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File: 795 KB, 800x525, AG_Pico_for_Everyone_Pokemon_Loud_Battle_JP_boxart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9561492 No.9561492 [Reply] [Original]

One of the most shocking and unexpected moments in gaming history was when a Nintendo IP came to a Sega system.

>> No.9561571

I remember how it all happened. Someone on the internet found out about Pokemon on the Sega Pico. Then it exploded. Nintendo went on damage control and tried to silence everyone. People were burning their copies of Pokemon on the streets. The police was everywhere. It was on TV 24 hours a day. Yamauchi was forced to testify before congress. He said he knew everything and still let the game be released. People were throwing Poke Balls at him when he left the court. He resigned from Nintendo that very day. The next day yen collapsed.

>> No.9561598

Love shit like this

>> No.9561604
File: 101 KB, 1200x675, jaws-quint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Read in Quint's voice.

>> No.9563141

Post this to >>>/vp/ too.

>> No.9563152

I had a Pico as a kid. Weird little thing. Very Sega.

>> No.9563169
File: 48 KB, 342x426, ED954314-A1F8-4957-B0E6-CF59FFF469EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't a game console, it's a toy and literally has the "Sega Toys" branding on it in the image that you posted. This was also several years after Sega went third party and Sonic was already available on Gamecube and PS2.

Pic related is an actual Sega game on a Nintendo console from before they went third party.

>> No.9563172

I was very young at the time. My parents sent me to live with my uncle in the countryside during the whole ordeal. He didnt have a television or even a radio and what news we got filtered in with the local farmers who werent concerned with such things. Needless to say it was a decade and a half after the fact that I learned that pokemon was on sega. I will forever be in my parents's debt for shielding me from the cruel realities of this world.

>> No.9563192

>I will forever be in my parents's debt for shielding me from the cruel realities of this world.
Please tell me they weren't killed in the riots?

>> No.9563197

Your parents did you a favor. I lived in the city at the time and it was as if the world had changed practically overnight. There was lots of fighting and we even had a riot on our school playground. It's been many years and although I try to move on I still find it incredibly difficult to forgive what happened.

>> No.9563282

It's probably just another railshooter.
That's anti-Metroid as hell.

>> No.9563310

They killed off Sega portables long before they gave up on consoles.

>> No.9563353

>Sega developed metroid game
okay I'm sold
>they wanted it to be a fucking racing game
okay never mind

>> No.9563501

If you pay any attention to the video game world at all you would have heard the news I just heard. At Nintendo's showing of it's new "gamecube" they showed a non-interactive demo of what it can do. Samus Aran made an appearance in this demo. It's finally what we've all been waiting for! A new Metroid! From the screenshots I have seen this is what I can tell. It's 3d first of all, second of all you can see one of the classic metroid doors in d3 in the back. And there is a horde of little monster things chasing Samus. I hope this game is good. It is kind of hard to imaging turning metroid into a 3d game without changing the game in some drastic and horrible way. What I don't understand is why everyone has to make a 3d game these days? Why can't they just use the tremendous power to make a 2d game with 3d sprites and backgrounds, but have the game be incredebly enourmous. They could easily make a game like Super Metroid, add the usual sequel story, new planet (of course), and about 20 times the size. Also hordes of new guys, weapons, and secrets, and all that good stuff. You don't have to make it a 3d game, but if you want you should have pre-rendered 3d backgrounds and 3d sprites, but keep the camera so it is still the same as all the other metroids. Can you imagine how hard it would be to wall, bomb, or space jump in 3d? Let alone looking for secrets in a room with 6 or more sides.

>> No.9563690

Anon he said rail shooter not just shooter, he wasn't taking a jab at Prime. He meant stuff like Virtua Cop

>> No.9563729

>nintendo ip
Pokemon isn't under the ownership of Nintendo. There's nothing stopping Gamefreak from making a mainline game for the PS5 except for maybe GF's incompetence bungling everything.

>> No.9563756

Pokemon is owned by The Pokemon Company. Nintendo has the control of TPC by its shares of the company and shares of companies who co-own TPC: GameFreak and Creatures.
So there is a exclusivity contract between Nintendo and The Pokemon Company about, but only, console games.
Games for smart devices or stuff not in direct competition with Nintendo consoles are allowed.

>> No.9563759

Pokemon and Kirby on Steam when

>> No.9563771

There was a Pocket Sakura (like a Pocket Pikachu)

>> No.9563804
File: 10 KB, 281x179, space harrier famicom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga the fucking Famicom had Sega games.

>> No.9563815
File: 53 KB, 720x1280, 6053da0bb734ba028ea016b63c6fee33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>driving game

>> No.9563825

When and if the console after Switch 2 will fail

>> No.9563826

Sonic is on Neo Geo Pocket too lol

>> No.9563853

Why wouldn't you want a sweet arcade Metroid Racing from Sega anon?
You could have blu blu skies everywhere you see and more.

>> No.9564618

I mean, there was a Metroid Pinball, so why not

>> No.9564637

Sonic is on Game.com too, lol

>> No.9564648

'a driving game' doesn't refer to Metroid lmao, Nagoshi meant he was more confident with developing ANOTHER game which would be a driving game. Then F-Zero AX and GX came into being. Imagine Ridley in a kart

>> No.9564867

>This isn't a game console
Au contraire, mon cher.


>> No.9565007

>Nintendo IP

>> No.9565018

Oof, I bet this is rough.

>> No.9565027

Oh yeah, I remember I ordered so repacked ngpc games and sonic was in the pack but the order got cancelled and now ngpc games are too expensive to fool with.

>> No.9565220

It actually isn't.

>> No.9565272

The fun part is, it's not just LIKE a Pocket Pikachu, it is literally a hardware clone, down to the serial number on the back (MPG-002 vs MPG-002(SK)). It also still has the Nintendo logo on the shell, meaning it's Nintendo hardware made for a Sega IP before they went third party.

>> No.9567165

Actually, I'm jabbing at that one retard who said 3D Metroid should be more closer to railshooters like Sin and Punishment.
I don't prefer Prime either, but I'll respect it fir not being another corridor shooter (which on-ground railshooters are anyways)

>> No.9567326
File: 936 KB, 242x360, Weavel_Intro.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Metroid racing game could work so as long it's a death race game (F-Zero) with a ton of shortcuts (Sonic R) and unique bosses (Diddy Kong Racing and Sonic Riders).

and have it be based on Metroid Prime's soure material since there's already a bounty hunter that goes on pursuits with the feds.