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File: 296 KB, 1587x1017, 1639281355245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8413256 No.8413256 [Reply] [Original]

I've been playing a lot of Master System lately (Asterix, Alex Kidd, Deep Duck Trouble, Ghouls n Ghosts, Aleste, Sonic, etc..) gotta say, wasn't expecting this console to have games this fun.

>> No.8413295

Alex Kidd, sonic, the list goes on

>> No.8413301

I only played Alexx the Kidd, and I didn't like it that much.
Deep Duck Trouble, however, is kino.

>> No.8413305
File: 16 KB, 259x194, pretendingtoberetarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot the BEST 8-bit JRPG

>> No.8413330
File: 68 KB, 638x599, 1619475857416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can taste the anger emanating from this post.

>> No.8413340

Sonic 1 is better on Game Gear.
Sonic 2, however, is better on SMS.

>> No.8413354
File: 114 KB, 474x529, 1586500179108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Sonic 1 on the Game Gear feels more polished than in the Master System, however the screen crunch on Game Gear Sonic 2 makes it really unforgiving and unfair, while in the Master System the difficulty feels on point.

Anons, if you've enjoyed Deep Duck Trouble, then I definitely recommend The Lucky Dime Caper, I wouldn't say it's better, because they do have many differences, so it's subjective, but it's another good Donald Duck video game.

>> No.8413421
File: 503 KB, 2048x1536, console-sega-master-system-2-master-system.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe the Master System is somewhat underappreciated due to it not doing well in the main markets, in this case the USA and Japan, because they were dominated by Nintendo at the time, however it was a solid system all around, and if you talk to people from regions like Europe or Brazil, in which it was the console who sold better, they remember it fondly. I'd say that the NES had the better library overall, but the Master System is a classic system that you can't go wrong with. I know most people love the way the original model looks better, but I have a soft spot for the 2nd model.

>> No.8413430
File: 63 KB, 170x170, 1625705385322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and if you talk to people from regions like Europe or Brazil, in which it was the console who sold better, they remember it fondly.
br here.
the whole "omg master system is still popular in Brazil!" is actually a meme. Yes we do have a manufacturer called tectoy who has the license for sega stuff and yes they kept making master systems (as well as mega drive), but master system was never as popular as memes made you believe it was. In actual times when it could have been popular it was vastly overshadowed by famiclones (which can't be calculated in quantities sold for obvious pirate reasons, but believe me, for every kid who had a master, 50 had a famiclone).
Master system was mostly the low cost sega console aunts and grandmas would get when kids asked for "the Sega" (meaning the mega drive, which is what kids wanted in the 90s, not the Master)
By the late 90s/early 00s, chipped playstations were super affordable thanks to very cheap bootleg games, and K62 computers let everyone play games on PC for cheap also thanks to piracy (and cyber cafes with LAN)
Master system was never a real mvp as people were made to believe. Sorry for breaking the illusion of brazil being magical master system land.

>> No.8413432

the anti tendies are way more obsessed than the tendies

>> No.8413437
File: 444 KB, 800x800, knuckles-australian-hat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic 1 is only better on GG if you're a casual. Easier boss fights + easier level designs to account for the inferiour screen size.

>b-but muh intro that says sayyguhhh makes it better.....

>> No.8413440

Also BR here, this post is correct.

>> No.8413450

This is a battle you can't win, dude. (like all of your battles).
We've been through this multiple times.
The SMS port is buggy and has stuff that show it was not polished for the SMS. The SMS release was a rushed work they did, but Yuzo specifically pitched the idea of an 8-bit Sonic to Sega because of the Game Gear, not the SMS.
Sonic 2 is different because it was made by a different dev, and they instead botched the portable version in favor of SMS (but mostly because of that first boss)

>> No.8413475

>The SMS port is buggy and has stuff that show it was not polished for the SMS.
No it's not. You just pulled that out of your arse.
>The SMS release was a rushed work they did, but Yuzo specifically pitched the idea of an 8-bit Sonic to Sega because of the Game Gear, not the SMS.
This is your headcanon. If anything, the GG port was a rushed conversion job of the proper and definitive version of Sonic 1 on the Master.

>> No.8413490

I personally prefer the Game Gear version of Sonic 1, but I don't know much about any of the technical differences between both versions honestly, they play identical to me really, with the most noticeable difference being the screen crunch, though that doesn't hurt the Game Gear version much for me. I know this will probably sound dumb, but my main reason for preferring the Game Gear version is Sonic's sprite, I just like it a lot more than the Master System's sprite for some reason.

>> No.8413491

>In 1990, Sega released the Game Gear,[8] an 8-bit handheld game console designed to compete with Nintendo's Game Boy.[9] Around the same time, Sonic Team worked on Sonic the Hedgehog for the 16-bit Genesis and Sega wanted to increase consumer awareness of the Game Gear by producing a version of Sonic for the system.[10] 22-year old composer Yuzo Koshiro had recently started working with Sega, having been asked to compose the soundtrack for the 16-bit version of The Revenge of Shinobi (1989). After, he told a section chief he could develop games himself.[11] As a result, a general manager,[c] whom Koshiro met while working on The Revenge of Shinobi, asked him to start developing a Game Gear version of Sonic.[10][11] Koshiro founded Ancient to develop the game because Sega could not make contracts with individuals.[11] His sister Ayano Koshiro served as director and his mother Tomo Koshiro had a "behind the scenes" role,[11] while the first programmer he hired was Shinobu Hayashi. The 8-bit Sonic was created specifically for the Game Gear, but Sega also had Ancient develop a version for the Master System, which was selling well and had similar hardware.[10]
All has sources and you can even ask Yuzo himself, he replis in english on Twitter.
Take your meds, tell your tutors that you need lees internet time, and at least try to live your final days in peace, autisto.

>> No.8413519
File: 236 KB, 1000x1423, 1639333490886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i sweat maybe the console could have done a but better if they used better boxart for the games, like this looks good but then you have shit like the Alex Kidd, Black Belt or Shinobi box arts.

>> No.8413536

all of the meme boxarts are for the early games, like pre-1988
it would be like judging the NES boxarts only taking the blackbox games into consideration

>> No.8413567
File: 296 KB, 479x680, 1639282571348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

black box weren't as unappealing as shit like this.

>> No.8413572

congrats on missing the point

>> No.8413578 [DELETED] 

The Sega System being popular in Brazil is one of the greatest historical lies on par with the holocaust

>> No.8414158

The NES has a vastly better library.

>> No.8414184

SMS: quality
NES: quantity

>> No.8414191

Land of Illusion (Starring Mickey Mouse)
Phantasy Star

All great games.

>> No.8414334
File: 375 KB, 473x680, GVL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your opinion on Golvellius?

>> No.8414437 [DELETED] 

BR here, this anon is wrong. The Sega System (Master System was the name of the bundle with the Light Phaser) and Famiclones were about even in popularity, sames goes for the Mega Drive and Super NES.

>> No.8414442 [DELETED] 

oh no he's here

>> No.8414816

It's a real shame tunics went out of fashion for boys in games
Think of all up-tunic shots we could have gotten once games went 3D

>> No.8414821

NES has quality and quantity

>> No.8414850

>game console has fun games

>> No.8416357


>> No.8416392
File: 5 KB, 256x192, 3146-title-Sapo-Xule-vs.-os-Invasores-do-Brejo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fags who didn't enjoyed mônica and sapo xulé

>> No.8416424
File: 3 KB, 256x192, MonicanoCastelodoDragao_title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best 8-bit game right here and I'm not even trolling

>> No.8416526

isnt this a wonder boy reskin?

>> No.8416828

Brazil had its own games for master system..

>> No.8416838

i know but the monica's gang games were wonder boy reskins

>> No.8416847

Maybe I'm wrong, but I think at least the final boss of Mônica 2 was completely original.