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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10195597 No.10195597 [Reply] [Original]

Genesis and Dreamcast:
>A bunch of great classic Sega franchises new and old

>just bad weebshit anime games

What exactly happened here?

>> No.10195603

Sega's luck took a shi-turn for the better.

>> No.10195609

nothing you are just too old to enjoy anime games ,and i meant now and then.
>ps2 triumph due to piracy and anime games
>murrican sega fag blames anime games for dreamcast failing.

>> No.10195615
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Saturn has plenty of SEGA games, they've just been eclipsed by the JP exclusives for whatever reason. I also prefer Genesis (especially SEGA CD) and Dreamcast though

>> No.10195627

>for whatever reason
Might have something to do with 785 out of a total of 1031 (75% of them all) being JP exclusive.

>> No.10195651

Right, but most of the first-party SEGA games (literally the reason to play Saturn) were released worldwide.

>> No.10195653

No 3D Sonic game by Christmas '96. Third parties abandoned the Saturn not too long after.

>> No.10195659

Dreamcast definitely got the better half of fifth gen for sure with games like Tony Hawk, Rayman 2, Spider-Man, Hydro Thunder, etc. etc.

>> No.10195664

yeah but what percent of that 785 is even remotely good

>> No.10195673

Only one of the JP exclusives is good. And none of the international releases are good.

>> No.10195674
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>> No.10195684

I'm starting to think Saturn haters are just bitter Sonicfags.

>> No.10195719

There are good ones including some untranslated to this day Kino, but your implication is correct in that a lot of it is shit like dating sims and mahjong, more trash than not

>> No.10195727


>> No.10195735

>Complains about weebshit
>Tekken image
>Of an asian character no less
Get some self awareness.

>> No.10196728
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>What exactly happened here?
You are an uncultured swine that's what happened.

>> No.10196747

>Didn't mention the master system

>> No.10196763

Saturn fans and SEGA fans are different people. Saturn fans play it for the obscure Japanese games, SEGA fans play it for the first-party exclusives.

No Sonic game is only the beginning of Saturn's problems. The other SEGA consoles did all of the same things but better. It's not a bad console but people make it out to be way better than it is.

>> No.10196764

Anon is right: PSX and even N64 had hidden gems from East and West, but Saturn library had a lot of mid games.

>> No.10196971
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Well, first off, the Saturn has some good games on it, it's not nothing but bad weebshit anime games, but your overall point is accurate.

Sega basically made an enormous mistake. The Genesis/Mega Drive did very well in NA, EU, and BR, but was a distant third in the domestic Japanese market, behind the SNES and the PC Engine. Since HudsonSoft essentially existed the hardware market at the start of the 5th generation of consoles, Sega thought they should try to capture Hudson Soft's share of the Japanese market, so they pumped out a bunch of Japanese-focused titles for the Saturn. This was bad for 2 reasons:

1. They totally neglected their NA, EU, and BR markets, which was there home base. Even today, over half of the games I really like for the Saturn I have to play with unofficial english patches. This allowed Sony to dominate those markets with their nascent PS1.

2. Their strategy technically worked, the Saturn did have a bigger share of the Japanese market than the Genesis did. But They didn't anticipate Sony's bombastic entry into the market, and they ended up still being a distant third in the Japanese market as well.

There is lots you can do to save Sega. Everyone knows the 32X was a mistake, The Saturn launch was terribly handled, and the Saturn's hardware is extremely weird and bad. But one more thing Sega needed to do, and didn't, was play to it's strengths: Focus on the markets where the Genesis did really well!

>> No.10196983

Name 5 USA IPs from the mega drive era that Sega kept making games of.

>> No.10196985

Bulk Slash isn't good

>> No.10197008

This seems like a very weird cope.
The top 10 most sold games on the genesis were all sport games + the first two Sonics and , weirdly enough, Aladin.
I wouldn't say that the lack of big names affected the console as much as people say, since the Saturn had a bunch of games that filled the same niches as their genesis predecessors, Sega was considered the "big boy's vidya company" and Sony just did that better once the PS1 came out.
If we're talking about how the Saturn didn't make many noticeable/noteworthy/popular IPs for Sega then i will have to agree with you there.

>> No.10197009


>> No.10197013

I Love weeb games, but it seems as if most of them have no translation patches available.

>> No.10197024
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You WILL play, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Neon Genesis Evangelion: 2nd Impression, Neon Genesis Evangelion: Girlfriend of Steel, Neon Genesis Evangelion: Digital Card Library and Neon Genesis Evangelion: Eva and Good Friends

>> No.10197059

I enjoyed it but it's not in my top ten or anything

Yeah, I feel it has good games but the Genesis (+ add-ons) and the Dreamcast are just way more memorable and unique. Not just for Sonic but all of the other games on them. Especially platformers and shmups. The irony is Saturn somehow becoming the "shmup console" while Genesis has the Toaplan shooters, Thunder Force games, Gley Lancer, and Lords of Thunder, while Dreamcast has games like Ikaruga, Radirgy, Chaos Field, and Border Down

>> No.10197073

But Aussie mad Rishart wasnt on Saturn
It's a inferior version of Mischief Makers anyways

>> No.10197080

It's weird comparing the two, reminds me of the anon that was comparing it to Keio 2 in a previous thread lol

>> No.10197083

On an anime website no less.

>> No.10197091

How I picture console warriors to be:

- only had 1 or 2 consoles as a kid, most popular stuff only
- 2 games per year maximum
- was only "allowed" to play 2h a week
- never even touched a computer before the age of 18
- never got good
- doesn't know shit about video games

Worse than zoomers. At least they genuinely try to play other stuff than what their mom allowed them when they were 14.

>> No.10197098

You're not funny

>> No.10197101

All the games that weren't brought to the west were all:
>Light novels
>Detective games
>Too weird and/or japanse to adapt to the west
>Games from 1998-1999
The Saturn is like a souped up Snes, it gives me the feeling that this is what the original Play station (SnesCD) would've been like.
Take a look, you might find something you enjoy.

>> No.10197662

Most of the best ones were ported to PC or other systems

>> No.10197689

I'm not talking about bulk slash.

>> No.10197698

The Saturn along with the PCE/CD are consoles that really make me hope AI can help translation in some capacity, because there’s so many games on here I don’t think would get translated without some help, and I don’t even blame the translators for not wanting to work on them the old fashioned way. These are games that I would never spend money on but would enjoy playing as a curiosity.

>> No.10198067
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y'all niggers are posting in australia thread.

>> No.10198075

OK bitter /tv/ troll piece of shit.
>he thinks that the Genesis, Master System and Dreamcast had no anime games of anime kind.
OK buddy retard

>> No.10198145

Look. The only way the Saturn could've been a success is if it was called the PlayStation, was as powerful as the PlayStation, and was made by Sony...
Don't you get it? Sega didn't die. They were MURDERED.

>> No.10198174

Depends on what you call a success.

>> No.10198191

Auster doesn't exist. He's an imaginary boogeyman created by tendies

>> No.10200330

More than you'd think, but obviously not all of them.

>> No.10200331

Genesis and Dreamcast were mentioned because Saturn came out between them. The Master System is great but it doesn't have anything to do with the thread.

>> No.10200521

Wow that sounds like shit

>> No.10200578

You don't like detective and 2D games?

>> No.10200586

>dedicated 2D machine because those were the kind of games they were having success with in the arcades

>dedicated 3D machine because those were the kind of games they were having success with in the arcades

>fence-sat on 2D/3D half-assing both, despite their arcade divisions having success with 3D and all their competition moving towards 3D

>> No.10200590

Saturn's 3D was even that bad desu, some multiplats are hard to tell apart unless you have them side by side.

>> No.10200595

What happened is your ignorance.

>> No.10200635

>and 2D games?
for the time period no

>> No.10200660

5th gen 2D games were really good though.

>> No.10200667

Well, we aren't in the 90s anymore.

>> No.10200668

>The Saturn is like a souped up Snes

it's pretty trash for platformers though, which was the best genre on the snes

and it's only "ok" at RPGs

>> No.10200809

Is it?

>> No.10200876

Were they a distant third? I was under the impression they did better than the N64 in Japan.
Ztranslate was a thing even before this whole AI craze got started. Don't expect quality though, but that's AI translation in general.
That said, check if a game released on the system has a port on another system that got translated. I know the J.B. Harold series is nearly all translated on some platform or another at this point, but obviously that's the big important detective series.
Ideally, you would learn Japanese, but I know how much some people struggle with that. I've actually played a few games and I still struggle with the language, but somehow I'm still better than an AI...

>> No.10200914
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It always boggles my mind when people start calling the Saturn a "2D powerhouse". Come on dude, Genesis already exists and does it way better

>> No.10200920

Arguably the weakest platformer selection of any console. Sad considering how good the Genesis was for them, not even counting the Sonic games

>> No.10201076

People obviously mean powerwise.

>> No.10201151

so... what are the best weeb games for saturn? asking for a friend. I'm not a weeb or anything haha seriously tho... what games would I need for the weeb experience? my jp is basic so I prefer english-translated but I'll keep non-translated in my mind

>> No.10201170

That means nothing without actual games to back it up.

Advanced V.G, Pukunpa, Hanagumi Taisen Columns, Hyper Duel, Wolf Fang, Konami shmups

>> No.10201178

You really gonna sit here and tell me the Saturn 2D games don't look good?