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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 311 KB, 1024x768, kinogears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10214279 No.10214279 [Reply] [Original]

are there any other games that hold a candle to Xenogears in terms of plot? I spent the past couple weeks completing this epic end to end and, holy shit, the sheer ambition of it.

>> No.10214287

was this the game where all you did was look at shitty paintings? I dropped that shit fast as it was pretty bad

>> No.10214343
File: 264 KB, 474x540, Untermench_says.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10214352
File: 58 KB, 323x308, Chronocrossbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better than some larper furry killing off the old cast for no fucking reason!
What the FUCK was Kato thinking!

>> No.10214354

Out with the old.
In with the ugly.

>> No.10214360

Rumors say that he was the reason why Xenogears Disk 2 was super rushed.
Thankfully Takahashi had him on the leash before he took another fat one with Chrono Break (leading to its cancelation)

>> No.10214363

Ar Tonelico?

>> No.10215726

Xenogears a shit.

>> No.10215760

None of the people praising jrpg plots read books. I am not talking about high brow stuff like the Brothers Kamarazov which is the most famous example of the idea of god needing to be invented. I can pick up any random mediocre pulp fiction sci-fi book in the discount section of my local bookstore and find a book with a better plot.

>> No.10215780

>None of the people praising jrpg plots read books.
But people like xenogears because it is like a sci-fi book. If you read then your enjoyment of it is enhanced immensely. Have you even played it?
>I am not talking about high brow stuff like the Brothers Kamarazov which is the most famous example of the idea of god needing to be invented. I can pick up any random mediocre pulp fiction sci-fi book in the discount section of my local bookstore and find a book with a better plot.
Curious how you haven't named any...

>> No.10215839
File: 407 KB, 1600x2263, Xenogears-Painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xenogears is KING
how could you not like Xenogears?

>> No.10215860

>Have you even played it?
Played is a strong word for a jrpg. I pressed a to win if that is what you mean.
>you haven't named any...
Well yeah, that is kind of the point. I said there is no careful selection necessary and any random book from the discout section you could buy would be better than it. If you name any vaguely famous sci-fi book I have probably read it and can give you an in depth explanation why it is better than Xenogears if you would like.

>> No.10215873

Explain how Robots and Empire is better than Xenogears.

>> No.10215874
File: 39 KB, 378x263, The_Legend_of_Zelda_Ocarina_of_Time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10215881

The characters aren't just 1 dimensional anime tropes that say a cool line once in a while.

>> No.10215883

But nearly all of Asimov's characters are 1 dimensional...

>> No.10215913

Except it's not. CC has a very strong hook that gets moving quickly and keeps you intrigued. Talking to NPCs and visiting optional areas is fun in and of itself.
Whereas Xenogears is endlessly meandering, slow and tedious, and it never delivers. Almost the whole thing is filler, while the real meat of the plot is hidden in the background lore.

>> No.10216193

>Differences Between Japanese and Western Fictional Writing

>Narrative Structure
Linear vs. Non-linear: Western narratives often follow a linear structure, adhering to the Aristotelian model of a beginning, middle, and end. Japanese narratives, on the other hand, may employ a more cyclical or fragmented structure. For example, traditional Japanese literature like "The Tale of Genji" doesn't focus on a central plot but rather explores various episodes in the characters' lives.

Conflict Resolution
Western stories frequently build up to a climax, where a central conflict is resolved. Japanese stories may not always have such a climax, and conflicts may remain unresolved, reflecting the Buddhist concept of the impermanence of life.

>Character Development
Individualism vs. Collectivism: Western characters are often developed through their individual traits, decisions, and conflicts. In contrast, Japanese characters are frequently defined by their relationships within a group, be it family or society, reflecting the collectivist nature of Japanese culture.

>Moral Ambiguity
While Western literature often portrays characters as heroes or villains, Japanese literature tends to embrace moral ambiguity, avoiding clear-cut distinctions between good and evil.

Western writing often uses dialogue as a tool for character development and plot advancement. In Japanese literature, dialogue may be more subtle and indirect, reflecting cultural norms around communication.

>> No.10216452

>In Japanese literature, dialogue may be more subtle and indirect

>> No.10216456


>> No.10216483

You are talking to a shonen fag who doesn't understand the point and thinks because he watches bara men threaten to beat each other up that he understands the weirdness of Japanese grammar.

>> No.10216486

>was this the game where all you did was look at shitty paintings?
no, you're thinking of Super Mario 64

>> No.10216786

Loved how they went straight into ancient ayyliums territory.

>> No.10216802

>In Japanese literature, dialogue may be more subtle and indirect

Jeez dude. This is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever read in here and that’s saying a lot. Japanese see the worst people on the planet for tell don’t show. They spell out EVERYTHING. They have the subtlety of a sledgehammer

>> No.10216805
File: 204 KB, 480x1019, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10216809

I love CC, but Xenogears delivers more than CC in the end I'd say. Much more satisfying conclusion than Terra Tower and ghost kids on the beach.

>> No.10216863


Video games generally aren't the best example, and it's sometimes lost in translation. The Japanese language is famously indirect. It's become somewhat more direct in the last century, but it's still not as direct as English. Not because it can't be, but it's just a cultural thing.

>> No.10217107

Why did they crucify Chu-Chu?

>> No.10217151

Thanks ChatGPT, very cool!

>> No.10217172

>Father, forgive them, for they know not what they chu.

>> No.10217179
File: 97 KB, 200x400, etyi2uk466y71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10217858

Panzer Dragoon Saga has both the better plot and the better soundtrack

>> No.10218334

Xenogears a shit