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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.67 MB, 1200x1200, sexycube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10568113 No.10568113 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10568120

What the fuck is that thing

>> No.10568124

Sweet hardware

>> No.10568128

Why does the japanese have all the fun

>> No.10568134

A GameCube that plays DVDs just like the PS2. People kept saying this would save the Cube. It didn't.

>> No.10568136

I want to put my dick in it

>> No.10568140

I want it to put its dick in me!

>> No.10568149

It's a gamecube, but it plays DVDs
That's it, that's the hardware
Does look neat though

>> No.10568162
File: 31 KB, 640x427, Console_psx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's basically no reason to own one of these but I still want one

>> No.10568170
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One day...

>> No.10568175

the proto-XMB interface on this one is phenomenal

>> No.10568209
File: 1.08 MB, 1360x620, Screenshot 2024-01-02 232002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10568214

I wish it were winter so we could freeze it into ice blocks and skate on it and melt it in the spring time and drink it!

>> No.10568223

I would love one of those blue dev ps1s. I'll probably get a shell like that at some point. I also want the small original jap PS1 controller and the the jap analog controller with built in rumble. And a famicom disk system would be pretty neat. Speaking of which, the famicom keyboard is also something I want. And a Hudson bomberman turbo Saturn controller. And a hori pad mini for N64.

>> No.10568263
File: 80 KB, 366x120, 1700704110131675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I doing it right?

>> No.10568284

Why? I have two. Never use them. They're just annoying to maintain eye candy.
Why would you want an 0130 without inserts. That's retarded. All mine have them.

>> No.10568347
File: 35 KB, 480x425, IMG_1514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10568354

Kraken Club wasn't even that good.

>> No.10568520
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>> No.10568538

Sexy eye candy. Let the hardware rust up who cares. What matters is the look

>> No.10568547

Thing is literally enormous

>> No.10568554
File: 128 KB, 1280x1021, 64DD-Attached.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10568568

Is it odd there's nothing I really WANT to own and pretty happy with what I got?

>> No.10568584

I'll never understand the growing fascination with this thing. Is it some sort of "Y2K AESTHETICS" deal? It's neat, sure, but in the past few years it seems to have attained some sort of mythical status; suddenly everybody wants to own one, despite maybe a decade ago them being largely seen as little more than a novelty which didn't command some hugely inflated price.

>> No.10568630
File: 1.83 MB, 4160x2080, 20210823_124537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold one of these because it was beyond my budget and time to get it fixed. All I cared about was the Genesis half, but I wish I would have had enough motivation to keep it for basically having the PC Engine CD half ready to go if I had gotten it's pac.

>> No.10568639

I forgot to mention that it was region free because I was able to use my North American carts with it.

>> No.10568654

The people who want it now only do so because it was somewhat rare.

>> No.10568814

I really like the SNES Donkey Kongs.

>> No.10568819
File: 62 KB, 800x543, DKC_Competition_Cartridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

>> No.10568842

SEGA CD/X'Eye/CDX, TurboDuo, and 3DO FZ-10 are at the top of my list for this

>> No.10569256
File: 169 KB, 640x535, hyfplx6-db7eb309ef384cc8f916790895168922-640-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love a gray Mega Drive, which was a TecToy exclusive in Brazil, it just looks so nice and sleek... the controller especially, it just fits the console's layout, it's a nice color combo, the lighter and darker grays.

>> No.10569390

Hardly any point only having just 1
They do look damn nice. I used to have one in the livingroom setup, but I didn't want to play on it regularly and decided the space would be better wasted on something else. Now I keep it a cabinet and only take it out when I need to make poorfags seethe.
Meh. Have a few. Honestly use my v64s more.
They were already meme systems 10 years ago. Expensive on ebay and even at tourist traps. I remember checking prices the day I bought one for ¥4,500 in Jan 2015 and they were selling for $500+ on ebay. iirc scamdrake was more than 1/2 that.

>> No.10569408

>bro your dream is shit

Get laid incel. Let the rest of us have our fun.

>> No.10569418
File: 132 KB, 800x600, 1673673680259745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was out of date when it was launch but fuck I still want one

>> No.10569442

What's this, a Mega Drive drive?

>> No.10569452
File: 1.27 MB, 1376x1273, Megapc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like an Amstrad Mega PC

>> No.10569464
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Treamcast and miku psp goes in the bag

>> No.10569475
File: 386 KB, 1164x1200, s-l1200~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This doesn't look cool, no matter what faggots here might say. It looks like a cheap piece of shit CD player you'd find in a discount store.

>> No.10569476

Based FFXI fag?

>> No.10569483
File: 1.40 MB, 1440x1080, 3d57ravjofd01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10569490


>> No.10569491

a mix of this, I don't lust any specific model or version, but it'd be great to have one of this screens for my PSOne or GC

>> No.10569492
File: 27 KB, 399x400, GameBoyLightBox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always wanted to import a gameboy light, it's fucking impossible to find one that isn't in garbage condition unless you just spend like 700$ on a sealed one.

>> No.10569496


>> No.10569503
File: 479 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20240103-100223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game is really expensive too for some reason (it kinda sux)

>> No.10569573

>but in the past few years it seems to have attained some sort of mythical status
Has it really? Or is this just your made up thing to justify yourself being needlessly miserable and mad at people liking something? Why don't you just leave this thread, stop being such a faggot for no reason.

>> No.10569618

So then why do you own two?

>> No.10569691

Maybe if they released it in larger quantities worldwide. It's hard to say there was no demand for an item released in minuscule quantities and zero marketing to make people interested. I bet there was basically no intersection between "I'd buy a GC if it could play DVDs" and "I know the Panasonic GC exists."

>> No.10569803

I never saw one irl

>> No.10570032

But anon, you can have DVD playback with the PS2 and Xbox.

>> No.10570071
File: 30 KB, 640x480, MPRG600Afront-2989777163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda want a PopEgg just because it's so fucking stupid.
It's not the dumbest PS2 accessory though. That honor goes to the Horizontal Stand.

>> No.10571225

Is that yours? I've been looking for one. Can't find one for sale in a con or the wild at all.

>> No.10571234

It's a very rare, limited release gamecube with a dvd player. The kind that was never common.

Since you want to play dvds.

>> No.10571240

Could have if Nintendo held the license worry free but nobody did.
Not even Microsoft/Xbox got around that. They had to release a dongle and a remote to get around the licensing issues surrounding the dvd format at the time.

It wasn't as simple as slapping it in, and a lot of people didn't know. Sony knew it held the high ground in that gen via paperwork.

>> No.10571250

What does that do?

>> No.10571254

It says "DIGITAL COLOR PRINTER" right there on the base.

>> No.10571263

My eyes are bad. Didnt think the PS2 NEEDED a printer. I wonder if the ink still runs...

>> No.10571269
File: 382 KB, 1600x1600, IMG_1523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1’s enough for Virtual-On, you stupid mother fucker.

>> No.10571271

Gran Turismo 4's photo mode lets you send images straight to a printer.
I don't know of anything else that could use it.

>> No.10571273

a playable copy of true fantasy live online

>> No.10571275

installing horizon right now lol

>> No.10571316

I bought one six months ago and it was completely worth it.

>> No.10571369

I never understood how it works since gamecube motors spin in reverse unless it has two

>> No.10571426

The horizontal stand is very aesthetic and completes the look of the console, second best PS2 purchase I made after the network adapter. Popegg doesn't look like it even comes from the same planet as the PS2

>> No.10571431
File: 822 KB, 1592x1944, Game and Watch Classic Mini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even like tiger handhelds but I always wanted to own one of these little Gameboys.

>> No.10571443

Same, I want to hang it from my keys will their in the ignition to my car.

>> No.10571448

u mad?
No treamstation? Why even live?
Why do you have more than one roll of toilet paper in the house? You do have more than one roll of toilet paper in the house, right?
>friendless incel only plays with himself
Many such cases

>> No.10571449

Gamecube discs rotate the same direction as any other, they "read backwards" because the data starts on the outermost track, as opposed to most optical discs starting on the innermost track.

>> No.10571460

You should be playing on Catseyexi.

>> No.10571529


>> No.10571534
File: 1.91 MB, 1600x1200, tvr9giz0va891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want one of these for the same reason

>> No.10571538

You don't know if they got laid or not young weird ass meth addict hipster fagget

>> No.10571542
File: 13 KB, 300x309, IMG_1392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>japan only

>> No.10571548

Lol that controller looks craptrded

>> No.10571662

Can you buy one for me though?

>> No.10571669

Do you really connect the controllers to the back?

>> No.10571693

It IS winter in half of the world, you know?

>> No.10571701

not into collecting physical stuff, but i guess i would want a dreamcast

>> No.10571770

I bought one 10+ years ago because I wanted one ever since I laid eyes on it in the 4/93 Gamepro.. I had Hyperion for it (sega ld). The games do not hold up; you are moving a cursor over a cgi movie. It is interesting but not worth it unless as investment. I never bothered to check if the Sega CD benefited from the digital audio out but iirc it didn't. As far as LD there are more capable players out there. Overall I'm just pissed at the wasted potential. RPGs and menacer shooters would have been amazing..
the NEC pac was stupidly expensive last I checked 2-3x the sega pac.. I had quiz econosaurus for the NEC and never got to 'play' it.

>> No.10572143

PS2 was in such a dire need of a printer that there's two entirely different incompatible ones
One of them prints on postcard-sized paper and the other prints on regular sheets of paper.

>> No.10572151

You know, I could understand integrating Mega Drive compatibility into a Mac, Amiga, or Atari but shoehorning in a 68000 into an IBM PC just seems wrong.

>> No.10572165

I saw a sfm version of this at a store in Japan the other day. I would've bought it if had some way of getting it home in the states.

>> No.10572564
File: 30 KB, 513x286, ce2e1680ccf3d390521dc7e7e21fa063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sega Dreamcast DVD player.

>> No.10572575

A few years ago I drove 4 hrs to go to the only Micromania in France that had some of those left, bought the whole stock

>> No.10572593
File: 9 KB, 266x190, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or dsl

>> No.10572998
File: 1.43 MB, 1628x1048, PSX DESR-5100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one of these. It's a really cool system, but among my collection, especially since I have a ps2 with a mod chip, it's completely useless. I can't mod it to play european games or american games, I can't use the DVR function because it can't sync to tv channels outside japan, so I can only use it for the dozen or so japanese games I own.
But man does it look awesome.
I really want to get one of these.
I've found two of these on separate occasions on a black market flea market thing in my country, both of them are in meh condition though, and no battery cover. No idea how they made it here.
This TV doesn't play Playstation games though? It's just a Playstation branded TV, you still connect a regular playstation to it.

>> No.10573048

It doesn't have the PS1 hardware in it (unlike the PS2 TV), but it's a dedicated trinitron model designed exclusively around the PS1 console. Has the PS1 gray finish and supports every possible output of the console. Also, the round speaker circles match the power and open buttons on the console

>> No.10573056

That's fair.
I do have the ps2 Bravia TV, and a super famicom sharp TV as well, but I've never seen this playstation tv in person before.

>> No.10573073
File: 319 KB, 1024x683, SEGA SATURN SUPER PROLOGUE 21 MULTIMEDIA KARAOKE SYSTEM%0A%0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want it for karoke function
and the look but i swear i will use it to play saturn games if i got one

>> No.10573158

I'm not much of a hardwarefag beyond wanting to own basic stock consoles (of which I pretty much already have all that I want, outside of a GameGear, Mark III/MS, and Virtual Boy), so this PlayStation TV is one of the few things here which really catches my eye. Sure it doesn't really add much to gameplay that another CRT doesn't already accomplish, but I can't deny that hooking an original PS hooked up to it and running games would be awesome.

>> No.10573182

You don't want a Virtual Boy, all of its games run and feel better on modern hardware, like a VR headset or even your phone. It truly was an uncomfortable piece of shit that isn't worth hunting down even just for the novelty of trying it. The controller is complete fucking ass as well.

>> No.10573213

This is a lie. MAYBE VR headset comes closest, but anything else does not replicate the actual feel of using the real deal. I also cant believe in all this time, people have not figured out their personal comfort preferences with it. If you are leaning your body into the system, you are doing it wrong.

Not saying someone should just buy one if they have minor interest, but someone with a strong interest in unique retro game experiences should track one down.

>> No.10573220

You don't want "the real deal". There is nothing about personal preference, it's demonstrably awful to use no matter what you fucking do; Lay on your stomach on the floor, sitting crouched over a table, even strapping it to your head, it all fucking sucks shit. And again, the controller. Literally no way you view the screen will magically make the controller comfortable.

>> No.10573221

I'm gonna have to say the look of the VB is hard to emulate exactly, and while emulating is fine for most people getting a consistently functional controller mapping is tricky. I ended up modding a VB controller into a USB controller. Having a headstrap is nice too.

t. VB and VR owner

>> No.10573224

Best solution is finding a thrift shop that has one and asking to see if it works to see just how fucking terrible it is for free.

>> No.10573228

>VB placed on edge of table at eye level
Magically makes the controller comfortable too

>> No.10573239

I played one in a TRU (and maybe even at a WalMart, too) back when it was new and didn't have an issue with it.

>> No.10573242
File: 17 KB, 440x216, hardware-virtual-boy-20080114030010692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English evidently is not your first language if you think your head's placement in any way can transform this controller to feel comfortable, especially with its fucking six AA batteries weighing it down. You, personally, are not understanding why the controller is so uncomfortable when you see it with your own fucking eyes.

>> No.10573246

It was a Zellers or K-Mart, and you weren't playing it for more than five minutes unless both your parents and the store allowed kids to freeload there unsupervised.

>> No.10573247

I have a virtualboy right here, I've never had issues playing it, it's fine, but then the 3D on a 3DS also doesn't bother me and i have friends who get headaches from those after 10 minutes.
Also had no issues with the controller. Especially since I had the adaptor pack and not the battery pack, but while the controller may look funky, it works perfectly and is super intuitive for especially teleroboxer.

>> No.10573253

Idk wtf your issue is with the controller, its almost universally considered the best thing about the system to the point people have made adaptors to use it on other hardware.

As for comfortable playing positions, the ideal and natural way is to have it on a stand or tall table that you can slightly lean the VB onto your face. If you are bending your neck down, you are doing it wrong. Eblows pressed down on the stand surface, controller in front or behind the system, my personal preference is holding it behind. I wont deny the system has setting up that may take a bit to get comfortable with, but i was fortunate enough to have just the right piece of furniture to make it completely comfortable to use, it just takes a little experimenting. Alternatively, just laying it on your head while laying down works fine also, though you may want a small piece of foam for the nose piece if playing for long periods.

As far as original hardware preference, emulation does not replicate the feel of using the system with the visor and its sensory deprivation of the rest of the world beyond the game. MAYBE VR does it justice now, but i would still be weary of it till i get to personally try it to see if it captures the same visual effect of the real thing seeing as the original is not the same thing as what modern VR effects accomplish.

>> No.10573254

>its fucking six AA batteries weighing it down.

Use the AC adapter like anyone sane.

>> No.10573258

Only flaw with VR VB that doesn't emulate it perfectly is you'll still see the lines between pixels/"screen door effect" even with the highest resolution headset, while the red and black theming on VB games basically hid those lines in the black.

>> No.10573295
File: 331 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_0763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing no doubt.

>> No.10573310

>using RF for target practice

>> No.10573339

Imagine being a streamer and some asshole swat calls you while you’re playing that.

>> No.10573353

imagine being american

>> No.10573356

I use to aim old gen 1 pong system rifles out my window as a kid at people. Its a fucking miracle im alive.

>> No.10573367
File: 703 KB, 2115x1485, WonderSwan-Color-Blue-Left-2579307714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's only like three games off the top of my mind that I actually want for this thing.

>> No.10573428
File: 61 KB, 800x560, wonderswan-photo-featured-IG-elultimocartucho-800x560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually trying to sell my whole Wonderswan collection atm, keeping the orange Swan Color and my copy of Klonoa tho. But I live in Northern Ontario, ain't nobody up here even know what a Wonderswan is.

>> No.10573449
File: 2.41 MB, 225x255, 1652157212940.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. If you want true happiness, rid yourself of everything.

>> No.10573583
File: 6 KB, 225x225, IMG_0540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you lucky bastard. What else can you play other than Virtual-on?

>> No.10573598

I was with my mom and in a relatively wealthy, nonfuxated area. As in, nobody gave a fuck because most kids weren't hellions. Guess it could've been K-Mart, but one of the places was definitely TRU. They were big on display units, I remember they also had the GameBoy kiosk with the Demovision+TV that had the green film over it.

>> No.10573846

The Sega Spartan

>> No.10573865
File: 1.23 MB, 1200x900, Dreamcast Divers 2000 CX-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10573868


>> No.10573874

Where's the pussy?

>> No.10573892

Has anyone a clue why they didnt mass produce those? Obviously it wouldve given more people a reason to buy a cube. Why just produce a few limited numbers? Was DVD player implementation too expensive or what?

>> No.10573904

Cause Nintendo is paranoid about piracy?
Not even the Wii supported normal DVDs or CDs.

>> No.10573939

probably because the license for DVD playback was expensive at the time, that's why on the original Xbox it requires the media remote and dongle to enable it DVD playback functionality, Microsoft only had to pay the license for the dongles rather than for every single Xbox which saved them a lot of money while still being able to tout being able to play DVD's, presumably the license got a lot cheaper by the time the Xbox 360 came out since it can do DVD's right out of the box

interestingly it seems Sony aren't immune to having to pay their own licenses for DVD and Blu-Ray playback, as both the PS4 and PS5 require an online connection the first time you try to play disc based media(or if you bought the digital only version of the PS5 and are attaching the optional disc drive they sell for it) presumably as a license activation measure so Sony only has to pay itself for consoles that bother using it for watching physical media

>> No.10573949
File: 1.21 MB, 1200x900, 1679643616588886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10573963

Sony was involved in the development of both DVD and Bluray and also own some of the underlying MPEG patents.
I doubt they have to pay for the license.

>> No.10573967

I saw the review on one of those and the quality is surprisingly not that bad compared to PVMs.

>> No.10573969

interesting points. how is it with DVD licenses today? i guess it got a lot cheaper nowadays while bluray replaced it and has the expensive licenses.

>> No.10573974
File: 88 KB, 405x384, 1684969043173503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always wish I had one of these but the camp was monopolized 24/7 on my server from day 1 to the day it was removed...

>> No.10573989

it's not a GameCube that plays DVDs, it's a GameCube and largely separate DVD player stuffed in the same casing. two sets of cables are needed for both to output in their best modes.

>> No.10573993

it cost more than buying the console and dvd player separately, and yanks weren't short on space

>> No.10573996

i always assumed that was more about the drives wearing out, which would not be good for the reputation of Nintendo products

>> No.10574064

air fryer

>> No.10574176

Between your nose and chin

>> No.10574193

alright this is sweet

>> No.10574201

>Has anyone a clue why they didnt mass produce those?

They *did* mass produce them. They sold 100,000 units worldwide. But it wasnt enough, and they cancelled production. Nintendo said sales were too low. It was simply too expensive. IIRC it was around $400 dollars to buy one brand new.

>> No.10574223
File: 966 KB, 1284x1700, IMG_3251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aeris’ Theme music box. Seems like it’d be a nice and somber treat to listen to it while I’m piss drunk and reflecting on my childhood. Reflecting on the price would probably also make me weep a bit.


>> No.10574226

>It was simply too expensive. IIRC it was around $400 dollars to buy one brand new.
$400 for a vanilla japanese model. But it cost $500 dollars for the version with all the mods installed to remove region locking.

>> No.10574285


>> No.10574292

Says it right there in the box. I ain’t finna boutta call her by that moronic retcon unless I have to.

>> No.10574738
File: 50 KB, 695x599, 695px-Aiwamcd7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt I'd have much use for it, but I'd like to have an Aiwa Mega-CD. It's a CD-player/stereo that can also play Sega Mega Drive and Sega Mega-CD games.

>> No.10575092

Speak for yourself, language has nothing to do with physical comfort. You've tacitly admitted you've never personally held the controller yourself and merely claim the appearance of being uncomfortable. In reality it's quite comfortable to hold batteries or not. When set on the edge of a table and raised to eye level the system is no more strenuous than any other tabletop activities like reading a book or writing notes. The "magic" was a joke at the expense of your ignorance.

>> No.10575102

>You've tacitly admitted you've never personally held the controller yourself and merely claim the appearance of being uncomfortable.
My mother got me one for Christmas after seeing me play the demo station at a Toys'r'Us, but okay.

>> No.10575118

I'm actually a little confused but this was almost thirty years ago. She was so excited thinking the VB would be the perfect gift, but when I came across it and expressed disappointment, cause she confused me playing the demo station to try it out as me actually enjoying it, and then the next year it was such a fucking argument about why I'm asking for the Nintendo 64 when I apparently hate Nintendo games now. My mother also has BPD.

>> No.10575123

I was just confused because in my memory, I already had an N64, but it wouldn't even release for another year, but now I remember the constant arguments over the Virtual Boy when I wanted an N64.

>> No.10575134

And now I'm remembering how at release, you literally could not buy a single game for the N64 in my city, anywhere. The only stores carrying them were Sears, Zellers, K-Mart, and Toys'r'Us. My mother spent two days driving around to every single place we could think of just to have a video game to actually play on the N64, eventually going to some shitty old VHS rental store in the corner of a building that had a copy of Pilot Wings 64 for rent ($10 for two days). Her BPD really would make her 180 from going above and beyond for me and get nasty when she would buy me things I never wanted or needed. That's the only way she showed love; By buying products.

>> No.10575145 [DELETED] 

This isn't a chatroom, I suggest consolidating your thoughts into one post. Anyways, you apparently feel differently that I do about it, I'd argue that's because you have a negative connotation to the system because it wasn't what you wanted as a Christmas present from your mother.

Can you use words to describe what makes the system so uncomfortable besides your angsty childhood memories regarding your mother? I've already stated how to play the system comfortably, all you've offered in response is that the controller is heavy which doesn't make it uncomfortable in my opinion. Enlighten me.

>> No.10575153

This isn't a chatroom, I suggest consolidating your thoughts into one post. Anyways, you apparently feel differently than I do about it, I'd argue that's because you have a negative connotation to the system because it wasn't what you wanted as a Christmas present from your mother.

Can you use words to describe what makes the system so uncomfortable besides your angsty childhood memories regarding your mother? I've already stated how to play the system comfortably, all you've offered in response is that the controller is heavy which doesn't make it uncomfortable in my opinion. Enlighten me.

>> No.10575205

I played the demo station at Toys'r'Us.
I hated the experience.
The controller has thin, long grips with giant, individual finger indents where holding it normally, your thumbs MAY comfortably rest over (far over) the two d-pads (which are useless as a concept for every title on the device besides Teleroboxer. But I was nine years old at the time so my hands were probably especially small. Only issue prior holding any controller was how sharp the shitty NES's corners are, they always dug into my palms.
The d-pads don't even feel right, like they're mushier versions of the GBC d-pad but with this tactile circular pattern on it like the N64's analog stick. They don't feel good at all, but thankfully you'll only be doing four inputs with either one, I don't recall needing diagonal inputs for the three games I played (Teleroboxer, Mario Clash, and Mario Tennis. The one game I did want to play, Wario Land, I never got to until emulating it 25 years later).
The symmetrical Start/Select/A/B buttons combined with the two d-pads, especially when playing Teleroboxing, had me constantly confusing them and pressing Start or Select needlessly all of the time, worseso than people had with the original phat DS's power button basically being a select button directly above its d-pad.
I don't remember the weight of it when at the demo station, and can only assume some massive pvp piping both secured and protected the demo's controller, but at home I had to use six AA batteries and that made the controller heavy as fucking shit on top of its unwieldly large size and shape. A SNES controller with a second d-pad would have been infinitely better.

And I'm a fucking faggot who adores playing Virtua-on and other two-stick arcade games. Everything about the VB controller is just fucking shit.

>> No.10575206

Whoa dude, what's with the fucking novel? Organize your criticisms into one concise, digestible sentence for us now while still being descriptive.

>> No.10575212


>> No.10575221
File: 609 KB, 1366x768, Almost Didn't Got 'Im.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10575225

If discussing comfort, then weight does matter. Post your hands.

>> No.10575260

Still want both RE4 chainsaw controllers

>> No.10575268
File: 27 KB, 474x284, 1ymvmprvcng31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh? Is there a PS2 version?
>there is
>the shitty blood on the sawblade compared to the blood on the yellow Gamcube one

>> No.10575275

Thanks for the substantive criticism, >>10575206 is an illiterate assclown pretending to be me.

I never had an issue with bending my thumbs to lightly press the D-pad, I never had a problem pushing A and B nor did I confuse them for the start and select buttons. I personally found something like the Atari Jaguar to have a super mushy D-pad, I don't agree the VB D-pads are mushy. The added weight of the controller may have been an issue if you weren't playing seated with your arms resting on a table, but who knows maybe you were trying to play it standing up for whatever reason. I'll admit it's not a great controller, but I still say it's a perfectly serviceable controller and the ideal way to play VB. If you don't like weird consoles, you don't have to play them. Emulating is perfectly fine for most people, that's always been my stance.

>> No.10575278

The longer I look at these two controllers the more confused I become

>> No.10575283

A lot of shitty controllers are serviceable. Like the original NES controller, or the horrendous Xbox 360 controller.

>> No.10575289

Had one.
Pretty dumb honestly. Better off with a mega drive and a pc entirely separately.
Actually most of the stuff in this thread is not very good. I don’t believe you anons really want most of these gimmicky things. They were not popular for good reasons.

>> No.10575292

>serviceable controllers are shitty
Very melodramatic from my perspective, feel free to use your Bluetooth controller of choice for your emulation setups though.

>> No.10575293

The thread is literally called, "Random Shit You Want to own." It's a thread about random things anons want to possess. Nobody is getting any of these things believing they're going to be some premium, optimized holy grail without the flaws of the device they're based off of/fused with/complimenting.

>> No.10575312

Shit now that you mention it maybe i only want the gamecube one.

>> No.10575316

Yes, 'Aeris' is not a plural, so that is correct.

>> No.10575319
File: 148 KB, 1044x850, 20230831_205831~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not taking a picture just for you so here's a crop from an older photo taken of me playing VB. Note my arms are rested on the surface I'm playing on, negating most if not all the weight of the controller. If you think the weight is that bad I can't help but think you're not terribly strong.

>> No.10575348

>He strapped it to his head

>> No.10575354

That's not his stomach, that's a padded tv tray that he's leaning his full weight onto. He's likely more laying on his lower spine than properly sitting. Looks so comfy indeed!

>> No.10575363
File: 18 KB, 300x287, bad-posture-cartoon-300x287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might as well be laying on the floor on your stomach at this point.

>> No.10575365
File: 166 KB, 1200x1083, 1670096052096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10575378
File: 448 KB, 2600x1045, 20230831_205831~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's standing on the blockbuster case, while you'll never admit it I'm clearly sitting comfortably upright in a chair like I originally said. Feel free to think what you want, sour grapes and all that.

>> No.10575381

Oh wow, you're a twink who shaves his body. No wonder you're being such a cocky little shitter.

>> No.10575384

>"I'm clearly sitting comfortably." with his elbows raised half to to his neck
Laying on the floor on your stomach would be tenfold better for your neck and shoulders than sitting like this.

>> No.10575389

Look at his skull to shoulder width ratio, he looks to be 5'2, and short guys are always the most egotistical. It's called compensating.

>> No.10575398
File: 36 KB, 828x646, EJOjeP-WwAA_LRD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i am clearly sitting comfortably

>> No.10575416

>Feel free to think what you want, sour grapes and all that.

>> No.10575447
File: 89 KB, 512x468, wanted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arguably the most impractical choice but I want one anyways damn it.

>> No.10575450

You probably still could get an R360 if you had enough cash, and you were willing to do your own repairs. There are a few still out there.

>> No.10575465

I would if I had a garage I could store it in, I'd even be fine with giving it to some local location and playing it there. It'd be a hard sell all around with the floor space it occupies.

>> No.10575480

never seen that fingerbox model before

>> No.10575484

It's limited edition!

>> No.10575501

Toilet paper is a necessity, consumable, doesn't require maintenance, and costs pennies a roll.
Not exactly an apt comparison to a Panasonic Q that you admittedly don't particularly like despite buying and making space for two of them.

>> No.10575520

>I'd even be fine with giving it to some local location and playing it there. It'd be a hard sell all around with the floor space it occupies.

That's a great sentiment.

Unfortunately most indie arcades wouldn't want them anymore...at least in the USA. I was talking with an indie arcade owner recently and asked him why he doesn't have bigger deluxe motion arcade machines. I even mentioned the R360.

He said he could buy them. But due to the laws in the USA changing since the 1990s, Arcades need to buy additional liability insurance coverage if they have any arcade machines that move/spin the player (not just a seat that jiggles and shakes). So people can't sue the arcade if something bad happens while playing. He also said motion arcade machines need maintenance, and he doesn't want to deal with them breaking down and repairing them. The most he was willing to deal with is a rumble seat. Nothing more than that.

But an R360 is perfect for a private collector in my opinion. Someone who takes care of it, and doesn't have to worry about the machine being worn down from constant use from the general public. I know there are dozens of private collectors who have an R360.

The Galloping Ghost Arcade in Chicago has an R360. But they are sort of a special case. The owner is extremely passionate about sharing arcade machines with people. However, their R360 requires you to set up an appointment ahead of time. You can't just walk in and use it. Because of the age of the machine, they need to do safety checks and make sure it still works fine.

>> No.10575530
File: 126 KB, 622x520, 1692407062449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fellow Sega R360 chad
My man. You have great taste. Have you heard of the Sega R360 competitor from Taito? It called Taito D3Boss. I want one. Even more rare than Sega R360.

>> No.10575568


>> No.10575581
File: 457 KB, 300x200, 1696653707580431.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sour grapes that you'll never get to play the virtual boy

>> No.10575589
File: 25 KB, 150x188, 1667777926912886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still posting about how much he doesn't care

>> No.10575592

Die scum

>> No.10575650

Sour grapes because I ate shit as a kid, didn't like it, but you're here today eating shit now? Any "haters gonna hate" tier dismissals are, in fact, just tactical retreats. kek

>> No.10575689

Why do you shave your arms? You don't look athletic enough to be a professional swimmer.

>> No.10575695

No, because I found a way to play comfortably, an impossibility to anyone that has already made up their mind on the issue. I expected nothing but irrational seething and insecure posturing in response and was proven right.

>> No.10575701

Your bants mean nothing, I've seen what makes you comfortable.

>> No.10575710

>I'm not actually here for conversation
Previously acknowledged.

>> No.10575870
File: 248 KB, 640x478, 1681349680787432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, I'm here to see images of random retro game shit that people on /vr/ want.

>> No.10575882

Very based. Hopefully you're enjoying your VirtualBoy, anon. One day I'll finally buy one myself.

>> No.10575929
File: 16 KB, 567x425, DC-Segagaga-Limited-Edition-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the insightful post; I wasn't aware of the extra insurance issue, that's a real shame. I suppose travelling to a private collector would be the only way to realistically play one nowadays. Oh well, live in hope.

Holy shiiiiit! I wish I had heard of that, it kind of looks like those motion simulators they had at disneyquest for that "virtual roller coaster" experience. I wonder if this is the hardware they chose to use or if it's something similar instead. I'm gonna deep dive on that, thanks for bringing it to my attention.

Be the change you want to see

Thanks, I recently had a virtual ribbon installed so I don't need to worry about the displays failing any time soon. All this chat has made me want to play a round of Waterworld, I find it's an underrated game for the system all because of "lol Waterworld".

Here's another impractical thing I want, the Segagaga LE set. There's just something about it...

>> No.10575946
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, Cosmic Quest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already posted both of the things I could ever want though, but these threads are great for always discovering something new (to me).

>> No.10575947

Galloping Ghost Arcade in Illinois in the United States has a running R360. You should check them out. I think they are the biggest arcade in the world with the most machines. Something 1000 arcade machines in their building.

>> No.10575954
File: 19 KB, 306x315, 118124218528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This and maybe an official Sega UFO Catcher.

>> No.10575962
File: 1.72 MB, 850x1200, UFO Catcher Book Bag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just looking up how much one would cost and oh my god I could get one of these right now

>> No.10575965
File: 84 KB, 1080x1080, s-l1700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awww shiiit they got a backpack version too, both are $50 free shipping

>> No.10575968

Nigga everyone is going to think you watch My Little Pony if they see this

>> No.10575975

Fair enough.

>> No.10576008
File: 122 KB, 828x652, IMG_1537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10576009
File: 130 KB, 500x500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a 4:3 monitor where small-res graphics look pretty good on the display.

>> No.10576067
File: 95 KB, 443x492, cq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosmic quest
my nigga

>> No.10576554

It would be so hard but, a genuine Amiga 1500.

>> No.10576667

>I want a 4:3 monitor
Then why'd you post a 5:4 monitor?

>> No.10576679

It's what came up when I was looking up "4:3 HP monitor" on Google images.

>> No.10576683

Actually, on second inspection, that might be an actual 4:3 flatscreen, but the huge top and bottom bezels make it look like the common 5:4 ones.

>> No.10576724
File: 257 KB, 465x353, 1652249207967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to play with Marks Vectrex

>> No.10576748

You know he’s married to another man right?

>> No.10576798

>The peripheral at port is not supported in North America

>> No.10576805

Certain FPSes, and some after market games like Xeno Crisis and the port of Postal 1.

>> No.10576864

I don't care.
>drink beer
>play games
>drink more beer
>play more games
>get blackout drunk

>> No.10577024

shoot spaceships of red blue and green in your dreams

>> No.10577335

I have this, but it needs a microswitch mod. The stock button drops like evey other input.

>> No.10577738

I wish I could have played that, but none of the arcade venues I've went to had that.

>getting this triggered

>> No.10577986


>> No.10579131

Sound it out faster
"Ooo-ooo uaaahhhh uahhh (echoing uahhhs)

>> No.10579267
File: 54 KB, 480x640, 1682747226837176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are these as cute and expensive as an actual child

>> No.10579328

kek back when devs just added items to games that seemed cool only to accidentally increase your character's effectiveness by 3x+

seriously in classic the difference between a caster with a manastone and one without was insane, assuming they weren't a retard with it

>> No.10579341
File: 30 KB, 656x679, 1686454249455840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back in the 90s in a MUD I was playing I got a sword that had a chance to proc instant death on literally anything. I kept using it to kill the unkillable NPC which acted as the main hub for the server and the GM eventually had to take it away from me.

>> No.10579407

oh that brings back tons of memories in my own mud experience.

I was a relatively new player and I remember being online late at night. I was the only active player at that moment in the morning. An admin came online and was super drunk. And just for fun he used he admin powers and crafted one of the most powerful swords in the game and gave it to me because I was fun to talk to. Then said he wanted to get more drunk and logged off. Apparently this admin rarely logged on and was rarely seen.

Afterwards all the veteran players saw my new sword and started questioning how I could possibly get such a sword and started accusing me of cheating and lying. I told them it was a gift and they seethed hard. I then became a target for the rest of the game and so many players tried to PVP me to get my sword.

To combat this, I would teleport to a city far away, go to a specific hotel, and log off. NO ONE went here since all the activity was on the other side of the planet. I discovered that this one hotel in this city had a section where only one player was allowed in at a time. No one could follow me even if they were invisible or using stealth tech. If you tried to follow me it would say "You cannot enter this area. There is no room to follow." or something like that. Then I would log off. (You could only safely log off at designated hotel areas).

After a while I thought I was being paranoid until one of my irl friends who also played this mud with me said he privately overheard other players complaining about how I always travel to another city and use specific hotel. And that it makes it very difficult to ambush me. I knew then that I made the right call. I kept that amazing Uber sword until I quit the game a year later. Just to spite them all I kept using that hotel as a log off point.

Sorry about the essay. Your post just triggered a memory in me.

>> No.10579748

They’re like $50

>> No.10579772

Does it make toast?

>> No.10579775

Please tell me there’s a way around that?
Any tutorials?

>> No.10579945
File: 196 KB, 1080x1080, s-l1600[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would COOOM if I got my hands on a Net Yaroze.

>> No.10579973
File: 7 KB, 194x259, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. I'm sure I can just hop on eBay and have on at my doorstep within a week. But I'm holding out for the thrift store score. Finally found my NES top loader the other week.

>> No.10580172

I remember finding some kickstarter thing for a low res 4:3 gaming monitor but it doesn't go anywhere. Kind of a shame, I'd have been one of the 3 people that bought one.

>> No.10580421
File: 267 KB, 1445x1445, 185563157654-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see one in my country's ebay for 50 bux
Is it worth getting? I heard they work just fine with jap games on modchipped non-jap PS1s.

>> No.10580761

They already make 4:3 gaming monitors. A company called Unico Arcade makes them. They make up to 26 inches iirc

>> No.10580909

a PCfx and a AmigaCD32 since they are so expensive

>> No.10580917

kek, I used this thing in basic training at Ft. benning back in 2000.

>> No.10580918

Are PC-FX's really expensive? I have a practically unused one I've owned since 2003 and I looked at prices and they're still around $130 which is what I paid to have it shipped from Japan back then.

>> No.10580930

they are around 500£+ in europe in good working conditions as long as i know, and yeah i'm a wagie and that's the real problem i know

>> No.10580938

Nah 500 euro sounds expensive, weird I was going through my shit and I have a PC-FX complete in box with 3 Anime VN games I've never really used. Was gonna sell it but looked up ebay prices and they were $130~ and wasn't worth the hassle of listing and shipping. This was last year I think.

>> No.10580948


>> No.10580952

maybe i'm just in a bad luck

>> No.10581215

I got one for free over 20 years ago, but no controller. I held out hoping i would find one. Then my local game store had a complete system for 100, and my dumb ass didn't buy it for the controller + spare system. I finally caved and just got an adapter for a genesis controller.

>> No.10581308
File: 137 KB, 800x600, a-one-of-a-kind-ps2-console-playstation-2-need-for-speed-v0-5667pnvhyw9b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The NFS MW console

>> No.10582729


>> No.10582775
File: 453 KB, 821x618, Screenshot from 2024-01-08 00-03-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy to find the shell on aliexpress but i want to shell swap my wii to the silver model shown off at e3 2005. I have a gross red wii(which is actually a plus because it has higher quality component out) I have a mint silver gamecube controller. Silver electronics were just so emblematic of the mid 2000s.

>> No.10582934
File: 228 KB, 1289x967, PXL_20220217_192510217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any tutorials?

Here's one, scroll down all the way to the bottom.

You can do it without buying the 3d printed parts, but that involves cutting some plastic.
Pic related is mine, you can wedge the microswitch in between the screw columns. I'm sure there's even a better way to do it somehow, but this is how it works best for me.

>> No.10583001
File: 208 KB, 1600x1200, s-l1600[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Resident evil 2 controller

>> No.10583009

That looks like something that’s supposed to be shoved in my asshole.

>> No.10583039


>higher quality component out

That was a bug and its been fixed with usbloadergx

>> No.10583043

haha fag

>> No.10583123

tiny handheld... erotic...

>> No.10583172

I suspect you say that about a lot of things.

>> No.10583583

Yeah.... yes.

>> No.10584017
File: 135 KB, 640x288, 327373557722428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer the gray Master System.

>> No.10584042

>most wanted console is anons most wanted console

>> No.10584121
File: 479 KB, 800x1067, nintendo-gamecube-ibm-version-1555100708-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the IBM GameCube

>> No.10584123

i want to own the copyright patent on mame and retroarch
then i can finally purge the earth of that atrocious software

>> No.10584129

This all to end.

>> No.10586387

Mother 3 edition Game Boy Micro, but it's way too expensive and no signs of it going down

>> No.10586407
File: 363 KB, 369x259, IMG_1155.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf, that’s not real, it can’t be.

>> No.10586413
File: 2.29 MB, 1227x1152, Screenshot_20240109_143506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted this as a kid, I had a Commodore 64, and even in 1993 it seemed such an upgrade, going to 16 bit games and a 386 desktop would have been amazing.

>> No.10586414
File: 2.61 MB, 1449x1254, Screenshot_20240109_143710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The cost of a 486 at the time.

>> No.10586416

>$1150 is $7800 in today's money

>> No.10586428


The Megadrive 386 was £750 in 1993, so that is £1500 today and in ameribucks is $1900

The 486 was £1150 so that is £2300 today and in America $2900 today. .

>> No.10586542
File: 78 KB, 480x434, 805529226241_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10586547

I'll forever think of that one image of the stickman using it weird

>> No.10586593

I have that one. Got it from Lidl of all places

>> No.10586603

There's a fucking Gundam edition Wonderswan? What was even on there, and SD game?

>> No.10586689
File: 17 KB, 480x359, photo10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look online it is indeed real, 500 units max, real number is unknown and it was apparently given to some IBM Europe employees only between 2002 and 2004 very very obscure console, no price as even been given to it that tells you a lot

>> No.10586696
File: 569 KB, 423x579, Conkerax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only guy that i know owning this is a french youtuber named Conkerax, otherwise the IBM GC is quite a mystery

>> No.10586771

Is there actually anything special about it or is it literally just a normal black Gamecube with "IBM" slapped on the front?

>> No.10587130

>normal black Gamecube with "IBM" slapped on the front
yes sir it is

>> No.10587143

I hate my dumb ass for not getting this when it was new. I had the chance, but i already had the Famicom edition and at the time i couldnt justify owning a 2nd Micro. Though at the same time, i kinda hate the way it looks. Im not even sure what the design is suppose to be, the Nowhere Islands? My autism wants it because its the only Mother series special edition of game hardware and I just think the GBA Micro is really neat.

>> No.10587343

I had the chance but hated the GBmicro when it released. Honestly I wouldn't even want it now outside to maybe resell.

>> No.10587347

It's one of the most collectible hand held, you done goofed up.
Nobody here actually plays games anyway

>> No.10587469
File: 246 KB, 567x660, Sony-cdi-v11-open.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sony made a portable Philips CDi player in the early 90s, unbelievable but true

>> No.10587473

Just imagine
What if Nintendo released the Wii in stead of the GC & it could play DVDs
They would have won the generation

>> No.10587513
File: 369 KB, 1280x1283, 1280px-Sony-playstation_prototype.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fine with just a chink clone.

>> No.10587535

What game is that on the left?

>> No.10587554

"SUPER OSS AIDEN" obviously

>> No.10587641

Wait a fucking minute, I didn't know Sony was actually developing any games for the thing. That's fucking Parappa on the cover.

>> No.10587643

My nigger, that isn't an old photo

>> No.10587645

Thats a homebrew someone made, not a real planned CD game.

>> No.10587653

This is how the Playstation should have looked. Memory cards are fucking gay, a cartridge ports for RAM expanders and save cartridges is a much better idea.

>> No.10587682

I bet you love the Saturn

>> No.10587738
File: 71 KB, 827x789, 1654093515422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to try this thing for myself despite how many anons have made it sound like it's a pretty disappointing experience overall.

A full-blown arcade cabinet utilizing the controller layout would be irresistible in any case.

>> No.10587760

For all of its faults, the Saturn did that one thing right.

>> No.10587764


>> No.10587925

I know the guy who used to own the gold wii. I still can't believe he fucking sold it. He said he needed money but his collection is so fucking huge and he must have so much money to own all the shit he owns that I just can't believe he let go of it.

>> No.10587981

Unless it was the Wii that was given to the queen(probably had a fucking Chinese installed listening device) it's probably just some reshelled Wii using their reproduction shells

>> No.10587984
File: 176 KB, 1076x1619, _20240109_192811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot photo

>> No.10587989

Yes, it was that wii, it never actually made it to the queen, they don't just accept shit that got mailed to them, so it got sent back, and ended up in the hands of a private collector, which is this person I know.
It was sold on an auction site like a year and a half ago, he tried to put it on ebay first for a ridiculous amount of money, and ebay took it down because he didn't have enough feedback on his account. And he ended up selling it on a different auction site for somewhere around 30,000 bucks.
Like I said, I can't believe the guy sold it.. it was such a holy grail in terms of collector's items.

>> No.10588041

top lel

>> No.10588043

I have one of these. Got it from a thrift store. Neat little thing.

>> No.10588131

How many minutes of watching do you get from one set of batteries?

>> No.10588231

It's not a disappointing experience and unironicaly has more utility than most of the over novelties in gaming

>> No.10588275

Panasonic was one of the 4 companies along with Sony that developed the digital video disc.

>> No.10588367


>> No.10588370

had one
don't do it anon

>> No.10588471

We need to reverse-engineer one and make one with a Raspberry Pi zero, so I can always bring with me them cute Japanese girls made with pixels

>> No.10588489
File: 1.55 MB, 500x493, Tumblr_l_502796351297677.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer to play mine lying down in a dark room without the eyemask.
By the end of a playthough of Inmouse No Yakata, the fucking thing has carved a nice notch into my forehead.

>> No.10588496

Looks like a little fax machine or printer lol

>> No.10588497

if there's an easy way to run burned Gamecube games on DVD on that thing I'd want it. I have 6 gorillon DVD players already.
Anyway always wanted a LaserActive and an American CD32. Still kinda want an Intellivision and if there was a decent aftermarket controller for it the 5200.
MiSTER would be nice to have.
Either one of the modern FPGA C64s or a Commodore 128.

>> No.10588498

That gif for some reason is freaking me the fuck out.

>> No.10588515

Image if they had made more than one game for it

>> No.10588520

I thought sony and Philips hated each other during that period

>> No.10588578

Technically they did.

>> No.10588584

What's it called?

>> No.10588631
File: 15 KB, 474x314, seganomad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sega Nomad. Been playing a number of portable clones and they could never do the sound properly. For practical reasons want a genesis to play in bed with accurate sound without me having a long headphone cable to the tv.

This would be awesome for the crisp rgb, yes you can do that same with adaptors but this is setup for you. The IBM would be even better to see what could be done with homebrew.

nice, I'd like one of their master systems though the build quality looks very cheap.

It was well known being shown in all the magazines from the time so a lot of people wanted one but very few people had a way to import one back then so when the generation started to end pretty quickly it was just forgotten until people realized that gamecube is still pretty good and what a nice way to play. And technically playing full size bootlegs in one advantage.

These were being sold in discount stores so I brought some knowing real game and watches were expensive, I believe they were $8. One I got was carera but don't remember the others.

The main thing is to just not be a pussy and realize a little headache won't kill you but people are weak, the feeling passes after 5 minutes

I played a one piece fighting game on one and was shocked how good it looked, its better than gba in a way as far as the screen looks.

I knew someone who brought one with my encouragement, there was not really a good way to hold it to really play it

I have those, I love those open book embossed boxes

I got one about a year ago fairly cheap I had to pay almost the same amount just for a controller to go with it but it was was actually rare unlike something like super metroid which is common but goes for a lot. I do remember those boxed cheap but I remember thinking what would I even do with this.

I see them much cheaper, people in japan don't have space to store these

>> No.10588662

So any headset with OLED or high PPD should be fine to emulate with. It would be silly to run a Pimax just to play Wario, but you could do it.

>> No.10588668

Had it, the controller was too cool, the game itself was ass and I don't even think that the expansion or sequel even used the controller. I have a nice rig on PC that would shit all over it now, but it was my first peripheral that I ever owned for a console unless you count the N64 memory expansion pack. It was expensive at the time but two or three games would have made it more useful.

>> No.10588695

Consolidate this dick inside of your ass, faggot. The entire design is a piece of shit, but the table mount has to be one of the dumbest things ever created for a home console. Japanese people invent this stuff to make fun of dumbass foreigners.

>> No.10588704
File: 65 KB, 736x503, 6e351051ec8be9b6d3b1ae6c6ff5d623-4287346547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, those look beautiful
that logo on the black background
it looks like the sort of plastic that starts dissolving and sticking to your hands, though. is it?

every once in a while I day dream about building a playstation/snes hybrid. but then I remember that I know nothing about electronics despite falling asleep watching multiple gameboy modding videos

I want one of these sony msx things. I don't know why, I don't know what I would do with it. but I want it

>> No.10588708
File: 192 KB, 762x785, 1456526099095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10588764

>another victim of being born gen z is distressed over ideas being spread across multiple posts
man from japan, save me!

>> No.10588926

>It looks like a cheap piece of shit CD player you'd find in a discount store.
That's exactly what I like about it though. It's cute.

>> No.10588957

literally all I want is a good multisync crt monitor but they're all labeled retro gaming displays on ebay and they want $800 USD for monitors with broken cases and burn-in...

>> No.10588965
File: 224 KB, 1002x1166, 1685712928610875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10589008
File: 124 KB, 1500x1012, 716S_2BnkkYmL._AC_SL1500_1024x1024@2x-2035389249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I'm thinking about getting pic related. I don't have an n64 but I'm thinking about getting one just for this considering I heard that you can get pretty much any n64 game you want. That, and most retro games are expensive as fuck.

>> No.10589045

Great for retro gaming! I know what i have!!!

>> No.10589067

Probably patented and before the fallout, and both companies were presumably contractually obliged to comply with the release of the product.

>> No.10589072

You missed the boat

>> No.10589127

top kek

>> No.10589173
File: 1.28 MB, 530x484, clown-army.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10589726

Do zoomers really do this? Spend money just to call other people clowns during disagreements? kek

>> No.10590113

I mean that sounds similar to millennial's hoarding plastic. Knowing damn well they wont play all those games, for internet/youtube clout or cred.
>inb4 zoomer
>inb4 no og hardware
>inb4 inb4

>> No.10590120

Lul, is this from an actual game?

>> No.10591208

Nothing comes from nothing.

>> No.10591250

"Hoarding plastic" has got to be the most pathetic, limp-wristed cope I have ever read in my life when it comes to zoomies being jelly over millennials growing up with the best video games. Get over it kiddo, it was literally before your time, but there is nothing stopping you from just emulating these games yourself outside of your entire generation systematically not knowing how to move a computer file between folders, holy fucking kek

>> No.10591256

Do you mean "plastic" as in those horrible FuckoPops, or "plastic" like CDs and cartridges with games and consoles?

>> No.10591270
File: 1.92 MB, 3264x1632, 2002-2013-2024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VB anon here. For the record I'm a zillenial, it's my girlfriend's VB, I've had a Genesis since I was six, got a flash cart in '13, so I've been playing Genesis for 22 years. Picrel is on a Nomad. By the way it's "systemically" not "systematically"

>> No.10591275
File: 440 KB, 735x396, DebugGameCubes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GameCube NR, GameCube TDEV and GameCube NPDP Reader

>> No.10591278

Plastic as in CDs and cartridges and consoles

>> No.10591282

>"systemically" not "systematically
No, it's just according to keikaku, but thanks for the "people incorrectly correcting others" screencap.

>> No.10591304

There's no method to ignorance as you just demonstrated.

>> No.10591904

Smaller country means they can test products there before investing in much larger quantities for the west.

>> No.10591924

I'd settle for just those controller variants.

Is this the only time they re-used art from Smash 64?


>> No.10591939

>Plastic as in CDs and cartridges and consoles
Then "hoarding" plastic.
They are precious relics of a happier time. When people also knew how to use a PC, not like all the hunchbacks fortnite slopping, uncertain gender zoomers

(Of course buying old consoles today for $$$$, without any certainty that they will work for much longer, isn't that smart, but it's still worth to keep what we already have)


>> No.10591943

Pretty funny how people get so obsessed with these generation labels that they start inventing their own.

>> No.10591965

chromed plastic was the worst part of 2000's technology.

>> No.10592316

Labels are invented, you got that much correct. They're arbitrary and have always been subject to discussion.

>> No.10592323

Only zoomers have this obsession with inventing labels for themselves and demanding others to respect and use them.

>> No.10592328

>I'm a "zillenial" (spells millennial wrong with only one n)
>the Virtual Boy is my girlfriend's
So you're a faggot dating a transvestite in his 30s.
>I'm 28 years old

>> No.10592437

I didn't bring up generational terminology nor did I invent it. Case in point, 10592328 and other whiners like him bring up labels to dismiss the discussion when they want to feel arbitrarily authoritative.

>> No.10592472

Common Core has raped your mind, my dude.

>> No.10592496

You've been grounded from using a tablet in your life and it shows oh so hard.

>> No.10592769

>specious bleating
Demonstrative; Thanks.

>> No.10592857
File: 265 KB, 1600x1200, SEGA MEGA DRIVE SUPER MEGA_KEY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Mega Key: a region converter device for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive, which allows for any region game to be played, depending on the switch combination you set on it.

>> No.10592896
File: 1.18 MB, 2923x3458, W7d0bhVIqSoxly1c2Q5a-ARd3jYVY4nL68DO_4FuQXo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is an awesome beast, I can only spare the space for something like this instead.

>> No.10592905

Game Genie can basically do the same thing. Does this let you play games that had software region locking?(Genie you could enter codes to get around it)

Alternatively, just get a model 3.

>> No.10592940

Yes, it can get around the different region lock processes for different region games. I wonder if the SNES Game Genie can do that with PAL games on an NTSC North American SNES, as well as an NTSC Japanese SFC

>> No.10593285

I seem to recall trying once and the euro/jap carts wouldn't fit on a US genie, but i cant 100% remember.

>> No.10593294

Fuck off, dipshit NPC World Economic Forum puppet and/or goon.

>> No.10593328

I would say that I'm surprised Bandai never licensed it for Gundam games, but then I remembered how autistic for accuracy Gundam otaku are.

>> No.10593337

great now I want this for my power tower

>> No.10593398 [DELETED] 

Go back schizo

>> No.10593469

>"Hoarding plastic" has got to be the most pathetic, limp-wristed cope
I can see your point. Although, I come to that conclusion due to being a collector, but historically very precise in my expenditures, once I got to a certain age. I used to have a lot more but traded most in, during my time in video retail, from 2004-2006. I'm 39 friend. Hence the
>inb4 zoomer

I still own an NES,SNES,Genesis, Dreamcast, PS2 fat, and modded OG Xbox. At one point, I had a lot of various consoles. I also own all of the mini systems. But they're just glorified emulation boxes. I've side loaded a couple. I've found the Genesis mini 1 and SNES having some perfected ROMS that I've dumped, to play on original hardware at some point. Reproductions are nothing new to me. I own physical copies of various titles, on the specified consoles. Some repros from Uncle Tusk and Repro Bros and some OG bangers.

>> No.10593476
File: 46 KB, 500x500, 21268051260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your entire generation systematically not knowing how to move a computer file between folders
Again, sorry of I mislead you. I also work in IT as a systems administrator for a global conglomerate, headquartered out of Edmonton CA. If were talking spinning up virtual servers, provisioning firewalls, or tagging VLAN's, I'm your guy. But I digress. My video game retail years seem like a lifetime ago.

>> No.10594048
File: 2.40 MB, 1920x3240, game-console-item.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to figure out how to get the Hori Beretta MF92 for the Playstation, but without sensible gun laws in my country it is really challenging finding someone willing to get it to me.

>> No.10594068
File: 21 KB, 474x237, proxy-image[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Told my friend to buy one of these for a laugh and the madman actually did it. Played some Mariokart with it and it was pretty comfortable really.
I kinda pointlessly wanted one too but now I got to eat my cake and not even pay for it.

>> No.10595784
File: 171 KB, 800x800, IMG_1603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s only one reason to buy it

>> No.10595790
File: 105 KB, 512x339, PSO EpIII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Scuse you

>> No.10595835

gonna guess cause you could get a GC for 80$ with a game at that time. Yamaguchi&shiggy was a fucking retarded nigger as always. The wii being a hit was a fluke and the wiiu proved it.

This is cool as fuck..... till you play the game its sadly rather shit. Which sucks because autistic sims like this are normally fucking awsome.

I really want a VR racing set up. I know i know a wheel chair vr set and etc would only set me back like 1.2k-2k for something nice stop being poor.