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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10548929 No.10548929 [Reply] [Original]

what are some truths that /vr/ can't handle?

>> No.10548931

Sonic being good

>> No.10548935

That Nintendo made the strategically correct call to use cartridges in the N64.

>> No.10548939

It's good for me because I don't like loading times and cutscene orgies, but the N64 probably would've been a bigger success with CDs

>> No.10548941

most of the time old good, new bad... but sometimes new good or perhaps even new very good

>> No.10548953

if you play any video game as a female character you're most likely gay

>> No.10548954

Such as?

>> No.10548959

We're not allowed to talk about new here; you'll just have to take my word for it.

>> No.10548961

I guess it all depends on whether you think the N64 could still have had jarpigs after that, or whether square and others had already jumped the boat and it was too late.
other genres weren't too impacted by cartridge size limits.

>> No.10548963

>No examples

>> No.10548965

FFVIII just wasn't very good

>> No.10548968

As counterintuitive as it sounds, it probably would have done worse. The N64's CPU and GPU were pretty pricey at the time. Nintendo cut a bunch of corners with the surrounding architecture in order to keep the system affordable and undercut Sony. If it used CDs they wouldn't have been able to do that since the drive itself would have come at a cost. And the difference in game style, the N64 being able to do things the PS1 couldn't, helped it stand out. The way the PS1 ate the Saturn's lunch it would have done much the same thing to Nintendo if they used CDs.

>> No.10548972

Not that anon but armored core 6 was fantastic. I loved every second of all 3 playthroughs back to back. I think it's largely better than most of the previous titles. Things that I miss from the older games are replays after arena battles and arm parts that are just large weapons.

>> No.10548979

cartridges made n64 games cost 20-30% more than ps1 games which is what killed the n64 for me

>> No.10548985

Nintendo are doing the same thing today with the switch. You can get some real bargains on PS4 games today but Switch cartridges never seem to budge in price.

>> No.10549016

The system itself launched at only $199 though, which was a bargain even back then. And at the time rentals were how most people consumed games.

>> No.10549019
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Yes but otoh, the system had like only 10 games worth owning so you saved money in the long term

>> No.10549025

No FF is very good you retarded manchild

>> No.10549026

That any popular game was influencial. Denying such a thing makes some people feel like they're more knowledgeable.

>> No.10549037

N64 has a better library than the Saturn. If you were to list ten games for that system it would take about five before you started listing ports.

>> No.10549040

The Saturn was not that popular in Japan and moved units mostly because of Virtua Fighter alone.

>> No.10549043

It's a different situation now when you can emulate arcade games with ease. In the day the Saturn would be the only way to play a lot of games at home.
N64 still had a better library.

>> No.10549047

This is another truth /vr/ can't handle: ports are valid games and pretending they don't exist doesn't help your arguments.

>> No.10549048

The stock, unlit screens on most portable gaming devices that came out before the mid '00s are totally fine.

>> No.10549053

All old systems are pretty cool in their own way, and console warring over stuff from 30 years ago makes YOU the cunt, not anyone else.
Mario and Sonic also are both good, and appeal to 90% the exact same audience.

>> No.10549056

If all your console has is ports then the library sucks.

>> No.10549059 [DELETED] 
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SEGA Shitcast was never good
Shitmue the autism walking simulator did more damage to gaming than Kojima and his Movie Game Slops did
Bing Bing Wahoo and PooCuckmon are for children only
Final Faggotry 12 is the only decent game in a shitty series
every RPG using DnD rulset is 100% garbage
Resident Evil 4 is the best SURVIVAL HORROR game in the series
the only good TES game is the non-retro one
CRT fags to /vr/ are what the Haplogroup fags are to /his/, a plague shitting up the board
if you use ReTROONarch instead of standalone emulators you are a faggot

>> No.10549061
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this thread is starting to make me mad

>> No.10549065

The two truths of duality
>Oot is the best game ever made
Oot is not the best game ever made.

>> No.10549071

>Shitmue the autism walking simulator did more damage to gaming than Kojima and his Movie Game Slops did
This isn't true because nobody except segafags cares about this game. Nobody looked at Shenmue and decided to make their game more like that.

>> No.10549073

I think one way to phrase it is that the N64 had a curated library of games that were unlike any other platform's library. There was no real Goldeneye equivalent on Saturn or PS1 at the time. And the N64 was excellent at open landscapes thanks to the z-buffer. Games that played to the console's strengths couldn't be done elsewhere. Meanwhile Saturn and PS1 tended to have a lot of overlap with each other.

>> No.10549074

>If all your console has is ports then the library sucks.
The only cases where this applies are failed systems like the 3DO or the Jaguar. Here on /vr/ people will discuss systems like the Saturn, Dreamcast and XBOX, then dismiss their exclusives and proclaim all games are ports. Also it doesn't help that many guys will deem exclusives as "ports" because they got ported to other systems a generation later, while ignoring the same shit happening to Sony and Nintendo systems.

>> No.10549076

it literally popularized the QTE cancer
that's worse than anything Movie Game Slop had

>> No.10549080

I'm telling you it is literally impossible to name even ten Saturn games without listing ports.

>> No.10549082
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>it literally popularized the QTE cancer
zoom zoom

>> No.10549087 [DELETED] 

rpgcodex is better than /vr/

>> No.10549089

If I say something like Radiant Silvergun you'll dismiss it because it has an arcade version (despite (You) never having seen a single RS cabinet in your life) or having been ported to the 360. Guardian Heroes? Hurr durr ported to modern systems. If I say Clockwork Knight you'll dismiss it and say it doesn't count because it hasn't been meme'd to death by zoomer youtubers. We know your tactics already.

>> No.10549090 [DELETED] 

no one ever heard of this ancient turd meanwhile Shitmue is always named in every top list of good/underrated/innovative slops

>> No.10549092 [DELETED] 

>zoom zoom proves he's a zoom zoom

>> No.10549095 [DELETED] 

even /vrpg/ is 10 times better than that shithole

>> No.10549097

Radiant Silvergun is barely a port since STV is the same hardware and Guardian Heroes is an exclusive game that was ported later to 360.

>> No.10549104

A big problem with the Saturn isn't that it's loaded with ports but that it's ports tend to be worse than the PS1 version since either it wasn't as capable a system or the port was farmed out to the B-team and wasn't given enough TLC. And since it sold so much less very few games that were ported between the two started with Saturn as the lead platform. The Saturn's biggest strength was a stroke of good fortune that the PS1's serial port was too slow for RAM expansion, making it worse for certain Capcom and SNK arcade ports. Had that not been the case and the PS1 were able to get a RAM cart itself, the Saturn would have been absolutely demolished in the port department.

>> No.10549109

>No one ever heard of Dragon's Lair

>> No.10549112
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Acting like you're hip and retro because you play GZDoom .wads or ROM hacks is peak poseur behavior. I'd say the same goes for anyone who sucks off MiSTers and "modern vintage" tech more than actually playing old games in the first place.

>> No.10549114 [DELETED] 

Cope zoomie

>> No.10549119

The 32X didn't fuck the Saturn. The Saturn fucked the Saturn.

>> No.10549129

There is a fine balance between gameplay and cinematic that must be maintained for a good game. Go too far into gameplay and you get shmup autism, go too far into cinematic and you get modern movie games.

>> No.10549136

>Go too far into gameplay and you get shmup autism
You're retarded. Is SMB3 an "shmup autism" kind of game?

>> No.10549143

Yoshi's Island is a Mario game, not a Yoshi game.

>> No.10549145

yeah the saturn just got lucky with those superior 2d arcade ports

>> No.10549154

MiSTer is a neat toy but is not the final word in emulation, nor is it a replacement for real hardware. If you enjoy playing games that way then by all means, enjoy it, but don’t act like you’re better than someone just using a good emulator (especially now that runahead exists).

>> No.10549168

>Consolewarring is a foolish endeavor.
>Fighting over which Castlevania game is best is stupid because they're all pretty good.
>Super Metroid is good, Metroid Fusion is good, Zero Mission is good.
>Remakes have their place in vidya.
>Doom is good.
>Half Life is good.
>Goldeneye is good.
>Halo is good.
>ROM hacks have their place in vidya too.
>Sony is good, Nintendo is good, Sega is good, Microsoft is good.
>Console gaming is good.
>PC gaming is good.
>OoT is good.
>Derailing entire threads out of hatred of a single game or series is subhuman.
>Falseflagging about a game or series is subhuman.

>> No.10549178 [DELETED] 

/vr/ truths you say?

If there's an on-topic thread that doesn't break any rules but offends you because it clashes with your worldview, you can cry to the jannies day after day and have it removed. With this simple trick you can control the conversation just like a good discord tranny would. The alternative would be growing up and accepting different opinions and facts as valid, but alas, that's too hard of an option.

>> No.10549189
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the eBay collectors bubble will never pop

>> No.10549196

Playstation killed gaming
Sega died for our sins

>> No.10549205

Agreed except on Microsoft. Literally every good thing ever associated with Xbox was in spite of Microsoft, not because of them. Yes, even OG Xbox. From paid online to charging extra money for DVD playback, to more modern trends that aren’t strictly /vr/ like always-on DRM to trying to move gaming to SaaS, they’ve always been ahead of the curve on shitty anti-consumer practices. Other companies have done shitty things too and I’ll call them out when necessary, but Microsoft has always been nothing but an utter cancer on gaming.

>> No.10549214

You're not wrong. But they also helped push PC gaming further. I'd say they're the biggest double edged sword out of all of the companies.
I should have put an asterisk next to that particular statement.

>> No.10549218


>> No.10549226

Collecting physical games and CRTs is such a waste of space, money, and is totally autistic. And everyone I knew who was like this never fucking beat the games they owned and acted like massive hipster cunts.

Emulation bros are the real enthusiasts, and you don't need a crt filter to have fun

>> No.10549236
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You don't have to convince everyone you're based, set up your camp and don't worry about convincing others their camp sucks because your camp will have flaws too. Play games and stop worrying about approval from random nobodies you don't agree with. You're here because you're lonely and that's okay, and you antagonize those you disagree with because you're insecure about your loneliness and your taste. Taste is subjective, talking to coprophiliacs makes you the shithead.

>> No.10549239

Harsh but true. PlayStation introduced gaming to normalfags and pretty much ruined it forever. And there was a huge shift into "epic" movie-like games. With the end of Sega was the death of fun arcade-style games, games that were actually fun for their own sake.

>> No.10549249

N64 has like 5 games that ever get talked about

>> No.10549327

N64 has games so good they get reverse engineered and ported to PC.

>> No.10549329

maybe here cos there aren't even many n fans left here

>> No.10549331

games = gaymes
gamers = gaymers

>> No.10549346

Ocarina is far from bad but it is wildly overrated, especially around here. I wouldn't consider it the best Zelda game on the N64 nor would I even consider it a top 5 game in the series.

>> No.10549350

Video games you liked as a kid are tedious now.
Video games were never good.
Video games are a waste of time and they always have been.
Time wasted is video games is time you are wasting and you will never recover.
Video game nostalgia is actually just regret for wasting your youth with video games.

>> No.10549354

>not a single example

>> No.10549357

Your huffy entitlement over the fact you emulate everything as opposed to buying original software/hardware or paying for a port is really tedious.

>> No.10549363

>And the difference in game style, the N64 being able to do things the PS1 couldn't, helped it stand out
The pisslinear blur of N64 surely helped it stand out from the sharp grunge graphics of PSX. PSX took it's hardware weak points and turned them into software strong points, best console ever.

>> No.10549364

The only people arguing you shouldn't console war are doing so you don't oppose them
Every poster has an agenda
Specs don't matter, what matters is what was delivered
N64 has all the problems its fans claim it doesn't (bad controls, load times)
Dreamcast was 1 year away from being a great console

>> No.10549379

It will, you'll probably just be dead by that time.

>> No.10549383

Sony wounded it, MS will actually kill it

>> No.10549391

Tried OoT for the first time recently, having only played Zelda on NES/SNES/GB. It was just really boring to be honest. I'm sure it was innovative for the time, as it was an early 3d console game, but it really shows. Massive empty spaces everywhere, shitty camera, obtuse controls etc. You walk around these areas and it feels like 2/3rds of the game is missing because there's just fuck all there.

Anyway, Link's Awakening shits all over it and any decent 3d game from the era does too. Spyro is leaps and bounds more engaging, smooth, controls well and aged much less poorly. Every area in Spyro serves a purpose and is aesthetically pleasing.

>> No.10549393

So you can't even name one game before listing ports.

>> No.10549396

>Every poster has an agenda
How would you know, Mr. Swami?

>> No.10549397

N64 genuinely did look way better to me at the time though. I know everyone likes the PS1 look now because it's "soulful", but it looked broken to me as a kid. I saw that shit wobbling and warping, and thought there was something wrong with the console.

>> No.10549403

CRTs provide no actual tangible advantages over OLEDs and are a waste of space and resources.

>> No.10549412

>fighting over a children's toy brand 20+ years later
Unironically touch grass.

>> No.10549413

Yeah, you're wrong. Literally everything about CRT technology is superior.

>> No.10549416

such as?

>> No.10549420

>N64 genuinely did look way better to me at the time though. I know everyone likes the PS1 look now because it's "soulful", but it looked broken to me as a kid.
That's what I thought as a kid too. I skipped the PSX/N64/Saturn generation and jumped from Sega Genesis to PC. PSX seemed broken to me back then with the wobbly graphics but now I really like the wobbly sharp look without any texture filtering and I appreciate a lot PSX now despite not having one as a kid.

>> No.10549421

>waste more electricity
>lower resolution and fidelity
>true blacks and colors are matched by the OLED
All it has over an OLED are scanlines and A/V inputs.

>> No.10549428

You had a physical limit to how much you could play because the electron gun of the CRT made your eyes watery and red and it hurt like a bitch.

>> No.10549435

>Shitcast was 1 year away from being a great console
no it wasn't, it's fate was sealed when Shitmue the gigantic flop and garbage game released killing SEGA
all what the PS2 did was pissing on it's dead corpse

>> No.10549440

Japan actually had good programmers. As usual they were largely on the shit 8-bit micros though, must be the environment.

>> No.10549442

>the electron gun of the CRT made your eyes watery and red and it hurt like a bitch
oh fuck no wonder this stopped happening to me once my family switched to OLED, i never really thought it was the CRTurd doing

>> No.10549447

It was a positive though. Nowadays kids don't stop playing video games because LCD doesn't punish long sessions. Also CRT was offering antialiasing FOR FREE and without the need for texture filtering.

>> No.10549451 [DELETED] 

hitler did nothing wrong

>> No.10549453

Getting a gf isn't easy.

>> No.10549462

>what are some truths that /vr/ can't handle?
SHMUPs were never good

>> No.10549472

I just played games despite the pain as a kid.

>> No.10549473
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Yeah, if you’re a fag.

>> No.10549479


>> No.10549481

You will be here when she dumps you. And we'll be here, waiting for you.

>> No.10549483

Sometimes remakes can be nice, and thinking you must blindly hate them if you like the original only takes away from you the chance to give something you might enjoy a try.

>> No.10549491

Better colors, better blacks, better refresh rate, sub pixel techniques make sprites look ever better, better at recreating nostalgia. The only downside is they don't produce them anymore and the weight/size.

>> No.10549498 [DELETED] 

Jrpgs are written for 12 year olds and under.

>> No.10549503

we call em 'jarpigs here

>> No.10549507

judging by most of the threads here most people barely like video games and treat them like childhood novelties. so many people are unwilling to engage with the medium and just play the same shit 30 years in a row. its more about getting a fill than real love.

>> No.10549515

CRTs don't have better blacks than OLED.

>> No.10549521

yeah, this one is sad, threads about the same games over and over and over.

>> No.10549535

Zelda OoT sold 7,6 millions copies
Metal Gear Solid 1 sold 6,0 millions copies

Judging by the praise it gets nowadays would make you think 1 out of 3 gamers played the game but it was just another success out of a bunch of successes at the time.

>> No.10549549

Wrong, wrong, wrong, correct, and who cares.

>> No.10549553

It's to the point zoomers here are more likely to be playing games.

>> No.10549562

sales don't mean shit when most of the world pirate their games
like for example Moie Game Slop 2: Söys Of Lesbians is one of the best selling PS2 games however games that you rarely see talked about online such as Downhill Domination were far more popular on a global scale

>> No.10549565

It benefits from being a launch title for many people, so the act of MGS2 being the first PS2 game will keep it rooted more than whatever you named.
>most of the world pirates
Thirdie viewpoint need not apply.

>> No.10549568

Yes, and pirating games was easier on the psx than the n64, so the point stands.

>> No.10549572
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A handheld NEEDS a backlight screen to even be qualified as playable, trying to position yourself and the handheld in the perfect place, under the perfect lighting conditions, just the see what's in the screen is BS and defeats the purpose it, that being convenience/comfort. So yes, Game Gear was better than Game Boy, and the 1st decent Nintendo handheld was their GBA SP, in 2003.

>> No.10549575

Doesn't matter if the game gear was better on a technical level when it had no games.

>> No.10549583 [DELETED] 

>Thirdie viewpoint need not apply.
yeah because hacks like Kojima are revered only in few shitholes like america
he will never be globally popular or respected and same goes for shitty slops made for braindead mutts like Doom and Halo

>> No.10549592

It had a weaker library, but saying it had nothing is just flat out lying, regardless if the library was weaker and if it took more batteries, the screen is actually a playable one, unlike the GB, GBC or GBA, now if you compare it to the GB Light that only came out in Japan, then yes it was worse in pretty much every way, but that was only there and most of the world got awful screens instead.

I mean, look at that picture I posted, before you click the thumbnail to see the whole thing, can you even tell the GBA is turned on and playing? I can barely see anything, that was always my own experience with Nintendo handhelds until their GBA SP made things 100x better and became my favorite handheld, but to me a handheld with no backlit can barely quality as playable, it sucks.

>> No.10549594

Most of the online Commodore community are Europoors yet all the actually good games on C64 (or most of them, anyway) were made by Americans.

>> No.10549595
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SHMUPs need a competitive mindset to thrive as the niche scene it is. 1cc bragging rights are completely ok, and the banter justified, provided how Savant Assburger you must be to attain those sweet records.

>> No.10549606

I definitely see your point. I've got a lot of painful memories taking my GB/C/and A on the go with me to places and barely being able to see what was going on. Didn't know about the back-lit one exclusive to Japan either.
There's not many games on the game gear worth playing I can think of though aside from ports of genesis games and a couple of the Tails game but admittedly my knowledge of the library is lacking.

I for sure had no idea that an actual game was showing in your thumbnail though I admit. I just assumed it was a stock GBA photo.

>> No.10549610 [DELETED] 
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Videogames need more feminism and strong independent wyminz. Samus is sexist because she is hot.

>> No.10549617

most of NES library is poorly-aged jank

>> No.10549618

hes full of shit theres not a goddamn game worth existing on that piece of shit and the only people who defend it are sunk cost faggots

>> No.10549628 [DELETED] 

AVGN is a faggot who lost it a long time ago and hasn't actually played a video game off-camera since Bush's first term.

>> No.10549629

Indeed, I see your point too, the GB and GBC's libraries are 10x better than what Game Gear offers, though it does have some good titles, mostly ones that were also on Master System, though that was valid at the time since most of the US and Japan never had a Master System, so having similar libraries wasn't too bad, anyways I just wish Nintendo had given us a backlight.

I get why it wasn't viable with the OG Game Boy, just look at how many batteries the Game Gear takes, but by the GBC's launch, and ESPECIALLY the GBA in 2001... it's hard going back to those.

Game Gear got ports, and even tons of exclusive installments, for most of SEGA's major IPs from the Genesis, similar to how the Game Boy got a ton of ports and installments of Nintendo's IPs from the NES and SNES, it's just that it got less overall, it had a worse library, but still a good one anyway, and I have no idea why it upsets you this much to even imply that there's good stuff there.

Who hurt you, anon? Were the 90's console wars your personal Vietnam or something? Does it give you flashbacks to Game Gear kids actually playing in color and seeing the screen? What is it?

>> No.10549653

Most of [system that preceded the one I grew up with] library is poorly-aged jank

>> No.10549663

That is quite a strawman you've constructed, anon.

>> No.10549668

no one knew the guy from Metroid is actually a women before seeing the coomer faggots spamming her fan art

>> No.10549673

dumb PC shitter thinks his broken ports is worth anything

>> No.10549678

Localizing more of the Saturn's Japanese library in North America would not have saved the Saturn in North America.

>> No.10549682 [DELETED] 
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this desu senpai

>> No.10549689

Dragon's Lair has been ported to more consoles then Skyrim zoomie.

>> No.10549695

The only interesting stuff was very niche. Playstation expanded the market to normies who only cared about Fifa and racing games.

>> No.10549745

If the people here had half a brain and could comprehend that "personal favorite" =/= "objectively good" when it comes to games, that would kill over 50% of the discussion here.

>> No.10549750

My tastes are refined so if I enjoy a game it is objectively good.

>> No.10549756
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I genuinely adore video games that I can see ar not very good when trying to look at them with no bias involved, while there are some I can see are classics, and why they're beloved, but they don't click with me for whatever reason, it's odd.

Well, us all having such different preferences and discussing it all is what makes it fun though.

>> No.10549758 [DELETED] 

No, every time you praise a non-Nintendo game, you're harming me.

>> No.10549764

Anything older than the N64 looks like shit on RGB/component cables.

>> No.10549781

Only puzzle games age well.

>> No.10549786

The Mega Drive was a house built on sand. It achieved short-term sales success but didn't build Sega any lasting market presence or memorable franchises and a lot of MD owners were casuals who bought them for sports games.

>> No.10549791

The lack of successors to Mega Drive games on later Sega consoles speaks to the truth of this.

>> No.10549805

FPGAs are only worthwhile if you decap the original chips to be able to understand them at the circuit level, but MiSTER cores don't really do that.

>> No.10549819

>Link's Awakening shits all over it
I'll go even further and let everyone know that Link's Awakening is the best game in the series.

>> No.10549823

The Amiga was doomed from the start because only Americans could have made any good games on it and we weren't that interested.

>> No.10549825

This is true I am a faggot

>> No.10549830

that's the objective lol
Retarded thread idea

>> No.10549832

>The N64's CPU and GPU were pretty pricey at the time
The CPU was 93Mhz. For comparison, the PS1's CPU...was 33Mhz. That's like a Pentium versus an early model 486.

>> No.10549836

I don't agree, because you still get low latency and perfect AV sync "for free" no matter how inaccurate the core is.

>> No.10549837
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It build SEGA a lasting market presence, both the Saturn and Dreamcast failed, especially Saturn, it would've been enough to kill any company, SEGA managed to stick around as a 3rd party though, I don't think this would've happened if the Mega Drive wasn't as big as it was, also a lot of SEGA's most beloved franchises are from the Mega Drive days, they're definitely quite memorable still...

It's not the IP's fault, nor the Mega Drive's fault, that SEGA failed to make the Saturn good and to bring over their major franchises to it, it was just SEGA being awful, which is why they quit afterall.

>> No.10549840

Shmups could be one of the most popular 2D genres on par with platformers if they just left the arcade design behind.

>> No.10549841

Nintendo didn't invent a lot of the stuff they're credited for; they didn't even invent lockout systems or licensing policies for third party developers, that was Mattel and Coleco.

>> No.10549847

>Link's Awakening is the best game in the series

>> No.10549854

the lack of input lag is nice but a lot of games depend on specific behaviors of the original hardware to work properly and that can't be done without understanding how that works. there is for example that Caius guy who has decapped custom arcade ASICs to be able to recreate them accurately in FPGA.

>> No.10549871

that's a popular /vr/ opinion retard. ffviii was in fact the best RPG on the system

>> No.10549873

>that's a popular /vr/ opinion retard
/vr/ (the board) is heavily pro-FFVIII

>> No.10549878

>Harsh but true. PlayStation introduced gaming to normalfags and pretty much ruined it forever. And there was a huge shift into "epic" movie-like games
Vidya in the cartridge era felt more like toys, after that it felt too Hollywood and therefore soulless with only Nintendo valiantly holding onto the old-fashioned ways and resisting interactive movies.

>> No.10549881

Yeah I think the hardware really held back at least the first generation of ac titles. Ac6 is tied with ac4a for my favourite.

>> No.10549890 [DELETED] 


>> No.10549892

>sega was awful because they didnt aggressively shill the same ip over and over again
t. brand sucking faggot. do you play games or do you play marketing campaigns. be honest with yourself anon. your initial words tell us all we need to know.

>> No.10549897 [DELETED] 

>youtuber told me otherwise
i think youre wrong anon.

>> No.10549901
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snoy wishes his ports were this broken lmao

>> No.10549903

the Atari 2600 is a unique experience that you can never really "get" unless you've played an actual console on a CRT TV; emulation doesn't suffice.

>> No.10549916

>the Atari 2600 is a unique experience
yeah, a uniquely shit experience

>> No.10549917
File: 257 KB, 1920x1080, 1657307620406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, that's like saying Nintendo was awful for always releasing a new Mario or Zelda whenever they made a new console, if people like an IP it's only natural they want to see it grow with all new technology as it comes with each generation, are you seriously trying to imply I'm shilling a brand because I wanted to see more MD IPs on Saturn?

Also, I don't think SEGA was awful just because we didn't get more of what the MD gave us on the Saturn, SEGA was awful due to a lot of other reasons during that time, but this was a big one.

>> No.10549934

You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

>> No.10549940

>Link's Awakening is the best game in the series.

>> No.10549943

your childhood console is 46 years old grandpa

>> No.10549949

all me.

>> No.10549952

always knew it was one mentally ill guy

>> No.10549957

>it would take about five before you started listing ports.
For some reason Saturn had a lot of ports with exclusive content, what a weird strategy.

>> No.10549958

Non-Japanese can't do shmups, beat-em-ups, or side scrolling platformers and shouldn't try.

>> No.10549959

Just because you are on 4chan doesn't mean you have to be an asshole contrarian about everything. Also you can just ignore threads you don't like.

>> No.10549962

This place is full of dirty brand humpers just ignore them. They only play the same series and get mad when they are called out.

>> No.10549970

Sega was a lot like IBM; neither company was built for the consumer market or ever really understood it.

>> No.10549981

Myth: We never got X cool Japan-only game in the US because fukka u gaijin
Truth: Japanese developers never really decided or cared about what got an international release, it was their Western subsidiaries that would look at a list of games and go "oh hey we like this, let's localize it."

>> No.10549983

That in the 80s and 90s normal, average kids below 13 years of age played and beat "NES hard" games from start to finish.

>> No.10550005

It payed off over the long term. The carts are kid friendly and have been passed around for decades now.

>> No.10550007

>Flashback 2
You missed out

>> No.10550014

There is a large element of contrarianism in retro gaming fandom that comes from a desire to appreciate something other than the most mainstream titles, but the reality is the mainstream games of the 80s and 90s usually were the best games that came out in that time period

For example: the popularity of the Neo Geo these days compared to the CPS1/2.

>> No.10550016

River Raid, by Carol Shaw, still holds up and invented the genre.

>> No.10550032

Most licensed games are shit because they're based on properties that simply do not translate into a video game. Sure, a few things like capeshit characters are born for the format but who ever thought Ren & Stimpy or Jimmy Neutron could work as a video game?

>> No.10550040

The ZX Spectrum was kino and /vr/ unfairly derides it.

>> No.10550049

The video game crash wasn't real

>> No.10550053

Tiger handhelds weren't that bad for how much they cost and what they were meant for.

>> No.10550061

This is a good one, and true.

>> No.10550062

No amount of wishing could have made Doom work on the Amiga.

>> No.10550072

American game devs just aren't good at making action games. They can make good engines, but fail at the game design element.
The only exception was Id Software for a little while, and possibly Midway (although I would argue they never made a game as good as their Japanese competition).
Think of any western action game that feels great to play and it was probably made in Europe or Australia.

>> No.10550074

Dragon's Lair was the tits in the 80s/90s and it had several ports. What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.10550076

The arcade ports you played back in the day were basically on the level of Chinese bootlegs and often even made without the original source code or art assets.

>> No.10550089

aww come on! You mean to tell me that Muppet Adventure: Chaos at the Carnival wasn't any good? You're telling me I shouldn't just make a thread with a single blurry stretched out screenshot with the subject and comment lines just "Muppet Adventure: Chaos at the Carnival" and nothing else!?

>> No.10550095

Arcade games are brutal quarter suckers and many weren't really even that good.

>> No.10550097
File: 20 KB, 250x187, muppet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it was Muppet Treasure Island.

>> No.10550102

/vr/ will never be patrician enough for the Amiga.

>> No.10550115

The Sadturd never really had a chance. Sorry, guys.

>> No.10550116

God Of War
Assassin's Creed
Middle-Earth's Shadow
What did Europe give us in action games?

>> No.10550117

>if they just left the arcade design behind
How would you change them?

>> No.10550118

All of those games suck.

>> No.10550120

A Hat in Time is one of the best 3D platformers ever made.

>> No.10550130

PC and Arcade games were always superior.

>> No.10550142

This board has an unending autistic obsession with graphics just like /v/, only instead of graphics cards people here flaunt high end japanese CRTs.

>> No.10550149

>people here flaunt high end japanese CRTs
I've never seen people here do that though

>> No.10550150

Indies make the classics obsolete

>> No.10550158

I don't feel like that's a particularly controversial statement. The hardware of those platforms was always at the bleeding edge of technology for those who could afford it. The vast majority of people couldn't though.

>> No.10550165
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Make them with a gacha philosophy.
First of all, anime girls. Don't question it. It works.
Second, constant content. Making meme difficulty stages and asking people to grind 1000 times is untenable. There should be 4 new stages every month.
Thirdly, collectible upgrades. The three-ship design gets stale far too fast. People like experimenting with new things, crazy upgrades. They don't like picking between the straight laser or the slightly sideway laser, that's lame.
In conclusion, picrel.

>> No.10550181

>Second, constant content. Making meme difficulty stages and asking people to grind 1000 times is untenable. There should be 4 new stages every month.
Gachas can do that only because they are designed to suck money out of you way more than arcades ever were, so they have much more resources to spend on development. It's untenable for shmup developers to make 4 new (good) stages per month, believe me.

>> No.10550184

Good ideas, thanks.

>> No.10550191

Sega of America made good games

Halo CE was legitimately good and deserves all the praise it got. If it deserves any ire, it is because you are projecting the shitty sequels onto the first game.

Sonic Team never made a single game that wasn't a mess of bugs

>> No.10550205

Gacha games are designed to sacrifice gambling addicts on the altar of fun for everybody else. Sorry, you need to take one for the team.

>> No.10550208

smash isnt a fighting game

>> No.10550214

>Sonic Team never made a single game that wasn't a mess of bugs
Puyo Puyo Tetris

>> No.10550241


>> No.10550275

vr can't into pre-nes stuff in general. millenialoomers run this board

>> No.10550293

This seems to be the case for the original. It wasn't hard to beat SM in under 3 hours though, and that ending gave the game away for anyone that didn't already know.

>> No.10550294 [DELETED] 

Just wait a few years and we'll be about to discuss gen 7 and 8 games on here. Patience guys.

>> No.10550296

You need double digit IQ to mess up a stack-em-up, I wrote one in 3 days for my embedded systems class.

>> No.10550297

The ZX Spectrum was cool and has its place in history but I'm tired of pretending it's bigger than it really was, or that its games held up well.

>> No.10550357

It's actually insane how much clearer the level on the left looks because of the colors despite being 1/8th resolution.

>> No.10550360

Copius maximus

>> No.10550363

That's not a Switch thing, that's a "Nintendo refuses to lower prices even if a gun is pointed to their mother's head" thing. That was literally always the case, only 3rd party sellers ever sell for less.

>> No.10550365

>with only Nintendo valiantly holding onto the old-fashioned ways and resisting interactive movies.
OoT plays and runs at the framerate of a movie

>> No.10550371

Not if the only way to get said games otherwise is to fucking own an arcade cabinet. At that point the question is "is it a good port"

>> No.10550379

if only. Movies are 24fps, OoT plays at 20

>> No.10550381

One Of does not mean THE best

>> No.10550385

I think the questioning line goes "Is the arcade game good" first.

>> No.10550394

>OoT is good.
For a second I read this as DoT and thought "I'm pretty sure the people on /vr/ that hate Day of the Tentacle is legitimately only like 3-4 people"

>> No.10550402

The reason people give MS slack is because while they are always the first to come up with the shitty anti-consumer practice, once everyone else catches up to them they do it on a way worse level that MS isn't so bad by comparison. And yes, that's a shitty defense, but lots of people defend things on the ground of "we didn't know how much worse it could've gotten than this"

>> No.10550407

"Winning" an online argument doesn't make you right, nor does anyone else care that it happened.

>> No.10550417

>PlayStation introduced gaming to normalfags and pretty much ruined it forever
Nintendo did that by targeting the easiest audience to dupe aka kids with bright colors and simple premises for parents to beg for and also find interesting
Videogames had to stay in computers for them to never become a normalfag interest

>> No.10550420
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There is nothing wrong with sports and racing games as long as they're well-made and not churned out for a quick buck. Pic related was a genuinely well-made game series that was killed for being too "arcadey" in priority over realism, but it's also a genre you will almost never hear talked about here because people associate sports with normalfaggotry.

>> No.10550424

Hell one of my favorite games, for whatever reason, is Digimon World 2. That game is shit, it's objectively bad, but I keep going back to that cursed dungeon crawler for some reason.
It is in fact ok to like bad things.

>> No.10550427

I think I played the ISS/PES games more than any other series, but according to /vr/ they're not real games and thus I had fake fun

>> No.10550441

I'll add on to this. As much as both /v/ and /vr/ (moreso /v/ in this regard) like to pretend they're hardcore and care about the "real" things in videogames, the hyperautistic obsession with graphics and first impressions of how a game looks is one of the most vapid, shallow ways of looking at an interactive medium I can think of. And the worst part is you can tell they aren't just doing it to just laugh at how it looks, they GENUINELY care and will base purchases on it.

>> No.10550446

>if you use ReTROONarch instead of standalone emulators you are a faggot
wait, why though? What did I do?

>> No.10550451

most of its games do not hold up well
zx spectrum (and the cpc, c64 and msx) all get a metric fuckton of awesome homebrew though

>> No.10550457

It's the same thing with CoD. People have shit on it for so long (because really, there arguably hasn't been a good CoD game since 2016) that they've convinced themselves the series was NEVER good. The era pre-IW when Raven was in charge of development produced good game after good game, even if you aren't a fan of how modern military shooters play. And they were good in the retro era too.

>> No.10550464

yes they were
not that Cave autism though

>> No.10550470

Oi mate! Not me Speccy!

>> No.10550471

>because people associate sports with normalfaggotry.
If I'm allowed to project to hell and back here, I say it's less because they associate it with normalfaggotry and more because a lot of /vr/ is old enough to remember the time when playing videogames made you a wierd nerd and not one of the cool normal kids, so rather they associate sports with bullies who made fun of them for not being normal enough.

It's kinda like cyberbullying. Cyberbullying WAS bullshit at the height of the scare and it was always an excuse to legitimatize normalfags invading outcast's spaces. Now that normalfags have populated online spaces, no one talks about the very real practice of cyber bullying, because doing so would go against normalfag social norms. I used to always think it was bullshit (and on some level it still is) but in hindsight, at least when I was bullied as a kid, that shit stopped when I went home after school because it doesn't really have an ability to follow you home without literally following you home. Thanks to the internet they're able to talk shit about you to other people 24/7 so you literally get no time off from it.

>> No.10550537

The entire 6th Generation of Video Gaming(Dreamcast, GameCube, Xbox, Playstation 2) was the last console generation that held onto 1990s style of game design, and in many ways that makes them incompatiable with todays market.

Video Games were always meant for children.

>> No.10550540

Only partially correct. Dreamcast is pretty much a retro console but anything after is way too modern and refined to be lumped with previous era, some games excepted.

>> No.10550560

The Dreamcast is strange. It was released in the middle-end of the 5th Generation of Consoles as a response to the N64, the Playstation, and the Sega Saturn itself. In a way, it can be defined as an upgunned 5th Generation, or a lamed 6th Generation. I declare it a 5.5 Gen, sort of like how the WiiU was a 7.5 Gen.

Video Games, I'm slowly beginning to realize, are more like toys, given to kids to be a distraction. The more this dawns on me, the more I feel like a child, and seek to eventually sell my collection.

>> No.10550618

Sanwa was not the button of choice for Japanese 2d fighting game players until the release of SFIV and the vewlix cabinet.

Western players mistakenly believed Seimitsu PS-14-GN and PS-15 buttons were Sanwa OBSF-30 buttons due to their resemblance and the fact that both Sanwa and Seimitsu made populated control panels for the commonly found cabinets. At some point it became common knowledge on SRK that Sanwa was the most popular button type in Japan, but what was lost in the translation from Japanese players was that Virtua Fighter 3 and 4 players outnumbered 2d fighting gamers in the 2003-2006 years and thus that's why Sanwa was the most popular button in Japan. However, arcades would still fit Seimitsu-made panels onto 2d fighting games which featured said Seimitsu buttons.

In the end this made little difference since PS-14-GN is not much different from OBSF-30 and PS-15 is even closer to a Sanwa button, but I still think it's kind of amusing how western players adopted Virtua Fighter controls for playing games like Third Strike and CVS2 and thought to themselves "Yes! I'm finally playing with the original correct controls!".

To make it doubly ironic some of the "stock" buttons Hori used at the time had the same keyswitch as Seimitsu buttons, thus making them more authentic for playing games like ST, SFA3, and 3S than anything Sanwa.

None of it actually matters that much tho.

>> No.10550645
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Also: rear projection CRT screens were way more common in Japan in the 90s than they are given credit for and tournaments were regularly played on them. If you want to play "like the pros" played back then you'd need a Super Megalo 2 instead of a Versus City cabinet.
It was also very common in the USA for tournaments to be played on Showcase 33 cabinets.

Neither of these cabinets are popular with collectors now because of their massive size and because the experience of playing on them is arguably less arcade-y than playing on a smaller direct view CRT cabinet. You can plop your arcade stick on a table in front of your 65" TV and you're getting a similar experience.

By the way those rear projection monitors had a good picture on them. They got misconverged and out of caibration as the years went by, but in their prime they looked almost as good as a normal CRT monitor, just giant sized.

>> No.10550663

Playing on a flatscreen isn't as bad as everyone says.

>> No.10550673

If you get the most modern ones that have effectively eliminated input lag, sure. Because let's be real, "muh CRT filters" was never the reason people serious about games preferred CRTs, it's because CRTs don't have input lag as it's just light projection instead of data.

>> No.10550675

Didn't those have a ton of latency for that age?

>> No.10550676

>Playing on a flatscreen isn't as bad as everyone says.
it'll never look as good as a CRT although the main issue with them input lag can be fixed by setting Game Mode which disables extra processing in which case it behaves like a PC monitor

>> No.10550687

Yknow, I never feel the input lag. From my Dreamcast down to my Playstation, if its there its just not impactful enough for me to notice or care.

>> No.10550697

Go play the Mega Man Anniversary colleciton on PS2/GC. That has insane levels of input lag.
Admittedly, that's not because of the screen, it's because they're bad ports, but to me that's an easy way to see what bad input lag feels like.

>> No.10550725

I would but I'm not a big Mega Man fan. I'll go find my Sonic Mega Collection disc and see if that has any feeling to it.

>> No.10550731
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Mame and RetroArch are actually pretty good, the retards screeching over how "hard" they are to use are just too impatient and apparently can't be bothered to read the instructions

European 8-bit microcomputer games have aged like fucking milk with very few exceptions. the only good things about them that still hold up consistently is the music

>> No.10550734

They are analog CRTs so the latency is exactly the same as a direct view CRT monitor.
They are as "zero lag" as any other analog CRT.

>> No.10550750

PS1 games run at like 30 fps anyway so of course lag isn't noticeable. A lot of cartridge era stuff does run at 60 fps and you will notice the lag. I've proven this. In the Quick Draw minigame in Kirby's Adventure you can't punch King Deedeedee on a flat panel TV. The weaker enemies, no problem. But when he shows up it's totally hopeless, you can't react in time. On a CRT, absolutely no problem punching him.

>> No.10550772

Here's one:

If you don't notice input lag on televisions with lag then you're probably just not that good at or serious about video games. Even RPG and sim players should be able to notice it. -Every- other kind of action based game is affected by it, not just fighting and shooting games.

>I just don't notice it bro
You just suck at games, bro.

>> No.10550775

Lag should not be noticeable on RPGs, I guarantee you an HDTV will not affect your game of Dragon Quest. If you were playing Gradius, then yeah you're pretty fucked.

>> No.10550780

I've beaten games like Alien Soldier (in superhard) and got all Contra Hard Corps endings with 1CC using emulators. I don't know how much input lag I had when I played them in computers worse than the one I have now, but anyway, muh input lag always seems like an excuse.
>The reason I can't beat hard games is because of input lag!
You just suck at games, bro.

>> No.10550785

if you were on an emulator you probably used a PC monitor which doesn't do signal processing like an HDTV does. again I will stress that any halfway creditable TV has a Game Mode to disable that shit.

>> No.10550791

Funny. I think DW1 and DW3 are boring in their own unique ways, DW2 is the only one I feel compelled to play. I should try beating it seriously one of these days.

>> No.10550804

There are usually some mini-games in any given RPG which rely on good timing.
Then there are the games with attacks that need additional timed inputs.

>> No.10550807

emulator lag and hdtv lag are leagues apart in severity. The worst offenders of mid 2000s hdtvs had lag on the order of 50+ milliseconds. This is over three frames of lag.

>> No.10550825

Hmmm. I'm playing through Sonic & Knuckles and I'm not feeling anything. Then again, this is the Mega Collection.
I'm going to pull out the DC and see if I notice a lag. I've never actually considered it until this point.

>> No.10550870

>that held onto 1990s style of game design, and in many ways that makes them incompatiable with todays market.
Nah. In terms of gameplay, the gap between sixth, seventh and eighth gen games is far smaller than that of fifth and sixth gen games. The moment the PS2 hit the scene, any and all serious hardware limitations were gone, and massive games built around replayability, unlockable content, deep combat systems and open world exploration became the norm rather than rare breakthroughs like OoT or SoTN. Every vidya gen since then has just had incremental hardware upgrades to cram more content and better graphix.

The games are also far more accessible to modern gamers due to the familiar gameplay. Any zoomie could pick up and enjoy RE4, DMC3 and Halo if they've played any modern TPS, Hack n' Slash or FPS. Go back just one gen with Syphon Filter, Medievil and Perfect Dark and the games start getting considered either too janky or too barebones. Don't even get me started with them dealing with NES/SNES era difficulty.

>> No.10550869
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There's another level to this: CRT projectors don't have a shadow mask or aperture grille. This makes the image look super clean and blocky, especially when it's RGB 240p blown up to 50". You can see square pixels on these. And you would have in 1995.

>> No.10550884

>Video Games were always meant for children.
So you're saying you don't know anything at all about the history of computer gaming?

>> No.10550926

5th gen games have such low framerates that HDTVs have no problem keeping up with them. if it runs at 60 fps then you can expect problems although a lag of one frame may not be too bad and not worse than emulator lag.

>> No.10550962

Emulator lag exists but quite frankly, compared to tv input lag it's so small on more modern updated emulators that there has to be some real problems for you to miss the timing from it.

>> No.10550972

>the fat squishing as she twists

>> No.10550975

Virtua Fighter is a mid franchise and not as influential as everyone thinks

Virtua Fighter did not invent ring outs
Virtua Fighter did not invent juggling
Virtua Fighter was not the first fighting game to play down projectiles
Virtua Fighter did not Invent 3D fighting games
Virtua Fighter was not the first 3D fighting game
Virtua Fighter was not even Sega's first 3D fighting game
Virtua Fighter was not Sega's first 3D game
Virtua Fighter was not Sega's flagship 3D game
Virtua Fighter did not influence the gaming industry
Virtua Fighter is not the reason Quake exists
Virtua Fighter was not the reason why consoles moved to 3D
Virtua Fighter is not technical, complex or deep

3D fighting game from 1979
Juggles in a fighting game from 1991
3D fighting game that used polygons in 1991

>> No.10551000

Not that anon but here's a bunch:

Albert Odyssey
Blast Wind
Crows the Battle Action
Dark Savior
Dragon Force
Guardian Heroes
Magic Knight Rayearth
Psychic Killer Taroumaru/Shinrei Jusatsushi Taroumaru
Saturn Bomberman
Shining Force 3
The Legend of Oasis
Three Dirty Dwarves

>> No.10551035

Good because half of them were made by yuropoors

>> No.10551062

>God of War.
The new ones kinda suck.
Haven't touched any outside the first. The first had some repetitve elements to it that make it meh.
Guy Tomb Raider.
>Assassin's Creed.
On the one hand, the first game came out at a good point in history since there weren't any real games like it before. On the other hand, we can credit it for making Open World such a big thing and for ensuring Ubisoft never make another Rayman ever again.
Assuming you mean Shadow of Mordor, then yeah, the first one was great. The second was meh.

What are some European Action games, the only one that comes to mind is Gothic and Dark Messiah.

>> No.10551064 [DELETED] 

>repost from /tv/ that the OP just ran his image through a GB filter.

>copped a warning from just agreeing with an anon ITT, replying to his post and posting "this"

This board is a fucking joke

>> No.10551070

Yakuza is literally its direct successor and its one of the most popular game series in modern gaming right now.

>> No.10551079

I'm playing Jet Grind Radio and I'll be honest, I'm not seeing squat or feeling squat. No lag whatsoever. Maybe its just so minimal I don't notice it.

>> No.10551084 [DELETED] 

cope and seethe

>> No.10551094

This is a more informed perspective, I wonder why this is never talked about. All you hear is
>cartridge bad
>better load times on cart

And nothing deviating from that

>> No.10551102

no matter how many good games it had the n64 was an objectively bad followup to the SNES as literally every game that did well on the SNES didn't get a followup on the n64 except for star fox and zelda

>> No.10551104

>SHMUPs need a competitive mindset
This applies to fighters, but not shmups I feel.

I like shmups solely because I like weaving around tight corridors and treating the game like a puzzler.

>> No.10551116

>Dreamcast failed
The dreamcast did not fail. It sold reasonably well and was a good piece of hardware. Sega's financial rut is what caused them to exit the console market, not the dreamcast. They were not in a position to compete effectively in the console space.

>> No.10551120

PS1 had more games that ran at 60 fps and having way more space for data means you have way better arcade-style games on PS1 because you don't have to compress everything into a 4mb cartridge so you can actually have a ton of levels and sound/graphics that aren't weak sounding
>makes you play the same levels over and over
>looks and sounds horrible
>runs like shit
pick 2, that's every single N64 game except for a few freak experiements like resident evil 2 or rakuga kids that used much bigger and much more expensive for the developer cartridges and ended up having a ton of loading screens.

natural 4 controller slots and having an analog stick from the start were the parts of the N64 that were actually good ideas. cartridges did nothing but make yamauchi and the other greedy old yakuza fucks at nintendo more money by forcing everyone to use their own special format

>> No.10551128

This is a terrible take.

>> No.10551153

OP did ask for truths no one could handle

>> No.10551169
File: 466 KB, 480x270, SNgI51W.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plus the N64 was originally supposed to come out in 1995. Which means it would have been in principal engineering in 1994. If you're Nintendo in 1994 you have no reason to change course. You're looking at all these other companies throwing shit at the wall and seeing what would stick, a bunch of CD machines that were middling successes at best or absolute disasters at worst. Meanwhile you're sitting pretty, doing solid business in Japan, America, and Europe, which no other console manufacturer can say at that point. Switching to CDs to chase a trend would have been moronic based on the information available.

And for the people who think that And even if we were to rely on hindsight and argue that Nintendo should have expected Final Fantasy VII to sell 20x as many units as it's predecessor, Squaresoft was likely to bounce to Sony anyway because what they really wanted was that conglomerate money, not just CDs. If they really wanted CDs that desperately they would have been making games for the Sega CD or 3DO. Sony co-published FFVII, footing the bill for the marketing. Nintendo was never going to do that regardless nor was it in a position to be able to.

>> No.10551172

>that's every single N64 game except for a few freak experiements like resident evil 2 or rakuga kids that used much bigger and much more expensive for the developer cartridges and ended up having a ton of loading screens.
All cartridge-based consoles that aren't an Atari 2600 or NES games with CHR ROM have some load time because the game has to unpack and set up the graphics data. You can't avoid it.

>> No.10551196

Games were not better, you just remember the good ones.
Games were not harder, you were a child.
Games were only less buggy because they were ridiculously simple.

>> No.10551249

Is this true?

>> No.10551304

>as a response to the N64, the Playstation, and the Sega Saturn itself.
This isn't true. They only released early because that was the only viable way to get market share back from sony in the upcoming 6th generation.

>> No.10551348

You look at the Dreamcast and tell me it wasn't made as an attempt to fix the mistakes of the Saturn.

>> No.10551352

No but it mixes up the gameplay well enough that it's not autistic as fuck like shmups are

>> No.10551408

Sega's problem was that every system they made had to get to market ASAP because their previous console had no life left in it. Nintendo had the advantage of gradually sunsetting their older systems as their new one ramped up. The NES was still getting games as late as 1994, the SNES into 1998. Meanwhile the Saturn had to come out as soon as possible because the Mega Drive was completely dead in Japan and a similar thing happened with the Dreamcast. Nintendo would release a new console when it was good and ready. Sega would release a new console because they needed to put out a fire.

>> No.10551412

Looks like they couldn't handle that one. Tekken 3 is better

>> No.10551418

Pokemon RBY is a broken mess with lazy designs.

>> No.10551424

Glad this has been stated. If you're a big enough enthusiast to want low-latency, your money goes a lot further just buying a gaming monitor. Scanline filters are basically 99% accurate to making the games look like they do on CRTs.

>> No.10551430
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>Video Games, I'm slowly beginning to realize, are more like toys, given to kids to be a distraction.

That's not true. The problem is your mindset towards it and possibly game choice, not video games itself. They can have a lot of mechanical depth or story telling that only an adult could notice and appreciate.

>> No.10551434

BUT did it invent yomi?

>> No.10551435

I have replayed the games of my childhood, and for many of them I just... Don't like them anymore.

>> No.10551439

>games of my childhood
maybe that's why. you're playing games a child would like.

broaden your horizons, dude.

>> No.10551479

PC CRPGs are all bad and always have been

Nothing will ever be as good as DKC2

>> No.10551537

I have tried, and the games made these days are just awful.
I think what father told me so long ago has finally come to pass; I fear that I have just... Outgrown video games. And that realization fills me with dispair.

>> No.10551569

plenty of ps1 games run at 60fps-ish zoomer

>> No.10551578

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with taking a break from vidya or just finding a new hobby altogether anon. You could try tabletop games, ping pong, pool, reading, there’s almost endless possibilities. Every few years I end up taking a couple months off gaming and broaden my horizons (have found very interesting hobbies in the process) and eventually I feel the urge to play vidya again, but with a fresh attitude and often a new hobby that I enjoy. There’s no rule that video games have to be your only hobby.

>> No.10551579

FPGA shits on emulation.

>> No.10551595

>Video Games, I'm slowly beginning to realize, are more like toys, given to kids to be a distraction

I've thought about this too. Like a lot of kids, I grew up loving 3D platformer collectathons, but replaying them now and even playing newer games inspired by them like A Hat in Time or Yooka Laylee, they really do seem like they're distractions for kids. "Hey kiddo, run mindlessly through these environments and collect 75 Power Stars! WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU GET ALL 120??????? Go get 'em, champ!"

That being said, I don't think all games are created equal. Sports are games at the end of the day and I don't think anyone thinks athletes who dedicated their lives to directing a ball through a soccer goal or a tiny hole in a huge grassy field are childish. There are also "kiddy games" where adults are able to find a lot more depth/meaning than the intended child audience couldn't appreciate

>> No.10551649

>zoom zoom
>Arcade1up cabinet

>> No.10551689

>emulation shits on emulation

>> No.10551719

Chances are, you're just buying awful AAA games made for morons.
I started playing Cyberpunk 2077 recently, and apart from the plot being a pretty decent approximation of a Gibson novel, and the dialogue scenes being quite well animated and stuff, this game just isn't very good.
You walk to points on the map, and you shoot when it tells you to, and the shooting feels bad. That's the game. And I'm supposed to do that for like a hundred hours presumably, and I'm already tired of it.

>> No.10551720
File: 18 KB, 400x400, donutella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take a CRT any day but people here are puritanically anal about them and derail threads whenever someone posts a retro game being played on an LCD, where it was probably just done out of convenience, and i've even seen retards saying that they outright can't play the retro games they own because they don't have a CRT at the moment

>> No.10551783

this, sport and racing games are THE BIGGEST FILTERS in videogames and to people who plays videogames.

>> No.10551832

God of War and RE4 did not Shenmue. There were a few games that did it before and after Shenmue but those two are what made it the trend.

>> No.10551916

I think it's straight up better to use emulators than trying to play old consoles on an LCD though.

>> No.10551919

Both of those games were years after shenmue and completely different genres too.

>> No.10551920

QTEs aren't strictly a bad thing either. Everyone got sick of them when they were in every game, and were basically used as monster closets to quickly kill you.
If you're going for a particular kind of cinematic game, QTE's can add a certain oomph to that, by allowing you to "play the cutscenes".

>> No.10551930

- When we're young we can form emotional attachments to toys and videogames. For some of us certain franchises and even brands are basically teddy bears. These emotional attachments are far from logical. This is perfectly fine as long as you recognize it for what it is: irrational. But when you spend an extraordinary amount of time on 4chan trying to rationalize flaws in your favorite game you have an emotional attachment to, you're being a retard.
- Some people come here not because they enjoy retro, but because they're weebs and think old anime games are a e s t h e t i c.

>> No.10551941

That's true, but the games I loved as a kid were mostly all pretty good.
I'm not going to look at something like Worms 2, and be afraid to go back to it, because it might secretly be bad. Of course it's not bad. It's Worms. It's timeless.

I definitely played some shitty games that I still have a level of attachment to, like old DOS platformers. Commander Keen is not a great game. I'm sorry, but it isn't.
If you have some inflated notion of what Commander Keen is, it's because you didn't have a console to play better platformers on. Literally, C Tier licensed games on the SNES like Stargate, are better games than Commander Keen.

>> No.10551945
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>> No.10551949

I never complained about old farts. That's a you problem. I have respect for things that came before me.

>> No.10551956

Konami was never good

>> No.10551961

That's just fetch-quest style games. Very common in the western industry. I don't think it's a very good genre, you will beat the game with your patience, not with skills or by doing anything fun. Just like with JRPGs, they don't interest me much anymore either. You should try older games.

>> No.10551971

The trick to a good collectathon is that the collectable is a carrot and stick thing that encourages you to interact with the game's world, and sends you on an adventure.
The classic thing would be you have a tight platforming challenge, and at the end you get a shiny as a reward.
It's very easy to miss this element of the design and just have a sandbox with a lot of shit to pick up though. Even modern open world games kind of fall for this. I don't want to pick up a thousand flowers, and a thousand animal pelts, if they're just kind of lying around. I don't care at that point. It's not earned, and it doesn't signify anything.

>> No.10551982 [DELETED] 

mods don't remove trolly threads like this.

>> No.10552081 [DELETED] 

>fun thread where everyone politely debates different viewpoints and challenge each other
reddit is more your speed

>> No.10552170

Except it works on Amiga.

>> No.10552410

Cyberpunk 2077 is a game that is, in essence, built for the "Normies". While decent for the novels sake, theres so much to the world hinted at in the books that aren't really delved into. Its like Deus Ex: Human Revolutions and Mankind Divided. On the whole, good games - but when compared to Deus Ex, they simply cannot compare. The only modern game I've had any real fun with was Battletech for the PC, but I'm not going to be able to play that for a while anymore.
The discussion with CRTs is both an important one, but not in the way they think. CRTs are dying, and there doesn't seem to be a cottage industry in place at any level that can repair or produce new ones. What will happen when their phosphorous screens finally fade away, when their boards fry, when their neutron guns begin to missfire? That is what I want to know.

>> No.10552421

Good fucking lord, it IS possible.
I suppose with the march of time, and code becoming more and more efficient, anything could be programmed on anything.

>> No.10552432 [DELETED] 

>what are some truths that /vr/ can't handle?
/vr/ is an echochamber for nintendies who try and pretend anyone cared about the n64 and that the ps1 was not massively popular. Due to this no one on 4chins who likes old games posts much on /vr/ but instead the post on /v/ and /vr/ is left to nintendue paedophiles who masturbate over zelda imagining they are controlling a kid. This is the truth /vr/ can't handle. Nintendo is meh and always ways, pedos should be hung and no one who loves retro cames posts on this shit tendiepedo board unless its to tell the nintendiepedo ech chamber its shit and always was. Crappest of all boards.

>> No.10552568 [DELETED] 

RE4 sucks and ruined the franchise.
Half-Life sucks.
Yoshi's Island sucks.
MiSTer FPGA is just an underpowered PC with emulators(a.k.a. "cores") and is a waste of money.

>> No.10552578 [DELETED] 
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>what are some truths that /vr/ can't handle?

Resident Evil Code Veronica triggers trannies.

>> No.10552582

Only if you had some obscure accelerator card for it. DOOM wouldn't work on any stock amiga.

>> No.10552612 [DELETED] 

>I don't like the N64 )^:<
This is all you post, every day.

>> No.10552776 [DELETED] 

Pedos should preferably not be hung for perforative reasons as they have a higher risk of committing a crime where that may be an issue if they are indeed hung.
Hanged is what you meant. English is a bit of a silly language because hung is used in most other cases, just not when describing a person being roped from their neck as you might accidentally wish them a large penis instead.

>> No.10552809

The reason there are almost twice as many stars in Mario 64 though is because it gives you the freedom to pick your poison. Sure, collecting all 120 gets you a small bonus because that's a pretty normal thing for 100% completion but it's not conceptually different from Mario 3 and Mario World where you sometimes can pick and choose which stages to play or which exits to use.

>> No.10552845

I don't think there's such a thing as a modern sports game churned out for a quick buck. Because even if it's really poorly coded and missing features previous games had, shit like Madden and FIFA must pay an absolute fuckton in licensing just to get made.

>> No.10552860

>There are also "kiddy games" where adults are able to find a lot more depth/meaning than the intended child audience couldn't appreciate
It was said in another thread a couple months back but toys and games for babies tend to have a lot of passion into them because the designers are usually parents themselves and have a pretty good idea of how babies think and interact with shit. It's when you start working on shit for 8 year olds that the generation gap and jadedness with the kind of dumb shit modern kids are into starts creeping in. But babies are pretty uncomplicated and have been the same way forever. Tim Schafer took on one with Double Fine basically because "yeah why not, I'll make a Sesame Street game, I loved it as a kid", and from what I hear it's actually one of the best Sesame Street games out there. Not retro though, came out in 2011.

>> No.10552876

Madden, FIFA, MLB, they're so... Boring. I work at a retro shop and they're always the cheap, most common games we have. I've also noticed there's almost no other sports games showing up. Why not a Rugby title, Cricket, anything like that? Just those three over and over.

>> No.10552880

Because EA cornered the market, is the easy answer. PES used to be FIFA's competitor but Konami doesn't even make PES anymore, now it's a new brand.

>> No.10552975

I miss the old days.
When there was variety, when there was some love in these things.
Now they're just so boring.

>> No.10552983

OoT is still the best game ever made
or is that a truth /v/ can't handle?

>> No.10552986

I believe Soul Reaver 2 is the best, but you do you.

>> No.10552997
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Perhaps, see this >>10549065

>> No.10553119

>no response
I love when that happens.

>> No.10553213

The problem is people won't buy a sports title that doesn't have real teams and players. And nowadays getting those licenses are too expensive or impossible due to exclusivity arrangements. An NBA Jam or NFL Blitz can't exist today. Sure, you can make the game but the minute you have to invent fake teams you've lost 90% of your audience.

>> No.10553251

Literally can't get it running on my laptop because I use Intel rather than Nvidia or AMD.

>> No.10553438

it's not even the best zelda game ever made

>> No.10553449

the hard truth to swallow is that it's not even in the top 10 games of 1998

>> No.10553456 [DELETED] 

The is the strongest enemy in a video game that has never been beaten, yet can be beaten.

>> No.10553458

There is the strongest enemy in a video game that has never been beaten, yet can be beaten.

>> No.10553459

Then they wouldn't be shmups. Shmups or other action games forcing the player to learn them is why people are interested in them in the first place, and if you want new stages constantly, I don't think you would enjoy a good 2D platformer either.

>> No.10553545

>NBA Jam or NFL Blitz
Coincidentally, both were made by Midway, a company known for making games with an arcade feel. Which is why those series have great moment-to-moment action.

>> No.10553557

gaming died with sega and looking glass
taito was the warning sign

>> No.10553763

The original Sonic games, Ristar and NiGHTS all work well for the most part, and some of the more glitch-heavy ones were made under tight deadlines.

>> No.10553770

6th gen was still solid, just not as good as 5th gen. After that you have to be looking for scraps.

>> No.10553771

Metroid Dread

>> No.10553860

Anybody claiming they enjoy gaming on a small, heavy CRT is fooling themselves when they could be gaming on a gigantic HDTV with a decent analog to digital scaler.

>> No.10553959

Ikaruga is objectively the greatest shmup ever made.

>> No.10553972 [DELETED] 

Half Life is good and no anmount schizoid threads will change that.
The samefag schizo should give up already, your retardation is killing threads.

>> No.10553984

Half Life > Doom

>> No.10553990

they have hardware antialiasing

>> No.10554013

Heh. You got owned kid.

>> No.10554034
File: 25 KB, 400x462, 1515705316240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I'm assuming most will agree with some of this, I'm ready to get shat on for the rest.
>games DO age, and they can age for people who grew up with the games when they first came out
>retro gaming is better now with emulation and flash carts, and minor imperfections don't matter much
>retro translations that changed things are not SOVLFUL, it's bad
>most retro translations were terrible and things are better now, despite the nonsense that sometimes seeps in
>if you use something translated improperly in an argument, you are wrong no matter what you are saying
>i will never call the ZX Spectrum "zed x spectrum" and there is nothing wrong with that
>contrarianism does not make your threads interesting
>/vr/ is just as bad as /v/, but is just slower
>most of the time, threads about overrated games are made by the same guy who keeps getting you to bite on bait
>99% of you don't know the rules about what is retro here and mods are not strict enough to enforce the rules half time time (such as letting non-retro threads going on for hours)
>most questions people post in threads or make threads about can be just Googled
>LAN parties are not as great as you remember, and you are just nostalgic for them
>speedrunning is interesting despite the high amounts of autism and trannies that fill it
>zoomers grew up with games that are considered retro, it's gen alpha who didn't, so that's the group that should be getting more shit
I'm sure there are a fuckton more, but that's all I could think of off the top of my head.

>> No.10554102

>don't think athletes are childish
In some ways absolutely they are. Don't get me wrong I think they are generally 'normal'. However you could consider esports here: is there a difference between a soccer star and a Fifa xx star if their pay, recognition etc is equal?

>> No.10554119

Lol. Well spotted anon.

>> No.10554141

Watching a video of babies being skinned alive and fucked would be more enjoyable than playing a game on the ZX Spectrum.

>> No.10554259

Exult adds more bugs and freezes than it fixes and makes Ultima VII look like a cheap knock off of the real game.

>> No.10554263

Story and cinematics are not needed at all for a game to be good.

>> No.10554268

None of this is true. I play classic pc rpgs that I have never played and enjoy every moment. My existence proves you are wrong.

>> No.10554272

>Creating Sony as a powerhouse in the market
Well it was correct if you mean for us, but not for Nintendo. Lost a lot of developers too, like Square.

>> No.10554329

It's an important thing to be aware of, true. Supposedly all users here are 18+ and responsible, self aware adults and don't need this reminder but I'm increasingly avoiding threads because...

Yeah CK 'has its place in history' by now but anon, Worms 2 kinda does too. Apart from the genre being obscure enough to have few successors, it's translation into 3d was... Anyhow I knew a guy who just loved Xevious. It became a guilty pleasure of mine for a while too. Better leave it there.

>> No.10554340

Except that all the other options are equally as pointless, so...

>> No.10554702

No board on 4chan can accept those truths these days.

>> No.10554703

That the MisterFPGA is ludokino and software emulation is dog shit.

>> No.10554717

The only problem with Worms 2 is it isn't Worms Armageddon.
It's pretty much impossible to play those games and no have fun with them.
Gameplay has aged flawlessly, graphics have aged flawlessly. That's kind of why Worms dwindled as a thing after that point. There was nowhere else to go with it, beyond adding gimmicks.

>> No.10554738

that emulation makes you a poor,disk rot is a meme,if you dont own a neo geo AES you should just rope yourself.

>> No.10554741
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people don't understand that most Europeans don't give a single fuck about gay ass Zelda games

>> No.10554742

the ps1 was shit

>> No.10554750

I am European, and I don't even care what those people think. They literally just have no taste.
>dude, this shareware game on DOS is BETTER than Nintendo because that's what I had when I was a kid
It isn't though. You've made no effort to leave a particular comfort zone, and you think it makes you "real" or something.

>> No.10554753
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>> No.10554769

>I can't run it without graphics acceleration!

How old is your laptop? What model? Do you not have a desktop you can use instead? When has Intel ever made graphics hardware that wasn't rudimentary? You sound like someone trying to run Crysis on a netbook.

>> No.10554840
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I like playing female fighters so I can look at hot women kick ass.

>> No.10554904

People don't act like that.
The problem with Zoomers is they think every subculture they stumble upon on the internet represents the real world. Most people don't even know what a Neo Geo is.
>wtf, I showed up to an enclave of SNK enthusiasts, and no one is talking about the Playstation? What gives?????
You're an idiot.

>> No.10555064

>what are some truths that /vr/ can't handle?
>real world

>> No.10555070

It's a consequence of the internet becoming more sanitized as a whole. This place has always had an edge but it was never so schizophrenic and retarded until the last decade when the idiots got pushed out of everywhere else and had to come here.

>> No.10555072

The reason there's more nostalgia and discussion about failed Nintendo systems compared to successful Sony systems is that Sony consoles were targeted to adults of the time and these moved on long time ago. Nintendo consoles were targeted to kids who then became trapped in a process of arrested development and can't let go of the past.

tl;dr: you're mentally ill.

>> No.10555195

Mario 64 and ocarina of time aged like dogshit

>> No.10555334

N64 games in general haven't aged well. NES games still have this hardcore purity to them and the old school pixel art and audio have their own charms - to the point where there's an entire subgenre of modern games mimicking that look, sound and feel of those old games.
N64 stuff on the other hand is clunky by comparison, with muddy, blurry graphics and choppy framerates. There's just no aesthetic appeal there at all. You have to go through all sorts of emulation voodoo to make these games look good.

>> No.10555342

>NES games still have this hardcore purity to them and the old school pixel art and audio have their own charms - to the point where there's an entire subgenre of modern games mimicking that look, sound and feel of those old games.
SNES games have aged worse, but especially shmups. The format just did not translate onto them.

>> No.10555346

The framerate is the killer aspect. Mario 64 plays fine, and so does F-Zero X with its 60fps, but most flaghship titles crapped themselves and ran at 20 or worse.

>> No.10555369

True, but tons of SNES games are still great. Every Natsume title, Hagane, SCIV, DKC series, the masterclass RPG library

>> No.10555372

Sup caddicarus

>> No.10555375

Ocarina of Time is just a dumbed down A Link to the Past, which is a watered down Link's Awakening

>> No.10555385

Like I mean a game like Flying Hero. It seems like it's mostly a vehicle for the programmers to go "wheee, look at all these kewl Mode 7 effects!" and feels a lot more gimmicky than the stark minimalism of 8-bit shmups.

>> No.10555402

>dumbed down
>is superior in every conceivable way snd significantly more complex

>> No.10555513

>retro games are piss easy and you only think they're hard because you remember playing them when you were a dumb kid who didn't know any better.
>the seething when someone says a game has aged or that games age is the result of people being an insecure old farts and treating it as a personal attack on their childhood rather than the game itself. nostalgia is a hell of a drug after all.
>not necessarily /vr/ related but japanese companies like nintendo, capcom & square are just as guilty of the same scummy/shady business practices that people crucify a western company like EA, activision & ubisoft for doing but nobody really gives them shit because they remember playing mario, mega man or final fantasy when they were 8-10 years old.

>> No.10555593

This reminds me of a video I saw once where the guy posited that the Genesis was the true successor to the NES as it had a focus on fast paced and challenging action games, whereas the SNES specialized in "deeper" experiences like RPGs.
That being said, the top tier SNES action games are excellent. It's just that the B-tier action titles on the system were pretty bad and slow. SHMUPs and the like were falling out of fashion by the time the SNES was having it's glory days so it wasn't a huge deal for the system anyway.

>> No.10555713

Yes, this is not the real world.

>> No.10555803
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>not having biologically native run ahead
I'm sorry for your disability

>> No.10555957

I do feel like I increasingly prefer the Megadrive to the SNES, so there's probably something to that. I just don't really care about all of those Square Enix RPGs.

>> No.10555969

Games don't age though. And I'm raging against this presumption that games are supposed to tend toward homogenisation, until we presumably reach some kind of ultimate final game, and that's just it.
I don't want everything to control, and look and sound the same. It's boring.
I like picking up something that plays in a strange archaic way, and just having to figure it out.
I like all of the specific quirks old systems had because of their limitations. I like that Megadrive games look and sound like Megadrive games, and the same for SNES games. I don't want them to be "made better", any more than I want to watch a colourised Bride of Frankenstein.

>> No.10555991

The Genesis is the successor to the NES specifically in the sense that both have a lot of western kusoge on them. It is not a follow up to the Famicom at all however.

>> No.10556064

>Puyo Puyo Tetris
You would be correct if you said previous puyo games, but the Tetris ones...

>> No.10556091

Yeah, my heart will always be with the SNES but as I get older and have less free time, I'd rather play a blistering an action game that I could feasibly beat in an hour versus a 30 hour RPG. I really slept on the Genesis library for a very long time and the further I get into it, the more I love it. There TONS of great action games released in the early days of the system that almost nobody talks about.

>> No.10556110

Interesting statement, just wing it, top of the head guess is pretty close to right The Transistor count on a i486 is over 1million, it varies. Pentium 3.3m. PSX 1m. N64 2.6m.

>> No.10556157

I do think n64 has a good library, but people always talk about the same games: Banjo and kazoe, Mario 64 and Zelda ones. Once a while people remember about other games they had

>> No.10556162

What was the FF VII equivalent in N64? The MGS equivalent in N64?

>> No.10556164

Nobody said it had one. In fact he said the opposite.

>> No.10556169

But it's 100% gameplay. You can't go more gameplay than that.

>> No.10556170


>> No.10556178

Agreed. The best games have cutscene at beginning and end of levels. Anything else should be 100% gameplay.

>> No.10556205

This is why I used to love old devs. They would release a new IP every time. Now we have 10 Yakuza games, 30 Ass Creed, 20 CoD, etc.

>> No.10556208

Wrong, they should try. They may finally make something good since two of those genres are dead in Japan.

>> No.10556216

That's a problem more of publishers than developers.

>> No.10556217

>leave the arcade design
>copy the gacha design
It's literally the same shit, but asking for far more coins than arcade games.

>> No.10556226

I'd love 3 more if there was a lower rate of random battles and exp was shared among all digimons instead of those that fought during the battle. There is 0 reason to change digimon on your party if he starts at level 1 and you need to switch him out every time because the game changes enemies as the story progress so there is no weak enemies anymore.

>> No.10556240

I mean, I genuinely like Paper Mario and Goldeneye/Perfect Dark more, but you're just going to get mad at me for saying that.

>> No.10556242

>doesn't answer the question

>> No.10556246

See, my answer isn't good enough for you.
Paper Mario isn't enough like Final Fantasy for your tastes, even though I like it more than Final Fantasy.

>> No.10556256

That is not me. Still, you are saying Paper Mario is an equivalent to FFVII, but I could just as well say Medal of Honor is an equivalent to Goldeneye and I don't think you will accept that.

>> No.10556257

Not my fault you used a certain angle and then you drop it altogether when it suits you

>> No.10556262

He said N64 library was curated and had unique games, yet he can't see the same can be said for Saturn and PS1.

>> No.10556263

I would accept that.
My response would be that I don't care about WW2 games, and am not going to play Medal of Honor anyway.

>> No.10556264

The PS1 has more unique games than the N64. True rarities and experimental games, more than any other console in existence.

>> No.10556268

Then there is no point in saying there is no real Goldeneye equivalent on PS1 and Saturn.

>> No.10556272

I didn't say that.

>> No.10556273

There is nothing wrong with gameplay autism

>> No.10556274

PS1 had
>minigames styled titles like incredible crisis
>weird puzzle games like that puzzle game about a girl who has to disable hidden explosives, or kula world, Intelligent cube
>rhythm games, vib ribbon, parappa, etc
>novel adventures like mizurna falls, acongua, etc
>rpgs with very novel systems like vagrant story, valkyrie profile
>platformer/rpg hybrids like tomba
>ghost in the shell, a game that doesn't play like any other, not even other mecha games
what's the n64 equivalent to SOTN? etc etc etc

Fuck me, you simply can't just say that the system with 300 games has more unique games than the system with 2000 titles. I'm fucking sick of the attitude of "everything I grew up with is the best".

>> No.10556276

Those are mostly kind of mid, let's be real.

>> No.10556282 [DELETED] 

>t. never played them but you're going to assume they're mid because nintendo youtube "historians" don't know they exist

>> No.10556336

He said N64 had little overlap with PS1/Saturn. He's right. It did its own thing for better and worse.

>> No.10556342

My favourite series is Metal Slug.
Who's buying a console for Vib Ribbon and Intelligent Cube? They're momentary distractions, at best.

>> No.10556357

>Who's buying a console for Vib Ribbon and Intelligent Cube? They're momentary distractions, at best.
Apparently a shitton of people if you consider the PS1 sales.

BTW, Intelligent Cube sold more than Paper Mario globally. Vib Ribbon was a hit in Japan.

>> No.10556613

He also said they were curated and had a lot unique games, also no real Goldeneye equivalent on PS1 and Saturn. Do not ignore the rest of his posts.

>> No.10556713

Seethe and cope. You will never be correct.

>> No.10556726

I'm warning you, these might be hard to hear for the faint of heart:

Cuphead is better than both Gunstar Heroes and Contra.

Ultrakill is better than every Quake single player.

Sonic Mania is the best classic Sonic.

>> No.10556743 [DELETED] 

I'd be banned if i had to tell

>> No.10556796

Which ones? Mario 64? Ocarina of Time? Majora's Mask? Banjo-Kazooie? Goldeneye? Conker's Bad Fur Day? Mario Party? Mario Kart? Paper Mario? Perfect Dark? Diddy Kong Racing? Star Wars Rogue Squadron? WCW vs NWO? Super Smash Bros?

Oh wait, sorry. I think I named too many.

>> No.10556920
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Splinter Cell 1 isn't janky, you're just bad at video games.

>> No.10556930 [DELETED] 


>> No.10557057

why psx was so successful vs n64 was because gamers had grown up since nes and snes. n64 was obviously targeted to the younger kids. it was mostly bought by the parents of younger millenials in north america

>> No.10557102
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They confused old for jank.

>> No.10557118 [DELETED] 
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>Fuck me, you simply can't just say that the system with 300 games has more unique games than the system with 2000 titles. I'm fucking sick of the attitude of "everything I grew up with is the best".
Niggas who fell in love with their videogames are also the kind of niggas who have AI girlfriends. Emotion over logic. Mario is part of the family. Zelda was my first cum. I go on adventures with Sonic the Hedgehog. Metal Gear taught me critical thinking skills. Slightly.

>> No.10557448

I've seen people say that Mania is so good and such a great synthesis of all the classic Sonic games that it pretty much negates the need to play any of the other games at all. I don't 100 percent agree with this but I see where they are coming from. It was pretty much universally beloved too so I'm kind of shocked we haven't gotten a sequel.

>> No.10557469
File: 36 KB, 470x440, tgl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but pic related

>> No.10557482

Holy Diver and Chakan The Forever Man are indeed super easy, anyone who says they're hard is just coping!
While I'm at it, I also want to throw shade at people calling Extreme Rise Of The Triad and Loderunner Championship Edition tough, they're just scrubs.

>> No.10557491

The majority of the Playstation audience is just normies, as opposed to what you would think of as a "core gamer".
That's why they sell so well, and why no one seems to care as much about them years down the line. Because if you're buying a console to play Gran Turismo, on the basis that it's the most realistic car game ever, why would you not throw that shit away and never look back, the second the next Gran Turismo came out?

>> No.10557507

Lol at thinking Nintendo has ever compromised the core gamer demographic. Actual delusional thinking. That shit has been dead for over 30 year years. Core gamers were the ones playing Darklands in a secluded basement or hashing out a clear on Batsugun Special. Or following some hidden MUD. Those guys were snuffed out by your GT1s, Goldeneye's and Diablo's of the world.

>> No.10557575

No you see, those marios and zeldas that sell 10-20 millions are the real core gamer games! true hidden gems! real hardcore experiences!

>> No.10557580

When was the last time you saw aa N64 thread here about WCW vs NWO? Star Wars Rogue Squadron? Diddy Kong Racing? Conker's Bad Fur Day? Perfect Dark?
Funny enough, you named 2 Zelda games and 4 Mario games.

>> No.10557582

Mania doesn't offer half the fun of the classic Sonics, which are both adventure and brilliant game designs. Mania's interpretation doesn't do the classics any favors if anything it's the cheapest part about Mania except the forgettable press garden.

>> No.10557630

Nobody was talking about threads, dipshit. You said "same five games that get talked about." People are always talking about those games in their lists of "best games ever".

>> No.10557697
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>losing significant 3rd party support to a competitor is a good thing

>> No.10557704

Nintendo was never good

>> No.10557727

You have shitty taste

>> No.10557932

Sony will never be as good as Sega or Nintendo

>> No.10557991

Sega lost.

>> No.10558476

First, they made the call way before any of that was known. Again, don't hindsight this. And second, a lot of those losses were going to happen anyway for the simple fact that Sony bought it's way in. People seem to forget that Sony co-published FFVII. There was no scenario where that game was going to end up on Nintendo's console and not Sony's. Nintendo could not afford the massive marketing budget that Sony paid for. Squaresoft wanted that conglomerate cash.

>> No.10558781
File: 1.41 MB, 2928x2368, trin_20210327_032404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop trying to make LCD / OLED monitors look like CRTs. they will never look anything like a CRT. you're just looking at a blurry shitty dark picture with missing pixels for no reason.
if you don't feel your eyelids burning, it's just not a CRT.

>> No.10558802

Ocarina of Time is overrated and not nearly as pivotal or revolutionary as they would like to believe it was.

>> No.10558813

MGS, which came out around the same time feels much more unique and important.

>> No.10558818

>Feels much more unique and important

That's because it embraced the movie-game aesthetic that would become commonplace, but even then, that's primarily a console phenomenon. Cutscenes were a thing on PC almost a decade before MGS.

>> No.10558821

NES, SNES and GameBoy was and were very good.
They dominate the portable market and that's what kept them alive after the SNES.

>> No.10558829

Super mario dev was deep into satanism.

>> No.10559365


>> No.10559396

Are you Popckorn from CD Romance?

>> No.10559425 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10559432
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>> No.10559437

Shinto black magic

>> No.10559457
File: 1.19 MB, 360x480, naruto man.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shinto black magic
You mean... Naruto?

>> No.10559512

>Video Games, I'm slowly beginning to realize, are more like toys, given to kids to be a distraction. The more this dawns on me, the more I feel like a child, and seek to eventually sell my collection.
I have had these same thoughts, about message boards as well.

>> No.10559542

There is only so much new discussion that can be had on (very) old software. And the rest of the world has already moved on.

>cutscenes in 1988
Please explain.

>> No.10559546

1984. Karateka.

>> No.10559550

Novel or insightful discussion of the subject matter is only of secondary importance, the primary function of online discussion is to attempt to satiate the users' unmet social needs.

>> No.10559561

No, it's to distract the user from the impending and unrelenting stream of time that continuously ages and decays their corporeal form until their consciousness escapes their physical body when they have finally acquiesced.

>> No.10559573


>> No.10559581

Okay John Travolta.

>> No.10559628

Worse its a futile attempt to enforce a sense stasis in the psyche, a form of denial-by-distraction and bastion from many hard realities, while failing to adequately satiate said unmet needs and actively culturing unhealthy social behaviours. But it's all we got and sometimes the real world does seem like a shit place to be.

>> No.10559662

You're right. I absolutely refuse to believe that Mario is cuter than a koala or whatever that was to begin with.

>> No.10559845
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>what are some truths that /vr/ can't handle?
Sonic was always good and fundamentally fun.
Sonic Adventure and Adventure 2 are both good.

>> No.10560097

>Remakes have their place in vidya.
In the trash. I agree with the rest.

>> No.10560576 [DELETED] 

Internet tough guys insecure in their masculinity, an example being you, who feel self conscious when playing female characters, are more likely to be closeted homosexuals.

>> No.10560582 [DELETED] 

Internet tough guys insecure in their masculinity, an example being you, who feel self conscious when playing female characters, are more likely to be closeted homosexuals.

>> No.10560594


The Sega CD and Saturn both sucked. They're not misunderstood. Any "good game" on these two systems would've been 100x better on any other system.

>> No.10560608


>> No.10560634 [DELETED] 

Sega System

>> No.10560635 [DELETED] 

a cope as old as time. every dude i've ever known that picked female characters was a little off.

>> No.10560642 [DELETED] 

More like they can’t get any in real life or the woman in their life is a shrew or a scarecrow so they project their fantasies onto a female in video games and say “dude I want to stare at female ass when I play not a dudes ass.” Probably why so many trannies flock to video games. Just a stepping stone to their “transition” lol

>> No.10561002 [DELETED] 

kill yourselves, normalfag /pol/tards

>> No.10561430 [DELETED] 

OR - And maybe I'm going out on a limb here; it's people wanting to share their experiences with old media that they never experienced at the time which is now new to them, OR are trying to find people with shared interests in said media to discuss things they enjoy and have fond memories of....

But, then again, neither of those things work towards the futurist goal of trying to shove people into cities and forcing them to engage in mass marketed media narrative campaigns to shove THE MESSAGE down their throat, so of course doing either of those things is "unhealthy", "evil", and a distraction from the true goal of ZOG.

>> No.10561438 [DELETED] 

OR - And maybe I'm going out on a limb here; it's people wanting to share their experiences with old media that they never experienced at the time which is now new to them, OR are trying to find people with shared interests in said media to discuss things they enjoy and have fond memories of....

But, then again, neither of those things work towards the futurist goal of trying to shove people into cities and forcing them to engage in mass marketed media narrative campaigns to shove THE MESSAGE down their throat, so of course doing either of those things is "unhealthy", "evil", and a distraction from the "true purpose" of consciousness, which is to be sad and stressed and empathetic about starving kids in some shit hole somewhere.

>> No.10561445

OR - And maybe I'm going out on a limb here; it's people wanting to share their experiences with old media that they never experienced at the time which is now new to them, OR are trying to find people with shared interests in said media to discuss things they enjoy and have fond memories of....

But, then again, neither of those things work towards the futurist goal of trying to shove people into cities and forcing them to engage in mass marketed media narrative campaigns to shove THE MESSAGE down their throat, so of course doing either of those things is "unhealthy", "evil", and a distraction from the "true purpose" of consciousness, which is to be sad and stressed so you can be emotionally manipulated in supporting money laundering charity causes and taken advantage of by advertisements for more things you don't need.

>> No.10561562
File: 49 KB, 1000x994, 41fMUmxsCsL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's crazy to me in retrospect how hard the gba and derivatives were carried by the brand name and the library. GBA had one of the best (imo) handheld form factors released on a hand held ever, was incredibly comfortable even with bigger hands, but the screen was a fucking travesty, you could barely actually play it on the go on buses, planes, waiting for an appointment, whatever, most of my play time on the original GBA was at home with house lights turned all the way up.

Then they release the SP to "fix" that issue, but now you have no replaceable batteries (fuck you nintendo, replaceable batteries on 20 hour international flights with layovers are a fucking must have) and the absolute shittiest possible hand configuration for a handheld possible, you seriously needed to have 3 year old sized hands to hold and use it properly, have fun with endless cramps.

Had no idea japan did a backlit one, that would've been a buy for me in a heartbeat back then if I had known a way to get one from there. I modded my gba a few years ago with an SP screen and got around to buying a flash cart for it and it really is the best of both worlds, plenty of games still hold up.

pic related, these things SUCKED ASS

>> No.10561626

"waifu" image dump threads belong on

>> No.10561636

I'm bi and play as women roughly 50% of the time so yeah this checks out.

>> No.10561645

>truths that /vr/ can't handle
There are lots of good modern games and yes, some of them are better than your favorite 80's and 90's games.

>> No.10561662

8-bit graphics are just straight up shit. Games didn't look good until 16-bit.

>> No.10561684
File: 8 KB, 768x480, Gimmick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to specify what you mean by 8-bit graphics. PC Engine is 8-bit and comparable to Mega Drive/Genesis. Master System had some good looking games. You mean NES? Yes, it's harder to find NES games that look good to this day but there are a few that hold up.

>> No.10561710

It's ridiculous how defensive people get on this topic, trying to force this idea that it was good, or that these awful accessories solved it whatsoever, it was garbage and both the Game Gear and Lynx, released over a decade before the GBA, had better screens. GBA SP was better, but the feel in the hands was worse, also only 2 face buttons was dumb, it's crazy how Nintendo gets a pass for everything here.

>> No.10561734

If you didn't play a game within roughly 3 years of it being released, you can never truly appreciate it as intended.

>> No.10561761

This reminds me of how anyone who played Secret of Mana around it's release loves it and anyone who played it via emulation or re-release absolutely hates it.

>> No.10561772

If you didn't pre-order the game you'll never get the developer intended experience.

>> No.10561776

The lack of a backlit screen was painful because of how it seems like such an easy thing and would have been very useful had it been implemented. However at the end of the day it really wasn't that bad, it just made things less as good as they should have been.

There appeared to be a weird mental illness around Nintendo at the time, probably the same guy who made the purple-lunchbox design of the gamecube and insisted that Nintendo double-down on their kid-friendly games at the start of the generation (so no GTA3).

>> No.10561783

I don't know, I distinctly have a lot of memories of frustrated bus rides, car trips, and plane flights around the time after the GBA released and trying to play shit but being unable to and having to put it away and read a book or something similar. And buying a whole slew of 3rd party knick knacks like those worm lights and screen magnifiers to try to cope with it. I remember that most real time games were borderline unplayable in such situations and you mostly had to stick with turn based games so you could take your time and try to make out wtf you were looking at. And you could just flat out forget about playing the GBA outdoors, shit was impossible.

It felt utterly bizarre to me at the time that a console designed and marketed specifically for on the go handheld play was almost unplayable anywhere that wasn't a comfy chair at home with the lights set up just right. It's not like this was their first handheld released, putting out a handheld after the year 2000 with no backlit screen is wack.

>> No.10561796
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>going out on a limb
... And then being informed by the next kindly anon that you prefer the company of like genders and urgently need to relieve this reality of your existence. All crazy talk!

Now hurry! Buy another copy of a game you already own NOW anon, before they SELL OUT!

>> No.10561803

>probably the same guy who made the purple-lunchbox design of the gamecube and insisted that Nintendo double-down on their kid-friendly games at the start of the generation
Fun fact: the GBA's design was outsourced.

>> No.10561804

Nintendo always compromises in some shit, resulting in hardware that could've been perfect but wasn't. The NES was inferior graphically to the competitors, the SNES was somewhat gimped by its slow CPU and lower resolution, leading many to think that the two years older Genesis was on par. The N64 had cartridges and questionable hardware design that condemned most games to suboptimal framerate. The GC seemed to be the most complete Nintendo system ever... only to be undone by another quirky choice of format, mini-DVDs in this case. And after the GC they stopped pretending to care hardware wise.

>> No.10561816

in land of rising sun it just works

>> No.10561850

Same. It was just uncomfortable to play and eventually I gave up, which is a shame since the library's so stellar. Thank God for emulation.

>> No.10561921

I never play as women aand im straight, so checks out

>> No.10561926

I always play as women aand im straight, so checks out

>> No.10562062

>The NES was inferior graphically to the competitors,
Famicom came out in 1983 well ahead of any of its third-gen competitors and blew away its competition at the time with its PPU, hardware scrolling, DMA, etc. Even over the next few years "inferior graphically" isn't really an accurate summation as it was barely noticeable or depended on the game.


>the SNES was somewhat gimped by its slow CPU and lower resolution, leading many to think that the two years older Genesis was on par.
The SNES was famously kinda slow, but had a lot of things the Genesis lacked such as tile-size, colours, sprites/enemies on screen, rotation, and of course mode 7. It also had an insanely good sound chip producing rich orchestral music as opposed to the genesis fart noises. This is why SNES RPGs look so much better than Genesis ones. While Genesis should have been more fluid it was rare that games actually demonstrated it (possibly as SNES games had bigger budgets).

>The N64 had cartridges and questionable hardware design that condemned most games to suboptimal framerate.
Nonsense. If the framerate was better it would be on a par with dreamcast or PS2 and that obviously wasn't possible at the time. So yes a little less framerate, a little more vaseline, a little less draw distance, it was incredible for the time. Telling you your script here but if you want to complain about it you should be about the price of cartridges at the time compared to optical discs.

>The GC seemed to be the most complete Nintendo system ever... only to be undone by another quirky choice of format, mini-DVDs in this case.
The intentions were to avoid piracy.

>And after the GC they stopped pretending to care hardware wise.
yeah - focusing less on graphics in modern times I can understand. Falling an entire generation behind and not even trying to catch up anymore seems like unnecessary penny pinching.

>> No.10562184

Big fan of yours, did not expect to see you here. Not that it wouldn't make sense, just unexpected nonetheless. You're the only person from that site I recognize besides Spike, though I find your posts much more interesting since his are just work-related.

Apparently you're the only follower I have on Disqus too, even though I literally never use it for anything other than voting, kek.

>> No.10562194

>If the framerate was better it would be on a par with dreamcast or PS2 and that obviously wasn't possible at the time
PS1 had a ton of games that ran at 60fps, and then several flagship titles ran at stable 30fps. Of course it didn't pack the same graphical output as the N64 as the machine wasn't capable, but its games definitely run much better than most of the N64 catalogue. Only people who grew up with it can go back and find no fault in OoT's 20fps or Goldeneye/Perfect Dark dipping to 10 at times. Meanwhile on PS1 you play something like Wipeout 3, very detailed, no pop-in, 30 stable frames. Or Tekken 3 running at hi-res mode in 60fps. Yes, the backgrounds were 2D, but it's a game that's perfectly playable today because it focused on performance. Same reason F-Zero X is a joy to play today despite the graphics being ass. N64 put too many eggs on how games looked in magazine screenshots.
>The intentions were to avoid piracy.
I'd say that missing out on GTA was more costly than getting some piracy. But of course, Nintendo only cares about the sale of its own games and not so much the system, so I suppose it worked for them. Anyway, XBOX did alright with anti-piracy measures, this only being a problem after a few years on the market.

>> No.10562204
File: 230 KB, 420x420, gamer cat yall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey that is sweet :3
I love that place, my number one website in the intertubes. Too bad I lost my laptop to a motherboard failure and I lost my customer support folder, lol, and I cannot connect as often, so I am not as consistent now; but that place is bonafide the best place in the net.

I follow you because we frenz now

Also Spike is a living legend, he is too professional to engage in the silly side of the banter, but it also is his best trait, too professional and focused.
The latter is the reason why I decided to try and filter all the low-level support requests and n00b troubleshooting, so he could focus on the goods and the patching, and version maintenance.

>> No.10562238

>The lack of a backlit screen was painful because of how it seems like such an easy thing and would have been very useful had it been implemented.
It was easy, the tech had existed for years already. They didn't do it purely to save on costs.

>> No.10562406


>> No.10562585

I pirate.

>> No.10562673
File: 2.92 MB, 498x281, IMG_0936.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you fucking with me?

>> No.10562696

nta but there is no "bubble" to pop. Supply of old games and systems will never ever increase. Demand will have ups and downs but every single disc thrown out after one too many scratches make it unreadable, every console thrown away because the board is dead, every controller stick worn down and discarded, etc. will decrease the supply. They are all finite, and the more people buy, the less are available. Prices will not go down for something that is going to be less and less available with time.

>> No.10562698

Nope and finding the right one may 100% come down to luck but it's worth never giving up. Don't become a hopeless incel. Always take care of yourself and be open to new friendships and relationships.

If she's easy for you she's easy for other guys too.

>> No.10562705

My dude you don't have to beat shit, when you die in Super Metroid you literally see Samus's armor explode off of her revealing her long hair, feminine figure, and high-pitched voice.

>> No.10562720

This guy is retarded. He thinks the sealed/graded copies of games crashed because he's looking at an auction website which has no proof of ever making a sale except taking their word on it.

>we sold game A for $200,000 back in 2020
>never actually sold the game
>relist 3 years later for $38,000
>some idiot buys it, they think they're getting a deal because the previous sale price was $200,000

>> No.10563102

FPGA is emulation.

>> No.10563210

>dying in super metroid

>> No.10563237
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/vr/ once thought PS2 era is peak graphics, never mind that was 20+ years ago and this notion is already dated since at least a decade ago. Time to move on.

>> No.10563346

it still is
modern games loo like shit and none of them remotely look as clean
instead they always look blurry or are pure visual noise

>> No.10563361

most glaring example is the REm4ke, they had to paint everything in yellow because of shit visual readability

>> No.10563376

Literally the only reason why you would think cartridges were a good call is hindsight judgment with first party development. Back in the day Nintendo shotgunned themselves in the feet and lost support, nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.10563386

Untrue. I buy old cars all the time. Rarity and finity has little to do with value. I can buy a 50 year old car that's near extinct for less than a used car from 15 years ago, and I have. Demand is absolutely the driver. Meanwhile cars just as old that they sold literally millions of go for 5x its price regularly. People only care about what they're told to care about.

>> No.10564283

with all that 480i aliasing? kek

>> No.10564451

I just watched the 1998 Street Fighter Zero 3 championship video and all the matches are played on Capcom Impress cabinets that shipped with Seimitsu LS-40 levers and PS-15 buttons.