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10792424 No.10792424 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck Jannies Edition
Should I replay Scarlet Cascabel or try Scholars Hand?

>> No.10792543

Very good. I did not see your thread approach page 10.

>> No.10792753

Where can I get the Dracula Reloaded FM in English? The guild site just links to the cheap mission site and even though it says English when I download and install the FM it's in another language and I can't read anything.

>> No.10793906
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I was wondering where the thread went.

Posting my favourite thief liminal place, it even appeared in dreams to me.

>> No.10794134

I am surprised some new fms are still coming out. And the quality is solid.

>> No.10794282

For some reason they linked the Hungarian version and you gotta click the English version on the site page.

>> No.10795476

I don't know wtf the janny's problem is
Also, to the anon last thread that recommended whispers below the cobblestone, thanks so much for the rec, I haven't even gotten far underground at all, but all the mansions are absolutely beautiful, like a joy to play through

>> No.10796195

Hey no problem, its a banger mission.
Yeah it is a joy.

>> No.10796626
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Quite a fun small mission.

>> No.10796708

> Scarlet Cascabel or try Scholars Hand?
Both. Currently playing Scarlet Cascabel (man I wish there was more fms with such a good forest level), and you made me want to replay Scholar Hand just after.

>> No.10796710
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I am finishing SC right and its highly impressive. Both missions.

Exploring the hotel is amazing, feels like a living place with normla servants and guests, some stuff i didnt even knew the dark engine could pull while still feeling like Thief but a cozy vacation for garrett out of town.

>> No.10796850

Played this just the other night, its great.
Made me reinstall and try Arx Fatalis again, but honestly I'd rather we had more Arx theme'd FMs after that one.

>> No.10796881

This might sound retarded but are there jump maps for Thief?

>> No.10796892

You mean rooftop maps? There are plenty of those.

>> No.10796904

No, I'm mean like jump maps where you practice bunny hopping

>> No.10797035
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Any hints on how to finish Undercover without giving it away? I found a switch in here (pic related) but the talisman and another switch are still locked behind these cell gates.

>> No.10797316

Oh shit an arx inspired mission? What's it called?
Keep exploring, there's a hint in a readable somewhere upstairs on what to do, and getting a better grip of the level layout as you look for it will help you too, it's such a cool mission

>> No.10797369

The Unseen by skacky, its a short horror mission that takes place entirely underground with implications that it's either in the Arx universe or at least heavily inspired by it

>> No.10797880

iirc stealing the talisman triggers the alarm

>> No.10798048

What is bunny hopping some anti-stealth challenge?

>> No.10798194
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behind closed doors is one of my favourite missions

>> No.10798198

>behind closed doors

Hey, need to try this one looks cool a fuck.

I swear to god, a single FM form thief fills me with joy more than modern games. And thief can be tiring to play.

>> No.10798205

i am not aware of any such maps, but if you don't mind going through dromed you can make a map that consists in a long empty corridor to practice the timing of the jumps
you do know that if you go too fast bunny hopping you'll kill yourself hitting a wall right?

>> No.10798213

I'm honestly tempted to make one myself
had a more classic bhop map in mind like you see in other games though

>> No.10798221

I think he means something like this, source games also have bunny hopping, and people have made maps specifically for parkour using that... exploit I guess you'd call it?
Also I didn't know you can kill yourself with that in thief, that's really funny

>> No.10798250

i highly doubt a map like that exists, but if you want to make one go for it
>I didn't know you can kill yourself with that in thief
you can try it pretty well in ramirez's mission as soon as you get within the walls
(btw bunny hopping only works in thief TDP/Gold, it was fixed in the metal age)

>> No.10798267


With newdark you can give it to garrett in 2 as well.

>> No.10798272

is that with a cheat code or something? i can't bunny hop in the base game with t2fix

>> No.10798278

>cheat code.

No its simple cam_ext config option.

jump_speed_boost 1.05
; speed boost factor when jumping, should not be altered as it will break missions that have locations carefully
; crafted based on the game's default jump distance. Default is 1.05 (or 1.4 when running in Thief 1 mode).

>> No.10798279

Yeah I noticed it didn't work in 2, I never use it anyways though, I guess I'm not in the mindset for it when trying to sneak around and look at all the pretty buildings in FMs

>> No.10798295

One thing I noticed in the better Thief 1 fms and vanilla thief 1 compared to thief 2 , its that it did a better job in telling you where the shadows would hide you, there is this contrast of normal lighting and dark shadows, that woudl look amazing if thief had directional ones.

In thief 2 it can be a bit washed up and the light gems, some rooms fool me sometimes.

>> No.10798305

shadows are definitely brighter in thief 2, i often found myself in total darkness where the lighting should have me be somewhat lit up

>> No.10798349

The way I'm playing it's "Garrett gets sidetracked: the mission", I'm literally doing every single side area and side objective before ever stepping foot into the main mansion I'm supposed to steal a painting from, and I'm really enjoying it, it's like the map never ends, there's always some new area I'm getting into through some hole or backdoor
The undercity aspect is also amazing, I absolutely love that setting

>> No.10798359

Are there any other wacky and funny FMs besides Fables of the Penitent Thief?

>> No.10798369

I got that feeling in sound of a burrick, its great. Its something lgs wanted to do but pcs could not handle it.

A cozy section of the city before the main heist\adventure into a tomb. Like BP does.

Try disorientation as well, now i know why its an old famous one.

>> No.10798384

I'm been saving skacky maps for last actually, I've got the impression they're the cream of the crop of thief FMs, I'm looking forward to them
These other authors I've been slowly going through have been amazing so far as well though, even if the missions aren't sprawling, it's amazing how well people use the thief 1 textures and dromed, creating these beautiful spaces but still in the style and limitations of the game
The one I was playing before this mission actually was Shadow Play by the same guy that made Alcazar, it's a delightful bafford-style mansion mission, with a beautiful manor and some nice surrounding city streets

>> No.10798458

i was impressed by nosferatu
i have yet to complete the mission but the architecture is just stunning

>> No.10799702

I've got an idea for a goofy mission but I need to figure out how to make maps that aren't broken first, could take a bit of trial and error

>> No.10799717

this thread smells like taffers

>> No.10800658

Playing a night in old quarter, it's not bad but I think whispers below the cobblestone was a major improvement in all areas, level design, brushwork, texturing
It's just a bit rough

>> No.10800664
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I feel actually flabbergasted and tired in a good way going through these thief fms missions after black parade. Its like i am playing some super expansion with garrett and feuillade industries dudes stuff even has lore that ties it all to together in a nice way.

I think thief was too early for videogames, we are not ready yet.

>> No.10800752

Thief is probably the one game I'd consider getting a CRT for. I have distinct memories of exploring the "darkness" in Lord Bafford's Manor (demo version) and having to press my face against the glass to see every pixel of a wall and crawl through inch by inch. That's probably not even the intended way to play, you're still supposed to be able to see a little bit, but damnit I enjoyed it. LCD screens ruin it where you're just staring at backlight. God I wish OLED didn't suck ass

>> No.10800768

What I hate most is ghosting, I need to buy at least a a decent oled.

>> No.10801081

pretty crazy that we got two FMs in one month

>> No.10801089

Second mission feels like a classic key hunt in structure but it doesn’t bother me, as it helps on establishing the atmosphere and the “story” with the creepy encounters.
As a demonstration of what talented creators can do with dark engine, it’s bloody impressive.
I really need to go back to it. I loved the first ten minutes I played of it, and I put it on hold for later as it seems to be a big one.

>> No.10801091

Does Nicked’s Falling, in Love counts ? The general direction of your progression is downwards, but there is a lot of jumping involved along the way. It’s a fun one !

>> No.10801103

>Fuck Jannies Edition
>Should I replay Scarlet Cascabel or try Scholars Hand?
Haha, fuck the jannies. LULZ
I'll bet they don't even get paid. Fuck the jannies. Fuck 'em.

>> No.10801104

Skacky missions are among the best, but cityscape-wise I’m a firm believer that Melan’s Disorientation and Rose Garden pair are largely even better. Masterpieces, the both of them.

>> No.10801114

I like the change of pace, again its the vacation feel, first a little town with cozy houses and shops, and spooky pagan woods.

Second a cozy hotel exploration, I feel like invisible man watching the drama between servants, the great architecture. Its very Shining.

The stuff you can miss is impressive, people talk about the hotel in bloodlines? Forget it,trhis is peak right here.

>> No.10801118


I loved both but Sound of a Burrick left me speechless. For a simple reason, the fact that it starts in a place i know and expands just tickled something in my old teen memories and brain.
Its a great comfy night heist and its not overly cryptic despite some hard to reach secrets.
Something about the hilly terrain is great as well, its how I feel the city feels most of the time, guys in bp did this well giving the city a very vertical german expressionist vibe.

>> No.10801234

>it seems to be a big one
took me four hours with no time spent hunting down extra loot, just the many objectives and exploring.

>> No.10801896
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>I managed to fence off the loot I got from bafford's before morning
>but, as always, more trouble was waiting for me back home
>as soon as i got back i checked my post, or the page where it was supposed to be anyway
>deleted... of course
>i figured janny needs to know who's in charge here, so i decided to pay him a visit
>a contact of mine, one "Hotpockets lover" as he likes being called, hates janny and decided to help me by providing a map of the place
>he assured me the map is accurate... despite it being a singular square, no guards, no alarms, nothing
>either this is the easiest job i'll ever do or janny is hiding something up his sleeve
>i will need to stay on my toes for any.... unexpected obstacles. After this janny will think twice before deleting my posts

>> No.10802527

I just realized the tiny bell sound for room service in the scallett cascabel is the portalize sound from dromed.

>> No.10802791
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>started Dracula Reloaded
>first thing I see as soon as the first level starts are a bunch of guy being ripped into chunks of meat by a werewolf

>> No.10802792

Why the fuck is there somebody pitched up 500% in whistling of the gears just wandering the streets
Is that the whistling in whistling of the gears

>> No.10802875

Imagine the extra layer of terror the fm would put into the heart of these players that way. It's genius.

>> No.10803383
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Incredible mission. I am taking my time with it before moving on.

If DD2 unfucks itself i might stop thief a bit, but honestly fuck it, i am having the time of my life.

>> No.10803405

which sites do you guys primarily use for FMs?
I usually just use Thief Guild myself

>> No.10803746
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Where's the lever at? I can't find it anywhere.

>> No.10803758
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If you wanna replay, do it using Necroage texture pack + all the mods installed with Tfix. The game look fucking gorgeous.

>> No.10804001


>> No.10804064
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Ever since Ascend the Dim Valley did it, I just disable texture filtering and love the look of the game. I generally dislike bloom effects but in Thief it feels like nails in my eyes.

>> No.10804237

Same as you (I've been playing for several days and I've just unlocked the winter wing last evening). Taking my time to savor, I've MonHun and Unicorn Overlord to play on the side anyway.

>> No.10804960

>unicorn overlod

Me too, iam not big on jrpg but I do like the tatical ones. And hey sexy witches unlike the west.
Kind of a shitshow unicorn does not come out on pc, fucking taffers.

But Thief still steals me away from it more than imagine.

>> No.10804964

Necroage is fucking gross wtf anon.
PLus the shit form tfix is also meh.

>> No.10805079

i didn't know that tfix existed when i first played thief, so i completed the whole game on 800x600 with the game running on what looked like double speed

>> No.10805124

I don't use graphics or texture mods because a lot of FMs I read in the description says to not use any.

>> No.10805141

Man TDS had amazing lines despite its shortcommings

>> No.10805321

>Truly these are Dark Times

>> No.10805457

I've been thinking about this line from 1 every other day since I played through the game, the idea of garrett raiding a city block's worth of kitchens and pantries instead of stealing treasure is so funny to me, he eats it all on the spot too

>> No.10805469

He has tons of funny cut lines, mostly as tutorial.

>> No.10805494

The "now the bow will shoot x arrows" lines are pretty funny, it's like those metal slug weapon pickup announcements

>> No.10805541

I like how much more addictive the game is compared to the classic Ogre Battle gameplay. Game is a bit too easy, though.
I still keep my fingers crossed that the game will come to PC eventually - Vanillaware probably lack the ressources and the experience to do it for now.

But yeah, there is nothing out there quite like Thief.

>> No.10805592

Its okay. It has nice art and sexy babes. Its quality for sure. I hope its selling well.

Even on expert its a bit easy yeah, I also find the conditions an extra boring step, they are mechanically, the same thing as letting you choose your own actions in a more traditional turn based system. Instead it feels like coding.

I am only in the beginning .

Symphony of war is an indie game of the same vein with trash story but interesting battle system.
Obviously as in ALL other rpgs, I made a thief named garrett. Fuck me if I live to 100 I will be naming rogues garrett.

>> No.10805628


Explain this bullshit.

>> No.10805661

You can only do that on expert pretty sure, if you play on casual you might've missed it

>> No.10805667

Missed what? Servant teleporting into Garrett's hands? Like blink and you miss it?

>> No.10805670

No, you can pick him up and eat him, garrett's hunger depends on the difficulty

>> No.10805674
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Holy shit I didn't even notice that...

>> No.10805728

Is this an easter egg?
The servant even has a weird item name.

Funny I thought I knew them all.

Speaking of that all games shoudl ahve dedicated blooper reel levels. Jesus CHrist the passion, the devs must have had so much fun making this game.

>> No.10805749

I just found the video when looking for the quote, it's so fucking funny I had to post it
Looks like somebody modded the mission, the "stop for a snack" voice line doesn't play in this level at all either normally. Only 70 or so people have seen it since it was uploaded 7 years ago too, that's a hidden gem right there

>> No.10805752

I was booting up the game just to check and yeah its just a joke mod.


>> No.10805778

I'm still cracking up over him just eating the guy with the apple crunching sound
You could totally mod all the levels to have edible enemies, just go on a rampage
As it happens I'm doing something slightly less insane, I want to try and make a map all about eating food, garrett paid the rent but he can't afford groceries this time

>> No.10805786

How about a dromed map with no enemies unless provoked, daytime slice of life, where garrett goes shopping?

Talk to some people he knows, go into a tavern to chill. Talk to some carp fishermen near the canal.

I could mod some existing map just for this.

>> No.10805802

I do want to make it daytime actually, with peaceful streets, I find the idea of looking for food to steal funny though - can rob a bar, get into a factory mess hall, turn the lights off in a mansion and steal food right off the banquet table, it's like a whole new dimension of mission objective design
Having people to talk to and stuff would be cool but I think that'd be way harder to do than what I have in mind - I think I can just link all the food to a marker that increments a number that completes your objective when you get enough

>> No.10806009

I have that dream of doing a mission like that one day, daytime, peaceful NPCs if not provoked, pure exploration and investigation. But yeah, need to learn dromed first.

>> No.10806136

>For a simple reason, the fact that it starts in a place
It's been years since I played Sound of a Burrick, do you mean just the city in general or does it actually start somewhere another mission took place before? Im racking my brain and can't remember. Guess its time to replay it...

>> No.10806456 [DELETED] 
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Is there a cheat to walk through walls or anything? I'm playing Dracula Reloaded and I just got softlocked on a mission because of some fucking bug. This door to the crypt won't open even though I pressed the secret button hidden by the statue.

>> No.10807146

Just played whispers in the desert, awesome mission. Could only find 2 out of 5 relics despite looking seemingly everywhere. Does anyone know what the switch under the ceiling in the kings chamber does?
I really love tomb raiding missions like this, Bonehoard was a highlight for me too, don't get why most people don't seem to like them

>> No.10807209

Yes, its not spoiler it starts in the same street where the thieves guild is.

>> No.10807875

Speaking about that.
Anybody here has given a try to Rogues' Lair yet ?

>> No.10809323

so how do you rate the final mission of TBP?

>> No.10809585

imo a very high quality mission on it's own merits, in brushwork, textures, custom assets and overall area design and atmosphere, but just like the final mission of T1 I don't think it's that great of a thief level, there's just not much in it that I like about regular thief levels, i.e. looking for open windows to rustle through people's pots and pans looking for a golden plate

There's no escape requirement for it either, which is obviously understandable given the premise and ending of the level, but just because the premise leaves out elements like that it doesn't mean I don't find their absence a detriment - more of a critique of the premise/story aspect of the final level rather than the execution of it, which like I said the mission on it's on is pretty awesome

>> No.10809879


I really loved it.

I kinda feel bad for Hume however.

>> No.10809954

>no no kill objective
Not a single necromancer was left alive

>> No.10810670

Like a 6 or 7, its obviously the weakest mission in the campaign and thats coming from someone who actually really loves Maw of Chaos
Atmosphere, new enemy designs and art direction were all top notch, but I felt kinda aimless and unclear at first on what I was trying to do, only feels like chance that I managed to find the necessary keys and objectives to sabotage the necromancers, having no 'no kills' objective was awesome though.
Overall it feels like the most rushed mission in the campaign and I wonder if it wouldn't have benefitted from a couple more months in the oven.
Overall I think TBP could have benefitted from one or two more missions in general, especially to flesh out the titular villains a little.
Maybe one day we'll get a TBP Gold? That'd be nice.

>> No.10810776

I liked the visuals and more or less how it wraps up the story.
However, I was really disappointed that the way the mission concludes is basically a straight copy of how TDP ends, down to the villain walking around a ritual circle while the main character messes with the McGuffin in the center. It doesn't help that the copy here feels worse than the original to me. Garrett had a clear plan for what to do while Hume seems to just stumble across a convenient solution right when he needs it.

>> No.10811267

i liked how the place got weirder and weirder as you ascended

>> No.10811514

I loved the ambiance of the last mission but I would go even harder on dificulty, it seems the devs wanted people who have not played thief in ages to get back into it.

Yeah my only issue with BP is that it needed at the very least another mission with the necromancers involved.

The rest is awesome.

>> No.10811698

>Yeah my only issue with BP is that it needed at the very least another mission with the necromancers involved.
Yeah it bugged me that you never really directly interact with them outside of the final mission which is just a kinda rehash of how you deal with the Trickster
Hell, you dont even directly interact with them when you get cursed in the first place, the Titular Black Parade actually have no fucking clue who Hume is or that he snuck into the abandoned mansion and interacted with the statue as far as I'm aware.
In a way that's kinda neat and on theme, but narratively it falls a bit flat I think.

>> No.10811773

nta but I also felt a similar way, I thought all the weird pagan imagery in cutscenes was going to crescendo into some weird supernatural event sweeping through the city, like the wild hunt or something, but it's actually just the supervillain team name of a bunch of necromancers, that you incidentally stumble into

>> No.10811949

I just finished Dracula Reloaded, in my opinion the loot objectives were pretty bullshit, thankfully they were optional in the later levels. For fucks sake the last mission had 7200 total, wanted me to find 6000, but all I could find was 2800 in loot. Where the fuck did the guy hide all the loot at in these levels? I hope his other FMs aren't like this when it comes to loot.

>> No.10812062
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Dont get me wrong I love the necromancers, they looks super badass, the models are great and I think they are underutilized like the great zombie models.

Its funny in thief every single fantasy element looks so cool to me, its unassuming, yet classic fantasy, like its devoid of vanity but looks ultra cool and believable since it tries to tie with actual real world analogues in a elegant way.

Necromancers needed another mission where they show their power and influence, sad we didnt get a Undercover homage story for example. Its perfect.

Hume is unknown to the Necros but because of the brand, they smell the evil from him and think he is a legit apprentice or something.

>> No.10812214 [DELETED] 

>Hume is unknown to the Necros but because of the brand, they smell the evil from him and think he is a legit apprentice or something.
Then why do they keep trying to kill Hume on the Brand and final mission?

>> No.10812219

That does sound like an awesome premise, that's well enough of an explanation to support that kind of mission, you could even say you have to avoid the head necromancers or whatever because they'd be able to tell what your malfunction is, as an analogue to the restricted areas of undercover

>> No.10812385

Okay I finally beat it, it's beautiful, and the setting is really cool, but holy shit is it hard, especially with the invisible guy sped up 500%, it's a wonder it's even playable like that

>> No.10812779
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What have they done.

>> No.10812971

What kind of game series do you think would be cool to have an FM based on? Like an Elder Scrolls FM that has you playing as a thieves guild member or an undercover Imperial agent.

>> No.10813008

Sounds kino. Or maybe a Warhammer Fantasy mission as a Ranald follower trying to expose a Chaos Cult?

>> No.10813369

An Alien FM with a reskinned burrick xenomorph would be funny

>> No.10813642

>I thought all the weird pagan imagery in cutscenes was going to crescendo into some weird supernatural event sweeping through the city
You're not the only one! The first thing you see when starting the game is that Pagan scene and I thought it was going to be important until I realized it was just the Pagan intro for a mission.
Story is obviously not this teams strong suit, which is fine given that everything else is near perfect, but it would've been nice if the narrative was also rock solid as well.
They're clearly not bad at writing given all the readable and background lore they've woven into each of their solo missions and also the campaign itself, but the plot of TBP is clearly a little lacking, the fact that the Necromancer's are kinda a non-entity for most of the campaign and never even directly threaten or interact with Hume being the biggest issue.
Hell, it wasn't even clear to me that the brand was actively effecting Hume until he off hand mentions in the intro to the final mission that its sapping his strength. Some things plot wise could have definitely used some ironing out.
I can't blame them too much though, they've fantastic level designers at the end of the day, and thats what really matters.

>> No.10813647
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The writing is awesome in all levels I agree.
I think it all came down to time.

Found this readable in SCascabel, maybe Hume turned into a spectre. A fm saving his souls would be neat.

>> No.10813657

Yeah towards the end it did feel like the missions were a little disconnected, like guy A wants to make a hammerite compound mission, guy B wants to make a bonehoard, guy C the sword, guy D a keeper mission, and it's kind of losely tied together with the necromancers
That being said I think they mostly form into a really satisfying narrative for the most part actually? I really like the progression from the initial city level, then you're employed to steal items for a guy, and then you have to steal them back from the guy, explore his big mansion, I love that actually, and it's not even really the """main plot""", it's just the goals of missions, while the actual overarching proper story feels kind of underbaked, all the necromancer/brand stuff

>> No.10813692

I think it starts getting desperate in kept away from view, makes arcane sanctum look really poignant with the summer party and the sunset.

>> No.10813741

I'm not quite sure what you mean, sorry, that the story starts getting desperate? As in grasping at straws to bring it all into one coherent plot? Or that in-story the stakes are starting to rise

>> No.10813742

The stakes I mean. Its a slow crescendo.

>> No.10813764

Yeah I get that, it just feels like a bit of an afterthought, you play 5 missions before you inexplicably wander into getting the brand, and then you discover there's like 3 necromancers hanging out in the basement of the manor, it really didn't translate to me as a debilitating curse and a world-ending threat until hume literally starts talking out loud about both of those in the last 2 missions

>> No.10813849

What's the GMDX equivalent for thief?

>> No.10814175

>start the Violent end of Duncan Malveine
>see the map to the level
Holy shit this place truly is a mansion, it has like 5 or 6 floors total.

>> No.10814254

portmaster when

>> No.10814293

That is actually feasable since you can just use all the SS2 assets. Except for the xenomorph model itself.

>> No.10814626

I kinda agree but in the sense that they were desperate to get a Keeper compound mission in there and had to really try and justify why Hume would break into one.
I'm not the biggest fan of Kept Away From View in general, it's a great mission but I'd played a lot of Keeper compound missions just before TBP released, but I think the biggest issue is how its presented storywise.
You just get branded, in a really indirect way that makes the Necromancers a completely indirect threat to Hume, he for some reason goes on the run from the Wardens who hired him (was never clear if they sent Hume into the abandoned mansion because they were in cahoots with the necromancers and were providing them sacrifices or it was all just coincidence either) instead of seeking ANY help from ANYONE, then just decides fuck it I guess I'll tail this random half invisible guy because that seems like my best option I guess and ends up breaking into a compound of the most secretive and hidden away order in the entire series
Overall my biggest issue with TBP's story is just that some details are very unclear and are either never really mentioned properly or only come up in the last few missions.

>> No.10814638


But its set up he can see keeper glyphs after the curse, so from the cutscene alone seeing he uses a keeper door to escape, and like he mentions, he starts to see hooded figures he never noticed. Would be strange and alluring, like a dream. He pulls 2 and 2. Maybe these keepers are related to the necromancers. Thats how I got it.

I get that a lot from Hume after he gets branded, fate starts to pull him along in a dreamlike way.

Personally, I did like Kept away form view, both city and keeper parts. The secret library ending and the hag is fucking great on top of that.

The VA for the keepers are funny.

>> No.10814683

>fate starts to pull him along in a dreamlike way.
Right and that's kinda cool, but it definitely helps lead to the feeling that we really have no solid way of linking all these missions together in a tight and coherent way, we just kinda drift from mission to mission with no real idea what the brand does or how we're gonna stop it properly
Hell, in the end we spend all that time gathering all those artefacts and they don't even work, we have to go into the Idol dimension to pull a Trickster bait and switch again anyway.

>> No.10814696

Overall I agree with you but its minor issues.

The biggest issue is that a mission or 2 with the necros establishing them as a power are lacking.

>> No.10814731

>its minor issues.
Oh absolutely, yeah. It feels like the wrong thing to complain about when we got an otherwise near perfect set of missions that are a product of a true labour of love but it is still probably the only main critique I could make of TBP at the end of the day.
>The biggest issue is that a mission or 2 with the necros establishing them as a power are lacking.
This I agree on as well, the Black Parade themselves feel strangely absent in a game thats named after them. I'd have liked one or two missions where you have to steal some of the artefacts you need to stop them directly from them or something. Would've gone a long way to making them feel like an actual direct threat because as it stands they're only actually present in 2 of the 10 missions, and even then they've only got like 3 guys total in mission 5 as is.

>> No.10814738

And you have tons of fun shit to do with depraved necromancers.

Imagine the necros slithered themselves inside a baronial stronghold to start turning barons soldiers into undead to explain their number in the last mission.

Or maybe use puppet undead nobles to gather money. Maybe an undead opera house, where they commit some mass murder to gather more bodies.

>> No.10814745
File: 1.38 MB, 1920x1080, dump202403302313140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey clever use of vanilla assets, just merge the statue into the sarcophagus thing and you get some more 3d out of it, looks super cool.

>> No.10815284

Exactly, and this makes it pretty clear that they designed and started making levels first, and came up with the plot later.
Which, again, is fine. Because we ended up with one of the most solid, near perfect pack of levels ever released, but it would've been very nice to have the necromancers considered a little more in terms of the actual levels themselves.
The one Mage who turned himself to stone or whatever that you ask for help from in the second last mission feels way more like a direct threat to Hume than Azaran

>> No.10815538
File: 701 KB, 1920x1080, dump001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this fucking guy, I've never seen a guard so relaxed

>> No.10816658
File: 316 KB, 1280x1748, bugbeast__thief_dark_project__by_skullbastard_dcwdmtq-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10816856

Why do these niggers STILL use the low detail models when there is an equivalent mesh that doesn't look like shit?

>> No.10816867

TDM has been getting some real bangers recently. Iris and Seeking Lady Leicester are both top tier missions.

>> No.10816938

The archer you are right. But I prefer the sword guard model from thief 1. hes so cute.

>> No.10816981

>But I prefer the sword guard model from thief 1.
I'm not talking about the Thief 2 retextures, I'm talking about the high detail mesh that uses the same textures and doesn't look like shit because it wasn't made for poor people that could barely run the game and looks worse than 3D models in games from 1996.

>> No.10817041

Is there a way to enable Thief 1 style moss arrow blobbing in Thief 2?

>> No.10817246
File: 395 KB, 800x600, ghostman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10818234


>> No.10818347

>Keep exploring, there's a hint in a readable somewhere upstairs on what to do, and getting a better grip of the level layout as you look for it will help you too, it's such a cool mission
I still don't get it anon, I've found 3 switches so far, I had a quick squiz at a written guide and I think it said the switches had to be pulled in a certain order? I'd still like to figure it out on my own but I need another hint, what room is this useful readable in? admittedly I've not yet explored every single room because of how heavily guarded some of them are.

>> No.10818383

Weeeeeell from what I remember there's a library at the first floor or ground floor? And it's in the little sub-room in the library, in a locked chest, from what I'm reading you need a key to open it, don't know where it is specifically, you should try everything you have though

>> No.10818443

Thanks anon, I'll have a look tomorrow after work.

>> No.10818448

It's a shame you had so much trouble finding it, I like the level a lot, it's an interesting location and the gimmick you're trying to figure out is very unique

>> No.10818530

Its proto hitman, lgs had huge balls when you look back.

I mean fps were barely attempting any sort of simulation, there was only minimal ai in normal shooting fps.

Its a comfy mission, sometimes i boot it up just for the ambience and walk around.