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8508387 No.8508387 [Reply] [Original]

Let's discuss this beautiful bastard's games

>> No.8508391

I want Wario’s girthy Italian/german cock to slap me across the face

>> No.8508394 [DELETED] 

VBWL>SML3>the rest

>> No.8508397

Looks Greek to me

>> No.8508416
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>> No.8508469

He’s pure Calabrese

>> No.8508554

3 > 2 > 1 > 4

>> No.8509391

I am italian and this is really fitting

>> No.8509403
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joke: Transformation Wario games (WL2/3/4)

woke: Hat Wario games (SML3 & VB)

>> No.8509427
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Was the developed by an outside group like Sunsoft or a soul filled dev team from Hokkaido or something? Wario games and the DK game were just lit and burning SOVL

>> No.8509476

I think it was one of the internal R&D teams at Nintendo. They put out a lot of good stuff.

>> No.8509485
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What went wrong?

>> No.8509529

probably Germanic with greek decent

>> No.8509606

outsourcing to treasure (who's never made a non-shitty game) was a mistake.

>> No.8509613

Treasure is cancer. All style, no substance. Maybe they have a carbon monoxide leak or bad water at their place because they made cheap feeling and looking games for years.

>> No.8509753
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I was about to make a post wanting to see more Hat based powerup Wario games, and here you are beating me to that punch.
You glorious bastard.

Viking helmet and Jet Bunny Helmet are the most fun.

>> No.8510248

think it was supposed to be a bull hat

>> No.8510370

Viking/Bull hat, same thing. Wario gets horns on his helmet and can tear shit up.

>> No.8510438
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>> No.8510454

Nah. Like God, he is Albanian

>> No.8510463

When did you first realize the Ws on his hat/gloves are blue?

>> No.8510502
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nah, Greek

>> No.8510628

Live, 23 years ago?

>> No.8510664

I miss his adventures. While I love the Warioware series, the uncanny aspect to bosses and such in Wario's adventures were great.

>> No.8510764

Treasure's output always makes me silently seethe

>> No.8510930

Smashing through random walls, floors and ceilings and finding fat loot behind them in 2 is still one of the most satisfying feelings in a video game.

>> No.8510949

that's the one

>> No.8511042

Yeah, it was R&D 1, led by none other than Gunpei Yokoi.

>> No.8511057
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Does she take the Wario cock?

>> No.8511396

>Let's discuss this beautiful bastard's
Stop swearing

>> No.8511398

It's not really a swear if Wario canonically doesn't know who his father is.

>> No.8511405
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I find it cute how Wario cares about his pet, Hen.

>> No.8511457
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She's a pretty bird.

>> No.8512649
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the virgin Wario Ware girls
the Chad Wario Land women

>> No.8512665

I love me some Syrup

>> No.8512694

WarioWare Wario looks like someone who suffers from erectile dysfunction, so probably not.

>> No.8514345

probably conflict between creativity and corporate demands, maybe treasure not doing well with the license the way nintendo wanted it treated
treasure was doing a lot of licensed games before they sort of disappeared,

>> No.8514358

Finally, someone else who agrees with me. About Wario at least, not God

>> No.8514364

I agree with you that Waluigi is Greek, but Wario is clearly Albanian.

>> No.8514475

wario is from diamond city, he's a diamondian

>> No.8514492

I have a live action wario right here, he’s totally Greek

>> No.8514557
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To me, Wario is clearly Georgian.

>> No.8514565

Capt. Syrup, such a bad bitch. She needs to be disciplined.

>> No.8514570

Currently playing WL4. Its pretty good. I'm still not sold on the whole 'timed run back to the start of the level' design though. Not fun imo.

>> No.8514627

It's pretty forgiving desu. You've given a plenty of time and even if it runs out, you won't be kicked out of the level instantly, you'll start losing treasures you've got on your way.

There's no actual need to panic and feel frustrated but it adds thrill to the game anyway. Still, fuck that frog.

>> No.8514752

I much prefer the gimmick in 2 and 3 where you're invincible but can transform. Was pretty disappointed by 4 after 3 was 10/10, so I stopped playing after half an hour. I'm sure it's a decent game, though.

>> No.8514787

This game is pure joy and only contrarian faggots would hate it.

>> No.8514871

Give 4 another chance. Maybe the gameplay isn’t quite to your liking, but the game oozes with soul. It’s a relatively short game so it wouldn’t take up too much of your time. And play it on hard.

>> No.8515864

What's the best Wario Land game between 3 and four?

I mean 4 is an amazing experience but it just feels so short compared to 3.

>> No.8515915

It's objectively the worst retro Wario action game though. Every Land game is better than World.

>> No.8515932

I'm glad the character finally found his footing on the GBA with the birth of WarioWare. Those games are instant classics that really capture the essence of the character beyond just being a shitty Mario clone, reflected in his stylish new costume.

>> No.8515946

The Wario games you can't die in were fucking lame. Glad 4 got rid of that casual horseshit.

>> No.8515969

The land games suck and are boring. World has way more exciting combat, collecting, and world design.

>> No.8515991

R&D1 made basically every Metroid and Wario game up through Fusion/ZM and Wario Land 4/WarioWare 1. You really can't beat a record like that.

>> No.8516001
File: 298 KB, 1546x870, wario land 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to commend your shitpost, some people may think you're serious

>> No.8516050

I am. Wario are boring as shit. Only VB Wario Land has any worth since it did all the things WL1 did right but without the screen crunch and shitty slow walking speed and floaty jumping.

But WarioWare is an actually fun series and didn't have to imitate Mario to do it.

>> No.8516091

>World has way more exciting combat
It's just button mashing, gets old fast.
No way, searching for treasures in the Land games was much better thought-out.
>world design.
The main worlds were generic as fuck. Some of the treasure worlds were interesting however.

>> No.8516130

Oh it's not the timed aspect that bothers me really, its fundamentally the backtracking part. Philosophically, i think a player should always be moving 'forward' in a game. It would have been better if they only made one level per section like that, rather than make it the whole game. Also the pyramid world design feels like a cop out to me. Everything else about the game through, i like. The level design, puzzles and enemies are all on point.
I skipped 3 because i didn't like how Wario looked :p. Ill probs still play it though just for completions sake.
1 and 2 are brilliant. With 1 still being my favorite.

>> No.8516247

I love how his powerups are bad things happening to him: floats by getting stung, breaks blocks under him by eating a fruit and getting fat, glides and fits under small openings by being flattened and more.

>> No.8516309

I'm very interested in this lore
Must be a part of the Mario-is-Stalin universe

>> No.8516323

So, what the flying fuck was up with the final level of WL2?

>> No.8516331
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>The land games suck and are boring

>> No.8516349

What if a game that combine's Wario's immortality gags AND his powerup hats. Maybe he can't turn into Flat Wario if he's got the bull hat, and he just holds the crusher above his head; flexing all macho, but he's extra vulnerable to becoming Drunk or fat Wario. Then, the dragon or sea dragon hat, on the other hand can shrug off what would make him into frozen wario, but are very easily flammable, and if he catches fire while holding it, he becomes fire wario, and the thing blows up at the end.

I'd kill for an arcade-style Virtual Boy Wario sequel with secrets and treasures to find with combinations of the two.

>> No.8516715
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You might have a point there

>> No.8516734
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>> No.8516879

Sounds great to me. Another option is another go at making "Super Mario 64 but it's actually Super Wario 64"
Never played Wario World, but I hear it's pretty short and kinda weak.

>> No.8516918

It's pretty disappointing for a Wario game. No hat power-ups, no transformations, nothing to spice the gameplay up. Also very easy and short.

>> No.8516921

WW's a decafeinated beat 'em up, beating shit up with Wario fees great but unfortunately, it grows repetitive pretty fast. Platforming puzzle sections spice things u but yeah, the game is pretty formulaic and it manages to feel long even being as short as it is, a shame.

>Super Wario 64
Now imagine a Spyro/Ratchet and Clank-esque adventure platformer where you find treasure maps and dynamic treasures that gradually open up some mysterious, crazy land for Wario to explore and plunder, kind of like Wario 3, but opening up much earlier than that game does. I don't know how it'd play but that would be the dream 3D Wario game.

>> No.8516948

>"It's'a me, Waaario!"

>> No.8516961

Confession: I enjoyed Mario 64DS a lot more than I should just based on the fact you got to play as Wario in a fully realized 3D platformer. Setting enemies in orbit with a punch was great. I completed as much of that game as possible with him.

>> No.8517038

The art is really good for these but the gameplay for the 3d platforms aren't that fun. Maybe if I was a kid but I'm not. Still probably worth it since Nintendo doesn't have a lot of good exclusives other than the usual 5 - 10 titles

>> No.8517040

I've been thinking of going back to that one for that reason, but it's just... no analog stick.

>> No.8517120

WarioWare is my favorite series ever because not only is it quirky but also because I have no attention span so the microgames actually grab me for a moment

>> No.8517130

wario is to quake what mario is to doom

>> No.8517254


wario is to planet what mario is to cat

>> No.8517290

Silly shit like picking up signs from behind and smashing giant iron balls was always so fun.

>> No.8517685
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I guess you mean, the same kind of game, but distinct enough in the fine details of gameplay and overall tone and style that they still feel pretty different?

>> No.8517913

I started Wario World last night.
Heaps fun brings back good memories of Wario Land.

>> No.8518963

Based Wariobros.
I just wish he had that spin throw he has in the multiplayer mode in single player too or, you know, any unique moves. Looking back, he was pretty underwhelming since he was more or less just slower Mario.

>> No.8519180

Dude….3ds analog

>> No.8519356

>64DS Wario Swimming in Dire, Dire Docks

>> No.8519491

The circlepad probably helps somewhat but the movement still behaves as if you were using the d-pad.
I personally had no problems collecting all the stars on my DS Lite back then, but I kind of despise analog anyway. Never really had that much experience with the original N64 version either.

>> No.8521039

I never played Super Mario 64DS back in the day, I got it used years ago and played it on my 3DS. The Circlepad helps somewhat in terns of comfort, but much of it is negated by the fact that an analog control applied to what's strictly DPad input, with no actual range or variable besides off to on, translates like garbage, and still feels bad because of how you have to handle it.
Super Mario 64's movement and subsequent gameplay and levels, are designed around an analog stick giving you a range of flexible and fluid movement, and this is something that a DPad, or Circlepad pretending to be a DPad, cannot match. As cool as portable SM64 was at the time, this has always been a very serious flaw with this version of the game.

Unless you know a romhack I don't for making the 3DS Circlepad provide analog input for Super Mario 64DS?

>> No.8521059
File: 18 KB, 460x345, nintendo-ds-feature-a-day-2-20041110005749087-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well actually the analog control is solely on the touch pad which was available at the time of release

>> No.8521075

Christ, that's beyond abysmal. Who the fuck thought that shit would ever be a good idea? Have you tried playing Splinter Cell on that fucking thing? That was the only time a control scheme has ever made my hands physically hurt.

>> No.8521080
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take a wild guess.

>> No.8521093
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>we will never get another Mario&Luigi game utilizing 4 characters in battle like PiT with Mario, Luigi, Wario, Waluigi.

Seriously, expected it to happen before crossing over with Paper Mario.

>> No.8523108
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>mfw playing a Trashure game

>> No.8523128
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Nice post anon. I will save this image for the future.
About the only game that's passable if Bangai-O on DC. It's jankiness works, all of their other games the jankiness and lack of polish works against the product.

>> No.8523219

This game must have been in development hell for a while and constantly scrapped, because I remember how early then announced this game on the Nintendo website and then how long it eventually took to come out

>> No.8523235

He threatens to cook her if she keeps ignoring his affection and running away


DeepL Translate:
>That's it! It's a cock-a-doodle-doo! He's not the enemy! He's my little pet! But I don't know if he can feel my love, but he doesn't take to me very well! Not only does he not like me, he runs away when he sees me! If he runs away again, I'm going to turn him into fried chicken and eat him! I bet it's really good! Yakitori would be good too!

>> No.8523523

That's unfortunate. I wonder how he'd prepare her if he were to.

>> No.8523547

By "prepare," I mean kill, which is one of the first things that would have to be done to eat a chicken.

>> No.8523551

It would be so good. Waluigi and Wario would probably have actual dialogue instead of exclusively making Mediterranean noises

>> No.8523796

doesn't magically make the game take analog inputs retarded zoomie

>> No.8523982

I imagine garlic would be involved.

>> No.8524093

Depends on how big your mouth is.

>> No.8524726

>inb4 not retro

New Super Mario Bros 2 should have been a Wario game. Just Wario taking literally ever single coin in the Mushroom Kingdom.