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8955980 No.8955980 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think about Pokemon Red?

>> No.8956090

Pokemon is a deeply flawed series but there was something magic about the whole climate of Gen 1 pokemania
It's funny reading through those Nintendo Power threads, like Red/Blue came out with little fanfare and got a pretty mediocre score in the review section and then two or three issues later, there were entire sections dedicated to strategy, Q&As, all kinds of Pokemon content and half the retailer ads featured Pokemon in some way. Kind of says it all imo

>> No.8956119

I watched the anime before I could get the game, although I had known about the game because I saw japanese screenshots on a nintendo magazine in 1997, I remember it had pictures of kids in Tokyo's streets with the GB and the link cable trading pokemon, and the caption said "This is a normal scene in the tokyo streets, everyone is crazy about Pocket Monsters", or something like that, hehe... I remember I phoned a game store asking if they had this "Pocket Monsters" game, they had no idea what it was.
Also around the same time, my dad showed me some newspaper with a Pikachu picture on it, it was when the Porygon episode aired in Japan, I remember Pikachu creeped me out, he looked like a little demon in that particular picture.
When I finally watched the anime and got the game shortly after, it was a really good time. I understood why it was such a hit game in Japan.
I got Red as a kid but I prefer Blue because Meowth is my favorite.

>> No.8956125


>> No.8956130

It was popular for a reason. It’s a very fun game. I liked Yellow more than Red and Blue but they’re still very good. Not sure if an adult would get much out of them without nostalgia.

>> No.8956210

A game for people blinded by nostalgia.
The GBA-NDS era offered better Pokemon games that are actually nice to look at, with some of them have the physical-special split and online play, as well as the PWT.

>> No.8956230

Very fun game. I like the openness of it and the monster designs. Great music.

>> No.8956237

Blue has better version exclusives desu

>> No.8956270

Okay here's the thing. Blue was the better game but when you were on the bus or in the hallways at school or in the cafeteria you had to sell your friends on the red version of the game so they would get it and you could trade Pokemon with them. So while publicly some people may state that Red is the better version we all know privately that it is a falsehood we must continue to spread to continue to receive good trades.

Nevermind those kids who got the Yellow version they might as well been Canadian.

>> No.8956281

>I completely lack self-awareness
GBA and NDS games were underpowered sewer oil, even for their respective systems.

>> No.8956287

Everyone had Yellow, dumbass. It came out later and was promoted as a sequel because of its new features and Pikachu being so prominent.

>> No.8956289

>nice to look at
GBA games were ugly as fuck
>physical-special split
>online play

but gen 1 still good

>> No.8956350

Aw come on, they're all solid. The Game Boy and GBC games totally hold up still.
But I agree that the series was best on GBA and DS. Emerald, FRLG and HGSS are the best games in the whole series.

>> No.8956440

>calls others dumbass
>actually owned a copy of Pokemon Yellow
Excuse me Canadian. You do not have permission to reply to my posts. Don't let it happen again.

>> No.8956457

But I shared Red then got Blue for myself a year before that.

>> No.8956464

See? Blinded by nostalgia. >>8956281 >>8956289

>> No.8956492

a mediocre rpg that just wasn't allowed to fail

>> No.8956516

>Gen 1 bad because I didn't it as a kid and got made fun of for it
>Gen 3-4 good because I played them as a toddler

>> No.8956525


>> No.8956594

I played gen 3 at 19 ._.
What's your next goalpost?

>> No.8956787

Where was the goalpost moved, zoomie?

>> No.8956823

I wish the post-GBC Pokemon games didn't have the most anemic, washed out, nothing color palette imaginable. It totally ruins my mental image of what the Pokemon world looks like.

>> No.8956826

blue is better

>> No.8956863

if its new to you its fun to play a faster paced, simpler, more broken primitive pokemon

if youre like me and you played it at the time its a reminder of one of those special times that youll never get back and friends you dont have anymore. its irritating seeing 19 year olds on youtube and twitter not beleiving pokemania was a legitimate thing and that it changed our culture more than anything else from nintendo since except for the wii for a little while.

>> No.8956942

i really like the first gen, i'd play more in that style if there was any more

>> No.8956945 [DELETED] 
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Much better than Blue and the true canon version.
Yes, I picked Charmander.

>> No.8957074

during the hype there was nothing else like it, even to this day

>> No.8957114

You only like the GBA/NDS games because of nostalgia. In fact, anything you like that is older than five years old isn't actually good, it's just nostalgia. I know what you actually should think even though I've never met you. I am very intelligent.

>> No.8957148 [DELETED] 

>GBA-NDS era offered better Pokemon games that are actually nice to look at

>> No.8957154

the gba era nearly ended the franchise

killing everyones monsters after 7 games worth of transfers what the biggest fuckup, maybe ever

>> No.8957180

I think you're a retarded third-world zoomer who should get off my board. Everyone knows these games are called Pokémon 1.

>> No.8957184

>Transferring Pokémon, ever
Lol at ur life fgt

>> No.8957248

Suppose that Pokemon started with Sapphire and Ruby in 2002.

Now suppose the next game after that was good ole Red and Blue.
Do you think anyone ever would look at these and call them an improvement? Call them better games?
No one would ever do that. But that's how genwunners keep making it sound like, that gen 1 was the epitome of the franchise that will never be topped.

But the reality is that Pokemon suffers from the same issue Street Fighter suffers from: There are clearly better sequels (like SF3 and SF4), because the original is now plain compared to them, and is used for the basic formula.
If the franchise had started with any of the later games instead, it would've still been a success and had the same mania (for SF, there was the fighting game boom), because there were no other games to compare them to. And that's the curse that sequels have to suffer, being constantly compared to previous games.
They have objective, measurable improvements. But the reason people always put the original higher is due to the mania and hype of the time.
You had fun, no doubt, but you would've had more fun if the late games were the ones that started it.

>> No.8957262

This, me and my cousin started with Gold/Silver and when we saw all the improvements that gen 2 added weren't present in RGBY we simply got filtered and dropped when we tried to play it for the first time.

>> No.8957264

Well still my favorite game of all time even though I don't go back to it anymore.

>> No.8957286

i can only play it on a super gameboy as it being one color for the entire damn game is so hideous. if i play gen 1 on gb i just play yellow.

>> No.8957295

I can't decide if I prefer Red or Blue
Blue has better exclusive Pokemon though I prefer the GBC colourization on Red and I just prefer red as a colour over blue
I lost my original Red cartridge and it still really bothers me

>> No.8957321 [DELETED] 

>Now suppose the next game after that was good ole Red and Blue.
>Do you think anyone ever would look at these and call them an improvement? Call them better games?
I understand RB are pitiful games, but they are still my favorite. They have a better atmosphere. Every successive game in the series offered some type of improvement, but graphics really aren't great for anything before XY. Not saying XY are the pinnacle of graphics either, but they are good, but overall I do like the RB graphics more than later gens.
RB is also better in how it just lets you go and explore and do shit, every other game stops you every 5 minutes.

>> No.8957546

how am I blinded? I just replayed Gen 1 last year. I'd rather replay Gen 1 than Gen 3. The glitches make for a better experience.

>> No.8957594

>i'd play more in that style if there was any more
So gen 2?

>> No.8957598

>seeing 19 year olds on youtube and twitter not beleiving pokemania was a legitimate thing
Do zoomers really??

>> No.8957687

Circumstances surrounding it made it my favorite game of that time in my life. I haven't replayed it since the gen 3 remakes though. The AI and movesets for trainers, while facilitating the game being beatable by any kid that can (somewhat) read, don't feel rewarding to beat even in a nuzlocke setting.

>> No.8957773

this, i grew up with the GBA/DS games but in hindsight the pokémon games on those systems were incredibly barebones graphically compared to other titles on the system. people think game freak is lazy now but honestly they were always kinda low-effort.

>> No.8957798

yeah gen 2 has been parroted to death, and for good reason, but you know - more like that

>> No.8957860

>Spreading a huge amount of 251 Pokemon across 5+ games

It was hell. Even if you, yourself, never transfer, limiting the pool like that was shitty. In theory it was meant to encourage trading more, but in reality it just meant everyone used cheating devices to generate all the Pokemon they missed.

>> No.8957891

This feels disingenuous to say. a later gen game released before wouldn't be the same game by virtue of limitations of the hardware, and a RBY released in 03/04 wouldn't be a Gameboy Game from 96. It'd look..like the remakes on GBA. And contentwise I enjoyed the remakes more than R/S. I was still a kid when R/S came out (10) so I'm not entirely biased. Even back then I liked how much more loose RBY was than G/S; I hated having to do fetch quests for evolution stones or wait for certain days of the week,

>> No.8957896

>Suppose that Pokemon started with Sapphire and Ruby in 2002. Now suppose the next game after that was good ole Red and Blue.

Simple answer: That didn't happen.

Your answer is retarded. Obviously games released afterwards introduced improvements and some of those games were better. My favourite Pokemon games are not Red and Blue. Yet I still like them, because I am judging them in the time and context they were released.

Red and Blue were, in fact, the first Pokemon games (in the west at least) and when I played them they were good. It makes no sense to revise history and pretend they were never good because better games were released later.

Frankly I think your entire perspective is bizarre for someone who posts on a retro video game board.

>> No.8957935

I stopped liking Pokemon when they increased the roster past the original 151.

>> No.8957947

Fun part of my childhood therefore it will always be one of my favorite games. Still have the original cartridge but the battery died.

>> No.8957963
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kill yourself

>> No.8958295

Still a nice game to come back to, I have a soft spot for the old GB visuals and it does remind me the time when everyone and their mom loved pokemon.
I do feel some of the effects of wanting some of the newer changes of later games though, mostly from DS era pokemon.

>> No.8958725

Dumb fun game, has it's appeal and the glitches are interesting, it is however limited by it being the first pokemon so you can tell that a lot of shit wasn't well planned or thought out.
>A bunch of types are really awful (even the ones that were not intended to be), which takes a bit of the replayability unless you want to handicap yourself by catching bug/poison/fighting/dragon/fire types.
>Learnsets are mostly bad, half of the cast of monsters don't learn a single move of their own typing which may or may not affect the difficulty/fun of your playthrough.
>All trainers' mons only have moves they learn through level up besides very few exceptions.
>Most dual types aren't really interesting.
>Pokemon distribution is fucked to some types.
>PvP on original hardware is fucking broken, literally impossible to not run into a glitch that may or may not affect your save file.
Either way, i still prefer its OST over FR/LG's.

>> No.8958727
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Absolutely essential and based. I got this christmas of 98' + a clear purple GBC and Zelda OOT. That was literally the best christmas of my life.

>> No.8958756

True Pokemon ended with Gen 2 after Gen 3 everything feel soulless

>> No.8958816
File: 63 KB, 829x916, 1619566246551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what you mean

>> No.8958834

Can't say anything about it I have only played Blue

>> No.8958853

That's what rom hacks are for my friend. Pokemon Grape is my favorite Gen 1 hack, and Pokemon Prism my favorite Gen 2 hack. You should check them out

>> No.8958869

Might've been the fact they didn't bother to try finding a way to bring your pokemon over to gen 3 and then did a "see your problems as opportunities" marketing horseshit and tried to sell them back to you with game cube games, accessories and remakes.

>> No.8958876

>Gas type

>> No.8958884

gen 3 wasn't souless but they DID fuck over the entire fanbase

7 games worth of monsters? you been transferring your team and keeping up?


>> No.8958893


>> No.8958905

>blue v2
Yeah I'm counting 8

>> No.8959095

any one have a high res pic of Blue version like the one on the OP?

>> No.8959146

Do zoomers view this box the same way that we viewed mysterious yet famous vinyl records?

>> No.8959147

Are you saying gen 3 itself felt souless? I never played it. I liked 2 just as much if not potentially more than 1

>> No.8959150

Are you saying there is a BRAP version?

>> No.8959226

Jap games are not compatible with English games.

>> No.8959248

The GBA games have beautiful colors, but two of them are remakes and the other three consist mostly of water, much like the human body.

My first Pokemon game, loved it. First starter being Charmander, but with subsequent playthroughs I've switched to Bulbasaur for some reason and never looked back. Monster design aside (luv me some Ivysaur, simple as), I think it's mostly because having a grass starter made the first few gyms piss easy and if you leveled mostly one Pokemon (like I did and kinda still do with all Pokemon games) by the time you'd get to the Elite Four you'd wreck the fuck out of them with only a few revives and hp restoring items.

>> No.8959363

I wonder if the GBA game's saturated colors was to try and brute force color through the dim screens of the gba and the front lit SP

>> No.8959532

Orange Version is pretty cool, and I think most romhacks are for faggots.

>> No.8959583

Thats exactly it. See Castlevania CoTM vs HoD

>> No.8959739

I think so anon, playing them on a DS I find myself putting brightness down about halfway through, the colors pop too much otherwise.

>> No.8959768
File: 29 KB, 256x224, Pokemon - Blue Version (UE) [S][!]-003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's an eye opening experience playing on the actual Super Gameboy instead of an emulator that puts the SGB border around the game running in Gameboy mode.

>> No.8959785
File: 27 KB, 256x224, Pokemon - Blue Version (UE) [S][!]-007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The overworld stays green but there's a lot more color in battles.

>> No.8959793

You're not Japanese and you never will be, bitch

>> No.8959794

I've played through Silver on SGB and was blown away with what they've managed to work out color-wise. Also, Pokemon TCG displays your badges on the boarder as you progress through the game and gain more and more of them, thought that was cool.

>> No.8959808

I never even realized Gold and Silver could be played on an original Game Boy until years later. How is it on SGB?

>> No.8959828

Really fun actually, the games look better on the GBC obviously, but if all you had back in the day was a GB or a GBP with Gold or Silver and you'd get your hands on the Super Game Boy, it would blow your mind. The towns each get a different color, simple two shade effect, but the Pokemon in battle and in the Pokedex are in full color and it looks absolutely amazing on a CRT. The border is kinda shitty compared to Red and Blue (did Yellow have one?) though, it's literally just a bunch of Pokeballs on either a silver or gold background.

>> No.8959893

Weird, i had the exact opposite realization
A kid once showed up to school with a big chungus gameboy with pokemon gold in it with an attitude like "can i play pokemon with you guys now?" in the era of pokemon emerald.
I just slotted that in my head as "i guess old gameboys can play gameboy games" i didn't realise until like, 2 years ago that they couldn't.

>> No.8959979

>play through the Elite Four in Stadium to get a Pokemon
>gives me a Squirtle which was my fucking starter
FUCK. I guess I'll give it to my girlfriend

I always thought it was weird that they took out the Pokemon prizes in Stadium 2. Being able to relearn moves is nice, but it was perfect being able to win the starters, fossilmon, or Eevee.

>> No.8960219

Sure woulda been nice if they released the GS ball through that instead of "lol nvm lets not release that"

>> No.8960594

Good nostalgia factor, but that's about it. Was on a long road trip back home as a kid while fighting and beating the final four. Good times. Don't think I could play it nowadays unless I do a nuzlocke.

>> No.8960645
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>The overworld stays green

What? No it doesn't, each area has its own colour scheme

>> No.8960652

Was fun at the time but pretty boring now. Played it to death and it's just not that interesting as a grown up.

GBA/DS is probably just what you grew up with because you're a bit younger.

>> No.8960690

I've been around Pokemon since day one and only now did I realise the logo text is drawn to look 3D

>> No.8960707
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More of a Blaue Edition person myself, owing to me having the blue edition and my sister having the red edition as children.

>> No.8960761

Yeah that's bullshit too. I ended up getting a shiny Celebi from a kid down the road that had a gameshark.

>> No.8960870

Imagine being a zoomer.
Im sorry for you.

>> No.8960914
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I really love this game and yellow. the simple stats and the fact that not every pokemon of the same species was identical went a long way to make each journey feel personal. thousands of kids chose charmander, but yours had an almost 1 of a kind stat soread that made it special to you, along with nickanmes. even having in game traded mons be nicknamed is a strong effort in making each pokemon feel like it had a soul. personally i love the machoke to machamp you get named "RICKY" in yellow. machamp is my favorite pokemon because my brother wanted my starter and just gave me a random machoke from the victory road. used that guy solo for the whole game but he never got passed lvl 80's. very strong games

>> No.8961746
File: 1.24 MB, 2610x2754, 0515221330a~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny enough the debug save editor in stadium 2 is the easiest way to trigger the event if you have a flash cart for the n64.
There are a few prize pokemon, special moves one.
Like some flying ground one that knows earthquake, or a farfetched that can baton pass.
Stadium one giving out an amnesia psyduck was just a retarded award.

>> No.8961767

Yeah that's basically been the deal with every even pokemon up until they finally just started releasing all of them through wifi by gen 5.

I'm kind of thankful for it in a way, because getting pissed at not being able to get any event mons as a kid taught me the value of just hacking the game if the devs are faggots. Had I been able to get mews and celebis the "intended" way I might have turned into one of those fags that cries about injecting pokemon.

>> No.8961772

playing it right now my dude. just something to fuck around with in one hand. it's a good start and stop game.

>> No.8961783

>Funny enough the debug save editor in stadium 2 is the easiest way to trigger the event if you have a flash cart for the n64.
anon, tell me how

>> No.8961836

I'm going to assume you have a few things right off the bat.
>Transfer Pak
>Some sort of n64 flashcart
>Crystal version
You have to patch a stadium 2 rom with this
Then simply load up the game with crystal in the first controller slot.
Access the debug menu, go into the gb-sram editor and edit the hex locations noted in the gs ball event trigger here
save your changes and load up the game. If you did it right going out of the goldenrod pokemon center will trigger the start of the event.

>> No.8961874

yeah, they think its genwunners pretending the release of rby was special and exaggerating how much everyone liked pokemon and how omnipresent it was in 1999

i mean its hard to blame them. imagine being born in 2003 and starting pokemon with diamond and pearl and it becomes your new lifelong obsession and then you find out you missed the time period where pokemon became a cultural milestone and a lot of your normal adult peers outside of the internet remember it as something they watched and played for 8 specific months and then never ever again.

>> No.8961909

Thank you, anon

>> No.8961930

Should I change both 0x3E3C and 0x3E44? Or just changing 0x3E3C to 0x0B also works?

>> No.8961931

Both. I changed only one and it didn't work the first time.

>> No.8961938

Perfect. Finally, I can do what Nintendon't

>> No.8961941

>first game was silver
>favourite gen is 3
>really like playing gen 1 to abuse glitches
>don't really like gen 2 anymore

I feel like a freak of nature sometimes

>> No.8961958

Because gen 2 was an adventure. It was best experienced when you still had a sense of wonder for Pokemon's world. You can't go back.

>> No.8961993

>t. zoomie that missed out on the pokemon golden age

>> No.8962008

it's based

>> No.8962139

My nephew still fields my original Snorlax from 1998 occasionally.

>> No.8962162

It was deeply flawed with regards to game balance and many of the monsters' sprites were butt-ugly, but it was a blast when I was a kid.

>> No.8962169

But enough about Final Fantasy. What about Capsule Monsters?

>> No.8962182

Ruby and Sapphire were awful. Had you said Silver and Gold, you would have a point.

>> No.8962193

Japanese Blue is the definitive gen 1 experience.

>> No.8962208

>game balance
Balance isn't fun.
Fun is spamming crits with razor leaf and basically doing as much damage as solarbeam without the charge.
I also like using amnesia twice on a slowbro and being basically unstoppable.

>> No.8962209

Dunbar's Number and its consequences...

>> No.8962216

What kinda pokemon is dunbar?

>> No.8962230

Pre-evolution of Dungoofd.

>> No.8962531

Make every type somewhat broken then, so you can have fun with everyone.

>> No.8962749

Nah then it's prescribed fun.
There's something appealing in finding something broken and imagining the devs shaking their fists and screaming "nooo my game balance"
There definitely should be a better link between difficulty to find things and strength though, it's pretty universally unappealing to find a rare 1% pokemon like dunsparce and find out he's actually completely useless.
I never fell into the trap of training up a dunsparce, but i did get got by chimecho. It was so rare and James had it in the anime, how could it not be good?

>> No.8962757

Blue has a better selection of exclusive pokemon, but I still have bias towards blue because that's why I had as a kid.

>> No.8962765

>Blue has a better selection of exclusive pokemon
There is a 90% chance you want to fuck a ninetails

>> No.8962773

No, Victreebel is just really overpowered

>> No.8962779

So is Electabuzz and he's exclusive to Red

>> No.8962782

You're not wrong so i'll choose to believe you.
Nah weepinbell/victreebel are legit OP because gen 1 razor leaf is fucked.

>> No.8962789

>Nah weepinbell/victreebel are legit OP because gen 1 razor leaf is fucked.
It's actually because sleep powder + wrap has no counter

>> No.8962794

I suppose there's that too, i just don't that in single player myself.
probably useful on self limited runs like nuzlocke though

>> No.8963002

It helped me pass so much time during road trips, we would drive from Texas to Nevada and lord was I glad to level up monsters. Battling friends with the link cable was fun, I was very fixated on monsters that could be taught attacks that the opponent wouldn't expect (weird shit like exeggutor using psychic)

>> No.8963007

Unintelligible forced meme tryhard word. Killself.

>> No.8963020

I replayed through it once about 5 years after I got it on launch (and before doing so again via Soul Silver during senior year of high), and it was still great (magic/vacation feels). Maybe it's hard to go back to it once again most if the time, though, like you're saying.

>> No.8963026

This. Ruby and Sapphire still felt like an adventure, at least, though, and the weather system was interesting (didn't make up for removing real-time day/night, of course). The only good thing about Gen 4 was the music. Literally everything else about it was bad: really bad graphics, character designs (especially the trainers: fag beret and all), gameplay.

>> No.8963040
File: 385 KB, 502x457, Pokemon_green_gameboy_lable_by_alex_553-d5rw8z4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should have released overseas at some point as "Green Version" (with the Japanese Red/Green original graphics). Everyone over here wanted Green, after all, due to its mystique. Maybe I'll give romhacking a try sometime and make this.

>> No.8963049

I remember going to the "big city" as a kid and asking all the game stores in the shopping center if they had green version.
I dont remember what they said but I ended up getting spyro and 2 surgeries on that trip.

>> No.8963068

Grew up on it and Silver. I prefer Silver but the nostalgia will always be there. These days I’m burnt out on Pokémon - have been since SoulSilver - so I don’t really play them or other Pokémon games anymore.
I did play a romhack named “Crystal Clear” which turns Crystal into an open world, do the gyms in whatever order game. I loved that game. These days Pokémon has way too much shit and is way too handholdy. Gen 1 and 2 though? That’s some good shit.

>> No.8963132

It's just blue with shittier sprites

>> No.8963216

Yeah but it would have been green tho
They could have sold millions.

>> No.8964789
File: 940 KB, 718x920, Blue_JP_boxart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn 2 read. Japanese Blue could have been released internationally as "Green Version."

>> No.8964793

>Red/Blue came out with little fanfare and got a pretty mediocre score in the review section
Really? I remember it being a big deal from day 1.

>> No.8964798

I think someone beat you to it already anon, fairly sure I saw a romhack like that before, but I'll urge you to get into romhacking anyway if you've got the smarts for it - can never have too many romhacks or translations.

>> No.8964801

>Everyone over here wanted Green, after all, due to its mystique.
I just thought of Red and Blue as basically the same game anyway and never had any interest in a Green. If anything the Yellow one later on was a bit more of a twist.

>> No.8964817

good game, good series. absolutely impressive what they did on GB and GBC hardware. GBA games are solid. started seeing signs of the terrible future to come on the DS, even though some of the best games in the series are on it. 3DS era is the true beginning of the end. and switch era pokemon games are a sad, sad joke.

>> No.8966178
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Pokemon was very much you had to be there sort of thing, I was in 9th grade when Red/Blue came out and that shit was everywhere, I remember collecting all the little Pokemong guides that came with Nintendo power and playing that shit to death.
Dad bought me a pack of like 16 AA's and I ran through that in a week cause I literally would not playing from sun up to sun down, only gen I ever caught them all to.

I never lost the love for the franchise though, I still follow it and when I had a nice job, I ordered a bulbasaur plush that was as big as the game one and cried when I finally got it, finally a bulbasaur of my very own.

>> No.8966217
File: 99 KB, 500x331, pokemonred.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8967175

>serious roleplayers

>> No.8967181

I don't think it's really stood the test of time. I played it again for the first time in decades during lockdown. The excitement of catching and training up new pokemon is great, but so much of the game is just kinda annoying. Every cave, the sea, team rocket's hideout, the cinnabar lab... they're a chore to get through.

>> No.8967184

Looking back
pokémon sprites were mad whack.
overworld sprites weren't synchronized with the screen scrolling, so the end result was jittering as you moved about.
>red version
had shitty version exclusives.

i remember the days when indigo league was premiering on television and was available on vhs. fuck this feeling of being old.

>> No.8967213

Was there any hard technical limitation preventing them from allowing trading between gen 3 and gen 1/2?

The GBA was compatible with Gameboy games after all, and I even had a link cable with a switch that allowed it to link GBA games together, and link Gameboy games together, depending on the position of the switch.

>> No.8967226

I think you just answered your own question. The switch wouldn't be necessary if the link cables were compatible.
They changed the wiring significantly to allow for 3 and 4 players.

>> No.8967230

I lost my shit at this. Thanks for the underrated comment of the day, sir.

>> No.8967239

maybe the 3 Minute Mark is what you're looking for.

>> No.8967243

Do you ever wish that had been more significant differences between versions? Like exclusive moves, exclusive areas, gym leaders, puzzles, maybe even an exclusive type?

>> No.8967251

Spend your pokedollars on max repels and use them in every wild area, that's what I do as an adult.

>> No.8967267

But could they have done some trickery if they were really determined? Even if it meant storing a Pokemon's data in the GBA's RAM and then switching cartridges with the system powered on or some mad shit?

>> No.8967282

No, because of the Special Stat split.

>> No.8967283

The GBA BIOS clears RAM on reset, sadly. And reset is the only way to leave GBC mode. GBC carts can't be read in GBA mode and vice versa, too.
Funnily enough there's a loophole of sorts that might allow you to go the other way i.e. gen 3 to gen 2.

>> No.8967284

What? F1 racer on the gameboy had 4 player link multiplayer.

>> No.8967292

Huh, I didn't know about the 4 player adapter. But either way the wiring was changed.

>> No.8967294

Wait, fuck, Gen2 did that with time capsule.
Only thing I can reasonably allude to is the differences in hardware instructions between systems with the GBA having an ARM processor as the base chipset.
The detector switch that boots the system into backwards compatibility mode is a hardware feature. I don't think it can be triggered by software alone unless they designed it for that, too.

>> No.8967307

>The detector switch that boots the system into backwards compatibility mode is a hardware feature. I don't think it can be triggered by software alone unless they designed it for that, too.
You can switch a GBA into GBC mode with software - the BIOS does it, and the BIOS isn't special.
It's even possible to run a small payload from RAM this way.

>> No.8967330

sorry, anon. if you're trying to broadcast your git, i'm going to have to pass on that as i can't be fucked to get sucked into more analysis projects. spent my entire day off from work yesterday disassembling.

>> No.8967584

IMO, its a good game, but i still love silver/gold. Im still pretty pissed that in red/blue, Charizard can't fly, but in yellow he can. Seriously, how the hell did they fuck that up?

>> No.8967776

Wasn't there some proto pokebank on the GameCube?
I would be surprised if you couldn't use it to store gbc pokemon.
I know you could get gen 1/2 Mons out of the virtual console releases with the pokebank.

>> No.8968906

Yeah it's called pokemon box and of course you couldn't store gen 1/2 pokemon?
You have to buy Pokémon colosseum and FRLG for that.
Also XD if you wanted lugia for some reason like we made it look like the coolest thing on earth in a movie once.
And fuck you if you want mew.

>> No.8968912

Wait actually i just remembered you can get mew with pokemon box. nvm.

>> No.8968919

I think they deemed it "a move for birds". Aerodactyl was lucky to have gotten it back then (and no other moves lol)

>> No.8968923

I just remembered they gave Charizard a unique party sprite and you could actually fly on a Charizard in gen2 instead of a generic bird

>> No.8968925

Man, aerodactyl still doesn't have any fucking moves.
What the fuck's the point of rock head if you dont give him brave bird at least?
Head smash might be a bit too far, but i'd love to see it.

>> No.8968964

Jesus pokemon box is awful, just looked it up.

>> No.8968979

You should check out pokemon ranch.

>> No.8969006

No wait that was in pokemon ranch.
kill me.

>> No.8969012

Jesus fuck
>the update never came out
The stadium games really are the highest quality companions arent they?

>> No.8969021

Does pokewalker count?
I guess not since GSC had the pokemon pikachu 2.

>> No.8969023

They better be, they're basically paid post-game content for the first 2 gens

>> No.8969391

Well, at least you sound young by saying, "mad whack".

>> No.8969434

I don't think that makes him sound young
I don't thing "mad" and "whack" have been relevant since the 90s

>> No.8969451

Yeah, we had the same problem with Kingdra and Crobat in gen 2. Really powerful but no moves. I love Aerodactyl and Kabutops too.

>> No.8969554

Don't forget sneasel
>35 spec attack
>all dark and ice moves are special attacks
Fuck he has a cool design.

>> No.8969765

Yep. RIP Iwata-era HAL.

>> No.8969938

Worth remembering that in the early builds of gen 1, Flying type was Bird type, which I assume explains why Charizard was overlooked.

>> No.8969982

anon you can buy green translated to english on ebay for like $10

>> No.8969985

Have any of you had trouble sourcing OEM cartridge screws for old gameboy games? half of the titles I’ve bought this year had fake screws.

>> No.8970047

Anon, we're talking about Japanese Blue being localized as English Green. Granted, I'd want the graphics of Japanese Red/Green in it, for the uniqueness factor.

>> No.8970117


>> No.8970195

Thanks, this is great. Knew it must've been possible. It's such a shame GameFreak didn't push harder and make it happen.

>> No.8970221


>> No.8970230

>weird shit like a Grass/Psychic Pokemon using Psychic

>> No.8970236

Nah i get it, i didn't know venusaur was half poison type until gen 3 i think.
I thought they added second types in in gen 2.
I also only found out how attack and special attack work off of stats in FRLG because the built in tips told me
It takes a while for an idiot kid to actually learn everything about pokemon. I mostly went by "that ones green, use fire on it". Tyranitar was very confusing.

>> No.8970493

This is the vid where he actually shows how he did it.

>> No.8970525

none of the blue exclusive pokemon are close to as cool as arcanine and scyther

>> No.8970562

Imagine choosing red over blue

>> No.8970843


>> No.8972415

Eh. It's alright. I grew up during the GBA era so I'm familiar with them the most. I despised the DS era since proper DS emulation took a while to get right.

I like Gen 1 since it's the most basic core Pokemon has ever been and it's fun glitching your way to victory.

>> No.8972650

>blinded by nostalgic
Retard the pokemon games were ground breaking at the time. Kys zoomer

>> No.8972801

>japanese red and green
if only i can read moon runes, i can appreciate the jap red cart that i have here.

>> No.8972995

I realized while playing recently the TMs were supposed to be given to the legendary birds.

>> No.8973000

I had Blue and the only thing I wanted from Red was Arcanine

Otherwise Blue is better. In a SP experience where you do NO trading whatsoever, you can get more mons in Blue than you can in Red. IIRC it's 128 in Blue and something like 125 or 126 in Red.

>> No.8973103

The mons were coded differently in gen 1/2 compared to gen 3.

>> No.8973121

I was born in '94 and my first game was Crystal which I got in 2002 and after that Pokemon became my lifelong obsession. Before that, I was mildly into the anime and cards.

>> No.8973143

pokemon was the thing when i grew up. fr/lg and rse were everywhere. missed the gsc boat and too old for rby.

>> No.8973145

too young for rby, i mean.

>> No.8973202

Just figured out how to make the perfect Pokémon hard mode.

Charge money to heal at the Pokémon center. $50 per level per Pokémon.

(And no other free healing spots like your mom.)

Everything else stays the same.

Find a flaw.

>> No.8973206
File: 23 KB, 448x252, AAAABRkqD0VIe_4H9mLkSqwtg2NDdgWcDt41R7JzAHxHAg7UNTEEhCvVFoIZUnJz5o6KEFsreP8th7cnZsxfC2ikN88vTS7fk10Aht-OUy5AL9t-Mc8q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reduce that to $10 and we'll have a deal.

>> No.8973676

It needs to be a bit brutal. ¥15,000 to heal a full team of level 50 Pokémon is fair enough.

If you want, you can spend it on healing items instead. The point of this is to prevent grinding and to give real consequences to all battles.

>> No.8973698

What if you run out of money? There must be a way to unstuck yourself

>> No.8973706

Money being a limited ressources, the flaw is that your game will be softlocked sooner or later. Perhaps after you beat the E4 but still sucks.

also this would just encourage people to catch shit mon after shit mon to use in dungeons and lower fights rather than building your team

>> No.8973724

Pokemon clover already solved it with diminishing experience as a sort of soft level cap for an area.

>> No.8973727

I've completed games without ever healing at a Pokémon center.

It's a challenge, but you just have to manage your resources.

What it means in practice is that you are forced to face key battles with much lower-level Pokémon, which is perfect for increased difficulty.

>> No.8973729

The problem with this is with PP allocation. I'm not sure with the newer games but Ethers and Elixirs are hard to come by in Gen 3.

>> No.8973731

tl,dr: you don't have a solution. got it

>> No.8973748

personally my favorite pokemon designs
not amazing gameplay wise but series had potential

>> No.8973750
File: 173 KB, 376x407, 2017-03-11 19_45_58-C6fkgdPWYAUIE13.jpg_large (668×959).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Find a flaw.
Pokémon is a videogame for children and the difficulty is adjusted for them


>> No.8973753

Here's the solution: you have to get an in-game job working at McPokéDonald's for minimum wage and slowly earn enough that you can chase your dream of being a Pokémon master.

You don't get anything for free in this world, champ. Why when I was a young trainer I used to work summers at the bowling alley to pay for Pokéballs, and no-one heard me complaining.

>> No.8973765

Realistically, Pokémon centres wouldn't be free. How the fuck is that service even being funded in the game world?

Oh, I want to go out and make animals fight. Now they're injured I'll just take them to this government-funded free clinic and have them receive full medical treatment, no questions asked.

I dread to think what Kanto's tax policies are like.

>> No.8973774

The one thing that always bothered me about Pokemon Centers is how the nurses always tell you that they hope to see you again. Like, wut? Bitch my Pokemon just got hurt, why the fuck would I want for it to happen again?

>> No.8973795

You did go back though, didn't you?

>> No.8973798

Well yeah but obviously not something you'd be looking forward to IRL, Pokemon is proper fucking weird at times. Still charming, don't get me wrong.

>> No.8973804
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good point, well made. Turns out Nurse Joy is a little psycho bitch. I always preferred Officer Jenny, but I like this dark side of Joy.

>> No.8973812
File: 33 KB, 500x377, orly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Officer Jenny
>"You're under arrest!!"
>"Oh really, what Pokemon have you got on your team?
>"A-a Growlithe!"
Oh sweetie...

>> No.8973814

I guess officer jenny needs a bit of my Arbok.

>> No.8973817

>Pokemon Red Original (Gameboy)
actual original or reworked western version?

>> No.8973839

*pushes glasses up nose with one finger*

>> No.8973840

You can see how there's always random people sitting around in the pokecenter so it can be assumed that besides nursing it is a place for hanging out and resting. Besides, if you're a pokemon trainer it's in the nature of your "job" that your pokemon will take damage otherwise you aint really training, so a trip to the "hospital" is seen as a good thing rather than an unfortunate necessity, it means you care about your pokemon's health, the only alternative being leaving them be injured without proper care

>> No.8973842

That's a reasonable take. They should have added a cafe with a cooking minigame in Pokemon centers to complete the experience.

>> No.8973861
File: 697 KB, 954x620, Pokémonredgreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can throw your ackshually right back at you for not being able to tell the difference between the cover of the japanese version from the picture in the OP.

>> No.8973863

he said original and posted the western cover hence my question, if he would have posted that then there wouldn't be any doubt about it

>> No.8973871

because it is the original Pokémon Red, not the original Pocket Monsters Red (ポケットモンスター 赤)

Quit playing dumb

>> No.8974996


>> No.8975232

Sounds like American healthcare.

>> No.8975253

They are not animals though, they're more like dimensional spirits representing the elements or immortal genies. They're ultra terrestrial. Even the Apricorns/Pokeballs represent gravity sinks, focus points for portals opening to the other layers of reality.

>> No.8975860
File: 1.11 MB, 633x844, Screenshot 2022-06-04 at 00-37-39 k7kd86oe4we81 jpg (WEBP-Grafik, 640 × 853 Pixel) - Skaliert (98%).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be as hype for a sequel ever again
feels bad, man.
What was most fun for me about Gen I&II was how open and explorable the world felt. Not that it was big, but that there were things to discover even if the game didn't point them out to you. Ever since Gen III the games have held your hand more and more. I'm pretty sure in a generation or two it's going to be a conveyor belt of trainer battles and exposition, followed by the game giving you all the legendaries.

>> No.8975915

I'm too nostalgic for it to be able to even attempt a non-biased approach
but I love it and I feel the graphics of the games never looked better than this
the black and white pixelart with the ramps being heavy in use of white making it all feel very watercolour like is just perfect, it's got just enough detail to make you imagine the world and transpose yourself into it

>> No.8975924

Which is voluntarily paid for (and easily accessible), unlike yours.

>> No.8976064


>> No.8976743

Gen III had plenty of secrets to discover as well, didn't you need to know how to read Morse code in order to catch the Regis? I mean you could just use a guide or go online to figure it out, but no handholding provided in-game to solve it.

>> No.8976795

I've never liked gen 4 onwards for this exact same reason.

>> No.8976890

>no handholding or guide
the fucking booklet, that comes in every box, had the braille alphabet in it....

>> No.8976952

Kek, for real? I only had a cart for Ruby (bought used) back in the day, so I wouldn't know (believe you though), but I did just confuse braille for Morse code, so... I'm retarded, nothing to see here, opinion disregarded, carry on.

>> No.8976985

Japanese Blue literally was released internationally.

>> No.8977104

no it wasnt, god you're so damn stupid

japanese red and green - japanese exclusive sprites and pokedex entries
japanese blue - new sprites, dex entries, ingame trades and pokemon distribution locations
international red and blue - uses the code of japanese blue as a base sharing its new sprites and dex entries but with the version exclusives, ingame trades and pokemon location distribution of japanese red and green

>> No.8977168
File: 570 KB, 1200x1200, Ey3nROSWUAcbLEi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it was never going to happen, but I wish that they had stuck with sprites and kept everything 2D and just made better and better pixel art with each game.

I have no problems with new mechanics and new Pokémon and new regions, but I hate the style of newer Pokémon games.

The dynamic sprite illustrations of Pokémon in battle are so much more effective than the boring smooth 3D models that just stand there in a neutral pose.

>> No.8977463

Darn, this picture is too much. I've spent much more time in Pokemon games as a child than I should've to.

>> No.8977527

It's good isn't it?

I wish I could go back there, man. I mean I wish I could basically live in the Kanto/Johto world.

>> No.8977606

to avoid anymore worthless posts

pocket monsters red/green- original releases. between the two you can complete the pokedex. the pokemon availability and trades would be reused in international releases (pokemon red /blue)

pocket monsters blue- a third version with bug fixes (real bugs, not meme glitch city missingno "you have to do these on purpose" bugs), redone sprites, and altered pokemon availability and trades compared to red/green. for example, you could trade persian for a tauros. jynx could be caught in seafoam islands. you needed to trade with red AND green to complete your pokedex.

pokemon red/blue- international releases, built on the pocket monsters blue engine. uses sprites from said pocket monsters blue game. pokemon red version re-added some particular visual elements from pocket monsters red (opening sequence, slot machine graphics, super gameboy border). they accidentally made the trades identical between both games during the change back to how they had it set up in PM red/green. this means the nidoran/nidorino trades are far less useful in blue version where youre expected to trade the rarer male version for the common female version. they accidentally left in pocket monsters blue dialogue for a trade partner in the international games' cinnabar trading partner. which is why the man says the raichu you traded him evolved.

tl;dr- we never got japanese red, green, OR blue. we got two versions of japanese blue with the pokemon availability of red/green grafted onto them. my 2 cents, if there ever was a "pokemon green version" it should be pocket monsters green with the pokemon availability altered to be that of japanese pocket monsters blue

>> No.8977686
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I dislike the newer mechanics and how the new pokemon are presented, but sprites are the gold standard. I don't understand how the 3D models look worse than they did almost 20 years ago.

The regions are probably the most disappointing thing for me. I never get the sense I'm in a huge world anymore. One think I loved in Gen II was exploring the huge cave systems and feeling like I was the first one to find the secrets.

>> No.8977691
File: 256 KB, 962x963, 1612803942616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd fight a classroom of schoolchildren for a pokemon game with this artstyle

>> No.8977740
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>A childhood game is in the retro games board

Its over.

>> No.8977774
File: 106 KB, 1280x600, fuschiacomparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got it except you didn't mention the pokedex entries. International Red and Blue have the pokedex entries from Japanese Blue which are different from those in Japanese Red and Green.
For those interested in the Red and Green entries they were finally translated in the FireRed remake which uses them while LeafGreen still uses the ones from Japanese Blue/International Red and Blue.

Btw, the sprite changes in Japanese Blue/International Red and Blue aren't just of the Pokémon, the overworld tiles were redone as well.

>> No.8977852

Me too, bro. Me too... So much worlds out there, yet we are stuck... here...
Yet on the other hand, I have this thought that every kind of magic would get pretty stale if we see it on everyday basis. I can imagine someone in Johto lookin in photos of New York and thinking the same thing we are thinking here.
Doesn't do much to ease the feels though, as I'd still happily sold anything I have for a chance to buy a house on any of those old Pokemon islands.

>> No.8978619

I agree. They should've just stuck with the 2D sprites. Though I think 3D was inevitable with Pokemon since they always tend to use the latest gimmick nintendo has with their hardware.

>> No.8978636

Are these just mockups or is this a romhack?

>> No.8978712
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>(bought used)
fair enough.
>morse code
how do you confuse
>··· ——— ···
with what you see imprinted on just about every essential placard in a facility?

that's equivalent to confusing rape with sex just because she's unconscious.

>> No.8978728

People who prefer blue always have this middle-child sense of inferiority that forces them to say things like this. Red owners know they are superior by virtue of their birth.

>> No.8978732

But, uh... theoretically, there can be some sex with unconscious girlfriend.

>> No.8978838
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cringe & redpilled

>> No.8978895
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>I've spent much more time in Pokemon games as a child than I should've to.
Yeah like an English class.

>> No.8978915

Arbok = Sandslash
Arcanine > Ninetales
Vileplume < Victreebel
Primeape = Persian
Scyther > Pinsir
Electabuzz > Magmar

Sorry but Red wins and this is coming from someone who grew up with Blue.

This post is about cool factor btw, idgaf about who's stronger.

>> No.8978943 [DELETED] 


>> No.8978953
File: 277 KB, 1099x1500, 10-64-Scyther-Pokemon-Jungle-Unlimited-Edition-1999-Holo-Foil-Base-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scyther is my fav pokeman from gen 1.

>> No.8978963

the version exclusives are even overall imo but Scyther mogs the ever loving shit out of Pinsir so hard that you can say Red has better version exclusives based on Scyther alone.

>> No.8979085

>Arbok = Sandslash
>Primeape = Persian
Wrong, those are both wins for Green and JP Blue.

>> No.8979093
File: 756 KB, 800x800, exclusives.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, they aren't. They are both equally great.

Cope, seethe, dilate.

>> No.8979113

and then a zoomer faggot gave his opinion.

>> No.8979130

If you really think a worm and a "pig monkey" are on par with the ones on the right, idk what else to say.

>> No.8979138

If you think having claws is all it takes to make something better, idk what else to say

>> No.8979249

Arbok's design is unironically great.

>> No.8979273


>> No.8979382
File: 1.61 MB, 2028x4096, EsSb0sLXUAEEbB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too. This would be just about perfect. It's not as if 2D games aren't commercially viable now.

It's like Sonic: why do they still persist in trying to make 3D games when it never works? If a game started in 2D, keep it 2D! It's not 2003 anymore, when 2D was dead and every old franchise just NEEDED to have a 3D release.

I bet if they made a 2D Pokémon game, they would have little trouble including all ~1000 Pokémon in the game. The obsession with 3D models that nobody even wants is ruining the games by taking up all the development time.

>> No.8979686

This. There's something about Arbok that just makes it so cool. I mean, I don't even like snakes, yet Arbok is one of my favorite 'mons.
Sorry, good sir, we don't have those in my country.

>> No.8979763

I may have had a little joint anon. Normally I'm slightly less retarded. Ever so slightly. PS. The term you're looking for is "surprise sex".

>> No.8979785

With the exception of Magmar, all Blue exclusive mons are better pokemon to use.

>> No.8979793
File: 83 KB, 300x300, 100356-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prefer the Moemon games. So kawaii

>> No.8980079

>I bet if they made a 2D Pokémon game, they would have little trouble including all ~1000 Pokémon in the game. The obsession with 3D models that nobody even wants is ruining the games by taking up all the development time.
Nah, they don't get that excuse. The 3d models are made by Creatures, not Gamefreak.

>> No.8980085

And even then, it's like they actually want to include them all in one game. Nah, they won't be able to sell DLCs then.

>> No.8980337

I wish I was 8 years old again. This was unironically the peak of my entire life.

>> No.8980482

This is the reason why I was never fond of any Pokemon after Gen 3. I briefly tried Gen 4 and 5 but it never had that same appeal as GSC and RSE.

>> No.8980570

Arbok > Sandslash
Arcanine > Ninetales
Vileplume < Victreebel
Primeape > Persian
Scyther > Pinsir
Electabuzz > Magmar

>> No.8980602
File: 60 KB, 920x970, shiny sandslash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of that sounds about right, other than Sandlash. Especially when it comes to the shiny form. I think it looks way cool.

>> No.8980647

I recently bought it at a pawn shop to relive my childhood, and it's basically unplayable without Stadium's fast-forward feature. Even though I had to go and actually finish Stadium to unlock FF, I'm pretty sure that I still saved a lot of time compared to if I were to play Red normally. That and the fact that you can see TMs names until clicking on them are my only grips about the game. Everything else aged well enough.

>> No.8980648
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>> No.8980658
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>> No.8980716

It takes a really kino pokemon to have a death as metal as that

>> No.8980721

Kek. Man you really love Arbok. Bless you anon, I laughed.

>> No.8980840

delete this

>> No.8980957
File: 279 KB, 640x480, suvkfp.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snakes in Pokemon universe iseem to be quite an unfortunate species.

>> No.8980964

Persian is based because it's the only way to make extra money.

>> No.8980993

>only way
Beating the Elite Four? Isn't that's how most kids (who haven't figured out how to safely use the Missigno glitch yet) got their level ups and money post game?

>> No.8981069
File: 53 KB, 500x734, 1521829289120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorry, good sir, we don't have those in my country.
I can tell

>> No.8981296 [DELETED] 



>> No.8981338 [DELETED] 

>dies from years-long waitlist

>> No.8981343

>dies from years-long waitlist

>> No.8981410
File: 1 KB, 456x480, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But if we bring shinies into consideration, shiny Arbok totally kicks ass.
I mean, I know it only became golden in generation 3, but still...

>> No.8982628

>I also only found out how attack and special attack work off of stats in FRLG because the built in tips told me
I for some reason always thought Attack was the stat for every move, but Special was for attacks of the Pokemon's typing. Then Gen 2 came and I figured out I was wrong, but still didn't know which were Physical and which were Special, because things like those elemental punches or Flame Wheel all seemed physical.

>> No.8982663

I thought rock was immune to electricity until gen 3 because almost all the rock types in the game were rock/ground.

>> No.8982672

Neat story. Thanks for sharing anon.

>> No.8983113

>gen 3 at 19
That's sad.

>> No.8983118

I played gen 3 at 32

>> No.8983192

Is there anyone doing competitive pokemon here? Been looking to get into it but it always seems daunting.

>> No.8983223

How can I get an authentic Pokémon cart? I know that they’re faking them now. and now people are replacing the OEM screws with fakes even in real cartridges and selling them like that now. People don’t test them so they don’t usually know.

>> No.8983237

just look at the pcb and make sure there's no glob top

>> No.8983256

is there even any advantage to the legit carts?
They're more expensive and the batteries are a bitch, unless there's some kind of compatibility problem i'd go for a fake anyway

>> No.8983257

I love kanto and its pokedex but I don't love red/blue. I did live through pokemania and play blue the first time around, it absolutely blew my mind when I was a child and didn't know better, but I've come to terms with the fact that fire red/leaf green is just a better experience. Mechanically superior and full of content but no less charming.

>> No.8983269

This: >>8983237 . Ask for a picture of the pcb inside when you buy one. If they don't want to, you can assume that's a fake. Also, unless you're collecting carts, there's no advantage to just getting a fake or better yet just get a flashcart and put roms in it.

>> No.8983275

I have almost the same sentiment, but the post-game quest to be able to connect to RSE is a pain.

>> No.8983282

That's not true, fakes are usually worse. Often they use more power, have shit batteries which drain rapidly, don't support the transfer pak, and don't have RTC.

>> No.8983287

>have shit batteries which drain rapidly
i don't think there's any modern fake cart that uses batteries anymore. most of what i've seen uses SRAM chips to hold the save files.
>don't support the transfer pak
yes, this can be a problem. in that case, go for a real one. some GB and GBC fake carts that i've seen were clearly made to only run on GBA compatibility mode which sucks if you actually want to run the game in original hardware.

>> No.8983295
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Batteryless bootlegs have their own problems like the aforementioned transfer pak issue but also using a ton of power to save (often shutting off your game boy at the least convenient time) and potentially corrupting the ROM when it does. And glitches which abuse saving obviously don't work too.

I've seen some GBC games on GBA cartridges running on an emulator, but not for Pokemon.

>> No.8983307
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yeah, i guess it just depends on what you want to do with your game. i don't mind using a fake cart as long as i know it is a fake. i personally just use a flashcart with a built-in RTC and just load my roms on an sd card. it's cheaper and i don't accumulate stuff.

>I've seen some GBC games on GBA cartridges running on an emulator, but not for Pokemon.
yeah, these ones are in a GB/C shell but it will not work on a GB/C.

>> No.8983309

Yeah, I just use flashcarts. It makes the most sense.
>yeah, these ones are in a GB/C shell but it will not work on a GB/C.
That's crazy, I didn't know about that.

>> No.8983312

yeah and it sucks for the people that buys these, plugs it in their GB/C and the game just hangs.

>> No.8983425

Repos are not compatible with stadium as a rule.
Stadium is the really fun post game content.

>> No.8983435

Dude i don't even have any of my original carts left.
There's no way in hell i still have all the n64 shit.
My dad probably threw that shit away 20 years ago

>> No.8983442

You asked, I told.
Soldering a battery isn't hard either.

>> No.8983453

You can FRAM mod an original cart. But at that point you may as well just buy a repro with FRAM.

>> No.8983789 [DELETED] 



>> No.8983813

Yes, but you're a degenerate.

>> No.8983930

I always thought that stadium is such a bad game since I can only use rented pokemon. But then again, I was just playing it in an emulator and I don't have the setup needed to transfer my pokemon to it.

>> No.8983931

It was the version the weird (gay) kid picked, like those who always picked Yoshi in Mario Kart. Everyone else (straight) bought blue, with the cool TURTLE TANK.

>> No.8983961

The rentals do suck, and I think they suck on purpose.
You are missing a majority of the game without the transfer pack.
I think having a repo of stadium and stadium 2 will work fine, just not a repo of the gameboy games.
I use stadium 2 on a flash cart and it is fine.

>> No.8983974

Yeah. I've been mulling over getting an N64 just to get that retro feel. Though getting one nowadays are a bit hard in where I live.

>> No.8983975

When I rented Pokémon stadium from blockbuster or Hollywood video (can’t remember which) it came with the game and it came with the transfer pak thing. I think I accidentally forgot to return the transfer pak because later on in life I remember having the pak, but I didn’t have the game. although there is a chance maybe we bought it from the store and my friend lost the game. I don’t know. it’s been a. Long time but I remember a buddy of mine lost one of my n64 games so he replaced it with ocarina of time (which I didn’t like to be honest). But I appreciated the gesture because I knew it was perceived as a good game.

There is a chance I returned the game without the pak though. Sorry bros.

>> No.8984087

go back to /vp/ and off yrslf

>> No.8984096

I basically exclusively played the minigames with my sister and friends as a kid since battling meant next to nothing to me and i was retarded and didn't know mario party existed.
I think the pokemon franchise has a retarded attachment to equalized levels battling postgame shit. Sure it's fine now, kinda samey still, but fine, but as a kid i fuckign hated battle tower/battle frontier since all my over levelled shitmons were shitmons. I wasnt checking base stats on serebii and building good move pools, i was running all offensive umbreon and fucking chimecho because that's what i had. Oh yeah also legendaries are banned which wipes out like, half of my team.
Would it kill them to make post game content that doens't exclude like, 80% of the games mechanics? like what about a minigame where you have to catch pokemon in a limited time like the bug catching competition, then use those pokemon in a tournament. Or one where your pokemons levels get reset and you have to manage PP and limited heals to level up and progress through a battle pyramid style thing?
I can't believe this franchise has been going on for 25 years and the best they can do is copy paste the battle tower rules for the 12th time.

>> No.8984172

How about something like a sealed draft? Assemble the best team you can from a random pool of mons and moves.

>> No.8984205

That is a stadium 2 challenge cup lol

>> No.8984275

Battle factory in Emerald did this. It's fun.

>> No.8984290

>gives you a selection of six randomised Pokémon while the opponents also get a random selection of the Pokémon. Both the Pokémon and their movesets are selected at random so you'll never know what you're going to get.
This one? I dont mean fully random. Have a copy paste explanation on how draft works in card games.
>Participating players each receive the same amount of unopened products, typically six booster packs, then construct their decks from only those cards and basic lands.
Its more about making the best strategy from an intentionally limited set of options. Plus if you play the kind where you can only pick 1 at a time then hand over leftovers to the next player you can even have strategy in that part too. Do you pick the thing that helps your plan a little or do you pick something that wont really do anything for yourself just to deny the next guy along something excellent?
Definitely going to look into this. Thanks.

>> No.8984297

I didn't understand how battling works when I was a kid too so the battle tower and battle frontier frustrated the hell out of me. It didn't help that Pokemon is incredibly obtuse and vague about its game mechanics so I always thought that I'm just bad or that my pokemon were bad. Though I've always considered those as an optional thing for me then so it didn't affect that much.

I want to try them now that I have a faint clue of how to assemble a proper team.

>> No.8984307

Np. Battle factory was the only battle frontier that I managed to be decent at since it didn't require you to know EVs and IVs.

>> No.8984320

Showdown is a good starting point, you can do random battles if you don't want to fuck with building a team. I play gen 2 OU every now and then and random battles of most gens Ive played . One of the better games on mobile desu.

>> No.8984323

To be fair, IVs are fucked even if you know about them. In gen 3 there's basically nothing you can do about them outside of hacking.
IV breeding only became something mortals could approach in gen 6, and even with all my autism, i just use a hacked 6IV ditto for it.

>> No.8984330

>IV breeding only became something mortals could approach in gen 6
I'd argue that it is possible in Gen 3 but it is excruciatingly hard to create a good mon with atleast 2-3 perfect IVs (which is what you need to max that mon's stats and for hidden power).

>> No.8984338

Thanks anon. I've been lurking smogon and showdown for a good while now. They have a lot of informative articles but they often present it in a form that assumes you already know what you are doing.

>> No.8984346

Yeah, 1 good mon. Excruciatingly hard.
Then what if that mon/build wasn't right? what's the turnaround time on trying new strategies?
It's fucked. I'd just breed a few, and pick the one with the least shit IVs and call it a day at that.
That's basically the best you can do in gen 3

>> No.8984382

That's true, it is hard work even just for a single mon. Even catching a ditto with a single perfect IV is a feat in itself and you'd need two to three of those which you'll need to breed in successive order so that the IVs are inherited.
>Then what if that mon/build wasn't right? what's the turnaround time on trying new strategies?
you can probably get away with breeding multiple 2-3 perfect IV mons so that you'll have a template that you can just breed again if the build wasn't right. but yeah, it's a lot of mindless grinding and work for a video game.

>> No.8984397

Is it worth playing RBY these days when FRLG exists?

>> No.8984407

I'd say yes. FR/LG looks nice, but Gen 1 has a special kind of broken in it that it's fun to just experience it.

>> No.8984418
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Yeah you cant glitch a mew or catch a level 145 starmie in FRLG

>> No.8984581

As someone who does MTG cube drafts once a month with the homies this sounds fun as fuck.

>> No.8985000

Gross, you disgust me


>> No.8985014

Absolutely, the remakes have worse audio, worse graphics and contain fanfiction locations and pokemon

The only upsides are the quality of life improvements like being able to run and and the box system

>> No.8985019

Worth it just for the music

>> No.8985025

The Sevii Islands are a nice addition, you don’t even have to visit them.

>> No.8985042

No, it feels like shitty romhack content. And they literally prompt you to go when you get to cinnabar which completely butchers the pacing. And yeah you can say no and go later but as a player I shouldn't have to know that and I'm supposed to trust the game that they want me to go now.

>> No.8985062


>> No.8985071
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Oh god it's not just Hoenn

>> No.8985115

It’s hard to play RBY with the box system. I almost always forget that you have to switch the box or basically get locked out of catching Pokémon.

A rom hack of LeafGreen with RBY sprites and music would be great, but also quite an undertaking.

>> No.8985165

Bill calling you in gen 2 was a great feature, along with being able to move pokemon around if they didn't have mail.
Stadium 2 makes item and pokemon storage even better. You can move boxes of pokemon right off the gameboy and onto the n64.

>> No.8985416

Pokemon is a disease

>> No.8985567

I was not part of the pokemon fever despite having to live with it, when I finally got money and went to play it on GBC I just found it terribly bland. I get it was innovative and all but I can only see that it got it success because it was a fad. Just like those old tamagochi.

>> No.8985592

It's fine if you don't like it but Pokemon became an international classic. I still get surprised when I see how much normalfags love pokemon, even adult ones
Nah, I've seen jocks and stacies who like Pokemon. It's universal at this point.

>> No.8985614

I didn't called anyone neckbeards but I'm wrong calling it a fad. Maybe it was fad back then and it became a culture phenomenon enough to carry it on the hearts of the avid players that spent their childhoods playing them. I still believe that if it wasn't for that initial fad people wouldn't give 2 cents about it now, as some people pointed above the nostalgia carries it hard.

>> No.8985627

I sincerely think the games are good... maybe not the best ever, but they are charming and addictive to play. I stopped playing after Gen 2, but I can see how some people might get hooked and keep playing, or get new generations to get into it with the newer games as well.
I think marketing was a big part of it too, the anime, etc but if the game wasn't good, then it wouldn't have maintained its status.

>> No.8985651

I agree completely. The game is good and grindy enough to make people spend as much time as they want on it but as I see it, it's success was majorly because that initial fad. As a person that wasn't part of the following I couldn't see what the kids that grew on the merchandise did, the charm of the pokemons. I think the pokemons are so charismatic that they carry a bland gameplay for anyone that truly likes them (and this is the part of how impactful the marketing was). If you aren't particularly found of them, the game is only good because its innovative.

>> No.8986215

>they carry a bland gameplay for anyone that truly likes them
I wouldn't say that pokemon battling is bland per se. It works for the type of RPG that it is and there have been interesting developments over that form of gameplay over the years. Though I guess I'm biased towards it since it's a game that I've played since a kid. But yeah, I think pokemon works as it is because of its gameplay. As much as I want to see a fully action RPG style pokemon battling, I don't think that would hold that much water compared to traditional battling.

>> No.8986243

I think this one's worse

>> No.8986313


>> No.8986351

jesus christ what were they thinking?

>> No.8986374
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fucking incredible. Legendary even.

Dude The original gameboy was a calculator that was only good for playing tetris. Not GBC but original GB. Ever play Castlevania or megaman on that thing? ugly green and unplayable. metroid 2 also. I'm a fan of those series and I suffered through those gameboy entries. But pokemon captivated a generation and was absolutely packed with content from a completely new studio on a dying handheld. It was good DESPITE its hardware and against all odds. (whereas zelda and other games on advance and DS looked WAY better than their respective pokemon counterparts in the graphics department) Yea later games had day n nite + phys/spcl split which are objective improvements but one should HOPE that later entries improve on shit I mean damn.
gen 1 has a good fuckin' pokedex.
I started with Silver when I could barely read. I love the blue XP bar and the way it pops off on level up. the vivid colors and internal clock. Its a great sequel. But years later I tracked down a copy of red and there is something to be said for its pacing, the way it opens up after the third gym. The lore and aesthetic idk its got soul dude. I don't care if you think "soul" invalidates my post. Sugimori, Tajiri and the gang worked their asses off making their dream a reality.

this. Keep your meowth and ninetails. I don't play without scyther. red>blue>>>>>yellow

I have an aerodactyl above lvl 100 on my Red cartridge to this day. No gameshark or anything, just skillz and luck.

>> No.8986379

>Yea later games had day n nite
>which are objective improvements
shut up

>> No.8986393

is it even worth it to track either an rby or gsc cart and n64 with pokemon stadium?

>> No.8986395

But I had blue

>> No.8986398

>is it worth teaching dragon rage to a lv. 5 team and sweeping the Baby Cup

>> No.8986423

that sounds like a good time

>> No.8986457


>I have an aerodactyl above lvl 100 on my Red cartridge to this day. No gameshark or anything, just skillz and luck.


>> No.8986486

lot's of people whose dads still work at Nintendo ITT

>> No.8986487

If you're at all into gens 1 and 2 then I'd say so. The Stadium games basically complete that gen, and you also need the GB games for Stadium if you want to have a good time and not just use rentals.

>> No.8986809

You can catch a level ~120 aerodactyl skeleton in gen 1.

>> No.8987205
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>> No.8987236

Okay, so which is the most relaxing series for me to try pokemon ?

Emulator in Win preferably.

>> No.8987251
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HeartGold/SoulSilver or Platinum with this mod:

Playing through it right now, peak comfy. They (modders) haven't really touched the original game, so there's no added Pokemon from different gens, extra moves etc. - all that the mod does is that it adds Pokemon following you in Platinum (which was an option in HG/SS already) and enables additional speed hacks that you can turn on in the options menu, which VASTLY improve the framerate (playing on the DSi, the game's finally playable, couldn't stand how slow it was before, better than Pearl/Diamond but still - holy shit...) and I highly recommend turning them on.

The mod doesn't mess with the Pokemon you can catch in any way, so they're still considered legit for all purposes and pass the legality checks just fine.

Also works with Pokemon Battle Revolution on the Wii.

TL:DR - Platinum with additional features from HG/SS added-in, peak fucking comfy.

>> No.8987280

Ngggh, I must not start Pokemon... I know this thing will drag me into itself at least for a week...
I've had Red, LeafGreen, wither Ruby or Sapphire and Emerald back in the days, and I've found Emerald pretty very enjoyable.
The secret base thingy was peak comfy for me. I've never managed to transfer my LeafGreen mons into Emerald, since the cartridge freakeed out. Perhaps, if I'll replace the battery, it will load my save again, but I've never touched Pokemon since I've saw that error message in LeafGreen.

>> No.8987286

>mon catched through mods/hacks
>>it's still legit!

Why are pokéautists so obsessed by this it's unreal. There was this guy on /mmg/ who swore his shiny Celebi was totally legit, caught by running 30 emulator windows at the same time with fast forward and savestates. 100% legit.

>> No.8987294

But you’re the one doing the autistic bitching, kek. This mod doesn’t mess with the RNGs in any way. And anyone wants a shiny, they’ll just PKHeX it, no one cares,

>> No.8987323

It's a translation of a japanese phrase that you say when someone leaves a business. It translates roughly to 'I hope to see you again' but it's just a phrase you say to be polite when someone leaves.
>Realistically, Pokémon centres wouldn't be free
Why not? Pokemon solve a lot of energy and resource problems. Chanseys make magical healing eggs for poke-kibble. Electric pokemon generate near-free power.
They have the poffin cooking mini-game in IV but it's not in a pokecenter. In the anime they show that you can buy food and shit from vending machines, and places to sleep in pokecenters.

>> No.8987332

>In the anime they show that you can buy food and shit from vending machines, and places to sleep in pokecenters.
That's cool. I've always thought that pokecenters are just hospitals. Wish they added those in the games.

>> No.8987345

IMO they're more like community centers/YMCAs. They have the computer system for storing/withdrawing pokemon and in later games they have the wifi rooms for trading or battling after all. The reason it's a healing spot first and foremost in the games is because that's what you're going to use it for since it's a simple RPG.

>> No.8987363

This made me think about multi level pokemon centers with "battle rooms" where you can battle with npc trainers and "cooking rooms" where you can cook stuff that can increase your mon's stats.

>> No.8987674

Pokemon? More like PoGayMan

>> No.8988383


>> No.8988432

What are you playing on your gay-boy, anon?

>> No.8988509

I'd say either RBY or Emerald. But I'm saying that because those are the games that I've played the most and are most comfortable with.

>> No.8988686
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Battle me

>> No.8988767

i always theorized they 100% could have done that using the gba player on the gamecube, maybe through one of the pokemon games giving you the option

>> No.8988779

*Glitches in triumph*

>> No.8988796

Homebrew devs and hackers have managed to find a way, so it's either GameFreak being lazy or greedy. Perhaps both.

>> No.8988919

All hackers and home brew devs doing it that I’ve seen have to kinda hack it together. Part of the problem is that the GBA and GBC/Pocket link cables are wired completely differently. Also the Pokémon are coded differently. Gen 1 and 2 they used DVs that went from 0-15 and stat experience values that could max out to 65536. Gen 3 brought modern IVs and EVs and abilities and all that. Even if there was a way to link the games hardware wise they probably wouldn’t have bothered implementing a full on conversion method. For transferring gen 1 to Pokémon bank they essentially generate a fully new Pokémon with a full set of random stats. All that’s the same is trainer name, ID, moves, and level. They probably had to have done similar and didn’t bother.

>> No.8988989

That Pokémon box game for the cube could have done it.
It was so half assed it didn't even support emerald version however.

>> No.8989061
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The actual pokemon data is the easiest problem to solve.
No one really cares about anything other than the pokemon species, shiny and level. You can randomize the rest and no one would care.
The main issue with getting it to trade is like, the way trades are handled in gen 1 and 2 is a ongoing runtime thing
Actually getting it to work like pic related is actual work we know gamefreak was not willing to do.
The solution to this would be just directly accessing the save data, which is definitely possible. Pokemon stadium did it with gen 1 and 2. And Colosseum and pokemon box did it with gen 3
So really the easiest way out of it would be some kind of hardware release. Perhaps by using the GBA-gamecube link cable or the gameboy player. And building the function into a game release like colosseum or box

>> No.8989109

Yeah I don’t disagree. Wouldn’t have been very hard to convert data the same way they did for bank. Though gen 3 is stricter than current gens since IVs and shininess are due to PID so they’d just have to generate a shiny PID for the SID/TID and assign whatever IVs they came up with. I’m just saying with a couple reasons to not do it Game Freak probably didn’t bother.

>> No.8989129

I think they also saw the opportunity to exploit their fans for profit.
There's no way in hell they didn't know they were doing remakes when they did the pokemon availability for ruby and sapphire.
Ruby and sapphire are just so blatantly missing anything people liked from the old gens. They could have put a reward johto starter in like they did in emerald but they were probably thinking "wait, what if we use this to sell the gamecube games"

>> No.8989176

Yeah fair enough lmao. Not like that’s out of character for them either. Laziness + opportunity to make extra money selling the remakes, why would they bother.

>> No.8989206

I liked Gen 2 better than Gen 1 but Red and Green were special at the time.

>> No.8989245

will the rby carts only work with stadium 1?

>> No.8989252

No they also work with stadium 2.
GSC only works with stadium 2

>> No.8989405

thanks anon

>> No.8989663

Does Crystal work with Stadium 2? I know it came out after Stadoum 2 did (also I never had Crystal, to test it).

>> No.8989668

Yeah crystal works.
Dunno if there's any limits to it, i remember using it to get mystery gifts back in the day at least.
I dont think stadium 2 came out before crystal in any region, came out on the same day in Japan.
It's nice it was compatible considering how garbage they got about that shit with later console games.

>> No.8989771

It works the same way as gold and silver. The only difference is the lack of a custom border in gb tower.

>> No.8989930

What drives me nuts about that is there is an unused border in crystal version.
It just says gold version however.
That and there is a special load max loading screen for crystal version that shows there was special consideration for the game.

>> No.8990009

>gen3 zoomie
>turd strike/vortex fighter apologist
Gen1 > any other gen
SFII > any other SF

>> No.8990837

I don't understand why it's so hard to just copy the stats over. 'It's coded differently.' Well so what? Just create a damn Bulbasaur with HP 35, Attack 22, etc. How hard can it be?

>> No.8991353

>'It's coded differently.' Well so what?

Yeah and why can't ps5 play ps2 games, they're both just dvds right?

Computer programs aren't as simple to understand as the children's games they make are to play

>> No.8991540
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Gen 2 pokemon can fill up all their EVs.
They don't min max like modern pokemon

>> No.8991557

I was never really interested in Pokemon when I was a kid (the only games pokemon-related I played then were Stadium and Snap) so I never played it then

Got to play Blue a year ago and had a pretty good time

>> No.8991601

Oh god you played stadium without a gameboy cart?
You were locked out from so much.

>> No.8991624

Not him but It's really not that much of a difference to a kid.
I had the transfer pack thing but because my approach to team building was level 100 starter and fresh caught legendaries + gravellers from victory road, the way the levels all equalized around your strongest and your weaker mons were actually weaker made using the custom team useless
Pokemon stadium really isn't that well designed. Most of the content sucks unless you know what you're doing. And even then all it is is battles.
And as for playing the games on the TV. I don't know how rich you were but i couldn't hog the only tv in the house for long back then so that wasn't a useful thing to me either.
I only really played stadium for the minigames. I liked the hitmontop one a lot.

>> No.8991635

Yeah I was never allowed to play the games on the tv with stadium, we had smaller tv that I hooked up a SNES with a super game boy. The few times I did do battles my mons got their ass handed to them because my starter still knew tackle (tackle worked on nearly everything for consistent damage) I was a dumb kid that understood nothing about the game lol.
Wasn't the same.

>> No.8991639

First game was the best GB game and a solid original game

They copy pasted it for 20 years with incremental updates and destroyed replayability of red

>> No.8991642

Oh yeah my moves were a mess too.
I dont remember but i only gave a shit about attacking moves and i would keep ember on typhlosion because more PP

>> No.8991668

Why can't the transfer pack play all gameboy games? With speed up and a few other extra options. Maybe there is am N64 cart now that will allow this?

>> No.8991690
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There is a cart that does gameboy games.
Good luck getting it.

>> No.8991708

There's gotta be a Chinese equivalent.

>> No.8991870

There doesn't have to be.
Cloning those things is a bitch because it's basically just a GB/GBA built into a cartidge. You'd either need to remake that hardware or stick an FPGA in there.
China (and nintendo and sony for that matter) seems to prefer to just make plastic shells around ARM dev boards, fill them up with emulators and roms and call it a day.

>> No.8991910
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>> No.8991924
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Nothing will ever match it SOVL
>Everything feels fresh and unique
>distinctive art style
>simple but complicated enough for endless entertainment
>large enough to be continuing entertaining but small enough to be mastered
>Packed with content

Got it in Christmas 1998 and played it almost continuously for months, my parents actually became worried about me and took it away. Pokemania was peak consumerist culture

>> No.8991938

I wonder if parents these days still have psychotic breakdowns when their kids start paying more attention to video games than them, or JESUS.
I remember my mom crying and breathlessly begging me to just go outside because something on the TV or whatever spooked her into thinking she was personally responsible for my life being ruined by video games, at 8.

>> No.8992305

Yeah, I have a similar experience to this. I think parents back then are more concerned because they don't understand how these, then, new games worked. Looking back, I kind of appreciate it now especially compared to "modern" parents who just lob a smartphone into their kids faces thinking that's a suitable substitute for actual human interaction.

>> No.8992309

>They copy pasted it for 20 years with incremental updates and destroyed replayability of red
This is why I stopped playing pokemon after Gen 3. To me, there will always only be 386 pokemon.

>> No.8992489

This at least sounds better, but obviously you're not going to get this sound in the game.

>> No.8992493

There's a hack that lets you play other Game Boy games in Stadium, but I think it's limited.

>> No.8992542

Thanks. Yeah, Stadium 2 came out before Crystal in the US about 4 months earlier and in Europe about a month earlier. Probably the reason I didn't care about getting Crystal, as Stadium 2 was the peak of the series to me at the time, plus Crystal lacked the "soul" appeal that Yellow had (with its Pikachu/anime focus).

Didn't know they released the same day in Japan, which is pretty interesting. What these guys >>8989668 >>8989930 are saying is due to Stadium 2 being slightly rushed to meet Crystal's JP launch date, I bet, right?

>> No.8992640
File: 33 KB, 222x320, xatu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a must-know game due to how iconic it's, although it's superceded by the improved and superior gen 2.

>> No.8992720

>The mod doesn't mess with the Pokemon you can catch in any way
That's fucking retarded, at least add the version exclusives.

>> No.8992727

>Perhaps, if I'll replace the battery, it will load my save again
No, it will get deleted the second you remove it (BBR)

>> No.8992747 [DELETED] 

No that's just the gameboy games, n64/snes too i think. They use SRAM
GBA uses EEPROM or some shit

>> No.8992758

The GBA games don't use a battery to save, it's only for RTC. Crack open an FRLG cart and you won't find a battery, unless it's an older bootleg.

>> No.8992760

My bad, I thought he was talking about GB/GBC

>> No.8992869

It is a bootleg.

>> No.8992873

Ah, well, that sucks.
I keep telling myself that one day I'll just launch an emulator and resotre all my mons, but I'm afraid nostalgia will kill me. I've spent more hours in Pokemon as a chile than in any other game.

>> No.8992880
File: 51 KB, 225x225, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've spent more hours in Pokemon as a chile
I guess you will love the new starter!

>> No.8992884

That looks like a retarded child that you want to leave in a mall.

>> No.8993062

Hey euroboys.
How did they handle languages in the early pokemon games? did you just get a cartridge in your language or did they actually fit multiple versions of all the text on those things?

>> No.8993065

>did you just get a cartridge in your language

>> No.8993075

Thanks. I guess there wasn't enough space for it.
That or swapping out text would have just broken the jenga tower of code those things were running

>> No.8993079

Probably the former, being also another way for Nintendo to enforce their kikery of keeping everything local and restricted.

>> No.8993121

This. I have a Japanese Gen 1 cart since those are the only ones that I can get in where I live. It sucks since I can't read shred of Japanese.

>> No.8993251

Anon, if they'd add Pokemon in areas where they normally don't occur, they'd be flagged as illegal upon attempting to transfer them to the newest games. You'd have to modify all of these exclusives by hand in PKHeX, most likely have them appear as if they weren't caught and instead popped out of an egg or something. IMHO this is how you should go about hacks like that, make sure not to mess the compatibility with other titles - beyond that, sky's the limit.

PS. Didn't have much time to play, but about to get my third badge, I'll need an HM slave for Fly, will leave it in my team till postgame too. Any suggestions? I was thinking Togekiss (since Cynthia gave me an egg with Togepi not that long ago), you guys reckon that's a good mon to tackle the E4 with?

>> No.8993267

One language per cart. I had an English version of Red and a German version of Yellow that I bought while on a trip to Germany. I didn't know any bettter, shat a brick upon getting back home and playing it on my GameBoy.

>Pikachu, zuruck!
Wtf is this, I don't even... I did get used to it after a while, some of the German names are cool too. Looking at you, Glumanda.

>> No.8993274

French has some good names i think.
Gastly is Fantominus.
Another fun one is psyduck and golduck
They're Psykokwak and Akwakwak
Akwakwak reminds me a lot of sudowoodo which is like my favorite localized Pokémon name.

>> No.8994994

Oh yeah, Togekiss is bad ass, With serene grace and bodyslam Air slash. You can competitively para flinch to victory. Pissing everyone off.

>> No.8995180

I think he means adding them in areas they normally occur like adding glameow and stunky back into the routes they appear in in diamond and pearl.

>> No.8995796

>my parents actually became worried about me and took it away
Parents. Not even once.

>> No.8995806

Why would you buy a video game on a holiday to a foreign country?
Why would your parents let you?
Why didn't you suspect anything when you looked at the box and cart and it had German text?
I hate children so fucking much, especially myself when I was one.
I bought fake Spanish Pokémon cards when I was on Spain on holiday. When I was 10. Someone should've smacked me round the face.
I hope you at least learnt some German.

>> No.8995881

Why is crystal so expensive? $90 for a single cart while gold and silver are just $30 a piece.

>> No.8996152

Crystal is way better and sold way less.

>> No.8996153

Imagine being this wrong lmfao. I would just quit as a reviewer after this.

>> No.8996189

Because it's considered to be superior to Gold and Silver in a way that makes them irrelevant for a lot of people.

I'm lucky I managed to get a Crystal cart for £30 on eBay here in the UK. Seemed like the seller was one of the type who's just selling off old junk and doesn't feel the need to get a collector's price. Was such a good deal I thought it might be fake since I've been stung before on a Ruby cart, but I've opened it up and it's legit. Right place right time.

I got it because I have a major preference for playing as female characters and the battle tower is an actual challenging post-game of the likes you had to plug in to Stadium to get before Crystal.

Downside: I don't like animated sprites. I prefer them to be static illustrations. GameFreak started down the wrong path with that one.

Anyway I will have my original Gold version too. In fact, I'm playing it now, attempting a no Pokémon center run

>> No.8996214

>managed to get a Crystal cart for £30 on eBay here in the UK.
That is a lucky snag. Finding a decent one here is near impossible. I've been meaning to get a Gen 2 setup with Pokemon Stadium 2 for maximum comfy and not having Crystal is a massive thorn on the backside.
I managed to get Silver for $35 which is just about my limit for these things. I can't imagine paying $90 for an old game that I can just pirate, if only Pokemon Stadium will accept bootlegs I wouldn't be seething so much to this.

>> No.8996252

If you have any sort of soldering skills buy a cart in rough shape. You can get new stickers for them pretty easy too.

>> No.8996262

I'd never replace an authentic sticker unless it was totally destroyed. My Yellow version I've had since release day is so worn from pulling it out that it's almost totally worn away at the top. I like that. It gives it history and character. Fresh stickers always look fake.

As for soldering skills: electrical tape works just fine to replace the battery.

>> No.8996267

Yeah, at point I'm more than content on settling at getting a beat up one. The prices for a crystal cart is stupidly high.

>> No.8996269

You should learn to solder, it is a good skill to have.
Replacing batteries on carts is a great first project.
Just please don't get those soldering irons you just plug into the wall that have zero ability to be adjusted.

>> No.8997070 [DELETED] 





>> No.8997089
File: 4 KB, 670x212, Missingno_s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Missingno glitch lets you catch Pokemon over level 100
And one of the forms Missingno can take is the aerodactyl skeleton

>> No.8997750

You can also just get a regular aerodactyl.
I never got cool pokemon because i always just named myself ASH, and not the preset.

>> No.8997758

Looking it up now and if you're name's Max or anything with a lowercase x in the 3rd letter, you'll get fossil aerodactyl. regular aerodactyl if your name is Kyle, or anything else with a lowercase l in the third slot.

>> No.8997825

NDS shop lets you get crystal with unlocked celebi event

>> No.8997846

plz, if you make some dumb strawman like "oh no, someone was given a smartphone... IT MUST BE A REPLACEMENT FOR SOCIAL INTERACTION! they can't have smartphone :^)" you're as retarded as the fanatic who forbids kids from playing pokemon because it must be satanic back in the day. don't let their tardation get to you

>> No.8997856


>> No.8997964

>make some dumb strawman
I taught some kids a few years ago and I saw that whenever a kid gets a little cranky with their parents, they will immediately lob a smartphone to their kid's face and let them watch youtube to "calm them down". The kid will just sit there, totally entranced with whatever's playing on youtube, ignoring everybody else.
I didn't say that you should forbid smartphones, but I also don't think exposing kids to the internet at such a young age would do them any good.

>> No.8997987

Yeah, I don't have a 3DS though. I was just honestly shocked at how expensive that cart is compared to the other ones in its generation. I expect that it's a bit expensive since it's the third version but I didn't expect it to be that expensive.

>> No.8997998

Never has a more iconic game aged so poorly, except maybe for Doom.

>> No.8998004

Goldeneye for the nintendo 64

>> No.8998008

The Digimon artstyle looks so much cooler. And Greymon is just a solid design overall.

>> No.8998012

Doom aged great, faggot.
t. first played Doom, Doom II, and TNT: Evilution back-to-back this year.

>> No.8998354

>totally entranced with whatever's playing on youtube
wow, someone watching the tv or playing pokemon on a game boy is entranced by what's going on in it. shocking.
>but I also don't think
the sentence literally contradicts itself there, and ignoring that, honestly it seems that was a fanatic I was talking to after all. well, no use talking to fanatics.

>> No.8998369

Your clearly a zoomer defending a garbage culture.

>> No.8998405

>the sentence literally contradicts itself there
Sorry, I forgot we're now in 2022 and nuance doesn't exist.

>> No.8998410

Aged in what way? I think Gen 1 is still totally approachable if you're looking for a "retro RPG collecting game".

>> No.8998439
File: 51 KB, 500x500, A-3685336-1392114461-7626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your opinion of Missingno?

>> No.8998462

Pretty based imo. There has never been any other pokemon since that was so generous that it will duplicate the sixth item in my inventory to 255.

>> No.8998501

Very cool glitch. There's so much that's interesting about it. The way the game hangs before the fight starts (it's saving data whether you like it or not), the double Water Gun moveset, Bird type, evolving into Kangaskhan, etc. Not to mention all the variations of Missingno. and other glitchmons.

The way it fucks up the Hall of Fame used to freak me out a bit as a kid. My Hall of Fame got severely corrupted. It would just go on forever, playing creepy glitch music while displaying distorted graphics. Missingno almost feels like something out of a creepypasta. You perform a weird ritual to summon it, then it grants you a boon (duplicating rare candies) in exchange for slightly corrupting your save.

Hall of Fame
Yellow "female symbol" glitch music

>> No.8998507

Fortunately there's another glitch to fix the Hall of Fame (clearing it so you can re-fight the Elite Four and have a normal one again)

This Gameshark code also works:

>> No.8998636

>Why can't the transfer pack play all gameboy games?
Because it doesn't have any Game Boy hardware. Pokemon Stadium did it by running an emulator on the N64 side, and it requires copying the ROM from the cartridge which is dog slow.
Contrast with the Super Game Boy, which literally had the full Game Boy system hardware packed into the cartridge so it ran everything natively.

>> No.8998781

This old ass shit ain’t bussin, fuck genwunners

>> No.8998785

Well, you're a smart young man. I'm sure all of your friends think you very bussy.

>> No.8998994

It was a really cool glitch in general and through no intention of their own really helped sell the games as being more than they were with hidden mysteries that seemed less outlandish once you saw your friend get a fuckload of rare candies in front of your face

>> No.8999004
File: 681 KB, 3856x2170, EWVSvnKUYAImLd4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fascinating to imagine that there might have been one kid back in the nineties who through pure chance stumbled across the Mew glitch or the deleted Professor Oak battle.

Nowadays these glitches are well known, but imagine some kid accidentally battling Oak and having no idea how to repeat it, and swearing on his life that it happened, but nobody believing him.

Maybe a lot of people's dads really did work at Nintendo...

>> No.8999084
File: 13 KB, 210x240, Rafiki_in_The_Lion_King.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i play brown eye double-oh buttsecks with pride
not today, tin man

>> No.8999091

>Do you think anyone ever would look at these and call them an improvement? Call them better games?
I would unironically be happy about them removing the dumb natures/abilities bloat desu

>> No.8999112
File: 568 KB, 1077x1257, MissingNo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a mistake...

>> No.8999116

My ideal would be the level of features and number of Pokémon available around gen 5, but with strictly 2D pixel art. No 2.5D effect or sprite animations, and certainly no 3D models.

So a game that looks like Gold/Silver, but with more detailed and nuanced overworld graphics and a more complex system of stats and battles, without becoming gimmicky.

>> No.8999147

>top left
>the face a fat kid makes when they can't find a toilet and end up shitting in their lunchbox
>realize after the fact they hadn't eaten lunch yet

>> No.8999164

Really cool and I consider it to be one of if not the most iconic glitches of all time.

I still think it's kind of dumb of Nintendo that they never canonized it in some way. Referencing it in LGPE would have been a good time to do it if they ever were.

>> No.8999165

I think the battle system was mostly fine enough by Gen 2, it really shines in the Stadium titles and the Crystal Battle Tower. I liked how they split the physical and special moves in theory but it was poorly executed because they didn't go back and fix a lot of older pokemon movesets by giving them new/equivalent moves for type coverage to match their stats. It also fucked up some flavour, like Dodrio's Tri-Attack is now a shitty option for it whereas it was decent enough when it was still a physical move.

>> No.8999174

Yeah. When Gen 4 first came out I was pretty impressed with the 2.5D-style overworld but it quickly grew stale. Meanwhile, the original GBC tileset still look timeless.

>> No.8999203

I tend to think that canonizing it would spoil the fun.

A big part of the appeal is how unofficial it is. It's the Pokémon you were never supposed to be able to catch woOoOOooOooH.

>> No.8999207

I suppose you're right, but in my head when I look at how LGPE introduced its own exclusive pokemon, I probably would have rather have an official Missingno mythical than whatever the fuck that dittonut thing was called.

>> No.8999217

Stale, exactly.

It looks dated because it was a contemporary attempt to add a 3D effect using technology that wasn't up to the task, which now comes across as cheap and pointless.

The 2.5D effect similarly ruined Advance Wars: Dual Strike for me, after the first two games on the GBA were some of my favourite games of all time.

Dear game developers: don't scale sprites unless you absolutely have to. It looks bad. Sprites are designed out of individual pixels to look a certain way, you can't just scale them.

>> No.8999318

>Hitscan enemies
>Monster closets
>Repetitive gameplay
Nah I'll just stick with Unreal, thx
The QOL improvements in gen 2 were sorely needed, especially regarding inventory management. It's playable but damn it gets tedious at times.

>> No.8999337

I just replayed gold, Jesus are the rocket battles so repetitive.
So funny when you have a ghost type and walk through their explosion pokemon traps however.

>> No.8999378

>how LGPE introduced its own exclusive pokemon
What is that?

>> No.8999381

All those are still decent

>> No.8999398

I kept hearing this meme and played the game recently out of morbid curiosity. For what it is, it holds up in most areas, the only thing that honestly bugged me was the relative lack of inventory space. The lack of hand-holding game interruptions compared to newer games was honestly refreshing.

>> No.8999408
File: 302 KB, 967x966, F80420F560F44AA485F85501B63DBC5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you want me to show you how to catch pokemon
>okay take care

>> No.8999842

If they really wanted to make the game dark, threatening, and without hand-holding, I've been playing with this idea for a more adult Pokémon story for a while:

Your dad dies. Your mom remarries and your new stepdad hates you. On your last birthday at home, your mom gives you your first Pokémon and says something like 'You might need this soon.' Shortly afterwards, your stepdad says he's had enough and kicks you out of the house.

From then on, you have to survive by your wits, just you and your only friend in the world: your Pokémon. You're essentially a homeless runaway in a threatening world.

Thought it would be fun to pair this story with a hardcore version of the game where there are no Pokémon centers and Pokémon fight to the death, so KO equals permanent death, as in Nuzlocke rules.

>> No.8999992

Gen 4 Pokémon
The games' overworld is definitely 3D, they used sprites and layered angular planar textures in places to be cheap on computation.

>> No.9000247

Pokemon game for adults could work, but that would pretty much be Digimon, so I guess they will never actually do anything like that.

Stick to the fanfiction out there. I mean, there should be something. I hope, not all fanfics are about porn nowadays. Haven't checked the scene for quite a while...

...though one of permanent threads on /vp/ is about fucking pokemon, so my guess would be things haven't become anyhow better. Still, I'm pretty sure that with enough dedication it is possible to dig out something decent.

>> No.9000352 [DELETED] 


>> No.9000361 [DELETED] 


>> No.9000405
File: 85 KB, 725x191, Screenshot (272).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I more of a Pokemon Blue kind of guy.
Here's the team I used in that game.

>> No.9000491
File: 7 KB, 160x308, ImageLR_Merge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The default Red palette on Game Boy Color is disgusting and makes me want to stab out my eyes. Blue version is beautiful and the way it should be.

>> No.9000517

>not exclusively using the Up+B palette

>> No.9000576
File: 24 KB, 717x770, FRuC8laUUAADEk-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Up+B palette

>> No.9000584
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>> No.9000585

You learn something new everyday.

>> No.9001250
File: 864 KB, 498x280, hugh-laurie-no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been playing with this idea for a more adult Pokémon story for a while:

>> No.9001281

>pogaymmon for adults

>> No.9001809

Does anyone here know of a magazine page from probably around late 1996 or early 1997 that was talking about Pokemon as Pocket Monsters Red & Green featuring a Flareon attacking a Metapod?

>> No.9002146

Hiroshima really fucked Japan in the head.

>> No.9002343 [DELETED] 


>> No.9002483

If only they stop making the newer mons look like some plastic toy for three-year olds.

>> No.9002505

Word. There are only so much likeable designs. While in gen 1 basically all of them were awesome.

>> No.9002513

I'm ashamed to admit it but i kinda like Zeraora

>> No.9002597


>> No.9002617

It's a gay cat legendary everyone hates because its furbait

>> No.9002682
File: 48 KB, 498x360, DOYTV2Z8v_F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rather prefer to blame furfags for being coomer brains who ruin everything they touch. I mean, back in the 90's I wouldn't think twice about playing a game/watching something with antropomorphic animals in it. Nowadays I have to check three times what I'm stepping into. And even if the work tries to totally abstain itself from those degenrates, the fanbase still can be plagues with them up to the point that the normal discussion is almost impossible.
That being said, the corporations and managers who do not condemn that kind of fanbase, but instead welcome it and see it only in numbers of a potential profit deserve a fair share of blame too.
That being said, Zeraora is not the worst design out there. At the very least it is an animal, not some keys or a literal trash bag, And I've used to laugh when South Park made a joke about shoe being a pokemon...

>> No.9002923

This and this is not just with furfags. This applies with every LTBGBBQQHAMGALAXY++3+4+5 special snowflake out there. They ruin everything they touch and make everything about them and their "rights".

>> No.9002927

That's disgusting. I'm glad I just stuck with Gen 1 and 2.