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10581804 No.10581804 [Reply] [Original]

So, who was Sushi-X anyway?

>> No.10581839

Why did so many magazine reviewers use pseudonyms anyway?

>> No.10581856

You could use google and find out in 10 or so seconds

>> No.10581868

Scary Larry

>> No.10581943

I'll do it. Originally Ken Williams, but Sushi X wasn't just one guy, after a while basically the whole staff took turns being Sushi X.

>> No.10581970

but thats fraud!

>> No.10581996

Because it's cool, and you had a good while before "Cunnyviolator1488" happens

>> No.10582029

Because video games are cringe and nobody wants their real name attached to it.
Now the real question is, did any of the Sushi-X go full weeaboo and learn Japanese?

>> No.10582183

Ice Master aka me

>> No.10582204


>> No.10582361
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A rotating cast of the other writers and guest writers

>> No.10582372

Crispin was my guy back in the day

>> No.10582513

I'll take anonymous reviewers over modern "game journalists" any day

>> No.10582519
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Axy, Spot, Ryo... Based.

>> No.10582991

I don't know, anonymous. I really don't know. Probably they just didn't want people sending them angry letters. I remember PSM had this luchador fellow too.

>> No.10583248

Something sort of charming about reviewers expressing discomfort/annoyance with excessive swearing in a game.

>> No.10584383

>Replay: 3
This is less to do with them specifically but replay is always been a hot topic for me. They go on and on about how this game is so phenomenal but they basically say they're probably never gonna play it again. You didn't see this from movie or book critics but people always act like that a game needs to have all these bells and whistles for it to be replayble. If a game is good then it's replayble because good things deserve to be played just for being good. Fans of most any other medium would constantly revisit favorites just because they liked them. And I know games often take a lot of time to complete but that's for absolutely perfect runs, let's not pretend you can't knock out most FF games pretty quickly especially if you just keep to the main plot. Likewise while a game critic might have more on their plate time wise to revisit every game the review numbers should be for the audience not their own intentions to replay.

>> No.10584457

>phenomenal but they basically say they're probably never gonna play it again
You can't untwist a twist
>You didn't see this from movie or book critics
Because those media have existed for multiple times the span of time games have existed. 5 times for the former, some 150 times for the latter. They already knew what gamers need to be told again. FF7 in particular hits far less hard when all the twists are laid out.

>> No.10584486

>You can't untwist a twist
And a twist can't carry your story. A good twist relies on information established early on making the reviews BETTER because you know it. The Sixth Sense is actually a more enjoyable film once you know the big reveal and your brain is going into overdrive to piece the puzzle together.

>> No.10584814

I am Sushi-X.

>> No.10585216

What the FUCK was your problem with the Game Boy?

>> No.10587139

Are you kidding? Some of the best games of all time are the ones you can play over and over again and still enjoy yourself. It's the same with movies and books. If I love a movie AND watch it many times without hating it, then it's a phenomenal film.

>> No.10589261
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When I was younger, my opinions matched most closely to Sushi-X's too. There were a few times I may have disagreed, but it was most aligned to his column, but these days it may be Ed's.

>> No.10589320

>since I cannot afford the games
oh fuck off, graniteanon, you can most certainly afford the games. I still love you, but don't lie again.

>> No.10589338 [DELETED] 

>french attentionwhore now co-opts American games media that he didn't even grow up with
Holy shit, unironically get a goddamn trip or kill yourself.
>can't afford the games
Quit spending your discretionary income from your Amazon warehouse job on games you don't even play you consoomer dipshit.

>> No.10589646 [DELETED] 

How do you know he's Fwench?

>> No.10589723

>Please do not instigate or participate in flamewars. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.
Oh I'm sorry is granitefag a protected poster now?