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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9600085 No.9600085 [Reply] [Original]

We play video games to have fun... but we also do love challenging ourselves and accomplishing things, overcoming obstacles and questioning ourselves if we're capable of pulling something off or not, of course a guaranteed win can be fun, relaxing from time to time, but every once in a while we play something that can be downright frustrating, and yet we keep playing, because we want to defeat it, to win. Of course said accomplishments can be more meta too, for collectors especially, acquiring something they've wanted, either a single copy or a whole series, rare cartridges/disks, etc.

>What is your personal proudest video game accomplishment?
>How long did it take for you to finally succeed?
>Did you ever think about giving up on it?
>Are there any more honorable mentions besides this main one?

I have a few that I'm quite happy with, like my 1CC 100% run in Sonic the Hedgehog (1991/SMD), or my 100% save file for Crash Bandicoot (1996/PS1), among others... but the one I'm most happy with is in Spider-Man (2000/PS1) which I wanted to 100% ever since I was a kid, and every few months or years I'd try again, but there was a single suit that felt impossible to get, the Quick-Change one, which required 10.000 points in one of the training modes, which pretty much meant 23 frame perfect jumps in a row in a barely doable time limit, I thought I'd never do it... but this year I finally did it.

>> No.9600127
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i just play games to unwind
i used to use them as an escape-mechanism as a child

i think im probably still fucked up
i never relax, i never sleep properly
even when im gaming i rarely get the "zen" state and zone out

most of my personal relationships fall apart due to my neuroticism

>> No.9600140

>What is your personal proudest video game accomplishment?
beating and unlocking everything on aero gauge, this means beating the game with every ship on hard mode, and getting the n64 controller but thats not very hard, just luck
>How long did it take for you to finally succeed?
1 month
>Did you ever think about giving up on it?
yes, and smashing the fucking console
>Are there any more honorable mentions besides this main one?

100% sega touring car saturn
100% driver 1/2 ps1
100% fzero maximum velocity
100%hydro thunder dc
100% sega gt
100% tokyo xtreme racer 1/2

no racer can stop me

>> No.9600154

then i sold my n64 and games not too long after beating the game.
aero gauge was the only game I kept and is now the only n64 game i own

>> No.9600158
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I'm so sorry to hear that, anon... you could really use some help, can you afford a physician? Of course everything you've mentioned is a complex issue by itself, but some seem quite urgent, sleep especially, as a lack of it can make everything else so much worse and unbearable... I hope things can get better for you, anon. Well, speaking from personal experience, I'm able to unwind more when I play something that I'm already quite familiar with, because by that point I'm good at it and can go from start to finish without much issue, it's a nice feeling, also avoid going for the highest difficulty settings if you can. as it just makes things more stressful, the easier ones, or even middle ones, play out a lot more smoothly.

>> No.9600168
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It seems you're quite fond ot it, I know that feeling quite well, when it makes us miserable, but we still love it, it's the sign of a good video game, or at least means that it's definitely up there in our list of favorites. I'm not that into racing as a genre, but I've always loved early NFS installments, and Gran Turismo, did you ever play those? I definitely recommend them.

>yes, and smashing the fucking console
I know this feeling too well, it takes a lot of self control to not do anything reckless, sometimes it feels like a few things weren't properly tested before release.

>> No.9600238

>always loved early NFS installments, and Gran Turismo, did you ever play those? I definitely recommend them.
I did beat the first nfs on my saturn, its hard but not that much hard, its a good sim for the time.

never played gt 1 or 2 but I did play gt3 with the logitech wheel, its pretty good and the ffb is nice, unfortunatly my ps2s died so I couldn't finish it

>I know this feeling too well, it takes a lot of self control to not do anything reckles
but, when i was like, 14, I broke the screen of my gba sp while playing fzero maximum velocity. few years later I sold it to a guy that makes mods and stuff, so happy ending

>sometimes it feels like a few things weren't properly tested before release.

actually its more because of how hard and unpredictable the game and bots are, if you play aero gauge on hard mode ull undertsand, some circuits are extremely hard, and the bots have no mercy, I've played a lot of racers in my life but aero gauge was one of the hardest I've ever played

>> No.9600293
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I definitely recommend all of the main Gran Turismo installments if you ever get your hands on them and a console, or through emulation. Also, NFS: High Stakes is a personal favorite of mine, really good career and driving in that, NFS2 was a bit ridiculous with its physics, but it had the Ford GT90 so I forgive it, Gran Turismo 2 also had it, good stuff.

>but, when i was like, 14, I broke the screen of my gba sp while playing fzero maximum velocity. few years later I sold it to a guy that makes mods and stuff, so happy ending
Indeed, at least it all worked out. I had a GBA as a kid, but the earlier model, so the screen was awful, I sold it eventually, though maybe I should've modded it. I broke a PS3 controller once, my mom got really upset, nowadays I do my best to keep my cool and laugh it off, though sometimes it can be difficult.

>> No.9600413

>nowadays I do my best to keep my cool and laugh it off, though sometimes it can be difficult.
thats the only way

>> No.9600432

>What is your personal proudest video game accomplishment?
beating mgs2 on european extreme difficulty
>How long did it take for you to finally succeed?
dont remember, was 20 years ago at this point
>Did you ever think about giving up on it?
no but there were a few big roadblocks, i remember the vamp fight being one of them
>Are there any more honorable mentions besides this main one?
beating the lolo games blind

>> No.9600496
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>Ninja Gaiden Black on Master Ninja
>no idea, at some point the rage took over any other feeling, might've been 2 weeks, maybe over a month
>nope, I'd get the rage out of my system, punch a wall, hurt my hand and get even more upset, but giving up wasn't an option

>10 star runs on silent hill 1,2 and 4
>big boss runs on all 4 MGS games
>DKC1 in like 35 minutes with no deaths

>> No.9600553

These kinds of things are weird to post about. I used to feel like a 1000 IQ super genius for figuring out you could do a pacifist run in Fallout 1 by focusing on speech and science, for instance, which nobody in my friendgroup had thought to do. But now with the internet, everyone who picks up the game and watches a youtube video about it will learn about the different builds so to the contemporary person that'll just be common knowledge. Your accomplishments are compared to everyone in the entire world now and its a lot harder to do anything that actually seems impressive.

Same with any other hobby stuff. There used to be room in each friend group or town to be a standout, talented person, but with the internet you're almost always gonna fall short of the autistic prodigy with 10 million YouTube subscribers.

>> No.9600567

>beating mgs2 on european extreme difficulty
Impressive. It's been forever since I subjected myself to that but I don't think I ever could get past the Ray boss rush, which sucks since that's basically the end (though I'm sure they found a way to make the solidus fight as hard or harder than all the crazy bullshit you had to pass to get to that point in the game). I was stuck on Fortune for months.

>> No.9600605
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Impressive, anons. I'm sure it was a struggle, but you all pulled through, good job.

>> No.9600618
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I do get your point, we certainly live in different times, which in many ways it's for the best, but we've lost a lot of good things along the way too... still, it's important to not think much when it comes to this, I'm sure a few accomplishments I'm proud of mean nothing to a lot of people, as there are many people that did the same, or maybe did even better, and like you've said now everyone can see thanks to YouTube and Twitch, there are few things more embarassing that struggling so much just to watch the credits roll... only to then watch a speedrun of someone doing it in less than 10min and being unsatisfied. However, this thread isn't about comparing yourself to people out there... it's about you! What are you proud of? What were things that did matter to you and made you struggle, but that you eventually pulled off and felt really happy about? I think that's what video games are all about, it's you, what matters to your personal and unique experience. I'm sure you felt quite proud of your Fallout run, there's no reason why you shouldn't feel proud now, because the happiness you felt back then was very real.

>> No.9600835

I'm >>9600496 and got my BB rank on Extreme rather than EE, I've got a run of it uploaded on YT. The Ray gauntlet is just a rhythm thing, it will just click with you. In Extreme you need to kill 20 of them while EE it's 25 I believe.
Solidus AI can also be manipulated fairly easily.
Fortune is the more annoying one until you learn that coming out of cover to shoot animation gives you iframes so you can just spam that.
Of course I only looked up speedrun autisms after I got my run done so I struggled a lot as well.

Thanks anon. I cope with the never ending sorrow and bleakness of the modern world by getting good at videogames, and it has served me well.

>> No.9600848

>I have a few that I'm quite happy with, like my 1CC 100% run in Sonic the Hedgehog
You mean 1 life run? 1cc = without using continues

>> No.9600864
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>Thanks anon. I cope with the never ending sorrow and bleakness of the modern world by getting good at videogames, and it has served me well.
I do the same really, it's one of the things we have that can give positive emotion on a regular basis. Keep it up, anon! I wish you the best.

>You mean 1 life run? 1cc = without using continues
Yes! I managed to complete Sonic the Hedgehog (1991/SMD) 100% without losing a single life, I had to pull it off at least once in my favorite video game of all time, I tried many times and often came short due to messing up on a single or couple of occasions, but eventurally I did it, a perfect run, or as close as I can get to perfect at least.

>> No.9600876

That's really impressive
>that pic
Oh anon it's you? I'm that guy from the day before yesterday who started a Sonic 1 thread. I marathoned the shit out of 2 and 3&K and 100%'d them as well. Yes, I did get all of the super/hyper emeralds in 3&K too. It was really easy because of the saving system, you can quickly reset when you are about to lose a bonus level and the game saves every time you get a chaos emerald. WAY less punishing than 1 and 2. Great games, time for CD

>> No.9600889
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Yup! It's me. I'm glad you've managed to pull it off. I too loved how much simpler it was to 100% Sonic 3 due to its saving system, at times I wish Sonic 2 would have the same system, and a way to choose if you activate Super Sonic or not, then it'd be perfect, I was worried Sonic 2 would be a pain for you to 100% as I only did it once and never even considered trying again because of how cumbersome it was. Well, you just got 100% in every installment from Sonic's original trilogy, so CD should be straight forward, I especially love the exploration aspect there, going into the past to look for the generators, though you can go for the time stones if you prefer, it's nice how it gives you options.

>> No.9600906

>I was worried Sonic 2 would be a pain for you to 100%
I reset every time I failed a bonus stage. The first time I got all of the emeralds I thought the worst was over and that thankfully I'd never have to go through the last few bonus stages ever again in my life... then I got a game over on the final boss... I honestly wanted to kill myself. I did it all over again, lost 2 continues on the final stage (thankfully I had 2 this time) and managed to finally beat it. Felt good
>and a way to choose if you activate Super Sonic or not
Oh my god Super Sonic in 2 was bullshit, was fixed in 3 luckily
>accidently get 50 rings in Wing Fortress Zone
>stand still before tons of bottomless pits with moving platforms and all of that shit above them all of which requires precise jumps to get through
>'so this is how it ends huh'