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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10330651 No.10330651 [Reply] [Original]

Admit it, most ppl say it’s the best due to how easy it is compared to the first one, which is the superior one and a masterpiece.

>> No.10330653

Liking one doesn't mean you have to hate the other.

>> No.10330720

This is 4chan, you're not allowed to like both.

>> No.10330739

>Same thread by the same lonely faggot everyday

>> No.10330752

It's great but RE3 is even better.

>> No.10330850

>ctrl+f "hate"
>1 match

>> No.10330937

RE2 is a really good game

>> No.10331017

First game is not hard at all

>> No.10331050

sure, if you know where all the pickups are and pretend that hunter's aren't kinda bullshit sometimes

>> No.10331054

>due to how easy it is
No resident evil is hard.

>> No.10331276

The first one is trash in comparison, though. Even the Japanese dub is way too goofy, the location is boring after 5 minutes, the puzzles way worse, the atmosphere way worse and less memorable

There is a reason 2 is the more prestigious game and got the best remake ever

>> No.10331279

All that while Kamiya hates horror games and was forced to make it.

Also /thread

>> No.10331290
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RE2 is the SH2 of the RE series

>> No.10331535

>the puzzles way worse
Thats just plain wrong,RE2 got the worst braindead puzzles in the entire trilogy.

>> No.10332465


First one has less weapon variety and no female zombies.

>> No.10332474

They're both good. I prefer 2.

>> No.10332605

Can someone please post the chart with the links to RE1-3 downloads, please?

>> No.10332617
File: 3.32 MB, 975x2250, RE 1-3 PC Install Guide 2022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10332656

Can anyone hook me up with the save file for RE2 that unlocks hard mode?

>> No.10332660

You mean the remake right?

>> No.10332670

Low quality thread. Enjoy death OP

>> No.10332691

Its not that hard to believe some would find 1 better than 2 as both are excellent. I would rank 2 > 1 > CV >>>>>> 3

>> No.10332765

Is it just me or does the gamecube version of 2 look darker than usual?

>> No.10332821

cv>3? holy shit you're a retard and I hope no newbie to the franchise ever listens to you

>> No.10332883

3 is just the unused parts of 2 quickly slapped together. Carlos is the worst character in all of retro Resident Evil.
>I hope no newbie to the franchise ever listens to you
I played these games to death especially 2. What eceleb do you suggest noobs listen to instead?

>> No.10333008

>3 is just the unused parts of 2 quickly slapped together
>Carlos is worse than Steve and Alfred

>> No.10333184

i think you just need to finish 1 scenario,shouldnt take more than 2 hours if you already played.

>> No.10333187

>3 is just the unused parts of 2 quickly slapped together.
man i didnt know RE2 was supposed to have all these puzzles,they should have left some in RE2.

>> No.10333819
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Cv > 3

>> No.10333865

Games where the difficulty is less from combat and more from getting stuck fucking rule. They're like an extension of maze logic in a way only something as dynamic as video games can convey. Rats-at-a-switchboard action gamers can suck my nuts.

>> No.10334475


When you use classic rebirth patch, there is an .ini file. Change the line with "super hard switch" from 0 to 1. Now hard mode appears.

>> No.10334515
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RE3 felt like a map expansion pack adding 20% more game to RE2 while Code Veronica felt like an entirely new game which expanded on gameplay and story. It was the first RE that went 3d allowing the camera to follow you around corners which made for a higher amount of control and smoother gameplay. The knife finally became useful as well. Yes Steve was an incel but Claire eventually fell for him even after his attempts to rape her.

>> No.10334548

hard mode is no joke

>died 3 times in a row from scratch in the hallway in front of dark room

Might give up on Zombie brad and just stock up on ammo and even do my best to pick up Kendo's shotgun.

>> No.10334646

Knife is OP in CV desu.
I like the game, its very long for RE standards and also feels solid.

3d visuals aged like shit but it makes for quite a lot of Dreamcast charm. If that game had prerendered backgrounds it would've been heralded as a classic

>> No.10335061

You're gonna love Claire B.

>> No.10335161

>spend 20 minutes in RPD

>> No.10335185
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Don't be mad at me your favourite Resident Evil is just a map pack sold at full price. CV should have been given the title RE3.

>> No.10335191

Kindly slit your wrists, weeby. It's Resident Evil you dumb, non-Japanese shit.

>> No.10335203

Japanese dub? Resi games didn’t have japanese dubs until 2012. It was voiced in english regardless of their region.

>> No.10335206

Steve is awful but Alfred is a super entertaining and fun villain. He really brings in all of that B movie cheese.

>> No.10335214

This is and English-speaking board only. Don't post the Jap box art and post a bizarrely constructed sentence and expect people to embrace you as a fellow white.

>> No.10335216

After I defeated Dog Birkin in Claire A I had 1 triple green herb and 3 regular grenade rounds remaining in hard arrange/nightmare mode. Leon B was a complete cakewalk by comparison.

>> No.10335230

I intend to leave the side pack and SMG for Claire B for that exact reason. I've beaten hard once before but yeah I did ClaireA/LeonB.

Hard mode is something else, its not even unfair (yeah, the amount of bullets it takes at times is insane), it just punishes you for resting on your laurels and expecting the game to behave like it did in numerous normal difficulty runs you did over the years. You really need to pick and choose fights, dodge zombies instead of wasting ammo - its not even ammo that is the problem, but sacrificing distance and letting them come near.

>> No.10335279

I never use the SMG because I always go for A/S rank. But when I do a Leon A/Claire B run in nightmare I’ll probably leave the Side Pack for Claire. At least Mr X is much easier than the Birkin forms. Third form Birkin can eat a shit ton of flame rounds before going down and Dog Birkin kills you in 2 hits. I only beat him in Claire A because he got stuck in a corner jumping but never managing to climb the tubes.

>> No.10335283

Didn't even know that SMG affects rating, but I dont care about rating anyway, especially not on hard mode.

>> No.10335287

The SMG you get in the locker or in the lab does not affect rank. That's a common misconception due to the same weapon being a bonus weapon with infinite ammo you get to unlock which itself does reduce rank.

>> No.10335293
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>but I dont care about rating
You should.
>B movie cheese.
RE1 had the most kino look.

>> No.10335334

I never knew that, thanks. I’m gonna test it alongside Claire’s Spark Shot.

>> No.10335379
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>RE1 had the most kino look.
I've got to agree. My mind was blown when I found out the western intro was censored.


>> No.10335620

Alfred is objectively terrible and played a big part in the series turning retarded.

>> No.10335729

>NO U!

>> No.10336351
File: 14 KB, 486x178, rebeccaheight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rebecca's 5'11? WTF?!

>> No.10336353

You can get an additional SMG clip if you do the guest room fingerprint in both scenarios. Kind feels like pussying it out but hardmore definitely feels like the only, right way to ever make some use out of it. The reload animation is pretty kino too.

>> No.10336704

RE1 was dubbed to Japanese, but Capcom chose not to use it and go full English instead.


>> No.10337637

It's 161.

>> No.10337656

You do NOT want to enter that room on Hard mode.

Trust me.

>> No.10337679

Music from that room is top notch too


>> No.10337717

Holy shit, that's wesker's theme from the umbrella chronicles. Or, at least, now I know where they got the original track from for Weskers' level remix theme in UC.

>> No.10337782

You never played RE2?

>> No.10338529
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>> No.10338920

Of course I have, anon. Just never been to that room, never knew how to get in until reading this thread. I thought I needed Annette or Ada or something to get in.

>> No.10339078

ur racist

>> No.10340090

You need to register finger print in the moth room in both scenarios in order to access the room in B.

Anyway hard mode is no fucking joke, I definitely died about a dozen times so far. Mostly because I refuse to save out of habit and realize I have to re-thread half an hour of game.
Biggest change is that hordes of zombies require you to use the shotgun for crowd control. Dogs are fucking annoying as shit, almost impossible to get past them without taking damage.

>> No.10340127

Overrated yes, but it's not bad. RE3 is very easily the best of the original trilogy however. It's literally the only one with actual puzzles.

>> No.10340314

The orignal trilogy is so good and just flow one into the other almost perfectly. Just sit down and play them back to back one day, it's a great way to spend a afternoon

>> No.10340319

We all agree that HD mod looks like shit right?

>> No.10340336

Ehh it's okay, I don't mind it if you mean the upscaled background.
I just wish they didn't fuck with the inventory, I don't like the retarded avatars from newer games and different fonts in the game. Still, I've played the original vanilla version so many times that I don't really mind.

I definitely appreciate classic rebirth mod, quick turn and tactical reload is a nice touch.

>> No.10340449

Do you call Doom II a map hack also?

>> No.10340469

all three original games, running on modern Windows
reminder that the NA versions were made easier with collectibles everywhere, but these OG versions lack those collecibles.

>> No.10340494

I love them both but re 1 is a little too goofy now going back to it. REmake however is amazing. On a related note, why do people always complain about the controls of the classic games? I genuinely don't understand why people can't handle them.

>> No.10340548

>reminder that the NA versions were made easier with collectibles everywhere
actually the japanese version are easier.

>> No.10340709
File: 75 KB, 474x193, image-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah it was always the best, took the best elements of 1 (zombies and the action) and cranked it up. Nothing is better than blasting undead niggas with a machine gun.

Also you get to run around the city a bit which was awesome, something 3 made even better. But 3 has the issue of being too short where 2 is the perfect length, it never drags but goes on long enough to feel like a complete story, not to mention all the extra side games and B scenarios that make it the most complete RE game ever released.

No other RE game comes close to how good 2 was even if they are great, RE1 may be my personal favorite but 2 is absolutely the better game.

>> No.10340963

>3 is too short
walk slower dumbass

>> No.10341147
File: 25 KB, 640x480, film-a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah it's fine. If you have the SMG you can use small bursts of fire to keep the lickers from reaching you or if you're really sneaky you can use small running steps to trigger them, wait while they are alert and slowly move along the room in the few frames they go back to normal condition. That room is a testament to how well the player understands lickers mechanically.

It's actually the main theme from Biohazard 2 Prototype (also known as Resident Evil 1.5).


Capcom must have really loved that room since conception. It's original pre-rendered backgrounds show up in the film rolls and it's ethereal hazardous vibe really makes it worth the effort of unlocking it the first time.

>> No.10341169

>Biggest change is that hordes of zombies require you to use the shotgun for crowd control.
Zombies are so dangerous in hard mode because they often lunge at your feat. I think this is triggered by low HP. So while you might only see this very few times in normal mode because you can gun down quickly, in hard mode you will frequently find yourself within distance and conditions to get them to dive into the ground and possibly grab while the remaining zombies surround you.