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9040661 No.9040661 [Reply] [Original]

Sonic Team's swan song.

>> No.9040668

Sonic R (same year of release) completely destroys that game.
Travellers Tales should've kept making every Sonic game

>> No.9040670

I liked Sonoc Adventure. Personally I think the series died after Adventure 2.

>> No.9040671

Based and Eurokino pilled.

>> No.9040675


>> No.9040697
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>Travellers Tales should've kept making every Sonic game
I wouldn't have minded this much, they were competent developers and a lot of their worse titles can be explained by publishers messing them up or giving them tight and downright unreasonable schedules to work with. While Sonic Team has produced decent titles since Adventure, they've also produced a lot of subpar titles, maybe with Traveller's Tales it would've been different, though I'm sure SEGA would've been just as unreasonable with them as they've been with Sonic Team, like pushing for holiday seasons and anniversary titles even if it's not finished properly yet. I might be a minority in this, but I have a soft spot for Sonic 3D Blast, love the level design for some reason.

>> No.9041629

Sonic should always be Japanese.

>> No.9041692

sonic 2: USA
sonic 3k: USA
sonic mania: Australia
you: get fucked

>> No.9041712

As a kid I couldn’t Stand 3D Blast.
As an adult it became one of my favorites in the series. Using the spindash mitigates a lot of peoples gripes with attacking badniks, and exploring the stages feels pretty fun. It’s like an early precursor to a 64 Rare game in a way.

>> No.9041741

>sonic 2: USA
>sonic 3k: USA
Play the games, look at the credits. It's like 95% japanese, and 5% USA marketing people and maybe a codemonkey or two.
I never understood why Mike Cerny doesn't appear in the credits of 2 though, as he always claim to have worked on it.
wouldn't exist without the original Japanese games, as it's basically a remix of those with some bells and whistles. Stop shilling this shit already, it's not /vr/.

>> No.9041995


>> No.9042014

Aren't there even stories from Sonic 2's development about how the Japanese team would stay up late fixing/undoing all the stuff the American team did that day?

>> No.9042029

Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2, PSO, Billy Hatcher, Sonic Heroes, Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic Unleashed, Sonic Generations

>> No.9042114
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While Sonic Team did produce quality before, and all of the Sonic classics were developed mainly by Japanese teams, I don't think this means it should always be this way, it could stay as it is, but if it changed I don't think it would be a bad thing, it depends on who SEGA chooses to do so, if they choose someone who's competent, but not Japanese, we should embrace it.

Indeed, it's something you do get used to with time, I do admit the control isn't ideal and platforming can be tough, but thankfully the Director's Cut by Jon Burton fixes a lot of the control issues, it's still not ideal, but it works well and it's much better than the original. I agree that it feels like a precursos to 64 Rare, it's probably the only real Sonic Collect-A-Thon ever, and it does work, especially since exploring is indeed fun due to the stellar level design. I wish SEGA would experiment with a Sonic Collect-A-Thon more in the future, maybe in spin offs.

>> No.9042520

Sonic Frontiers is guaranteed to be a collectathon. If you look at trailer footage there's like 5 different collectibles

>> No.9042552

>switch to fully Japanese team to be free of baka gaijin
>create Shadow the Hedgehog

>> No.9042623

>CNZ mid-air actions in anti-gravity glitch
>A bug that allowed the player to perform mid-air actions on Carnival Night Zone's anti-gravity platform in vanilla Sonic the Hedgehog 3 was fixed in the original Mega Drive version of Sonic 3 & Knuckles. For some reason, Sonic Jam reverts the bugfix back to its Sonic 3 behaviour for the locked-on game, therefore allowing the player to experience this bug using Knuckles' glide. This results in Knuckles getting stuck mid-glide on the platforms until the player lets go of the buttons, after which he can move about on the platforms as normal during his falling state.

Oh no no no no no Jambros we got too cocky

>> No.9042628

>Jam provides a more pure experience by keeping cool physics abuse from original Sonic 3 while locked in with S&K
Jamchads, we keep winning...

>> No.9042654

>Jam provides a more pure experience by playing music with delays and using weird sound effects

>> No.9042659

Well, even with the "delays" (I assume you're talking the speed shoes) and "weird sound effects" (actually sound better than the originals), it still sounds better than on a Mega Drive 2.

>> No.9042671

Still a better compilation than Origins. Even has Sonic 3 MJ music intact.

>> No.9042681
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I'm not really following Sonic Frontiers' development much, besides seeing those IGN clips that came out a while ago, and maybe reading something from time to time, I'm trying to not build up much hype, but now that I think about it you're right. Sonic Frontiers' will probably be the closest Sonic will get to a Collect-A-Thon since Sonic 3D Blast, I don't know if it'll be closer to a Collect-A-Thon than Sonic 3D Blast was though, since that pretty much had your progress dependent on collecting the Flickies, it'll depend on how they handle progression within this open world, if it's tied into the collectables, than I suppose my wish will be granted, time will tell. I have to say, it looks rough around the edges from what I've seen so far, and considering they've managed to mess up Sonic Origins, which should've been a success on all fronts, I'm skeptical, but the IGN clips do show promise too, it looks somewhat fun, so time will tell I suppose.

>> No.9042741

The IGN footage actually did a terrible job showing off the game due to the person playing having the same energy as polygon when they released their Doom footage. Watch:

For a better feel of it, though there are definitely some issues still. We’ll see how it turns out. Fingers crossed, but Sega sure does love to not treat their mascot right and are amazing how consistent they are in messing up.

>> No.9042750

The ring sound is similar to what you hear playing Sonic games on really old emulators with messed up sound.

>> No.9042772

Nope, it's just slightly different but not as bad as old emus. Remember: Jam is not emulation.
Fans have even made a patch for Sonic Mania to include the Sonic Jam ring sfx
Jamchads just keep winning lol

>> No.9042805

Classic games on cartridge > Sonic Mega Collection > Sonic Jam

>> No.9042813

Why would you place Mega Collection over Jam? Mega Collection is emulation and still has the same issues as the original cart games.
Jam has its own issues but then has fixes over other stuff, making a balance there.
Original MD carts = Jam >>> HD remakes >>>> emulation packs.

>> No.9042820 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 160x112, smug_knuckles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your music desyncs and delays thanks to the CD loading times, inaccurate and/or missing sound effects, low-pass filter on audio, and extra glitches which go against the developer's intent due to them being fixed in 3&K for Mega Drive but not for the Shiturn port, Jamtrannies.

>but muh speedtranner mode... m-muh Ice Cap Act 2 fix.....
Lol, lmao. Keep coping forever whilst I enjoy the definitive version on my Sega Chad Drive, loser.

>> No.9042821

>Sonic Mega Collection
>forced to 480i by default

>> No.9042824

Like Jam, Mega Collection has a lot of soul to its menus. It also has a lot of extra content and even bonus games whereas Jam just has manuals and Sonic World.
Unlike Jam, the emulated versions run with no audio delays or weird muffled sound effects.

>> No.9042827 [DELETED] 

lol, is this guy in every single thread related to Sega? take a break.

>> No.9042834

>soul to its menus.
Not bad, but can't compare to a full 3D hub that's basically the only soulful version of Sonic in 3D to exist to this day.
>bonus game
cool beans, still emulation. I could just downlioad the whole Game Gear ROMset if I want.
>Unlike Jam, the emulated versions run with no audio delays or weird muffled sound effects.
Still has the sound glitches in Ice Cap and the slowdown on MP Sonic 2!
Mega Drive = Jam >>>>> emulation

>> No.9042856

5th gen ports of 2D 16-bit games are usually pretty bad. Sonic Jam is a good effort, but it's got too many shortcomings from trying to run fast-paced cartridge games on a slow CD-ROM to be worthwhile to anyone unless they only have a Saturn (literally who), they're collecting for Saturn, or they're an autist who wants to play 10 different versions of Sonic 1.
Judging by the way Sonic Megamix ran off a disc on the comparatively weaker SCD, the classic trilogy probably could have had a perfect conversion with some more effort put into it. Saturn was more than capable of doing it. In fact, with the relatively advanced hardware it had, it makes the shortfalls of Jam all the more acute.

>> No.9042859
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I'm quite happy with this footage you showed me really, it's gotten me slightly more optimistic for how Sonic Frontiers will turn out. I know many dislike the art direction, and it does look like a significant departure from what we're used to, but I do like it, the previous titles, especially something like Sonic Lost World, were getting a little too cartoony in my eyes, this feels more like the classics and Sonic Adventure, trying to push the hardware more to give us beautiful environments, it's got a comfortable atmosphere for some reason. I have the feeling that running through this open world with Sonic's move set and speed will be quite fun if they don't mess it up too badly. You're right about the consistency aspect, if there's one thing SEGA is consistent in, is their inconsistency with Sonic, I hope that we finally get a 3D title with quality on par with something like Sonic Mania or the classics in general, at least on par with Sonic Colors and Sonic Generations, still, only time will tell what happens.

>> No.9042865

>too many shortcomings
The worst is has is the extra slowdown in Sonic 2 (but still mind you it fixes some slowdown present in the original game too).
Complaining about CD audio loading is understandable, but not enough to write off the entire package. Jam still has enough pros going for it as a good option to play the games.
I don't get why there has been such a huge anti Jam backlash on /vr/ as of late, it's a collection that's widely regarded as pretty good.
There's no "perfect" version of the games, and we'll have to deal with it.

>> No.9042889
File: 78 KB, 568x473, 92DB58A3-4DD4-4ADA-B4EF-A1DCF664DE45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For what it’s worth, the director also compared it to Adventure several times in tone and how he wants to to set a standard sort of like that game did. They’ve also had a pretty darn long development time on it so they aren’t going to have the excuse that Forces or 06 had. Fingers crossed, but considering how poorly they’ve handled the Colors and Origins remasters, I wouldn’t be terribly surprised if this really was just a tech demo to get their staff used to nextgen hardware while also making money.

>> No.9042914 [DELETED] 

Cope newfag

>> No.9043037

Major reason I disliked Jam is because I loved tinkering around debug mode, and when the game inevitabled crashed it effected the whole thing. On a cartridge it's just a quick reset and back to level select and Mega Collection et al aren't too bad either since it's emulations, but as a PORT the entirety of JAM crashes with it and so have to painstackingly boot things back up with the slow-ass times and even then it acts like a hard-reset instead of a soft-reset and you have tobre-input the codes again instead of just holding A. Big time-waster. They should have added a failsafe so you can access the pause menu another way in case of softlocks but they didn't and it sucks.

>> No.9043218

auster... replying to yourself? you've really fallen over the years, it's almost enough to make me shed a tear

>> No.9043342

What do you find so fascinating about debug mode in 2022? What do you actually do?
I also remember fucking around with it as a kid and going "wooooow I'm inside the walls!", but as an adult it never crossed my mind to do it again.

>> No.9043373

After Adventure 2, Sega didn't really have the money to do another Sonic game and we got all those games and spinoff that used the same engine and assets. Then the HD generation came in and Sega was unfortunately one of the developers that could not manage the jump too well, which is how we got 06.

>> No.9044019

I wouldn't say it died, of course when it stopped being an exclusive to SEGA consoles, and instead became a multiplatform franchise, it was a huge departure, and maybe it lost some of its identity and status in the process, but we did get some good stuff since then: Heroes; Unleashed; Colors; Generations... and that's not even mentioning some of the excelent handheld titles too.

>> No.9044052

>I don't get why there has been such a huge anti Jam backlash on /vr/ as of late
Sonic Jam is ok, but it's not that great. There are much better options to play the classic games and imo /vr/ is overrating Jam to be contrarian hipsters.

>> No.9044078

>I don't get why there has been such a huge anti Jam backlash on /vr/ as of late, it's a collection that's widely regarded as pretty good.

There's been literally one guy that's been spamming /vr/ autistically for months, maybe years now about how Sonic Jam is the best way to play Sonic 3 because it plays the music in Ice Cap Act 2 better than the Genesis version, and people got annoyed by his bullshit and are starting to attack both him and Jam.

>> No.9044141

Mania sucks and is tryhard, Freedom Planet outdid it in every way except story.

>> No.9044674

>There are much better options to play the classic games and imo /vr/ is overrating Jam to be contrarian hipsters.
Sonic Jam was always considered a good option though, this is the first time I see people actually hating on it and I don't get it.
I dunno what kind of schizoid stuff you're talking about but I don't see anyone here claiming Sonic Jam is the best way to play or anything, yet I see at least 1 shitposter (maybe you) shitting on it for no reason.
I'm the kind of person who always say to play original versions no matter what, but Sonic Jam is not a bad option at all.
You people claim to be anti-contrarians, but you end up being double contrarians.
>Oh! people like Sonic Jam? time to start shitposting about it every single time someone mentions it!
You're no better than the supposed spammer you're talking about.

>> No.9044941 [DELETED] 

>he's in denial now
Just own up to it faggot, it's all in the archives:
You've been trying to push your Sonic Jam propaganda for a while now, why is that?
>but Sonic Jam is not a bad option at all.
It is bad though, compared to playing the MD versions anyway. Stop spreading your disinfo, disingenuous shill, nobody's gonna buy your extra stock of Sonic Jam copies and Sega Saturns you have listed on ebay.
Or are you coping over how Sonic Jam was your introduction to Sonic and years later you realised everyone else had it better by playing them on the Mega Drive, so now you shitpost delusionally about how Jam is the best?
Or do you think you're special for playing them the least popular way to get hipster points, after having gotten into the Saturn recently because reddit told you it was an underrated le hidden gem system, but then you found out the library actually sucks so all you have left to play on it is worse versions of 4th gen Sonic games, and so convincing yourself that Jam is best helps you cope at night over having wasted your autism neetbux on a failed system with nogaems?
Which is it?

>> No.9045167

>it's all in the archives
All I'm seeing is 3 threads there... didn't you claim someone was spamming for years? I doubted it anyway because I've been in /vr/ since its inception and I never saw someone spam Jam for years (unlike a certain autist that spams "sega system", etc)
>You've been trying to push your Sonic Jam propaganda for a while now, why is that?
I don't know in what level of schizophrenia are you, but I never claimed Sonic is "the best way to play Sonic", I just wondered why all of a sudden there's a strong shitposting backlash against it, but I guess now I know why, you're an autismo who somehow got offended by 3 threads of someone claiming Sonic Jam was the best way to play Sonic and, since you're australia-kun and you have your weird anti-Saturn agenda, you started doing anti-Jam shit too. Not too surprising. Thanks for clarifying.
>all these sentences with imagined scenarios of me wanting to sell Saturns on ebay and stuff
lol, take your meds dude.

>> No.9045174

>auster gets irritated by people talking about sonic jam
huh, really? i will start posting about it more often, then.

>> No.9046692
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>Sanic Jam
I sleep.
>Capcom Generation 2, featuring arcade-perfect ports of Makaimura & Dai Makaimura plus slowdown-less Chou Makaimura

>> No.9046702
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Based. Reject Sanictism, embrace GnGlory.

>> No.9046831 [DELETED] 

I thought you hated the Saturn, osto.
Also stop pretending to like video games.

>> No.9047180

what Saturn emulator works best for it?

>> No.9047185

>loading times

>> No.9047214 [DELETED] 
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>I thought you hated the Saturn, osto.
There's also a Playstation version of CG2.

>> No.9047223 [DELETED] 

>australia admits to being a snoy
It all makes so much sense now.
I never bought your bullshit about being a sega fan and since you're a bong (or similar inbred species) it makes sense you'd shill for playstation.

>> No.9047248 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 160x230, bernie11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything is better than the Sega Shiturn, mate.

>> No.9047260 [DELETED] 

sure thing, snoy fanboy from muslim-infested islands.

>> No.9047329

The actual best part of Sonic Jam is being able to play Sonic with a Chadturn controller (Model 2)

>> No.9047535

Why wouldn't auster like playstation? They're the ones who btfo'd his #1 enemy Nintendo into irrelevancy with the PS1 and PS2.

>> No.9047583

Hmmm, the way I see it, Playstation did more harm to Sega than Nintendo. But yeah, you're right, he was never a Sega fan, he's just a guy obsessed with Nintendo.
Did he ever tell the story of how he became traumatized with them or it's still a mystery? I've never seen anyone so obsessed with a company. Hope he gets doxxed one day, it'd be interesting to finally connect the dots after all these years of witnessing his autism.

>> No.9049483

>Sonic Jam's price increased again
why the fuck? is it because Origins was a let down?
At this rate I'll never ever be able to snag a US copy of Jam.

>> No.9049926

>buying old Saturn games
Look at this retard who doesn't know how to burn discs or install an ODE and laugh.

>> No.9050084

I'm a Sega collector.
US Sonic Jam is one of the holy grails for any Sega/Sonic Team fan.

>> No.9051475

What are your best times in the Sonic World challenges?

>> No.9052268

will check later tonight when I get home and post mine, I remember doing all of them.

>> No.9052365

I wouldn't replace adventure, but the Sonic R engine was a fine base for a 5th gen sonic game.

>> No.9053110

It's a racing game.
The Sonic World controls work really great. It gives a sense of speed while still being able to control momentum, like in the original Sonic games, without being autistic autopilot with auto-target like Adventure.

>> No.9053119

Is there anything actually wrong with these ports? Been playing it a bit and I swear everything just looks crisper, brighter, more colorful in Jam compared to the original Genesis games, but I never played much sonic back then.

>> No.9053132

I think they look identical, but haven't checked back to back.
The Jam ports have some pros and cons.
CD audio makes speed shoes not change the tempo of the music in real time, instead loads the track of the same theme but sped up. Sonic 2 has some additional slowdown (but also takes out some of the slowdowns the original had).
Then there's some differences in sound effects (some were removed, while others were added) but it's really not very noticeable, except for Ice Cap Act 2 where the music and sound effects both can co-exist without the sound glitching like in the original.
Sonic 2 multiplayer also has no slowdowns on Jam.

>> No.9053256

Refer to this post which was redacted by trannyjanny:

>> No.9053350

That was just australia-kun doing his usual anti-saturn routine.
The audio differences were already adressed here, along with the pros:

>> No.9055146

Was this the only time the original Sonic Team worked on a Sonic compilation?
Was the 6th gen era Sonic Team still the same as the 90s team?

>> No.9055164

>look at the credits
Bet you think Star Fox was Japanese too

>> No.9055171

Cuthbert and his pals are on the credits of the original Star Fox, though.

>> No.9055553

I'd agree, yeah, even if the gamecube collections are nice games, they dont have half the soul of JAM.

>> No.9055676
File: 203 KB, 324x324, Sonic_Adventure_2_cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic Adventure 2 was Sonic's swan song and anyone who disagrees is a dirty philistine.

>> No.9055704

This was my first game as a toddler on my Gamecube and played it to death until I unlocked Green Hill Zone.
Still, it's not the swan song, the best sonic ever made is Sonic 3 & Knuckles.

>> No.9057595

>swan song
Actually, the last game that still had Naka (at least as the producer) and where Iizuka still did anything (other that producing, whatever that means) is motherfucking Shadow the Hedgehog. It was a good game, btw.

>> No.9057756

Jam is too based for this world

>> No.9057793

>Mania sucks
What causes people to be this miserable

>> No.9057832

>Freedom Planet
Too bad there is 41% chance it never gets a sequel.

>> No.9057853

>getting a little too cartoony
Oh heaven forbid the cartoon characters look like they exist in a cartoon world.
You are the kind of person studios think about when they make a Smurf movie that takes place in New York.

>> No.9058331
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Release Date is September 13, 2002.

>> No.9058381 [DELETED] 
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>swan song

>> No.9058384
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>swan song

>> No.9059940

many people of the original 16-bit era left after Sonic Jam (got moved to other divisions within sega or left the company), sonic team isn't just naka or iizuka.

>> No.9060743
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I don't find a cartoony Sonic to be bad, afterall, when you look at Sonic's world, you have a main cast composed of anthropomorphic animals, and the only recurring human is called Dr. Eggman because his body's shaped like an egg, it's a cartoon, always have been and always will be, I acknowledge that... my issue with something like Lost World, which is the specific installment I mentioned, is that it went too far in that direction to me, in a way that it almost became a caricature of itself and classic Sonic, while I feel that the best visual direction for Sonic, the one SEGA should strive for more often, is when they make it look sort of like a Pixar movie, which is what Sonic Unleashed did, and it was beautiful to me, the cartoony humans mixed with stunning environments, but then again, we all have our personal preferences for what we want Sonic to be, and that obviously goes for aesthetics aswell. I don't know what direction Sonic Frontiers will take, but it seems to be going in the Sonic Unleashed route, which I've been really longing for.

>> No.9062841

>decide to try Jam
>it actually is a marvel to play Sonic with a Saturn controller