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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8799476 No.8799476 [Reply] [Original]

>game has useless party members

>> No.8799495

She's hot enough to tag along.

>> No.8799503

She's one of the best members in 10. You underestimate Mix.

>> No.8799523

Riku is literally in the top 3 party members in X, and in X-2 the characters are all the same outside of their skills in Mascot job

>> No.8799541
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>game is made by squeenix

>> No.8799546


>> No.8799548

She's not even as useless as Kimahri.

>> No.8799563

I never got past the blitzball tournament part of FFX I just totally lost interest by that point

>> No.8799568

Sometimes I can't tell if people like OP are trolling or actually couldn't figure out how to play FFX. I think I am too old for this place and I'm only 33.

>> No.8799602
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Amen to that brudda

>> No.8799613

No one is as useless as Kimahri

>> No.8799620

Just had flashbacks of the forced battle where you have to use him. I had that blueberry benched the entire game

>> No.8799631

His self-destruct got me through one of the early Sin fights.

>> No.8799637

Yenke and Biran's stats scale with Kimahri's anyway so the difficulty is about the same no matter how much or how little you've leveled him

>> No.8799717

>board has useless members

>> No.8799738

Cait with and red xiii appear

>> No.8799742


>> No.8799743

It's almost like they knew people would likely bench him.
Anyway, Umaro has my vote.

>> No.8799847

>the internet has useless countries connected to it

>> No.8799857
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>game is nothing but useless party members

>> No.8799891

You're not. I've been on this site in some way or another since 2005 and i'm 40.

>> No.8799915

If you mean FFX she's one of the strongest.
If you mean FFX-2 all three of them are the same in practical terms, I think their base stats have slight differences and that's it.

>> No.8799918

I'm pretty sure giving you boners just by looking at her counts as a useful trait.

>> No.8800325

She has a swagger like she's an alcoholic.

>> No.8800359

Somehow the FMV had worse facial animation than FFVIII.

>> No.8800369
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>game has a party

>> No.8800397

That's pretty hot, Anon.
>at least in women

>> No.8800408

How many young boys do you think have spilled their seed to this freak eyed nymph?

>> No.8800416

>i want my game to have no reason to think and just press the button over and over

>> No.8800419 [DELETED] 

Pedo comment.

>> No.8800487
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Fargo and Greco are my bros.

>> No.8800495

>game has unattractive party member

>> No.8800550

Her overdrive breaks the game if you know what stuff to mix, she is pretty strong in the sequel as well

>> No.8801137
File: 23 KB, 640x324, Wakka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look brudda, I'm just saying...sand blasted grease monkeys are no good in a fight yah.

>> No.8801171

They just designed to make softlock impossible

>> No.8801174
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>the designated useless character is the primary lead

>> No.8801186
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>the useless party member is actually incredibly bitter about being useless, canonically

>> No.8801227 [DELETED] 

I'm a girl tho, so it's okay.

>> No.8801240

That's not Rafa or Malak

>> No.8801261 [DELETED] 

What, the young boys part or the fact that Rikku is underage?

>> No.8801310

It's more that there's not point of using anyone outside of like 5-6 characters

>> No.8801326
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>mediocre stats
>awful voice acting
>requires shit tons of farming rare trumpets
>late class ups

For me, it's Lyude.

>> No.8801364 [DELETED] 


>> No.8801383

Rafa's useful as an item-finder and Malak is theoretically useful if you want a low-faith, spell-resistant character.

>> No.8801412

Rafa has one of the highest obtainable magic growth stats outside of the dragon girl. In PSP and later versions her signature random spells hit a couple more times as well. Malak I don't defend.

>> No.8801907

4chan having any boards that are good, and full of decent/contributory people is the moment it stop beings 4chan.

>> No.8802768

>full of
I'd settle for a few decent threads. That was possible before all good threads were zoomed to the archive in a few days or less.

>> No.8802914

>Steal, Mix as standards, Godhand is easiest Ultimate Weapon to get and level up
>Naturally high speed/agility basically mean she's an alpha-strike initiative placeholder for slower characters
>Has ability to instant full defence and cast haste on party as a baseline ability typically well before you've unlocked it on others
>Starts in an area on Advanced grid where you can progress her down bruiser, tank or caster easily to fill secondary roles (especially in the swimming sections you are forced to use her) if you aren't going for a whole-grid grind.

Her down side is she comes in a little too late in the game and would have been better placed as someone you'd meet at Mushroom Rock road rather than after the Shoopuff. Also alot of her elements aren't attractive: Her story arc is mediocre, she comes in highly under-levelled at a time in the game where the things you'd grind on offer little to nothing to your main party, her loot-box mechanic is poorly implemented and the remaining time you have before going past the endgame pnr means alot of people are inclined to skip over her in a first playthrough.

However on a 2nd or 3rd playthrough she's absolutely top tier because of the kit she brings.

>Poor Bluemage/Dragoon combo
>Lancet is basically "Draw" from FFVIII without a guide
>Half his blue magic ineffective on mobs that matter and requires overdrive to use
>Not very tanky, Not very agile, Not fucking useful outside of early game "Piercing"
>His mini-bosses scale with him stat wise, but not his abilities rendering this fight completely pointless

Here is the real shit character.

>> No.8803097
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Forgetting someone?

>> No.8803508

Red Xiii is your fastest character

>> No.8803536

Fucking this, it's insane how bad Khimari is.

>> No.8803543

Kimahri is the ultimate filter. It seperates those who understand the sphere grid vs those who just push buttons.
In truth, he is one of the most powerful memebrs of your party if you take 5 minutes to find a path with good stat/ability balance.
I prefer Aurons path. Having 2 heavy hitting tanks with Piercing, then tagging in Rikku and Tidus will wipe the floor with anything but the optional superbosses.
Or you could just call him useless.and summon Aeons that do less damage and give the enemy more turns.

>> No.8803743

Rikku can steal and synth shit so she gets a pass.

Kimahri's strength pales in-comparison to Auron and Wakka and his Overdrives and sphere grid progression are shit, with practically no unique skills to make up for it- making him the useless one.

>> No.8803792

Thief, just a weaker version of Warrior that can't even steal.
All the temp party members that get killed-off.
Class system is pretty subjective but most of the old ones becone useless/replaced after a certain point.
Edward, bards are faggots.
Same case as FFIII.
Umaro since he's uncontrollable, some would argue Gau but he has a lot of utility if you have the patience to spend hours on the Veldt with him.
I would actually argue no party member is useless. Cait Sith is a bastard but his magic stats are nice and his limit breaks are overpowered as fuck if you know how to abuse them. Red XIII is a good thief, even moreso than Yuffie (but not as good of a fighter obviously).
Pretty subjective given the way the junction system works, Selphie just isn't as strong as the others though.
Surprisingly none of them are useless. Quina looks retarded but his Blue Magic is based as fuck and very useful, Amarant's closest to being useless since his strength just doesn't compare to Steiner, but still has a few cool moves if you take the time to build him up.
Kimahrii, just isn't as strong as Auron or Wakka unless you build him in a very specific way on the sphere grid.
Penelo, though she's just as good as anyone when given an axe desu.
Fuck off Hope, you nerd.
The game plays itself so who cares lol

>> No.8803794

>disassembles machina while stealing from them
>has the "mix" ability which increases potency of items
She's actually one of your best if you know how to use ehr right.

if anything I felt Kimahri was the most useless because anything he did Auron and Wakka could do better.

>> No.8803815

Vincent's magic is pretty good and his weapons are based-as fuck- only thing going against him are his limit breaks.

>> No.8803830

Also Cyan. As much as I like the dude as a character everything he does in combat can be done better by Locke, Edgar, Sabin, and even Shadow.

>> No.8803870
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>> No.8804062

Cloud's magic was almost as good iirc with better limit breaks, but yeah he did have some neat tricks when it came to his weapons and materia effects

>> No.8804090

i'm almost 36 and i'm here forever

>> No.8804494

That's ok. The zoomies are only here until tidepod o'clock.

>> No.8804505

Based boomer retard posting tidepod memes from like 5 years ago

>> No.8804537

>KH2 Critical Mode
>Boss attacks once
>Donald and Goofy are dead
Holy shit KH2 sucks

>> No.8804627

With one glitch exception for Psycho Cyan

>> No.8804637

Why would anyone summon anything other than Yojimbo?

>> No.8804645

t. didn't play the game

>> No.8804657

He is a good physical tank, but yeah his swordtechs are too slow compared to Edgar and Sabin's respective abilities

>> No.8804698

Just admit you like him for his design.

>> No.8804715

>stop liking what i don't like

>> No.8804726

If you're playing the SNES original, you don't need to grind for Rages at all. All you need is the Stray Cat Rage, and he'll murder EVERYTHING with the Wind God setup.
In the end game, I actually find Vivi to be the weakest. He is great up to Disc 3, but falls off in Disc 4. Flare is ho-hum in terms of damage, and Doomsday, while powerful, requires everyone have Darkness-nullifying equipment, not to mention for how long the animation is, you may as well replace him with one of the summoners. I do wish you could store Trance, because Doublecast makes him (along with Eiko) among the only characters able to hit more than once per turn.

>> No.8804739

I rank Cyan as second worse next to Umaro.
Mog is a far superior tank, as he, along with Gau, can achieve 255 Defense. Combine it with the Dragoon Combo and the Paladin Shield, and he's nearly invincible while being quite strong.

>> No.8804873

Came here for this post when the OP was already wrong & I expected to read even more wrong over Kimhari. Left satisfied thank u anon

>> No.8804898
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>> No.8804940

No that's entirely accurate. Vincent will be your 3rd-strongest magic user after Aeris dies, his limit break is so bad people don't use it because it can be actively detrimental, and his only way to surpass others at anything is taking a hundred real-life hours to farm up Death Penalty's killcount, right at the end of the game. He's even behind Tifa at 255 acc weapon abuse for Deathblows, she kicks ass at it and has appropriate stats for it.

>> No.8804957

I legit completely skipped him my first time playing.

>> No.8805731

You seem very mad about tidepods. You had a bad experience with one didn't you.

>> No.8805747

Nah they don't sell them in my country.

>> No.8805749

No wonder they gave him his own game.

>> No.8806101

Explains the smell

>> No.8806125
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Oh, buddy, don't even get me started

>> No.8807397

I like having Gil.

>> No.8807563

>Pretty subjective given the way the junction system works, Selphie just isn't as strong as the others though.
>Selphie just isn't as strong as the others though.
/vr/ shows again they don’t know how to play FF8

>> No.8808478

Her role is literally fap material you moron. That's why she's there. And she's perfect at it.
Captcha has 3 xs must be so

>> No.8809395

A tank is something with a strong defense who takes the raidboss hits while the rest of the party attacks, bro. Just a little FYI.

I never bothered with magic in either FF7 or FF8. I just level up their P-atks and bruteforce through both games. Junction 100 deaths in FF8 to Attack, and it's one-hit-kills against almost everything. Giive Cloud double-slash, master it to 4x-slash, and give the new double-slash to someone else in FF7 makes FF7 nice and easy.

>> No.8809506
File: 126 KB, 1200x675, Shining-Force-30th-anniversary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

95% of the characters in any given Shing Force game are superfluous

>> No.8810269

Cloud's Magic well surpasses Vincent's, which is tied with Cait Sith's but with lower MP growth. There's a random element so sometimes Cait Sith will be lower and Vincent's higher.

People run Cloud as physical because you can do it and people always think that about the protagonist, but it makes no sense to do so if you want a magic character. There's like 4 characters great at physicals. In the gap left by Aeris, Cloud is the only passable star in the magic show.

>> No.8810342

Yeah, deathblowing all enemies 4x really sucked

>> No.8811605

It was great on Tifa, sorry about Vincent though. Maybe if you got a ton of Deathblow materia you could make him your secondary Deathblower to be relevant. Or you could just give Yuffie her final weapon and use Tifa as your other physical, and bench the benchbait.

>> No.8811652

She bends over and she's suddenly very useful.

>> No.8811680

Useful for what? A hep super spreader? I just want her to bend over so I don't have to look at her skanky tweaker face.