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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10308008 No.10308008 [Reply] [Original]

>most important game they've ever made
>spending a decade and hundreds of millions of dollars on its remake
>no bug fix on the music in the new ports
what the fuck is their problem

>> No.10308015

It's not a bug though, it's an unavailable soundfont.

>> No.10308019

I'm talking about when the music won't load at all. I just had to snowboard in complete silence.

>> No.10308030
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There is no snowboarding music at Great Glacier. Period.

>> No.10308049

Huh. Mandela Effect got me.

The overworld music still mutes out at random though.

>> No.10308050

Yep. Here OP, just put this on next time you snowboard:

>> No.10308062

It’s that way in the original.

>> No.10308068

Ah. I'm retarded. Thread canceled.

>> No.10308174
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>not playing on a PS1/2 with a CRT

>> No.10308324

I prefer the PC version. Kick ass setup though.

>> No.10308328

Thread hidden.

>> No.10308610

Worse of all
>please play this anthology gacha with this prequel story attached, Sephiroth dindu nuffin

>> No.10308650

This, but the Japanese version.

>> No.10308907

JRPGs are not games
they are bad visual novels with time wasting elements

>> No.10308945

well we can talk about the game too
i'm playin it rn for the first time and i just got a dog man in my party
like shit you thought gau was crazy just wait til you get a load of this

>> No.10309529

>waste my last 800 smacks on some good vegetables for a cockaboo
>the fucker just runs away and aeris uses it on a monster
guess who's turning wait on
why can't i just pay him for one man fuckin scammer :v

>> No.10309535

holy fucking newfag, stop posting for at least a year + go back to r*ddit

>> No.10309552

apparently using Stop on a chocobo worked in the Japanese version but they purposely took it out of later releases

>> No.10309573
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oh well now i feel bad
but still i think you'd get a lot more business if it was just 2500 as a long term investment if renting them out doesn't pay the bills

>> No.10310007

Is there an objective gameplay advantage if Cloud get chosen to be Corneo's bride or nah. Funny that you have to do many specific things before this if it's for nothing. Well it's somewhat a funny cutscene so not exactly nothing but you know what I mean.

>> No.10310010

Gives you a chance for some Barrett Date Points, if that's your bag.

>> No.10310027

Is this good?

>> No.10310031

Holy kino setup

>> No.10310450

Fuck the Steam version for not automatically making cloud saves. I decided to replay it and stopped at that snow part where you can Alexander because I was mounting a new PC.
After reinstalling Steam and the game, realizing I had lost my save file, I just lost all motivation to beat it again.

>> No.10310451

wow that guide brings back memories

>> No.10310464

Sephi was never the true villain, it was always Shinra.

>> No.10312063

That's not the case, they're trying to convince me he had the sweetest SOLDIERussy before he devolved, become god, split into 3, and become some mastermind schizopiece to control Omega.

>> No.10312080

The FFVII strategy guide was so goddamn awesome. I used to lug that thing with me everywhere.

>> No.10312263

You can let the thread die now.

>> No.10312630

i could or i could mention the fact that i just got my ass beat by six frogs. well not really but that fight took five years off my life. i actually got my ass beat by a damn plant, which was just embarrassing. that guy doesn't fuck around, sephiroth's mum better take some notes because she ain't shit compared to the flora out here.

>> No.10312636

oh and ftr i had tifa with the poison element and no offensive magic on her so aside from the occasional limit it was really with two characters. some plants and frogs > ancient chimera hag.

>> No.10312650

There's tons of misinformation and missing information, but for me, it's how they snuck in screenshots where they'd named Aeris "Biatch"

>> No.10312654

enix doesnt care about square products

>> No.10312698

I might actually play this game but on a PS Vita and only if a couple anons tell me what they like so much about the game.

>> No.10312714

They probably don't have the source code anymore.

>> No.10313714

Literally didn't ask.

>> No.10313936

When's it gonna get decompiled then

>> No.10313946

Because that was worth the neceobump.

>> No.10314750

Fuck off back to your forum, grandpa.

>> No.10314781 [DELETED] 

This is /vr/, why don't you take a trip to the Gaza strip, prick.

>> No.10314843

Name a good visual novel.

>> No.10315020

Your question will never be answered and I find delight in that you'll never be satisfied with an answer.