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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10331303 No.10331303 [Reply] [Original]

I am the Game Genie. You have freed me from my lamp. As thanks, I will modify 3 retro games of your choosing. What do you wish for?

>> No.10331310

>What do you wish for?
The better version on SNES which actually resembles a decent platformer with a color palette similar to the movie

>> No.10331339

I'd like Super Mario World to be online multiplayer where you can hang out with other Marios in the world and make friends and team up to take down King Koopa. You should also be able to customize Yoshi to be any color you want and add silly hats, saddles, and shoes. And remove the cape ability.

>> No.10331345
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I love this idea for a thread! It's quite fun.

>Sonic & Tails (GG/MS)
It's a mediocre Sonic installment, but graphics and OST are stellar and the atmosphere is nice, but having to get 100 rings to access special stages to get the emeralds makes you play too slow... they should've make you explore to find the emeralds like in its 8-Bit predecessors.

>Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin (GG/MS)
So... one guy? No continues?! Well, jokes aside, this really is my main complaint here, the fact that you can't let your HP get to 0 at any point without having to replay the whole thing really sucks and makes you resent all of the other flaws here even more, needed continues badly.

>Yu-Gi-Oh! Dark Duel Stories (GBC)
An actual currency system with a shop that you can buy and sell cards from, similar to Sacred Cards for GBA. A lot of the cards here have frankly ridiculous drop rates, some of them are fan favorites... this makes it a pain to actually get the cards you want, which is quite a shame.

On a rare occasion OP didn't suck cocks.

>> No.10331403

Master/Game Gear version beats both SNES and Genesis.

>> No.10331415

No, your crouch simulator made by 3 soulless bongs doesn't beat Mikami's actual platformer

>> No.10331450
File: 31 KB, 266x374, Disney's_Aladdin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong game, mongoloid

>> No.10331589

And? It's obviously worse than the SNES game too. Obvious to everyone with a brain after 2 minutes of Youtube
>camera this close to the character
Absolute amateur mistake

I'm so tired of low-IQ time wasters

>> No.10331696
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I see tendies are still seething over getting the inferior Aladdin even all of these years later...

>> No.10331730

Why is this thread getting bogged down with console warring?
1. Colorize Mole Mania (or any other top tier GB game)
2. Bug fix the pachinko level in Mario Sunshine.
3. Make a Brain Lord easy type so I can focus on the puzzles without dying.

>> No.10331786

>Why is this thread getting bogged down with console warring?
I'm this anon (>>10331696) and you're right... this is a cool thread OP came up with, I should avoid the risk of ruining it because of a stupid console war... but he (>>10331310) started it...

>> No.10331814

Metroid (NES): make it easier to restore your health/ammo, maybe simply by putting a recharge station at the beginning of each new zone; give some kind of indication when there's a bombable wall in an area, even just an on/off indicator; give it a proper save system while you're at it

>> No.10331818

I'm not going to waste my wishes correcting crappy games. I wish GCN animal crossing had an active modding scene that actively excluded people that started playing the series at NL or later. Don't know about the other 2.

>> No.10331872

Half a lifetime worth of expansion each to Sonic 3 & Knuckles and Majora's Mask.
I don't even need a third game.

>> No.10331903

> make shantae 1 have music, level design, and writing equal to shantae 3
> make state of emergency 2 a superior beat ‘em sequel to the first and not a shooter
> male ridge racer V take much more influence from ridge racer 4 aesthetics, story mode, the works

>> No.10331935
File: 92 KB, 640x498, 1696515042435217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Duke nukem forever as a full game, as it's originally planned without any troons and faggots ruining the Restoration Project.

>propper re-relise of GTA vice city with bigger maps more missions.

Im a simple man.

>> No.10332007

Conker's Bad Fur Day
Make the platforming not retarded or easy to fall off slightly angled floors.

>> No.10332335
File: 2.44 MB, 3868x2133, Dragon_Ball_Z_-_Super_Saiya_Densetsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 sequels for this game.
Cell saga and Buu saga on SNES and a GT game on Playstation keeping the same card-based gameplay but with low poly unshaded graphics like the Dr Slump game.

>> No.10332801

> my bong platformer is better
> no my because Cap of cum had made it

A feud as old as the world.

But I want to shed some light on another problem
Bonus stage in Sega's Aladdin is fucking rigged. They ALWAYS give you Jafar, and you don't even have a chance to react and press button at the correct time to get something else. It's so much better in bootleg Super Aladdin for NES where you can actually get something valuable out of that bonus stage

>> No.10332808

>Bonus stage in Sega's Aladdin is fucking rigged.
Can't you just be happy that it looks good.

>> No.10333018

How about just polish up Sunshine all around? It's probably overall the jankiest 3D Mario and has a clear lack of polish at several places
As for me, uh
1- A Link's Awakening Remake in the OOT/MM engine made during the era - There was still time during the 3DS because of the ports, but that time as passed. Is that too much for the original premise of the thread?
2- New level packs for Kirby Superstar, as good as the original
3- Include all of the crazy lofty promises that Miyamoto talked in various interviews about Ura Zelda and have it releases as it would've been during the era

>> No.10333095

Begone, djinn

>> No.10333156
File: 321 KB, 850x1123, 1697401850309645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am the Game Genie. You have freed me from my lamp. As thanks, I will modify 3 retro games of your choosing. What do you wish for?
1. Release a NTSC version of the PS2 Super Robot OG collection, in English.
2. Not a hack, but port Super Smash TV to the GBA. It should be feasible, just map AB to left and right and L and R to up and down for firing.
3. Give Back to Stone for the GBA a non-password save system.

>> No.10333172
File: 952 KB, 2048x2002, dw1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Released an updated version with more Digimon and maps.
Exactly the same game, but with more Digimon, like a Digimon World Plus.

>> No.10333993

>I'm so tired of low-IQ time wasters

>> No.10334353
File: 111 KB, 736x980, babb33093cd8aafc57ecc411401908b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed, I wish getting Jafar would just get you nothing, getting nothing instead of Gems or a Life would already be enough of a punishment, but making it so you lose all of your next shots too? It's such a pain, Jafar's a bastard, it was an actual treat to beat him up in the end of it all...

>> No.10334978

>Metal Max 2 (SFC)
English version

Make it so the car unlocking selection is better. Basically stick to the idea that you can only unlock a handful of cars throughout the campaign, however the selection of that handful of car randomly changes to any of the opponents' cars every time you start a new playthrough.

My third wish is for the genie to be freeeee

>> No.10334989

>My third wish is...
I got a chuckle out of that spoiler, so thanks, anon! I need to rewatch that film, it was a fun time.

>> No.10336115

1. better Robotrek translation
2. Mario & Wario on Wii with Wiimote support
3. Wii Sports Resort flying without a timer

>> No.10336294

the literal state

>> No.10338104

We've all gotten both version for free since decent emulation of them dropped around '97. Still don't wanna play Perryladdin.

>> No.10338119

>Metroid (NES): make it easier to restore your health/ammo
Did you know that the health drops from enemies inside the hideouts are bigger than the ones in Brinstar? IIRC it's 5 health each in Brinstar, 10 health each in Kraid's Hideout and Norfair, 20 health each in Ridley's Hideout, and 30 health each in Tourian. The best way to get more health after dying (aside from finding energy tanks) is to proceed carefully into the area you died in and kill all the enemies, when you back out to grind health you're doing yourself a huge disservice and only wasting time. Just keep going and kill every enemy and the health drops will fill you up before you know it. You'll pick up missiles in the process as well, of course.

>> No.10338129

Original camera angles for the west release of Blue Stinger
Delete the X version of Code Veronica from existence
Complete the 64 version of Resident Evil 0

>> No.10338138

>Delete the X version of Code Veronica from existence

That makes me think and.... actually I take back my third wish, freeing the genie. Instead i'll erase Code Veronica from existence. Not just the X version, the original too.

and I'll gladly jump to your universe to play your finished RE0 N64 too; but I won't use my third wish for that, erasing CV is more important.

>> No.10338147

>X version
I don't even like CV all that much but educate me on the ills of the version.

>> No.10338215

Don't let your dreams be dreams, I'm pretty sure you can emulate Mario & Wario on a jailbroken switch with Wiimote bound to SNES mouse. I'd be shocked if you couldn't easily mod that limitation out in Resort.

>> No.10338228

>"It was later re-released for Dreamcast, PS2, and GameCube as Biohazard Code: Veronica Kanzenban (aka "Complete"). Two cutscenes were changed and two were added, and Steve's hairstyle was altered so he doesn't look exactly like Leonardo DiCaprio did in Titanic.

Resident Evil Code: Veronica is the localized verson of the Dreamcast original. The two easier difficulties from the Japanese version were removed, and of course the text was translated to English."
It's Sega-fag schizophrenia isn't it?

>> No.10338316

>reading some accounts of lower audio quality/framerate issues/bugs
Iunno, seemed fine on my Gamecube emulator. Skimming through youtube comparisons seems to indicate absolutely miniscule differences at worst.