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File: 71 KB, 5956x1436, Great-Palace-Map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8954914 No.8954914 [Reply] [Original]

Zelda 1 bros... its over.

>> No.8954923

Melee's rendition of the palace theme is G.O.A.T.

>> No.8955280

Zelda 2 is actually pretty cool

>> No.8955508
File: 7 KB, 500x383, 1653688649693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zelda 1 bros... its over.
Yes you are supposed to beat LoZ before you move onto AoL.

>> No.8955784

But I like sidescrollers

>> No.8955815

I can admit it, I never beat it as a kid. I got to the point of getting the down thrust pretty sure.

>> No.8956176

>Thunderbird, the penultimate boss of the game that is deep inside the final dungeon, is literally invincible unless you get the Thunder spell
>you need enough magic upgrades to even be able to cast Thunder
Some people claim the NES Zeldas didn't have a lock-and-key design like the later Zeldas, but that's bullshit. LoZ and AoL are FULL of this shit, and a lot of it is inelegant.

>> No.8956534

You can't get Thunder without having all magic upgrades, right?

>> No.8956537

Got any examples from the first game?

>> No.8956543

The great palace is hard without a guide the first time through, but easy on subsequent playthroughs. Death Mountain Second Quest still kicks my ass 15+ playthroughs later.

>> No.8956565
File: 476 KB, 6912x1680, 1648125047953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it mostly comes down to mapping it, it's a shame that most of it are dead ends made to just waste your time since the dungeon design is just so fucking great, would be cool if the exploration was more rewarding somehow
>easy on subsequent playthroughs
the blue birds still rape you if you are not careful

>> No.8956568

No it's not. It's just the contrarian pic so you've been tricked into thinking you like it

>> No.8956572

Oh my god is that a heckin metroidvania?

>> No.8956652

I don’t consider Zelda 2 a real Zelda.

>> No.8956989

>LoZ and AoL are FULL of this shit, and a lot of it is inelegant.
I don't mind this. A lot of it you just happen about by being the hero and playing through the game as normal.
What I hate is coincidental shit, like just happening to find the right thing at the right time or a "puzzle" that only works because part of the architecture of the building is destroy. An example, not necessarily Zelda but I think Zelda has done shit like it, would be having to get up to a 2nd floor from the first but the stairs are destroyed (which you could still use because it's only a gap and would be easy to just climb) so instead you have to knock over a stone pillar to form a ramp. Oh and never mind that your rival already beat you to the treasure room in the dungeon somehow even though there are no signs of him being there.

>> No.8958097

Not that anon, but...
>You need the Bow from Level 1 in order to kill Gohma, the boss of Level 6 and a mini-boss in Level 8. You also need it for Level 9.
>You need the Raft from Level 3 in order to access Level 4, since it's one of the two places where you need the Raft to get across.
>You need the Ladder from Level 4 in order to access the bosses of Level 5, 6, and 7, as they are behind areas where there is no other way across the water.
>You need the Flute from Level 5 in order to kill Digdogger, the boss of Level 5 and a mini-boss in Level 7. You also can't access Level 7 without it.
Those are the four items that will block progress if not gotten. You can't just go to Level 7 and clear it without the Flute and Ladder. And you can't get the Ladder without getting the Raft first.

>> No.8958651

I dont see a problem with having to fully upgrade your magic. It rewards exploration and adds to the game

>> No.8958684

All of this is fine because you are supposed to get an item in every dungeon and shouldn't leave it until doing so. Well, except for the first dungeon, some people may leave it without getting the bow because they may think that the boomerang is the dungeon item

>> No.8958708 [DELETED] 

It's one of my favorite games of all time and one I still use as a model for great difficulty curve.

>> No.8958736

>for great difficulty curve
Anon I fucking love the game but the difficulty is all over the place.
>Starts out pretty hard
>Gets easier as Link becomes stronger
>BOOM, Death Mountain! Get fucked! Almost everyone who didn't finish the game dropped it here.
>Gets easier again and actually becomes piss easy before THAT part
>THAT part, road to the final dungeon
>the actual final dungeon is way easier than the road to it
>Thunderbird is unexpectedly the hardest boss in the series after every other boss in the game being a fucking joke
>Dark Link is outright broken because he reads your inputs, therefore you just stand in the left corner and stab him repeatedly. Again, piss easy

>> No.8959173

Zelda 2 is very good, and is thw formula they should have stuck to.