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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10700806 No.10700806 [Reply] [Original]

Retro sizer https://retrosizer.com/
Retro handhelds spreadsheet https://pastebin.com/ZyqXr19r (embed)
SoC Comparison https://versus.com/en/mobile-chipset

>Where to buy
Aliexpress, gogamegeek, litnxt, keepretro, mechdiy

>What to know about brands
Retroid: Well built, powerful, but expensive (100$+)
Anbernic: Balance between price, power and build quality. Many available products
Powkiddy: Cheap, low quality builds, interesting shapes (square, clamshell, big screen)
Miyoo: One hit wonder
Game Console: Copycat popular products with low prices

>How do I get games
Google: cdromance, tiny best set

>What do I buy
Post your preferences: Money (20$ - 200$), Shape (horizontal, vertical, clamshell, square), Pocketable or not, OS (Linux, Android, Both), Systems (Pre PSX, PSX with extras, 5th gen + Dreamcast plus some PS2/GC, PS2/GC capable)

>Recommended devices
Prices depend on when and where you buy.
- Retroid Pocket 4 (200$, horizontal, 4.7" 16:9 Screen, up to PS2/GC, android)
- Anbernic RG405M (150$, horizontal, 4" 4:3 Screen, can play some PS2/GC, android)
- Retroid Pocket 2S (100$, horizontal, 3.5" 4:3 Screen, can play some PS2/GC, android, pocketable)
- Powkiddy x55 (90$, horizontal, 5.5" 16:9 Screen, PSX with extras, linux)
- Powkiddy RGB30 (90$, horizontal, 4" 1:1 Screen, PSX with extras, linux, pocketable)
- Trimui Smart Pro (60$, horizontal, 5" 16:9 Screen, PSX with extras, linux)
- Anbernic RG 35XX Plus (60$, 3.5" 4:3 Screen, PSX with extras, linux, pocketable)
- Miyoo mini plus (60$, 3.5" 4:3 Screen, PSX with extras, linux, pocketable)
- R36S (40$, vertical, 3.5" 4:3 Screen, up to PSX with extras, linux, pocketable)

>Things I need to know
- Handhelds come with low quality SD cards. Throw them away and buy new ones.
- It takes some tinkering, specially linux devices.
- Overall quality of these products is very cheap.
- Reviewers get free handhelds, caveat emptor.

>Previous Thread

>> No.10700814

Gottem! Gottem good.

>> No.10700824

>two game boys and a knock off
What's the image supposed to be showing, exactly?

>> No.10700827

It's bait to get (You) to reply.

>> No.10700828

For a change, I would like to ask you fucking nerds what chinkhelds, as well as official handhelds (refurbished or mods) are actually worth buying nowadays so we can update the OP info on the future

>> No.10700834
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Regarding the FPGBC and its new update.
I’ve previously said it was working with all flash carts, including the EZ Flash Jr. after more tinkering I’ve found that to be wrong.
The EZ can play seemingly all GB games and a lot of GBC games IF the ROM size is smaller. It can’t play DQ III or Wario Land 3 for example, unless I downclock the FPGA, making the games run but unplayable. Works perfectly with Everdrives though.
Also, after dicking around, the clock speed seems even tighter and the same as the original GBC. Might still be not perfect, but I can’t feel any difference.

>> No.10700854

My opinion.
>destitute tier
Datafrog SF2000, only the easiest to emulate devices
>poor tier
R36S, up to PSX, not including it
>nice tier
Rg35xx H, up to PSX, including
>better tier
RP 2S, up to Dreamcast and some easy PS2, GC
>rich tier
RP4 Pro for PS2 and GC, some Switch
>millionaire tier
Some Aya windows thingie.

>> No.10700863

its so funny to see rp4cucks doing damage control and huffing copium about spending over $200 for a broken shitty product
t-the fan isnt that bad ;_;

>> No.10700864

Damn, anal log sisters, our response?

>> No.10700885

I didn't even buy one, people are just acting hysterical over nothing because they have to justify their Odin 2.

>> No.10700930

I want something that can comfortably run openMW because that's the only 3d game I think I would really care to have on the go

>> No.10700949
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rob bros...

>> No.10700973

retroid clamshell with RP4 specs when

>> No.10700980

between april and july imo

>> No.10700982

I hope it just looks more interesting, I love clamshell designs but the flip looked boring

>> No.10700985

In fairness, some people sell second hand Windows Ayaneo Airs (usually the 5560U APU variants) for less than $360 nowadays, so for older models you thankfully wont need to be much a millionaire to own them, at least compared to buying a brand new Ayaneo device. Only problem with the Windows variants is that they are just are not suitable as actual "portable" devices to bring on road trips due to their atrocious battery life, unless you have some good battery banks with you.
I guess the best way to describe them is that they're like "boutique" electric cars, if that makes sense? Cool to show off but not really useful for practical situations unless you have it plugged into the wall at at all times. Thankfully they've dipped their feet into Android devices, and the Pocket Air is actually good for PS2/GC/PSP emulation with a pretty OLED panel and much better battery life in comparison. It's just a question of whether you'd want to go with an Odin 2 with much more powerful specs for the same price at that point.

>> No.10700995

Should I get an analogue pocket? Mostly for my physical gameboy, gbc, and gba games

>> No.10701001

I don't know if this is based on anything but I have chosen to believe it

I never got one but the bottom panel seemed like it had a lot of wasted space

>> No.10701003

Stop typing like an underage /v/tard you fag.

>> No.10701008

anal loggers BOILING

>> No.10701015

my brainlet reasoning is
>the flop will be 1 year old in april, was teased
and unveiled in march
>the RP3+ > Flip > 2S > RP4 launches have all been spaced apart atleast 3 months
also yeah front firing speakers on the bottom would be great.

>> No.10701029
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Gpd and powkiddy got it right by slapping android function buttons on the bottom. No idea what retroid was thinking.

>> No.10701032

It really depends on whether you dont have any other options for using those old carts, or if you don't mind essentially paying a premium for that. If you already own a GB of any sort, then you need to ask yourself more than anything if you really play GB carts enough to justify purchasing it. And also if you like vertical handhelds or not, I think it would've been better if they made a vertical device instead.

>> No.10701050
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>> No.10701060

Sometimes I think that reviewers avoid criticism to stay in good terms with companies and get free products, but it's definitively not that.

>> No.10701097

Why the fuck do they say sisters? Is it ironic? Everyone knows there are no girls on the internet.

>> No.10701116
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>anal cock rockers FOIDing at this reply
The irony being most of them are still waiting for their order lmao

>> No.10701256
File: 229 KB, 1500x1500, proxy-image (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me an Odin 2 clamshell. Or a Steam price-to-power equivalent clammy.

>> No.10701264
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Needs a 5.5"+ screen or I jump to a bigger better ship.

>> No.10701283

Why no front firing speakers?

>> No.10701497

You and analogtards both belong on /v/ with the rest of the children.

It's trans obsession.

>> No.10701712

Ps1 works just fine on the r36s, no problems at all

>> No.10701715

I can tell you're the pink tatoo fag by you're gay ass posts

>> No.10701913

>the OG rg35xx came in today
It's my first handheld and I only want to play GB/C/A games + / - some Genesis games. It's so nice, I really enjoy it. Slapped GarlicOS on it like the whole internet says and I really like it. I didn't go into the settings that much except to change the screen a bit.

>> No.10701938


>> No.10702003
File: 1.76 MB, 1324x2357, Anon new toys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got my RGB30, any tips before I start setting this up? should I use shaders or filters? Will probably follow RGC guide but it's kinda outdated.

>> No.10702021

i'm either very sleep deprived
or completely retarded

my original reaction to the image was "holy shit they fucking put a 3800 in a fuckjng powkiddy..."

>> No.10702025
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I saw it like this though on mobile it's nearly 4 AM here

>> No.10702071
File: 1.69 MB, 1524x2503, IMG_20240217_123614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the latest console I got.

>> No.10702074

It's piracy.

>> No.10702084

why is it covered in dandruff

>> No.10702098

ordered mine on 20 jan --> shipped 1 feb --> arrived 5 feb (international order). no issues here.

>> No.10702214


>> No.10702242
File: 4 KB, 301x117, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool clone.
What's it do, though?

>> No.10702381

its up

>> No.10702390

Finally a review of the non-Pro

>> No.10702415
File: 203 KB, 2035x853, 8292993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever happened to this handheld

>> No.10702417

March or April. Only for the reveal

>> No.10702419


>> No.10702424

I would have replied sooner, but a mod disagreed with something I posted.

>> No.10702428

Why would they even include analog sticks at that point? It looks fine for 2D games assuming your hands dont cramp up when holding a GBA SP these days but 3D games look like they'll be a nightmare to play on that.

>> No.10702439

>Why would they even include analog sticks at that point?
Because including sticks lets them justify pricing it in a higher bracket. The sheer possibility of 3D games is an easy $50+ increase.
Once you realize that design decisions aren't made for actual usability purposes, this whole industry starts to make more sense.

>> No.10702475

so how would you design it for usability?

>> No.10702484

I mean if it can run 3d games then there is always the option of slapping a grip on it to make using the thumbsticks easier to use.

>> No.10702508

Can someone upload the newest jtbeta.zip to catbox or something? The 2 on archive.org do not work for me. No matter what I do I can't get the scrolling credits to go away on any of the cores that require it.

>> No.10702763

Sticks? On a console that can't play games that require sticks?

>> No.10702773

The original gba should have had 4 buttons. It was supposed to be a portable super nintendo

>> No.10702791

I play almost exclusively Gameboy advance games. Is it worth buying an analogue pocket and get a gba mini everdrive cart? how is gba emulation on analogue pocket? I'm europoor and money isn't a problem, I'm down to pay the shipping taxes if it's worth it. I want the nostalgia fix and I'd like to get a handheld for this.

>> No.10702805

I'd sooner just grab a RG35XX (or the plus/h) or a Miyoo mini. But I didn't like the analogue pocket personally. Might be worth it if you intend to collect real copies of gba games.

>> No.10702818

How good is the rk3326 for 3d games? That's the chip its going to use.

>> No.10702824


Should I just wait for the flip or get something rn. I just want it mainly for the GBA SP nostalgia.

>> No.10702826

I don't intend on collecting cartridges. Yeah, you're right, the logical buy is one of those. The RG35xx will do, the others seem a bit overkill for what I'm looking for and it's much cheaper compared to the AP.

>> No.10702882

How can these devices improve from stable GC/PS2 emulation? I would rather just use a proper PC or Steam Deck for more advanced systems

>> No.10702894
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it um.... it plays videogaems

>> No.10702943

How do you recommend spending so much on that when the funny play thing exists?

>> No.10703016

under $100 euro rupees which handheld would you recommend?

>preferred emulation
>most important aspect
battery life and RTC

I don't need WiFi or anything of the sort. so far I've found Myioo Mini plus, most users say its battery lasts around 6 to 7 hours but idk how that would work on GBA.

>> No.10703036


>> No.10703048

As far as I know the miyoo doesnt have an rtc.
The rgb30 has the best screen for those, by far, and an rtc
>muh gba format
Perfect 3x integer scalling, niggers, and the end area is equal to similar systems with 4:3 screens

>> No.10703051

because its a misterfpga mini basically
also lets me play my carts at work
then continue on my sGB on crt
its comfy

>> No.10703072

>play carts at work

>> No.10703137

yes i have a paid lunch
i was bringing my switch but its kinda ridiculous
i dont want the client\property owner to show up and see me hunting shinies or whatever kek

>> No.10703173

Trimui smart pro.

>> No.10703567

*RockChip RK3566

>> No.10703871

I cracked my R36s screen, should I wait to upgrade or should I just replace the screen? Found one for $16 USD for a new member deal.

>> No.10704286
File: 2.51 MB, 3024x4032, nintendo-ds-skin-for-ysmenu-v0-k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a faster way to search through games on YSmenu? On the stock firmware, you could open up a grid of all your games and go to wherever your game was in alphabetical order, but here, your only option is to scroll down through every single game individually.

>> No.10704425

can't you just press right and left to scroll a page at a time?

>> No.10704503

I searched but can't find anything on this. Can I connect to RG35XX with cable and transfer Pokémon or play 2 player games? For Pokémon I don't want romhacks as I think it takes out of the fun of trading. When I was younger me and my sister used to play this game and trade a bunch and I'd like to get an RG35XX for her too.

>> No.10704504

two RG35XX* FML, typo.

>> No.10704615

It's just so nauseating that they put the analog sticks on the outside and the dpad/buttons on the inside.

>> No.10704649
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It's been 2 years and this thing is still the best.

>> No.10704657
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>> No.10704662

Anon you have a problem

>> No.10704667

It's your fucking break, do whatever you want, don't be a cuck

>> No.10704674

Why don't you guys just get one of those controllers for your phone and use that? Pretty sure it's stronger than most of these handhelds.

>> No.10704708

I don't have a phone

>> No.10704709

Is this the gamesir?

>> No.10704721
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It is indeed. As funny as the name is, it's a great little controller. Very tight build quality. I love the micro switch buttons and the dpad is especially killer.

>> No.10704724

See >>10704649

>> No.10704769

Picked up an MM+, but the button noise is brutal, keeps my GF up. Any quiet SBCs out there with decent controls and Wi-Fi, kinda like the MM+? Down for a bigger screen or dropping more cash. Just wanna game without the drama

>> No.10704793

Not sure but I dont think so. People play the romhacks with all of the pokemon in them because they have too.

>> No.10704796

Dont play in bed next to someone who wants to sleep. Be considerate.

>> No.10704897

t. GF

>> No.10704936

It can do n64 and some dreamcast/psp.

>> No.10704939



>> No.10704941

No just someone who appreciates good sleep.

>> No.10704950

This video is up.

>> No.10704974

I play next to my potato queen and he never complains

>> No.10704987

Handlet here. Anything that could emulate everything that can fit in your pocket?

>> No.10705005

If she is actually fine with it then that's good. She might just be putting up with it.
Idk all I'm saying is you probably don't want to annoy someone repeatedly when they're trying to sleep. Like I said its just being considerate.

>> No.10705006

>Cardinal snapping
It keeps happening.

>> No.10705012

You could probably fit the rp4 pro in your pocket but to PLAY everything you'll wish you had a grip and that wont fit in your pocket.

>> No.10705017

Does these handelds emulate the games, much like VBA or do they actually replicate the feeling of playing on a Game Boy Advance?
I remember some visual glitches on Golden Sun on VBA, like the cutscene on Kolima Forest or on the top of the beacons, don't want a repeat of that, otherwise I might consider just buying an original GBA

>> No.10705037

>ran a stress test for 20 mins at high performance mode and the fan didn't need to turn on
That's not something you should just mention off hand.

>> No.10705048

mgba is decently accurate. When was the last time you used vba?

>> No.10705079
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>> No.10705080

>2 hours playing Celeste
Hell no

>> No.10705089

No battery life and requires too much finagling to get the screens right. Someone make a small dual screen machine with a chip good enough to run ds games. Then make a stronger one that can run 3ds games. That's all we need.

>> No.10705093

A potato queen is a gay asian bottom who exclusively eats potatoes to have soft shit that's easy to clean before anal sex

>> No.10705094

Oh. Gross. Thanks for telling me so I can avoid people who associate with them.

>> No.10705123

Dunno, maybe last year, but I'm using a version that I downloaded probably 10 years ago

>> No.10705126

I was prepared for fairly poor battery life but that's too poor if true. Never mind then.

>> No.10705127

I know, but the grid was still faster. I guess I'll just separate the games into categories for now

>> No.10705145

RP2S is till the best

>> No.10705162

So now I was about to buy a current China handheld. But since I still have a PSP floating around here, I'd rather crack it. Is there anything wrong with that? would only want to emulate handheld games up to Gameboy advance.

>> No.10705170

Emulation on PSP is a little rough for SNES and GBA. Not intolerable, but suboptimal.

Still, give it ago. PSP is a great console. I'm kinda surprised any are left unhacked in 2024 because it adds a lot even if you don't emulate.

>> No.10705180

So the RG556 is basically just an X28 with a prettier screen.

>> No.10705183

I still use it for emulating PSP and DS games
I got the BT version though so I got a bit of input lag because my old phone uses micro USB

>> No.10705190

Well that would probably be your problem then.

>> No.10705192

On new phones with BT5 and Android 12+ the input lag is imperceptible, but yeah that sucks with an older one

>> No.10705207

Well my old phone has Android 10

>> No.10705212
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I have one, and I'm genuinely thinking of switching to the RP3+. I mostly use my handhelds for GBA, and GBA on a 3.5 inch 4:3 screen is just a little too small for me. I'll miss the front-firing speakers, but oh well.

I tried the Trimui Smart Pro, but it's dogshit. The chip is barely strong enough for 2x speed, it gets massively hot just playing GBA, there's ugly artifacts every time you enter or exit a game, and the software is just super locked-down so it's hard to fix certain issues. I tried to download Swanstation so I could play widescreen PS1 on it, but apparently you're not allowed to download new cores on it, even though it has wifi. I'll probably just give it to my little cousin or something.

>> No.10705221

Yeah I have no clue why its recommended in the OP.

>> No.10705358

Phone = work for me so when I get home, I turn it off.

>> No.10705367

Someone post their jtbeta.zip. The one on the archive is out of date. I just want to play simpsons on my analogue and I'm not paying for roms

>> No.10705370
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because it causes seething on these boards
they say "it not a hanhelb"
if you tablet post
same thing

im using custom mappings and the best usb controller ever made

>> No.10705373

it will go public
i just wait them out
i dont mind them getting paid for their work
the pocket would suck balls without dev support

i am monitoring this thread for it now though

>> No.10705428

Its a Windows handheld, battery life is already going to be rough. But having to power two screens on top of that probably isnt helping the situation. Maybe it'll be "fixable" if they can get a version of Windows running on ARM eventually, but then they'll have to deal with the question about game compatibility.

>> No.10705429

How difficult is it to remove an adhered modern plastic screen lens from a gameboy if I change my mind and want a different color? Is it like OEM lens glue that basically never comes completely off?

>> No.10705432

pops right off brother
push from the back post-deshell

>> No.10705438

They don't leave residue all over the place? I'm just scared it would be hard cleaning glue off of a UV printed shell.

>> No.10705467
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Man that reminds me of a big ass Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback Pro joystick I had in like 1997
It had a separate power supply and it was pre-USB, used a serial port
It was pretty fucking awesome actually, it had a sensor so when you grabbed it it moved to the center and just felt kind of alive in your hand (no homo), no idea what happened to it. It was a giant fucking thing though, heavy too.

>> No.10705471

Anyone know if it's possible to output audio via USB on the MM+?

>> No.10705472

kek, for me its the clicky dpad

be gentle, be kind

>> No.10705545

I know it's not a steam deck, but 2 hours for 6w is absurd. The Win Mini with the same chip, same battery size, and same size screen with same 120hz refresh rate gets almost the same 2 hours (1h 50m) at 15w. 9w more and only 10m less. At 4w, only 2w less, it gets 5.5h total, or 3.5h more. I have a feeling there's something really fucked with the heat dissipation causing the fan to go absolutely ham even at 6w, something wrong with the software not really lowering the refresh rate/not really turning off the lower screen, battery vendor lying about the true size of the battery, or some combination of these.

>> No.10705574

I really hope ecelebs continue to bitch about this and force anbernig to fix it. Unfortunately I feel like RGC was our best chance, but he just kinda handwaved it as being like other Anbernic analogs.

>> No.10705583

It really doesn't make sense either, because this is the kind of battery life you'd get from something like the Ayaneo Air with its 28w battery and 5560u/Vega graphics, which is to say basically nothing.

>> No.10705586


>> No.10705705

logitech wingman superiority

>> No.10705745

That's what she said

>> No.10705746

Not buying your shitty tablet man.

>> No.10705762

Could also just be good ol' voltage and poor configuration of the platform, more likely than you'd think with AMD.

>> No.10705907

Video production is good but this guy talks too fast. Slow down Speedy Gonzalez.

>> No.10706016

Yeah but everyone else has managed to do better.

>> No.10706017

>Cardinal snapping

>> No.10706020


>> No.10706029




>> No.10706048


>> No.10706063
File: 534 KB, 1170x831, IMG_3633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>already forgotten
I can’t tell if they genuinely didn’t give anyone a review unit aside from Russ, or if all the reviews are buried by the Mx 3 Pro reviews thanks to their retarded naming scheme. [/spoiler]Honestly considering buying one for the pre-sale price. The Trimui Smart Pro did NOT work out for a GBA machine, so I need a new candidate.[/spoiler]

>> No.10706120
File: 189 KB, 2048x2048, 1698136905852385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought me a SNES flavor RP4 Pro, excited to get it in the mail now. Thank you Paypal Pay-in-4. Kinda Hopefully the fucking screen doesn't come smashed like the RP2S I bought from Retroid a few months ago

>> No.10706135

Oh cool, what's the SNES one look like?

>> No.10706153
File: 176 KB, 2048x2048, 1679189350782883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The SNES one was pictured but the EU SNES or SFC looks like this

>> No.10706161

the snes was my first console and even as a burger kid I knew our snes was ugly as fuck. absolutely zero taste behind that color scheme or the design of the US console itself.

>> No.10706168

The concave/convex buttons are pretty sexy but I generally don't like any handheld that doesn't incorporate that part of the controller design.

>> No.10706192

Ah there it is! looking cute!

>> No.10706215

This is the best color scheme for RP4 pro I think, everything else looks relatively cheap

>> No.10706237

RP4 buttons look cheap with the white outline. The RP3 indented ones are the best or even labelled ones like the Miyoo Mini.

>> No.10706241
File: 329 KB, 500x500, the man with no taste.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10706245

The skittles with white text look bad, yeah. The black ones with colored text they have on most the colors are sexy af tho.

>> No.10706256
File: 808 KB, 225x249, 1706823263044179.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thing: :|
Thing black: :O

>> No.10706272

nah I'm not a fan of black, but the colored text on black buttons just looks really nice for some reason.

>> No.10706313
File: 236 KB, 447x468, IMG_0235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the base RP4 worth it for GBA and some light PS2 (Persona 3 FES, specifically)? Does the fan run any quieter due to the slower chip?

>> No.10706318

you would be much better suited for a 2S than an RP4 if you just wanted GBA and some light PS2, or play the PSP version instead if it can't handle the PS2 version

>> No.10706331

I would say so, yeah.
>Does the fan run any quieter due to the slower chip?
At least in the Odin Lite, the D900 never got hot enough for the fan to activate for me. That was with playing some PS2 stuff like Onimusha Dawn of Dreams and God Hand at 2x - 3x res. I think the chip only needs active cooling when trying to use the last 5% of its performance, though I guess that might change in a smaller shell like the RP4.
iirc I was running P3 (not FES) on my 2S fullspeed once I changed a setting that helped with the transparency effect slowdown. I also didn't get very far though, just tested the beginning.

>> No.10706340
File: 60 KB, 256x256, IMG_9053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an RP2S. And 3.5 inches just isn’t good enough for a 3:2 screen in current year. Also, Persona 3 Portable is totally inferior to P3F presentation-wise.

>> No.10706354

>and even as a burger kid I knew our snes was ugly as fuck
You didn't know what any other country's SNES looked like until you were an adult you larping faggot. And the American snes is based fuck off with your rounded rainbow shit.

>> No.10706363

dude you have horrific autism, I'm sorry you struggle with communication

>> No.10706364

correct. i knew ours was ugly as fuck, but I had no idea ours was any different from what other countries got. in my mind it was just "wow why is the snes so fucking ugly" instead of "wow why is the na snes so fucking ugly compared to eu snes and jp sfc"

>> No.10706389

Just play reload on your steam deck. You do have a steam deck right?

>> No.10706394

I love my deck but
>playing demakes

>> No.10706410 [DELETED] 
File: 98 KB, 2514x589, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude you have horrific autism, I'm sorry you struggle with communication

We've got a problem with communication!
Look, I scrabble with my hands!
Well, I try to get some head-room from the elevation!
But you just don't understand!
We've got a problem with communication!
Yes, we've, we've got a problem with communication!
Yes, I think we've got a problem with communication!
Well, I know we've got a problem with communication!

Well, I try to get some linkage from articulation!
Yes, I try to get some head-room from the elevation!
Well, I try to pull back something from my education...!
Yes, I try to!

Autistic enough for you yet? Or are you going to add the purveyor of bad taste to your CV too and claim that Hammill is to gaudy for you now?
Think before you post.

>> No.10706427
File: 737 KB, 1770x916, Bifold Clamshell™ purple GPD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've said it before and Ill say it again.
Bi-fold Clamshell™

>> No.10706432

What the fuck

>> No.10706438
File: 1.84 MB, 1179x1597, 1686791108303286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, lmao even

>> No.10706447

I am undoubtedly going to be called a shill for this, but every PSX game I’ve tried on my R36S runs flawlessly, most of the N64 games are playably good at 25-30fps with stuttering/drops in bigger areas, and the Dreamcast, while not really workable with big long-distance games is genuinely manageable with frame skip and fighting games etc... you can even manage 2D PSP games alright. 3D PSP, big Dreamcast, and of course Saturn games are the only things I’d say it has really failed at for me.
Again not a shill but for the money you’ve got a choice between this or the XU10 (which is supposedly slightly better at the top end of emulation as it has a better chip and a heat sink). Can go for RG35XX also if you don’t mind dropping the joysticks

>> No.10706463

>Still mad
Your tablet will never be a handheld. I don't care how much you tell us that is passes. It doesn't.

>> No.10706468

I get where you're coming from on the AOV angle.
May I recommend a couple of things to you coming from one AOV > size autist to another. It may be a good idea to use a screen > distance calculator and something like displaywars, a PPI claculator or calculating IS or equivalent size to AR for the device and then distance based on your own arm length at min/max distance.
While I can't provide you with links to the others, I can provide you with this ancient excel doc
The first AOV it provides @ THX longest allowable viewing distance is the one you'll generally want to take note of but measuring your nose bridge to centre of screen works too if possible. It doesn't have to be exact but will give you an idea of AOV.
From there it's just filling in your equivalent screen sizes, with this calculator I recommend disregarding the visual acuity field for the most part and distance, it's based on resolution and it won't apply here.
I also use this calculator to determine the equivalent ideal size for a 4k TV for my bedroom. It'd 42-44" btw, I got scammed and bought a 55", I will forever regret my decision. There's not enough space for me to fix that.

I find that for a 3.5" 4:3 device I have to hold it pretty close to my face to simulate the same distance as a TV would have, so for some game it's lackluster.
Running your various resolutions & distances through there should prep you a bit.

>> No.10706476

I'm a new R36S user too and it's also doing fine on PSX & PSP from what I tested too. Admittedly they'll have to wait until I get round to them but my only concern with PSX would be menus on SRPGs, which is the same as SNES atm.

>> No.10706482

>oh bb its SO thin! SO portable!
gets my hand held

>> No.10706484

Sorry Jeff
Not into that shit. Pay some whore for it or something but stop trying to force your non-handheld down my throat you fucking rapist.

>> No.10706490

>dpad in the wrong place
instant DQ, sorry gamesir

>> No.10706502

The screen size/resolution is fine for me when I'm playing most retro games, but it makes streaming basically unusable

>> No.10706515

Hybrid chips are a thing.

>> No.10706525

The g8 dethorned it. I also wish bsp made usb c controllers.

>> No.10706540

Could one, theoretically use one of these with an actual handheld like an R36S!?

>> No.10706572
File: 2.20 MB, 841x1071, I-Need-More.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah they're fine

>> No.10706586

Anon, it's 'Text OF color'..

>> No.10706614

How small and slim can a GBA Macro get?

>> No.10706647 [DELETED] 

What happened to those powkiddy happy chinese new year posts? You know the ones

>> No.10706869

They work with pc even, but only through the actual usb c connector. The chargethrough port on usb c controller are only for charge through. At least from the one's I tried. Bluetooth controllers with usb ports like the ipega 9087s work fine.

>> No.10706874 [DELETED] 

>chinese new year
Is that why the stupid ninja isn't responding to me on aliexpress?

>> No.10707071 [DELETED] 

Chinese New Year should be well over by now. The only reason why that ninja hasn’t responded yet would be because he’s sleeping off a week long hangover.

>> No.10707141

I have big hands, all of those look like small as shit

>> No.10707158

Does G8 also have the nice clicky dpad and face buttons? Otherwise into le trash it goes

>> No.10707172

Uhh... X28?


>> No.10707239
File: 70 KB, 843x301, tsp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New trimui smart pro update next week in theory.

>> No.10707243

Is this for TomatoOS?

>> No.10707254


>> No.10707290

What's with all the autism? Why not just get a Deck?

>> No.10707293

Is steam deck is the only option if I want to play retro PC games (maniac mansion on old dos, warcarft 3, number muncher, loom, 7th guest, leisure suit Larry, etc)?

>> No.10707297

It depends. You can play old pc games through the dosbox core, for warcraft 3 you will need some form of virtualization.
Because it is expensive and no more comfortable than holding my notebook.

>> No.10707304

Would any windows handheld play it? Like rog?

>> No.10707307

You could get away with a weaker UMPC, but the value on the weaker ones tends to be so bad you might as well pay the small difference for the performance leap and the trackpads. Needless to say, anyone who suggests notebooks and tablets when the subject is handhelds should be executed.

>> No.10707314

Have you tried not being a genetic freak of nature?
Last time I checked the market didn't need to cater to freaks, weirdos and wolves bro,.

>> No.10707326

Honestly just get a tablet and a telescope. It's going to be more expensive than the equivalent chinkheld with worse controllers and user experience, but you gain in screen and space for your massive cock.

>> No.10707330

>just get a tablet
no way jeff

>> No.10707372

I had fun with the PSP library for a long time. I can't tell you exactly where it came from, but the interest in old handheld games is relatively new for me. I'll take a look and see how well I get along with the PSP emulators.

>> No.10707453
File: 1.39 MB, 3024x4032, yordbavi6u4b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every now and then some anons shit on psp emulation, so I can't tell who is right. I don't have one, but judging by the pictures maybe the screen is too small for what some handhelds can offer nowadays.

>> No.10707474

>Because it is expensive
You don't have to get the OLED
>and no more comfortable than holding my notebook.
Clearly you've only seen one in memes

>> No.10707617 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 807x783, 1678384866018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10707650


>> No.10707657

Still beta. This is the year of rockchip.

>> No.10707773
File: 204 KB, 1280x576, photo1695233728(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are my "Smartphone & Controller" bros in these threads doing? I'm still really enjoying my setup, it's crazy how good a lower end Samsung from early 2019 can be for emulation, all I need for is it my cheap controller and its good to go, I also love how such a cheap controller, which I'll admit I didn't trust much, has lasted me almost a year of weekly use, its a life saver in trips and all.

>> No.10707782

Is this still the endgame for Linux supported chip chinks can afford? Grim if so.

>> No.10707789

Aria of sorrow on phone with razor kishi and some pokemon fangsme where the mc talks on chinkheld. Aria is genuinely fun, but I kinda miss the SPEED of harmony and the maps from circle.

>> No.10707839
File: 301 KB, 1280x720, photo1702371541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never managed to get into Castlevania or even Metroid for some reason, only ever managed to enjoy smaller MetroidVanias, mainly Flash ones back then when Flash was common, though for some reason Spider-Man's few MetroidVanias in the 90's and 2000's managed to grab me, mainly TASM2 on Game Boy, I need to give the OGs of the genre a fair shot at some point though, also Pokémon, loved the anime and TCG as a kid, but never bothered to actually get into or finish any of the GB, GBC or GBA titles, I blame the OG GBA screen for that, really hated that thing back then.

>> No.10707842
File: 1.18 MB, 3719x2092, Razer-Kishi-V2-01_q_giga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, are you using the Kishi V1 or V2? I think the V1 has a lot more personality, though it's also a bit too bulky for me, the V2 feels like a Backbone rip off, but also looks more polished, I'd love to get one for my 3D stuff since the stick layout is better for that as its asymmetrical, but I seriously can't justify the cost, only if I could get one for really cheap I guess, or if it's worth the US$100.

>> No.10707887

Classicvania's are a bit easier to get into in general. Bloodlines jp or rondo of blood are great starting points.
V1 with scotch tape mod. Good sticks, but I barely play any games that use them for some reason. There's zero reason to get the v2 since the gamesir x2 is frequently on sale.

>> No.10707996

I see, thanks for the heads up, anon. I might try out the NES Castlevanias at some point, about time really.

>> No.10708034

The OP is just an idiot. R36S uses a Rockchip RK3326 which was used in all those $100 handhelds up to a year or two ago and can handle PSX just fine.

>> No.10708090

I use a Good Morning GameSirs, good stuff, love GBA on an OLED screen.

>> No.10708134

So just go for the deck?

>> No.10708151
File: 11 KB, 424x111, 1683550533649521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I caved and had my order changed to EU SNES.

>> No.10708160

No question, today's handhelds are much better than the PSP back then. where I would like to emulate the following: GBA, GG, WS, NGP/NGPC and possibly the Lynx. I used the stuff I have here first. Someone was amused that it's 2024 and my psp is still running on the latest official firmware. For me, the PSP doesn't have to do anything other than being able to play these old handheld games, which should be enough for me for now. If I like it, something new will definitely come along.

>> No.10708182

I think so, LCDeck 64GB would be plenty. Apparently it's fast enough for PCem/86box too, which will let you play the rare broken-in-everything-else games from around Pentium 100 era:


And, y'know, if you can't get used to it you can just install Windows too. Linux is remarkably decent these days though, give it a fair shake.

>he doesn't know
Jk, good choice.

>> No.10708362

Nice, are you on the G8 or the X2/X3? Either way you're fine, GameSir probably makes the best, or at least some of the best, controllers in this one market right now alongside Razer and Backbone.

>> No.10708471

>burning your smartphone battery out to gayim

>> No.10708480

>only knows phone

>> No.10708495

Capital Oof

>> No.10708531

What's the point of this shit for someone who isnt zoomer trash and played most of this shit when it came out and has 0 interest in going back?

>> No.10708538

Why did you click this board?

>> No.10708551

There is none. You shouldnt be here.

>> No.10708554
File: 210 KB, 640x960, mommy1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think I settled on a low power shader setup I'm happy with. Nothing fancy, just the stock blarg NTSC composite filter paired with a pixel perfect scanline overlay.

>> No.10708557

because weirdly enough the youtube algo has been reccomending me these handheld emulators without me ever searching for any of that

>> No.10708561

It is fate, you will revisit and appreciate retrogaming.

>> No.10708563

It's not an algo specific thing, handheld emus are just becoming a popular thing to advertise, since pretty much everyone 15-30 has some interest in gaming.

One question though, why do you have 0 interest going back?

>> No.10708565

Wow so you're some dumb youtube slurping kid. Great.

>> No.10708571

It was the steamdeck that did it most likely since a lot of people emulate on that.

>> No.10708573

remove the scanlines

>> No.10708578

How do you think we know when all the videos ARE UP?

>> No.10708595

They actually look a lot less defined on a 480p screen, just barely visible and solid enough to add a hint of line separation like you'd see on a crt

>> No.10708602

well, considering I'm a millenial with a family and a job and you're an incel trying to relive some sort of glory days youve mever lived through, it's obvious you're the kid.

steam (the gaming platform, right?) has a handheld now?

I understand. Well, last retro revisiting I did was ff5 and9 on the ps3 (loved those as a kid) and already felt gaming wasn't for me anymore Skip to my 30s and I'm pretty good with not playing games anymore, especially something I have fond memories of/is ancient. It'd be a regression

>> No.10708610

I really liked it... in which folders are these overlays? I couldn't find them and I'd like to replicate this, you've done a great job in it.

>> No.10708617

It's fine if you grew out of gaming, no hobby's for everyone after all, but respectfully this sounds like a you problem. Plenty of people with families still enjoy the occasional games (in fact handhelds tend to be popular amongst the crowd, as a lot of dads like having something that can quickly be set aside if something comes up), and acting like there's no reason to revisit old games is like saying there's no reason to revisit old music or movies.

>> No.10708623

It's a combination of the blargg_ntsc_snes_composite video filter found in the main video settings, and a custom scanline overlay I made for 480p displays. Give me a second and I'll upload the overlay + config file for you

>> No.10708628

>that projection
You type like a bitter lonely basement teenager raging at the world. You literally came to a board for a thing you didn't like because youtube hurt your feelings. You literally have nothing better to do than this.

>> No.10708636
File: 1 KB, 640x480, floydscanlines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, also I almost forgot to mention, looks best with integer scaling turned on.


>> No.10708643
File: 173 KB, 900x1000, 1707825333911906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, anon!

>> No.10708650

No prob, share a screenshot when you get it set up!

>> No.10708692

X2. I've had it for 2 years and it's still the best. I also have a Kishi which is I guess better for analog stick heavy games, but I hate the mushy buttons on it. G8 looks good but fuck not having bluetooth, I don't want to remove my phone case every time I play.

>> No.10708710

How sturdy do these things feel? Do they flex at the connection like switch joycons do? And how's audio quality without headphones, do they just block the bottom speakers completely?

>> No.10708726

I'm >>10708692, the GameSir X2 is very sturdy, it has a very strong spring inside, snaps with force. The Kishi can feel a bit flimsy, about the same as a Switch without a grip case. I haven't noticed any audio quality degradation.

>> No.10708732

any adjustable temporary attachment, especially based on fucking springs, will feel like disgusting flimsy crap within 1 year. save up 2 months and buy an integrated hand-held instead of this retarded bullshit.

>> No.10708737
File: 226 KB, 1280x576, photo1695233728(3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, it doesn't feel too sturdy, it feels a bit cheap and the D-Pad's 4 separate buttons on my device, though the sounds is fine, anyways mine feels cheap, but it really was cheap, so it's fine. I don't know how the more premium/expensive of these controllers feel, though I mostly hear a lot of good things about Razer, Backbone and also GameSir, so go for those if you want real quality.

If quality's not your main priority and you just want something that works well enough and is cheap on your budget, the MOCUTE-060 works well enough and has lasted me about a year now.

If you have more budget and don't mind using it, I'd definitely get the other ones though, since I always have this feeling that mine could just go and stop working at any point due to its battery.

>> No.10708740

Shut the fuck up, I've been using it for two years and it's fine.

>> No.10708743

>m pretty good with not playing games anymore, especially something I have fond memories of/is ancient. It'd be a regression
Then you REALLY shouldnt be here.

>> No.10708745

Are you kidding me? He fits RIGHT in.

>> No.10708752

I can't think of anything more fitting in a 4chan thread than someone who hates whatever's being talked about

>> No.10708754

No most people here at least pretend to play games. Or pretend that they want to play them.

>> No.10708837

He is satisfied with his controller. Retro in harmony.

>> No.10708947

Someone has to do the gatekeeping.

>> No.10708973
File: 685 KB, 966x543, 3i25ak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Average 4chan user when someone is happy and content with their current situation

>> No.10708992
File: 341 KB, 1206x1532, 1683314554801558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really miss 2008 /v/

>> No.10709087

i got the 4 instead of the 3+ since the positioning of the start /select buttons were terrible

>> No.10709127

>buy an integrated hand-held
A chinese product that will last six months at best? lmao

>> No.10709139

No it will be outdated in 6 months. It should last you a while if you treat if well.

>> No.10709269

will preorders on these make it impossible to get one?

>> No.10709337
File: 290 KB, 433x605, molly_annoyed1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AwJeez 556 has cardinal snapping issues and looks hideous
>AwPee 4 Pro has a literal laundry list of issues, from broken triggers, to a shitty green screen with a cope filter placed on to mask it, to ghosting, to a needlessly loud fan
>Odin 2 is twice as expensive as everything else, and isn't pocketable
>Powkiddy still stuck on the fucking rockchip
The next gen of chinkhelds ain't looking so good, bros

>> No.10709343
File: 60 KB, 448x473, no-fun-allowed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10709381
File: 827 KB, 998x536, jigaboo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The triggers on the RP4 aren't an issue on anything shipped after 1/31, and the green tint is already fixed by the "cope filter" as you called it. Outside of that one FF7 pic, every time I've seen the screen postpatch the colors have looked really good. The ghosting is apparently a vsync issue and I heard something in one of the eceleb videos mention something about Retroid planning to get a fix made after Chinese new year. We'll see on that I guess. I don't get the autism over the fan volume, though. If you're trying to play the highest end PS2 on a tiny pocketable handheld like this, I don't see any way around having a fan on full blast outside of a more expensive chip.

>Powkiddy still stuck on the fucking rockchip
I'm hoping T820 or D900 is their next android chip because I'm not interested in paying $200+ for a chinkheld.

>> No.10709453

>I don't get the autism over the fan volume, though. If you're trying to play the highest end PS2 on a tiny pocketable handheld like this, I don't see any way around having a fan on full blast outside of a more expensive chip.

You don't get it anon. It has nothing to do with quality or patches or reasonable pricepoints. Retro handhelds are starting to make their way into mainstream gaming culture, meaning that 4chan has to start hating all the popular handheld releases. If they don't, they run the risk of being viewed as a "normie".

>> No.10709456
File: 612 KB, 2048x1536, GGt0SFTWoAA64D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PS Portal running PPSSPP

>> No.10709471

Isn't the PS Portal's chip super underpowered? Cool that they hacked it but it's still probably not that great.

>> No.10709476

"Gee anon, I'm thinking about getting an Odin or a Retroid, but they're just too portable and powerful...if only there were something more cumbersome to carry around with half the power..."

Shitposts aside, I'd be terrified to own one of these. Something about it being impossible to set the back of the screen flush against a desk/table makes me nervous. Feels like it's a single accident away from being converted into the latest foldable tablet.

>> No.10709513
File: 294 KB, 1350x1544, FFLSaga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing is such a piece of shit. But it is my current favorite for GB and NES/SNES. Someone needs to make a replacement shell that isn't terrible.

>> No.10709518

I like the shell tho...

>> No.10709519

what kind of headphones?

>> No.10709529

No, the chip is actually pretty decent. It's a Snapdragon 662. Not great for a phone nowadays, but not bad as far as lower end chinkhelds are concerned. The problem is storage space. If you read the comments in that twitter thread, turns out that the user-accessible partition only has around 6GB. And there's no easy way to expand that, at least right now. Why would you want local storage on a device whose raison d'etre is "you'll own nothing and you'll be happy"?

Yeah, it looks as if someone cut a DualSense in half and stuck those pieces to a tablet. When you compare it with Vita's timeless design, it really shows the decline of Sony from a multimedia giant that had the entire entertainment industry in its grip to that OTHER Japanese video game console company, but with barely any original IPs of their own.

>> No.10709534

The shell is okay, someone made metal ones for $150 or something.


>> No.10709551

It's funny how their first two attempts at the handheld console market failed because the consoles struggled to form an identity outside of "It's a PS2/PS3, but smaller and shittier", and their grand return to the market, after having 20 years to reflect on their failiures, was "it's a PS5 but slightly smaller and shittier, AND it can't leave your house"

>> No.10709562

Not a clamshell.

>> No.10709565

Frankensteined Koss Porta Pro drivers onto the Retrospekt x Koss headband. Yaxi pads. Basically how to make a pair of 30 dollar headphones into 80 dollar ones.
Could have just used the KPH30i for the comfort, but I was after a specific aesthetic.

>> No.10709567
File: 13 KB, 731x169, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It barely manages to reach the RP2S which is pretty pathetic to me when it costs twice as much. Also if you're holding what's basically a Dualshock with a screen in the middle, it would have been nice to be able to have something more capable of PS2 emulation.

>> No.10709574

I've seen Fallout 3 played on a windows emulator on the RP3+

>> No.10709576

It is functional at best. Be nice if the entire back of the shell was textured and not just the meaningless gripzone area. Better than nothing.

>> No.10709647

Well, PS2-tier graphics on a handheld was enough of a reason to own one for most people back when PSP released. The problem was that developers quickly found out that it wasn't profitable to make a PSP game when a PS3 game would simply sell better because there was less piracy and the user base was older, generally speaking. On the DS the choice wasn't as clear, because while DS was also pirated to hell, it was much easier and cheaper to make a 2D game for it than a 3D game for PSP, PS3, or Wii. Nintendo also made it a point to earn money from hardware sales, even if it's just a tiny bit, so even if someone bought a DS purely to pirate they were still in the green. Sony was different, I think they might have sold PSP at loss back when it first launched. There really was nothing comparable at the time specs-wise.

>> No.10709648

The PSP sold 80 million units and was the 4th best selling handheld of all time

>> No.10709652

Yes, but he was explaining old Windows having a core for Arm chip based systems. It is also possible on these Android devices to emulate more modern Windows for older games. The power required is not always trivial and some games can be hit and miss. It requires some set up too.
There are a lot cheaper ways than the ROG Ally to play old Windows games.

>> No.10709660
File: 347 KB, 1499x1499, FM'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KPH30i, same drivers as the Porta Pro. Replaced the stock foam with Yaxi pads here too. Koss makes great cheap headphones that are perfect for chiptunes.

>> No.10709664

getting kinda bored of my rotation of 8 games on my chink handheld. should i add a new game or keep playing the 8. and what new game should i add

>> No.10709693

Can the rp3+ emulate PSX/PS2/N64/GC games well enough, or would a Steam Deck OLED be better? I know the latter is more powerful, but it’s so fucking huge. Also is OLED even worth it for retro games?

>> No.10709705

fighting game

>> No.10709707

Looking to get a refurbished DSi.
New screens etc for no yellowing on screens or shell and the like.

Was wondering what would be the best site for this?

>> No.10709712

I bought a refurbished an o3dsxl on aliexpress and It came out pretty good

>> No.10709714

Im a bit hesitant on the AliExpress ones as they say they are Japanese models and they haven't replaced the screens.

>> No.10709718

get an RP4 Pro after they fix all the bullshit fully or the next edition
RP3+ is solid but it runs PS2 like shit and GC somewhat like shit
Steam Deck OLED solves all your problems but I agree the large form factor takes away from 5th gen and prior comfy gaming

>> No.10709774

I did buy one myself. Is basically the rgb30 with some extra horizontal space so i think it will be perfect for gba and ps1

>> No.10709775

GBA emulation on the PSP is flawless in my experience. SNES too, for the most part, although I've had the rare glitch in certain games and have had to adjust the settings more often.
That said, the emulators have come a long way since the early versions so anyone wanting to try them out on a PSP nowadays will likely get their fix.

>> No.10709784

>William Murderface, Murderface, Murderface.

>> No.10709929

Really? I hope those chips are used for future Windows devices on the lower end spectrum then, because current x86 processors outside of the Steam Deck's just arent good for battery life.

>> No.10709957

4th best selling handheld of all time doesn't mean a whole lot when the DS, the PSP's competition, got all-time best selling handheld by twice as much. And then the Vita only sold a fifth of what the 3DS sold.

I suppose calling the PSP a "failiure" is a bit harsh but let's not pretend it did amazingly either. At their absolute best they did "ok"

>> No.10709980

It was the 11th best selling console, it did really well

>> No.10709985

yeah, i was planning on buying a RP4 pro but i ended up just upgrading my phone (because it's nearly 7 years old now and i want to take decent photos) and getting a gamesir G8

>> No.10710123

I dont think anyone else has received it. Review videos are easy to make and all the testers are starving for views.

Idk when they will start shipping more, but we will see more reviews. I had an rgb30 and loved it, but I want to play mostly ps1 and ports and this will be better.

Android handheld suck ass btw

>> No.10710169
File: 2.71 MB, 3120x3120, IMG_20231231_121955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Laughs in Galileo G8*
But I do love the X-2 bluetooth.
The usb -c version usb on the left, bad call. Not comfy.

>> No.10710175
File: 2.28 MB, 3120x3120, IMG_20231224_190129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the King of Phone controllers.

>> No.10710184

>only one site on the entire internet sells plastic DMG lenses that don't have the dot matrix text
>all the colors I want are sold out
I hate this hobby.

>> No.10710454

Fans are too fucking loud if you turn them on but it honestly handles ps2 just fine most of the time at 2x or even 3x resolution, without using the most powerful setting so that's fine.
Had mine shipped before 1/31, what's the issue with the triggers?

>> No.10710580

USB C adapter arrived today so hoping I can find a save/state syncing setup that works better than copying manually from a card and back.
SaGabro, I kneel.

>> No.10710585

>have to take phone out of case

>> No.10710593

But ancient games are way better than modern ones, the fuck are you talking.

>> No.10710832
File: 829 KB, 1784x1790, Battle_29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What device and CFW? I just FTP from a browser window on my PC to move saves and screenshots.
And yeah, Saga 1 and 2 are some really underappreciated Gameboy games. Good sprites, concise story, odd mechanics, fun exploits.

>> No.10710972

It would drain my phone battery and shorten its lifespan.
I like the vertical form factor for playing slower paced games one handed.

>> No.10710983

Good morning gamesirs

>> No.10711073

Every console below it was either the consoles that lost their respective gens (by a huge margin), or pre-dated the gaming boom.

>> No.10711147

Are there any reviewers who mention that chinkhelds have very inneficient sleep modes (they drain the battery a lot while in sleep mode)?
I feel like this would be a good shill test.

>> No.10711165

Reddit game uncle usually mentions how much battery was lost during the night.

>> No.10711187

I always thought this is a stupid complain. Just fucking turn it off when you are not playing with it, ffs, it takes 20s to boot and you have nothing better to do

>> No.10711216

>it takes 20s to boot
My RG35XX+ takes longer than that to boot, and then I have to find and launch the game

>and you have nothing better to do
Playing the game I want to play would be something better to do.

One of the strengths of handhelds is that they're convenient to play for just a couple minutes. When you just want to play a game for a couple minutes, that boot time detracts from the experience.
I bet you're a reviewer and you're just scared that people will have a way to find out that you're scared to criticize chinkhelds.

>> No.10711252

This a problem with the +? Cause I have a normal RG35XX and at most it takes ten seconds, and it saves your progress so you're back where you left off the second it's done booting.

>> No.10711298

>This a problem with the +?
Yeah. The plus doesn't do that. Maybe you're using an updated firmware?
That's related to another shill flag, not calling the companies out for not hiring people to make decent firmware and just counting on hobbyists to make it decent.

>> No.10711375

>look at 100 different videos to see which handheld to get
>none of them show any baten kaitos footage
>someone finally does
>visual glitches everywhere
nevermind i guess

>> No.10711385

It is widely regarded as a successful console

>> No.10711389

Hobbiests DONT make it decent because the reason the sleep mode sucks is the kernel, not the firmware.

>> No.10711423

Is the reason inherent to the kernel or it depents of the chip support?

>> No.10711438

You either haven't played the right modern games or you're just a contrarian, sorry.

>> No.10711468

>Not a fan of the mushy D-pad, still claims that its Hadoukenable and Shoryuken able but failed the Contra test
>RGC laims its like using a Switch lite, right down to the thickness. Claims that it's still comfortable to hold at least, even if the device attracts a lot a smudges. Odin 2 still beats it in comfort factor. Ayaneo is aware that its not the most comfortable device to hold since they'll be releasing a protective case with ergonomic grips.
>MicroSD card slot not working in the prototype , no SIM card support like the Pocket Air/Odin devices for those that find it important.
>technically pocketable
>Can get pretty warm when you really push it.
Personally I just wish they could have just shoved the guts into the Pocket Air.

>> No.10711470
File: 479 KB, 1562x855, 134242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was anbernic thinking, literally all it has over the RP4 pro is the OLED.

>> No.10711482

Managed to snag the save files & states for FFV and got retroarch to save into a set directory like I have it on PC. Should just need to copy between them now.
I'll see how it goes over the week but for now it's faster & easier than removing the microSD card etc, should work well for multiple devices this way too.

Might wanna look and see if it's something common & easily solved.
I love Drakengard but god damn is that game a piece of shit to emulate out of the box, from wanting to patch it so caim isn't constantly shimmering making you think you have eye cancer to resolutuon scaling breaking if setup wrong.

>> No.10711484

And the price tag.

>> No.10711525

>vita d-pad appearance but mushy
what kind of satanic shit is this

>> No.10711642

i dont get graphical glitches on my odin, but it runs at 75-80% speed even on x1 resolution on high perf mode, ghough to be fair i cant be f'd tweaking

>> No.10711669
File: 194 KB, 1080x1350, ormynameisnt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yaw: Are you sure? That's right. Now. Say my name.

Blebs: You're Yawiga Kanawi

Yaw: You're goddamn right.

>> No.10711786
File: 261 KB, 832x452, 1708460632382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is 70€ too much for a Nintendo DS? There's a chick from nearby that's proposing to sell picrel.

>> No.10711805

Yes that's way too much unless you're a braindead tendie.

>> No.10711826

Both, the problem is fucking around with the kernel is low level shit that sucks hard to work with, and you can brick the device.

Also, each device would need a different kernel based on it's specific hardware, and that probably sucks because a lot of these chinkhelds have different shit on the motherboard even if they're the same model.

Every device would take a bunch of custom work, it's not the same as doing the OS which you could then install on many different devices.

>> No.10711832

You guys are all stuck in the past, DSs don't cost $40 anymore. Between inflation and collectors they are now expensive.

>> No.10711834

thats the neat thing
they werent

>> No.10711906
File: 264 KB, 513x1016, 1708463059849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, do you think I should get it? It comes with a case and 5 (girly) games?

>> No.10711910

Nah, you should get a DSi xl instead, you can hack them so you won't need a flashcart

>> No.10711921

Tbh, I would normally get the DSi. However, the reason why I'm settling for the DS lite is for the GBA port; I have a couple of gba games (including Pokemon sapphire), and as I'm thinking of subsequently getting gen4 Pokemon, it's important for me the generation-transfer feature.

>> No.10711926

If you get a flashcart you could also backup your GBA games with the ds (in case you need to change the battery)

70 pounds is a lot tho, you can find one cheaper

>> No.10711996

ArkOS supports FTP. Heartily recommend if you have wireless internet.

>> No.10712096

I got mine for $40, so yeah, it’s too much

>> No.10712103

Did your DS come with bratz 4 real and Walt Disney's Hannah Montana?

>> No.10712118

No. But I’d rather put Hannah Montana on an R4 card anyways

>> No.10712174

nice cope

>> No.10712192 [DELETED] 

Is that you sneedkek eshay? Or should I say bogan?

>> No.10712208

Maybe they did think, but just barely.

>> No.10712209

Its on par with the RP4 which is cheaper, and you can get the pro for only +15 dollars.
So the price has nothing going for it.

>> No.10712216
File: 282 KB, 393x463, IMG_3621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the RP4Pro ghosting a hardware issue or a software issue? I’m wondering if I should just buy it now and wait for an OTA update, or wait until they fix it after CNY to get one

>> No.10712220

>tfw thought d900 and t820 both had wifi6
>in fact only the d900 does
anberbros... this is pretty gay...

>> No.10712226

APPARENTLY it's a software issue related to vysnc that they're working on fixing, but I still wouldn't buy until a software fix is out and proven if the current ghosting is a dealbreaker for you.

>> No.10712229
File: 6 KB, 508x140, literally Koizumi-san.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK YOU, ya damn bastard BIITCH!. Go fuck yourself, Koizumi's secretary!

>> No.10712253

So the 556 is even worse than i thought for the price.

>> No.10712258

I'm assuming it's a software issue, considering the 3/3+ has the same screen hardware and doesn't ghost.

>> No.10712321

Its absolutely a hardware issue, otherwise it would be consistently bad for everyone. Some people's screens are much worse than other peoples, despite all of them being shipped with the software. The "its a firmware issue" rumor came from 1 random mod on the discord who sent a DM to some user. Its never been publicly acknowledged by Retroid

>> No.10712340

This is why the Miyoo Mini with OnionOS and the RG35XX with GarlicOS is great because of their sleep modes.

>> No.10712385

what's your opinion of the retroid 2s?

>> No.10712403

if you dont want to play 6th gen stuff at all its pretty nice
i like the form factor and price point a lot
it really depends on how much you want to spend but i cant imagine buying a handheld that cant run GC/PS2 in 2024 because those libraries are peak

>> No.10712416

Don't let youtubers gaslight you into replacing your GBA SP's frontlit display with a backlit display.
Frontlit is far superior because it looks good in sunlight. There's just no incentive for youtubers to let you know that.

>> No.10712419
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what is this one called?

>> No.10712420

You're far better off playing on a chinkheld, stop being a tendie retard.

>> No.10712424


>> No.10712473
File: 255 KB, 1643x1181, 1678787391758285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I want an RGB30 but deep down I also know it's not worth it over a smart UI because I would 100% need to spend money on a grip for it.
Seeing small handhelds makes me want to start measuring chinese hands.

>> No.10712481

>mickey mouse porn reflected in screen

>> No.10712502

Maybe immediately, but probably not long term. The MM (not plus) was hard to find because of parts. This guy has a normal screen size so shouldn't be inventory issues.

>> No.10712537

Jesus christ, I never noticed it's girth. It's a whole fuckin ham sandwich.

>> No.10712543

R36s owners just got mine and have wondering if you have found any better cores for each platform, the latest arcos has a good set but Mario kart 64 had to change it for it to work decently. Any tips?

>> No.10712591

64 doesn't have a good "universal" core for it sadly, at least not for lower end devices. Some games work better on one, some another

>> No.10712627

Is there ANY Linux handheld that does 100% smooth Dreamcast?

>> No.10712639

No, because Flycast has occasional audio hitches even in games that run at full speed. You'll use Android (which is also Linux) and you'll be happy.

>> No.10712658

If a girl was trying to sell me a DS for $70 it better come with Pokemon. Otherwise, no deal.

>> No.10712698

>Post your preferences: Money (20$ - 200$)
so what can a nigga get for $20?

>> No.10712705

You can put a down payment on a blowjob.

>> No.10712727

I saw a bunch of sub 5 quid handhelds on aliexpress during their LNY sale and not all of them were on sale, so certainly something.

>> No.10712730

If you want, you can setup Syncthing with ArkOS, I went and did it just now with the RGB30. As long as you're okay doing some SSH commands for initial setup you can manage your syncing directories within the web browser after that. You can also disable the Web UI once you get the directories setup so it saves resources.

>> No.10712748
File: 735 KB, 1241x669, twentydollars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With enough to spare for a 6-piece McNugget to enjoy it with.

>> No.10712862

Datafrog SF2000 when it's on sale for $15

>> No.10713032

Not really, it's maybe as thick as a single slice of bread; 17 millimeters according to my calipers.
A Gameboy is 32 millimeters for comparison.
A lot of these devices could actually use some depth padding, going up to 20+ millimeters would reduce hand cramping and alleviate the "need" for clip on grips and other non-aesthetic and non-pocketable solutions.

>> No.10713063

Huh, you're right. Maybe it looks thicker cause of the rims along the edges? Makes it look like there's more goin on in terms of thickness

>> No.10713103

Kinda an autistic thing I noticed with my steam deck, and this may just be a normal thing with OLED screens but I figured I'd see if another anon could verify.

In certain dark Grey or Blue colors I'm noticing some "imperfections" in the screen. Like, not dead pixels, but it's kinda like somebody put a light paper or felt texture over the screen... anyone else notice this or am I just being anal?

>> No.10713156

X12. Sf2000. Which for some reason, is still the only snes controller held with big face buttons. Retro mini with opendingux

>> No.10713173

It is a really unpleasing device both in the hand and on the table. Powkiddy seems to hate smooth radiused edges and ergos for some reason. Shame that it is also perfect for my needs.

>> No.10713174
File: 57 KB, 986x1000, 61b2U-gGnML._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So does AYN/Retroid have a patent on those newer sticks they use that are actually decent? Is everyone else doomed to use shitty Switch sticks forever?

>> No.10713176

>A lot of these devices could actually use some depth padding, going up to 20+ millimeters would reduce hand cramping and alleviate the "need" for clip on grips and other non-aesthetic and non-pocketable solutions.
b-b-buh then I'd be replying to posts with those devices calling them fat and making fun of their chonk!
I got a hand injury to I know my thumb to index grip is bad but I also know that tight grip there are hellish and a common complaint for physios & occupational therapists.

There's way too much form over function, but ultimately it doesn't matter as much to people with tech nowadays, since it'll all be replaced in a year or two right?

>> No.10713183

Are they actually different sticks?
Like, I thought ALPS were the only game in town now along with smol indie kickstarted hall effect in my amazon listings peeps.
Isn't it only ceramic disk/plates that are the issue?

>> No.10713187
File: 110 KB, 1600x1600, 61f28BJ8WBL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are they actually different sticks?
The concave ones? Yes, objectively, and I've only seen them on the RP2S, the RP4, and the Odin, and since it's long been suspected that AYN and Retroid are the same company, that only contributes to this whole patent rrat

>> No.10713195

Scratch that. Looks like the Mura Effect on OLED screens, and in particular, on the Steam Deck and Switch OLED's is super normal but people don't really talk about it. Steams apparently working on a software fix (got no idea how a software update is gonna fix this), but knowing the screens not defective puts me at ease. Still, wild nobody really talks about this.

>> No.10713197
File: 281 KB, 2048x1536, deck-oled-mura-grain-v0--A3GIyyudAkXq6iL9poHVKPYHCpq-dUPuo4UVBvHuaE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic didn't post

>> No.10713209

Any chances the RP4P will drop in price? Does retroid usually discount their older products over time? I was holding off on it because of all the issues like ghosting and fans, but now I figured I'm already past fomo and might as well wait for a better deal.

>> No.10713223

>It is a really unpleasing device both in the hand
Is it? Its grip feels great to me.

>> No.10713225

The only OLED I've owned was the Vita and it had black spots, that what you're talking about?
>(got no idea how a software update is gonna fix this), but knowing the screens not defective puts me at ease. Still, wild nobody really talks about this.
If it is that, I'd imagine it's something similar to the tech used in cameras to deal with dirty sensors/imperfections where the RAW is unaffected but the JPG output etc adjusts for it. I had a TV where a backlight strip failed and had a purple hue and manually adjusted it to suit.
Perhaps something like that?

but again, if it's those spots similar to what the vita and early OLEDs had, that shit is super tiny and you'd still need to see it first, that's way harder to fix than a couple of gradients.

>> No.10713237
File: 731 KB, 3542x2657, Ugg90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, look up the "mura" effect on OLED's. I guess it's an issue with practically every OLED screen. It's more noticeable with certain hues of grey, but once you notice it you'll start to see it a bit during games. It's a very slight, textured look on the screen instead of being pure color. With phones and things like the vita it's much harder to notice due to the small screens and res, but with the Steam Deck it sticks out a bit more.

There are people that find it distracting enough they returned their deck over it, but for me I really don't mind the look (kinda adds to the retro vibe) and just knowing it's a normal occurrence with this particular kind of screen puts me at ease. Weird that you never see reviewers bring it up though. I also wonder why OLED's would have this sort of issue.

>> No.10713241

Oh wait, are you talking about tiny spots or those oil splotches in super early vita models? The mura effect I'm talking about may be what you're talking about depending on which.

>> No.10713257 [DELETED] 

Ah yeah plebbit is showing it as this which is what I have. I'd take a pic but it'd take a while for me to format an SD card, this plebbit one should do.
They were small splotches that were darker/brighter than the rest of the screen but only really, really noticeable on pure black/white scenes; otherwise blended in.

From what I was told back then, it was an early OLED defect.

>> No.10713261
File: 196 KB, 3000x4000, plebbit RELOADED ignore the deleted post pls I am perfect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yeah plebbit is showing it as this which is what I have. I'd take a pic but it'd take a while for me to format an SD card, this plebbit one should do.
They were small splotches that were darker/brighter than the rest of the screen but only really, really noticeable on pure black/white scenes; otherwise blended in.

From what I was told back then, it was an early OLED defect.

>> No.10713278
File: 813 KB, 1529x1170, 687474703a2f2f70736e696e652e636f6d2f696d672f736879626f79373232363536382d313633343730313735352e6a7067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some other examples of it on the more extreme end. Just wild how this issue goes completely under the radar in reviews. I mean, "issue" even feels like a bit of an exaggeration, but with all the hype around OLED screens I'm genuinely surprised such an inherent flaw never gets brought up.
Oh yeah, those are just oil splotches. Completely normal. Though my first vita had such a massive one it actually caused a bit of the image to warp and I had to return it. Still, pretty much every vita has those small ones everywhere.

>> No.10713283
File: 1.05 MB, 4032x3024, so-how-are-we-feeling-about-the-samsungs-mura-effect-v0-k49e1fx2l73c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10713285

What can I get for ~200 dollars with the nicest display and up to PS2 jrpg emulation? That isn’t exactly, the most important thing is display. Does not need to be portable, just a a great display. Should I just hold onto my cash and wait for a deck OLED or something equivalent?

>> No.10713306

So far I'm really digging the Deck OLED (even with the mura tism). It was well worth the 600 bucks, and emudeck is just wonderful, plus I've been playing quite a few new games on it too.

The big thing imo is pocketability. If you want something mainly to play on the bed or couch while you've got something chill on in the background? Deck. If you want something you're going to use out and about, you may want to wait for a smaller, more powerful handheld which I have no doubt is coming.

Seriously consider pocketability though. It's more important than you'd think.

>> No.10713324

Maybe using TWiLight Menu++

>> No.10713325

I don’t play games in public, honestly, but I would like something that I can easily play in bed. I’ve had a bunch of surgeries and will likely have another pretty soon, so it’s mostly something that is not a laptop and can easily handle various jrpgs. I have a N3DS and a psp and a vita, but they don’t don everything I’d like them to do.

>> No.10713330

You should lose weight.

>> No.10713345
File: 30 KB, 612x407, close-up-of-a-patients-scar-after-knee-surgery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not obese or even overweight. I played varsity football in high school and rugby in college. I'm just broken to pieces and there's no nanomachines to fix my busted joints.

>> No.10713350
File: 1.49 MB, 800x1086, MysteryScienceKabuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Save for the Deck then. Been after the perfect emulation handheld for a while and the original Deck model was almost it (but after several RMA's due to buttons with too much dead zone I finally returned it), the OLED model has been a handheld /vr/ dream come true though. Emudeck makes the whole setup quick, painless, and looks nice visually. All the emulation works wonderfully (getting 2x res on the most taxing ps2 and gc games with no frame drops or issues), and it runs a pretty nice chunk of steams library just fine. It's got me tackling a lot of my backlog and I doubt you'd regret the purchase.

Putting MST3K on in the background while playing old vidya on that thing is one of the comfiest experiences ever.

>> No.10713351

Thanks. I'll do that, then.

>> No.10713357

That sucks.

>> No.10713361

sounds like the medical industrial complex got to you
you took the advice of a bunch of quack doctors who are profit driven
it's normal to have pain in this life
Hope you have a proper recovery but most people have to have repeat surgeries and check ups and meds and all the crap that goes with it
literally just ruins peoples lives

>> No.10713368

Yep. Just some negatives before you get it to keep the expectations in check
>battery life is still pretty mediocre usually averaging 3-4 hours off the charger for newer games
>there's still some weird software issue that causes speaker crackling after waking it up from sleep, but goes away after a couple seconds (steams apparently been working on a fix since March of 2022)
>the mura effect I mentioned earlier. Look up some pics of it, see if it bothers you

These are some fairly minor gripes from a guy who can be super anal about anything wrong with my devices after I spend over 100 bucks on them. Considering what you want it for, I think you'll be pretty happy with it overall.

>> No.10713371

Shit, I got good old fashioned boneitis and vetbab shit and here you are seeking them out for sports!
dw, I know how the world works, racoon lady proved that you will be first in line to recieve nanomachines, son.

shit shit shit pls say you are the guy from /fit/ or /diy/ who performs surgery on himself

>> No.10713378

One piece of advice I'd give ya with regards to a handheld you need to save for. Check the size of the content you want to play on it.

Measure it out, find out what it is integer scaled, or stretched in aspect ratio, make a silly little paper cutout even, print out some shitty image with text on it and hold it at arms length to see if it's too big or small. With a deck it's unlikely to be too smal...but it'll give you an idea of if it's right for you.
Worst comes to worst, bust out the real weirdo nerd shit and get out the screen to view distance calculators.

>> No.10713417

A subtle way of calling someone a tranny.

>> No.10713554

Alright then, so it's a no deal. Thanks for the help.

>> No.10713580
File: 67 KB, 1080x1184, powkiddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rgb20sx is the successor to the rgb20s, with multiple colorways slated. Same hardware as the rgb30. 1:1 720*720 screen, rk3566, wifi.

>> No.10713581
File: 45 KB, 1080x880, IMG_20240221_155432_824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10713583
File: 39 KB, 1080x864, IMG_20240221_155405_496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is another one in yellow.

>> No.10713634
File: 25 KB, 169x149, thesinisteristofsippysips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10713639

Why would anyone buy this and not the horizontal version. Vertical is shit

>> No.10713656

wtf am I looking at

>> No.10713660

So a rp4 should be able to play it?

>> No.10713696

Odin 2?

>> No.10713805

I legit think only powkiddy drops their prices evenutally. Example, the x18s was the only t618 chinkheld to be the same price as a tablet with that chip.

>> No.10713819

Keep in mind that the deck will be fairly heavy relative to your other handhelds, which can make them more unpleasant to hold for long periods. Even the Switch gets unpleasant to play handheld for a long time. If you have something you can rest it on, or just use an external controller it helps, but I figure if you want to avoid a laptop then that probably isn't what you're looking for.
That's why Vita is still the most comfortable handheld design of all time.

>> No.10713845
File: 338 KB, 565x863, IMG_3640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck are they charging RP4 money for a device weaker than an RGB30?

>> No.10713846

If you have big enough hands, vertical lets you play a lot of turn based or slow games with one hand.

>> No.10713913
File: 89 KB, 666x622, 1558445063993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are people that find it distracting enough they returned their deck over it, but for me I really don't mind the look (kinda adds to the retro vibe)

It looks like shit and you paid extra for it

>> No.10713915


>> No.10713919

You should have looked into stem cell injections combined with physical therapy (stretching and what not)

>> No.10713920

Winlator and the like run really poorly.


Think Retroid dropped the price for 2S 3GB and 3+, if slightly.

I don't feel its weight at all, it's well distributed whereas smaller handhelds tend to concentrate weight on certain spots and you can feel it.

>> No.10713921

Anberclap tax + markup everywhere. Ypu should see the prices they still charge for rk3326.

>> No.10713964

Kek he took down the old review.

>> No.10714025

3566bros... WE WILL NEVER DIE!

>> No.10714042
File: 24 KB, 247x177, 113953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>joked about vertislop rgb30
I will never underestimate the kid again

>> No.10714064

It’s more faithful to the original GB/GBC layout, which is the biggest appeal of this screen

>> No.10714127

>it’s normal to have pain
Yeah, but when your knees are both broken you need to have surgery to fix them and repair the joint as much as possible. That “pain is normal” shit is what got me into this mess because I just played through what I thought was “normal pain” until one day I collapsed and shit stopped working.

>> No.10714138
File: 271 KB, 512x512, 02576-1546957077-a realistic pepe in a suit smiling, happy, thumbs-up, approval.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Keep in mind that the deck will be fairly heavy relative to your other handhelds
This is pretty much what keeps me from getting any of the more powerful handhelds.

The PS vita is the largest a handheld can get before becoming unwieldy, I want something the size of a Vita, with a 6 hour battery life that plays Gamecube and PS2

>> No.10714207

Oh no PowCHADddys...brother Zhou may actually stand a chance now...

>> No.10714212

that's more options than I was expecting. the retro mini is hard to search for tho. is that its full name?

>> No.10714215

>I want something the size of a Vita, with a 6 hour battery life that plays Gamecube and PS2
At this point I think the closest you'll get to that is the RP4 Pro in terms of size. Maybe the Odin 2, or any of Ayaneo's Android handhelds if you can tolerate them being a bit bigger, but with some grips for your hands.

>> No.10714221

Rs90, but it should just be retromini without spaces on chinkxpress. Trust me though, youre not gonna like the screen. Its from the gba micro. M17 is 30 and acutally usable thanks to cfw compared to the other options.

>> No.10714224
File: 21 KB, 671x120, deckonomics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone buy the OLED Deck? Seems like a ripoff. OLED screens have splotching, color issues, and fail quickly compared to LCD. In fact, you can get better hardware for less while supplies last. Seems VALVe is getting zogged now that they have some hardware success?

>> No.10714229

>No chink bucks for you!

>> No.10714231

Does powkiddy even have any android handhelds planned? The x18 line is a success, but it seems the x28 didn't do as well as they hoped.

>> No.10714232

Ask retards like >>10711438 with zero standards

>> No.10714239

Actually someone on discord said it did quite well on china because android gaming is big there.

>> No.10714245

That makes more sense. Baidu users LOVED the speakers and feel. I've also read the retroid flip failed despite having a way better android build than the x18

>> No.10714249

OLED looks better while it lasts. I wouldn't purchase an OLED device that's already few years old, but if it's new or has only been used for a couple months, then why not? Also reminder that CRTs also burned in quite easily.

>> No.10714286

If Ayn/Retroid can pay to produce new sticks then I don't know why Anbernig and Powchaddy can't as well. I know anbernig payed to have that 4" 4:3 screen created (at least that's what Brother Zhou said and Baidu) and that's why no one else uses it.

>> No.10714293

Chinks made a an monster load of switch style sticks the second the switch was revealed. They use them because they have an overstock.

>> No.10714303

>see person mention they've had a bunch of surgeries
>automatically assume they're a fat fuck
wow you are literally me

>> No.10714307

I would actually like to know how much these handhelds sell in China.

>> No.10714316

The X28 speakers and feel are legit fucking godlike, I don't know how they did it.
>I've also read the retroid flip failed despite having a way better android build than the x18
We call it the flop a lot and has been discontinued, but I'm pretty sure it was a big sales success. If you're wondering how the fuck it would be discontinued if it's a success, I'm assuming that's because they aren't ordering any more T618s at this point and the RP3+ they have remaining in stock is just that. Could be wrong ofc but I'm expecting a flop 2 announcement anywhere from April to July. Either going to come with D1100 only or D1100 + D900 if the non-pro RP4 manages to sell better than expected.

>> No.10714318

If you zoom in you'll notice it. Basically there's these very tiny "dots" all over the darker colors of the screen. The pics exaggerate the dot effect though as usually it looks a bit like a very light paper texture. All OLED screens have this, but it's more noticeable on a deck as your face is pretty close to the screen when you play.

>> No.10714319

It does feel fantastic but it's fundamentally broken, no getting around it.

A bit worried they might go OLED only on the 2, personally.

>Also reminder that CRTs also burned in quite easily.
No, they didn't.

>> No.10714320

Probably to scam retards too stupid to do the bare minimum amount of research.

>> No.10714321

Are analogue pockets available for retail price or are they still being insta-bought by resellers?
I’d actually really like one, I might even consider getting one for retail price, but no WAY would I pay scalper prices to play the dexters lab elevator action game kek.

>> No.10714328
File: 886 KB, 960x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah they did.

>> No.10714343

No they didn’t. Someone must have had this title screen running for weeks or their tube was running super hot.

>> No.10714350

>buying vertislop
>buying expensive mutt vertislop

>> No.10714351

Yeah bro we all want that lmao

>> No.10714367

This thing will unironically kill the anal log if it’s using the same panel as the RGB30

>> No.10714385
File: 12 KB, 378x95, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is.

>> No.10714390

That's an early vita issue, not something I've seen on decks and especially not phase 2 OLED decks
>color issues
Only on dark grey, really washed out dark blues, and the issue is just a weird textured effect
>fail quickly
There are actually videos of people trying to burn an image into their OLED Steam Decks... if you're a regular person, it'll never happen to you. You've gotta turn the brightness all they way up and leave a static image on there for two months running the thing to its absolute limits.
starting to wish I never brought you the mura issue. I just thought it was interesting nobody talks about it but I feel like some people are gonna make a mountain out of a mole hill.

>> No.10714391
File: 89 KB, 401x358, 1675533550392837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't one of these dumb chinese gooks put a mid range cell phone chipset in a nice case? Fucking retards bro, they truly can't innovate for shit, even these decent handhelds they're doing now are just copies of Japanese designs

>> No.10714405

Because if they did that and made 1(one) device that was great for gen 6 and down with a good battery life then they wouldn't be able to release new handheld devices every few months.

>> No.10714407

>but I feel like some people are gonna make a mountain out of a mole hill.
Now you figured out why no one talks about it.

>> No.10714432

I'm going to glue a backbone to an A54 and have the device I want, It'll cost around $300 total and have a 5000mAh battery

>> No.10714446

I figured it would give the people that notice it the peace of mind that their screen wasn't defective, but yeah, had I known if probably have kept it to myself. Just thought it was interesting. I still do wonder why OLEDs have that issue with that particular color though.
As somebody with an A54 and have done some intense emulation testing, I'd recommend against it for ps2/gc. It'll handle early ps2 games or JRPG's just fine, but when you get to the middle or late life of the ps2's library you'll start noticing some slowdowns that can effect gameplay. GameCube just downright doesn't emulate well. It's great for anything up to the ps1 and 64 tho.

>> No.10714448

Sure but then you're paying $300+ for PSX/n64 emulation. You can easily get that on a $100 chinkheld.

>> No.10714457

Exactly. I needed a good new phone and it was on sale for 200 so it was a no brainer for me, but yeah, I wouldn't really recommend it plus the backbone if you're looking for just an emulation handheld.

>> No.10714496

Well, there's still 4x2 chan, indiachan, 8+1chan, sn00zzechan and 2ch[.]hk

>> No.10714498 [DELETED] 
File: 1.79 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_3643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one of you fucks posted this comment?

>> No.10714518 [DELETED] 


>> No.10714525
File: 7 KB, 300x229, 1607387699853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW STILL waiting for a video reviewer who neither pulls shit like retro Goy Corps, Retro "balding" Dodo, nor ETA "automaton of the lower tier" Prime, nor kisses ass for internet clout nor money; instead he buys it with own money and uploads a review regarding the chinaheld or koreaheld in question.

>> No.10714530 [DELETED] 

How so, MR. fuckwad shitface?

>> No.10714534 [DELETED] 

It's actually a troon retard.

>> No.10714541 [DELETED] 

How do you know its actually that, as in someone with GID scrambled brains?

>> No.10714547

I read on baidu that the flip sold well less than expected. The 2s also sold very poorly in china, but idk about anyware else.
Jxd was the closest to this, but their shells were fucki g dogshit.

>> No.10714552 [DELETED] 

Did you not hear his voice in the video anon?

>> No.10714558

Those are beyond dead.

>> No.10714567

His reviews are great, but he does get review units now. Not an issue for me, but he specified "buys it with own money".

>> No.10714596

Stop being autistic retard.

>> No.10714606 [DELETED] 

I can't imagine spending life this upset and afraid over whether anyone on earth is a tranny or not. You were never going to talk to any women in your life anyway so why bother worrying so much about whether they have an adams apple or not rofl

>> No.10714617

I meant the game desu

>> No.10714627 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 534x637, cachedImage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people don’t like trans people.

>> No.10714638 [DELETED] 

*Most people in the west and MENA don't like transsexuals.

>> No.10714667 [DELETED] 

No, it's most people, if mocking troons wasn't illegal in most western countries they wouldn't be able to leave the house without people yelling slurs at them

>> No.10714673 [DELETED] 

>Most western countries
True, but only to a point. Germany, UK, Romania, and New Zealand sure, but not the Balkans or East Slavic nations.

>> No.10714682

Grotesquely unfunny.

>> No.10714760 [DELETED] 

there's so many comments like this now. i really can't tell if they're bots, bait or someone actually believes this.

>> No.10714797

Oh! Lies of P.

>> No.10714846

Miyoo Mini++ when?

>> No.10714865

There was a restock recently. ordered mine end of january, shipped february 1. check their website, I guess?

>> No.10714869 [DELETED] 

Apply for a job at your local Mcdonald's, BK, Wendy''s, Jack in the Box, Chick-fil-a, or Raising Canes. Alternatively, find a clothing store that's hiring, or go into a KPO occupation. Save some amount $$$ from each of your paycheck, and when the jar is filled enough with coins, 1s, 5s, 10s, and Benjamins, pay the right price.

>> No.10714885

Between the GBA Micro, DS and DS Lite, which has the best screen overall (unmodded)?

>> No.10714910

They're all shit but the micro's is especially shit.

>> No.10714942 [DELETED] 

lol you want your bubble to reflect reality so bad.

>nooooo 4chan is my safe space you can't post here without obsessing over the tranny boogeyman 24/7
You have your own board to go to if you want to talk about it that bad:

>> No.10714943

arm linux sisters, its over... we lost...

>> No.10714950

Yes yes those big mean buzzword youtubers and their review units are totally biased and only someone who pays out of pocket would ever be 100% unbiased and real and never have skewed feelings to justify their spending or avoid sunk cost mentality.

>> No.10714958

Now Linuxfags can finally stop complaining about Android not being "le console like experience" Exact same frontend as the one they like on their RK3566's

>> No.10714963

Ok shithead CCP shithead with mind AIDS.
Cope and kiss the ass of Comrade Xi "Asshole liar" Xingpinhead, review unit DO COME WITH BIAS, shill. Sure, there's skewed feelings here and there, along with perhaps sunk cost fallacy. Goodbye, CCPissant

>> No.10714983

How so?

>> No.10714991

>have to re-scrap all my roms
Yeah, no

>> No.10714996
File: 414 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20230829-001135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer Chadisho anyways.

>> No.10715010

kinda grim, i looked into the source code and he didn't add the starting point for the android app or some way to build

>> No.10715014

Daijisho just werks but I never liked how cluttered it looks. Plus now I can have matching frontends on both my PC and handheld.

>> No.10715016

yeah that's pretty gay but it'll probably be easy to pirate soon for anyone that actually wants it (not me)

>> No.10715019

He expects us to install the amazon storefront as well, fuck that.

>> No.10715027

Nah he's putting it on goygle playstore too, it just landed on amazon's first.

>> No.10715035

I got the miyoo mini+ for $30 on tiktok

>> No.10715041

nah, you got 40000 in 1

>> No.10715046

I feel like ten years ago people had actual conversations and opinions here, even if they werne't always great. Today it's just people pulling buzzwords out of a hat and randomly throwing them around whenever they feel an emotion other than smug irony.

>> No.10715049

How many of those are hentai?

>> No.10715053

You know what? Fuck it, it's fair game. It's perhaps the most used app in the entire community, let the man get his cash.

Pretty much every android handheld worth getting is gonna cost you $100+ anyways. Another $5 means nothing at that point.

>> No.10715059

personally i don't care, but it's kinda shady to have the desktop apps completely open source and this one half open source
if he made the android app open source, i can bet that he won't lose money since most people wouldn't bother compiling the app

>> No.10715065

I'm curious about how it performs on RK3566. Hate how Daijisho doesn't preserve sub-folder structure.

>> No.10715078

so when is it flip time?

>> No.10715080

How is it shady?

Anyone can take the ES code and make their own android wrapper if they dont want to pay a few bucks.

>> No.10715115

It sold better in the west, but the flip was a failure. Fixing devices that had hinge issues was another huge blow for them.

>> No.10715130 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 880x620, stop-and-smell-the-flowers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll never be a birth-giver

>> No.10715375

is there a homebrew general or something? i did control F homebrew in the catalog and found 1 result but couldnt for the life of me see the thread that had it so im guessing it was just mentioned in the text in a long op that was obscured by the catalogs grid thing

i ordered a r36s and its taken so long to get here i ended up realizing i might as well hack a 3ds that came to be in my possession since i never use it anyway. its so awesome but it would be nice to just have a ton of systems and games preloaded

>> No.10715393

Check /vg/

>> No.10715442

found it thanks

im new as fuck to the other handhelds though is there anything i should know about r36s or this stuff in general

my plan is to immediately copy everything it has on the sd card to another 128gb sd card and use that one instead... that should work fine right? i heard the stock ones are prone to dying randomly

also i forgot about the charger situation but i guess ill just use a USB on my PC for now

>> No.10715543

Using a usb port on your pc to charge is actually better for the cheaper handhelds. Usually any charger that works is fine, but I prefer to use any charger that doesn't fast charge, just in case.

>> No.10715665

ok thanks

>> No.10715709

>mushy D-pad
fucking dropped

>> No.10715782

U wot m8?

>> No.10715794

Magic Dosbox is said to be the best for your needs emulating.
Warcraft 3 performance at 00:44:39 vv

>> No.10715838
File: 1.90 MB, 1920x1080, qGqOSvh2UjQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes? Just compare the Daijisho screenshot anon posted to this.

>> No.10715901

Still no touchscreen.. and rk3566..:(

>> No.10715925

Man, the text scroll sound of Harvest Moon SNES are really awful. I thought there was a problem with my emulation until I checked an LP. Being on a small speaker doesn't help, but it's still really bad with good speakers.

>> No.10715935

should i wait for the miyoo flip or just buy a rgb30? i like street fighter 3 and other old fighters.

>> No.10715946

Unironically, my RP4P's battery life has been surprisingly great, I can imagine it only dips down to the 2-3 hour range when playing intense PS2 games with max performance + fan.

>> No.10716061
File: 676 KB, 1849x1179, IMG_4663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time favors no one
& if we wait we can fall in love a second too late

>> No.10716068
File: 2.51 MB, 5712x4284, IMG_4340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not pictured is psp3K
replacement china battery failed
any recs for a solid replacement are welcomed

>> No.10716109

They get the review units before everyone else. So if a reviewer wants to stay relevant they can't wait until the product is out and everyone else has already reviewed it.
Its the unfortunate truth of the matter.

>> No.10716150

Anyone know how to get WINE on Box86 working on one of these things? It would probably run like pure shit but I want to try Wolf RPG games.
I tried winlator on android but it didn't work, I think because there's no Japanese language support.

Honestly I might just bite the bullet and get a Steam Deck, at least I know it will work out of the box.

>> No.10716186

Winlator is just exagear and that used wine worksarounds to get jp local working and of course I cant find the solution because the community is spread to shit

>> No.10716463

New thread >>10716461
New thread >>10716461
New thread >>10716461