] dangit

>> No.10855941

It's one of my favorites too. This was a few years back and I was visiting family and trying to show it to my nephew so just found it online somewhere. Maybe it was a TV edit, but the scene right at the beginning where Danae is nursing baby Perseus was cut. Don't know how much else was changed because I turned off and decided to show him by dvd when he came to visit me next.

>> No.10855950 [DELETED] 

>descendant of white colonists who displaced native peoples. Oh shit, turns out you're a fucking retard and your "logic" makes no sense
You have to go back

>> No.10855958

Heh really? Odd. I believe you, it's just weird that back in the 80s and 90s tits and butts in those contexts were fine on TV (as they are) but now some censor apparently thinks they're red-hot yowzas yowzsa awwwoogoa imagery that will set the nations of youth on fire with lust.

>> No.10856008

>zoomers don’t pirate
This is true, all I have is a ton of anecdotal evidence, but I’ve never met a zoomer who pirated content or even knew what tpb is. I’ve only met a scant few who knew what torrenting is. That said, they’re not the ones propping up this insane collector-consoomer market in retro games and other collectibles. It’s millennials and genxers. The kind that still dress like they’re in middle school but now have disposable income. I work with one guy who’s proud of having paid hundreds for an ok copy of sm64. I’d say I don’t think about them at all, but they bother me.

This is a symptom of clown world

>> No.10856029

I'm a zoomer and I'm on most of the major private trackers. The forums there definitely skew older, though.

>> No.10856037

>I work with one guy who’s proud of having paid hundreds for an ok copy of sm64.
Why would anyone do that? I got the game complete with the box and everything, and it's probably not worth that much even though my copy is fairly minty, so what the fuck?

>> No.10856078
File: 167 KB, 1280x612, ggn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remembered GGn had an age poll a while back. Obviously this data isn't going to be totally accurate since it's self-reporting, but here's the results in case you're curious. The thread is 6 years old, so a lot of people who voted initially may have moved up a bracket by now.

>That said, they’re not the ones propping up this insane collector-consoomer market in retro games and other collectibles.
I figured I'd also add that I typically spend $1000/month on retro games and TCGs, so I'm doing my part. I guess I'm your 1 in a million outlier :^)

>> No.10856084

Retro collectors are a fucking cancer

>> No.10856087

1. The Japanese should be upset at their stores selling to tourists. Go protest them.

2. The Japanese had 40 years to collect what they wanted. If they have gotten it already, then they were never going to buy it.

>> No.10856091

The real shame is all these losers bringing back a bunch of garbage games you can already emulate. What people SHOULD be doing is raiding Japanese music stores for all the fucking CDs that never get ripped and uploaded.

>> No.10856092


Why do you progs hate japan so much?

>> No.10856107

It happens all the time, but as most of my post indicates, they don't need to remember you. There's a trail you're leaving pretty much no matter what.

Even if you paid in cash, now you stick out because literally nobody else is paying in cash. They also can use camera footage to find out who went into the store how long they stayed, and where they went after. If the Feds want your ass, they're going to get you lmao.

That's your only hope. That whoever is in charge thinks it too much trouble to get you so they never even bother. I they do bother, they will get you though.

>> No.10856108

Because the Japanese fans want to treat their game stores like it's a LIBRARY and not an actual BUSINESS. It's ridiculous. Do they seriously expect game stores to hold onto these games forever???

The reality is that store Japanese owners can sell to whoever they want.

>> No.10856120

>Because the Japanese fans want to treat their game stores like it's a LIBRARY
Yeah I've noticed this. They buy a retro game, play it, and sell it back to another game store. Then repeat this over and over again. Very common in Japan. The Japanese fans are upset this is slowly becoming impossible since games are leaving the country. Store owners are selling the games online for more money since locals won't buy.

>> No.10856129

>They can’t exactly close themselves off from tourists under normal circumstances,
Technically they could to an extent if they went back to removing english friendly text and options from stuff.

>> No.10856145

>I they do bother, they will get you though
I truly agree with you, no arguments against that. However, for a police officer to bother... man, that's an entirely different issue. And we need a whole corporation to bother, because the whole station won't stop all its many cases just because an autistic cop wants to track someone for such a petty crime. You need a bunch of people to *collectively bother*, and about a minor thing, on top of all.

>> No.10856146

I think for vidya, the bubble wont pop, but it may shrink a bit. If it keeps going up, the average normie enthusiasts wont consistently pay 100+ per game like they may do once or twice for a "grail" item. The famous titles that are already high though will likely hover at that price point since they are "must-have" titles due to their status, cult following or for complete setters.

>> No.10856159

This is extremely overblown. The vast majority function fine offline and most patches are minor improvements (or sometimes even feature removal) that im sure the desire of owning a physical copy of would override.

>> No.10856165

That is nice of you to assume collectors play the games

>> No.10856167

Either way you are buying something to play a game, unless you are using browser emulators on a library computer.

>> No.10856183

>The kind that still dress like they’re in middle school but now have disposable income.
Nothing wrong with being comfy. Especially if you have a bank account full of "fuck you" money.

>> No.10856185

I play all the games I buy, but I'm also a shut-in.

>> No.10856191

Regarding the 2nd part, ive heard multiple anons claim that japs used these stores kinda like a rental service, atleast for common games. Get the itch to play, buy a 1 yen copy, sell it back when done.

>> No.10856194

Don't worry anon. If you're here, I assume you play until you prove otherwise

>> No.10856206

I never saw Clash of the Titans on TV back then but if they did show it I wouldn't be surprised if that was edited. I do remember showing the movie to my creative writing class at one point and a few people were surprised. It came out when I was like 7 and was obsessed from the start so just found that part normal.

>> No.10856207

What? I stated a fact. Ebay is flooded with Japanese sellers who are trying to capitalize on clueless buyers who will purchase "their" $200 listing that they just copied from a Japanese webstore that has it listed for $75.

>> No.10856240

Yeah it's something they've been doing for decades. Buy a cheap copy. Sell it back. It's not 1 yen, but it's still very cheap.

The games never left the country so the supply stayed the same. Walk into a store and buy whatever you want for cheap. Think of Gamestop but the inventory stays mostly the same for years.

Japanese store owners aren't happy about it. They want to make money. Especially stores with high rent in cities. So Stores recently have been selling their old stock online for a big profit to overseas customers. Now Japanese fans walk into the a store and the retro section has been half sold off, or gone. Their buy/sell tactic doesn't work anymore.

>> No.10856243

You mean now?
They weren't censored at all on TBS and TNT in the 80s and 90s, for 100% certain. I know this because tv is where I first saw the film (I think) and the nudity was always a part of it, then later when I got the DVD there were no surprises.
> It came out when I was like 7 and was obsessed from the start so just found that part normal.
Exactly. Like the Andy Warhol artwork in Shinobi, so when SEGA took took it out for the Wii, I was surprised.

>> No.10856294 [DELETED] 

Rothschilds still exist in Japan and are headquartered in Europe
You Redditors are hilarious, you always bark up the wrong country and for something as minuscule as $20 increases in game prices

>> No.10856315
File: 345 KB, 1500x1200, 1697074927438352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno, coomlectors whining about other coomlectors because they can't afford old toys anymore are way more annoying than any emufag.

>> No.10856349

Ahh that's cool then. When I bumped into a censored version it was some like 7 or 8 years ago. I'm in Canada though and don't ever remember it being on TV here though admittedly if it was I may not have paid attention since I had a tape. Mhdp

>> No.10856358

If you go to places dedicated to collectors, you'll find we don't really complain about prices much. I don't know who it is that does all the complaining here desu. I assume it's people who feel forced to emulate because the games are now worth more than they're willing to pay. Perhaps there's also some newfriends like in your pic thrown in the mix as well.

>> No.10856409
File: 16 KB, 385x387, 1480460460087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be like that but now I just look for pricecharting.com matched prices on eBay and hit buy it now.
All the stores around me suck, and I'm sick of getting bid sniped in auctions or sellers cancelling auctions when bidding doesn't go their way.

>> No.10856410 [DELETED] 

>Let's start with (you), the descendant of white colonists who displaced native peoples.
Found the latinx.