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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9736397 No.9736397 [Reply] [Original]

Nice soulful collection of ports to Saturn hardware made by the actual Sonic Team with care and love you got there, be a shame if an eceleb talked about it.

>> No.9736412
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the 3d part is so good, why couldn't they say fuck you to the sonic xthurd project and make a sonic game based on that 3d sonic jam engine

>> No.9736418

The only worse port of the genesis games is the GBA port of Sonic 1. Do I have to admit the 3D hub is pretty soulful but I wouldn't pay money just for that

>> No.9736425
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How many other actual ports are there? Not emulation.
Anyway, the Jam versions are good and always has been a beloved collection of the classic games by fans of the series.

>> No.9736434

>How many other actual ports are there?
The android ports that have been re-ported to PC are the best. They're not emulation either

>> No.9736454

Do they support 240p?

>> No.9736524

No but they don't have slowdowns and music looping problems

>> No.9737182

Don't the fan repackages (1 Forever, 2 Absolute, 3 AIR) allow for 1x scale?

>> No.9737190

>be a shame if an eceleb talked about it.
Thank god I brought this gem last year. Loved renting it and playing it on my Saturn after having played the original games on Megadrive, just reliving those memories in early teen years. Fuck these faggots for ruining the retro market.

>> No.9737204

Has anyone ever made anything like the sonic and knuckles cart? That was genius. They even had that screen where sonic would be disappointed at you if you put in a non-sonic game.

>> No.9737220

Not directly, because the costs would be ridiculous. All it functionally did was
>Finish S3
>Hack Knuckles into S2
>Spit out an error screen/allow access to a mini game

Ports/remakes/updated versions/enhanced compilations/expansion packs for games basically did the same thing Knuckles in Sonic 2 did from the 80s to the mid 00s, and patches/DLC have made it obsolete in the modern day (and way more games get stuff like that as a result). The other stuff was Sega fucking you over and asking you to pay for Sonic 3 twice.

>> No.9737224

Ah, deal breaker.
I assume the Android ports did fix the Ice cap Act 2 music/bgm problems of the original though

>> No.9737320
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It's not the nicest way to play those games but it's up there. Should have had sonic cd. Everything after mania is fucking terrible and fuck sega for getting rid of the MJ tracks, I doubt they couldn't afford the royalties from what I heard about the Jackson family. Will never buy another remake just for that

>> No.9737473

We've already been over this hundreds of times you autistic Saturn fanboy, the best way to play the 16-bit Sonic games is using a flashcart (with Sonic 3 Complete instead of 3&K, which fixes Ice Cap Act 2's bgm and has a slew of other improvements, too) on original Mega Drive hardware. The sound quality is utter shite and inaccurate as fuck on Jam.

>> No.9737484 [DELETED] 

>buying disc-based games in current year instead of using an ODE (or just burning)

why are hoarder niggers and collectards so dumb, /vr/?

>> No.9737487

Sonic Jam runs better than the originals because the Saturn is more powerful and the games are coded for it. Its just better, no one cares or notices about the minor differences resulting from the different code. Sonic Jam is pretty much the bbc of sonic collections

>> No.9737490

Anytime I play classic Sonic I always think how much better it'd be on a console no one owned with load times and disc access for the music

>> No.9737495

Yeah I also don't care much for the gamecube classic sonic releases

>> No.9737501 [DELETED] 

>runs better
Blatant lie, overall it has more slowdowns than Mega Drive versions. Only time it lags less is Sonic 2's versus mode, but that's it.

Goddamn, Saturnfaggots are the most deluded posters on this board.

>> No.9737512

>Only time it lags less is Sonic 2's versus mode, but that's it.
so it does run better

>> No.9737519
File: 3.89 MB, 640x480, Sonic 2 slow.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sonic Jam runs better than the originals
Wrong. The games have way more slowdown and stuttering issues.

>> No.9737524

gotta go slow

>> No.9737525 [DELETED] 

Like you have any friends to play Sonic 2's vs. mode with anyway, Saturncel.
Back to jacking off to your tranime shovelware.

>> No.9737547 [DELETED] 

>Like you have any friends
more than you manchild consolewarrioring.

>> No.9737549 [DELETED] 

>Back to jacking off to your tranime shovelware.
this shows how ignorant you are, stop talking to me

>> No.9737556

sonic bullet time. You never saw Matrix?

>> No.9737560 [DELETED] 

No. Just calling a spade a spade, you have an obvious bias for the Saturn, making YOU the console warring faggot in this case.
But please... if you wanna play worse versions of Sonic games, by my guest, Saturncel...

>> No.9737563 [DELETED] 

Guess that hit too close to home, huh?
Fucking loser... lmao.

>> No.9737572 [DELETED] 

>Guess that hit too close to home, huh?
>Fucking loser... lmao.
lmao he doesn't know the saturn library and unironically thinks thats all the saturn has

>> No.9737580 [DELETED] 

I'm not op, I'm not the one console warring, and fuk u

>> No.9737619

The only issue with this collection is Sonic 2 having random lag that lasts a few frames which can throw off muscle memory.

>> No.9738602

For me? It's fuck the Sega Saturn and fuck Sonic Jam.

>> No.9738607

I kekd

>> No.9738726
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There were a few ports of Sonic 1 and 2 around 2005-7 for mobile (Java) and iPods (pre-Touch, Touch versions before Retro Engine/Taxman were emulated).
Sonic 3 & Knuckles and it's preceeding subvariants (except Knuckles in Sonic 2) were ported to PC in 1997 as Sonic & Knuckles Collection with a choice of FM (for Sound Blaster/Adlib) or General MIDI music.
Despite S1-S3&K having long been decompiled at this point, there doesn't seem to have been many unofficial ports of the original versions vs the Retro Engine remakes. There was a PC and 3DS WIP fan port of S2 a few SAGEs ago, and way back in 2007 Stealth made a small demo port of S1 on the GBA as a rebuttal to the absolutely dire official GBA "port". Those are the only ones I know of.

>> No.9738738

The android versions are remakes, not ports of the original source code (unless you mean the unofficial PC ports of the remakes, which are still the remakes).
There are enough differences that muscle memory makes the RE versions a less ideal experience that I tend to just opt for the originals (with heyjoeway's auto widescreen patcher).
For instance not being able to bop four enemies in a row in GHZ Act 3 because enemy spawns only occur when they're close to being on-screen, the collision of the Special Stages in S1 being fucked (you can fit through tight spaces you never could in the original) as is the crush hitbox (as anyone who played S3 via Origins could tell you), you can't circumvent the control lock in S1 or 2 if you jump as the stage ends like you used too (it works exactly the same way as CD now), the controls in RE S2's Special Stages are less precise by virtue of having been made primarily for touch controls, not muting Tails when he is offscreen after a certain range so you hear him constantly jumping (it was exacerbated in Origins due to a glitch preventing him from dying but it's always been a problem in the RE versions), the increasing sound effect pitch when you rev up the spindash is missing in 2, and S3K having very noticeably different physics.

>> No.9738756
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meant for >>9736434

>> No.9738765

>The android ports that have been re-ported to PC are the best. They're not emulation either

they are not ports though, they are complete remakes by a fan, that Sega just licensed.

>> No.9738825 [DELETED] 

>thread is about ecelebs fucking up prices
>the anti-Jam shitposter appears and spams the thread with his usual autism every single time Jam is merely mentioned
>"Fuck Saturn and fuck Jam"
It's fucking australiakun isn't it?

>> No.9738848 [DELETED] 

I thought he was a Sega fanboy. The whole reason his mind is broken is because he envies Castlevania 4's popularity over his beloved Bloodlines, leading him to hate both Nintendo and Treasure. He also hates North Americans for not appreciating SEGA as much as the PAL customers did

>> No.9738850 [DELETED] 

>muh imaginary boogeyman
Saturn posters are extremely insecure. We need Bernieposter back.

>> No.9738856 [DELETED] 

He falseflags as a Sega fanboy, but he is actually some weirdo who I doubt even likes video games. He is the "shitturn" and "trashure" shitposter, among many other failed memes he posts.
>I don't exist! Is a boogeyman!
Ok, auster. Go seethe about people liking the PC-88 instead of the speccy

>> No.9738880 [DELETED] 

He hates Treasure because they "defected" to Nintendo platforms with such games as Mischief Makers and Sin & Punishment (which he believes should have been Sega Saturn and Dreamcast games instead).

CV4 he hates because he has some kind of autistic obsession with Castlevania remaining pure, and blames Yaiman (of Treasure) for making Castlevania casual-friendly, as he developed CV4's controls.

You are right about the Nintendo and yanks not appreciating Sega thing, though.

>> No.9738884 [DELETED] 

he hates Treasure because their staff made CV4, and he hates CV4 because of fanboy envy

>> No.9738887 [DELETED] 

He doesn't have any autistic obsession about CV remaining pure, he hates anything Nintendo a lot. He hates all japanese games, but nintendo even more
I get the impression he is trying to defend his apparent eurocentric childhood with games, and resents Nintendo the most, but his real problem is that most people like japanese games, and his childhood computers games are laughed at, or ignored.
The very first shitposts by him on /vr/ were on the PC general thread, where he hated that people talked about japanese PCs instead of western ones. Then he moved to CV threads and the Sega system spam.

>> No.9738894 [DELETED] 

>The very first shitposts by him on /vr/
He's been at this since 2014, what a sorry tosser.

>> No.9738912 [DELETED] 

Yea, pretty much. He probably hates CV4 because it never got ported to his precious Amiga, and had to cope with the shitty port of Castlevania 1. Same deal with Treasure's MD games which he also probably wishes had been ported to the Amiga. Very sad man.

>> No.9739817
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The ring collecting sound was a different pitch than I remember of the originals to me. While I prefer the originals, I hear there is now a well made iOS emulator which should open the door to that Sonic 2 Hidden Palace Zone I saw in magazines. That may be the new best way to play the games.

>> No.9740847

The sound difference in some sfx isn't annoying to me, just a bit different. And the looping music isn't a deal breaker for me either, kind of comes with the CD territory.
Jam is actually the way I prefer to play these days, because of the Time Trials. I just pick whichever level I feel like playing and try to beat my old records. I've beaten these games way too many times from beginning to end, so time trials are an incentive to come back to them.
The only real issue is Sonic 2's extra slowdowns. To be fair though, the original has its share of slowdown, and the Jam port removes some of the slowdown in the original, but then adds some more in places the original didn't. Still, not unplaybale-tier, more like a minor annoyance.
The slowdown-free multiplayer is a great fix, though. Completely improves that mode.

>> No.9740863

Doesn't MD Sonic 2 have a level select? And you can just write down your times for each zone or whatever, TT is kind of pointless.

>> No.9740975

I noticed some of the channels of the music and different sound effects were coming out of my rear speakers. I don't know if this is just a Jam thing or not.

>> No.9740998
File: 55 KB, 707x434, 3F0A1060-6784-4A02-B97A-89650E2493BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the 3d part is so good, why couldn't they say fuck you to the sonic xthurd project and make a sonic game based on that 3d sonic jam engine
They did. After X-treme was cancelled Sonic Team started working on a new Sonic game for the Saturn. Much of the development happened on the Saturn, but ultimately the project was moved to the Dreamcast and it released in 1998 as Sonic Adventure. The 3D world segment in Sonic Jam uses the engine that they developed for Sonic Adventure when it was still being developed for the Saturn.

Sonic Adventure is quite literally your Saturn Sonic game.

>> No.9741152
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You can absolutely still see the Sonic World style in beta Windy Valley and other parts of Adventure. It's easy to forget it's very much the same game and they had to make it VERY fast, it's no surprise it was janky.

>> No.9741413

Dreamcast port of Sonic 1 is far worse than even the GBA one

>> No.9741419

and who was it this time?

>> No.9741431
File: 3.06 MB, 640x640, 1673999140017690.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga the Dreamcast only has fucked up audio, the GBA port of Sonic 1 fucked up everything

>> No.9741454

Werent those mockscreens? I dont think the saturn could do something like that even at 20fps, made more sense to just port it on Dreamcast.

>> No.9741462

And 480i

>> No.9741490

Yeah all Sonic games have a level select cheat, but having it readily accessible and being able to switch between games without turning off the console and manually changing them, and not having to written them down is all conveniente that makes me prefer Sonic Jam.
Not to mention sometimes it's fun to also try getting better scores on The Sonic World challenges, and maybe take a break while enjoying all the games' osts, checking art, videos, etc. It's just one great way to indulge in classic Sonic enjoyment. There's a reason it's a sought after game. The complaints on sound are nitpicks.

>> No.9741710

why do zoomers care about ecelebs talking about niche games everyone has already talked about for years now lmao