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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 190 KB, 526x520, DQ8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10120283 No.10120283 [Reply] [Original]

>smack them
>titties shake
I miss the days when having fun wasn't so sterilized so a small handful of professional complainers don't have to get offended. So what other retro games have these kinds of treats?

>> No.10120297
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>> No.10120309
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Gamecube version of Sonic Adventure 2 adds jiggle physics for Rouge.

>> No.10120337

Jiggle bones were used throughout the game (like her ears for example.) I wonder if they added a busty character just to show off the technology.
That might explain a lot of female characters during the 6th gen.

>> No.10120384

>I wonder if they added a busty character just to show off the technology.

No one remembers but SA2 was originally released for Dreamcast.
More like they saw an opportunity to show off that technology when worked on GC port. Sonic quills or Knuckles dreadlocks could illustrate it perfectly but nothing draws attention better than boobies.

>> No.10120471

It wasn't in the DC version? I thought they were more or less identical, at least compared to SA:DX.

>> No.10120669

>no gif

>> No.10120683

>Jessica no-sells their Puff-Puff attack because "she wins the battle of the bulges" and demoralizes them into missing their next turn

>> No.10120729
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Trials of mana (seiken densetsu 3 remake), has a lot of that fan servy stuff. Playing with all three girls currently.

>> No.10120738

Based and coomerpilled

>> No.10120929

The most annoying change for me is the Artificial Chaos on The Ark loss transparency in the Battle port.

>> No.10121282

>titties shake

Ban this dumb motherfucker.

>> No.10121302

They took this from you.
Honestly though Valentina looks so fucking weird that I can't take this as being anything more than silly. Her overworld spriteset looks better.

>> No.10121316
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She's just a Betty Boop parody

>> No.10121436
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I have nothing constructive to add, I just fucking love tits lads.

>> No.10121518 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10121521

Me also anon. BIg plump butts and fat titties make me happy. Especially in video games.

>> No.10121525

>I thought they were more or less identical,
Nah, the GC version loses a lot of graphical effects, but it also adds a lot too, so it kind of balances out
Overall it comes down to preference, unlike with DX where it's just a disaster

>> No.10121534

You can blame the CERO for this one

>> No.10121697

Betty is passable, not my favorite. Valentina needed a narrower head relative to the height. It just looks like a hotdog.

>> No.10122030

CERO and its consequences have been a disaster for the Japanese race

>> No.10122057
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Push to start!

>> No.10122082

I approve. Little animal balls makes things funny.

>> No.10122096

>I miss the days when having fun wasn't so sterilized so a small handful of professional complainers don't have to get offended.
that includes you too bitch

>> No.10122106

That just looks ridiculous.

>> No.10122658

I could swear this was in DC version too.
Well, here's something I know for a fact was fixed on GC.
In the original, in the Chao Garden, when you pick up and put things down as Rouge, pay close attention to where her tail is positioned.
You will shit bricks.

>> No.10122660
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>No one remembers but SA2 was originally released for Dreamcast.

>> No.10122738

>That might explain a lot of female characters during the 6th gen.
No, interviews for most made it clear they just decided to make girl's boobs bigger for the hell of it.

>> No.10123665

I wouldn't read too much into CERO's ratings, they're very inconsistent.
You have games like Smash Bros. where you have girls strutting around in skintight bodysuits and those still get CERO A.
You also have examples like Saru Getchu 3 which is one of THE all-time lolicon classics for how much you can perv out on Sayaka in that game and it still got CERO A.
You even have extreme cases like Subarashiki kono Sekai that are violent, dark, and lewd, but still somehow get CERO A.
Then you have the reverse scenario where Goldeneye (which got a T from the ESRB) gets a CERO Z (which is their AO rating and is the same thing that games like Rance get). They also rated all the Negima PS2 games 18+ despite the fact that the manga they're based on is published in a children's magazine. (They actually went back and changed this one later.)
Ryuu ga Gotoku has failed to pull a similar rating despite having a dozen games all chock full of sex, violence, booze, drugs, loose women, blood, torture, crime, murder, etc. I just finished Kenzan where the plot is centered around child sex slaves and that still wasn't enough to push it past CERO D.

Honestly, CERO either has no idea what they're doing, or their ratings are completely bought and sold.
Still much better than ESRB though.

>> No.10123670

>still better than esrb
Esrb is at least pretty consistent tho

>> No.10123673

kek, i didnt notice them. guess my eyes were too busy with the bunny loli.

>> No.10123714

>No one remembers but SA2 was originally released for Dreamcast
Everybody remembers it was for DC first.

>> No.10123897
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I feel like some of you /vr/posters come from a weird parallel reality. You can go on the Nintendo eshop right now and download multiple hentai themed games.

>> No.10124087

mesmerized by these tiddies

>> No.10124243
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>> No.10124256

If you're too autist to cry about what what isn't still being created now instead of what existed back then you clearly don't care and just want to seethe your world is dead and outdated.

If you really cared about what you had, you stick with it and enjoy it, No one cares about you wanted "more", since that's typically an autistic behavior statically.

>> No.10124259

I know that feel, bro

>> No.10124260


>> No.10124275

I guess it's just the fact that this stuff has mostly been removed from the "mainstream" stuff that has gotten people bothered.

>> No.10124293
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I don't know about /v/ because I never go there. But here we have people whining constantly that games these days aren't lewd enough for them which I find endlessly comical.

What has been removed from mainstream stuff? I can still run around in Saint's Row completely naked and making people explode in gouts of blood when I gack them to bits with a sword. I can't think if anything that mainstream in the /vr/ era along those lines.

>> No.10124340

>What has been removed from mainstream stuff?
Exactly, this is beyond retarded. Coomers think they are the norm when it never was, gamers were literally picked on and bullied in the 90s liking this shit was never normal to normies in the 90s. It only got louder because of the 2000s kids growing up, but the boomers and Gen xers never died out yet and are still the ones controlling the "anti coom". If anything, there's still a half split of millennials being anti coomer too so there's still a lot of people tired of porn being placed in fucking everything, when they rather it be isolated where it belongs instead of accessible for kids. (And yes, I know about le wokeness with trans with how explicit that shit's been getting too, but that's a symptom of porn being so forced in the first place since the late 2000s and not a symptom separate from that. The same people that are lewd in nature will stay lewd in nature regardless of sexual angle.) Point is there's always been a place where these things were meant to be seen and most of the time shit wasn't regulated because gamers were in the millions of nerdy failures in life instead of the billions of casual normies today.

People seem to completely forget (or mostly the british must have forgot) just how awkward they tried so hard to pander to "lads" with porn in PS magazines back in the 2000s because they were that embarrassed to think that gaming was just for pathetic nerds and tried really hard to make it seem gaming was for horny adult men too so here's content not even in the video games they were "advertising" just to make it seem like gaming was for adults and anyone else in between. It was a historical shitshow.

Games like OP were just moments in a game that can easily be overlooked or forgotten because it's some mook in a RPG of many. So it's passable and ignorable. It's not something that has left, because that was always the minority stuff and you always had to look for it to find it.

>> No.10124378

>gamers were literally picked on and bullied in the 90s
I don't know why you zoomers believe this but you should know that it's a dead giveaway that you weren't there when you repeat this dumb shit
every household I ever entered in the 90s had one console if not more, NES/SNES/Genesis in the early decade and PSX/N64 in the latter half
all ages played, video games were entirely normie material in the 90s

>> No.10124379

>Nintendo eshop
>hentai themed games
That's slopware
>that games these days aren't lewd enough
>I can still run around in Saint's Row
Saint's Row IV turns 10 later this month.

>> No.10124394

>be young adult
>chick coworker asks you what you're doing after work
>tell her you're just gonna chill with some video games

picture this scenario in 1993 vs 2023

>> No.10124404

Lol, I was born in 94, so didn't experience much of the 90's, but in rural/suburban America, playing vidya was still considered nerdy up until gen 6.
I remember asking my friend if he played runescape when I was maybe 8 or 9, and he told me not to ask that too loudly because I'd get picked on lol.

>> No.10124407

Guys can you post more retro tetas

>> No.10124413

Nice t

>> No.10124414

>Be Poketard
>Get picked on for playing a Gameboy out in public
>Be Yugitard post 2002
>Get picked on for still playing with cards instead of sports and fucking girls
>Be a fag, like me, drawing lewd drawings of vidya girls in school
>Get picked on for drawing porn in skill and called a weirdo for it
>Zoomers today think public coom was always normal and never called out before Twitter (now X) became normalized in the early 2010s

Fuck off. You'll never know how the US thought pre 9/11 about the world, and even worse so before Facebook became a thing.

>> No.10124428

Let's be real, you were a loser for being a coomer back then, and you still are if you think it's publicly acceptable today

>> No.10124438


>> No.10124450

okay american

>> No.10124453

You will never be Japanese, Pablo

>> No.10124456

>everyone is a heckin based and free coomer here unlike you puritans
I've done quite a bit of traveling, and I can say in good conscience that, unless you're brazilian or thai, this isn't true anywhere of worth.

>> No.10124470
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There's this weird cuckoldry aspect when it comes to media with sexuality especially vidya. Everything has to desexualized unless its explicitly pornographic in nature.

>> No.10124584

>unlike with DX where it's just a disaster
I tied pretended it was.

>> No.10124591

/v/ basically valve circle jerk

>> No.10124656
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If you were handsome/ripped you were seen as cool and mysterious. If you looked like pic related, you were seen as a creep. Naturally, knowing this is the retro games board on 4chan, most people here are probably in the same league as this guy hence why they tend to associate video games with their loserdom.

>> No.10124662
File: 1.08 MB, 2056x761, erel1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I miss the days when having fun wasn't so sterilized so a small handful of professional complainers don't have to get offended

And thats why i only play old videogames: in them was mandatory to have at least 1 beatiful and femenine female character with big breasts and big butt wearing thong leotards. Those were the times when videogames were actually about fun.

>> No.10124716

>retarded zoomer too clueless to realize that arcades were already huge an entire decade prior
whatever happens in the middle of bumfuck nowhere has never mattered, ever
nice larp. unlike you I was both alive and aware of the world around me on 9/11
video games have been complete normie shit since the 90s. for fuck's sake, stop pretending you were there. it's painfully obvious you weren't to anybody who was

>> No.10124732

>hurr arcades
Completely different from home consoles. You're trying really hard to prove something to anonymous imageboard that we're all going to forget about tomorrow. Nobody gives a shit bro.

>> No.10124737


Sad fact is, for sure that breast bounce animation of hers will be deleted in the new mario rpg remake(if someday they finish it).

>> No.10124750

yeah, like they'll make cute characters that they know people will sexualize in art but won't put anything sexy in the game

>> No.10124752

Does that really bother you, honestly? A three frame titty jiggle that's barely noticable unless you zoom in? That thing isn't even sexy. There's stuff I can understand people being upset about like modern Mortal Kombat dressing the female characters in burqas but you're taking the piss here

>> No.10124754

>Does that really bother you, honestly?
yes, it does. suck my cock.

>> No.10124759

it's not as different as you think

>> No.10124761
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Even villains in old videogames used to be more sexy than the female modern ones.

>> No.10124794
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NTA but it's a complete nonissue, and it's the principle behind removing it that bothers me.
The only people who complain about something so innocuous are people who are just looking for something to complain about, and these kinds of people shouldn't be given the time of day, because they're just going to infinitely find things to complain about.

>> No.10124826

There's already footage of her fight in the remake, and yeah, it's gone. I don't really care that, if you wanna coom you can find plenty of that on Steam, or even the Nintendo eShop. There's been a strange polarization of sexuality now, I'd say.

>> No.10124862


and to think she was wearing those clothes in a deathmatch in a big arena in front of thousand of people, so literally everyone could see her butt.

>> No.10124964

Being consistently bad isn't better than being inconsistent.

>> No.10125003
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I wouldn't say removed so much as cordoned off. There are still erotic games (Rance et al.) and lewd games (Senran Kagura, Gal Gun, Oneechanbara, Disgaea, many others) but games that don't fall into these categories are being scrubbed clean.
In 2006 we got a female Pokemon protagonist in a leotard and now we can't even get one in a skirt. Lara Croft's jiggle is gone along with the rest of her boobs. An outfit that was fine for Fire Emblem 14 in 2015 is censored in Smash Bros. 4 in 2016.
The problem isn't with any of these specific examples. They might be disappointing as individual changes, but what's concerning is the larger trend they represent.
I like eroge and I like games that are lewd, but I also like games made for everyone that happen to have cute, sexy girls in them.
In the 90's you could make a game that wasn't about sex and didn't focus on sex but still had amazing babes being amazing, and everyone was okay with this. Nowadays games like that are being censored constantly. Skullgirls was dragged out to the altar just this past month.
I don't like this trend and I don't pay money for games that I think are a part of this trend, so more and more I end up here, talking and playing retro games. I love me some old games but I want to be more excited about the new stuff than I am.

>> No.10125097
File: 377 KB, 488x488, posible.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the 90's you could make a game that wasn't about sex and didn't focus on sex but still had amazing babes being amazing, and everyone was okay with this. Nowadays games like that are being censored constantly. Skullgirls was dragged out to the altar just this past month.
>I don't like this trend and I don't pay money for games that I think are a part of this trend, so more and more I end up here, talking and playing retro games.

And thats why this meme is very popular.
In the right you can see what game companies used to give us the gamers in the 90s and the early 2000s.
And in the left you can see what they want now to force on us.

>> No.10125105

The fact that a three frame jiggle is present in the animation means the artists paid attention to that detail and they not only wanted, but expected you to notice it at some point. This alone warrants its existence and removing it is another inch of the mile they want to take.

>> No.10125125

>grr I'm just right stop refuting me grr u tryhard
I accept your concession

>> No.10125130

Though I wonder how much of it was a conscience decision or CERO meddling.

>> No.10125147

>This alone warrants its existence and removing it is another inch of the mile they want to take.
For fuck sake, anon, Nintendo isn't Dead or Alive levels of sex appeal and considering it's MARIO of all IPs we're talking about, I can understand why they did it. Be thankful they didn't SHRINK her tits instead.
There's a wealth of other 'tendo IPs with plenty TnA. If you want tit jiggle then go play DoA or Korean vidya.

>> No.10125182
File: 72 KB, 1280x720, 1501035729892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's something very passive aggressive about the need to want things "the way they were intended" and "what the artist wanted" when we are living in a world where AIslop is suppose to replace real artists or "woke" people and pander to those that want sexy women back, but fail to realize video games only "pandered" to you because gaming only existed for one market at first, and that market of devs that made up that are basically dead by now, if not ancient and aren't making games anymore. It's one thing, e.g, to call out a remake removing something the OG game had, that I get, but when new people with new ideals come in just to do a job the companies force onto them (like, I'm sure at least 90% of the games being shat out is not what the devs want to do, but is told they have to do to pander to the exec's algorithmic mindset of what "the people" want) of course you're going to see less of what horny virgin devs off a leash can sneek in verses a generation of newcomers that actively rather tell something more than just porn.

The truth is simple; video games being "slutty" was never going to stay the norm. It's just factual new people being born will be anti coomer just like your generation being pro coomer and anti puritan. Life is a pendulum, it was never going to continue to pander to you in your lifetime. The only answer to this is to make your own damn game in unity and keep it to yourself or a discord of other coombrains. Unless you're welling to bitch about this for about 50 years at the age of 80 until the pendulum swings back in your favor.

>> No.10125185

blame mainstream

>> No.10125202

>That thing isn't even sexy
Not to us, but the titty jiggle adds to the character. It's not about turning us on, it's about having a nice touch to the animation. Valentina is vain and thinks she's super sexy. Giving her spherical boobies that bounce when hit is appropriate and funny.

The idea that such a minor detail (that was in a kids game in the 90s and had nobody complaining about it), is considered something unacceptable that needs to be removed nowadays is absurd. It's not the same as Dead or Alive boobs bouncing, the intent isn't to turn players on so much as it is to help paint Valentina as a certain type of woman. Along with other details like her cocktail glass.

>> No.10125213

Can't you just, you know, not change it? Less work for them, less complaints from us.

>> No.10125220

>>The idea that such a minor detail (that was in a kids game in the 90s and had nobody complaining about it),
It's not about what people didn't do back then, it's about what they will do now in 2023. They aren't removing something from the OG game and you shouldn't be seething as if they did, it's a remake for those that don't want that in because it's called "options".

Plus, you have zero proof no one did complain back then, but you also don't have a point because kids likely A: never noticed it to have an opinion about it and B: they are kids, they have zero power to change shit if they didn't or did like it. Times are different now, kids aren't playing games like Mario RPG ffs, they are playing fortnite or minecraft. Adults aka manchildren are playing Mario RPG and most nintendofags will be first to shit on anyone that dare question Nintendo's actions to their games, remake or not.

>> No.10125223

>Can't you just, you know, not change it?
No oen care what you think. Nintendo owns their game, they can do whatever they want.

You act like "wokes" are holding Nintendo by gunpoint instead of realizing the devs that made the original are dead and replaced by people that think differently then they did. Take it up with nuNintendo being different from oldNintendo.

>> No.10125229

>you shouldn't be seething as if they did, it's a remake for those that don't want that in because it's called "options".
I'm not "seething" about it. I'll probably get the remake and enjoy it. I'm just pointing out how silly it is to treat a cartoony woman's boobs bouncing as if it's offensive or telling people to jerk off to Dead or Alive instead. If anything, I'm seething that people have become so media illiterate that they can't see the difference.
>Plus, you have zero proof no one did complain back then
No, I don't know what everybody in the world said back then. Maybe some mom walked in and complained somewhere. But on the flip side, do you have a single bit of evidence that it caused complaints? There's no record of complaints, and similar "sexy lady" characters appeared regularly in children's cartoons without any widespread complaints.
>Times are different now
The times aren't as different as you'd think. I'd wager people in general still aren't actually offended by something like cartoony boobs jiggling. Times are mainly different now because games are a bigger industry and the corporations making them are sanitizing them more. To the point where Square Enix has its own ethics department for handling these things.

>> No.10125237

god those raw pixels hurt my eyes

>> No.10125238

>No oen care what you think
I see whiteknighting for a corporation and double-digit IQ cacography go hand-in-hand.
No shit they don't care, you think pointing out the obvious makes you some sort of envoy who's gonna stop people from being against it or something?

>> No.10125240

i know what you're saying, but it'd take more work to add a jiggle to a model/animation made from scratch

>> No.10125253

I should point out that in this case, I think it's more laziness on Nintendo's part rather than any ethical or image concern. Not to say they're not putting in effort with the remake, but I think it wouldn't be surprising for them to leave out a small detail like that making a new model for the character.

>> No.10125259
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I think the age of these horrid gamer gate grifters is coming to an end soon. The DEI money is drying up from the west's failing economy and threats of war. Feminist Frequency the central figure of Gamer Gate is now done for good. What horrid grifters. They destroyed an entire generation or more of games. So many stories, developers, artists, characters gone because of them. It's criminal.

>> No.10125263

Yeah I don't get what point he's trying to make here. Yes, Nintendo can do whatever it wants. And we can have whatever opinions we want about it.

>> No.10125271

you guys know indie games still add coom when they wanna, right? triple A slop sanitizing their shit is just the way she goes. go hunt for more niche games.

>> No.10125276 [DELETED] 

>the fall of the west is just the way she goes
No. I do not accept.

>> No.10125280
File: 782 KB, 720x540, PzuibroRVyvRF05AEiRHaVXpJNbROEIHmt_nqVFJV5U.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>barely noticable
It's very noticeable. There's another animation where it's even more noticeable. I was shocked the first time I saw it.

>> No.10125282 [DELETED] 
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>What has been removed from mainstream stuff?

>> No.10125284
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Why do you have to lie?

>> No.10125285

Well put.

>> No.10125286 [DELETED] 

you're free to wail and gnash your teeth, it's just as meaningless as dropping a vote in a ballot
the west has fallen

>> No.10125291 [DELETED] 
File: 109 KB, 853x1000, 1690349246487095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's something very passive aggressive about the need to want things

>> No.10125301 [DELETED] 

>you're free to wail and gnash your teeth
You have no idea what you're saying. Do you have any idea how close things are to sparking and becoming hot? These cold conflicts aren't going to last much longer. You have no idea how angry people are. Once things start. There's no stopping it.
No. I do not accept.

>> No.10125305

>And we can have whatever opinions we want about it.
You seeking of validation is pathetic
No one cares if you have this opinion, no one is TAKING that away from you, it's just saying it means nothing and you can't and will never have the power to stop it. You're pissing in the wind, but you want that wind to side with you and validate your piss.

>> No.10125307

Struck a nerve?

>> No.10125314

>You seeking of validation is pathetic
Not seeking validation, just talking about games on a board for talking about games.
>No one cares if you have this opinion
Says you. If they don't care, they don't have to reply. But people are talking about this topic throughout the thread, so clearly people care about the topic to some extent.
>it's just saying it means nothing and you can't and will never have the power to stop it. You're pissing in the wind, but you want that wind to side with you and validate your piss.
Let me piss in the wind then, I don't expect anything to come from it today besides talking about it. The real question here is why are you so angry about people talking about this topic? Like dude, just read another thread if it bothers you.

>> No.10125319

what game?

>> No.10125324 [DELETED] 
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Nope, too many people are just saying no to your negative Nancy attitude.
>"Society is going to collapse, it doesn't matter"
Not with that attitude, Debbie downer. We can definitely turn this around, it's called game theory. We work together, everybody compromises, everybody sacrifices. Of course if you're a Marxist, then you don't want America to win, you want it to fall. Then it will be invaded by the Mexican drug cartels, china, Russia, North Korea, etc... You won't even have a chance to rebuild. You don't know what you're doing. You're like team rocket in Pokemon, so stupid but so effective, nobody quite knows who's funding you, but everyone suspects it's this super rich and powerful guy who pulls strings in the shadows.

>> No.10125326

I can also say who cares? and it's a kids game.

This ain't Skullgirls where the censorship change the image of the game. It's a two second animation.

>> No.10125335

This Sonic hu type person thinks it's funny to have people censored.
I can't think of a more pathetic example of a rat from the sewers of TMNT for NES than someone who wants people censored.
That's you.

>> No.10125340

I think I get Goldeneye, the whole setting is fairly realistic and the violence is regular human-on-human and done with guns. Does Perfect Dark have a CERO rating in Japan? If so, I would bet is lower given the sci-fi setting.

Yakuza I don't get, but my best guess would be that all the murder and sex and what not is used to drive the story and is not directly performed by the player character, where as in Goldeneye murdering other humans is pretty much a basic part of the game.

I'm really stretching here though.

>> No.10125341

>Says you. If they don't care, they don't have to reply.
This isn't discord, sweetheart. This isn't your circlejerk. For something "Not seeking validation" you sure are seeking validation for your pro coomism.

>> No.10125363

You're disgusting.

>> No.10125615

>want more of things i enjoy
>autistic behaviour
Wow pretty much all of humanity is autistic.

>> No.10125632

i recognize that ass anywhere. Valcross, the bald bitch boss in the Croatian arena from Shadow of Rome.

>> No.10125735

the people who are offended by the slightest show of these things care enough to censor such a small thing

>> No.10126128
File: 1.48 MB, 291x216, 1678234344733405.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To juxtapose this anon, I don't play lewd games at all, but I see jiggle physics as endearing, and not actually very lewd at all. It's basic anatomy, it happens irl, to remove it is to call attention to a problem that doesn't exist and dehumanize people, most often women ironically.

>> No.10126143

>it happens irl
Yeah... They don't bounce like that when a woman sits down.

>> No.10126150
File: 2.28 MB, 304x429, 1610332523471.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah if she's a booblet maybe lol

>> No.10126154

w-whew lad

>> No.10126156

This woman isn't in the act of sitting down, she's already sitting down and shaking her body. God bless her, though.

>> No.10126159

real ones do

>> No.10126160

and the girl in anon's gif wasn't sitting normally but was twirling and then sat down quickly with a lot of energy

>> No.10126227

is this doa1?

>> No.10126245

What are some new-to-recent indie games that have some boobs and butts in them

>> No.10126279

Can't believe even /vr/ is compromised with puritanical moralfags. This board really is doomed. Anita among many others have been a disaster to vidya as a whole.

>> No.10126326

You raise a good point. Still, I feel Nintendo wants to keep an image of Mario as pure as possible, so they didn't bother adding in jiggle physics with this remake, but again, I wonder if that was a conscience decision or CERO stepped in because, similar to what an anon said about IRL tits, Sakurai had the same view on panties when dealing with CERO: It's just clothing.

>it's a remake for those that don't want that in because it's called "options".
The only thing I agree with is the OG vs Remake part, but other than that, what a disingenuous argument.

>> No.10126337

>Robbie Rotten poster
If you take anything this anon said seriously, the irony's lost on you.

>> No.10126718

Shantae recently got shown off at a Nintendo direct
If you look at the deleted posts in the archive you can see this heavily intersects with fearmongering about the fall of the west, which is very strange considering how America's peak coincided with heavy censorship. As you point out, the intense sexuality of video games was always a temporary thing as >>10124340 points out. I don't agree that gamers were always bullied but it is true that there was an big attempt in the 90s for video games to bill themselves as being for "the lads"

>> No.10126748

I never liked borderline smut in any media, but the left is opposed to beauty, not skimpy outfits and "intense sexuality". Video games nowadays have more perverted shit than ever.

>> No.10126774

I'm mainly pointing thus out for any observers but I do find it funny how people itt can't agree if games are getting more sexualized or not, or if it's just the left hating beauty or whatever. We can't diagnosis what's wrong, but we know the left is behind it.

>> No.10126779 [DELETED] 

who else would be behind the uptick in trannies, fags, and ugly sheboons with bulging eyes

>> No.10126783

What game is the left from? Do all the women look like that?

>> No.10126784 [DELETED] 

> with bulging eyes
The hell are you talking about

>> No.10126790

Funny, I've just dropped in to say something along these lines after reading the thread earlier today.
I mean, on one side it seems like they are hell-bound on making everything sterile, and on the other - Baldur's Gate 3 comes out.
It seems like it is either porn and/or utter degenracy or complete censorship without any middle grounds.

>> No.10126793

New Fable.

>> No.10126803

They don't keep bouncing for another second or 2 after sitting still.
Only way to get an ongoing wobble is if the body does a bopping motion like when running or whatever.

>> No.10126808

shadow of rome, that girl is bald tho

>> No.10126846

I think the general consensus is that games, like everything else in society right now, are polarizing toward both radical ends.
Some games are pretty much porn, and some are devoid of all humanity, there's no middle ground anymore.

>> No.10126851

God bless the shantae guys for holding it down this long

>> No.10126902
File: 3 KB, 430x500, IMG_0142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but the left is opposed to beauty, not skimpy outfits and "intense sexuality".
To a degree, sure, but it depends on types you talk to.
Around GG, 3rd wave Feminism, and spespecially Sex-negative Feminism (SWERFs), was popular to rally behind because according prolific grifter at that time: "It (sex appeal) reinforces negative and harmful stereotypes of women and girls in our society", among other claims made with no stats to back it up beyond anecdotes.
That belief's been carried out and had and effect on Western AAA vidya because now AAA vidya has less sex appeal and more "mature" women because the industry was, according to them, "maturing", which is comeplete nonsense when you take a look at how they've treated employees as well as their behave despite the messages they preach.

With the ramant deviancy several years later it shifted to be more open, sex-positive and body positivity -- to be more "inclusive" to all sexes, "genders" and body types, then Feminism was thrown to the wayside.
So sex appeal is techincally "fine", but only when they do it IE.)
>Obese people, especially the women
>No skinny or attractive women, especially if they're White
>Fetishizing Men's bodies of any type is ok, because humiliating Men for sexual purposes is to have them to see how it feels to be in a Women's position
TL;DR They're they new bullies, they're in control and they can do whatever they want.

Rule for THEE, but not for ME, dumb-dumb.

>> No.10127691

The remake isn't for people who don't want anything changed. The people who don't want anything changed buy the original game or emulate it.
The reason that so many remakes are being made is that people like us who like video games the way they are are in the minority.

>> No.10127741

>Perfect Dark
I checked and it got the same rating, CERO Z. You can't buy it without getting carded. (For the uninformed, it got an M from the ESRB.) I got all of these ratings from Japanese Wikipedia if there are any you'd like to look up for yourself.
I've actually read a bit about the rating for Ryuu ga Gotoku/Yakuza. (Read is a strong word, it was a manga about the development of the game called Wakage no Itari. It's free if you want to/can read it. Link: https://comic-walker.com/viewer/?tw=2&dlcl=ja&cid=KDCW_AM19200793010004_68))
They had to fight tooth and nail to not get slammed with an 18+ rating.
On a certain level it does make sense because while the series touches on extremely dark topics it never does so in an unpleasant manner. I would personally be fine letting a hypothetical 17-year-old son play it. But ratings agencies are supposed to be more objective than that.
The little I know about the behind-the-scenes of Japanese game development implies that how much the government likes you can have a pretty big impact on how easy it is to make a game. One example is this VN maker: https://vndb.org/p524 (very very NSFW) who according to the director (Kumaki Todorokimaru) were forced to change the name of their company twice by the government.

Of course I am neither a minor nor Japanese so none of this really affects me directly. I do think that no matter how much the Japanese government really interferes the average Japanese does have more artistic freedom than the average American/European in a pragmatic sense. We would need to clean up our own houses before worrying about theirs.

>> No.10127751
File: 152 KB, 1000x2277, unknownd42c6b20b7951c46dbcee59a785d83a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's actually Tina, she has brown hair in the first game. (If you look closely in later games you can see that she's a bottle blonde.)

>> No.10127829

What happened to Skullgirls?

>> No.10127972

Your whole post is passive aggressive you little worm, fuck off the board and take your faggotry with you.

>> No.10128170

They censored Jessica in DQ8's 3DS remake (or was it Red?). I didn't bother even buying that to check though because it removed random encounters, fullhealed on levelup, oversaturated the colors, had awful fonts for a classic menu, replaced voice actors, etc. Same with DQ7 which I did buy. Absolute travesty that killed how awesome the intro was.
>you can't and will never have the power to stop it
Tell that to the guy who started the KyoAni fire. All it takes is one dedicated fan willing to martyr himself and purge the scum out of companies. Imagine what the world would be like if a couple hundred people sacrificed themselves for the greater good, taking out Microsoft, Apple, Google, etc on top of Nintendo, Sony, Sega, Square Enix, Activision Blizzard, EA, Ubisoft, and more. Not just entertainment and tech too, politicians and retailers and banks deserve to burn as well. It's time someone did something about the cancer and parasites on our beautiful planet.

>> No.10128175

>Can't believe even /vr/ is compromised with puritanical moralfags. Anita among many others have been a disaster to vidya as a whole.

they are like a virus: they spread everywhere and ruin everything. Only old videogames is the only thing they cannot ruin because they are already made.

>> No.10128181
File: 95 KB, 512x512, 522546BE-0C1D-4448-9EE8-575A6CBA3F90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine what the world would be like if a couple hundred people sacrificed themselves for the greater good
>It's time someone did something about the cancer and parasites on our beautiful planet.
Not your personal army, faggot.

>> No.10128224

>Tell that to the guy who started the KyoAni fire.
What, that shit that happened a decade ago? Stop living in the past.

>> No.10128238
File: 495 KB, 1024x588, arcanus arcanas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


even if she is bald, she still is more sexy and more femenine than many other modern female characters(abby from the last of us 2 for example).
Retro waifus rule.

>> No.10128386

You "stop caring about things" faggots don't fool anyone. If you were as aloof as you pretend and these things don't matter then you wouldn't be posting thinly veiled defenses of this practice.

>> No.10129041

They updated the game after being dormant for so long just to remove cheesecake and sexuality.

And then make a virtue signal post about it. Of course they are still keeping all the money they made from selling sex initially.

>> No.10129045

Of they could they would press a button that rewrites all of western culture to fit their sensibilities while also saying we have a moral obligation to preserve and save all cultures (non- western)

>> No.10129053

lol, really! I remember playing it back in the day and enjoying the big breasted nurse a lot. I'll take notice so I don't give them any money, if they make another game.

>> No.10129061

why do you have to pretend you were there? games have been normie shit since the 90s as anyone who lived through them can tell you

>> No.10129101

maybe I should play it, haha

>> No.10129106

They are right
Thank god

>> No.10129110

why do some fags always play devils advocate in these threads and start some gay argument. just post more jiggle physics

>> No.10129150

I'm not gonna sit theough hours of Youtube walkthrough vids hoping to find that one clip that's gif-able.

>> No.10129158

You wanna sit through hours of walkthrough hoping to find the right clip while listening to jackasses who feel the need to talk over every single second of a 20-hour game?

Go for it.

>> No.10129161 [DELETED] 


>> No.10129164

That's actually true. Stuff like Lara Croft, Final Fantasy, Doom, and others really pushed gaming into mainstream, and Sony making an affordable console with games as cheap as $25 really opened up gaming to the masses.

>> No.10129198
File: 16 KB, 250x235, 5DA8BE1B-CD40-4DF9-A5F9-1C55301DAB37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has a point.
There's a big overlap of people who only rally behind a cause, in this case censorship, and ACT as though they care, yet do nothing about it other than having an opinion while others scream into the void when they otherwise had no stake in the battle to begin with. This happens all the time with YTers who only capitalize on this for attention.
>Hot New Controversy
>Make a vid. with their 2 cents
>Hype dies down
>Disappears or goes back to being a nobody unrelated to the fad
Nowhere is this more apparent than with /v/tards regarding EVERYTHING, because the majority of board's more interested in shit talking above all else instead of coordinating their efforts in doing something about it that's related to vidya anyway beside multiplayer groups and rarely]/spoiler] OC, but our senior citizen staff in charge don't want to risk potentially dealing with the legality that comes with an epic /b/ raid these days, so it's been sanctioned and has become a thing of the past.

tl;dr "Jack of all trades" etc. etc. and posers.

>> No.10129221
File: 97 KB, 500x500, C47EC2E3-0F8A-43B2-BFF0-FFB7423D73CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my case, it wasn't popular to talk about that stuff publicly in school 7th grade into highschool outside your dedicated group of your social rejects lest you be labeled and picked on for being a faggot/geek, anime not withstanding. Though idk if there's a difference between suburban vs. inner-city mixed in with low-income-to-middleclass kids in terms socially "acceptable" hobbies.

>> No.10129227

This is the attitude that led to the death of OC: Laziness and lack of talent

>> No.10129234
File: 51 KB, 500x388, 417F441B-3BD8-45D1-BA2C-0CEC15D9174A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to add: I'm a '91er.

>> No.10129291

being heavily into video games was considered weird and nerdy. the only thing acceptable to normalfags was Call of Duty on occasion.

>> No.10129318

how many times do I have to tell you idiot zoomers to stop larping like you were there
by the time CoD was popular, videogames were squarely mainstream

>> No.10129323

i was born in 93 and people would shit on you hard for being obsessively into video games past middle school. the occasional COD session was an exception, not the rule.

>> No.10129326

>the only thing acceptable to normalfags was Call of Duty on occasion.
That, GTA and Halo.
That's just the nature of growing up because things like Pokemon were designed and marketed towards kids and in retrospect it was gay to like things that were considered childish as teens. That holds true for me with Pokemon.

>> No.10129483

In my experience, middle school was the only time people cared. I remember some kids then acting like it was weird to still play stuff like Pokemon because they were trying to act mature. By high school nobody cared again.

>> No.10129515

I thought /vr/ loved sex appeal. Guess this board is full of axe wounds too.

>> No.10129562

I was in middle school from 1999-2002. Don't really recall people in my public school getting ridiculed for liking certain videogames, but by that point classes were pretty well segregated, so if you were in the honors program, you didn't necessarily interact a whole lot with the usual bullying types (and when you did, they'd tend to focus more on physical traits than interests). I remember regularly talking to a kid on my swim team about the Pokémon anime, as well as the yet-to-be-released-stateside Gold/Silver and how he was playing through a fan translated ROM while I was playing an imported copy of Gold.

>> No.10129596

not having it doesnt bother me
having it taken away is what bothers me faggot
kill yourself

>> No.10129608
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>> No.10129614

Only mainstream games were good to go in the 90s, if it wasn't like mortal kombat or mario you were out.

>> No.10129637

Why do you zoomers feel the need to dictate and rewrite the past? You don't own my past, queer.

>> No.10129641

The two masterminds of the art and gameplay were ousted from the company and everyone that was left took out all the pantry shots and ruined a certain character's entire design aesthetic for political brownie points and made a big point of announcing how virtuous they were for getting all that yucky stuff out of the game. Long and short of it skullgirls died when mike z got the boot and you shouldn't give them money.

>> No.10129645

It was in the DC version too

>> No.10129648

Yeah, that's pretty much how it was for me too. Same years. It wasn't so much ridicule as just stuff like getting a couple comments about it ("Really? You're still playing Pokemon?" kinda stuff). Even then people mostly didn't care or at least didn't talk about it.
>I remember regularly talking to a kid on my swim team about the Pokémon anime, as well as the yet-to-be-released-stateside Gold/Silver and how he was playing through a fan translated ROM while I was playing an imported copy of Gold.
My friend introduced me to emulators so we could both play the fan-translated ROM. I still think of Ampharos as "Denryu" because of it.

>> No.10129649

Shut the fuck up. Stop dictating other people's pasts. Cockroach.

>> No.10129762

you're retarded

>> No.10129839

what game is this? I need to play it

>> No.10129851

For me, it's legs, but of course I'll open a thread started with inhuman sorceress titties.

>> No.10129894

it's a bell curve

Low IQ: "this is sexist!"
High IQ: "this is degenerate"

>> No.10129930

Consession: Accepted

>> No.10129969

>Low IQ: "this is sexist!"
>High IQ: "Why don't real women look like this"

>> No.10130018
File: 16 KB, 210x295, 171336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this whole fucking board just zoomers trying to outlarp eachother?

>> No.10130041

Quote who you think is larping

>> No.10130073 [DELETED] 

Not everyone here is a retarded american

>> No.10130102

Swap mid and high and you're good

>> No.10130665

confirmed for never seeing tits outside of a work environment
kissless virgin

>> No.10130730

Keio Flying Squadron was like the one single game that made the Sega CD worth getting.

>> No.10130776

>Imagine what the world would be like if a couple hundred people sacrificed themselves for the greater good, taking out Microsoft, Apple, Google, etc on top of Nintendo, Sony, Sega, Square Enix, Activision Blizzard, EA, Ubisoft, and more. Not just entertainment and tech too, politicians and retailers and banks deserve to burn as well. It's time someone did something about the cancer and parasites on our beautiful planet.

You first, comrade.

>> No.10130781
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>> No.10130889
File: 1.74 MB, 498x432, 75123987-E7EC-48FD-B4D7-1474A0C069EB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just autists misinterpreting each other's points.
Was vidya popular/mainstream in the past? Yeah.
Were gamers mocked for liking vidya back then? Yeah, but only for liking certain vidya and the stipulations of the fad changed over time, like all fads do.
Christ's sake this board pisses me. Just prune this gay thread already.

see >>10129930

>> No.10131064 [DELETED] 

American website you obsessed faggot
>Ctrl + F zoomer
>6 results
Go outside you fucking loser
>inb4 hurr they weren't all me
Everyone can tell it's you by the butthurt way you post

>> No.10131086 [DELETED] 

Are you legitimately autistic? Serious question.
Nobody but a fucking autist would sperg out this much about people having experiences different than yours. This is some CWC tier autistic chimpout. Get a fucking life

>> No.10131139 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 609x553, WABOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually having reread that anon's post, I want to rephrase mine >>10130889 by saying that no, it's not entirely Zoom-Zooms against each other, since they've been here trying to fit in even before 6th gen was allowed. The only times I've seen the overlap it's mostly contained in 6th gen threads.

>> No.10131285 [DELETED] 

Zoomers and Zoomer Jannies.
Everything that generation touches turns to shit. They think they know everything. Brainwashed by having the internet in their pocket. Insufferable bastards who are willing to argue and ruin conversations about anything.

>> No.10131292 [DELETED] 

Say that to the retard in the mirror. Just stop replying. Nothing you have said in this thread is /vr/ related in the slightest.

>> No.10131336 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 404x367, 1682558132608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole thread isn't /vr/ related and is on par with how wildly derailed they get over on /v/.
I'm TELLING YOU FAGS: This. Board. Is. Doomed.

>> No.10131350 [DELETED] 

So leave. It's all doom and gloom anon, nothing can save it now. Yet here you are on this sinking ship, you're so enlightened to see this but rather than leaving, you stay.
You're not even trying to bail water out of this sinking ship, you're standing there with your arms folded, thinking you're so goddamn smart that you seeing the writing on the wall. I fucking hate people like you. Improve your posting habits and lead by example or fucking leave.

>> No.10131357 [DELETED] 

>So leave.
>Reddit-tier theatrics
After you, my dear faggot.

>> No.10131361 [DELETED] 

Not yet. Especially if it annoys you.

>> No.10131369 [DELETED] 
File: 244 KB, 752x1097, irony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Participates in an off-topic thread
>"Improve your posting habits and lead by example or fucking leave."
>Admits he was doing it ironically

>> No.10131376 [DELETED] 

I'm not doing it ironically, and I know I'm taking your bait you little shit. I've been lurking this thread and I'm calling you out for being a cunt for constantly crying this board's doomed, and now that I've engaged with you now we're gonna go in circles over stupid shit until we both get wiped for off topic. But I don't really care at this point, at this point if anons check the deleted posts they're going to see a sperg that's tired of seeing cunts like you.