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10203856 No.10203856 [Reply] [Original]

Who was it that called Lavos to the planet? I read a theory that Crono and Co. indirectly did during prehistoric times. Is that true?

>> No.10203880

H.P. Lovecraft

>> No.10203885

Seems like it was a coincidence. Lavos is equivalent to the real world asteroid that hit Earth 65 million years ago except in Chrono Trigger that asteroid happens to be alive and self-replicating.

>> No.10203909

Likely nothing. Its just a part of its life cycle. Maybe im way off point, but the plot seemed to imply to me atleast that Lavos is immortal in a sense through a series of regeneration. It detects a world with massive energy to feed on (magic) and also with sentient life potential. It impacts the planet, damaging it, uses its influence and the power its absorbing to manipulate the evolution of lifeforms to meet its needs. The Enlightened were building it a cocoon with the ocean palace/black starship. The queen seems like she became a part of Lavos in some way. Lavos would keep feeding off the planet, the queen being a piece of it/possessing its power would have eventually used the ship to blast off into space and over millenia she would grow into a new Lavos, shedding the ship cocoon and repeating the process.

>> No.10205012

Nowhere is even implied that Lavos was called.

>> No.10205069

No, that's retarded. They go back in time to a 65m bc that they were never a part of expressly BECAUSE Lavos crashed on earth. If your theory was the case then 1999ad would be a predetermined event. That's not how time travel works in these games?

>> No.10205113

Been 15years since i last played... it didnt have something to do with Zeal?? What then was the creepy and ill-advised project that Zeal was up to? Were they waking Lavos?

>> No.10205151

Lavos is a race of aliens. It crashes into a planet, shapes the evolution of the species on the planet, absorbs their power then nukes the planet. It creates offspring who are then shot off to other planets to repeat the cycle.
Lavos landed long before Zeal was even a thing. Zeal got magic from Lavos, built a kingdom around feeding off of it's energy. The Ocean palace was made to be close to Lavos to siphon even more energy, but instead if woke it up early, leading it to nuke the kingdom out of orbit.

Your party interferes in this moment and instead Zeal survives and links up with Lavos, creating the Black Omen.

>> No.10205172

>shapes the evolution of the species on the planet
wasn't that a mistranslation or something? It did not shape the evolution of the planet, except in the most indirect manner (its impact in 65M causing an ice age, people learning how to syphon his powers to use it as magic, etc).

>> No.10205496

I thought it had intentionally influenced evolution to create a better food source for itself, so to speak. My memory is a bit fuzzy at this point but I thought characters mentioned that more than once, most notably at the end

>> No.10205523

No, it's not a mistranslation. The realization right before the final fight is an accurate translation

>> No.10205649

I thought the reptite ruler did it to save them from the mammals in 65m bc

>> No.10205664
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Picking up a save file after like a year on virtual console. Seems like I left off when optional sidequests start, but I have no idea where I truly left off or where I left my ship. Any tips on reorienting myself and what to do?

>> No.10205767

Find the ship, because you need it for the sidequests. It sould be on the same landmass as you, unless you walked into ma timegate. The location of the sidequests are:
a villa semewhere near the desert in middle ages (warning there's a one-time QTE after you regain Robo)
the last dome you haven't visited yet in the future (it's on a island)
ozzie's fort, east from magus' fort (it's on an island)
sun keep (it's on an island in all eras, I think the quest starts in Zeal's era)
an island west of where the desert is, with a village and a ruined mansion
an island suuth of Ozzie's fort (there are more events related to this quests in Guardia castle, also the grave near Choras may be part of it)
There are three ways to enter the final battle: throur the bucket in the end of time, through Black Omen (the long way) and via the ship (skips the figh against Lavos head and alters the ending)

>> No.10206869
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The way time travel works in Chrono Trigger is extremely inconsistent.
On the one hand, you actively change history and save the world from being destroyed.
But then on the other, you do things that always happened in a self-fulfilling paradox, like saving Crono by putting something in his place that made it LOOK like Crono was killed.
I guess not every developer can be Atlus and not every game can be Radiant Historia.

>> No.10207351

Are you fucking dumb? They used the one thing the game is named after to change the timeline. A Chrono Trigger. That's how they save him. You couldn't pick a worse example. Just fucking enjoy the game. Not a single time traveling game/movie/book makes sense if you think for more than 5 minutes. So just fucking listen to your old pal Austin Power and try to enjoy your fucking pastime

>> No.10207451

>t. chrono triggered

>> No.10207848

>self fulfilling paradox
No, Chrono died and they all witnessed it. In order to save him WITHOUT CREATING A PARADOX, they had to use the Chrono Trigger to swap him out for the doll.

>> No.10207852
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You are hereby BANNED from playing time travel games for the crime of being a fucking midwit

>> No.10207927

Speaking of translations, which version of the game DIDN'T have Frog speaking in Shakespearean? That shit is extremely distracting

>> No.10208389

the DS/steam versions have the newer translation (without frog's accent)

>> No.10208402
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I think every version except vanilla SNES and PSX

>> No.10208428


>> No.10209571
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>Nowhere is even implied that Lavos was called.

>> No.10209584

Nothing did. Lavos sperm falls on a random planet, sucks its energy for millions of years, then kikishootslls its host planet while it shoots a bunch of fresh lavos sperm that will do the same thing to other planets.

>> No.10209715

That's an observation not a command you inbred.

>> No.10209719

>Who was it that called Lavos to the planet?
lavos smelled the planet

>> No.10209721

>God, i hate this world. I wish it would just explode.

>> No.10209747

Why would she be hoping for a random star in the sky to fall? Is she retarded?

>> No.10209821

Its the equivalent of saying, "fuck you, i hope you all die, fags."

>> No.10211467
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Perhaps an ancient progenitor alien created an sent Lavos as one of its social experiments.

>> No.10211681

I wish the sequel went into what the fuck Lavos actually is instead of the stupid Schala and dragon shit.

>> No.10211689

>After Years
More like After QUEERS. Get out of here, FF4 lover.

>> No.10211792

How the hell do I make Marle's dad stop being mad at her?!

>> No.10211965

>That's an observation
Lavos...fall! Is a command. It would be "Lavos is falling" if it were an observation. Azala has perfect English.

>> No.10211972

Lavos is Lavos. There's nothing to go into.

>> No.10211976

Huh? Yeah, the game's named after some item, so what?
Yes, and that was not necessary for any other change they make. They also witnessed that there are no woods in 1000 AD and then they went back and had trees planted. Suddenly there's a forest there in 1000 AD. No need to "plant a secret forest but make it look like it's the desert so their observation makes sense".

>> No.10211991

Try working on the other sidequests bro, some of them connect.

>> No.10212005

Get wine from Toma in the past and pour it on his grave in the present.

>> No.10212225
File: 58 KB, 323x308, Chronocrossbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only ever played Chrono Trigger. Should I play Chrono Cross? What would I be in for?

>> No.10212519
File: 211 KB, 1200x675, And-Now-For-Something-Completely-Different.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't say the battle system is spectacular, but I like it. I don't LOVE it, sure, but it's not bad. It's unique and competent enough to be worth a look.
Storywise... in my opinion it is so disconnected that it would have been better if its ties were severed completely, besides the innocent references that are basically inconsequential. If you really enjoyed Trigger for its story, there are specific parts where you will utterly despise Cross.

Also, 1 million party members.

>> No.10213068

A story that starts off really interesting then completely falls apart in the 2nd half just like xenogears and ff8

>> No.10213129

Just beat CT

Is it worth it to start a new game+ and get all the ending or should I just watch them on Youtube?

>> No.10213207

Doesn't Lavos dies in the Future and this is why there's the mountain with all of its offspring, as it's supposed to be where Lavos erupted in 1999? At least, that's the impression I got, but I haven't played in a while
Also I'd assume the Lavos would be able to launch themselves into space once they matured, but who knows, having some creature they corrupt (The Queen), in which, the Black Omen is a perversion of the Ocean Palace, IIRC, it says something along the line that it's the Queen's and Lavos's dream (Made with the Dream power?), hence why it's called the Black Dream in Japanese. Thus, ultimately, the thing could be used to launch the offsprings in space?

>> No.10213212

Plus, it's the whole point of the Frozen Flame in CC, isn't it?

>> No.10213221

I personally absolutely love it, but keep this in mind: The connections between it and CT practically won't start to show itself until much, much later, and most of it is around the last 1/4 of the game. The plot is kind of complicated and obtuse and you may have to go read about it afterward. You may not even see a few scenes in your playthrough
Play with this in mind and you'll enjoy it

>> No.10213231

Other than the various variations of the main ending (Epoch wrecked/not, Chrono revived/not), most of the rest of the endings are pretty much just bonuses and even jokes
However the vast amount of them, and the fact that you should be able to get all of them in your new game+ playthrough is worth it if you want to experience the game again. Just check a guide because a few of them are very strict on when you can get them

>> No.10213253

If you explained what Lavos was it would ruin it like the Xenomorph in the bad Alien sequels. Same for Jenova in FF7 which was inspired by The Thing. And The Things origins were never really explained so it was never ruined unlike the Xenomorph.

>> No.10213257

If you go into it not expecting it to br a direct sequel and know its divisive and a lot different and you're not retarded you will be fine

>> No.10213298

It is a direct sequel though. It just takes ages to confirm it.

>> No.10213714

Agreed, part of what makes Lavos fun as an antagonist is that it isn't the typical over-explained God that you've killed a hundred times in JRPGs before

>> No.10213767

I always thought the theory was Lavos created the time gates as a means to alter history because it failed to create a new "host" to launch into space by the time it finished feeding.

>> No.10213863

You can't really be this stupid can you? This has to be bait, right?

>> No.10213867


>> No.10213889

There's no point to that piece of shit game.

>> No.10213932

Just listen to the magnificent OST and try to forget about the game attached to it.

>> No.10214039

Yeah, the forest camp "entity" thing pretty much says it's the earth's doing IIRC

>> No.10214043

Wsn't the forest camp conversation alluding to Schala?

>> No.10214047
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Why did she awaken Lavos to destroy her own Kingdom and people?

>> No.10214068

No, it's the planet. Cross even confirms it with the final chapter title
The planet created gates to show the party everything they need to know about Lavos and how to stop it.

>> No.10215262

That's some FF7 bullshit.

>> No.10215276

It influenced evolution by introducing magic to the prehistoric peoples and by letting Zeal siphon its energy to power their floating kingdom. However, once they got too greedy by building the Mammon Machine to siphon even more energy, Lavos had enough of it and destroyed them.

Still, I recall either Spekkio or someone in Chrono Cross compares Ayla's race to "apes", and the people born after Lavos' fall are "humans". They're all human, but there's a real difference in how Ayla can't use magic at all, because she was born before Lavos fell.

>> No.10215312

I’d say it’s a pretty good litmus test for autism.

>> No.10215859

You didn't notice that FF7, Xenogears, and Chrono Trigger all share similar plot points?

>> No.10215884

Read a theory that Lavos wasn't a singular thing but was just a 'seed' of the same organism. So there are numerous Lavos' destroying other planets at the same time

>> No.10215889

That's not a theory you fucking retard, that's brought up in the actual fucking game. Actually play shit instead of getting your information online.

>> No.10215926

Wait, is this really something people got hung up on? It's very clear that Lavos was already in the sky and the Reptites were, at the time, the more intelligent of the species and so Azala was actually aware of the implications. She was just waxing nihilistic and welcoming the oncoming apocalypse.

>> No.10215940

Cross was a bit more heavy handed with it. Trigger's forest conversation is mostly the characters talking about where the gates came from in the first place and theorizing that some balancing force took the opportunity to offer up an avenue of attack against Lavos. Whether that entity is "the planet" is left up to interpretation. If not for FFVII and Cross going further into the environmentalism angle it could just as easily be interpreted as God or something.

That said, it's really just a set up for Lucca's sidequest. There's a pretty convincing theory that the reason Lucca's gate is red instead of blue is because Lavos created it in the hopes that Lucca would in fact save her mom. If you don't save Lara you find out that the accident is what pushed Lucca toward science to begin with so Lavos may have been banking on her saving Lara, not taking up science, and therefore never inventing the telepod and gate key, removing the party from the equation entirely and handing Lavos the win for free. It turns out to be moot since Lucca takes up science anyway but it would resolve the odd quirks of that particular sidequest. The only issue is that it's unclear if Lavos is intelligent enough to engage in that kind of indirect warfare.

>> No.10215941

Seems pretty obvious considering the Lavos spawns. Also Death Peak may be Lavos's corpse. The species bakes inside a planet, erupts when ready, and then it's remains act as the birthplace of its offspring that then scatter to find other planets.

>> No.10215947

I don't think Zeal was ever in Lavos's plan. That kind of just happened because a bunch of people suddenly became obsessed with the thing once they noticed they could use it as a power source. The Black Omen being a starship is probably just Zeal's plan aligning with Lavos's lifecycle rather than there being any direct coordination. "This planet is fucked so let's find new ones." Lavos itself couldn't give two shits what Zeal does. It threw a massive bitch fit when it was woken up prematurely by the Mammon Machine.

>> No.10216321

I just saw it as the Entity being grateful to the party and therefore doing Lucca a favor by giving her a chance to fix her biggest regret

>> No.10216323

Isn't Death Peak at the same spot Lavos awakens at?

>> No.10216352

Was in confirmed anywhere that Azala was a girl?

>> No.10216493

You mean besides the fact that she has a very female-sounding name?

>> No.10216513

Eh. People these days call Roman names "black-sounding".

>> No.10216695

The circumstances are just odd. The gate is red and the music is creepy. It invites theorizing.

>> No.10216702
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Presumably. The location more or less matches up.

>> No.10216731

Man these maps make little sense

>> No.10217010

Xenogears was originally supposed to be FFVII

>> No.10217030

Lavos doesn’t guide evolution you fools!
Here’s the excerpt you lazy fucks:

Magus Evolution Statement

In the NA version, Magus noted that Lavos had been "controlling evolution for its own purposes." This makes it seem as if Lavos were actively guiding evolution. In fact, the only known instance of this is humanity's contact with the Frozen Flame. In the Japanese version, Magus merely says that Lavos has been "making the evolution of all life...its own," which is similar to the other party members' statements that Lavos is merely harvesting certain traits for his own evolution. It is far removed from the sweeping statement that Lavos controlled absolutely everything.

Magus: ......

So...since the dawn of time, it has
slept underground, controlling
evolution on this world for his own
Magus: .......

It's slept underground and kept on making the
the evolution of all life on this planet its own
since ancient eras......?

>> No.10217038

Yeah, it was also originally gonna be a Chrono Trigger 2, but that obviously was only in planning stages.

>> No.10217046

>Just beat CT
you didn't beat the game.

>> No.10217058

You literally just posted that it guides evolution
Lucca explains it, it selects the most desirable lifeforms, and allows them to advance so it can harvest their dna. It selects what will be the dominant species. Then it awakens, nukes the planet while giving birth, then the young ones born contain all the DNA it gathered. They then go to other planets to repeat the cycle.

We don't know what it plans to do with all this DNA gathered. Especially since hundreds, maybe thousands of Lavos exist thanks to all the spawn it creates.

>> No.10217075

>Chrono Trigger 2
It's somewhat connected there at least. Written by Kato and Lucca makes a cameo

>> No.10217157

Lavos's shell seems to be just the delivery method while the core is the thing that really benefits from the absorption and growth. So each spawn flies off in a more powerful state than it's parent was when it first landed. We don't really know what the core looked like when it first landed in the prehistoric era but presumably it drew on the previous planet it spawned on, maybe that's why there are two inner forms. The giant robot looking thing is the core from the previous cycle and the actual last boss is the new core it grew on Earth.

Though I'm not sure there'd be that many of them throughout the universe. You only run into four Lavos Spawns throughout the game, three on Death Peak and one in the Black Omen. If each Lavos spends 65,000,000 years dormant and then throws four or five offspring into outer space until they eventually hit something that's a woefully inefficient breeding strategy. Space is mostly empty and then you're banking on one of them hitting not just a planet but one that supports life. Most of the spawns would probably float through space for eternity and others would fall into a star or gas giant.

>> No.10217984

The 1999 map probably wasn't fully thought of, you can only see a fraction of it, and for very little time
Last I recall about this was a line in the Japanese version?
Oh, yeah, I don't believe it myself but I found it interesting to try to justify it through known lore. But yes, you bring a good point about the Mammon Machine incident

>> No.10219401

There's nothing really wrong with the 1999 map. Lavos pops out around where Melchior's hut is in 1000AD. There's significant continental changes between the two but that's par for the course in this game where major geological changes seem to happen over the course of mere centuries. And obviously 2300AD doesn't count because there's been a global apocalypse.