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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10787335 No.10787335 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the single worst retro game?

>> No.10787340

It became the face of the video game crash even though it ikely wasn't the worst.

>> No.10787359

The real redpill is that the Atari 2600 was just too old to play 1980's arcade games. For god's sake it's a 1977 console made to play Pong. No shit it can't play Pac-Man.

>> No.10787362

Either Action 52 or Warehouse 18 on NES, or Star Fox on Atari 2600.

>> No.10787365 [DELETED] 

No my dad used to make me play Cave Explorer and that was way worse.
Clam Digger sucks too. My friends and I used to call it by a different name we thought up for it cause it was funny.

>> No.10787371

if it can play pitfall it can play something closer to arcade pacman than the slop we got.

>> No.10787372 [DELETED] 

"My eight year old daughter knows more about video games than me" - James Rolfe, AVGN

>> No.10787374

>2600 ports of Arcade games from after 1979 can't be good
>What is Ms.Pacman
>What is Lock n' Chase
>What is Bump n' Jump
>what is Jr. Pacman
>What is Reactor
>what is Smurfs Rescue at Gargamel's Castle.

>> No.10787378 [DELETED] 

Why didn't Matei just do AVGN on his own? What did he need James for?

>> No.10787392 [DELETED] 

Nice try with that troll quote anon.

>> No.10787397 [DELETED] 

That was probably the plan at some point, but the turbo spergs that make up the audience hate him for some reason.
For the OP, the real answer is a toss up between the entire Acorn Micro and ZX Spectrum library. Turns out indie games have always been shit

>> No.10787403 [DELETED] 

>InDiE GaMeS wErE nEvEr GoOd
Go drink the tendie kool aid.

>> No.10787412 [DELETED] 

Your post will be gone soon since the tranny janny that hates me is online. I already did your job better than you by steering it back to games naturally, you useless sack of shit

>> No.10787413

Imagine if Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was developed by Micronics.

>> No.10787420

>implying anyone on this board played or knew of this game before AVGN talked about it.

This is just one of those rare obscure games that are too shitty and forgettable to get any attention, literally no one would know of this game without James considering it the worst game from his childhood.

Superman 64 is the worst, that I played as a kid and didn't need an eceleb to tell me how bad it was.

>> No.10787426

Whether it's popular or not Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a shit game regardless.

>> No.10787440 [DELETED] 
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Single worst retro game? More like SHITTIEST WORST SHITTRO GAME

>> No.10787468

>does AVGN serve as a good substitute for a highly knowledgeable video game historian?
no, of course not, it's just some comedy show that got popular
go try to find some game from around that same year that seems worse to you, and if you play a bunch you will probably find one within a few weeks (or if you're lucky enough, within a few minutes)
actually play games instead of referring to popular shows about them that are based on minimal research, and you will learn a lot

>> No.10787503

>muh Dr. Jekyll
>muh E.T.
>muh Action 52
>muh Superman 64
You are all naming games that are horrible, but not the worst of all time. No, the worst game of all time is a legendary piece of shit that was so bad, Game Players magazine replaced their entire grading system for videogames just to create a 0% tier specifically for the game, named AFTER the game. The scale literally went from Amazing to Game Name. That game?
Cosmic Race.
An early title for the PS1 in Japan, coming out about a month after the console launched. Produced by Neorex, who went on to do absolutely nothing else. It can even be debatable that they produced a game in the first place, some might say they just slapped shit together and called it a game. It's supposed to be a racing game, or so we assume. But as for actually completing a single race, it's debatable if that is even possible. The controls are beyond horrible. Ever play a game where the buttons only work randomly? Or a racing game where R1 was the gas pedal, and there was no way to re-map? Or a game with non-existent hit detection without any cheats on? If not, download Cosmic Race and experience the insanity for yourself. You will be in shock and awe at how homebrew does a better job of creating something playable. It's not hard, since either the majority or ALL assets in Cosmic Race were taken directly from the official Sony PS1 devkit SDK.
I'm 100% convinced Cosmic Race was some JP business guy thinking "Doesn't matter what we make, as long as we make one of the first games for this new console, it will sell. Then we cash out and run to Jamaica." I've never played any other console game that was so horribly broken and unplayable. Nothing comes close to this level of shit.

>> No.10787617

I enjoyed it when I was 5. git gud

>> No.10788537

the box art actually has a creative use of colors; it is a good sense of style for its time. But the game itself is terrible easily one of the worst games I have played. But all games in existence? Probably not worst of all games. That would likely go to some obscure Atari 2600 game that barely functions

>> No.10788554

interesting that i've never even heard of this game. only seen it on classics of game, but what the fuck

>> No.10788559




This is a good one. I nominate Zorro for dos, made by Capstone who were more "well known" for making crappy games with the wolf3d engine. It was an obtuse janky Prince of Persia knock off.

>> No.10788560

Warehouse 18 looks fun.

>> No.10788598
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Here was the scoring system prior to them trying out Cosmic Race.

>> No.10788603
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And here is after.

>> No.10788626
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>Doesn't matter what we make, as long as we make one of the first games for this new console, it will sell.
He wasn't entirely wrong about that.
Releasing shitty PS1 and eventually PS2 games were such a massive sales success that by the turn of the millennium some guy in Europe decided to build an entire business around it.
Paul Share founded a company called Midas Interactive in the late 90's and they soon came to be known as prime purveyors of crapware.
5 games in 1? You know that's some shit right there. You might also know them for Castrol Honda Superbike Racing, a mediocre racing game that was asset flipped and repackaged damn near two dozen times!
It wasn't long until Paul found himself venturing beyond the bargain bins of Windows gaming and heading to the consoles, once again pushing out shitty games at inexpensive prices.
But he soon ran into a problem! Midas had found itself localizing some japanese titles, mostly from the Simple series, because the licenses had been so cheap. This caused the Midas brand on console to gain a bit of a reputation as a supplier of some decent low-budget gaming.
The solution was Phoenix Games. A company built entirely around releasing literally anything that could be printed on a PS1/PS2 disc. Paul had figured that at this point that the demand for PS1/PS2 games was so big that he could release literally anything on a PlayStation disc and make money from it, provided dev costs were kept low.
And he was right. Phoenix thrived for years, ending up as one of the most prolific PS2 game publishers by the end of the generation with almost a hundred titles. And a grand total of like three of them were actually good.
You probably know them for titles like "Animal Soccer World" and "Snow White and the 7 Clever Boys" which barely qualify as games.
More experienced collectors know them for games like "Games Galaxy 2" which is one of the most expensive PS2 games and "Cindy's Fashion World" which doesn't work on all PS1 models.

>> No.10788750
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I remember reading about those guys before, literally the Viper of video games

>> No.10789043

It did fine with Pac-Man as shown by ports of the sequels. Atari just jewed out on ROM size and the programmer wasted some of it on alternated 2 player mode he thought was essential.

>> No.10789103

ET's quality had nothing to do with the crash but rather Atari being fucking retarded paying a shitload for the license then printing over 5 million copies of the game.

>> No.10789131
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>> No.10789150

Viper at least has some good songs if you are into outsider music

>> No.10789236 [DELETED] 

he's gonna take you back to the past...

>> No.10789310

I'm convinced Mobygames just has two people with the same name there. Same with Kenji Nakamura. It would otherwise seem really strange that these two would be the only ones to ever make another game, and not until 25 years later.

>> No.10789457

why does have japan that thing where you see some guy working on a game from the 80s and nothing new until the 2000s. do they just get different jobs?

>> No.10789480

I have minimal knowledge and zero evidence to back this up, but I'd partially attribute that to Jap devs using pseudonyms in their games' credits to avoid their employees getting poached. Poor documentation of no-name nips on this side of the internet probably also doesn't help. Doesn't cover every case, but probably a portion of them.

>> No.10789683

Is not that bad of a game once you get used to the mechanics.

>> No.10789710 [DELETED] 

To play le meme games that soi ass

>> No.10789718


Yeah, I can easily think of games I'd turn down playing in favor of this one, if I were somehow forced to choose between only two unpromising games. King Arthur & the Knights of Justice for SNES, for instance. Or RealSports Volleyball for the Atari 2600 - it's probably less flawed than Jekyll & Hyde, but it's also gonna be far more boring. Or Muppet Adventure: Chaos at the Carnival. At least Jekyll & Hyde is kind of interesting.

>> No.10789817

No, try some famicom games atleast.

>> No.10789823

There are companies that exist just to do contract work on games and not get credited in Japan. TOSE is one of the bigger ones.

>> No.10789853

>I nominate Zorro for dos, made by Capstone who were more "well known" for making crappy games with the wolf3d engine. It was an obtuse janky Prince of Persia knock off.

Oh shit, i know that one.
There's ton of shitty buggy ripoff shit that one could mention here, can't even qualify as a game. The baffling thing on that one is that it almost looks like something that can actually be played for a good 10-15 minutes before you quit

>> No.10789918

This is difficult to answer because I probably dropped the worst game I ever played after like 10 minutes and forgot about it. I can only remember games I actually played for a significant amount of time and actively hated but are objectively not terrible games even if I personally found them fucking awful, like The Last Remnant. The worst game I can remember regularly playing in my life was Karate Champ.

>> No.10790596

Yeah this is most likely the case but I still find it funny

>> No.10790746

Rise of the Robots? Yeah someone spent a good while rendering graphics that looked good as stills. Imo that's no real plus. If anything it enhances the disappointment. That game is as unplayable and broken as the best of them.

>> No.10790942


>> No.10791613

>AVGN first talked about it in 2004

>> No.10791672
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>Is this the single worst retro game?

>> No.10792468

I agree, but hindsight is 20/20. We can make it work nowadays but that's not fair to say, because the guy who made this had decades of other people's mistakes to learn from, and no real deadline. This is still super cool though.

>> No.10794321
File: 39 KB, 250x346, Sonic_Blast_cover_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worst retro game?

>> No.10795981

Not even the worst Sonic game

>> No.10796597

The AVGN had the opposite effect on me, OP. I am intrigued to play this still.