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10217947 No.10217947 [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong?

>> No.10217961

Boring characters, boring combat. Even 13 has a bigger legacy than this lol

>> No.10217967
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I dont know, I liked it. I think it's better than X, but obviously inferior to everything before X.

>> No.10217971

XIII is when the series died for me

>> No.10217979

Nothing. It is the best FF post 6.

>> No.10217987

There's an actual cutscene where the main character gets called out for having no motivation or purpose for being with the rest of the party.

>> No.10218004

needed a bit more polish and playtesting.
IZJS/TZA fixed all of the issues and it's an awesome game now.

>> No.10218020

I like 12, but Vaan really just brings down the whole experience for me. He could've easily been a lot better if they leaned more into him wanting to avenge his brother's murder, but for some reason he just stops caring about that after a few hours. Most of the characters in 12 feel 1-dimensional a lot of the time, but Vaan just has nothing going for him. Penelo's worse, but at least the game doesn't pretend she's the main character.

>> No.10218038

Overall it's definitely one of my favorites. I intend on replaying it (Zodiac Age), but on that playthrough I'll probably just make up some new canon in my mind that the whole plot is mostly Balthier and Fran helping Ashe out. If I remember right there weren't any forced solo battles a-la Khimari, so once the right party is unlocked I'll just use them. I think there were definitely a couple battles that would be very very hard without Bosch.

>> No.10218045

Ashe is the main character. The story is entirely focused on her after the first few hours. Claiming Vaan is the main character just because you play as him first (you don't) is like claiming Snake is the main character in Metal Gear Solid 2.

The Zodiac Age is garbage. Allowing you to have two jobs completely breaks the game.

>> No.10218053

It's the FF I played the most. It's excellent once you get used to the new combat system

>> No.10218064

Vaan and Penelo are the only characters who really have the freedom to walk around in towns. They're essentially Dalmascan agents working for Ashe. Ashe and Basch need to story out of sight for story reasons, and Balthier is a wanted man with bounty hunters after him and Fran is his Chewbacca blood sister.

>> No.10218145

I've probably put over 400 hours into this game through three playthroughs since 2006.
The first, on the vanilla US version, sucked. Beat it in under 80 hours, never wanna touch it again due to item/chest drops and other bullshit.
I played IZJS modded into my own version with english text, using PCSX2 in 2012. 180+ hours, defeated every enemy, was a really improved and fun experience.
I bought Zodiac for my Switch and got to right before game's end, and quit, but had a great time for a good 145 hours. I have an extremely difficult time finishing all games these days though. Those drake things in that one cave area are MERCILESS goddamn assholes. They make the 50M-hp superboss look like a chump.

The music and Ivalice's culture and style are huge bonuses for me.
Overall, 8/10

>> No.10218150

Its propably the best FF i played

>> No.10218161

Also, Penelo.
Goes right into the straight flush: Yuffie, Selphie, short-hair Garnet, Rikku, Penelo

>> No.10218169

Vaan and penelo work because they act like young adults. Bet character is balthier, then basch and ashe. The va makes fran fun to have around but I never cared too much about her, probably because I hate furry shit. Just went through it again not too long ago and it was a lot better than I remembered. Definitely recommend it

>> No.10218407

It's probably the most badly paced game in the history of vidya, for one. Certainly one of the worst in the FF series.

>> No.10218516

They didn't commit to making balthier the main character. Vaan exists just to make a more obvious homage to star wars. Japanese devs have been polishing george lucas's knob for 30 years.

>> No.10218523

Episodes 7/8/9 ripped off FFXII!
A Song of Ice and Fire ripped off Final Fantasy Tactics!

>> No.10218538

the ff16 of early final fantasy

>> No.10218558

Best FF. Peak FF.

>> No.10218564
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What about FFXII makes it so goddamn polarizing? I hated it-- lots of people hated it. But I have good reason to believe the people who claim it's the best FF are being completely sincere.

>> No.10218897

>Claiming Vaan is the main character just because you play as him first (you don't) is like claiming Snake is the main character in Metal Gear Solid 2.
I still argue that Edea is the main character of Bravely Default.

>> No.10218917

After reading this thread it apparently comes down to mentality:
1. Vaan and Penelo are not the main characters, but logically they fit in the party as they can roam civilized areas as nobodies while everyone else is basically wanted. Otherwise they can be treated as your tutorial characters effectively.
2. Don't try to 100% the job system. Your personal dream jobs might be to be a pilot, a structural firefighter, and a philosophy professor, but most people realize that in real life you would just pick one of those to chase. Same thing in the game, do some jobz, get some rewardz. Work to live, don't live to work.
3. Fran: Stay off the internet. Furfaggotry doesn't exist in your own offline living room. She's actually pretty cool.

Rethinking these things is fixing MY view of the game, there might be similar angles for (You). As >>10218145 mentions too, the music is God-tier. GREAT visual design for the different biomes. Again back to mentality, I think that coming across an enemy that's too tough to beat is OKAY as long as it isn't mandatory to beat the game. Just like in real life, not every battle is worth fighting and dying to try to win. Worth dropping some cash on to try again in my opinion. This post brought to you by too much coffee.

>> No.10218918
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Bought DQ8 just to play the demo and I ended becoming more of a DQ fan than I ever was of FF.
>Story is boring
>Not a single interesting character
>Vaan is just there
>The way treasures work
I really liked the combat and the post game content was huge with the hunts being very fun.
Thinking about it, DQ8 characters and story aren't a rollercoaster but at least it has a lot of "oh shit" moments that I cared for, in FFXII I remember an old priest dying and the game made it seems like a big deal but I couldn't care less for a character that was just introduced is like Oden in One Piece.

>> No.10218924

I would wager it's because the franchise is so big, with differing mechanics across all the various games. You're bound to have varying opinions.

Frankly, I don't think it's the best or the worst. I thought it was decent overall, but progressively more flawed towards the end. The game starts pretty strong with establishing the setting, characters, and the conflict, but by the end, you end up just going from one dungeon to another with little reason. The Occuria are given one establishing reveal scene and then it's just dropped.

But despite this, the Zodiac job system, Gambits, and plethora of skills were pretty interesting to me, and a lot of my enjoyment came from the satisfaction of simply making my characters stronger.

>> No.10218971

>Allowing you to have two jobs completely breaks the game.
You're absolutely right, but it's also fun to see what broken combinations you can make that have good synergy, like Knight/Bushi.

>> No.10218986

>the sewer levels
Plus somehow it felt like a rip of rogue galaxy with worse gear

>> No.10219023

I loved it in the beginning, but somewhere along the way it turned into a slog and I never finished it. I probably should have focused on just finishing it instead of trying to complete every mind-numbing sidequest.

>> No.10219026
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>> No.10219078

The timeline

>> No.10219160
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Reminder: If you didn't beat the ps2 version, you didn't beat the game.

Developers didn't bother re-balancing the game when removing the skill queue and removing damage cap wholesale. The ps2 version will always be the definitive version.

>> No.10219169

>Vaan exists just to make a more obvious homage to star wars
Also the rule that establishes all JRPGs must have effeminate, young-looking boys as protagonists

>> No.10219201

You act like FF12 is a hard game outside the Subterra. Yiazmat having 52 million HP with a 9999 cap (which later becomes a 6500 or so cap) was bad design and you know it.

>> No.10219215
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Anon in today's FF XII thread bumping it when it's clearly a low effort thread that doesn't contribute anything. Yeah lets just upload the game cover and make our whole OP
>What went wrong?
Oh yes we won't even use the subject field when creating the thread
We have the /vr/ we deserve.

>> No.10219220

>What went wrong
Anon. I am going to break into your house at night, and I will drop trou, and pull my asshole wide like Goatse. While you sleep, the room will fill with the smell of shit, and I will slip out before your alarm goes off.

You will wake up and think... "Why does my room smell like shit?" and in a panic, you will check your bed to make sure you haven't soiled yourself. No matter where you look, the overwhelming smell of shit will remain. You will go to get the air freshener from the cupboard, and you will find the dead corpse of your pet.

>> No.10219223


optional marathon-style boss created solely for the diehards (and ffxi freaks). Purely optional so I see no reason to whine about it.

But yes, the game is much more difficult on ps2 for a casual playthrough (assuming you don't use a walkthrough). You actually have to pay attention to what your equipment does to progress, since your stats barely influence damage. Staffs are especially important, but you won't know that the cherry staff has a damage multiplier with wind spells unless you actually pay attention during battle to the damage numbers.

>> No.10219249

>since your stats barely influence damage
That's because you're using the wrong weapon. For example, using maces with high strength has a shit result because maces run off magick.

>> No.10219261

...that's literally what I said in the next sentence. Equipment matters (and it's not obvious since a lot of the stat multipliers are hidden)

>> No.10219264

Stats have a bigger influence on damage than level and attack power though, that's the exact opposite of what you said.

>> No.10219268

#3 is extremely based

>> No.10219306

FF12 is my favourite of the series but you're completely right. The point is right after the Phon Coast when you reach Tchita Uplands. There's a huge drop in quality over all. It's also right when you enter the coast that the gameplay becomes much more MMO-like, all the flair of a single player game disappears.
Even the fun side-dungeons are all located before that point. I'm guessing that's exactly the point at which they entered development hell.
Before that point the game is 9.5/10, after that point it's a 7.5/10. If not for the great side dungeons and quests and robust hunt log the game would be just bad after that point. The ending scenario is still fine and the cutscenes still work to be fair.

>> No.10219318

what do you think "leveling" does? That's my point: levels give you modest stat increases which don't influence damage nearly as much as having the right spell cast with the right weapon. Even better if you invest in green magick spells on the license board.

>> No.10219323

To be honest, I don't like cryptic shit like this. I'm not asking for a full-on Diablo-style equipment descriptions with numbers, DPS calculations, etc. (that's kinda stupid actually), but a small description would be really helpful.
Something in the vein of "A staff colored like spring cherry blossoms. It is said that one can feel the wind blowing the petals away when holding it."
Instead you'll probably never know how most of the more advanced weapons work unless you read the Ultimania or check some wiki.

>> No.10219340

Level has been used in the FF damage formula since FF4

>> No.10219350

That's how I felt, too. It's precisely the moment when the game makes you go from the southernmost end of the map (Mt. Bur-Omisace) straight to fucking Archades with the story taking a back seat, giving you only some bits of character development and cuts of what's going on in the empire. The world is beautiful, sure, and I enjoyed exploring it along the way, but it really feels like there's a whole part of the game missing with absolutely nothing going on story-wise.

>> No.10219374

Stupid fanbase.

>> No.10219390

It’s not a bad game based on how much content there is to do, it just has a weak story and mostly uninteresting characters. The combat is fine, but traveling is cumbersome, and most quests/hunts are cryptic to the point of annoyance.
Want to find this hunt? Better show up on Tuesday while it’s raining after killing 42 dog type monsters without casting bubble after killing the giant bird monster five screens away. Don’t even attempt this till you get the secret bow in an invisible chest on the deck of an airship that has a 1/256 chance of showing, and found the secret spell sold by the merchant in a secret dungeon full of high level monsters whom hidden behind a secret invisible wall. Don’t forget the Zodiac Spear!
It’s fun when it’s fun, and it’s an annoying time waster every other minute.
Also that lighthouse dungeons blows ass.
Music is pretty good though, I really like the Esper battle music.

>> No.10219425

The treck to Archades doesn't bother me as much as how barren and dead the areas are thematically and visually after the Salikawood.
Thcita is giant open areas with nothing but coeurls and ambush snakes. Theres one zone with the river and river enemies, which is great, but unlike other areas in the game there's no concept of placement to sub-biome like before.
In Salikawood for example you have the onions near the south, malboros in the deep jungle, non-aggressive bunnies in a peaceful part, then baknamy, chocobos, and chocobo eating mantises near Nabudis ruins. An optional boss separating the optional area of the woods, and there's even the rare game toad in the small part where you're wading in knee deep water.
After the Phon Coast they just kinda gave up and filled every place with too many beefy enemies and it feels like you're leveling off mobs in classic WoW, not FF12.

>> No.10219427
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>> No.10219460

Star Wars is based off Japanese stuff more than any game like FFXII is based off Star Wars. Also, Basch was supposed to be the main character but the producers didn't have faith in him selling games, and they were right. This game didn't sell as much because people want the Nomura look and feel that became the modern identity of Final Fantasy, same as the movie shit on the expectations fans had because it looked nothing like Nomura's shit.

>> No.10219484
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>Nomura's shit

>> No.10219494

good job of having a good opinion, anon.

>> No.10219616

>Basch was supposed to be the main character
That's not true, Basch didn't even exist until later in development. What happened was Vaan was originally a very different character before he was redesigned.

>> No.10219661

>the game is much more difficult on ps2 for a casual playthrough (assuming you don't use a walkthrough
I remember feeling like a high iq havard student while setting the gambits for each character. And I also don't recall having a easy time getting through to the game. These gambits setups were essencial.
Good days...

>> No.10219672
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Final Fantasy is loved, not liked, LOVED for its music.
FFXII is no exception.
Royal Capital of Rabanastre

Eruyt Village
Eryut Village (Zodiac Edition) Walking

The Skycity of Bhujerba

>> No.10219679

Never noticed that the actual official art had her butt hanging out.

>> No.10219683
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Where is it loved because of its music? I have never heard any body say that. To me, it sounds generic as hell. Final Fantasy has been the most mundane of everything, to appeal to mass markets, for decades.

>> No.10219685

I never actually completed this game. It was too grindy and boring. I got bored after that gay lighthouse. I finished FFXIII even though it was somehow worse

>> No.10219690

The story didn't grab me as much as I hoped it would, but gameplay-wise it's the chillest FF there is. Love running around Ivalice efficiently killing monsters and amassing piles of loot.

>> No.10219739

To be fair, the rest of the staffs are named after the element they have synergy with: glacial staff increases damage of ice spells, etc. It's just not actually mentioned in the game.

>> No.10219741

I played the PS2 version back in the day and I remember generally thinking the logic based AI battle system was cool, but I remember having a hard time balancing my magic users between "never use spells" and "use all your MP as fast as possible" so I got frustrated and gave up. Story was pretty dull too, but I was probably like 10 hours in.

>> No.10219798

Game played itself.
FF died when turn based died.

>> No.10219806

>I remember having a hard time balancing my magic users between "never use spells" and "use all your MP as fast as possible"
Donald Duck syndrome
He either CONSOOMS all HP and items within ten seconds of the battle starting, or is the stingiest fucking faggot you have ever seen and wont use a potion on you unless you literally only have 1hp left.

>> No.10219820 [DELETED] 

I get the impression FFXII was an attempt by Square Enix of making an offline game with an mmorpg gameplay

>> No.10219826

I get the impression FFXII was an attempt by Square Enix of making an offline rpg with a mmorpg gameplay

>> No.10219834
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>Randomly explore Henne Mines
>This fucker appears out of nowhere

>> No.10219894

From my understanding, Vaan had Basch's story and wasn't a kid, then they made them make Vaan a kid and made a new character for Basch. From there the game took too long and the story was never filled out.

>> No.10219896

Nowhere did I say you had to like it or that every character is radically different. It's what sells the most.

>> No.10219907

No, Vaan always had the brother story. He was older and gruffer and more rogueish. Basch is an entirely different character.

>> No.10220047

Something isn't clicking with me then. They changed Vaan in development, but it obviously wasn't just aesthetic because playing the game he and Penelo were clearly not the intended main characters. Where was the switch?

>> No.10220141

>IZJS/TZA fixed all of the issues
Lmao even

>> No.10220183
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The director Matsuno "left" midway through development and it shows. Everything after the Pharos (death star from nowhere, sudden big battle over Dalmasca with the resistance fleet, Vayne becomes a final boss, etc) is incongruent with the tone of the game before and reeks of a rushed production.

The combat was boring. Other Final Fantasy games have cool combat in how they pose the characters on the screen, the cool attacks, etc. In FF12 the camera isn't framed in an interesting way and the characters just do boring autoattacks. Contrast FF12 with its predecessor FF10 or its successor FF13.

As aforementioned, the main characters you adventure with are very dry. The side characters - Larsa, Al-Cid, Reddas, Dr. Cid, etc - are much more lively and I wished they were my party members instead.

The game has severe pacing issues, namely the trek to Raithwall's tomb, the trek to Mount Bur Omisce, and then the trek to Arcadia. Long stretches where the plot isn't advancing and you're having to put up with the unenjoyable combat.

Soundtrack is overall too noisy and overorchestrated.

>> No.10220681

>what went wrong?
It came out around the end of the PS2 generation. I got a copy of this game and then my 360 a few months later and just never got around to ever playing it again. I got as far as some temple in the desert and fought a bird boss I think. I recall it being harder than any of the other Final Fantasies. I think it was a step in the right direction compared to X.

>> No.10220697

IZJS is great but yeah it has pacing issues and the second half gets dull
>walk through one forest thinking you're going to some big area
>a second harder forest straight after

>> No.10220983

Am I crazy for thinking that 9/10/12 had all this weird unintuitive bullshit that no same person would figure out themselves, because Square (Enix) wanted to push PlayOnline and their strategy guides?

>> No.10221047

Despite everything, it had the best moogle designs which even carried over to the FFTA games.

>> No.10221065

I think I understand what you are saying and I wouldn't be surprised if the designers decided to rely on things that people would have to look up because the internet was becoming much more accessible

>> No.10221162
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almost nothing
>god tier ost (it doesn't have the same bite as what uematsu did until X but it's still excellent)
>incredible graphics for the system that still hold up. playing it now the only thing that makes them feel dated is the pop/up distance of 3d models, but it-s still a technological miracle given the release year
>with the zodiac version they fixed the job systems (some bitch that it's easy to break, I honestly never verified that. the game isn't particularly hard in general but you can do side content early. try fighting cuchulain underleveled and tell me it's easy)
>very atmospheric world, both visually and in exploration, given how much freedom you get quite early on where to go. the chances of meeting rare and high level spawns really adds to the feeling of exploring a new world
at the time there was nothing comparable on consolles, simple as. it got a lot of shit because X dunks hard on it in terms of plot (the gameplay is so different that I don't think they can be compared, it's a matter of taste)
yeah the story is anemic, who gives a fuck. it gives a good enough reason to explore. the only objective fuckery is how cryptic this game is for some side content, you absolutely need a guide

>> No.10221173

This game is an actual abortion if you know the behind the scenes story of what went wrong then you know anyone who defends this game is a complete moron

>> No.10221542

What a slut

>> No.10221728

the best FF is FF8, retard

>> No.10222341

> Star Wars is based off Japanese stuff more than any game like FFXII is based off Star Wars.

Correct, watch any Kurosawa film, they all have the same dissolves. Also, kendo.

> This game didn't sell as much because people want the Nomura look and feel that became the modern identity of Final Fantasy

True, but honestly XII’s world, story and characters just aren’t particularly interesting, which is really tough to swallow on a 40-60 hour game. I think the combat’s great (I also liked XIII’s back in the day), but I’m glad I ayed to Zodiac Age because I think I would’ve terminally dropped the game at some point without the speed-up feature. Thing is, none of these are that problematic in the sense that there‘s always another FF in the future that improves on it, and XIII just doubled down on everything. Less interesting characters, world and story, more compartmentalized stages but an even more engaging take on the automated combat.

>> No.10222419

>What went wrong?
Horrible timing.
>FF namesake in tatters after movie and X-XI faggotry
>next gen systems right around the corner
Plus, it was the peak of the "sepia gameplay" era, and even though this game had no business leaning into that direction they did anyway.

>> No.10222445

>ivalice game
>appealing to mass markets

people never liked that aesthetic, just matsuno

>> No.10223169

I am liking it so far. Magic is pretty useless imo so I am probably going to bench my black mage penelo and red mage balthier

>> No.10223269

Yeah that was definitely when Matsuno dropped off from the project. I also remember when I got around to the Phon Coast, the rest of the game felt off. I think I spent about 10 hours in that tower at the end. I was so surprised at how long it took me to beat that game back then. It's still probably the longest game I've ever played at 78 hours for the vanilla version.

>> No.10223273

The story just isn't compelling.

>> No.10223278

>He either CONSOOMS all HP and items within ten seconds of the battle starting, or is the stingiest fucking faggot you have ever seen and wont use a potion on you unless you literally only have 1hp left.
This was precisely why I was so hyped for FFXII back then. I remember being so excited for KH1 having party members and OOT-like combat and being so letdown by how retarded Goofy and Donald were in character. Being able to set commands to my characters made me openly embrace other changes like running around on the field right away. I saw it as an evolution of the ATB system.

>> No.10223318

it's one of the best games in the series

>> No.10223636

>Balthier and Fran
This. They were my favourites. It's much cooler being an air-pirate.
Also I wish there were better pistols for style points.

>> No.10223935

Nothing. It was a casual game since I could just move with my Left stick and let the shit Ai play for me

>> No.10224605

late 2006 release date.

>> No.10224850

The scene where Vayne asks: Who are you? I actually thought he was asking who these guys are.

>> No.10225697

What made it better than X?

>> No.10226561

Vaan is awful but somehow better than tidus as a main character, the story for x is way worse than 12, seymour is an awful villain, character growth is better with license boards in zodiac versions (though admittedly the same thing as sphere grids in the og ff12), armor is actually armor, many branching paths with the hunts instead of hallway to annoying side quest break to more hallway, less shitty belts and more belts character design. The only thing x does better is the battle system, but once I am going to grind or farm 12 is way better with its gambits

>> No.10226609

I know this just sounds like making excuses for the writing, but Vaan works better when you recognise that he's just a conduit for bringing the rest of the party together. Once you have a full party, he's irrelevant barring one scene towards the end with Ashe.

>> No.10226623

Nothing. It's the best title in the series.

>> No.10226716

The game doesn't devolve into Quick Hit spam for starters.

>> No.10226796

Having 4 or 5 different directors, obviously. The game has no direction.
It focuses on one character and then complete forgets about them over and over again, throughout the whole game.
Cutscenes feel disjointed from gameplay, come out of nowhere, and mean nothing to the player.
Every area is a copy-pasted, bland as hell "dungeon" with no purpose, usually they just have a temporary item you were sent to fetch like an orb or a weapon that means nothing and is never brought up again.
All the characters are shallow and uninteresting, especially the villains.
And on and on like this.
It's easily one the worst directed videogames of all time. Second only to DMC2.

>> No.10226806


>What went wrong?

Nonsensical, barely existent story. Didn't learn who the big bad was until the very end. They spent zero time developing the primary antagonist's character. When I was fighting the last boss, I had a hint it was the finale but wasn't entirely sure.