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8634307 No.8634307 [Reply] [Original]

4-5-6 > 1-2-3

Boomers hate hearing this, but it's true.

>> No.8634315

1, 5, and 6 are the best ones. 3, 4, and especially are core crap.

>> No.8634317

maybe but it's carried hard by 4

>> No.8634320

*especially number 2

>> No.8634336

I recently beat all the NES games for the first time and can safely say the all suck. X series mogs it to oblivion

>> No.8634340

I was replaying some of these recently, and while on the whole I wouldn't say the games from 3 onwards are worse, I think what it is is that they're harder to get into, because the boss themes get more abstract.
The first time you play Megaman 2, you can pretty well suss out that a metal saw beats wood, and bubble beats fire, or that timestop is useful against a quick character.
What beats a spinning top, or a toad, or a skull, or dust? There's more trial and error involved, and I think people are put off by that.

>> No.8634346

i think theyre pretty cool

>> No.8634356

Why do scissors beat electricity?

>> No.8634357

You can cut an electrical cord.

>> No.8634398

That's already pushing it. And why do leaves beat air? And air beats explosives? And metal beat bubbles and itself? It really only makes some sense in the first game.

>> No.8634413

Boomers are too old to care about video games

>> No.8634415

1 is better than the rest

>> No.8634416

You clog the fan with leaves. Air beating bomb is trial and error. They don't all work perfectly. What matters is you can work about about half of them immediately, and the rest just fall into place.

>> No.8634440

Anything after 3 is unessential.

>> No.8634471

This but ironically

>> No.8634478

>You clog the fan with leaves
Nobody would think of this when choosing the level, especially since he's wood man and not leaf man. This is more like rationalization after the fact.

>> No.8634482
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"4 > 1-2-3" is probably correct... minor nitpicks with how slow screen transitions and bar filling is set aside
"5-6 > 1-2-3" is good bait tho

>> No.8634491

Yeah, but at least half of the solutions are obvious, and the rest is just a process of elimination.

>> No.8634516

Ok boomer.

>> No.8634551

I'm impressed that people can remember which one is which clearly enough to have an opinion about this

>> No.8634554

6 is great.

>> No.8634573

There's a few obvious ones to latch onto...
>dissecting frogs, for Drill on Toad
>exposing a dark place with light, for Bright on Pharaoh
>that horrible noise when you clog a vacuum with some metal, for Ring on Dust
>fucking up helicopters, via Gravity on Gyro
>exploding rocks, for Napalm on Stone
>blowing out small embers, for Wind on Flame
... but otherwise, yeah. Couldn't tell ya what Skull or Centaur would be good for.

>> No.8634580

Pharaoh Man is weak to flash photography

>> No.8634590


>> No.8634596

3 is more fun than 5 and 6 even though it's a mess of a game.

>> No.8634606

You can defeat most bosses with the mega buster easily, the weapons shine in how you can use them in a level. that's why 2's weapons are the worst in the entire franchise, with only one usable weapon.

>> No.8634609

5 is one of the weakest ones, shit weapons, overpowered charge shot, the game can't stop throwing lives at you, brings nothing new to the table.

>> No.8634621

Even with the slowdown, and the Doc robots?

>> No.8634635

yeah, I'd rather play it than 5 and 6

>> No.8634651

Air blows out a bombs fuse.

>> No.8634671

But he isn't Bomb Man, his explosives have no fuse, they're more like mines.

>> No.8634683

>shit weapons
>Napalm Bomb
>Water Wave
>Gyro Attack
Even though they are generic, Gravity Hold is cool and Star Crash is functional. I also like to use Power Stone.

Charge shot is OP in every game, and 2 also brings nothing except extra robot masters and a better stage select screen if that counts.

>> No.8634694

>that's why 2's weapons are the worst in the entire franchise, with only one usable weapon.
Not entirely true especially since 5's weapons are much worse. Leaf shield is useful when you're on those railed platforms and the game spawns endless floating enemies at you. Bubble lead can reveal the hidden pitfalls in one of the wily stages. Air shooter is good against those sniper joes that ride big walkers. Very situational weapons, but still more useful than the ones in 5.

>> No.8634702

>Charge shot is OP in every game
Not in 4. There's a lot of situations in 4 where using a special weapon is better and easier than using the charge shot.

>> No.8634713

>>Napalm Bomb
>>Water Wave
>>Gyro Attack
>Gravity Hold
Cool concept, in practice one of the least useful screen nukes
>Star Crash
Shield #475
>Power Stone.
One of the worst weapons in the series

I actually have a lot of fun using the Charge Kick, but can't delude myself into thinking that the game has good weapons. Especially when the charge shot is ridiculously powerful, large and cannot through many enemies at once.

>> No.8634717

Go back to the negaverse.

>> No.8634721

*can go through

>> No.8634798

They're all just level packs of the same game.

>> No.8634820

I used all of these weapons a lot, not necessarily because they are the most useful, but because they are fun. Controlling Gyro's direction is awesome, Gravity Hold looks cool, and sniping with Power Stone is fun.
The reason 2's weapons are worse is because none of them are fun to use. With every game I try to use the entire arsenal, and I ended up enjoying 2's the least by far. I by far prefer a game with many mediocre weapons that you can use flexibly than a game with weapons that are extremely good in some but completely unusable in most situations. That is why I placed 2 as one of the lowest games in my previous post. (>>8634590)
On second thought, I prefer 1 over it. Because of the bad weapons and the shit that is Wily Machine 2.

>> No.8634821

This. Just play 2 and 3, that's literally all you need to experience the NES Rockman.

>> No.8634953
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That got me.

Captcha: AHA

>> No.8634987

8 > 6 > 7 > 3 > 5 > 4 > 1 / 2

>> No.8634989

I wouldn't agree. Air is good for enemies attacking from above. The shield is good for flying enemies that mob you. Bubble is good when you need a weapon that crawls along the ground. Flashman's weapon is obviously made for Quickman's stage.

>> No.8635083

I genuinely don't understand how you could hate another Mega Man game if you had enjoyed another. Some have better level design and weapons, but they're all essentially the same game.

>> No.8635087

I hate 8 because it barely feels like a Megaman game.

>> No.8635158

And that's a good thing.

>> No.8635284

I really like 6 I just hate that slides are all fucked up and the Mega Buster's charge shot just uses the normal "pew" sound when it had a great explosive sound in 5.
The Power Adaptor and Jet Adaptor are cool as fuck.

>> No.8635285

what the fuck is with the sounds in 3?

>> No.8635286
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1 is too hard. Iceman jumps are soooo hard

>> No.8635424

You can skip most of the annoying parts with the magnet beam. Like the floating cannon platforms after that point that are glitchy as fuck.

>> No.8635572

4? For the charge buster and being the basis of one of the best romhacks of all time, maybe. 5's pretty solid, if a bit easier than usual. 6? Get the fuck out.

>> No.8635616

Well yeah. X was the culmination of all the previous lessons and used the SNES very effectively. That's why Mega Man 7 was seen as a huge step back. It came out after X or X2, and just felt so wrong

>> No.8635618

The fuck is wrong with 6?

>> No.8635628

pretty sure they rewrote the engine after 3 (where the same shit happens with snake man's platforms) so that bug was fixed
4 overall feels way more polished and functional

>> No.8635632

This is true, and for better or worse the difficulty remains consistent to the end. Never really ramps up to be really hard but never really easy for a first time through

>> No.8635646

As Boomer, the problem was that these games were hard as fuck as a kid, came out yearly at full price, and felt like more of the same game.

>> No.8635648

wily machine is hard if you don't figure out that you can blow up the drill before it hits its target

>> No.8635653

They're all great games. I'm partial to 2-5-6.

>> No.8635657

I've play through em three times now throughout the years and honestly 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 > 1

They're all so similar in quality that I really can't rank one above another except for 1. All range from good to great.

>> No.8635671

Correct. It took me a while to figure that out

>> No.8635743

Tell me about this romhack

>> No.8635759

I always thought 2 and 3 were harder than 1 but idk everybody has a different stage in each game they think is the hardest in the series

>> No.8635782

Probably -infinity which is amazing. It changes everything stages, boss behavior, weapon behavior, adds bonus bosses, adds weapons and items, has a cool ending escape sequence. Definitely a great game

>> No.8635797

The hardest MM stage is Heat Man. I’ve played and beaten all these games, suffered through the painfully hard stages and beaten them all. To this day I can’t pass the blocks without item 2. I’m sure I can do it but I get a game over and just think ‘fuck this I’m using the jet’

>> No.8635804

I first played MM2 back on the Gamecube port (with that controller's d-pad!)
I beat the stage legit after several hours, but I absolutely refuse to ever do it again. Just won't, simple as. It's item 2 or nothing.

>> No.8635905

I like 7 more than X2, and a lot more than every X game after X2.

>> No.8635934
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I am really old, so I remember playing and loving 1-2-3 and by the time 4-5-6 were released, I was playing SNES and the X series. I did eventually get back around and played 4-5-6 later, I like them just about as much as 1-2-3. I don't hate hearing that, as that's just an opinion which differs from mine: all 6 of the NES games were great.

>> No.8635951

I played every Mega Man except 1 in chronological order and that's the only one that broke me. I liked Mega Man more before charging became a core mechanic but otherwise the games are all good if increasingly derivative.

>> No.8635956

I was born in the late 80s, and 6 was my first classic MM. I think it's great, probably one of my faves. None of the games are bad, imo

>> No.8635997


4-5-6 aren't as much of a mess as 1-3. 1-3 is megaman's growing years. when capcom was trying to figure out what makes this format work. 4-6 are polished the way 1-3 are not. being able to charge and slide make a big and important gameplay difference.

7 isn't bad, but it doesn't quite pack the same punch. the sprites are too big. the overall feel of the game isn't quite right. megaman x1-3 did a lot better in this regard.

8 is brilliant. now you're able to purchase upgrades, letting you customize your experience. not all of the upgrades are worth it. some of them are overpowered. but it gives the game much more replay value, and that's something the series has always lacked.

>> No.8636008

While it's beautiful to see how the autistic mind works, most of us don't see it like this.

>> No.8636032

Well, yeah. 1 sucks, 2 has good music but the later ones have better levels and more polished mechanics. Their experience with the NES shows as they move forward.

>> No.8636042


>> No.8636267

4-6 are less broken than 1-3 but also have less character and are easier
it took until 9 and 10 for the very best of the original games to come together into a complete feeling, memorable and balanced package imo

>> No.8636454

Heat Man's blocks are just annoying, but they are not especially difficult. Ice man's flying shit is harder.

>> No.8636516

8 sucks. Movement is sluggish, music is gay, and half of the game is lame gimmicky shit (shmup section/snowboard section/maze/puzzle/etc).

>> No.8636912
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one dorririon toads

>> No.8636916

You don't see the logic of saw beats wood, and bubble beats fire?

>> No.8637002

there is a romhack that fixes the slide, among many other improvements; but it only works with the japanese version


>> No.8637048
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1 - can't talk shit because it's the classic one, also filters casuals
2 - overrated game but great music
3 - clean design, unjustly overshadowed by 2
4 - difficulty is exaggerated, otherwise good but overshadowed by 3&5
5 - objectively the best gameplay and design wise
6 - tries to one-up 5 but falls flat, still polished enough so doesn't disappoint

>> No.8637061
File: 4 KB, 256x240, 3638screenshot2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretty sure they rewrote the engine after 3

Except from MM1 and 2 which are incredibly similar internally, every MM game functions completely differently.

Though obviously there will be similarities in the small things (MM5 has a lot of behaviours similar to 4, and 6 has a lot of behaviours similar to 5, for instance many enemies in the sequel being based on enemies from the previous games wether you realize it or not)

each game also brought its share of technical innovations but I think 4 and 5 were the ones that brought the most. IIRC 4 was the first to introduce palette and tile swaps for background mid-level thus increasing the diversity and level of graphics possible within a single stage.
5 has an amazing dynamic sprite loading system which automatically loads the correct sprite banks on the fly depending on which object, and which frame of said objects, need to be displayed

>> No.8637083

>clean design
Lol no

>> No.8637789

Filtered by the Doc Robots.

>> No.8637820

MMIV on the Game Boy proves how much better 4 and 5 could have been. The remade/tweaked levels are on par with 3

>> No.8637837

4 is the peak, 6 is alright, but 5 is absolute dog water. I'll never understand the coping some people go through to defend that title. It just always has to be something else entirely, like it was the first game they played, or the only game they played growing up. Something tied to nostalgia. Because I legit cannot in good conscience believe anyone playing 1-6 in a row today fresh and coming out of it NOT thinking it was the worst one, or at least among the weakest ones. Pure contrarianism.

>> No.8637874

In what world is 4 better than 3?

>> No.8637903

3 is good actually, I consider it neck and neck with 4. I know the variance between them is different for a lot of people. My main issue is with the idiots advocating for 5 so adamantly.

>> No.8637914

I'll give you that, anon.

>> No.8637923

>4 is the peak
based and truthpilled

>> No.8638406

Retard. I'm the one that posted >>8634596 and >>8634635
Saying that 3 is "clean design" is delusion. It's an unfinished laggy mess with an op Rush Jet, but it's fun.

>> No.8638412

Mega Man fans ALWAYS resort to this weak ass retort when someone says something negative about one of the games.

>> No.8638486

In the world where it doesn't have extreme padding in the form of rehashed levels and copypasted bosses from the previous game (with shittier hitboxes), and a short, easy and disappointing Wily castle.

>> No.8638525

>pad the game out with doc bot stages
>they hadn't even finished wily castle and rushed the shit out of it
The fuck were they doing?

>> No.8638535

I like the revisited levels and the mechanic of determining the MM2 boss weaknesses to the MM3 weapons.

>> No.8638898

I barely played 4,5, and 6 back in the day because I always thought they ran out of ideas for the robot masters. Isn't there a fucking centaur man or some shit? The bosses always had lame names and looked dumber and dumber.

I'm playing through the classics now though and I'm at part 3, I hope you're right OP.

>> No.8640153


9-10 > 1-6

>> No.8640162

I don't understand using weaknesses in megaman games, they trivialize the bosses to such an extent that it feels like cheating. I only do it for the refights because I've already proven I can beat them properly and it being a 'boss rush' back to back the game clearly expects you to do it.

>> No.8640196

All megaman games for the NES are ok at best.
Megaman X on the SNES is pure kino though

>> No.8640243

Same. Exploiting weakness is only fine in the final boss rush.

>> No.8640353

what would you say are the absolute essential NES mega man games? I just wanna go through the series as fast as possible

>> No.8640375

bullshit. 9 and 10 are shitty wii 480i romhacks.

>> No.8640489

you have never played a romhack if you think most of them are anywhere near the level of megaman 9 and 10 - nevermind the shitty ones.

>> No.8640684
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What makes 9 and 10 feel so engaging to play over the NES titles? There's something special about them I noticed on my last replay but I can't quite put into words.

>> No.8640801

then don't play any
you're already done
the charge shot was a mistake and getting rid of it let them make the boss weapons useful in the stages themselves

>> No.8640810

you can play just any 1-2 games
they're all the same except for tiny mechanical differences

>> No.8640840

just play em all, i did it this week for the first time and i usually suck at vidya. i'd say 3 and 4 are the best ones if ya had to choose some but they're all pretty similar really so it doesn't matter.

>> No.8640848

It was a mistake making it overpowered like in 5. It's perfect in 6, useful but not too wide, can't go through all the enemies at once, does less damage than several weapons, and you lose the charge if you get hit.

>> No.8640851

Always thought 6 was the best

>> No.8640931

6 fucking sucks monkey dick. You can't Jump out of a slide.

>> No.8641025

see >>8637002

>> No.8641434

of the ones on the NES specifically:
>1 (first game, short and sweet, largely useful weapon sets)
>4 (the most streamlined/well thought-out Mega Man game on the system)

>> No.8642883

Why? Are you terminally ill or something?

>> No.8643256

3 is the absolute worst. slowdowns every other room, doc robot, annoying platforming sections, absolutely retarded checkpoints. it's the only shitty mega man game

>> No.8643283

you can fix the lag with a hack

>> No.8643352

Clearly 2 but you should play 3 and 4 as well

>> No.8643353

Source is the Rockman 7 EP dev.
He posted a new 7 hack 2 weeks ago.

>> No.8643525


Boomers hate hearing it but it's true. Not a single bad game out of those 6.

>> No.8644124

7-8 > 1-6

>> No.8644139
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for me, it's playing the playstation versions
no flickering, no lag, and the remastered music in 4 is bumpin

>> No.8644263
File: 2.75 MB, 500x2958, RockManCompleteWorksCovers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patrician taste anon.
The covert art for those re-releases are also great.

>> No.8644272
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Clown Man > your favorite robot master

>> No.8644324
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Fuck the NES games


>> No.8644364

>4-5-6 > 1-2-3
Boomers pretend that old Star Wars were better than the prequels but that will never be true.

>> No.8644732

No, it was a mistake to remove the charge shot without a lore explanation. 9 is fine with the 8-bit style, but 10 should have brought back the charge shot and the slide, along with a more 16-bit graphics style instead of a damn repeat of 9!

>> No.8644739
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Go back to SA ya clownfuck!

>> No.8644762

he's not a cute girl though, though he does sound a bit girly

>> No.8644780

Fuck, I love almost everything about MM8 so much. It such an aesthetic trip. The level themes are so comfy and it really feels like an escape from the norm.

>> No.8644783

The only thing that 4 has over 5 is it’s music.

>> No.8645240

And weapons and balance

>> No.8645245

it's okay to like them all except 5, no redeeming qualities whatsoever

>> No.8645760

>10 should have brought back the charge shot and the slide,

it did

>> No.8645794

The hard part about 1's platforming was that there was a noticeable input delay when it came to moving and jumping.

>> No.8647165

You also slide all over the place.

>> No.8648791


>> No.8648807

This is /vr/ where Boomers opinion is valid.
>inb4 zoom zoom
37 reporting in

>> No.8648810

Based take

>> No.8650104


>> No.8650126
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Charge shots and slide unironically dilute the level design in Classic MM. Removing them makes the level design more methodical and "pure" for the lack of a better word. There's very little frills to the challenges in 9 or 10, but it doesn't really need it since the level design does a lot with very little. It helps make the games effortless to pick up and play yet not lacking in depth or nuance.

On top of this, both have god-tier OSTs that are arguably some of the best in the series as well as great bosses and plenty of challenge. Extra points to 9 for making essentially every power up useful in levels outside of boss deleters. Both are peak MM imo.

>> No.8650129
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>Mr.X is just Wily wearing a wig and glasses

Was this the point Capcom officially just started fucking around with Classic-era plots

>> No.8650191
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>actually balance the slide and charge in 9 and 10
>people complain anyway

>> No.8650247

I always beat Toad Man first with just the Mega Buster. It's pretty easy to pattern-lock him where you just keep plugging away while he jumps back and forth over your head.

>> No.8650253

fun fact: there is an even easier way to deal with him.
>stand still
>charge your shot
>unleash the charge shot right as it's done charging (which is JUST beyond the sound charge finishes, actually)
>meanwhile Toad Man is charging his rain
>hits him just before he attacks with it

You don't even need to move.

>> No.8650676

Can't please everyone. Even funnier is that it's optional in those games.

>> No.8650708
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What the FUCK were they thinking

>> No.8650717
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Desu between the slippery controls of 1, the completely inbalanced weapons of 2 + this shit >>8650708 and 3 being obviously rushed to hell I'm honestly surprised the first three games are considered better than 4-5-6. Possibly more novel on account of being first, but as far as polished playable games go 4-5-6 blow them out of the water on basically every metric.

>> No.8650720
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>> No.8650752

wily wasn't playing in 2

>> No.8650783

People who have never played 2 or looked up a walkthrough will defend this

>> No.8650947

They're all shit and the X series was a step-up in every possible way.

>> No.8651183

Every X game after X2 are some of the worst games in the entire franchise excluding X4.

>> No.8651305

I've beaten 1 a few times. The robot master levels are nothing overly hard with a bit of practice. Yeah the Wily levels are pretty bullshit but at least the pause glitch will save you.

>> No.8651383

4, i'd argue, is essential as it introduces the charge shot, which stayed with megaman for a while there (and appeared in mmx). mm9 and 10 backpedal on it but that's because the fanbase had a misunderstanding of why the extra mechanics added to classic megaman were bad (bad level and enemy design later-on in the series, mostly) and so they took it out. also, mm9 is probably essential because its a revival of the series, and you'd be missing out on the greater picture of the series/what fans wanted from it if you just stopped at 3.

>> No.8651390

A lot fewer people played 4-6 because they came out in the twilight years of the NES.

>> No.8651396

you'd just be missing out on a 10/10 game, masturbatory speculation or not

>> No.8651474

7 is better than all the NES games.
9/11 > 7 > 10 > 2 > &B > 1/4 > 6 > 5 > 3/8

>> No.8652896


>> No.8653443

how do you guys play 9 and 10? not good with wii emulation really so i'm thinkin about just getting the collection with em but i heard that that's got some screen crunch or something.

>> No.8653543

the collection is fine unless you're a pixel autist. Every third row of pixels are non square or some shit like that I never noticed myself despite always playing with raw pixels.

Other than that, the volume of music in 9 is lower than in the original; and there are a couple of minor sound glitches. 10 has no issue like that.

You can probably emulate in dolphin

>> No.8653710

4 fucked up the robot masters, 5 fucked up the level design and music and 6 fucked up the enemy placement

>> No.8653725

>You can probably emulate in dolphin
You can. Just download the ISOs for the WiiWare versions.

>> No.8655374

Its pretty obvious how much easier they made 2 in comparison to 1 and its also funny how 2 is usually regarded as the best one. You get so many of the big health drops in 2 much more so than the other games. I am honestly not sure how I rank them. I liked 1-6 a lot so none are bad to me.

>> No.8655441

I like 1-2. 3 is alright.The other ones stages are way too long and I get bored.

>> No.8655815

3 is just as long as the sequels, except instead of getting a 2nd castle you get the docbot stages

>> No.8658058
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>> No.8658090

1 & 2
>Shitty autistic in-between
>Okay but stagnant

>> No.8658485

Objectively correct

>> No.8658831

I agree