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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8965962 No.8965962 [Reply] [Original]

>dont play games
>just wanted to make good toys
>make fantastic games
>absence is immediately felt in all series he touched
How did he do it? How are you born with such an intuition for a technology that didn't even exist when you were growing up?
What a genius... Flawless. I wish he could have kept making games after the 90s.... But at least we got Pikmin out of him.

>> No.8965974
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>> No.8965986

Maybe because he understood that, despite the technology being different, the same principles apply. That happens in a lot of fields, ancient war campaings are still being studied because even if the tech is absolutely different, the same principles apply: for example, defending choke points. Today you might do it with machine guns instead of dudes with shield and spears.
So, video games have to be fun. It seems today that the medium is filled with an inferiority complex, needing to "prove something" and be measured up like a "movie" or "art".
He understood that games should be fun. And that is that.

>> No.8965991 [DELETED] 

All these youtube essayists keep trying to tell me that games dont have to be fun to be good and its okay for a game to inspire negative feelings and all this stuff.
I really dont get it...

>> No.8965996

Stop it, you bigot. You will play (((western))) non games made by people who hate videogames, and you will like it.

>> No.8965998 [DELETED] 

I mean I'm not sure I would call myself someone who likes video games anymore you know?

>> No.8966006 [DELETED] 

so why aren't you studying miyamoto to make the next best game

>> No.8966016


>> No.8966021 [DELETED] 

the irish youtuber 4chan likes said this shit and i just scoffed and clicked off. how twisted can you be to get to the point where you go 'games dont have to be fun'

>> No.8966027

matthewmattosis? I have a pretty high opinion of him, it would suck if he actually said that.

>> No.8966031 [DELETED] 

i think the context may have been game difficulty? scripting moments of high frustration that result in a better payoff and letting the game pump the brakes and get easier for a bit? but its a really poor soundbyte and he didn't really clarify on it too much. maybe also having gameplay mechanics be negatively affected as dictated by narrative or some thing.

>> No.8966036

He is right, and if you don't understand that you're too dumb to be a part of the discussion.

>> No.8966037

jannies seething.

>> No.8966039

Come on man, games are meant to be fun. What are we doing here? You're gonna have to provide examples of good games that aren't fun.

>> No.8966040

fun is subjective, what some find entertaining you may not find fun.

>> No.8966041

>le subjectivity
how (((postmodern))) of you, shouldn't you be whining on twitter?

>> No.8966043

So whats your point.
I find more often than not people who say things like 'games are not meant to be fun' have just picked up an amazingly narrow and bizarre definition of the word fun.

>> No.8966049

don't be so upset, I am dictating on 4chan and spreading my message to others so it might be passed on while you ineffectively cry.

I find people who fail to understand the statement "games don't have to be fun" often shut down mentally when horror games enter the equation and remove themselves from the conversation or simply embarrass themselves further.

>> No.8966052

>40 minutes of weird high pitched overly grandiose hippy raving
why cant he just get to the point? whats with all the words and asides? i dont understand why he cant just make the games he wants?

>> No.8966056

But horror games are fun?

>> No.8966057

Right? Like gradius or tetris.

>> No.8966061

I don't understand the guys point at all. People have fun playing horror games. That's why they're enjoyed. Fun is a key part of video games. I have a feeling he won't go into it though. Like I'm not being confrontational at all. But it feels like he's just going to never actually be up front and instead just constantly address people who respond to him with
>no thats not my argument
>you didnt consider this
such and such rather than having a cohesive concise body that people can actually look at and examine.

>> No.8966065

>I don't understand the guys point at all.
Fun is a limited perspective on the range of emotions and if your goal is to sort all forms of emotional reaction under the umbrella term of "fun" you're not having a useful discussion and have nothing interesting to say on the matter. Games can elicit stress, concern, doubt, fear, anxiety and all use it in a positive sense to entertain and engage, none of those are "fun." If they are fun, see a doctor today.

>> No.8966070

but they all feed into fun. why are you being so narrowminded with fun?
You still haven't named games you consider good but not fun...

>> No.8966073

>why are you being so narrowminded with fun?
Why are you?
>You still haven't named games you consider good but not fun...
horror games

>> No.8966076

How are horror games not fun? Mathew I don't understand why you have to get so confrontational with this topic. At this point it feels like you're treating a question of semantics into something that could affect video games in anyway.

>> No.8966082

>How are horror games not fun
How is anxiety, stress and fear fun?
My name's not Matthew ;)

>> No.8966084

Because the successful build up and release of tension often accomplished rhythmically in games coincides with the conventional definition of holding attention and giving pleasure and thus it is fun. This is without even considering that it is fun to kill things, manage resources, solve puzzles, and navigate maze-like environments.
A horror game could only fail to be fun if it fails to successfully create these feelings

>> No.8966098

I see, we're talking fundamentals now. So the occasional moment of unfun elements like crippling movement, deliberately draining resources with fodder type enemies which causes stress, crowding an inventory with items that take up space of healing items which are required to progress but set you up for dangerous situations where you lack preparedness in the future are elements which would be criticized as unfun. It seems you agree with the concept that these elements can all be entertaining, therefore fun, meaning you agree with the statement and the context in which it was said. However entertaining is not a word you're ready to use, instead preferring fun.

>> No.8966105

These are literally synonyms in the english language unless you're trying to refer to some definition used in insular academic circles in which case you aren't even arguing you're just changing definitions and not telling people.

>> No.8966108

>These are literally synonyms in the english language
They can mean very different things.
>unless you're trying to refer to some definition used in insular academic circles
I'm part of no academic circles, I am anti-education.
>you're just changing definitions and not telling people.
I'm offering context for the potential of discomforting or inconveniencing the player. Which agree can be good things.

>> No.8966114

When don't they? I commented on an old over hyped game and how all game reviews on mainstream gaming websites are bull today as well. And game makers are in bed with game reviewers. Got a one week ban.

>> No.8966116

Okay well I don't think they mean different things by law of synonym. This conversation can only be over then and it looks like I was right. >>8966043

>> No.8966119

>I don't think they mean different things by law of synonym
A lazy cop-out but I can't say I expect much from someone so strongly resisting agreement despite spelling it out so clearly.