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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 2.99 MB, 1280x720, reddit game uncle 1cc.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10225640 No.10225640 [Reply] [Original]

Let me guess, you need more?
Previous thread: >>10208548

>> No.10225646
File: 1.00 MB, 1093x1050, slop king.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit goyslop uncle just posted on his youtube

uh, powchaddy bros..........im thinking we're back

>> No.10225652

Place your bets on him using analog again for beat em ups.

>> No.10225667

I need to check out Taki Udon's review of this still. Very curious how it handles DS games too.

>> No.10225673

What gets me isn't the people that need more, but the ones that have a T chip device and downgrade to 3566 just for the aesthetics of the device or whatever.

>> No.10225683
File: 1.03 MB, 2016x1512, IMG_2568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, it could be worse. I’m downgrading from a Steam Deck to an RP2S just because of how the trans-black one looks.

>> No.10225684
File: 37 KB, 475x357, 1662686302565378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fell for the Analogue Pocket meme
>Actually regret it
>Worst parts of playing on my modded Game Boys with the worst parts of an emulation handheld
>Very few of the benefits
>Sleep mode and save states don't work right with Everdrives
>Most good Pocket features don't work with FPGA cores, not even the display modes on the GB/GBC/GBA cores
>Might be fixed sometime... maybe
>Worse ergonomics than either my DMG or GBA
I'm going to keep fucking with it, but I feel like I should have just stuck with my chinkhelds. Oh well, I got the glowie version, I could sell it at a profit even opened.

>> No.10225689
File: 7 KB, 194x259, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese manufacturers are looking to liquidate cheap stock of end-of-life SoC hardware through whatever gimmicks they can pull.

Anbernic got their start by cloning the GCW Zero. It was 1:1 compatible with software designed for the GCW Zero.

>> No.10225698

What game

>> No.10225702

Why would you not keep both? Steam Deck is perfect for home/bed use and RP2S for portability.

>> No.10225712

You got a glow one already? I'm pretty much on the same page as you with my Pocket — I should have sold it when they were worth more than retail. I pretty much only keep it around for Game Boy at this point. I tried some chinese thing a while back and it didn't do it for me, software was just too jank. A Retroid with Android seems to be the move, but maybe I'd hate that too.

>> No.10225724

Yeah, got my glowie one yesterday. Would have arrived on Tuesday if UPS weren't slackers. I'd suggest getting a Miyoo Mini Plus and installing OnionOS on it. It's cheap and it gets the job done, better than this Pocket does. I think if I had a big selection of Game Boy carts I might be happier, but trying to get around its intended purpose to have it run ROMs leads to an experience that just isn't good.

>> No.10225726

8" 4:3 2048x1536

>> No.10225742

thx anon; the Miyoo seems really tiny — the Retroid 2 is only $10-20 more; is it bad? I've been way out of the loop for a while

>> No.10225751

The Miyoo Mini Plus isn't that tiny, the regular Mini is. I don't have a Retroid myself. Also, my general rule is to avoid Android devices, I prefer the Linux chinkhelds. The other I would recommend is the RG353M.

>> No.10225759

Ah understood. I think theRG353M is the one I had before, I'm kind of the opposite mind on the Linux handhelds but maybe I just had a bad experience. I appreciate the insight; I think there's totally new OSs out now anyway, this scene moves quickly.

>> No.10225763

No problem. If you want any size comparisons, I wouldn't mind breaking out a few handhelds and taking some pictures.

>> No.10225776

Based anbasednic improving gcw's dpad placement.

>> No.10225789
File: 123 KB, 500x533, brainlet gordon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Based anbasednic improving gcw's dpad placement.

>> No.10225825
File: 568 KB, 1080x1017, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly the handheld for retroGODS

>> No.10225852

Sonychads, I feel strangely drawn to this device

>> No.10225909

Now that the dust has settled, did you really need more?

>> No.10225940

now that the dust has settled on the edges of my sakura retro modding bezel sticker and wont wipe off because the adhesive oozes out slighly, I regret putting the fucking thing on.

whats a safe way to remove sticker glue from one of these screens?

>> No.10226121
File: 1.33 MB, 1179x1037, IMG_8690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fake and gay
>the anti-pocket poster is in every thread without fail
truly laughable

>> No.10226123
File: 903 KB, 753x886, anaPee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the miyoo runs like shit and has a horrible speaker
if you're gonna shill atleast TRY to be subtle

>> No.10226125
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>> No.10226134
File: 212 KB, 1127x850, wheel_of_fortune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

consider being less obsessed with how OTHER PEOPLE play videogames anon
part of becoming a functional adult is learning to be unbothered by what other people do\think

you seem to have control issues
l e t g o

pocket is the BEST device in the thread

>> No.10226136

He's based and makes you sneethe

>> No.10226138
File: 1.08 MB, 616x1116, lagtestyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i KNOW its fake and gay
because i own both a modded ipsQ5 gbc and the pocket
the chink lcd drop ins have lag\screen tearing\fuckups on original hardware


>> No.10226141
File: 2.63 MB, 1080x1440, dailies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is a faggot kek
and very wrong, even if it is an "opinion"
it is not subjective, nothing about what he said is true

>> No.10226143

Everything you posted functions properly, but your salt chose to defend defective shillware. The state of sisters these Days.

>> No.10226146


>> No.10226147

>Pocket is the best device in this thread
YES yes. The GB Pocket is definitely the best handheld of the Gameboy line, save for the Light by a couple or so bits.

>> No.10226152
File: 1.48 MB, 1080x1216, solarBST2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a yikes from me
wouldn't be caught dead with chink devices
the do not play my carts; they simple PRETEND to play the games (poorly)

android sucks balls
linux variants are slightly better but come up short
examples: sega cd, virtualboy, pc engine cd
what is the point of "playing" with shitty laggy audio?

>> No.10226156
File: 32 KB, 640x477, 1678484638077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my face when I did not and never will buy an Analogue Pocket!

>> No.10226158

i will not attack the GB light
it is absolutely comfy as fuck
you are trying to bait but the gblight is honestly based as shit

>> No.10226159
File: 3.45 MB, 3226x2420, 1692026624610252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fake and gay

>> No.10226160
File: 2.75 MB, 255x191, 1263563485_dancing_kids.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw anon wasn't gay

>> No.10226167

you actually werent lying about owning the glowie
im legit surprised

you are still retarded for thinking its as bad as a Q5 lcd though

try it yourself
try to scroll screens in links awakening on both devices
try it today
try it now

>> No.10226168

>emulation is pretend
you own shitch games kek

>> No.10226170

Maybe your screen autism isn't that important, especially against other considerations.

>> No.10226171
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>> No.10226172
File: 544 KB, 1179x840, 1686790354145787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

emulation = i simbly pretend i am playing the gaems

>> No.10226176
File: 1.28 MB, 1179x1014, 1686790526453538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting the screen not to constantly fuckup during gameplay is now autistic
what exactly did he mean by this????

>> No.10226178

Anal Log trannies like you know all about playing pretend.

>> No.10226181
File: 1.16 MB, 1179x1625, anapee2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10226183

Consoomer cope
Keep buying more pokeslop for the shitch

>> No.10226191

it must suck playing that thing in the dark

>> No.10226194
File: 1.27 MB, 1080x752, 1693399993913704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hateraid brother
my family has been playing pocketmonsters since day 1
each of my younger siblings first game was a different generation
my baby nephew\niece are into the switch titles
you do kinda need a few other players besides yourself
they are barely "games" by any metric but
its dare i say it, FUN

>> No.10226202

I think we all know ALs aren't for playing, they're for showing everyone online that you did.

>> No.10226212

Nah, the glow isn't that distracting, and 99% of the time it won't be glowing anyway because the material they used for the GITD effect sucks.

>> No.10226260

>99% of the time it won't be glowing anyway because the material they used for the GITD effect sucks.
What a waste.

>> No.10226269
File: 199 KB, 850x1191, IMG_2513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling other people faggots
>when you spend all day in your bedroom playing with a long black device LITERALLY called an “Anal Log Pocket”
just lmao

>> No.10226282
File: 1.10 MB, 220x220, IMG_1432.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compared to the RP2S, Will my Miyoo Mini+ have better battery life when it comes to GBA? Or should I just move everything to the more powerful device?

>> No.10226287

MM+ is Linux, right? I love some of the Linux ones but the battery and sleep mode are straight up garbage compared to Android.

>> No.10226290

Oh so it finally happened? lmao
I was just shitposting.
Now I have to put my money where my mouth is talking about this for months in these threads.

>> No.10226301
File: 1002 KB, 965x714, shills-shillsEVERYWHERE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts white device
>gets told i do buttstuff
wew lad

>> No.10226305

Why must brothers fight

>> No.10226331

What game

>> No.10226335

So, uh, where can I buy this Anal Log Pocket?
I'm interested in a battery powered device for butt stuff.

>> No.10226345

>Let me guess, you need more?
In the end, I did end up needing more. I got an RG35XX earlier this year and most games I've thrown at it have worked flawlessly, but now I'm hitting the limit of what you can do with a screen that small, with some games I want to play using an 8px high font that hurts my eyes when I try reading it on the small screen. Where should I go from here? I have the following three options:

>buy the mini HDMI cable for the RG35XX since it didn't come with one and hope for the best (might not work since I'm running Garlic OS on it)
>buy an SNES Classic for too much money and mod it
>buy some Chinese version of the above for a normal amount of money
>go back to emulating on my PC

It's probably a question that's out of scope for this general, but I'm not sure where else to ask

>> No.10226354

Do you know how to count?
That's 4 options, not 3.

I guess in your country they no teach you the math. Or you are an American and you don't need to know basic math in order to get a high school diploma.

>> No.10226358 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.04 MB, 2660x3380, VB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10226368

I'm just tired

>> No.10226370

I don't like my Pocket either. I got it a year ago and barely touched it. It's just a big meme. I'm not gonna sell it though since it's rare and hard to obtain and I might use it someday I guess. At least the input lag is super low

>> No.10226378

"emulation is pretend", he boasts, as he exhibits his retroon clone console in all its pretend glory

>> No.10226405


>> No.10226467


>> No.10226471

looking at this just makes me see red

>> No.10226472

Isn’t that more of a “faceheld”?

>> No.10226481

Miyoo mini flip?

>> No.10226493

is there a list or comparison of all current handhelds?

I'm looking for something that uses microswitches instead of rubber domes

>> No.10226495

The googledoc that's in the op of the previous thread.

>> No.10226516
File: 1.76 MB, 2880x2160, 20230826_213333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys it's not really retro but I've been playing some gen 6 Pokésloppa on my rp3+ along side my run of majoras mask on n64 emulation and this thing is so fucking stromk, full speed emulation at 2x res
Maybe I should have played through MM on the 3ds version instead.

>> No.10226538

>RP2S ships with Dolphin for Handheld
>lower resolution, frameskip, lag, music breaks up
>switch to regular Dolphin
>it just werks
What was Retroid thinking?

>> No.10226542

It made more sense when the RP3 first came out, but now regular dolphin or MMJR is superior in almost every situation.

>> No.10226545

The ergonomics seem fine to me what’s your problem with it? It’s like a fatter SP

>> No.10226546

On the topic of battery, how do you guys optimize the battery usage on your chinkheld, specifically rp3+? Low brightness, turn off google services, etc...? I want to get as much play time as I can inbetween charge

>> No.10226553

what if they don't like android and/or don't play PS2 and GC

>> No.10226556

using an everdrive on an analogue pocket might just be the most obvious sign one is chromosomically gifted

>> No.10226558

They want the fancy filters though I think games look better without them

>> No.10226559

use a bit of IPA on a q-tip

>> No.10226560

The fucking Deck gets better battery life than the average linuxshit kek

>> No.10226578

Still in debugging. (Some employee's think the sticks shouldn't be there, some point out how reviewers like sticks, others also point out how reviewers prefer sticks, but still think it's dumb)

>> No.10226589

>dpad in the objectively incorrect spot again
lmao. the xbox and its consequences were a disaster for gaming

>> No.10226613

seethe snoy

>> No.10226617

Fellow PSP enjoyer spotted.
You dropped your crown, king.

>> No.10226630
File: 1.02 MB, 3000x2000, 1689277617910447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop replying to yourself janny. It's just sad.

>> No.10226639

What's that thing on the right with the sticks on the bottom? Above the Steam Deck.

>> No.10226641

Couldn't you just wire a 4" screen into a RP2S?

>> No.10226653

why is the image resolution so comically large

>> No.10226656


>> No.10226659

maybe. but how will you make it fit in the case? it's gonna be too wide to fit between the sticks and too tall with the android buttons at the bottom.

>> No.10226660
File: 3.23 MB, 1280x720, V60.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They dont do that anymore
Lol. Cross is the best position for dpads.
Crossed dpad > Anal logs on the side like the gpd xd > Dpad on top > Dpad on bottom
Powkiddy > Retroid > Anbernic. Always and forever

>> No.10226712

I know pokemon can be slow but is your adhd really so bad that you have to play a whole other game on the same small screen?

>> No.10226717
File: 114 KB, 827x540, 1646925279471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What game

>> No.10226720

Powkiddy V90 really needs Starfox 2 support, Im so close to abandoning it solely for Starfox 2. Its great but ive got this one missing game thatd work perfect for it and if I upgrade one step up ill have n64 games and probably gba fastforward to do Pokemon at 300% speed again. Im still thinking of just carrying the goddamn tablet and a bunch of shit remotes and power bricks to make it work when Im inches away from packing phone and the fake GBA SP and calling it a day.

>> No.10226724

Oh I did get the V90 to do some Pico-8 games, but not poom or low memsky, those'd be sweet to pull off. Its weird, duplicates of the same pico-8 png and it works fine. Got amiga to work now, except it panics on occasion with some spurious input.

>> No.10226732

I almost got a V90 since it's so cheap, but seeing it can't do SNES well stopped me.
have you considered just using a phone controller like a gamesir x2 pro or razer kishi

>> No.10226739

any cheap one to play the saturn yet?

>> No.10226761

v90 can do ~98% of snes games. You can find youtube videos showing game performance.

>> No.10226764

I went 8bitdo with the dual analog sticks, works great as long as the stupid tablet or phone remembers it (it never does, always have to "forget" and then search for it again). Im gonna have to lug a fucking tablet with me along with the v90 I bought to replace it, which ok, guess that opens me up to more games compatibility but then why bother with the v90 if Im stuck bringing the tablet...starfox 2 and ill be happy, missing out on it, v90 turns into my work device or getting high on the couch inbetween events on the weekend. Def not the end of the world, but if the tablet can do 300% gba and starfox 2 and everything else bringing the V90 is like waiting at the DMV, doctors, checkout line, work, high on the couch while everyone's phoning. Pirates gold edition Genesis is pretty comfy to play though on the V90 so im finding some cozy longplays to get into.

Good problem to have overall. Every once in a while I remember all the games I have, all the hobbies Ive got just waiting to be done Im ready for this super-winter 2023/24, just gonna deliver groceries to my house on days off and watch the city shut down from snow.

>> No.10226768

Thats cool and all, and yeah it can do starfox 1, but starfox 2 has this way more entertaining dynamic "open world" that I always wanted to sit down and do longplay or on-off longplay and it bums me out Yoshi's Island apparently works but Starfox 2 doesnt. I can play pc quake 2 but not a few SNES games.

>> No.10226898
File: 266 KB, 960x1280, IMG_8400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wasnt me brother

whats a good device besides android tablets for saturn emu at full speed?
i want to check out sakura wars translation

>> No.10226934

>I love some of the Linux ones but the battery and sleep mode are straight up garbage compared to Android.
You realize that they don't have a sleep mode, right? They let you turn off the display, but there is no sleep mode on most of the Linux devices. If you are just turning off the display and leaving the device, that's what is killing your battery life.

>> No.10226962

>Interested because Gameboy and SNES 8:7
>Semi interested in portmaster Mario 64 port that'll support a custom resolution anyway
>GBA's going to look like fucking shit on it
Kinda tempted to pick one up.

>> No.10226963
File: 217 KB, 1100x1315, NO MAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What game

>> No.10226969

Wouldn't you like to know

>> No.10227005
File: 2.53 MB, 241x246, WHAT GAME.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10227061

can anyone rec some shaders for retroarch on the retroid pocket 3+?

>> No.10227142

Looks like Donpachi

>> No.10227146
File: 1.00 MB, 1280x720, stillmore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess: you still need more

>> No.10227148

RP2S does Saturn pretty well with yabasanshiro core.
Everything in the vhs folder lol

>> No.10227151

I spend the last 20m trying out every setting just to get PS1 games to have the correct aspect ratio on Duckstation on my RG405m.

On my RG35XX it just worked.

>> No.10227159

I have a $100 visa gift card burning a hole in my pocket and I'm finding it impossible to decide which one of these chinkboys to buy. I am going insane please send help.

>> No.10227164


>> No.10227181

DoDonPachi was first released in Japanese arcades by Atlus on February 5, 1997, using the CAVE 68000 board

>> No.10227196

I'm getting 50-53 FPS on Shining Force III on the 2S. I think someone here mentioned getting similar results on the 3+ too.

>> No.10227201

Even then I’m not sure what’s correct.
Looks like top has some stuff going on that stretches it vertically a bit?

>> No.10227202
File: 916 KB, 2268x4032, IMG_2052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.10227209
File: 695 KB, 900x617, 1670816398433210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going what I can find on youtube top one is more akin to how it was on PS1.

>> No.10227220

Bottom looks integer scaled to me, top looks stretched to 4:3.

>> No.10227228

Top is how it would be on a PS1 on a 4:3 Tv.

>> No.10227229

I need more

>> No.10227235

Use the rest on a cheap 128GB MicroSD.

>> No.10227272

Already have one. I want analogue sticks and ps1 emulation.

>> No.10227369
File: 5 KB, 153x153, 1693843481081939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that input lag

>> No.10227384

>xtroons still blindly defending Microsofts "please don't sue us for stealing your controller design" stick placement
Lol. Lmao.
Dual PS>WiiU>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Xtrash

>> No.10227389

skill issue

>> No.10227406

or Retroid Pocket 2S

>> No.10227408

I feel for people who started with a linux handheld, I really do. As soon as you want to upgrade to an android handheld, you're forced to realize just how much your hand was held now that you're on your own and have the freedom to configure everything yourself.

>> No.10227410

my man just use something that you think looks fine and start playing the damn game, it shouldn't take you 20 minutes to decide between the two options

>> No.10227417

Thank you /vr/os, I'll remember you

>> No.10227418

RGC review of the omega vertislop RG405V, who gives a fuck
but he showed something that looks really interesting, someone made 3d printed stacked buttons for the RG405M
they don't make it thicker either, no idea how comfortable that is, but it could be really neat.
i don't have a 3d printer sadly.

>> No.10227421
File: 60 KB, 628x472, featured_preview_588a9d48-6ace-4439-b1ec-bdb6b8d05c3b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the picture
and i can't buy them from some rando on etsy since they're CC-NC

>> No.10227424

RG Nano can do PS1. Analog sticks are a meme.
I mean it plays the Saturn, maybe not perfectly but still. I was mostly playing shmups and I can say that was a pretty smooth experience.

>> No.10227425
File: 116 KB, 2048x998, F5g8LAZbgAAcn50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AYN adjusted the prices of their Loki devices. Sucks for people that preordered them early though.

>> No.10227426

Hnnngggg I want

>> No.10227427

Why is it not listed in order, that's so dumb.

>> No.10227432

oh and here's the link since i forgot that too, damn i'm retarded

>> No.10227449

If anyone wants examples of games played on the RP2S, I wouldn't mind as I'm basically guinea pigging with mine so I can help a friend with theirs anyway. Ideally it should be something that you know is available on CDR for convenience. Videos will probably be from phone camera and I won't be able to post them until tonight or tomorrow but it's probably better than nothing. People here have helped me so it'd be nice to help out in return, if needed. I can also demo RK2023 and RG405M if people want but those have been showcased a lot already.

>> No.10227452

Damn, is a great device but at that price idk

>> No.10227459
File: 246 KB, 719x523, Screenshot_2023-09-08-09-26-59-057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro wtf are you me? Also this is pic was just taken on a Vita.

>> No.10227461

499 is a lot more competitive. but why are those ABXY buttons so small, they look photoshopped on from a switch lite or something

>> No.10227462

Me? Gongaga.

>> No.10227463
File: 675 KB, 1800x2000, 1692842215440327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone here have a odin lite
I am having an impossible time to figure out if it has gps
can someone PLEASE check for me if it does and it would be legendary if you could install OsmAnd and confirm operation

pls I need to make a stupid decision

>> No.10227468

I literally just got back from doing the fort condor quest before finishing rocket town or I would also be in the nibel area.

>> No.10227480

I'm interested in seeing the first stage of Cotton 2 (Sat) played on the 2S. I specify the first stage because on my RP2+ it starts out fine, but then craters in FPS as the stage goes on. The first stage is thankfully very short, and since it's an auto-scroller, you don't even have to actively play it. You can credit feed when you die to continue the stage

>> No.10227497
File: 3.10 MB, 4000x3000, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and yes

>> No.10227559
File: 24 KB, 572x720, 1549382791763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy based
Ok I will now buy your handheld thanks
Fugg though it's like switch lite sized when I'd rather it was vita sized

>> No.10227579

3D printing is easy, an SLA printer is 200 bucks or something like that now. You need a garage or something to house it in though because it smells. Cleaning can be done with IPA or ethanol and a toothbrush, final cure any cheap UV light and just leave it in it for a long time.
The guy mentioned in the link that filament is not recommended, but a good one might be able to work.

>> No.10227582

I knew the game boy was better

>> No.10227586

Forgot to mention, if you live in a place with good sunlight year round, the sun will final cure your 3D prints for free always.

>> No.10227605

>Cleaning can be done with IPA or ethanol and a toothbrush, final cure any cheap UV light and just leave it in it for a long time.
Isn't that just for resin printing, not SLA?

>> No.10227610

SLA just means stereolithography, of which common resin printers are a type.
I just meant to say that finding someone to buy 3D prints from is not the only option.

>> No.10227615

i'm not spending 400 in tools to make two pieces of plastic

>> No.10227616

powchaddy bros, how are we feeling today?

>> No.10227620

Yeah, I got SLA confused with FDM.

>> No.10227624
File: 101 KB, 537x911, jollybee dab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brilliant, beautiful, powerful, perhaps even invincible. With the the Overlord Kid, I feel like I can do anything.

>> No.10227629

powkiddy guerilla marketer, please ask them to make a better clamshell device, thank you
if they can beat miyoo to the punch with a decent clamshell (no the v90 doesn't count), they could make big bucks

>> No.10227640
File: 33 KB, 641x153, I feel incredible.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad, GammaOS never ever. Hopefully their next x28 iteration will right their wrongs.

>> No.10227641

It's this the thread where all the emuchink shills fight each other?

>> No.10227653
File: 228 KB, 492x720, “it’s just one of those things.” It’s a time in, you know, looking at the way things are being handled and the way that you are, and where you’re at, and what you kind of want to deal with, and do. And I found myself going,.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I hate that fat bong cunt for getting my hopes up. I love everything else about the X28 so much, I just want the fucking sticks to work.

>> No.10227669

>Max is the same price as highest end Steam Deck but with better specs
That's pretty damn good now. The problem is that the base Steam Deck is still shitting on everything else. When it's on sale, it's only $10 more than the Loki Mini Pro, which just has a mid Mendocino chip.

>> No.10227701
File: 468 KB, 832x1050, powkiddy rgb10 exploded in my hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classic Powkiddy

>> No.10227715

looks like it went pow
hopefully the kiddy holding it is okay

>> No.10227732

If you're going to cover up info, m8, don't just scribble over it.
It isn't a lot of hassle to see what's underneath.

>> No.10227734

that's what you get for spending that much on a fucking emulator machine that takes over a year to ship. fuck your money. but you'll get upvotes on reddit if you post a picture of pokemon yellow on it.

>> No.10227736

It actually shipped the same day I ordered it, and arrive five days later.

>> No.10227763

Buy it while it's cheap, you can make your own gun parts too.
Feeling like their products would be perfect with android instead of linux.

>> No.10227768

to be fair it proved to be too much effort for me to find it with just the street names

>> No.10227769

RG405M chuds....we are vindicated.

>> No.10227770

shit I was kind of hoping someone would prove me wrong overnight,maybe I forgot some trick but no it really cant starfox 2

>> No.10227776

ayn fuck you for dropping trannyblack for the Odin 2
the only perceived loss of the trannyblackboyz

>> No.10227793
File: 1.21 MB, 220x220, powkitty 5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I'm punching down on all other handheld owners by simply existing

>> No.10227802

The trannyblue Odin 2 looks sick though.

>> No.10227804

>hopefully the kiddy holding it is okay
it was a redditor. he deserved it.

>> No.10227817

I'd reccomend the upgraded x18s if it wasnt so big and the gammaos guy fixed its and the x28's the fucking firmware.

>> No.10227819

PowCHADdies don't knock their own. We accept any of our kind from all walks of life.

>> No.10227826

Meme shit like the gb micro that'll be movogged by the gamekiddy pixel.

>> No.10227834

Oh man, really? Fuck me, I only pick the worst chinkhelds.

>> No.10227841
File: 724 KB, 277x369, TRIPLE SALAMI EXPLOSION.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don’t disagree but thematically it must be black for me

>> No.10227842

There's rumors of anbernic making one to comba the miyoo flip. If powkiddy makes a proper sequel to the x18s but ds lite sized or get 64bit game to make a better v90, other chinkheld makers wont touch em.

>> No.10227846

Someone already said it, but yes it's Dodonpachi. Not Donpachi or any of the sequels to Dodonpachi.

>> No.10227854

Yeah as it turns out all the powkiddy shilling is ironic, it's kind of like an in joke with these guys

>> No.10227859

The gammaos dude was going to port it to the x28 (Powkiddy even sent him a free one) but he got burnt out.

>> No.10227863

anbernic would put a joystick and no dpad

>> No.10227878

Is there any way to use the international face button layout for system navigation in Retroid Pocket 2S? The bottom face button for accept and the right one for cancel is what I mean.

>> No.10227884

>implying it wasn't all a ploy to get a free X28

>> No.10227887
File: 124 KB, 768x1024, 1681697210737249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I will never support or buy a device that absolutely relies on usermade custom firmware to be good. All your JELOS and GammaOS and GarlicOS don't mean shit if they are reliant on some normal ass dudes waking up and not being lazy/busy with life.
Buy an chink Android device that already has a good implementation of Android and just stick Daijisho on it. Buy a Steam Deck that has a dedicated team working on the OS. Hell even Winblows handhelds are at least mostly self-reliant. Lower end Linux chinkhelds are just thrown to the dogs and always expected to be fixed by US. Sooner or later, it ain't gonna work that way anymore.

>> No.10227889

Handheld Settings > Input > switch Controller style to Xbox.

>> No.10227894

I mean, it's retarded to buy a device that needs to be fixed with custom firmware to be good but there is none available, but if there is one already available and it works well then why not?

>> No.10227901

Considering the instant radio silence when he got it...
Sadly, it seems retroid and ayn are the only two that bother with their android builds. If powkiddy were smart, they would just ask retroid to do the firmware for their next android device. Kinda like how powkiddy does firmware for gamekiddy.

>> No.10227914

My only issue with the current firmware is the shitty analog stick snapping. I wouldn't mind the addition of a super battery save mode tho, ofc.

>> No.10227918

ew look at those buttons

>> No.10227959

>get free shit
>do nothing in return
The homeland will not let this transgression slide. Anchenchunliu...increase the pro-trans tweet output.

>> No.10227965

>be me
>buy chinkheld
>install community-made OS that fixes whatever garbage it came installed with
>play games and have fun
It's that easy. Stay filtered.

>> No.10227979

>immediately breaks chain


>> No.10227982

>Filtered by the original firmware
Lol. Lmao even. Chadbernic would never.

>> No.10227983

Actual arcade games were played using analog sticks. /hhg/ doesn't know anything about retro games which is also why they think GB games need to be played at 5000 times the original resolution when in reality the original GB was a blurry piece of shit. Don't even bother replying to me when so many of you are so confidently incorrect about everything all the time.

>> No.10227989

Arcade sticks were meant to be held with your entire palm and not just the thumb, retard.

>> No.10227994
File: 47 KB, 500x500, Powkiddy-A13-Open-Source-Video-Game-Console-426634-0._w500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joydick and anal log spics are two different things. Anyone who cares about arcade would've gotten this thing.
>Original gameboy was blurry shit
Correct. Blurry shit on looks fine on blurry shit screens, but not anything else.

>> No.10227996

>something breaks
>guy who made it quit or refuses to support device anymore
lol enjoy your broken OS

>> No.10228016

>GB games need to be played at 5000 times the original resolution when in reality the original GB was a blurry piece of shit
Which is exactly why you need the resolution to reproduce the LCD and its blurriness. Kinda like how CRT shader users insist 4K is mandatory, except here it actually look the part.

Manufacturers don't update shit after release at all, most chinkhelds are broken in their stock OS.

>> No.10228017

thank you russ, truly you are my greatest ally.

>> No.10228019

>github hosts every release of everything
>flash back to previous working version
Nice. No matter what you choose, unless you are a programmer you're at someone else's mercy and as we've seen, companies are not a mark of absolute stability. Again, stay filtered.

>> No.10228020

arcade sticks were never analog, anon-sama...

>> No.10228028

Just put your palm on the Switch joystick on your chinkheld then
Then use hdmi out, retard
You bought a handheld that can't? You played yourself

>> No.10228030

>Defending shitmaos and emulehkek.
Ur that menu music fag, arent you?

>> No.10228038
File: 3.19 MB, 1480x1110, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 he pretends he was only talking about Space Harrier which funnily enough is also a nightmare to try to approximate to a tiny thumb analog stick. you're actually better off emulating one of the console ports that allow you to use d-pad without snapback.

>> No.10228054

One of many.

>> No.10228061
File: 8 KB, 300x180, gp2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great gp2x ripoff. Always liked that design form. Is it any good?

>> No.10228068

>try it yourself
>try to scroll screens in links awakening on both devices
>try it today
>try it now
Really? A DS fixes that problem.

>> No.10228074

The GP2X was so comfy outside of that fucking digital stick instead of a d-pad, what the fuck were they thinking

>> No.10228085
File: 103 KB, 900x600, GP2X-F200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The f200 came with touchscreen and a dpad, it's so slick, but totally agree, the joyschtick is crummy on the f100

>> No.10228123
File: 2.22 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_20230908_225851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got my Pocket 2S yesterday, time for a mini-review now that I've spent some time with it. I purchased the transparent green version on 25th July right after it became available. It was probably a good decision because the exchange rate of my local currency to dollar dipped around that time. I probably would have to pay more if I wanted to order it now and it wouldn't come with a free screen protector. There were obviously some shipping delays, but after Retroid finally shipped it, it took only 8 days to get to me (even though I chose the 4PX shipping option that's supposed to be "slower").

Looks-wise, it's not terrible, though I would definitely get the transparent black model instead of transparent green if I could choose again. The render looked so much better than what we got in the end. The shade of green is wrong, it was supposed to be this lush tropical green and not spearmint. The rainbow-colored buttons are also a disappointment, for two reasons. The green button is too close to the shell in color and the "B" on the yellow button is actually darker than the button itself, which irks me.

Setup took some time and I pretty much gave up halfway through and decided that I will launch emulators manually instead of using a frontend. The performance is okay. Most PS2 games will not run at full speed with safe settings, but the one I really wanted to play was Rayman 3 Hoodlum Havoc, which runs pretty well. There are still slowdowns, but they're quite rare and the game is completely playable. I used the NTSC version, there should be even less slowdowns on PAL but I think I prefer 60FPS most of the time. I haven't really tested other systems thoroughly (too little time), but I believe that anything up to 5th gen and Dreamcast should play perfect outside of some weird edge cases.


>> No.10228126

As for the controller, it's fine. The analog sticks are very small, even smaller than the usual "Switch-style" sticks used in those types of handhelds. I don't like that they're concave, imo that makes them harder to grip. For now there aren't any problems, but I'm afraid that might change when grease from daily play sessions builds up. But they also use Hall Effect, which is pretty much unobtainable at this price point from anyone other than Retroid. I haven't used the D-pad much, but from what I've tested it appears that it might be a little too difficult to press diagonals. It's not a deal breaker, but it feels very similar to the D-pad on DS Classic/Phat or 2DS XL and those aren't very good at diagonals either. The face buttons are quite light to press, but no complaints there. I know that they use a different type of switch from the D-pad, so I was afraid that they would feel mushy by comparison, but now I can safely say that they complement it quite well. Now, shoulder buttons: L1 and R1 are hinged and some people before in this thread said that you can't press them anywhere. That's not the case. Yes, they require a bit more force to press closer to the display, but it's not noticeable unless you look for it. And presses register just fine no matter where you press them. The L2 and R2 are analog, which is cool I guess but I didn't have time to test any games that benefit from it so that's all I can say.


>> No.10228130
File: 2.06 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_20230908_225908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One other thing that irks me: I swear I've seen a prototype of RP2S here and it had a much bigger heatsink than what we got in the end. My unit really heated up once I started playing Rayman 3 on it for the first time, but curiously it doesn't do that any more, at least not to that extent. Makes me believe that there was something going on in the background after I connected it to WiFi for the first time, some sort of system update or telemetry or some other bullshit like that. But nevertheless, it's a shame that the heatsink is so puny even though the shell clearly has space for a more robust one. At least the chip is not right below the battery like on the RP353PS.

So in the end, I'm pleased with it for the price I paid for it. There are no major deal breakers, only small flaws. You should get it if you're on the fence about it, just stay away from the transparent green model.

>> No.10228140

I have an RG35XX and I've seen people say it's 'too big' compared to the MM+ and I just wonder if it's a Borrower saying this

>> No.10228150 [DELETED] 

Phone controllers are ass because the end product is gigantic like the switch oled. The combined weight also sucks.
What's light, compact and able to emulate the gba well? I'd maybe go for the funkey s but it looks like an ergonomic nightmare.

>> No.10228154

cant I just use coors I hate that hipster craft bullshit

>> No.10228168

Other RP2S owner here, yeah it heats up the most and the fastest with PS2 and Wii. Gamecube and Saturn in 2nd place, then Dreamcast and PS1 (upscaled/shadered) in third for how much it will heat up and how fast. I expected as much because it's what I'm used to with these devices, but it can be annoying if you wanted to play for long periods. Also I don't know if it will do it with RP2S, but on RG405M sometimes switching tabs or going into sleep mode will blank the screen in RetroArch, especially with Saturn.

>> No.10228173

How hot does the rp3+ get?

>> No.10228186

No idea, but RP2S will usually heat up right by the left trigger keys and it can get pretty hot. I can't remark on top temps because I always stop what I'm doing before letting things stay uncomfortably hot with my devices.

>> No.10228191

What do you play Wii wise?

>> No.10228193

Update on the v3 x18s. It seems to be real. Screen is better, some have a matte finish, buttons are way better and android build is not as shit. (Might be the same build for the x28) I was told on the shitcord a chinktuber shill named stubbs covered it in a livestream, but I cant find it. I have no idea why powkiddy would make an acutal decent version of the x18s with a reduced price and not say anything. Even baidu users are suprised.

>> No.10228203

God damn that is fucking blue. Also I'm surprised you guys haven't had much to say about the sticks, ecelebs were hyping them up to be really good.
> it feels very similar to the D-pad on DS Classic/Phat or 2DS XL and those aren't very good at diagonals either.
It's supposed to be a Vita d-pad clone, but the real Vita d-pad has a much better pivot and is easier to hit diagonals on. Basing this on my RP3+ d-pad which seems to be the same thing.

>> No.10228207

>Also I'm surprised you guys haven't had much to say about the sticks
Yet another 2Sfag here, the sticks are pretty good for a device of this size and price. They're not amazing or anything but I like them a lot better than the ones that were on the 3+. My only gripe is that they aren't recessed enough, the first time I tried the pocketability test, one of the caps got stuck on the pocket and came off. It hasn't happened since but it is a worry for me now.

>> No.10228208

Powkiddy works in mysterious ways. Nice to hear on the buttons, and it would make perfect sense if the new screen and android build were from the X28. The android build on X28 is actually quite good imo, a lot of stuff can be navigated with the d-pad + buttons that can't on other android chinkhelds. I just wish they'd fix the fucking sticks.

>> No.10228212

Klonoa, Sonic Black Knight, and Kirby Return are the ones I tried. Sonic is relatively playable with obnoxious environmental glitches, Klonoa is basically fine even though 2 chugs like shit on Aether, and Kirby has been basically perfect. I also played Mega Mans 9 and 10, there's some annoying flickering in everything but the actual levels.
Edit: Whoops I was thinking of RG405M, I'll try these on RPS2 and post a video later.
Edit 2: Oh my gosh! Thank you guys so much for the 4channel Gold! The narwhal bacons at midnight my fellow anonsies!
MM9&10 are the same on RPS2 though, I did try those already

>> No.10228214

>The android build on X28 is actually quite good imo
Something's fucked about it, some native games run on slow motion despite the hardware being able to handle them.

>> No.10228216

Oh, really? I admit I haven't tried to play any Android games.

>> No.10228218

this is the best showcase of the RGB30 so far imo

>> No.10228223



Got that problem with a freshly compiled Sonic Mania, while another older build floating on youtube ran fullspeed.

>> No.10228229

2D Wii games should work well on the RG405M right? I was thinking of playing through Muramasa when i get mine.

>> No.10228234

the screen works really nicely for 4:3 too, interesting. this really seems like a great screen size and form factor, i hope we get more consoles with it.

>> No.10228241

looks cool, but is it solid hardware or will it just break in 2 years or less? I trust chinkshit about as far as I can throw it, until it proves it's worth the money

>> No.10228246

maybe if you didn't throw it it would last longer

>> No.10228250

>having a burgerbrained wide gear and not the guroriasu nippon style BEEG UINDOU TSUU


>> No.10228251

still bugs the crap out of me that the Legend of Zelda game and watch doesn't actually have the Zelda game and watch on it.

>> No.10228253

And yet you're not using original hardware. Curious.

>> No.10228254

i was so disappointed. I had the Zelda G&W keychain as a kid (i wish I knew what happened to it), so I was super excited to play it again... but nope. you only get what, Ball? the worst fucking game & watch game

>> No.10228256

>didn't press カタカナ on last part
better sudoku now buddy

>> No.10228257

they didn't put any g&w at all on Zelda, it's just the 3 8-bit games. Those are three great games, but what the fuck is the point of slapping "game and watch" on it? Fuckin insult to the g&w fans out there.

Also rip for your keychain, that shit is expensive shit now

>> No.10228258

The sticks are very nice, yes. They're the best on any handheld I've used but since I like things more pocketable, I prefer ones like the RK2023.

>> No.10228259

yeah, a couple years ago I wanted to get one for nostalgia's sake, and i saw the prices and said "too bad". i could probably emulate it, but it's not the same...

>> No.10228264

There's some guy who does "[x number of] games played on [chinese handheld]" videos that you should check out. I know a Muramasa game was on there, it might have been a RP3+ video but that's almost kind of the same thing minus the screen shape. I can try it out myself later if you want.

>> No.10228265

not giving me much confidence if that's the best you can come up with. Seriously, who makes this shit, and are they trash or not? why doesn't anyone in here actually seem to know if the hardwares are good quality? Doesn't anyone in this shitty thread actually play these devices? Are you just a bunch of social media trash who buy garbage and pretend to play games for (you)s? Christ I hope not, lest even /vr/ end up with a bunch of idiot posers on it. 4ch vista boards are supposed to be for ultra hardcore who fucking care about shit like this, where now feels like I'm just seeing a bunch of shitposters pretending that random china miracles are somehow worth inventing a console war over them.

>> No.10228267

>Wii "Pissant Dissapointment" U
Better than than either the Xbox One, Xbox 360, or the Original Xbox.
Okay Snoytroon baby brain. How did they steal another's controller design directly?

>> No.10228268

Personally I like my analog sticks to offer decent resistance and I haven't found a handheld that fills this niche yet.

>> No.10228270

>I can try it out myself later if you want.
thanks for the offer anon, but don't bother, i'll give it a try myself.

>waaah why am I not getting advertised at? shill to me!
fuck off retard, we're not getting paid to promote chinkshit

>> No.10228271

not retro, get the fuck out

>> No.10228273

These things are light, you could throw a chinkshit a good distance away.
>but what the fuck is the point of slapping "game and watch" on it?
So redditors can say they own a G&W device which they don't know what it is except that it's a retro thing that one Smash character is based off of.

>> No.10228275

I wasn't replying to you anyway. but yes thank you.

>> No.10228279

His attitude is retro, everyone now knows WiiU was based for its library, back compat, and social features.

>> No.10228286

>input lag............LE GOOD
Just screencast your android chinkheld to the tv LUH MOW

>> No.10228302

If either Facebook, Netflix, Twatter, or reddit ever go under for good; suffering a fate worse than Marvel in 1996, may the mods, admins, and at least 45-50% of the consoomers or soitards who habitually use it an hero, however they may do it.

>> No.10228307

>Telling others to go to bant while liking the gayststion and shitbox.
>Missing his second greentext
Holy chinktard. Your either a shill for the goysloptransex2 emulator or the xirsania devs. Either way, you need to reevulate ur life or stap watching jewish sitcoms that supoort circumcision.

>> No.10228308
File: 172 KB, 305x341, John_Morris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

correct, you do it for free

>> No.10228328
File: 11 KB, 288x175, press button when zoomette detected.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what an absolute zoomette take holy shit

>> No.10228330

They won't, they'll come straight here.

>> No.10228334

>He says when zoomers obsess over custom roms and leh tinker with their shittops
Nice try, powshitty shill. You'll nwver be on anbernic's level.

>> No.10228337

leave it to a coping anbernig dumbass to bring up their bottom-tier devices for no reason kek
zoomers can’t even drag/drop roms and prefer to pay for preloaded microSDs, kys

>> No.10228347
File: 85 KB, 736x918, 4dfbe2dba3d7bb8b2c7e7e7519ca135f--seinfeld-quotes-jimmy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The anbernig is leh bad even when they have the most kino of android builds
>SHITpsons reaction meme instead of kuck of the hill bills.
>Kys instead of the white man's "Kill urself fag"
Mixed raced jew confuckinfirmed. Must be a keknadian chink mix if he likes a toon that has all the whites as chinks. I spit on grave.

>> No.10228372

Did you know there are people out there who are so pathetic they have console wars over underpowered overpriced chinkshit handhelds? Oh hey there /hhg/, didn't see you there.

>> No.10228373
File: 300 KB, 2165x2042, 4chan v is full of idiots and fucktards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, bant is a board on this here site. You, however, are a damn fool if you think Playstation was soi and little else from the start, ditto for Xbox "was never good" console war fucktardation. I know very well that I accidentally missed my second greentext.
OK /v/irgin dick waving shithead. Go fucking drown in sewage, ya fuckface. Pic related.

>> No.10228381

>anbernic is the best AROUND! ME and MY TUMOR SIZED EGO SAY SO!
>Simpsons is SHIT for memes! KING OF THE HILL BILLS IS BETTER!
Opinion, nothing more.
>Kys is a mixed race thing, but "Kill urself fag" is the exclusive IP or domain of the Whites

>> No.10228393

Im about to buy a retroid pocket flip. Try to stop me.

>> No.10228405
File: 7 KB, 128x128, 1615254088384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10228413
File: 1.18 MB, 1199x620, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noticing now that Taki uses the analog stick for beat-em-ups too. This has to be a conspiracy.

>> No.10228418

Handheld gamer captcha test: you MUST prove that you have played a single game on your handheld for at minimum a double digit number of hours and haven't just been tinkering and trying games out for a few minutes at a time OR YOU ARE A REDDITOR!!
Modern version should replace shill with tranny.

>> No.10228419
File: 58 KB, 584x383, 1379957693846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what on earth are they putting in the eceleb drinking water

>> No.10228421

My main concern honestly but I don't really play that many analogue stick heavy games

>> No.10228429

You don't play shmups or beat em ups or fighting games? That's like all of arcade gaming, bro.

>> No.10228434
File: 134 KB, 800x450, ben shapiro epic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10228436

I do not play shumps or fighting games. I play beat 'em ups with the dpad.

>> No.10228439

Did reddit game uncle complain about no sticks to play arcade games with on the Flip? Or did he become even more deranged and happily play them with the sliders?

>> No.10228446

Which one of these devices is good at emulating N64 and Dreamcast and still has a 4:3 screen?

>> No.10228448


>> No.10228456

>405m: This PS2 game is too strong! I'll have to use...THAT...!
>piss2 game: Heh there's no way you could possibly beat me, 405m. Go, Heat Wave!
>405m: Sorry master, but I'm going all out... Extreme Performance!
>*405m starts playing a PS2 game only slightly better*
>piss2 game: Th-That technique! It's the same as Retroid Pocket 3+™'s! But you're an Burnic! Your eyes should have fallen out just from looking at me!
>*405m's power overwhelms piss2' s attack and dissipates the Heat Wave*
>piss2 game: NOOOOOOOOO I'LL REMEMBER THIS, 405M!!!!
>405m *standing in a clearing with Retroid Pocket 3+™'s face floating in the sky watching over him*: Thank you master, I finally understand.

>> No.10228490

OK Favela brain half ape.

>> No.10228505

Hello, Dragon Ball Super thread poster.

>> No.10228520

>retro goym corporation shit out a shitty incomplete 405v review so he could hurry and move on to the rgb30 review
holy BASED

>> No.10228530

predictions for 2024?
>powchaddy overtakes anbernic and retroid
>rp4 is a failure but rp4+ isn't
>miyoo colapses

>> No.10228547

>Powkiddy will the first to make a new sp shaped clamshell before miyoo or anbernic. And it will be t618.
>Miyoo release the horizontal before the flip (Lmao)
>Retroid 4 will either be d-1200 or second generation snapdragon 600 series.

>> No.10228552

>piss2 game: My lord, please, just send me out again and I'll win for sure this time!
>???: You had your chance. *kills piss2 game*
>???: *sighs* If you want something done right... *steps out of the shadows*
>Saturn game: ...you have to do it yourself.

>> No.10228557

If you must post like this take it to >>>/v/, >>>/a/, or >>>/b/.

>> No.10228562
File: 784 KB, 925x1237, 1669409032752519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Realizing that Nintendo came up with a better control scheme than Microsoft means your a SNOY!
That's some powerful autism you got there, boy. They changed the analog placement to avoid a potential lawsuit. Same reason Nintendo put their analogs on the top, but at least they kept them symmetrical.
>Xir doesn't play xis retro games with superior modern gamepads

>> No.10228565

PowChaddy just can't stop winning

>> No.10228572
File: 29 KB, 410x389, 1668689312745377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok, 405m-san, I'll take it from here.

>> No.10228586

>predictions for 2024
Chinks move on to a stronger chip than the T618 but it still isn't fully capable of PS2 and Gamecube so the scene plataeus.

>> No.10228595

I'm fine with that desu, I just want to cap-off Saturn already ffs.

>> No.10228601

All powshitty has been doing is going ass backwards and cornering theever shrinking rk3566 market with their underpowered devices that only run linux for a couple hours before heating up playing a snes game and dying.

>> No.10228607

cope blackey, the powchaddies have WON

>> No.10228612

Holy kek I would take a vertislop over this ugly crap

>> No.10228613
File: 206 KB, 1200x1068, 1672065150674999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10228623

Just ignore and report

>> No.10228631

Gonna go post this in r/yikes

>> No.10228678

Bro the odin2 would do just that and more

>> No.10228681

Shills don't want you talking about anything other than powkiddy, anbernic, or retroid if you haven't noticed.

>> No.10228694

I love my RG351P, my only complaint is the shoulder buttons being a bit finicky
Is the RP2S the closest thing to it in the modern market in terms of price and form factor/layout?

>> No.10228703

Retards, I'm talking about the next big common chip multiple companies use. The Odin 2's Snapdragon isn't going to be a common chip.

>> No.10228702

The 2s is quite possibly the least comfortable to hold zontslop ever made.

>> No.10228704

I'm holding it right now and I'm pretty comfortable.

>> No.10228721


miyoo mini now plays DS

>> No.10228727

no one cares redditor.

>> No.10228734


>> No.10228740

Boi, you fucking suck at Contra!

>> No.10228750 [DELETED] 

>No one "Dilates" while I play all the keksalvania games on the shityoo.

>> No.10228781

Alright manlytears

>> No.10228785

>still being THIS obsessed with chadlytears
Seek help

>> No.10228809

>Single screen
It’s shit
>But you can change screen with a button
That’s still shit.

>> No.10228813
File: 96 KB, 2016x1512, 20230908_221201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KH2 running just as good as on the 3+ I had.

>> No.10228817
File: 1.46 MB, 4032x2268, IMG_2059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FF7 at work with 2x res and Because translation.
Going to sink so many hours into it.

>> No.10228818

Counterpoint: DS is shit.

>> No.10228820

I'm this close to ordering an RGB30 bros.
Might wait for reddit uncle's video because he goes into the autistic shit I care about that Taki doesn't

>> No.10228824
File: 122 KB, 640x1137, playing-3ds-games-on-the-surface-duo-3x-res-v0-r8epdtvlrvva1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Counterpoint, only ds games on a ds are shit.

>> No.10228829

I already know I'm going to order it, it's just a matter of when. I came super fucking close today multiple times, but I'm trying so hard to at least wait until my 2S gets here.

>> No.10228851

Have you measured? There is enough room. Hell, they put too much bezel on the 3.5" and you could grind a little plastic on the frame. Wouldn't even need to move the badly placed buttons on the bottom.

>> No.10228858

Not him but I've measured. 4" can certainly fit into the total height of the shell, but they would need to increase the size of the screen opening a bit. Even if you had the screen eat all the way into the current bezels, the current opening could only fit a ~3.84" screen.

>> No.10228912

They're still not worth the price. Cheapish Chink devices are usually fine because if they fuck up and the company ghosts you (which some of them absolutely do) then that's maybe 150 at very most gone.
I'd absolutely rather buy a premium device from companies like Valve and Nintendo who have actual warranty, support and are legally held to standards.

>> No.10228918
File: 20 KB, 322x322, 3568634657435687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I haven't been on the Internet for a long time, I feel incredible.
This quote will fucking never get old.

>> No.10228923

I think gpd is the closest when it comes chinkport for x86 handhelds, but they weren't always good.

>> No.10228945
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, miyoo-mini-plus-review.large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is based and not cringe, but is there a point in getting something above it for arcades?

>> No.10228961

based powchaddy brothers
stay strong against anberfags and reddtroids

>> No.10228982

Are there any raspberry pi based handhelds, that have a dock so that you can immediately swap to a TV+controller?

>> No.10228995

If you prefer thumbsticks over d-pads for fighting games, maybe?

>> No.10228996

I also want one but the device colors are so fucking ugly...

>> No.10229008

It's kind of choppy but overall okay: https://litter.catbox.moe/syslkj.mp4

>> No.10229017

Yeah. GPi Case 2 has a dock, but you lose the easy to swap Pi slot and swappable AA batteries.

>> No.10229025

Looks interesting.

>> No.10229046

I have the original GPi Case and love it and how flexible you can be with it. Go from basic Pi Zero emulation to slotting in a CM3/4 or Pi Zero 2 and play more demanding console and arcade stuff. Also the AA battery power is great.

>> No.10229053
File: 31 KB, 1482x1134, Ashley_game_over_touched.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watch taki review of rgb30
>mentions integer once and proceeds to show off all of the cores with a stretched aspect ratio
Jesus christ, how has he been at it for so long but doesn't make the most out of these things?
Either way, integer gameboy looks nice on it.

>> No.10229057

I wish there was more DIY shit on the market to be honest. I guess most people would prefer to just get a complete device.

>> No.10229070

We got the ktr1 and that has been a complete disaster

>> No.10229107
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, steamdeck-review-blogroll-1645748487903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly, out of all the handhelds and controller setups for my smartphones, the steam deck has been my favorite adaptation of portable emulation. it just works so easily right out of the box, the buttons are premium feeling, the length of the device feels right, and the screen size is really nice. I just hate how heavy it is when playing in bed laying down on your back holding it above your face is unplayable with how heavy the device is, sitting up looking at it in your lap is peak comfy though

>> No.10229109

Is the RGB30 good for people who aren't losers that only play arcade games instead of real games?

>> No.10229136
File: 246 KB, 2000x1506, 3456879654374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all you need white boys trust me.

>> No.10229148

We don't know yet. Most normal people don't have a unit yet, reddit uncle hasn't posted his review yet

>> No.10229159
File: 218 KB, 259x424, disgust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that miniscule LR button setup

>> No.10229161

more like ow shitty
cause that's the result you get from using those handhelds

>> No.10229165

More like canburnit because it can burn your hands off

>> No.10229173

Just bought an rg405v as my first and only device. Atomic purple of course.

>> No.10229176

Let us know how it goes, anon. Genuinely interested. I just wish they'd put a Rockchip it in so Linux was an option.

>> No.10229178

dpads are THAT uncomfortable huh?
why can't they just make a nice dpad that rips off the tg16 controller?
what is so fucking hard about that

>> No.10229180

audibly laughed because i have an anbernig
well done

>> No.10229189
File: 2.35 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20230908_224722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, son. Dis dat OG, boi. It's all there ever needs to be

>> No.10229191

Powkiddy devices are filler, they're what you toy around with for a collective few hours while you wait for the next big Retroid or Anbernic release.

>> No.10229193

Dpads suck, what we need is a handheld with 2 left analog sticks.

>> No.10229195
File: 522 KB, 711x1197, Screenshot_2023-09-08-22-52-37-469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that detail
>Looking good

>> No.10229202
File: 3.16 MB, 3024x4032, 1673429720818817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of these Game Boy homebrew games can be pretty based...

>> No.10229212

Anon, your analogue pocket color scheme is horrible...

>> No.10229217

The filter? It's the Game Boy Light filter. Looks better in person, the grid is overstated in pictures for some reason. I did just switch over to the unfiltered version, may stick with that for a while.

>> No.10229230
File: 2.92 MB, 480x369, gizmondossx3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10229235

i think he meant it looks like slimers ectoplasm jizz

>> No.10229241
File: 3.72 MB, 3024x4032, 1683724383541091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the slimy look, that's the appeal for me. Doesn't hold the glow very well though, so most of the time it just looks like this. I just charge it up with a blacklight for pictures.

>> No.10229262

Coming back to this, Kirby works almost as well as on RG405M with some very minor stutters, Klonoa works almost as well but chugged hard as soon as it got to the indoor section of vision 1 where you meet the hero and main character of the game (Balue), and I didn't bother with Sonic because it lagged at the title screen and the menu as long as having some graphical glitches there. On GC, Kirby Air Ride's track was pitch black and the background was dark so that was annoying, Custom Robo works great, Wind Waker works great, X Command Mission works great, Metroid Prime 2 lags hard, Shadow Reloaded lags a lot but is technically playable, Sonic Riders DX switches between normal speed and super laggy on a whim but is technically playable, Star Fox Assault played well, Symphonia plays well but lags during transitions and in the opening cutscene.

>> No.10229276
File: 3.98 MB, 410x425, ezgif-2-7dec121ba0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I just got ramshackled

>> No.10229286

When you

When you park in Karen's spot

>> No.10229291
File: 3.46 MB, 480x508, ezgif-2-0dcadd98e2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, anon this old guy just pulled a matador on me, ne wt seen an old guy with a cane move so fast wtf

>> No.10229294


>> No.10229306
File: 3.35 MB, 400x505, ezgif-4-d20fa5da45.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin lmao, I love this game

>> No.10229310

Not him, I just wanted to add you sound like the gayest cunt out. Get shit on kid.

>> No.10229320

Too big

>> No.10229323
File: 543 KB, 724x648, IMG_2565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>D-pad: 8 directions only
>analog stick: INFINITE directions
>D-chuds STILL think they can gaslight chadalog-users into thinking less directions = good

>> No.10229324

Are there any good coomer games I can play on a RG405M that aren’t RPG Maker or Renpy?
Asking for a friend in Minecraft.

>> No.10229327
File: 3.25 MB, 600x459, ezgif-3-3e89647b62.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10229336

I will rape you dumb brat

>> No.10229404

This is psx Carma?

>> No.10229408

>many slowdowns
>no sound
>single screen
>no touch screen
wow that's amazing, sounds like a really good way to play DS games

>> No.10229409

you can wait, unlike miyoo and retroid, powkidy stuff will never go out of stock.

>> No.10229415

the guy who makes garlic os for the rg35xx is working on porting it to basically everything, including T618, so linux might be coming at some point.

>> No.10229416

you can play basically anything, it's android.

>> No.10229460


>> No.10229491
File: 3.39 MB, 670x500, tired-anime-girl-xjt47wiqxjxjf400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uggghhh... I haven't been able to touch my handhelds in a while... Still rocking my Game Box Plus and X20 Mini... Such a rough week it's been, hopefully I can at least get some gaming in at some point

This is bad bros. I started out on the nerdy boards and going to /k/ lately because of some irl stuff. I just want it to stop

>> No.10229576

Just got my RG405M in. Man this thing feels nice, not a rattle or anything.
The ABXY buttons look to be the same size as the ones in my RG280V, so I'm going to try switching them out, it should look a lot better with the matte black buttons.
Time to charge it up and download GammaOS now.

>> No.10229587
File: 59 KB, 800x800, rg505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did it lose the handheld wars? Besides the inline trigger buttons it was actually better than retroid's RP3+

>> No.10229607

cos everything anbernic makes looks ugly except the 35xx

>> No.10229612

Wasn't it overpriced?

>> No.10229636

Did some nigger mug you?

>> No.10229639

no, it's cheaper than the RP3+

>> No.10229640
File: 408 KB, 1600x1600, rg552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea, but there were some issues at first with the analogs, though eventually they fixed them. As far as I'm concerned, it is as powerful as the RP3+ and around the same price range. Maybe you are thinking about the 552?

>> No.10229718

If you're feeling down, maybe get off 4chan for a while. You seem like a swell guy, and this place can do weird things to you. Take a break.

>> No.10229738

Should I wait for Odin 2 or stick with Odin lite?

>> No.10229768

odin 2 is more expensive and won't come out until december at the earliest, so it depends on what you want or need.

>> No.10229782

10/10 device and now it plays ds games. get it asap its cheap on temu with coupons

>> No.10229805

Kek damn

>> No.10229826

If this was a PSP and had the exact same setbacks, you hypocrites would be sucking it's dick and defending the shit out of it.

>> No.10229831

That's because all they do is recycle the same garbage over and over to make different versions of the same thing. Or are we going to pretend the RBG30 isn't just a tall RK2023?

>> No.10229873

>That's because all they do is recycle the same garbage over and over to make different versions of the same thing.
Are you really going to pretend Miyoo and Retroid don't also do that? Anbernic and Aya as well, though those 2 like Powkiddy are much better at fulfilling orders. It's not a sleight, it's just an observation of the reality of the industry. Also funnily enough on the RGB30 vs RK2023, the only components they actually share are the chip and the face buttons. Well, sticks too, but all these chinkhelds aside from the 2S use these same shitch sticks. Silicon is new, shell is new, screen is new, battery is new, shoulder buttons are new, d-pad is (probably) from the Max 3 rather than rk2023. Same as Miyoo, Retroid, Anbernic, Aya, etc recyling chips, screens, d-pads, sticks, face buttons, batteries, analog triggers in Retroid's case, etc between devices. Aya is even recycling shells to use across different chips like Retroid did with 3 -> 3+ or how they've modded and reused the 2 shell twice now.

>> No.10229874

Do guys think the RBG30 could could provide a better gameboy advance experience than the MM+ or the RG35XX?

>> No.10229875

well duh anon.

>> No.10229889

>besides the inline trigger buttons

May sound petty but unironically that's a massive dealbreaker for me. If you're getting something with that level of power, and a 16:9 screen, you're probably gonna be playing a good amount of trigger-dependent games, potentially even streaming. As someone who tried playing Oddworld on an inline trigger system, shit gets uncomfortable fast.

>> No.10229893

Should I go with the rp3+

>> No.10229905

Maybe, just keep in mind RP4 is probably coming out in as soon as 2 month - early next year. Also likely to be more expensive and a little bigger/heavier.

>> No.10229908

No, buy a powkiddy equivalent.

>> No.10229909

for gba not at all.

pick MM

>> No.10229912
File: 144 KB, 692x1100, everyone was kneeling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10229925

>people still talking positively about rg405m

Why's something new break on mine every month? The battery no longer goes past 90% too. Has anyone spoken to Anbernic support? They are offering to sell me another one for 50% off, but I've seldom worked with Chinese support before. Can I just tell them I don't have the money and can I just get another one?

>> No.10229929
File: 126 KB, 639x606, 1655054243533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shader is fucking wizardry bros.

>> No.10229932
File: 33 KB, 640x631, 1462737517907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>transparent black 2s that shipped in the prior week's monday only just now arrived in my city
>no post on sunday so out for delivery next monday, 14 day mark at the earliest
This has been the shittiest fucking experience I've ever had ordering a retroid product despite completing my order in under a minute after orders went up on 7/25. I am so unreasonably assmad.

>Has anyone spoken to Anbernic support?
They legitimately have the worst support of all these chinkheld manufacturers, and obviously that's saying a lot. I would only ever buy their stuff through Aliexpress.
>Can I just tell them I don't have the money and can I just get another one?
They're probably going to be shitheads about it or ignore you, but yes you absolutely should tell them this.

>> No.10229937

Meant to quote >>10229925 for that second half.

>> No.10229985 [DELETED] 

Baby brain /v/irgin retard has been found

>> No.10230015

obligatory becky x sexo

>> No.10230021
File: 57 KB, 251x259, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks russ, truly you are my greatest ally.

>> No.10230028

>No autofire

>> No.10230031

Just...replace the battery

Like what exactly is the issue here?

>> No.10230034

>Like what exactly is the issue here?
the battery i think.

>> No.10230035

I didn't list all the issues.

1. battery
2. shoulder button failure
3. worsening backlight bleed

>> No.10230038
File: 81 KB, 1080x1080, 7534b2d6302a44531b6e7e19fa8c775f_15801679-9d00-4674-b08f-bec1e83a97c7_1080x (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A question for the people here with a Retroid 2S. Currently my daily rider device (and only dedicated emulator desu) is an Anbernic rg353v, mainly use it for 2D gaming. I pre ordered a 2S for more N64/Dreamcast compatability, and it's set to arrive any day now, and I'm wondering if I should keep my 353v as my dedicated 2D handheld, or if it's worth making the 2S my new main system.

>> No.10230043

Which hanshelds need to be overclocked for psp?

>> No.10230046

I wouldn't bother keeping the 353v personally, the 2S is more comfortable and has a better d-pad. The smart thing to do tho is to play 2D stuff on the 2S for a while before deciding whether to sell the 353v.

>> No.10230056

I accidentally installed the sabotaged version of AetherSX2 from the app store. I uninstalled it but kept the data and I want to install the last version without ads but it says "App not installed" when I try to do it. What should I do?

>> No.10230058

Keep it as a backup

>> No.10230073

Thank you anon. I wish I could see the framerate, but it looks pretty choppy and slomo in most of the later half. Tbdesu that's kind of what I was expecting sadly, but it's fine I'll just play other games.

>> No.10230084

No, we all just looked at it as a nice proof of concept and went "oh neat" and then forgot about it when it happened in 2007, kiddo. It was a 5fps tech demo.

>> No.10230102

I wonder if the 2S is even that good for Dreamcast, Naomi 2 emulation (VF4 I think?) was getting some dips on earlier videos.

>> No.10230105
File: 14 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looked it up again and some homebrewers went back to it for fun in 2021 and actually made a working DS emulator for PSP. Still shitty but it seems some 2D games are playable now


>> No.10230107

>I wonder if the 2S is even that good for Dreamcast
I was playing Sonic Adventure 2 just fine yesterday. Want me to test something for you?

>> No.10230127
File: 1.78 MB, 2730x2047, 169368611290270855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based RG405M enjoyer

>> No.10230151

I feel like playing old pokemon games and I thought /vr/ might know more about this than /vp/.
Can you trade between gen 1 and 2 games played on GBAs and is a Japanese GBC compatible with American cartridges?

>> No.10230152

What's a pokemon?

>> No.10230158

Pokeyman coads

>> No.10230168

Yes, as long as you have a Game Boy link cable

Yes, Game Boy cartridges don't have a region lock (and neither does the GBA). Keep in mind that trying to trade between different languages in Gen 1/2 doesn't end well

>> No.10230181

it would just have a smaller image

>> No.10230191

It's the gizmondo port. Runs fucking amazing I think they added extra physics for the cars, they have fairly realistic weight. I don't remember PS1 version playing this well.

>> No.10230204

Why do people always go for the 2x prescale version? The regular and simple versions are sharper, even on a 480p screen.

>> No.10230209

>doesn't end well
doesn't work at all
i was mad as fuck when i first noticed this with my english and japanese copies of crystal

>> No.10230213
File: 131 KB, 849x637, Screenshot 2023-09-09 191240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if anyone was wondering, RG280V buttons don't fit in an RG405M. It only took me an hour of disassembling both consoles completely to figure that one out.

>> No.10230220
File: 58 KB, 531x520, Screenshot 2023-09-09 191252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The actual buttons seem to be the same size apart from the RG280V ones having a wider base for some reason. I think I could cut some of it and they'd fit, but I don't feel like doing that.

>> No.10230247
File: 123 KB, 1024x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tested Rayearth and Sakura Taisen on the latest version of UnofficialOS on the RG353P and... no use.
FMVs are still choppy and just playing incorrectly. I guess these games just can't be played on this handheld sadly.

>> No.10230250
File: 109 KB, 500x495, 1534351932621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I haven't done my research and only know about 2x prescale from Youtubers. You're right, sharp-bilinear-simple is sharper and bandlimit-pixel and grid-hybrid-blend are also both better.

>> No.10230309

Is there any info on when Koriki for RG35XX is going to be updated? I love having ds and psp emulation but the lack of a suspend mode and some of the ui bugs are getting on my nerves.

>> No.10230313

What would be the point of linux on a system that is designed for <psx era and has no wireless?

>> No.10230315

Theres a painal thread on /gif/ anon. Quick fap should fix it.

>> No.10230319

I want one, but I hate the colours. Hoping for an RG506 or something with a 4:3/1:1 Oled.

>> No.10230321

Not my cup of tea, and please don't speak about your degenerate fetishes on a blue board. I hear there's a thread of /gif/ for people like you.

>> No.10230326

what else do you want to use on there, Android? How would that be better?

>> No.10230327

dear friend, please understanding

>> No.10230345

GPDbros... Win Mini is a housefire... it's over

>> No.10230350


>> No.10230370

skill issue

>> No.10230380

How is it bad? The RG35xx plays the exact games it is supposed too...also it doesn't have android...

>> No.10230384

said the guy with fucking depression

>> No.10230386

kek, and after how much he was hyping it up too

>> No.10230396

yeah it runs linux, so what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.10230415

Nigga, please. I'm trying to figure out what the fuck your problem is.

>> No.10230508

Lack of sex casues depression. (Learned this from /Treasure/)
Since fapping is not sex, he would only get mote depressed until he moves to egpyt. You? An anbernicbro. Your wallet? Only buys m*tal handhelds? Your sd card? Flashed with latest cfw to make your device half usable.

>> No.10230515

You sound like we had better not go to school tomorrow hahaha

>> No.10230525

>he would only get mote depressed until he moves to egpyt
Is the implication here that it's easier to score in Egypt or what?

>> No.10230535

I refuse to use rubber dome garbage

are there any chinkhelds which use microswitches only?

>> No.10230572

Haven't had any problems with dc so far.
I'd keep the old one as backup, 2s does great from atari to dc.

>> No.10230579

Look up Nethersx2, you'll need a pc iirc.

>> No.10230581

There's a torrent lying around with the app already patched

>> No.10230602

Try force stopping, rebooting, deleting the data, all 3, whatever until it works. If you need stuff in the android/data folder copy it out with a special file manager

>> No.10230606

my rp3 does
i think they sell them with rubber now though

>> No.10230614

what's really awesome is that daijisho will still download the latest aethersx2 from the play store and overwrite anything you already have installed when you add ps2 to it, even though the latest build of aethersx2 was purposefully made incompatible with launchers months ago
i fucking love daijisho

>> No.10230779
File: 622 KB, 3024x4032, 1669292091276535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me? Its the Retroid Pocket 1 (aka Powkiddy A19)

>> No.10230783
File: 1.17 MB, 1204x595, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally got a GBA SP, I bought it for 30 bucks in my country with devaluation. I already ordered an IPS screen and a new shell. the seller told me that all games except LOTR are repro.

>> No.10230785
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>> No.10230935

No problem, glad I could help.

>> No.10230960
File: 3.88 MB, 4032x3024, 20230908_221211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the two arrived
I was pleasantly surprised after what total shit the first one was.
Captcha: "MAAPSP"

>>10213934 #
>>10213937 #
>>10213952 #

>> No.10230978
File: 1.06 MB, 1801x3977, IMG_20230909_161544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oof I saw the pic before I read this post. I was going to say nice get, but whatever I hope you have fun with your GBA sp. And no I don't hate repro carts, I just usually keep it to rom hacks and such.

>> No.10230982
File: 647 KB, 704x1083, Screenshot_2023-09-09-16-12-07-922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sister manon, this is the chonkiest of chonkers. It looks so cheap and brittle, like your ego.

>> No.10230992

I really only bought the Mario cart for the Russian Mario. Makes me laugh everytime I look at it. The RE cart is the gbc version that was unreleased.

>> No.10231086

probably abandoned like batocera

>> No.10231431
File: 116 KB, 1000x1000, X6Handheld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grabbed one of these recently when browsing about on AliExpress. I'm hardly a Handheld aficionado, so the device being cheap was the main appeal, and cheap it was. I do kind of find it charming looking, but the performance of the device leaves something to be desired. It's strangely choppy on Mega Drive and SNES, but will at time play demanding NeoGeo games relatively fine, with GBA games running well. It's weirdly inconsistent.
On the bright side, it holds all of its data on an SD card so that's free to mess with.

I was hardly planning on gaining a collection of these things, but this experience makes me want to try again. Maybe something better established without the influence of whim.

>> No.10231456

Why do you have 2 copies of a fucking pokemon game
Why the fuck do you have 2 copies of a fucking pokemon game that doesn't even have its content divided between 2 versions

>> No.10231462

My condolences

>> No.10231468

>maximum customizability, better performance, and a working sleep mode are..............LE BAD
/hhg/ bending over backwards into its own asshole to be as contrarian as humanly possible

>> No.10231473


>> No.10231475

English because childhood.
Japanese because reading practice tool.
I am also a filthy consoomer.

>> No.10231476
File: 40 KB, 610x272, s-l640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does it make sense to buy a ps vita 1000 ? I've never had any sony consoles but am interested in that library

>> No.10231479

>daijisho will still download the latest aethersx2 from the play store
Kek what the fuck is this? Daijisho on my 405m only downlaods cover art and shit when I tell it to, I have to download all my apps myself. What magical sentient version of that launcher are you using?

>> No.10231481

Keep us updated on your carpel tunnel situation

>> No.10231483

I feel your pain fellow zelda keychain misplacer. I had the OG zelda twin screen as a kid. Maybe 15 years agonor so I picked up the keychain version and I was over the moon to find it new like that. It just fucking vanished. No idea how because I lived on my own and it lived in the top drawer of my computer desk.

>> No.10231485

>I am also a filthy consoomer.
No need to tell us twice, you already let it slip that you're a pokemon fan.

>> No.10231492
File: 11 KB, 251x251, 1399814048807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guy on a retro video game board likes retro video game

>> No.10231493

>the consoomer goyslop aspect of pokoomermon is negated by the fact that this one is le old
Sorry but no, a shit game is a shit game no matter how much /v/ told you old=soulful.

>> No.10231508

> consoomer goyslop
These memes are lame and I wish people didn't adopt them so willingly. It adds nothing to the conversation and isn't even funny.

>> No.10231509 [DELETED] 

shut the fuck up goyslop consooming bitch.

>> No.10231512
File: 47 KB, 426x640, x6 handheld 2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh thats the new off-brand handheld all the dropship sellers are dumping now. Guess they got tired of Switch Lite and Vita knockoffs. Performance is what I expect for something like that. They could come up with a new name at least.

>> No.10231514

I wish retards didn't willingly throw their money at bad games let alone do it more than once.

>> No.10231515

>this mad over an old game because it's from a series you don't like
i don't like f-zero so anyone that plays f-zero is a faggot.

>> No.10231524

>dpad face buttons

>> No.10231527

I unironically think it does, yeah. I prefer the 2K for the imo superior ergonomics/controls and lighter weight, but the 1k OLED screen is really nice and the sticks aren't prone to drifting like on the 2k (1k sticks aren't shaped as nice imo but are hall sensor so don't develop drift). They're just really good handhelds.

>> No.10231528

There's still plenty of reasons to get a Vita. The 1000 model had a nice OLED panel for its time, there's tons of mods for it now, and there's a good selection of PS1 and PSP games you could play on it natively. There's also grips that add L2 functionality for PS1 games IIRC.
The proprietary memory cards suck dick though, but if you mod your Vita then you can pretty much get away with an SD2Vita adapter that lets you use microSD cards. Its not really a big deal in this day and age.

>> No.10231530
File: 256 KB, 700x933, 158281077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fucking leave f-zero out of this

>> No.10231535
File: 16 KB, 706x660, 1430422093416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

faggot racer fan detected
go put on your leotard with your pink nipple caps
>verification not required

>> No.10231541

Does the Win Max 2 have similar problems?

>> No.10231547

I've never heard of it having a heat problem like this at least. Really doubt it does or fuxx likely would've mentioned it like he did with the Mini here, plus it's just a shitload bigger so heat is easier to manage.

>> No.10231548

Difference is FZero is objectively a quality franchise.

>> No.10231552


>> No.10231569

Is there like a tiny best set for 405m/RP3+

>> No.10231572

You know you can still use that set on those, right?

>> No.10231583

Yes but I meant with some added N64, PS2, GC etc

>> No.10231701

There's one on the internet but you have to download it one game at a time

>> No.10231712

>There is more to be done. And so the great republic marches on, for great benefit China no.1.
Can't wait to see the North Korean handheld entries.

>> No.10231801

Any games for Game Boy Colour that are so good that no nostalgia is needed? I recently started playing Pokemon Trading Card Game (GBC) and it's truly excellent, never played it back in the day.

>> No.10231846

how is android more customizable than fucking linux you dumb fuck

>> No.10231851

zelda ages, seasons, link's awakening dx
wario land 3

>> No.10231867

For the average user it is. Linux chinkhelds come with everything in it already, with android you get to set things up and have a greater amount of options outside of emulation than just portbeggar and kodeez nuts.

>> No.10231870

I am so, so fucking tired of shitch-style handhelds. It's ugly as fuck and makes sense for the system itself, but not for any other handheld. As completely and utterly garbage as powshitty products are, at least they make more interesting looking and more ergonomic handhelds.

>> No.10231881

it struggles with some 3d arcade games like virtuafighter.

>> No.10231884

*you can play the 32x version of that on it just fine though.

>> No.10231886

Thanks, played the Oracle games back in the day but not the others.
Playing on a Q36 mini right now, it's great but only for certain genres of games. Eyeing a RGG 30 next, I just enjoy GBC.

>> No.10231894

oh q36 mini is a tiny guy. rgb30 would be awesome for game boy for sure.

>> No.10231898

ridiculous how anbernig doesn't even use cum resistant screens while powkiddy does

>> No.10231940

Yes it's tiny, but it's perfect for turn-based, pinball and puzzle games. Only device I bring to work haha, I even use it riding elevators for sub-60 seconds gaming.
The build quality is excellent, and now it even has 60 FPS.

>> No.10231947

I love chinkshit so much bros

>> No.10231980

>It's also a great way to play [Donkey Kong Country] coop, because if you get to a hard part that you don't want to do, maybe Player Two will do it for you. But, the honest truth is, when I used to play this with my friends, we used to cheer on and try to get the other guy to die *nervous chuckle*, so that we would be able to start playing. And I'm definitely not saying you should play like that, because that was kind of a dirty way of playing it back in the day, but that's just kinda how the 90s were.......

It's amazing how Reddit Game Corps can't even banter with friends without having a safespace meltdown.

>> No.10232016

What's the smallest psp capable handheld with an analogue stick? Preferably horizontal.

>> No.10232059

Win Max 2 is twice the size of Win Mini with the same CPU selection. Of course it will handle cooling them better.

>> No.10232071

Probably Retroid Pocket 2S. But trust me, you don't want to play PSP games on a tiny 3.5" 4:3 display with letterboxing. So just get the Retroid Pocket 3+ instead.

>> No.10232082

I play all my emulated games with integer scaling on; letter and pill boxing don't bother me even at the same time. The Powkiddy's v90 3" screen is fine to me, I could probably play on a 2.5" and not care; though the RG Nano's 1.54" is too small. No idea about a 2" screen, but that's not a common size, anyways, so it doesn't matter. I'll look into the 2s more, thanks for the suggestion.

>> No.10232275

Probably the PSP Go

>> No.10232409

Calling Russ a spoony bard and son of a submariner and watching him break down in tears

>> No.10232412

Steam Deck for indoor use
PSP for going out
That's all you need

>> No.10232435

Was wondering if there was a more genuine way of achieving a DMG and GBC look for these games in the RG353P but then thought using shaders would drain the battery way faster instead of just using overlays and the included filters.

>> No.10232446

There are overlays that have the LCD grids on them. Nice alternative to shaders on weaker handhelds. Look up the ones for the Miyoo Mini since it has the same resolution as the 353p.

>> No.10232454
File: 260 KB, 519x307, FZpiSqKXgAMUZ9h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having multiple handhelds is pain.
I love the looks and build quality of my Vita but the SNES and GBA emulation isn't perfect and probably never will (has a noticeable one frame lag, you'll notice it if you know some music by ear. Only on Retroarch).
The 3DS is just uncomfortable to hold and the screen sucks.
The Switch is too big and the battery drains fast.
The Anbernic devices are perfect for SNES and GBA games (and almost everything pre-Playstation) nice but the screen is the worst for PSP games.

I hate jumping among different devices

>> No.10232456

Has anyone used universal android debloater on any of the android handhelds? Wondering if they've managed to get a performance increase out of it by doing so.

>> No.10232476

get an rp3+ i guess

>> No.10232480

I remember reading people shitting on it on these threads, was there a valid reason or was it just typical 4chan baseless shitting?

>> No.10232493

I don't know what people were saying, but it's good. I would check out RGC's videos on it:

>> No.10232498

Ohh I've watched the videos, it's fine but I don't have a lot of money to waste on these.
Sure I have to rebound between different devices but in the end I technically can play anything between these so having one more device seems redundant.
As for PS2 and GC games those are the kind of games I'd rather play on a PC instead.

>> No.10232515

>Having multiple handhelds is pain
It is not when they have different form factor

>> No.10232520

Especially when they automatically sync save data with each other.
But the plebs wouldn't know anything about that.

>> No.10232521

Can talk about every android handheld but the odin lite comes with a pure android rom

>> No.10232526

Eh I don't mind the horizontal form, it's better. I just hate rebounding between diffferent ones.
In the end I just gotta use them at what they're best each.
Vita for PS Vita and PSP games.
Switch for Switch and NDS games.
Anbernic for literally everything else.

>> No.10232560

So you have? Like I debloat one of these handhelds and use something like apk pure to get the emulators?

>> No.10232573

Meant to say that I can't talk about every android handheld but yes you can do that or just download the apk on your pc and then just put in on device internal storage

>> No.10232685
File: 65 KB, 717x148, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reddit game uncle is absolutely triggering the fuck out of me in his rgb30 review. I'm glad he loves the device and is dunking on the analogue pocket so much but holy fuck all that analog stick usage in arcade games + no NGPC or Wonderswan footage at all when they're practically perfect for this device + the worlds worst speaker demonstration ever conceived + this FUCKING disclaimer but not even bothering to show it


>> No.10232690

All that hype for the rgb30 is fine except for the fact it has a 1:1 screen. Who the fuck would ever want to play on that? Get a 4:3 and get over it if you're pissed off over black bars on the sides.

>> No.10232694

RGB30 looks nice, it's basically what the Retro Pixel Pocket wishes it was. Man what a dumpster fire that handheld was.

>> No.10232695

2 digit iq.

>> No.10232696

>if you’re pissed off at black bars then get over it
>also don’t get a 1:1 screen because it has black bars all the time

>> No.10232703

>analog stick usage in arcade games
i knew you were going to sperg out. get over it, using an analog stick is closer to the original experience of an arcade stick than a dpad.
>no NGPC or Wonderswan footage at all when they're practically perfect for this device
nobody plays those, and if you're one of the very few autists that do, you already know exactly what it will be like.
>this FUCKING disclaimer but not even bothering to show it
clearly he figured it out in editing and couldn't be bothered going back to film it.
>the worlds worst speaker demonstration ever conceived
yeah, those speaker tests are always absolutely useless. i'm not really sure how he could do better but just don't show it at that point and tell us what you think.

the hype is only for the 1:1 screen. other than that it's exactly the same as the RK2023 and many other consoles that already exist.

>> No.10232709

black bars for small resolution on a large screen makes sense. black bars for large resolution on a small screen is retarded. playing a PSP game on a 1:1 screen that small would be fucking horrendous, but playing a GBC game on a 2S would be a lot nicer despite the giant black bars being there too.

>> No.10232710
File: 2.30 MB, 1080x1620, wgs13ar8uv3b1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Retro Pixel Pocket
I wasn't aware of this, it looks pretty neat. what was bad about it? i see it's not even listed on funnyplaying's site anymore.

>> No.10232715

sup russ.

>> No.10232720

The buttons were horrendously bad according to everyone who had one, they would get stuck often and just felt awful. The OS looked really amateurish. And it was like they only made 50 units because it dropped with no fanfare and then the site immediately changed to SOLD OUT within 12 hours. It was just really disappointing considering Funnyplaying actually does have good quality products within their Game Boy modding lineup so you'd think they'd know exactly how to make a good Gameboy emulation handheld.

>> No.10232724

nobody is gonna play psp on that shit, i'm not sure why you're even bringing it up. you're not forced to get it if you're fine with 4:3 screens, it's just another option for people who want specific things.

no, just a fanboy.
i don't think he's perfect, yeah ideally he could have gone back for the turbografx thing and shown more weird consoles, but realistically nobody cares about those and he does these videos as a job, so it's not a big deal.
but you're just incorrect for saying dpad is better for arcade games. analog stick is perfect for those.

>> No.10232726

oh, the buttons thing is surprising. I have funnyplaying stuff for my GBA and it's all quite good quality.
the OS being bad doesn't surprise me though. what a shame, looks like it used the same screen as the RGB30 as well.

>> No.10232729

It's the same res and aspect ratio but half an inch smaller so pretty safe to say it's not the same screen.

>> No.10232751

I agree on most points. So far RG35XX covers my Gameboy needs, I’m getting RP3+ for PSP, and hopefully DS emulation makes sense as well.

>> No.10232772

DS emulation is nice on Odin, I use the "One big screen + One small screen" layour, with the smaller touchscreen closer to my right hand if I need to press it. I'm sure it will be the same on a RP3+.
I am getting an RGB30 though, because SHMUPs is my jam and I have a large colleciton of Pico-8 games that I have playtested and enjoy.

>> No.10232776

Same on Switch. With MelonDS, DS emulation is near perfect, at least all the worthwhile games can get perfect 60 fps.
I'd rather forsake the clamshell design if it means playing on Switch with better screen and more comfortable controls (I use the hori ones with are pretty big and solid)

>> No.10232778

>transparent black odin lite chad is also a shmup and rgb30 chad

>> No.10232807

there's some mad lad out there that just stretches all his games to fill whatever screen he's playing on and laughs at our aspect ratio autism

>> No.10232819

Homo Ludens, the next step in human evolution.

>> No.10232853

Get a Miyoo Mini+ or a RG35xx. They're cheap, and a lot better than that thing.

>> No.10232856

They pulled it to supposedly work on its kinks, i don’t normally hold out hope for these companies but as you both know, funnyplaying makes generally good stuff, so if they rerelease this thing with it not being total shit, it may unironically be the cheap anal log killer

i love the form factor, would exclusively play gb games on it

>> No.10232859
File: 138 KB, 945x2393, IMG_20230811_155648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10232915

>funnyplaying makes generally good stuff
Yeah, they might be Chinese but their stuff is shockingly good quality and they are really eager to help with issues/outright send you replacement parts if you ask politely.

>> No.10232940

Anyone else got a lack of sound issue on Retroarch with RG353P since updating to the latest version of JELOS?

Also wondering if it's worth doing the Black Seraph Android upgrade for my RG353P if all I want is to try playing Sonic Triple Trouble. It has an Android version, but someone could probably get it running via PortMaster if they wanted.

>> No.10232941

I've been using unofficial OS, it's Jelos but better.
DESU, the main reason I'm using it is because the NDS emulator just works there, it's impossible to get it to run on Jelos.

>> No.10232946

Really? I was using Unofficial for a while, and it was worse, the boot times were intolerably long.
Did that turn around?

>> No.10232948

Yes, now UnofficialOS boots slightly faster even.

>> No.10232953
File: 2.19 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_5309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want one pretty bad bros :-(

>> No.10232958

Is that the April 27 2023 build? Looks like there's been no work on it since then.


>> No.10232975

That's the one I'm using.

>> No.10232980

Okay, will keep it in mind if JELOS doesn't resolve the Retroarch sound issue it currently has.

>> No.10232992

I swear the pivot on my RP2S d-pad is way better than it was on my RP3, RP3+, and the new d-pad I later swapped into the 3+. Probably just being retarded again tbf.

>> No.10232998

PCE should be played in 16:15 on this anyways, or better yet just select PAR. Also kind of bugged me he never pushed the 4:3 content to the top of the screen instead of leaving it centered but w/e.

>> No.10233019

Ordered the RGB30 and having second thoughts. Ordered it mainly to play GB/GBC but I'm wondering if I would have been better off just getting a 353V, same chip, extra ram, vertislop nostalgia formfactor.

>> No.10233049

Why, because of Android? It sucks. RAM does nothing beyond PSP edge cases AFAIK, and you don't want to play PSP on this screen.

>> No.10233056

Planning on using Jelos on either.
Ram I was thinking more for sharp bilinear filters but I have to admit I don't know much about RAM usage on these devices.

>> No.10233109

I like how it's just a Pocket, that's the best-looking Game Boy in my opinion.

>> No.10233116

companies improving their product over time wouldn't be that surprising. After taking apart my RG280V and RG405M the other day, I saw that they were very similar in construction, but with a lot of tiny improvements everywhere.

>> No.10233124

>Also kind of bugged me he never pushed the 4:3 content to the top of the screen instead of leaving it centered but w/e.
I was wondering about that too. Pretty sure he just left everything default, because one of the games near the end is pushed to the top.

hell no, RGB30 over the 353V any day. If it's mainly for game boy i would maybe consider an RG35XX, but the RGB30 is still going to be better and more comfortable to play.

>> No.10233150

Don't think RAM helps with shaders, what little experience I had with them on 353V was miserable, RK3566 can't handle anything complex and there's no Vulkan support on Linux to help.

>> No.10233161

me too anon, me too
plus it has shoulders on the back without looking like the hideous shit on the back of the rg35xx and 405v

>> No.10233187

Is the 405M worth considering? There was something about the RP3+ I really didn't like, I'm not sure if it was the Android OS running Daijisho or just the buttons feeling kinda shit. Anyone who's used both have any opinions?

>> No.10233196

>I'm not sure if it was the Android OS running Daijisho
well the 405M is android too

>> No.10233204

Yeah, I know that - hence why I'm a bit hesitant. I'm not sure if I just like Linux in a handheld or it was something else about the RP3+ I didn't like. I was wondering if someone had used both and had a preference.

>> No.10233229

oh sorry i didn't undertsand.
I don't have an RP3+, but I know at one point there was a kit available from retroid to change the buttons to rubber dome, so that would make the feel different at least. but it seems that it isn't available anymore.

>> No.10233256
File: 75 KB, 512x512, Concept boozer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly question, lads, but when it comes to the Android vs Linux as the OS thing, I wanted to ask some questions.

So Linux handhelds tend to just work better/have better performance, I guess? And they might actually have sleep mode?

But Android handhelds can use applications like GPS, mobile games and maybe even do phone calls (why though), but potentially have no sleep mode potential?

I kind of like the idea of getting an Android based handheld for the potential applications that exist, since so many cover useful things such as GPS, but I'm not sure if that warrants a performance decrease when I truly just want the emulators to work.

I'm still thinking about getting a RP3+, as it sounds like one of the strongest, non-Windows handhelds, but I'm also hoping that we will get a slightly stronger Orange Pi type of handheld before the end of the year.

>> No.10233269

better performance isn't a given for one vs the other. some emulators do better on android, some on linux. depends on the chipset, the specific OS, and the development of each emulator.
also some handhelds can use both linux and android, like the rg353p.
android is a lot better than linux for sleep mode, linux doesn't really have a true sleep, the suspend function in onionos or garlicos saves your game and turns off the system. any linux handheld put into "sleep" will keep using battery like a hog because it's essentially still on.

>> No.10233281

Linux has a better out of the box experience, Android has much better power management (and sometimes drivers) despite the bloat but requires more setup. 3+ should be solid, wish I got it over the X28 despite hating the start and select position.

>> No.10233452
File: 243 KB, 382x417, confused cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can any of these handhelds handle some amount of Windows/indie games without being $200+ or stupidly large? Might be wishful thinking, but it would be nice to play some amount of RPG Maker games and smaller indie games on these without hoping they are solely usable via emulators.

>> No.10233479

The cheapest right now that can do lightweight indie PC games is the Loki Zero which is $250.