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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10510045 No.10510045 [Reply] [Original]

So did people just play these for 100s of hours until they won? This is just not realistic for anyone to beat without using cheats. It is literaly the hardest game ive ever played

>> No.10510050


>> No.10510051

this low effort bait thread will reach 100 replies minimum.

>> No.10510056 [DELETED] 

This games hard asf fr fr no cap

>> No.10510065
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We used to do this thing called "git gud" and it worked out, I definitely recommend it, OP... so, jokes aside that's what we really did, we often had a few cartridges anyways, and these titles were made with this arcade philosophy of this real grind to them... but trust me, it's really so satisfying when you pull it off, they're usually short titles anyways, and it's so fun to see how we've improved when a video game that felt a little too impossible is suddently a 15 run we'll do with our eyes closed, it's part of the fun. I'd keep trying if I were you, it'll be truly worth it.

>> No.10510070

this specific fight (and the room leading up to it) really is stand-out hard compared to the rest of the game.
It didnt take me 100s hours to win, but it did feel like a lot of--- wait hold up, this is Castlevania 1 Death isnt it? this one's easy. wait til you see Castlevania 3 Death

>> No.10510072
File: 2.77 MB, 640x480, CV Death hall second loop cross.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10510081

I nest a ton of nes games without cheats, and I was probably younger than you. You cry and pound your fist while I get to be awesome. Thanks for the ego boost loser!

>> No.10510083

Games were hard as fuck but once you got good enough through painful trial and error, you feel like a god finishing a hard game. Or you just used a Gameshark and cheat codes.

>> No.10510089

just play it in your formative years when your young brain is super agile and soaks up new information bro

>> No.10510092

Old games were designed around learning patterns and keeping momentum rather than reacting to the situation at hand. The problem is your approach.

>> No.10510101

100s of hours I'd a stretch but I played it a lot as a kid and you got good eventually. Even today, almost 40 I can 1cc castlevania 1 and 3.

>> No.10510102

Why do you even waste threadspace asking (again and again) when you can't understand the answer, zoomzoom?

You don't know what it's like to have FUN with a videogame. You can't conceive of it. "100% clearing" the game for your checklist and discord badge is all that matters to you. You simple are incapable of comprehending that we played these games over and over, in bits and pieces, sharing our experiences with friends and peers, and gradually getting a little farther every time, because we ENJOYED IT. Your dead, soulless, robotic brain, robbed of its culture and potential, just can't grasp that. You will never be a human being.

>> No.10510105

No anon, they adapted. They played in a different way as in after they died, would replay everything in their head and figure out what they did wrong and how to make it count next time. Instead of repeatedly running head-first into a wall like you have nowadays they would mentally strategize how to go around the wall. They also sometimes had help as in guides.

>> No.10510124
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It's the get good mentality, you wouldn't understand

>> No.10510128

>They also sometimes had help as in guides.
There's something doubly ridiculous about how these zoomer idiots view this as some kind of "sin", like they're incapable of viewing it in any other lens than pure resentful, bitter cynicism, like those big nasty evil game developers are trying to take advantage of him. I'd say it's such a weak and pathetic childish perspective, but that would be doing children an injustice- as a child, my friends and schoolchums and I constantly traded tips and tricks among each other to get further in games. Maybe we discovered them ourselves, maybe someone got them from a guide, maybe they saw it in a magazine, maybe they were pure baseless rumor invented in some kid's fevered imagination and spread from class to class like urban legend for years. It was a time of adventure and exploration, and that's what defines our approach to video gaming. If you can't figure something out, try pressing every button and manipulating every widget until something new happens. Making a discovery like that was a joy in and of itself.

>> No.10510132

The only part of CV1 that feels like total bullshit is the clock tower part with birds air dropping smeagols all over the fucking place. If there's a pattern I don't see if that part is just pure chaos.

>> No.10510139

A lot of times you didn't beat a game even if you put a lot of time into it. I STILL have never beaten TMNT but it was one of my most played games as a kid.

>> No.10510151

>So did people just play these for 100s of hours until they won?
I played several games for hours on end without ever getting very far into them. I'd just replay the same few stages over and over and over again.

>> No.10510186

This. It's easy to forget but repetition doesn't bore children the same way it does adults. An 8 year old will happily play through the same two or three stages of a game over and over again and even if he fails to get any further won't feel like it's been a waste of time. Ask anyone with a toddler what they like to watch and it's very likely the same movie or TV show on repeat. It's why Let It Go became such a hate meme for parents back when Frozen was big.

>> No.10510198

Didn't realize subweapons all cost 1 heart, sotn has spoiled me.

>> No.10510201

back then, expensive game cartridges were not bought to have played, they were bought to be playing. checking them off was rarely thought about. one game like this would be returned to intermittently over several months, between school, playing outside, and a part time job as a chimney brush

>> No.10510206

>that 30 year old boomer who can’t beat action platformers anymore

>> No.10510415


>> No.10510436

Nah, most people never got beyond the first few levels in those tougher NES games and just used codes to get to later ones
>duuuuude we just got gud
Why the fuck is this being parroted so much? I don't think you understand what gaming was like back then. Personally I was playing on the only family TV, my mom wouldn't let me play more than like 30 minutes a day. When the fuck would I get good what are you talking about? Most of the time we played outside with friends, we weren't sitting in front of screen for 8 hours a day

>> No.10510451

Just hang yourself, zoomer. Everything in your post is retarded resentful seething garbage. You have nothing to say. Nobody cares about your entitled crying baby routine.
>I'm not having any fun..... with video games!

>> No.10510459

games used to be about the adverturing spirit. discovery was a shared pursuit. now its content pieces to experience and consume like a rotting checklist.

>> No.10510467

I honestly didn't have an expectation I'd beat a given game. I've emulated a lot of 8- and 16-bit stuff I remember having as a kid and realize I never saw it past a certain level or boss.
The idea that I was definitely going to beat a game and see the ending unless I actively dropped it solidified for me in the mid 90s

>> No.10510484

>MY mom wouldn't let ME play video games, therefore everyone else must be just as bad as me!
Jesus christ, you're braindead.
>we played outside, w-we didn't sit in front of a screen for 8 hours.
We played outside, too. I spent every summer in the woods. We were out and about every day, riding bikes, fucking around with bugs and plants, climbing trees, setting off firecrackers, poking around where we didn't belong. Even in our teens when we got licenses we spent most of our time driving around cruising for fun, drag racing, honking at chicks, shooting pool, etc. And we still played tons of video games and had fun with them, and "got gud". And frankly skill isn't even the issue here, it's whether you actually enjoy games or just treat them as some checklist to brag about or seethe petulantly when they impede your progress. How pathetic, trying to take some kind of weak moral highground like somehow because you're bad at video games that just means you had more time for.. what, exactly? Not learning how to think critically, it seems. Hope mom didn't shell out too much for the education that didn't take.

>> No.10510506

someone sincerely argued with me yesterday that vr doesn't have shitposts

>> No.10510516

Get good at the fight with a save state and then beat the level normally. Gets a bit tedious otherwise yes.

>> No.10510561

This game isn't even that hard. Like literally, there are infinite continues, you can try as much as you want and no boss in Castlevania takes a lot of tries to beat. It's seriously not harder than SMB3 for example, same for Ninja Gaiden. An actual hard NES game is Battletoads. Or SMB2J, I don't know

>> No.10510587

figuratively what is the hardest game you have played?

>> No.10510598

people didn't expect to complete every game

>> No.10510608

try adventure island 8-3 or the last stage in 1943.

>> No.10510637

Yeah that shit is even worse than the ones I've mentioned. Castlevania 1 is just an average game in terms of difficulty, I don't know why it became part of that meme 'Nintendo hard' canon. Hell, some of the Mega Man games on the system are arguably more challenging

>> No.10510639

Sure they require practice and skill, but a lot of older games have set stages, learnable patterns, and reliable tricks/strategies, meaning that sheer repition can result in quick skill development for a particular game. Safe spots, ideal powerup for particular section, point farming spots, enemy attack patterns, weaknesses, etc. It does indeed help being a kid with an impressionable brain and few other concerns, which means you can quickly pick up on these things without getting hung up on how hard something might appear.

>> No.10510689
File: 3.10 MB, 666x480, Power of God.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you just want to win, use holy water with the three subweapon buff.

>> No.10510709

You actually have to get to Death without dying to pull this off. I doubt people who complain about CV1 being hard are able to pull this off

>> No.10510972
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I had a Chinese immigrant friend as a kid, and his robot like skills are the only way i saw the end of most nes games.

>> No.10510993

That's how you build your multiplyer.

>> No.10511004

>I was playing on the only family TV
Must be nice you spoiled bastard. I beat all of my games on a 13 inch black and white. Try beating Zelda 2nd quest like that. I did it. What color are the goddamn bubbles?

>> No.10511013

None. If I can't beat a game it's because I didn't put in the time or effort to learn it.

>> No.10511035

Meant to reply to >>10510587

>> No.10511160
File: 368 KB, 879x528, castlevaniabosses8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't and still can beat batdrac despite seeing it done multiple times. Havent played it in awhile

>> No.10511302

I prefer the axe

>> No.10511338

The one game I didn't play enough of in the 90s

Missed all that great music. Game is good for the music itself

>> No.10511351

the trick is to crouch when you're cornered. if you're crouching he will always jump high so you can go under him

grew up with PSX, didn't play this until my twenties and I can do it just fine without the holy water trick. just get the triple Cross and don't even bother with Death, just focus on throwing the cross non-stop and clearing the scythes. Death will get hit anyway

>> No.10511374

I didn't play Classicvania until my mid 20's (5 or 6 years ago)
This portion of the game is indeed a motherfucking bitch but after 2 or 3 hours of perseverance, I can beat it no sweat
>holy water trick
fun the first couple times but the coolest way to do it is triple shot cross

>> No.10511461

Are you using an emulator?

>> No.10511487

>MY mom would let ME play video games for hours a day, therefore everyone else must be just as autistic as me!
See I can do this too, retard
>that rant about how proud you are that you beat a video game 30 years ago
That's just sad

>> No.10511540

CV1 isn't even that bad, it's a fair challenge. CV3? I can't even beat the first level

>> No.10511545

Lmao no. As soon as you get Sypha it's a cakewalk compared to OG

>> No.10511557

Boi, ure ass is not fuking ready for the two phase grim reaper of castlevania 3

>> No.10511591

Can't believe I beat Batman on the Nes as a child. Wrath of the Black Manta had a difficult last boss too.You had to figure it out like a puzzle.

>> No.10511803

And I will help.

I still can't beat this game. Not even Frankenstein.

>> No.10511806

You gotta understand, there really wasn't THAT much else to do. If a game is too hard, you can just pull up your phone and zone the fuck out to tiktok girls dancing for instant neuron activation. If a game was too hard back then, you saddled up and kept going because fuck this piece of shit enemy I'm gonna kill him.

>> No.10512282


Holy water breaks the game, as does boomerang with double shot or triple shot. Castlevania 1 isn't that hard, you're just doing it wrong because you didn't learn basics. Break more candles with subweapons to get double and triple shots. They allow you to spam subweapons more. Castlevania 3 and Ninja Gaiden are harder.

>> No.10512301
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God > Death

yeah we know

>> No.10512316
File: 187 KB, 628x442, battletoads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is literaly the hardest game ive ever played

For sure you have never played battletoads. Now thats a hard game.

>> No.10512370

1. castlevania is hard but it's conventional hard, something the average player can grind out and be confident they will finish given some time investment. there is one tough difficulty spike in the game, hallway and death that will send you back a couple minutes but that's about it. if you're willing to dedicate an intensive play session to that you can grind it out
2. games that are actually prohibitively difficult, brutal games that expect you to gameover and play from the title screen for every single difficulty spike, most people never beat these games. you played them off and on for years, having some deep runs but never making to the finish. a friend of mine beat contra 3 but that was something he did as an adult revisiting it off and on for years since he was a kid.

>> No.10512373

For the nes? Either DuckTales or Kirby

>> No.10512376

The hallway before Death (and just that stage in general) is vastly overrated in difficulty. It's only because James ROLF doesn't play games that he complained about it and that stuck in people's mind.
As long as you don't jump, there are spots that the medusa heads can't reach. From that, just inches towards the axe knight safe-spot-by-safe-spot, whipping away axes and eventually the knights themselves.

>> No.10512504

if you're bad at games, yes
if you're good then the practice attempts won't have you playing through the earlier portions of the game enough times to get tired of them

>> No.10512587

I played this game for the first time this year having never played a Castlevania game. I cleared the entire game in 4 hours played. Are you seriously struggling that hard with a game released in the fucking 1980s?

>> No.10512625

I bet you haven't even put six hours total into the game yet.
The game is not that hard.

>> No.10512635

powered up cross works just fine for death. it hits him sometimes twice, and clears stray scythes on the screen
thats how i usually did it if i lost the holy water from the beginning

>> No.10512648

no pattern
throw holy water in front of you and never stop walking forward. most of the little guys will walk right into the holy flames and kys themselves

the part i hate about that section is that they often drop the shitty axe right in front of you, which overwrites my much better weapon (water or cross)

>> No.10512651

>It is literaly the hardest game ive ever played
Says on a retro game board

>> No.10512653

yea of the classic "NES hard" games that often get brought up, CV would be the one id recc people try to beat first. to build confidence

compare it to any of the ninja gaiden games, or even CV3 itself; CV is totally approachable by anyone. i find the big barrier for noobs is that they dont think to use their subweapons

>> No.10512670
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>zoomer talking about "gaming back then"

>> No.10512749

Do you seriously think all boomers are supposed to be video game masters? Most 30+ year old people who play modern trash fall for the 'games age like milk' meme and turn against their childhood games because 'they are clunky and have worse graphics'

>> No.10512780

Have you tried getting good? It may help. No need to thank me.

>> No.10512832

>So did people just play these for 100s of hours until they won?
Yes actually, if you were a kid in the 90s your parents might only buy you one game a season so you would just play it over and over.

>> No.10512860

Nope. The world is not so simple, sadly.

>> No.10513065

How does anyone of that relate to the fact that you, a zoomer, don't have an inkling of what "gaming back then" was like?

>> No.10513072

Nah, we used a game genie to beat them as weekend rentals

>> No.10513096 [DELETED] 

Everybody in this thread desperately needs to get laid

>> No.10513104

Are you seriously hallucinating that people are saying something other than what they actually did? Bad bot. Stop doing that.

>> No.10513379
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>a friend of mine beat contra 3 but that was something he did as an adult revisiting it off and on for years since he was a kid

I had the opposite experience. Beat it as a kid then when I got it again as an adult is kicked my ass

>> No.10513446

>So did people just play these for 100s of hours until they won?
It is like playing an open world, but these 100 hours are spend killing, jumping and ducking instead of walking.

>> No.10513585

What? The more time/effort it takes to learn a game, the harder it is, by definition.

>> No.10513612

>It's only because James
Why do people always assume everyone else watched that nigga playing games? Most people here don't even have English as their native language which implies they didn't watch it.

>> No.10513616

I only finished the game playing with friends. I can't even have the same fun playing it now alone because it's not the same thing. I really loved playing and finishing a lot of games with friends, but many of them are not that fun anymore when I play alone. Amazing game, sure, but it always feel like it's missing something.

>> No.10513652

It's easier to have narratives you can fall back on, even if some fuckwit made them up.

>> No.10514642 [DELETED] 

Rolfe is a mentally challenged individual that clearly can't play games as they're intended to be played. He even explains in his autobiography how he was put in a special ed type of class at school and how he belonged there, not kidding.

>> No.10514741 [DELETED] 

Are you jewish or ZOGbot?

>> No.10514763 [DELETED] 
File: 311 KB, 535x543, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hell are you blithering about faggot, I chose to use the word individual and I will always use the word individual in a situation like that. If you don't like it there's always suicide.

>> No.10514770 [DELETED] 

Try 'person', you fucked up little kike.

>> No.10514775 [DELETED] 

Or even better, when you specifically know that it is a grown human male, you call him a man. I know this is hard for reptilian body snatchers.

>> No.10514868

>>10511803 >>10510045
Who cares if it's bait? For you zoomzooms playing CV1 for the first time: Keep at it. It's a tough but (usually) very fair game. You can make it. Take breaks if you need to, but you can make it.

>> No.10515870 [DELETED] 

>tfw no retro bf to help me git gud at castlevania

>> No.10515903

Castlevania was the first NES game I beat in one sitting. It's pretty tough but fair imo. Reaper is a little bullshit though.

>> No.10517358
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Realistically, it takes time to beat. The point to these old 8 bit titles was a test of might. As a kid you could just buy a game and extend your playtime drastically just by fighting through the losses.
It really makes victory all the sweeter. If you finally make it past a level your thoughts aren't:
>That was a pretty cool level I wonder what's next.
It was:
>Oh dear God I made it, FUCK YEAH!!
>That face when phase 2 starts
Retro games were an enthralling challenge you needed to master, not some sleepy farming sim where you can just sit back and let the game play itself.

>no save states
Isn't Castlevania SUPER lenient with deaths? Die once and you get sent back to the last screen. Waste all lives and you just restart the level with 3 more and no points. Compare that with Ghosts and Goblins or Contra.

>The social aspect
I must admit I'm also a zoomer. I sadly didn't have as many friends to help me out as a kid. (everyone was playing the Wii) but even then finding a secret wall meat, 1Up or Point bag was really something special. When my siblings tried a level out I'd backseat the hell outta gameplay and no one would get pissed because I knew where the good stuff was.

Patience is a virtue. Take it slow, don't jump all over the place and power through it with the holy water.

>You dont have to beat a game to have fun
Extremely based. My arcade mentality made pretty much every first boss just as powerful of a win as the final boss. I have a few games I just played through the first level because I already "beat the game".
I think we all know why Castlevania got the shaft so bad.

>> No.10517621 [DELETED] 


>> No.10517653

Death filtered me, I could probably beat him if I could practice more but Frankenstein and Flea Man beat me 80% of the time

>> No.10517672

Wait, were there passwords?
If so this must have been during my faggot phase when I had to make everything harder on myself to 'git gud'

>> No.10518086

Don't know why, but my parents only got me Simon's quest and Dracula's curse. Never played the first one. In Simon's quest there was some sword you could just spam for the final battle making it a joke. Also probably the worst castlevania game I ever have played in the entire series. Pointless side quests, and the people in town were useless. I spent a month or so on it, and the ending was dogshit, some gray grave, sad ending. Years later, found out you're supposed to beat it in a few days to get the 'good' ending, but I rest my case. Simon's Quest will always be shit.

>> No.10520050

>So did people just play these for 100s of hours until they won? This is just not realistic for anyone to beat without using cheats. It is literaly the hardest game ive ever played
Death is tough but it can be beaten with rank-III cross if you're lucky and have good reflexes.

>> No.10520098

castlevania is a pretty bad example to broach old school difficulty. it has unlimited continues and only really has one major difficulty spike in the game. I'm not trying to shit on you, it is by no means easy but it isn't really fundamentally different than what modern players would face in a game that doesn't baby you with checkpoints. you simply aren't going to spend an excessive amount of time on it when the farthest you can be sent being level start.
games made in the arcade format where in the course of a game you will repeat beginning sections dozens to hundreds of times to the point of tedium is where the rub is.

>> No.10520360

>So did people just play these for 100s of hours until they won?
Yes. Usually a game like Castlevania was your Summer.

>> No.10520367

we had a game to beat
nobody counted the hours

>> No.10520380

beating a videogame back then wasn't that different than getting to the end of an arcade game I.E it wasn't expected and most kids didn't manage it. you played the game for a bit lost and went outside.

>> No.10520452

You got like ONE game every few months if you were spoiled. There was no BEAT IT ONCE and then never look at it again like you see these days.

>> No.10520476

>shitty axe
Lmao, shitter

>> No.10520491

If you think that's hard, stay away from Castlevania 3.

>> No.10520652

For some it was your once a year game

>> No.10521242
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We either didn't beat it, or did after trying for a few months, making some progress here and there, and then we'd just replay it after that to beat it while playing even better. I still do that to be fair, but it's quicker since I'm all grown up and have more skill. Also, there are guides.

>> No.10522942

There there. It's okay. You're okay.

>> No.10524258
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If it has unlimited continues, then it's perfectly fair, afterall it'll only be over when you say so... Castlevania wasn't easy, but just by giving you unlimited attempts it's easier than most of the other titles from that era that sent you all the way back to the title screen, now that's brutal.

>> No.10526016

Games were harder back then.

>> No.10527423
File: 180 KB, 720x730, 1702977953606344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, but that was mostly due to BS like being sent back to the title screen.

>> No.10527427

>hundreds of hours
Yeah, but they won way before the hundred hour mark.