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8980794 No.8980794 [Reply] [Original]

Would it be worth getting and modding a PS1 classic?

>> No.8980798


>> No.8980813

I got one for 20 dollars when they were blowing them out a couple years ago. I like it as a dedicated emulator. So depends how much you can get one for.

>> No.8980843

You could just dump the BIOS files and games from the system onto a USB stick for use on another system.

>> No.8980847

How well does MAME work on it? I've been wanting to try out that Dungeons and Dragons beat em up for a while now.

>> No.8980959

for under $40 and you have ZERO other alternatives then yes

its a slippery slope
next thing you know you'll be coomlectin'

>> No.8980962


i was buying these at frys electronics when they were selling them at a loss
i was (((modding))) them and selling them for 150$

>> No.8981074

>i was buying these at frys electronics when they were selling them at a loss
>i was (((modding))) them and selling them for 150$

I bought one from a Wallmart for $29.99, when they were fire-sale-ing them. wish I bought more. For that price in 2019, it was a great deal. Underrated hardware for a Sony SBC, I do like the controllers despite them not being dual shocks. Soft modded, it's a nice little emulation machine with a nice scale model PS1 shell. I don't think the hardware does anything wrong. The game selection is fine, IMO. It's just the emulation and miss-matched NTSC and PAL ROMS.

>> No.8981076

i figured for the price it was worth it for the controllers alone - i saved one for myself but the rest are long gone

>> No.8981078

God fucking dammit not this shit please, not on /vr/

>> No.8981114

>retarded commie detected

>> No.8981117
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>> No.8981145

>i figured for the price it was worth it for the controllers alone - i saved one for myself but the rest are long gone

the controllers did get a lot of shit for not being dual shocks, but most of the .iso's that came packaged with the system didn't really require them. It would have been nice to have the rumble feature for Metal Gear Solid, but the two OG style PS1 gamepads are really nice. Sony did actually improved upon the original design. Also, they don't have short USB cords.

>> No.8981146


If you want to play with analog sticks, it will take some additional tinkering iirc.

>> No.8981201 [DELETED] 

>If you want to play with analog sticks, it will take some additional tinkering iirc.

Find a version of Bleemsync (I still use this) or Project Eris:

You can play the built in games using external PS1 emulates that generally get better performance and allow you to use alternative USB gamepads with analogue/ rumble.

>> No.8981210

>>>8980794 (OP)
>If you want to play with analog sticks, it will take some additional tinkering iirc.

Find a version of Bleemsync (I still use this) or Project Eris:

You can play the built in games using external PS1 emulators that generally get better performance and allow you to use alternative USB gamepads with analogue/ rumble.

>> No.8981226

I would say yes, especially if you can get it cheap. Get an OTG cable, a small WiFi adapter and a tiny USB stick and you can mod it into a decent emulation machine.

>> No.8982039

Sony has a habit of making nice hardware, but them completely fucking up everything else. See Vita for more details...

>> No.8982071

the vita is great now!
all the games are free kek

>> No.8982084


>> No.8982085

I’m gonna be honest I like the original controllers better than the DualShock anyway. It’s just a snes pad with thighs it’s pretty good.

The DualShock grafted tits onto it and they kinda get in the way of how I liked to grip the controller. So when a don’t need sticks I prefer the old style.

And when I do need sticks I prefer the dual analog pad, it had longer wider handles that accommodate for the analog sticks way better than what they did later with the DualShock; basically not accommodating for them at all and just giving the original controller a boob job

>> No.8982095

your reddit hugbox awaits

>> No.8982097

No just get a pi

>> No.8982158

that is objectively worse in every way anon

>> No.8982163

>costs more
>no case
>no controllers
>requires configuration
>requires additional usb drive to add games or an additional pc on the same network
>requires autism
>ugly themes unless you spend hours trying and redownloading different ones
>Ui designed by redditors
>every question you google has redditors providing wrong info or making things harder than need be
>needs special power supply if you plug anything in that draws too much usb power
i paid $34 for my rp3b+ and i can confirm its ass

>> No.8982176

>overheats running simple mame titles
>crappy emulation
>requires you to associate (even subconsciously) with smug-tard pi posters in every single thread
>software filled with bugs
>many systems do not work
>atrocious bluescreen settings menu that you WILL be looking at for several days as you suffer setting the piece of shit up
>has all of the drawbacks of pc-based emulation without almost NONE of the benefits
>runahead causes cpu to turn into a toaster
>usb latency especially with extension cables (which are required if you use a case that isnt cringe)
>forced to use savestates due to dropped frames

>> No.8982183

the alternative is a psx classic that works out of the box as you endure a 1-time setup process and can run games directly off a usb stick that you can easily drag&drop more titles onto

>> No.8982197

No, the Ps1 classic is so bad that a basic ass rpi3 can run PS1 games better than it, the real NTSC versions too not the crap PAL versions that were chosen to cover up the fact that Sony can't even be assed to get a mini console that works properly.

>> No.8982235

anon. psmini can run whatever iso you want
they even sell usb plug and play solutions on amazon named after weed and crack
even a retard could do it

the rp3(4) suck balls

>> No.8982293

>anon. psmini can run whatever iso you want

The PS1 mini uses a version of PCSX ReArmed, but you can use a newer and different compiled versions of ReArmed that get better performance. I would say the machine is capable of running everything from the PS1 down. But something like Saturn Emulation seems to have hit a brick wall with performance:
This is also why Sega doesn't want to do a Saturn Mini. Their Genesis/ MD Mini is specced so much lower than the PS1 classic. The MD 2 mini will have a bump in performance. But probably nothing crazy? Higher clock speed?

>> No.8983018

Only if it's cheap, like less than $20. Even then, you're better off with a hacked PS3, Vita or Vita TV.

>> No.8983103

The PS Classics were only worth it when they were 75% off in 2019. I bought mine and added retroarch and a fuckton of games on it. The controllers are fine, albeit they feel a bit cheaper than the original. My L2 button sticks and I have no idea why. It's done that since I bought it.

>> No.8983591

iTT I lack basic emulation skills

>> No.8985106

Yes, only problem is the limited space. If you wanna do SNES and stuff it's good but for disc based consoles you won't be able to store a lot of games

>> No.8986553
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honestly bud? I'd go for it

I have a modded snes classic with about 110 games on it, and it's provided me with all the value i wanted from the 40 bucks i got it for second hand from this bored korean mom

if you have a friend to play with, i'd go for it

man, nostalgia is hitting me hard these days