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8955678 No.8955678 [Reply] [Original]

Why, exactly, are there monsters in the Labyrinths in Zelda? Do they serve a purpose beyond just being an obstacle for the protagonist in a video game?
The overworld is overrun by Ganon's forces seeking out the fragments of the Triforce, separated and scattered by the Princess Zelda.
The Labyrinths, however, house enemies that are not seemingly apart of Ganon's forces and this is evident because if they were, Ganon would already be in possession of all of the pieces of the Triforce because the monsters guarding them would be in his service and give him the pieces.
I'd also ask why we don't see any Moblins inside the Labyrinths because if they were actually searching for the Triforce, you'd expect them to be exploring the place as well. Likewise, you actually see some old folk taking refuge inside the Labyrinths.
>Another Zelda thread
deal with it

>> No.8955679

What’s a fantasy labyrinth without monsters to deal with?

>> No.8955705

>Hi, I'm a 35 year old trynig to make sense of 30 year old children's toys. OH GOLLY GEE I think I just found a plot hole in one! I need to tell the world!

>> No.8955709

in the case of zelda 1, iirc the lore is that zelda hid away the pieces of the triforce, so presumably they're there to guard em, and in zelda 2, they're there to test link, which is why the final challenge is yourself
in later games it's not really explained but presumably it's usually just ganon or the antagonist, maybe not in the first three alttp dungeons though, but he does have those bosses in his tower so idk maybe

>> No.8955712

Like the old man that protects the triforce of courage by casting shadows, they're there to protect the triforce from being collected.

>> No.8955724

I'm 31, dickass fart huffer.
>and in zelda 2, they're there to test link
In Zelda II it's explicitly stated the King of Hyrule filled the Palaces with hand selected creatures. Just wondering what the theory is for LoZ.

>> No.8955845

The answer is that the monsters live there. THis is how it was in old D&D; ancient land full of the remnants of lost peoples and civilisations - especially in the kind of remote places that Zelda 1 takes place in.
Monsters crawl into these places and lair there. A good dungeon is a bit like a terarium with its own self-contained ecology. Video game dungeons are not often like that, but thats the idea behind it.
They are also very dangerous, i'm not surprised the Moblins aren't too keen on going in to the few they even know about. It also makes them good places to send a triforce (by magic, presumably) if you only wanted a worthy hero to get it.

>> No.8956845

i was always under the impression that the moblins were looking for the triforce as well

>> No.8956897

They were probably put there to stop people from getting the triforce and that's part of why Ganon didn't have them.

>> No.8956927

By who? Who "puts" monster in a dungeon? How is that person able to make a pact with all of those monsters? If they are on reasonable terms with dragons like Aquamentis, they must be pretty powerful.

>> No.8956947

Simple. They wandered in there one day and got lost. It's a labyrinth, after all.

>> No.8956950

Yea, but what do they eat? It's a Megaton situation all over again.

>> No.8956954

I'm absolutely seething at all of the video games with enemies that have no rationale or ecological function. What a mockery of good worldbuilding, should be banned.

>> No.8956970

Never play a Kirby game, it will eat you alive how randomly with no purpose the enemies are placed.

>> No.8956973

What is more, this travesty is corrupting our children, or at least our 30-something NEETs. I may write my local representative about this issue.

>> No.8957149

Zelda 1 is not an RPG, simulation, or storygame. You either know this and are being a faggot OP on purpose, or it's in your blood. Yes, enemies and NPCs are placed for gameplay reasons first. There's nothing more to discuss.

>> No.8957197
File: 1.32 MB, 901x642, LoZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zelda 1 is not an RPG, simulation, or storygame
1. It is an RPG, you play the role of Link in the game. Role, play, game. Done.
2. It simulates expert swordplay combat and simulates the brain with puzzles.
3. There is certainly a story, which is why you are playing the game (see 1. playing the role of Link), to collect the fragments of Triforce and beat Ganon. The title screen AND the manual both tell you the story.

>> No.8957303

1. By that retard logic every videogame is an rpg
2. That's not simulation, it's symbolic.
3. Having some flimsy story doesn't make a storygame.
You're a dick sucking faggot, OP.

>> No.8957339

>1. By that retard logic every videogame is an rpg
And? What's the problem?
>2. That's not simulation, it's symbolic.
No it's a simulation. I didn't actually go trekking across Hyrule or delving through dungeons, killing slimes and bats and bombing walls, it's all simulated.
>3. Having some flimsy story doesn't make a storygame.
The story is pretty solid. Are you mad because there isn't dialogue explaining all of Hyrule's lore and Ganon's origin?
>You're a dick sucking faggot, OP.
Cope about it or whatever the kids say these days. You're wrong.

>> No.8957409

I think the monsters in the dungeons are mostly figments of evil that found a nice nest of evil.

Like earwigs under a moist outdoor surface. Only there's magic involved so they might have evil armor on.

>> No.8957423


>> No.8957451

you're trying to shoehorn modern game design logic into a 1980s video game it's not going to go well.

>> No.8957465

1) as someone else pointed out by that logic any game would be an RPG. Hell even Madden football games would be RPG because you role play as quarterbacks and stuff. It's not an RPG it's an action/adventure game.

2) not even going to acknowledge that first bit, but yes it does stimulate the brain I suppose with puzzles although just playing the game stimulates the brain so whatever.

3) there is a background story at best. a simple narrative to drive the gameplay and nothing more. Zelda is not War & Peace it is a simple story for a simple game.

>> No.8957471

They are guardians put in place long ago by ???. It's not revealed in the lore. Makes things more mysterious.

>> No.8957475

So you agree with me on all points it seems. What's the problem?

>> No.8957476

>zelda divided the triforce of wisdom and hid the pieces in the various dungeons
>implying she either braved all the dungeons herself to put them in place, or the monsters in the dungeon serve her and were put there in place by her
Or maybe she used magic to teleport the pieces there. But why were the dungeons there to begin with? mysteries upon mysteries

>> No.8957501

Thanks for further evidence that you're just an idiot.

>> No.8957515

You literally agreed with everything retard.
What is your argument dude? Speak up.

>> No.8957553

I agree, OP. It is ridiculous in concept and all of these enemies seemingly doing nothing in a dungeon meant to test the player's skill greatly detract from the immersive Zelda experience.

Moreover, what’s Princess Zelda’s tax policy? We must investigate this blaring plot hole at once.

>> No.8957576

Why are there coins randomly scattered about Super Mario Bros? Why are there question marks on some blocks? I know the bricks are transformed residents of the Mushroom Kingdom, but again why the question blocks? Who hid fire flowers and mushrooms in the blocks and for what purpose?

>> No.8957584

Best post.
This is a pathetic thread.
Just play the ancient game and forget about stupid plot details.

>> No.8957585

This is your brain on Game of Thrones

>> No.8957591

Talk about getting btfo and having to switch topics lmao.

>> No.8957595

>Nooooo you can’t think about things!
>Imagination is BAD!!

>> No.8957686
File: 476 KB, 300x225, 1640766502551.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP deserves every bit of mockery and ridicule he's getting itt. Just look at him go lol. To the high IQ Anons here who are responding earnestly: It's pearls for swine. But you know it, too - I see all of you stopped responding to his defensive bullshit because you all see how pointless it is to try and make a retard comprehend anything. The more valid your counter-arguments, the more stubbornly OP is imagining that he(?) must be on to something here, because why else the backlash? No doubt OP will headcanon your refusal to respond to his inane drivel into an epic win. At least he's not blaming the jews(yet). Dead sure pic related is an everyday experience for OP. Let's abandon this pathetic thread shall we?

>> No.8957704
File: 1.04 MB, 2400x1200, optimus-prime-header.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm 25 and my toys didn't had an epic lore
poor bastard.

>> No.8957745

Well somebody is overly sensitive that they are gay. Yeah, it's (You).

>> No.8957843

It seems in Zelda 1, some members of the demon tribe made their nests there, while the more humanoid ones like Darknuts are ancient sentries. Wizrobes, Goriyas and Stalfos throw a wrench into this logic though, all I can think is that they're also looking for the Triforce shards, which means the bosses aren't Ganon's forces but rather giant monster beasts who lived there already.

>> No.8957858

>what's the problem
Finish high school before trying to talk about taxonomy and linguistics.

>> No.8957885

Oh wow we got a fucking hot shot here with his dang diploma! WOW! What, you like those puzzle games and shit too, hot shit? Yeah, that's what I thought, go read a coloring book asshead, the adults are talking.

>> No.8957942

>muh daddy voice semi truck
Transformers are cringe

>> No.8957949

It's "War and Peace" not "War & Peace" they're not a law firm.

>> No.8958012

or perhaps the power of the Triforce draws monsters and that's why there are lots of monsters in the dungeons.

>> No.8958034

>Why are there question marks on some blocks?

Because it's a mystery.

>> No.8958047


I know you're justbeing sarcastic but what the fuck was with the fake Kirby that randomly apqeared in Kirby's Dreamland 3?

>> No.8958053

Winner of the semantics award, truly a diamond dozen post

>> No.8958068

ok Cykill.

>> No.8958083


>> No.8958139

Go out into the middle of a forest and find a cave. Start exploring it. Now imagine the bugs and worms are all 5 feet tall. You can casually walk past them or hit them with your sword.

>> No.8958238

>"Whats their tax policy?"

>> No.8958259

>I know you're justbeing sarcastic
I'm not. It kills me how there is a snowman, needed to do an ice puzzle on the next screen, but he's also in the generic plains environment and just on the previous screen there's a fire guy.
And not retro but don't get me started on Forgotten Land having all those familiar faces completely integrated into the environment already.

>> No.8958406

It varies from game to game.
Sometimes the gods are testing Link with trials.
Sometimes Ganon is using them to guard the tools that Link needs.
Sometimes they just live there and Link is the jerk for disturbing wildlife.

>> No.8958491

Vast intellect thread.

>> No.8958524

I know you're lashing out, but years later you'll thank me for having you avoid using & as a simple replacement for the word "and" when it's rarely appropriate to do so.

>> No.8958596

>truly a diamond dozen post
It's actually 'platinum plus'.

>> No.8958990

Arent the monsters ganon minions? I assumed they were there to guard the triforce pieces.

>> No.8959018

The real redpill is understanding that & is actually pronounced "et"

>> No.8959132

Ganon already has the Triforce of Power in his grasp, he's looking for the Triforce of Wisdom as the story goes.