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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8636582 No.8636582 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth playing

>> No.8636591
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Every game is worth playing. The value is having a definitive answer to the question "was that worth playing?"

>> No.8636669

Not really if you've played Earthbound. Its as much as a remake as it is a sequel.

>> No.8636760

>Starmen.net soi-induced take
Magicant's presence alone makes it far better.

>> No.8636801

It's more like M2 is a bad rehash of M1.

>> No.8636824

Yes. I like it more than Earthbound

>> No.8636840

Earthbound Beginnings? Mother 25th Anniversary Edition?

What's the Right Way To Play?

>> No.8636865

Beginnings is just the name NoA gave it when rereleasing their old translation on the wii u. It's the same as EB 0. Just don't play some fan hack as your first time through. I have no clue why people consider tainting their first experience like that.

>> No.8636897

The unaltered "prototype" which is EB:B is the version you should play. >>8636865 is 100% correct.

>> No.8636909


>> No.8636915

it's the best game in the series

>> No.8636938
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These. Also, the girl character's name is Anna, not Ana. Only complete faggots who think they know Japanese but are actually huge midwits say otherwise.

>> No.8636967
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>> No.8636974

EB 0. You could also do the GBA tomato translation which also has some easy ring stuff.

>> No.8636980

There's nothing interesting about the gameplay. The only thing to write home about is the music, the character/enemy design, and the story/setting. That's why I'd say just watch a playthrough or something.

>> No.8637164

The GBA port is really shitty otherwise

>> No.8637194
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Yes it is but NOT through the Switch virtual console because it has no fast-forward.
You will enjoy the game far more if you can play the random encounters at 400% speed. Purists might be like 'noooo you adhd zoomer you're tainting the experience' like ok dude, go ahead and play it without fast-forward, you're gonna end up hating the game a lot more.

I just beat it and had a good time, the seamless world is fantastic (especially noticeable when you do the super fast plane ride), but it definitely feels a prototype for EarthBound. Almost all of Mother's ideas were fully realized and executed better in EarthBound.
Also Mother 1 is a pretty ugly game. Like I get it, Nintendo was taking a huge chance bringing a random celebrity on to direct a game, so maybe the budget wasn't nearly as high as it could've been. Still, for being near the end of the NES' lifespan it just doesn't look good. Indoor areas look especially ugly, like c'mon at least make the floor and walls a different color or add some texture.
EarthBound on the other hand looks absolutely fantastic imo, its artstyle has aged wonderfully and again it's probably because it had a much better budget and more talent working on it after Mother's success.

>> No.8637198

I am actually not playing it on switch due to lack of fast forward. I totally agree. Shame they did not put that in their emulator

>> No.8637259

Yeah, I fuckin' liked it, played this, then played Mother 2/Earthbound, I didn't like the sequel that much and actually prefer Mother 1.

>> No.8637263

whats so bad about it

>> No.8637297
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>> No.8637318

Music is really bad, tile-based movement was removed, squashed screen to fit on the GBA, color palette is bizarre. I know at least the color palette can be fixed with a patch, but the NES version of the game is so vastly superior I don't see the point in playing the GBA version if you have the option for either.

>> No.8637350

If you are really into JRPGs especially Dragon quest clones or really into Mother 2/3, then yes.

if you a casual looking for a fun rpg experience, not really. It is very grindy, maze like world map/dungeons and tedious. the last dungeon is some of the worst balancing I've ever seen in a game and i've played hundreds of rpgs. A normal battle there is almost as hard as the final boss.

>> No.8637352

Oh, also i wanted to add i found the whole "alien found love and affection from a human mother and it was her lullaby that defeats him" to be quite an endearing concept.

>> No.8637362

Fortunately, 4th D Slip is a thing

>> No.8637449

This. The game is really not as brutal as it's famous for when you know what to do, and it's not exactly complicated at all, either.
First time I played it, the Brain enemies on the cave leading to Mt. Itoi were a pain in the ass. On replays, I realized that PSI block makes them babbies who can't do any physical damage so they can be used as PP slaves with PP magnet. lol.
And yeah 4th D-Slip is a sure way to escape from any powerful enemy when you're about to get your ass kicked. Also you can use teleport to your advantage to traverse through parts of the map without getting encounters, just make sure to crash against something before you teleport.

>> No.8637481

it's one of my favourite RPG on Famicom alongside Final Fantasy 2, Metal Max and Lagrange Point

>On replays, I realized that PSI block makes them babbies who can't do any physical damage so they can be used as PP slaves with PP magnet. lol.

I realized that on my first playthrough. It's a Famicom RPG, you have to experiment to make it through. I guess if people are used to later gen jRPG in which you can just get by spamming the attack button...
Mother really asks for exploration, experimentation, and proper supplies management like a good jRPG should

>> No.8637483


The world is way to unecessarily big you'll walk for hours in one direction and there's a lot of "where the fuck" do I go moments and the random encounters are insane.

>> No.8637668

>The world is way to unecessarily big you'll walk for hours in one direction
It was inspired by Stand By Me.
The big ass map is also impressive. I think very few RPGs have maps that big where towns aren't their own sub-maps with a separate overworld.
Only one or two locations in Mother are separated from the big main world map.

>> No.8638408

gameplay in mother games is irrelevant, only retarded dipshits play mother for the battle system. tomatos gba patch makes the translation the most accurate to the original game and since itois writing is the true number one reason to play a mother game its objectively the definitive version

though admittedly the music is the number two reason so that part is a little unfortunate

>> No.8638416

Have you read the Japanese yourself to compare?

>> No.8638419

Jesus christ /vr/ sucks ass at videogames
Mother 1 is great, don't play it with any expectations or anything
Don't get mad that you're spending time in a VIDEO GAME
Just go in blind, don't listen to these faggot kids saying that the gameplay is grindy, or the map is too big, or anything else. PS2 is NOT retro BTW

>> No.8638426

>Don't get mad that you're spending time in a VIDEO GAME

I wish more people could grasp this

>> No.8638430

Don't forget using Bread to skip the second Mt. Itoi cave trip.

>> No.8638442

Can't you just use this with the NES version? That's how I was planning to play it.

>> No.8638446

You are supposed to grind Mt Itoi with EVE for a bit, or get the overpowered spells like Beam/Freeze Gamma.

>> No.8638495

What do you mean tile based movement?

Although yeah the music is worse.

>> No.8638506

NES Mother is tile-based (a d-pad press moves one square on the map), GBA version smoothed out the movement and made it like Earthbound.

>> No.8638770

Hell no. Just read a synopsis of the few moments the game has.

>> No.8639174

Also, make sure to "disable" the run function when you play. Disturbs (but not ruins) the pacing of the game, and it's my guess that this is why a lot of people have issues with this game's battle system (even though they shouldn't anyway, since Magicant existing already makes those concerns meaningless).

>> No.8639176

>t. filtered (by an easy NES game)

>> No.8639181

Don't play it with romhacks, at least not the first time through. Almost all of those are made by people who played the SNES game first and don't understand what the original was going for in regards to gameplay and story, so they end up butchering it in (bad) attempts to make it seem more like their playthroughs for EarthBound (SNES). Just read and follow these posts for the most fun experience: >>8636865 >>8636897 >>8636938 >>8639174

>> No.8639182

It is the best game in the series, actually.

>> No.8639296

I think so. I personally like the game a lot. But be careful about how you play, a lot of people recommend stupid romhacks that probably ruin the experience. Personally I just played the Famicom original. If you don't know Japanese then I assume Nintendo's official localization is the best way to play.

>> No.8639943

yes, although i think the grind kinda kills the experience (or maybe i'm playing it wrong)

>> No.8639960

You don't have to grind as much as you think, you can beat the game in the mid-20s early 30s level-wise.

>> No.8641109

i mean grinding new characters. when i got lloyd, he was level 1, and he kept dying, so i grinded him a bit to lvl ~10. ninten is lvl ~20. actually, do i really need to have them alive? ninten can kill pretty much any monster by himself. but having the help from a second character would definitely make things easier.

>> No.8641136
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>> No.8641247

Oh yeah you do have to do the mandatory magicant grind at the edge of town, but it doesn't take long.

>> No.8641268


>> No.8641289

Romhacks? I'm playing on my Switch in the bathtub

>> No.8641338

>question mark face

>> No.8643268

>I have no clue why people consider tainting their first experience like that.
Because I would much rather sacrifice purity if it means I'll actually feel like completing the game rather than dropping it after an hour.

Even among people who like retro games, being able to stomach unaltered NES-era RPGs is rare disposition.

>> No.8643342

>being able to stomach unaltered NES-era RPGs is rare disposition
Final Fantasy III's probably the only one that hasn't aged much
Dragon Quest III is good but it has a much smoother SNES and GBC version

>> No.8643406

