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8956082 No.8956082 [Reply] [Original]

Yoshi's Island made its major boss battles seem way more climactic than they had any right to be.

>> No.8956087


>> No.8956094

>had any right to be.

The fuck does this even mean? You retards have been tossing it around for ages and it just feels so meaningless. What right does anything have or not have? If it did it then it did it.

>> No.8956182

They're trying to sound like some kind of authority when they're just faggots.

>> No.8956358

I think they're saying it's tonally inconsistent with the light-hearted style of the game.

>> No.8956395

I mean, it's not a hard boss fight, but as a kid that shit is fucking terrifying the first time. The way he just keeps getting closer to closer. It was a really great use of sprite scaling.

I remember killing him while trying to get him as close to me as possible.

>> No.8956403

It's a kids game anon...

>> No.8956574

Sorry to hear about your learning disability.

>> No.8956650

Sorry to fuck your dad.

>> No.8957167

I like the ominous fog as you climb up to the koopa boss.

>> No.8957186

Yoshi's Island was a masterpiece and a masterclass in platformer design

>> No.8957320

>bragging about hot glueing an urn
At least fucking my mom would've taken some back bone.

>> No.8957329

I think it's the best SNES game, and one of the best of all-time.

>> No.8957376

>no present father figure
that explains so much

>> No.8957418

I don't know, isn't fucking the urn and disrespecting the dead and all the more dangerous option here?

>> No.8957436

based mature anon who thinks only brown military games for grown ups can be climatic

>> No.8959000

You can't disrespect the dead, idiot. They're fucking dead. My father said as much. Stop being a pussy.
How come neither one of you wanted to fuck my mom btw?

>> No.8959174

As a 10 year old obsessed with Godzilla and giant monsters, this fight was one of my favorite moments in 4th gen vidya.

>> No.8959179

I fucked him first

>> No.8959218

>I mean, it's not a hard boss fight, but as a kid that shit is fucking terrifying the first time. The way he just keeps getting closer to closer. It was a really great use of sprite scaling.

>> No.8959441

Your father is a dead bitch kek and your mom is ugly

>> No.8959452

>yoshis island
will nintendo ever get over being upstaged so hard by the DKC trilogy? Yoshis island looks and sounds like shit. the egg aiming was a horrendous idea. DKC is fucking amazing There is literally no reason for more
>SMB1,Lost Levels, SMB3
All the games anyone needs

>> No.8959465
File: 36 KB, 679x333, yourfirstconsole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We get it, DKC was your Babby's First Platformer. Your mommy bought you picrel, didn't she? You imprinted on that shitty game like a newborn duckling.

>> No.8959474

Samefag and I like both Yoshi's Island and DKC.
Miyamoto worked with Rare on DKC and these quotes are confirmed fake.
>noo but-

>> No.8959484

Lol. Wrong.

>> No.8959485

>will nintendo ever get over being upstaged so hard by the DKC trilogy?
Even if those Miyamoto quotes were real, why would they be mad? DKC made them a boatload of money, that's all they would care about.

>> No.8959487

both miyamoto AND tezuka are sour on DKC if you read the interviews.
egg throwing is an awful mechanic

>> No.8959489

Westerners are obsessed with painting japanese people as being "envious" of western people, and try to make up stories all the time. See the whole SoA vs SoJ thing... all narrated by westies only, the japanese are not even aware there's stories about a supposed SoA vs SoJ rivalry, because there really wasn't one, just miscommunication.

>> No.8959492

>trust me dude!
>I have bad taste!
oh yeah you do, we know that.

>> No.8959496

Link to said interviews?

>> No.8959497

what do you mean? those are real interviews that aren't even associated to the 'miyamoto' quotes

>> No.8961603

why are certain people so obsessed with wanting Miyamoto to hate on a game he helped produce?

>> No.8961618

People love drama and making stories up make them feel like they're in the know and close to the people they're talking about.

I hate people who love drama. They see drama, they just WANT to join in. When there is no drama, they'll make it up from scratch.

>> No.8961621

Go back to /v/

>> No.8961758

>every single boss is just a giant version of a normal enemy
wow, how original
still gave me a macro fetish
and a vore fetish, thanks to Prince Froggy

>> No.8963283

and you're a bigger faggot than anyone has a right to be, gay thread.

>> No.8963295

relax, ESL kun.

>> No.8963298

YI has an amazing presentation

>> No.8963996

>that tension when you're trying to 100% the final castle

>> No.8964180

OP is using it incorrectly, but generally "than it had any right to be" refers to something being unexpectedly good in the face of adversity

Like some shitty shovelware bargain bin game having an amazing soundtrack. It has no right to have an amazing soundtrack because it's a shit shovelware game, but it still does.

>> No.8964528

A~an-aannd what about d-dem giant eggs?
Asking for a fiend, haha. . .

>> No.8966321

It smacks of an inferiority complex. This "MY people are far superior to those BARBARIANS and always have been!" shit just makes me think of a bunch of saddos who've done nothing with their lives desperately latching on to the accomplishments of their "kin". And I say this as a white westerner.

>> No.8967168

>game changes perspective for the final boss, turning it into a cabal-like, while still maintaining the core gameplay
I love shit like this.

>> No.8967178

>little babby dummy game
>it actually has badass animated cutscenes and epic mode 7 boss fights and is an engaging puzzle and platform jumping game
Thats what they are trying to say, deserving or not isn't really relevant