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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8963083 No.8963083 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else like how the graphics on the Game Boy are monochrome? It gives the games a unique look, sometimes simple and charming, sometimes creepy and disturbing, like with castlevania or gargoyle's quest. I believe the "coloured" versions from SGB or GBC look worse, including LADX. I am also a fan of silent films for the same reason.

>> No.8963089
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To this day Metroid 2 is the most unsettling game in the series, the cave system really feels deep and inhospitable

>> No.8963112

Link's Awakening wasn't designed with color graphics in mind, so that might be why you think it in particular looks worse. As for other monochrome GB games, their graphics are especially detailed so that they stand out in monochrome (same reason why black and white classic films are often loved for their looks, just as you said).

>> No.8963123
File: 26 KB, 599x1010, tumblr_n6pguvuGeH1tafr4io1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how many gammes use the same fonts, they all have the same instruments for the music and all the title screens look similar, just text on a white backdrop. No game system's library feels as connected

>> No.8963126

Yes the human mind's attention is spread among ll the colors it perceives so the fewer colors, the bigger the impression it gives. That's why reading is best for memorizing things - it's just black and white!

>> No.8963172
File: 2 KB, 320x288, MP4WL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this fucker

>> No.8963196

I love it, it gives games a sort of "black and white movie" feel. It has a very unique charm and of course gets ruined by gbc

>> No.8963412

>Pluto counting as a planet
I want to go back, bros...

>> No.8963460

The old graphics make me
Kind of sick for some reason. I think the best looking ones are gba sprites, or maybe some of the SNES stuff. I grew up with a GB and a GBC but nonetheless feel that way about them. I don’t know why.

>> No.8963497

A good game doesn't need more than four colors. I don't care if it's monochrome or not, though that usually works out the best, you could have two tones of two colors and it would still look good. I prefer the SGB over GBC or colorized hacks

>> No.8963519

/vr/ being contrarian, color me surprised

>> No.8963646
File: 11 KB, 1144x700, 1638639120436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, there's not a ton of options for decent looking 8x8 monospace fonts at the end of the day, and so few GB games bothered with proportional fonts or alternate sized fonts (6x8, 5x8, 4x8) due to devs not giving a fuck. Even making a bespoke font, you were bound to end up with something similar to one of the other hundreds of games out there.

>> No.8963769

My guess is you never got gud and can only play moviegames

>> No.8963861

I hate how in lazy crossgen GB games the colors mismatch noticeably in adjacent tiles. I honestly prefer monochrome to that.

>> No.8963869

The DX patch for this game really sucks.

>> No.8963881
File: 56 KB, 640x565, s-l640 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black and White you say? I never saw this version of GameBoy.

>> No.8963886

That's because you didn't own a Pocket.

>> No.8963898
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>> No.8963903

You have autism, it’s quite powerful. I suspected you’ve fully harnessed it.

>> No.8963951

>Does anyone else like how the graphics on the Game Boy are monochrome?
no way, it's just something that happens due to hardware limitations

i think it's prudent to point out how a lot of devs fail to utilize colors to their advantage, look at the way Hell is handled in Doom, it looks awesome, and a game like Cruelty Squad also uses colors contrary to what is considered good theory to a great effect.

>> No.8963956

i am>>8963951and i agree with OP that the colored version of DX looks worse, the original had a very dreamy vibe and it was a shock for the reveal. the color version looks like someone vomited all over the game.

>> No.8964089

The black and white look for the GB Castlevania games fit really well since the series is heavily inspired by the black and white Universal movies.

>> No.8964124

Yes, for some reason it gives games a kind of strange, quiet, dreamlike atmosphere that I enjoy.
It works really well with Link's Awakening.

>> No.8964618

Did you try this one?

>> No.8964635

That looks quite a lot better. I'll have to see if I can flash this version to my bootleg instead.

>> No.8965141


>> No.8965175

Gargoyle's Quest, a spin-off of Ghosts n Goblins starring Firebrand, that red demon dude, in his quest in hell to protect the undead monsters from other undead monsters

>> No.8965209
File: 767 KB, 5504x5824, 22-23-59-1653849614415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greenscale is better. Pure black and white is too sterile

>> No.8965423

I’m colorblind

>> No.8965486

How color blind? I thought colorblinds could still see specific colors?

>> No.8965595

Not with the happy music it’s not unsettling

>> No.8965605

Yeah, most people probably remember playing emulators

>> No.8965627


>> No.8965706

Good thing you can pick whatever color you want on them

>> No.8965715

Why do Nintendo fans insist on trying to portray every game as spooky?

>> No.8965779

Metroid games genuinely can be spooky though

>> No.8965916

the gameboy is definitely the "classic" system with the least amount of good games. majority of the good stuff is 1st party

megaman V is easily worse than any of the nes megamans despite being a new game

>> No.8965939

i think the monochrome color works really well in games like wario land 1, even though that one doesn't often try to be scary or anything like that. i think the somewhat creepy atmosphere given off in the cave/lake levels caused by the ambient music were complimented by the small range of colors used.

>> No.8966129

Game Gear has it beat by a mile for that, all trash Master system ports and downports of Genesis games as the eye can see.

>> No.8966254

Untrue, you just haven't explored it enough. The Gameboy freaking owns.

>> No.8966338

emulators were the best way to hide porn on my computer

>> No.8966348

You're avoiding the question

>> No.8966352

this post is a little spooky

>> No.8966617

The happy music is just in the hub cavern. The actual dangerous areas of the game only have ambient "music".

>> No.8966651

This. The experience playing it on a classic Gameboy is otherworldly.

>> No.8966914

Well, there are people who're unable to perceive certain colours (like people who have a red-green colour blindness are unable to see red and green in all their shades) and those who can't see colour at all (achromats).

>> No.8966989

There is no ambient music in Metroid 2 though

>> No.8967024

I don't have this attachment since I had a GBC growing up not a GB. So for me these games would have some sort of minor amounts of color. That said though yeah I do like the look of these old GB games. They allowed imagination to take over way more than what came after them. I see GBC games in a similar way though.

>> No.8967029

I always felt like Gameboy color was a mistake, games looked too flat, monochrome gameboy games had more depth to their sprites and terrain due to the shading you could do with greys and blacks

>> No.8967043

Actual GBC games looked pretty good. Backward compatible games with lazy colorization sucked.

>> No.8967058


>> No.8967092

They look great when the screen is properly desaturated, otherwise they just look like a bag of skittles

>> No.8967102

Has Gamefreak ever explained why they decided to design their worlds like this instead of more traditional ways? I can't think of any other games out there with world design like this.

>> No.8967209

I can’t see any

>> No.8968381

That's awful, I wish you could. Do you even understand what color is?

>> No.8968397

The map is based on the real life version of the Kanto region in Japan. For instance Celadon is based on Tokyo's district of commerce, Saffron is based on Tokyo's district of business, Mt. Moon on mount Akagi, the cycling road on the Tokyo aqua line. The locations on the map match fairly accurately

>> No.8968595

jrpgs with an overworld map don't work on this system

>> No.8968620


>> No.8969159

I'm sorry

>> No.8969885

Based on my own experiences, I think it has something to do with our first gaming experiences being on Nintendo platforms while being very young with a very strong imagination and at the same time being left alone for hours on end.

The limitations of hardware, stuff like the mono chrome color pallets and the lack of audio dialogue, seem to play into that active imagination. It's like an open invitation for our brains to fill in the gaps in how things should sound and look.

A lot of those early games had very story line, so we were also left to fill that in for ourselves as well.

Another thing to consider is how the experiences on those early portable devices couldn't really be shared. It came across sort of like a special experience, almoat like reading a book . You had to hold the fucking thing just right or you couldn't see shit, again there was no audio dialogue either, so Gameboy really wasn't a spectator sport. Making it way more intimate.

Tl;Dr version: Unsupervised children with active imaginations were left to make their own experiences for hours on end and rarely was an adult able to intercede on what they were experiencing.

>> No.8970109

Dumb cripple gtfo
This is why shit like mew or waluigi in sm64ds caught on.

>> No.8970190
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Here's the map comparison for anyone curious