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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 70 KB, 660x497, megadrive-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9915597 No.9915597 [Reply] [Original]

>The best argument for composite is some waterfall effect running through the worst composite implementation in console history.
>Running on a down scaled arcade board whose library mostly consists of arcade style games and ports
Do composite fags really think like this?

>> No.9915604

You've already convinced yourself so what difference does opposition make

>> No.9915608

yeah really, just play them how you want.
Its literally a diagnostic indicator of autism when you just can't understand other people's preferences

>> No.9915609

Composite shilling is a US low end consumer set cope because their low entry sets lacked anything but, RF and composite.
It is a shame because low end sets through RGB looks charming.

>> No.9915612
File: 3.69 MB, 498x369, smile.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Highly kek inducing

>> No.9915618

RF is the real deal. The rest are poseurs

>> No.9915620

Composite tards think it was a sheer coincidence that all those systems natively outputted rgb.

>> No.9915695

The retrorgb blob cries out in pain as if strikes you

>> No.9915816


you should be rangebanned for inciting flamewars & being literally wrong in your worldview/outlook

>> No.9915854

Composhit sucks but, NTSC composhit is barf inducing shit.

>> No.9915857

you must be 18+ to access this website

>> No.9915868

Only NTSC composite sucks. PAL composite looks amazing. The waterfall blends correctly, but there is no hideous rainbow effect. And its not blurry either.

>> No.9916142 [DELETED] 


>> No.9916152

The important thing is to prevent them from spreading misinformation and bringing down the standards of classic gaming to newfags.

>> No.9916165

>indicator of autism when you just can't understand other people's preferences

It's just these types are extremely specific. Things MUST be done in the most specific way, or else they'll have a sensory overload. I used to be like this. Thank goodness it went away. I noticed the more I quit jerking off, the more it began to fade.

>> No.9916278
File: 122 KB, 800x1130, ACC947EE-43C6-4A88-BD18-06A605F3D819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sharp pixels are now the devs intended.

>> No.9916312

>RGB makes it too sharp
Consumer sets are not professional monitors.

>> No.9916512


>> No.9916875


>> No.9916891

>PAL composite
Yeah I love playing games at 5/6ths speed

>> No.9916917

these are the most /v/ tier threads on /vr/, i wish that wasnt the case because the subject is actually interesting and very nuanced.

>> No.9916986

It made the soundtrack more kino. Face it, PAL is just better all round

>> No.9917030

the #1 concern back in the day was, can I see the game on my TV? did we plug it in right? is the tv/vcr on the right channel?
and if you could see the game, you could see "through" the video quality to how good the graphics were, and the graphics were "way better than nintendo"

>> No.9917037

>down scaled arcade board
You wish, MD colors were so shit that dithering wasn't all that bad of an idea. The main problem is the rainbow banding though

>> No.9917056
File: 121 KB, 499x427, IMG_0035.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these are the most /v/ tier threads on /vr/
Get used to it, because the jannies peddle some of them. An anon caught them using a template shitpost thread "What is the Evaangelion of (x)?" as there little hangout to shoot the shit for several days and as a response the janny immediately tried scrubbing the evidence by deleting the off-topic posts then autosaged the thread.

>> No.9917358

The MegaDrive hardware wise is a cut down System16

>> No.9917380
File: 34 KB, 720x720, E2AWjF6VoAEunwL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9918293

on paper. Tvs aren't paper

>> No.9918358

100% this

>> No.9918362

Dithering isn't exclusively used as a colour blending technique. It can also be used to create texture. So blurring it with a shit signal obscures that effect. On top of that, even without composite, the colour blending still works.

So if you're trying to say that composite is objectively better and the definitive way to play. Then your reasoning could use a little work.

>> No.9918404 [DELETED] 

I like actually playing games

>> No.9918418

I like actually playing games

>> No.9918438

Arcade games don't often have random dot pixels everywhere for blending effects

>> No.9918439

Quite the contrary
My CRT looks like an arcade monitor with RGB and I still play up to 5th gen in composite because a lot of games just look better to me
If I wanted them to look clean all the time I'd just use an OLED

>> No.9918920


>> No.9919606
File: 3.93 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20181101_195157613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9919759

Now THATs how games SHOULD look.

>> No.9920123

I use s-video to make both sides mad.

>> No.9920389

Same anon

>> No.9920405

This has to be bad caps or something, that looks double the amount of rainbow artifacting than normal and way more vibrant

>> No.9920406

Megadrive only ever had official RGB cables in one country (France). Everywhere else it came with RF, or at best composite.

>> No.9920623

>You've already convinced yourself so what difference does opposition make