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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10668434 No.10668434 [Reply] [Original]

Why doesn’t /vr/ ever talk about the Commodore 64, the actual greatest computer for gaming? Highly ahead of its time. Games like Superman: the game was highly advanced stuffs, and not just visually speaking (which just visually speaking, it was ahead of anything else at that time). Can’t speak ill on loading times, it was still a product of its time, can’t do much about that. It’s like asking to have coloured television in the 1920’s.

>> No.10668441

This board just hates computers dude, it’s console kids out the ass. Even windows games have maybe 10% as many threads as consoles, and micros in particular inspire some sort of bitter asspain on here that’s difficult to describe. Personally I love the c64, the library is absolutely massive and its color palette is always interesting to me. It has so, so many ports and homebrew games also. Yes those ports are often inferior but this is a board about retro games, in many ways they’re “””””inferior”””””” to modern games but we know that’s bullshit, so I never mind playing an inferior port cause it’s usually the novelty of it or it’s fun in its own way. I recommend c64 dreams to anyone as an easy pre-setup way to just start playing some c64 games, the library can be a bit overwhelming at times we’re talking tens of thousands of games.

>> No.10668448

ibm pc

>> No.10668478

Because this board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games and microfags simply can't talk about games. SImple as.

>> No.10668715

Gaming in general is an endless flood of console kiddies. Every "top whatever" list is dominated by console (mostly Nintendo/Sony) games, whatever the era. CRPGs in paticular are endlessly getting the short end of the stick. Shit sucks, but that's just how it is.

>> No.10669129

It was actually several years behind ATARI's offerings at the time.

>> No.10669201

Because you can't have a topic on a computer that isn't DOS without a bunch of shitposters derailing by talking about how the Acorn Archimedes has inferior NES ports or the BBC Micro has a funny name.
Anyway, is there anything the C64 has that doesn't have a better port on another system? Either the Amstrad CPC or Amiga?

>> No.10669212

6th gen babies drove down the quality of the board to such an extent most people who actually care about retro games and hardware left. Now all that remains are CRT shader fags, emufags, trolls, console war fags, "what if dreamcast didnt le fail" fags, and Mario/Zelda/Sonic threads as far as the eye can see.

>> No.10669224

If you have something exciting to share about the c64, I'd be glad to read it. Unfortunately we weren't all so fortunate as to have computers in the early 80's. Lord have mercy. One thing I learned: that sid chip is amazing.

I did see some one working on a first person shooter for the c64. Doesn't look, or sound half bad. Amazing computer.

>> No.10669227

When I get my mister I'll try these old pcs out. Also the MSX

>> No.10669270
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Bros what if we just complain about /vr/ instead of posting games and discussion, that will certainly improve the state of this board.

>> No.10669276

There's always threads with C64 discussion, lurk more.

>> No.10669290

No one whose actually programmed for both platforms could believe this.

>> No.10669292
File: 65 KB, 639x396, grey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Here is what the NFO says about the game "Grey is an FPS in development. There are four levels to explore in this version. Some areas are available only upon collecting a required door key (doors requiring keys are marked with vertical stripes placed on neighbouring walls) or opening push-walls. The player is initially equipped with two weapons; a pistol and chainsaw. Shotgun and chaingun can be collected later. The player can also collect ammunition, med kits and door keys. The objective of every mission is to find exit - a green blinking map square.". And that's all there is to say about the game, but as soon as it's available as a public demo or as a full game we will let you know."



>> No.10669329

The 400/800 came out 3 years before the C64. The C64 should have leapfrogged the A8 series, but it didn't and really only has the upper hand in sound. They're extremely comparable machines, the C64 had no excuse being so late to the party.

>> No.10669353

>Atari 400/800
>doesn’t even have color text mode
>reverse characters cannot be redefined
>fewer colors per sprite than the c64

>> No.10669661

The Commodore was nice but I prefer the Amiga.
I wish I had the chance to play it, own it.

>> No.10669664

C64 is kind of poisoned by all the horrible Euro tape shovelware when all the actually worthwhile games it had were NTSC ones.

>> No.10669679
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Redpill me on the VIC-20, I don't see much talk about it here even though it was the direct predecessor(?) to the Commodore 64

>> No.10669685

Atari 2600 with a keyboard basically, the games are very small and crude. Good for about 10 minutes of gameplay.

>> No.10669690

What >>10669685 said. It was the perfect stepping stone for Commodore to work from and sink their teeth into.

>> No.10669710

the VIC-20 was really just a filler computer as Commodore had excess parts they had to use up including a giant pile of surplus 2114 RAMs and also they lacked a proper home computer entry to compete with the Atari 400, Timex-Sinclair 1000, and TRS-80 CoCo. in short they needed something for that market segment until C64 was ready to ship.

>> No.10669721

I wish more computers looked like the PET. That thing has a design I just love.

>> No.10669740

I had one and the only game I really liked and remember now was Paradroid. I can vaguely remember obtuse games like War in Middle Earth I never got anywhere in as a kid. Other stuff I liked had ports, like Pirates!, but I generally played them on something else.

>> No.10669824

Again, there exists a c64 game where you play as a knight, but due to shoddy game design, you get stuck at around level 13 or so. Wish I could find it again.

>> No.10669884

C64 was cheaper to produce and had much better sprite capability. Atari was king in 3D graphics though.

>> No.10669897

>it’s console kids out the ass
in other words, Americans.

>> No.10669917

The games were made on tight schedules at rock bottom margins by devs infected with demoscene brain. Paradroid, Bubble Dizzy and Hudson Hawk were alright i guess

>> No.10670484

What did the zoomie mean by this?

>> No.10670496
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how did we go from this

>> No.10670501
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to this

>> No.10670504

I've seen this. It makes smart use of colours but it needs better conveyance to keep the player oriented.

>> No.10670512

Since no one's answering the thread on it. How come there aren't more ports of Sierra's AGI games to C64 like King's Quest I-IV, Space Quest I-II, Leisure Suit Larry I-II, Police Quest, Black Cauldron etc?

>> No.10670516

Welcome, warrior, to Valley Forge!

Seems like a pretty cool game though and that C64 intro is a banger

>> No.10670521

the principle reason was that the AGI engine required 128k of memory

>> No.10670568
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Presumably because those of you who pretend to care prefer making bitching threads instead of talking about the actual games.

>> No.10670586
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>starts out as keep-the-cursor-centered simulator
>turns into pixel perfect space combat simulator
>ends as a turn-based strategy game

>> No.10671178

Commodore definitely had the upper hand in manufacturing costs, though their cost-cutting was evident. And yes the 3D LucasFilm stuff on the Atari is truly wild, some of my favorite games of all time.

>> No.10671395

Well sure, it's an American website (whose userbase didn't change after a Japanman took ownership of it).

>> No.10671719

Because it's shit. Just like Atari and all those other really old systems. Gaming didn't get good until around the NES.

>> No.10671870

You must be 18 to use this website.

>> No.10671890

I'm 30. There's a reason why even people who never grew up with it enjoy 3rd-6th gen and not earlier.

>> No.10671985
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/vr/ talks about it occasionally, but console gaming drowns it out a bit, which is natural I think. More kids had access to consoles than computers in general. Mostly Europeans and rich Americans had computers.

>Can’t speak ill on loading times
i know it's just nostalgia, but I have fond memories of loading times. It helped build anticipation and was like a journey in itself.

>> No.10672039

>6th gen babies drove down the quality of the board to such an extent most people who actually care about retro games and hardware left
we definitely did used to have a ton of threads about this that or the other micro scene
but those threads were usually like 90% shitfits and people b8ing the fuck out of each other. so i cant say i really miss it too much

>> No.10672067

Absolutely obsessed.

There's more console kiddies in Japan and South America than there are in the US. It's why the Japanese rarely develop games for the PC, and it's why so many third worldies are obsessed with Sega.

>> No.10672090

List your top 10 best C64 platformers.

>> No.10672104

that's console speak. you go to C64 for the CRPGs and adventure games.

>> No.10672125

>tens of thousands of games
>can't name 10 platformers

>> No.10672307

Impossible Mission
Lode Runner
The Goonies
Trolls and Tribulations
Bubble Bobble
Monty on the Run
does Exile count as a platformer?
does Below the Root?
otherwise I'll go with Bruce Lee or my boy Dizzy in Magic Land

>> No.10672324

>Yes those ports are often inferior
inferior even to other console arcade ports

>> No.10672836

Name the 10 best point and clicks on the SNES.

>> No.10675183



>> No.10675192
