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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10251828 No.10251828 [Reply] [Original]

Do you like to collect older games, /vr/?

>> No.10251831
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No I sold mine off. Collecting is a mental illness.

>> No.10251856
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If by older games you mean full rom sets, sure. I have complete English-friendly sets for most cartridge-based consoles as well as SEGA CD.

For physical stuff I usually just collect Famiclone handhelds nowadays, though. Pic related

>> No.10251873

Used to collect NES and SNES and a bit of Genesis. I was lucky enough to get into it when it was still affordable and you could still find games in odd places often for cheap or even free (toy store liquidation sales, friends and family just giving stuff away). About 10 years ago I decided I had most of what I wanted and anything else I was still after was prohibitively expensive so I called it a day on collecting.
I've kept my collection and display it proudly. I've only sold a few duplicates and 1 or 2 high value items I was willing to part with. I've gotten a couple of Everdrives to play stuff I don't have and ROM hacks. Splurged on some of those FPGA systems too.
I know this places kinda looks down on collectors (though I don't like the people who look at retrogaming as an investment) and physical media in general but there is something different about the experience of tracking down an old game, paying cash for it, cleaning it and getting it working then playing it. I have a level of time and economic investment there - so I'm more likely to give a game a chance even if it doesn't grab me immediately. It's helped me discover a ton of old games that turned out to be pretty good whereas if I just selected it from a list of ROMs on my laptop I would have gotten bored in 5 minutes.

>> No.10251907

I really enjoyed it up until about a decade ago, when price creep really started setting in. Although I could afford to continue collecting here and there, I have other hobbies and interests that would be more worthwhile to spend on. I think I'm going to get a few Everdrive-type devices for the systems I have and be content with it. Still, I will miss times at thrift stores, garage sales, and sniping on eBay auctions where I scored a game I wanted for a reasonable price.

>> No.10251913

Emulation is good enough for me now.

>> No.10251918

You mean buying games for the sake of buying them? No, I'm not mentally ill, if I want to play something I download it for free. If a game means a lot to me and it's cheap I buy it.

>> No.10252259

Why did you save my picture from that /v/ thread yesterday?

>> No.10252261

Yeah I like collecting games, always have

>> No.10252349
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>> No.10252502

I can see how collecting might have been fun 20 years ago when everything was cheap. It was just for fun and everybody knew you could play the games for free on emulators.
Paying inflated prices for games in shit condition to get the "authentic experience" is a new zoombrained thing.

>> No.10252587

I'm getting rid of my collection and only keeping the ones I have fond memories of. The rest gets emulated. Reality is, no one cares about your collection but you. But why collect, if no one cares? At least in the 90s it made sense because of the lack of emulators. Even in early 2000s it made sense because you could walk into Gamestop and buy NES games for $1 or $2. I picked up an entire Dreamcast and Jet Set Radio for like $20. Beatmania with controller for the same amount.

I think it's about growing up mentally. You can enjoy the games, but no one is impressed that you have it. Your nephews might be. For about 30 minutes.

>> No.10253671

yeah, been doing it since 2009 through thrift, trades and snipes, it has given me tons of joy. From lugging the stuff around to friends houses or art school events, to eating free weekly for a year borrowing some basics to a pub, to having to move back to my mother's house after a tough break-up and finding peace playing and tending to my collection on my own...

I'm far from rich, but would only sell if I absolutely need to. In my city all oldheads have sold theirs for different reasons and it's mostly three millionaire dudes taking everything, it's soulless

For a regular joe collecting, you had to be there or you have to work where retro drops (I do), but even with a wage you can have the golden standard of console+flashcart+CRT

>> No.10255281
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Stopped collecting over a decade ago and started selling some stuff recently. I don’t even play anything other than PSX and PS2 and don’t think i even played more than 50 games (completed) for both

>> No.10255703

I wish I could have a physical collection, nothing major, just stuff I grew up with, and my favorite titles from the franchises I care about the most, but it's too expensive to justify the cost, so for now I'll stick to emulation.

>> No.10255807

yes it's all in storage though I mostly emulate. sometimes I'll pull the crates out and feel, taste, smell my old carts. it's fantastic.

>> No.10255954
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Imagine not having a collection

>> No.10256508

>Do you like to collect older games, /vr/?
Yes PC Big Box/PS1/PS2

>> No.10256519

>Collecting is a mental illness.
Can't collect stamps, or coins or art or arms or silverware or gold or sports cards or cars or anything because this anon is projecting and we must all agree with his butthurt nothing world poor faggotry and live as he says

>> No.10256525

This but unironically. Imagine collecting stamps. They're there to send letters to your grandmother, not hoard.

>> No.10256546

Sad sour circularly spammed troll thread with a dose of reddit tier pseudo commie poorfag whining and bitching at people who have stuff. >You must not like other other things! You may not enjoy collecting like any other board! Praise my retarded poor faggotry!
Pure /vr/

>> No.10256550

peopple have collected stamps for over 100 years and no one gives a fuck what you think or ever will. Retarded troll threads @ 100%.Board should be deleted.

>> No.10256568

>peopple have collected stamps for over 100 years
But that's a mental illness.

>> No.10256660

People like collecting things on a subconscious level, it's an alternative expression of hunter/gatherer instincts.
You're conflating all collecting as hoarding, which itself would indicate mental illness such as OCD.

>> No.10256689

No I have too much clutter in my house already

>> No.10256848
File: 1.65 MB, 3745x2412, SNES CIB 7.24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SNES collector

A man of taste, I see.

>> No.10256852
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>> No.10256902

I have around 180 CIB NES games, 400 CIB SNES and 150 Gameboy games. Been collecting since 2015.

>> No.10256925
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>Do you like to collect older games, /vr/?
I do!

>> No.10256931

Why is gtk so ugly?

>> No.10257063

They make limited edition stamps that are intended to be collected.

>> No.10257092

Because I made it, and I am ugly. I want the world to be as ugly as I am. Want GTK to look good? Then help me become pretty.

>> No.10257101

Nice. I too indulge in psycho sexual tendacies with my carts.

>> No.10257118
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>I can see how collecting might have been fun 20 years ago when everything was cheap. It was just for fun and everybody knew you could play the games for free on emulators.

It was fun. Games were cheap. There were options for everyone at all price ranges. You could collect for cheap emulate.

>Paying inflated prices for games in shit condition to get the "authentic experience" is a new zoombrained thing.
You have it completely BACKWARDS.

People arent paying high prices because of the authentic experience. People have to pay high prices because financial "investors" got involved in the retro hobby around 2014. Grading Companies like Wata games started "grading" the condition of old games. Suddenly all the retro games were getting snatched up by investors and people who had nothing to do with the retro gaming hobby. You had people raiding thrift stores trying find games posting them on YouTube. Prices went through the roof. You had Thrift stores like goodwill taking retro games, looking up the most expensive price on eBay, and selling them for hundreds of dollars. It ruined EVERYTHING for every gamer who used to be in the hobby for fun.

The next thing they are trying to hype is VHS tape collecting.

>> No.10257150

the absolute petro-sheikh

>VHS tape collecting
you sure? afaik VHS collecting is dead af

Otoh CD album collecting has been on the rise from the past 2 years. It has all the conditions to turn into the next hipster collecting craze

>> No.10257160

I have a Nintendo DS. Does that count?

>> No.10257172

I sold off 90%, only kept N64 and GameBoy games, things that I actually cherish.
>Collecting Atari... why? I never played it growing up

>> No.10257184

CDs and VHS have the same marketability: end-user owned licences

Same reason vinyl is still going

>> No.10257214
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>you sure? afaik VHS collecting is dead af
They are still trying to hype it up.

>> No.10257886

Ugh. These grading companies should be illegal.

>> No.10257898

>Still, I will miss times at thrift stores, garage sales, and sniping on eBay auctions where I scored a game I wanted for a reasonable price.
Do you remember your best pick-ups?

>> No.10257952

Full rom sets or nah? Show us the covers in Launchbox or RetroArch or something

>> No.10258000

nta but 10 years ago a friend of mine was in town and he came over with a big box of SNES games. "Hey, my mom's (new) husband used to play video games and he was throwing these out. I mentioned that you like to collect them and he said you could have them."
Inside the box several of the major SNES RPGs including all the Final Fantasy games, Super Mario RPG Breath of Fire and...Earthbound. Also included was Zelda, all the Koei games and some other random assorted stuff.
That was actually my second copy of Earthbound. The first one I got for 10 bucks when a video store was liquidating their SNES games around 2000. I was able to get the box and the guide as well though both were kind of beat up.
Really though, any time from the late 90s to the mid 2000s, you could clean up on retro games. I bought games that go for hundreds nowadays (like Power Blade 2, Ducktales 2, Mighty Final Fight) for like 10 dollars each. An amazing time. Boxes and manuals were still rare even in the best times though.

>> No.10258132


>> No.10258157

I have full ROM sets, but I keep them compressed in .zip, only decompressing the ones I see myself playing in the near future. I don't use RetroArch, nor do I use Launchbox, just standalone emulator for each console or small group of consoles.

>> No.10258179

Only a little to be used as decoration. Big boxes. Games that have influenced me.
Have thief 1/2, gunman, Myst/riven.
Only box that I've gotten for the sake of it being cheap and "neat" is the star trek limited edition judgement rights box. For like 8 dollars.

>> No.10258182

They ruin all casual hobbies they enter. Often the grading companies have shady connections to auction houses/websites and collude to drive up prices. I'll explain.

1. Grading companies grade something (could be anything really). Let's say they grade a pack of a pair socks. The Grading company says these socks are "9.6 out of 10" in grading.

2. Then the auction house puts the graded item up for sale. They secretly drive up the cost of the bids. And usually someone closely associated with either the auction house or the grading company secretly buys the items for thousands or millions of dollars.

3. Then a bunch of websites and news articles talk about how the graded item sold for a huge price.

4. Suddenly everyone wants to buy a pair of socks because they think they are worth huge money. People send their socks to get graded.

5. The grading company gets paid fee everytime someone requests an item be graded.

6. The auction houses gets a cut (like 6% to 8%) of the final price. So it's in their best interest to drive up the price.

7. Huge bubble market is created. People are buying and selling socks at huge prices.

8. Then the graded "9.6 out 10" that was sold in step 2 gets resold and put up for sale again. With the market being so hot, it gets resold again at an even higher absurd price. The auction house and grading company make even more money by selling it chumps who think they are investing their money by buying graded items.

9. If the bubble pops, then all graded items lose a ton of value. But the grading companies and auction houses made a ton of money selling grading items to suckers.

10. Grading company and auction house move on to a new hobby and repeat the whole process cker again.

>> No.10258268

Sounds like the stupid consumer is the problem. The company is just more zing their stupidity like most businesses.

>> No.10258279

Stupidity has been a main cause of problems for so many things. At least, regarding goods, I'd advise to stupid people:

1. There's no miracle product, without faults. There are just cost-effective or most adequate solutions.
2. There's no easy money, unless you scam someone. But even scammers need to think, so even they have their hardships. Stop thinking you'll become rich by being lazy.

>> No.10258318
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Yes, although I only buy what I know I'll play like a normal person. I have no problems with emulation, but having full romsets of just about every system I care about is only fun for a little bit until I realized that now I have too much to choose from and it becomes boring.

>> No.10258328

It makes more sense to collect controllers.

>> No.10258352

Yes. But my strict limit for SNES is 50 games.

>> No.10259230

Based curator. You can make an amazing SNES 50 game collection. Straight up bangers. Better than any other system.

>> No.10259272

I've thought about having a strict limit for my gamecube game collection, but who knows where I should stop with that.

>> No.10259825

Virginity trophy case.

>> No.10259837

I enjoyed owning physical copies of each separate game since I prefer the experience of original hardware, but now I'm really getting priced out. I'm tired of collectors who don't actually play their games. Flashcarts are good enough for me now.

>> No.10259840

It's not the collectors ruining things and driving up prices.

It's the investors and grading companies that invaded the hobby that are responsible.. They treat collecting video games like a financial investment. The same way art investors buy paintings and push to get the prices raised.

>> No.10259842

If people like you didn’t want those games they wouldn’t have any value then. You’re are to blame too.

>> No.10259848

>It's the investors and grading companies that invaded the hobby that are responsible.. They treat collecting video games like a financial investment.
Right, that's the kind I had in mind. Sorry for conflating the two.

>> No.10259849

No anon. If you are going to be angry, then be angry at the right people.

Things were perfectly fine until around the early to mid 2010s. Then investment companies got involved.

The same thing had happened to YuGiOh, Pokémon, and other trading card gaming hobbies. Investors and Grading companies who don't even play the game invaded the hobby and ruined it for everyone.

>> No.10260447

Nta and I agree grading companies are driving up prices but you cant leave out the passage of time and growing interest in video games. Another thing is back then you didn't have a large group of people dissatisfied with current gaming trends. I feel like the interest in retro games is only going up from here. Thank god they made so many good games.
These days I'm boxing up my collection, stuff from the cardboard era of game boxes. Not everything of course but most of my stuff is from childhood so I like getting them back to their former glory. Child me did pretty good too, I've still got some nice boxes from back then like Pokemon Crystal.
Looking at a big line of boxed games is really nice.

>> No.10260464

Like, older than SNES? Yes.

>> No.10260614
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>you cant leave out the passage of time
This. We're talking about the significance of the passage of time right. The significance of the passage of time, so when you think about it there is great significance to passage of time. It's very significant, the passage of time. And so the opinions of people who talk about the passage of time must also be significant.

>> No.10260642
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>Nta and I agree grading companies are driving up prices but you cant leave out the passage of time and growing interest in video games.

Increased interest will only make a game slightly more expensive. Like... oh my 80 dollar game is now worth double or triple now.

Increase interest does not account for a 15,000% percent increase in prices like in pic related. Nope. This is happening because financial investors, grading companies, and auction companies are creating an artificially bubble to get more money. Pure Greed.

I want to rip apart a graded video game everytime I see one. This is beyond insane. These prices did not happen naturally.

>> No.10260657

I don’t consider myself a full-on collector, I just buy games that I want to play. Most of my older handheld games are just the cart anyway, so I don’t care if they come in the box or not.
I have about 6 GB games, 3 GBC games, 24 GBA games, 20ish GCN games as far as ‘retro’ games go. Maybe about 170 physical games if everything is accounted for.

>> No.10260663

But you can still get a boxed copy of Super Mario 64 for like 100 bucks. Some retard buying one for a million doesn't necessarily correlate to the price increase over 15 years. Covid did more to prices

>> No.10260671

I got a question. How do they know these sealed copies of games actually have the game they claim? Can't it be faked? Like those boxes could have a completely different SNES game. I've seen places be able to re-seal games in plastic wrap. And it's not like they can open the game up to authenticate the product because it would ruin the value. So how do they now?

>> No.10260678

They don't. They'd claim they are experts or something I suppose.

>> No.10260683

>The next thing they are trying to hype is VHS tape collecting.
Damn, it's literally a tradition for my girlfriend and I to order a bunch old horror movies on tape for cheap every Halloween season

>> No.10260712

You have to remember most people here are third worlders or pod zoomies.

>> No.10260751

I was on a retrogaming board a few years back and there was a guy who claimed to have bought an industrial cardboard printing machine for 10k and a shrinkwrap machine and that he used to make bootleg boxes filled with weights and then would shrinkwrap them and sell them for a lot of money on ebay.

>> No.10260816

I don't doubt it. Perhaps that particular individual was trolling but I'd bet it happens all the time. Think about all the knockoffs the chinese sell on alibaba. I'd only ever buy a new old game to open for fun.

>> No.10260889
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Try to limit myself to games I play, played and will play. Probably around 50 games. Re-sell the shit I don't want if I pick up a box at flea market, and some consoles for deco
>pic related

>> No.10260917

Stop baiting the autists OP!

>> No.10260921

How are the pod and the bugs?

>> No.10260939
File: 122 KB, 640x480, super mario bros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only game I need.

>> No.10260948

Tide pod or live in ze pod?

>> No.10261117

And these investors are left leaning of course.

>> No.10261121

They are but Retards gonna Tard.

>> No.10261827

Collecting the games you want to play is based. Many collectors just aren't like that though.

>> No.10261829

Yeah, I got my first Genesis complete in box at a Salvation Army store. There was a local chain of CD/DVD/bookstores around me that had a lot of 4th and 5th gen games for cheap, I think that's where I got a lot of my N64 games, like Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Castlevania, Yoshi Story, Mario Party 2, etc. probably like $4 or $5 apiece. I got a Sega Nomad with maybe 16 or 17 games, almost all complete on eBay for about $100 in 2010 I think. Super Mario RPG for $30 as recently as 2015 and I even felt like I was overpaying.

I have gotten lucky a couple times even recently, last year I got a complete Aladdin for Genesis for $8 at Goodwill, but that happens a lot less often now. Incidentally I saw it at a greedy record shop in my city for like $45 last week, lol. I think that same store sold its copy of Earthbound for $170, insanity.

>> No.10261869

It's impossible to replicate the original shrink wrap on an SNES game. Shinkwrapping Nintendo games is an ancient Japanese art form that take years to master. Only a few people are able to do it. Trust me. I'm an expert. I can tell from some of the seals and from having watched quite a few youtubes in my time.

>> No.10262006

this was mostly in the 90s...

Famicon for $10 at Goodwill. Complete if not new in box (things were still bagged & twist tied.)

Shit ton of TI-99/4A cartridges. I was on the way to school by bus and had some time to stop by a thrift. Games were so cheap so I bought them all. Spent some time rearranging my backpack and stuffing things in. Probably had to hand-carry a textbook or two that day.

GBA *and* GBA-SP with about a half dozen games for $8. This was in the DS era, so the GBA was "old" and undesirable. But still a great price.

One I still kick myself for, though it's not particularly *rare* and easily obtainable. TRS80 model 100. I saw it at a Salvation Army store for $50. That was "a lot" in my mind ... kinda still is ... and being still new to thrifting, I thought, "maybe next week." Following week of course it was gone.

>> No.10262280
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Used to buy tons of retro stuff on auction sites. Sniping good deals was kinda thrilling. But shipping cost even when bundled kinda killed the fun in longer run + its started getting more expensive and lot of bidders with deep pockets joined in. In the end the exotic stuff that you really want is jacked up in prices. Like why even bother when it cost triple
than what it retailed for when it was new? Ultimately Collecting that way is a joyless endevaur that only works on a reasonable salary that of which you can spend it on without it hurting the wallet.

On the other hand, going to flea markets every summer is one of the more fun activities of that season. Collecting old games that way is more laid back and the fact you can barter for anything & everything makes it more rewarding.

The amount of times when you land a good deal is so rewarding, like for example: a ps1 with 10 games + all acessories & ps2 for under 30 $ . Like that doesn't happen online unless you its like craigslist.

Sure you might never find those ultra rare things ever but when you come across something even semi uncommon it gives you a rush as if you've struck gold. Just casually getting games when you spot them and not setting unrealistic goals of acquiring a complete library really keeps the hobby from going to the slump.

>> No.10262334

The thing retro collectors often fail to understand is that it's important to set firm boundaries and realistic long term goals when collecting.

((You can't collect every system or game ever made unless you are extremely wealthy, and even then it's still not possible.)

Often times, collectors keep shifting the goal posts and keep buying more stuff until their house is filled to the max. They forget the reason why they started collecting in the first place (the joy of playing video games), and let the act of collecting itself take over.

It's very important to be selective and realistic. I myself don't want complete sets for PS2 or Xbox. I only want certain titles that I enjoy playing or have fond memories of.

My basement has a Neo Geo arcade cabinet, a couch area for retro console gaming (Xbox and PS2), a Daytona USA arcade machine, and a pool table. I don't want much more than that. I may add a Ridge Racer Arcade machine, but I'm on the fence about it.

My goals I think are pretty realistic.

>> No.10262409

its really not funny anymore when everyone wants $20 for even basic titles these days

>> No.10262419

Yes & it continues to go up in value, enough for me to retire on.

>> No.10262810

>its really not funny anymore these $20 games were only $49.99 back then. I'm literally shaking right now.
The literal state

>> No.10262894

I used to, but now it's consoles and ODEs/flashcarts. I recently got an Atari ST and my project for it now is to get it up and running with a floppy drive emulator, or a hard drive emulator.

>> No.10262997 [DELETED] 





>> No.10263087

So you're saying your opinion should be disregarded, because anyone who know what they were doing would have already completed your "project". Weird flex.

>> No.10263393

only if they have scribbles or other customization

>> No.10263401

>Arcade machines

>> No.10263430

Old retro arcade machines aren't that expensive. Especially the more popular ones that were mass produced all over. I got my Neo Geo from an old laundrymat arcade. Owner sold it to me for $300 dollars.

The biggest issue with collecting arcade machines is having enough space.

>> No.10263975

Whats your favorite item in the collection, anon?

>> No.10263994

I've always collected, even as a kid, but as everyone is saying, collecting used to be a cheap hobby for poor people(like me), which isn't the case at all anymore. As an adult I only own games I actually play; everything else got sold(ironically I still have a much larger collection than most people). Any games I sold in the past that I end up missing, I just emulate, unless the game happens to still be cheap.

Collecting for the sake of collecting is literally a waste of money and is just a fancy way to classify hoarding, because that's all it is. I will admit that buying cheap shit you can enjoy is a weird addiction I have though, so once gaming wasn't an option for that I moved on to CDs and DVDs.

>> No.10264027

I've collected games and merchandise and played all of them and now I'm in the process of selling off all of my game junk after I realized I was hoarding.

>> No.10264052
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Yes I have a large collection of games for PS1, gameboy, GBA, PSP and DS. It’s not because I like to collect, I just refuse to spend my money on digital media that I don’t actually own, or emulate shit that may or may not be accessible to me a year from now. Plus it’s something to give my kids when I finally die.

>> No.10264054

Funny way of saying “I’m broke”

>> No.10264063

Really nice and clean setup, anon.

>> No.10264065

You must be new here. Poorfags have been saying that for ages.

>> No.10264351

>finally die
lol good luck dying, you pussy. I, on the other hand, plan to live forever. If my kids want games, they'd better buy their own, mine already have an owner.

>> No.10264406

Needs a CRT

>> No.10264414

your kids will throw those games in the dumpster

>> No.10264972
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>Do you like to collect older games, /vr/?
I wanted to, and had plans of doing so... but it's not a viable option. I mean, all I really want is to own a few consoles that I'm most fond off, the ones I had growing up really, and from half a dozen to a full dozen of titles for each, that I'll actually play... and even then it's a huge, and not viable, investment for me.
I'll just stick to emulation, at least for the time being, and with 3rd party controllers that replicate my favorite console, to make things a bit more immersive and legit, it's also more convenient that way, having all in one place. A shame I'll probably never have a working Game Gear with some of my favorite titles on it though.

>> No.10265027

unironically yes,collecting is hylic-tier behaviour that make you look like a fucking crow who must have shiny things.
store up treasures in heaven not on earth.

>> No.10265030

>it's an alternative expression of hunter/gatherer instincts.
look at this faggot who doesnt want to rise above his basic instinct,you seriously think thats a fucking argument.
if i followed my "instinct" like a basic nigger i would have killed most retards i encounter.

>> No.10265218
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Have tried CRT two times, but can't stand the high-pitched frequency tone. Maybe later when my hearing gets shit.

>> No.10265237
File: 1011 KB, 1466x2014, 1686081593623993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

built a tiny colelction growing up as a kid, scored an incredible lot from CL, then I said fuck the used market price gouging and got an everdrive

also bought a chinky sd multicart fior my NES

>> No.10265240

based collection

>> No.10265553
File: 115 KB, 400x551, i9z6mi4nur951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine compulsively wasting your money to collect plastic when flash carts and emulation exist.

>> No.10265559

>enough for me to retire on.
>video games
Fucking kek. Even owning multiple full CIB console libraries is not enough to fund a retirement. Video games are still an extremely cheap hobby and that is reflected in the resell market

>> No.10265584

Used to but no longer, it's simply not fun anymore. It's no longer something you can do with a couple of friends on a weekend, just hit up second hand stores and flea markets with a bit of money in your pocket and pick up a couple of games, it's hard to just buy shit on a whim these days. Retro vidya prices have climbed to the point where buying shit is simply not fun for me anymore, even though I have a lot more disposable income now than I did back when I was actively collecting.

>> No.10265589

>Sure you might never find those ultra rare things ever but when you come across something even semi uncommon it gives you a rush as if you've struck gold
Haven't been to a flea market in a while but that shit was so satisfying. It's amazing how zoned in I was and how I quickly scanned through piles and piles of random trash. I remember once I found some homeless dude selling what appeared to be the contents of a trash can and there were a bunch of Game Gear and Genesis carts in it, I bought them all for like $5.

>> No.10265681

How enlightened, you seem the kind of esteemed gentleman who has completed all the HemiSync™ tapes. I tip my fedora to you sir.

>> No.10265819

>trash can and there were a bunch of Game Gear and Genesis carts in it, I bought them all for like $5.

The modern version of this is finding Xbox 360, PS3, and Wii Games in boxes for cheap. Old games but not old enough to be retro or desired by lots of people.

>> No.10265851


Yeah if I was more motivated I'd be going to all kinds of thrift shops, garage sales, game stores etc and pick up all the dirt cheap shit from that gen because only a few years from now, the nostalgia for the generation is going to kick in.

>> No.10265879

I've thought about it but I don't really have much desire to play them and I don't collect for the sake of it. Might not be the worst investment if you find them cheap. But the prices on some of the good/rare games are already starting to climb so the ship is sailing fast.

>> No.10265916

Yeah I think people have really cottoned on to this sort of speculator mindset. I wish I had this honestly, I remember a Best Buy near me was getting rid of a stack of boxed Earthbounds around 1998 or so and they were priced dirt cheap - like 10 dollars each.

>> No.10265926

>Does the old video games board like old video games?
This really is the most retarded site on the internet.

>> No.10266205

"collect" =/= "like"
Your post is really one of the most illiterate I've seen.

>> No.10266208

I hate you all. Fucking retards.

>> No.10266228

shut up

>> No.10266245

No, I prefer to play them

>> No.10266472

Not sure if trolling or super ironic

>> No.10266665

>collecting assets that increase in worth is a waste
Why is being poor and retarded mutually inclusive?

>> No.10267125
File: 5 KB, 259x194, 1693441195374452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Both of you are are retards.

>> No.10268094


>> No.10268830

>Y-Yes... I am a new kid completely oblivious to how people represented "≠" before Unicode was created... But how did you know?