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10554276 No.10554276 [Reply] [Original]

i'm not even midway through the game yet i want to start a new save just to blow her fucking body with a LAM again, also deus ex thread

>> No.10554415

A LAM is a bad choice for a close combat weapon

>> No.10555086

Does luring guards to the mech at the docks in the first mission still count as a pacifist run?

>> No.10555112

i loved this game as a kid. went back a few years ago, and holy fuck is it bad.
>enemies can't see or hear you unless you're standing 10 feet in front of them
>unsatisfying guns with retarded reticule bloom
>sword automatically trivializes every encounter in the game and renders most weapons pointless
>I'll take a candy bar
>i'll take a candy bar
>i'll take a candy car
>most skills are redundant or outright useless
>le ebin matrix tranny trenchcoats and glasses
unironically did not age well.
>inb4 aged
i guess it was always bad.

>> No.10555124

>does getting people killed count as pacifist
depends on if you're into mental gymnastics or not

>> No.10555305

>>enemies can't see or hear you unless you're standing 10 feet in front of them
If this was true snipers wouldn't even work at all.

Didn't read the rest, because you started with something so easy to prove as false. Everything else is probably even more retarded if that was your opener.

>> No.10555378

kill yourself

>> No.10555654

For me it's the Gep Gun

>> No.10555665

>still dont fucking get the insta knockout mechanic with the stick
lower back? lower middle back? which specific pixel? am i remarded?

>> No.10555784

Either your life is worth more than a LAM, or it's not worth living.

>> No.10555792
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>matrix tranny trenchcoats and glasses
Its actually Blade trenchcoat and glasses.

>> No.10555796

still badass

>> No.10555801

Hit their torso, it's piss easy.

>> No.10555838

please spare me, my vision is augmented

>> No.10556072

The first one usually gets killed by the mech whether you lead him to it or not so whatever.

>> No.10556172

i have to confess i wasted 3 hours of my life trying to get out of battery park

fuck gunther

>> No.10556194

Deus Ex is so fucking good, through and through my favorite game of all time and I'd say it's the greatest game ever made.

>> No.10556196

Blade II is the GOAT

>> No.10556219


>> No.10556292

In my top 3 for sure.

>> No.10556369

truly the most silent way to take down manderly

>> No.10556547
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>> No.10556638

>still no controller support after all these years.
>will never be able to sit back on my recliner and just play it; will always be destined to have to be at my desk

How’s the PS2 version? I’ve never played it

>> No.10556645
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>> No.10556646

>start a new save
don't you have the game saved at like 25 points? you just keep the one true save where you're up to? that's probably a lot more immersive i suppose

>> No.10556659

Roughly their neck/back of shoulders iirc

>> No.10556675

do you have a single fact to back that up

>> No.10556678


Pretty sure this should do the job >>10556659

I remember knocking out Commandos with one swing that way.

>> No.10556681


>> No.10556735

Sam Carter chastises you, even if that's the only way you kill the NSF guys. So not pacifist.

>> No.10556953

I hope you picked the GMDX mod for your first time anon

>> No.10556954

if you play this like a standard shooter and go in guns blazing you are doing it fucking wrong

>> No.10556972

Nope. Use your brother and the mech to kill everyone. As long as you don't kill them it's fine.

>> No.10556973

I spill my drink!

>> No.10557907

>mod for your first time
i'm not big into mods

>> No.10558414

Only using Kentie's for the brightness problem(still having problems tho, brightness seems to autoadjust when you look at something bright or dark)

>> No.10558594

>get out of the cafe in paris
>can't be bothered to carefully snipe the MJ12 guard and commando so I waste them with assault rifle grenades
>quick save
>game freezes two seconds after that point
>last save was in Hong Kong
It was a good playthrough. What a rotten way to die.

>> No.10559037

I'd reccomend the GEP gun

>> No.10559042

i-is he with the CIA?

>> No.10560907

You might need at least one point spent in Unarmed Combat. The baton does less damage than the stun prod, but is definitely capable of knocking out enemies in one swing.

>> No.10560937
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>> No.10560945
File: 1.02 MB, 596x799, IMG_7346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I can’t stop performing mental gymnastics for my RP pacifist runs
I went through all of Splinter Cell 2 by knocking out guards with the diversion camera. I have a problem.

>> No.10561052

I uninstalled during my last playthrough because I was trying to limit my saves to actually make use of that annoying fucking save counter and got boned hard by crashes a couple times.
I saw in another thread about how using certain launchers is essential, does avoiding crashes have anything to do with that?

>> No.10561180

Works untrained on anyone but an MIB and a MJ12 Commando, which is why you use stun gun for them, still untrained.

>> No.10561292

Commandos are immune to stun along with any other elements, gas, fire etc.
I remember having to save scum the fuck out of those pricks trying to non lethal them, used the targeting aug to see that hitting their sweet spot with the baton did 67% with master low tech and maxed combat strength, though IIRC combat strength doesn't affect sneak smacks.
KOing them was a goddamn dice roll, occasionally you could get a double sweet spot hit before they turned around but you were often shooting craps or using up ballistic vests to try and wear out their other 33% before they did their 1 second deletion on you. Good times KOing that FiB and her commando guards and locking them in the catacomb cells though.

>> No.10562124
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>> No.10562776

Anyone who didn’t go with the Tedpill ending probably browses Reddit.

>> No.10563772

superi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poYY1eSCFc8or

>> No.10564489

What's the deal with the second game? I never see anyone talk about it. Is it worth playing?