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File: 70 KB, 640x447, dread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8335691 No.8335691 [Reply] [Original]

>FPS game that runs on stock Amiga 500/1000 and Atari ST, stock hardware from 1985 and with over 10 FPS
Imagine if this came out several years before Wolf3D, considering it ran on hardware that was much cheaper than even a PC that could play Wolf3D years later, yet alone Doom. Specially if it wasn't a one-two man effort and had actually proper designers for levels, etc.

>> No.8335702

>over 10 FPS
>FPS counter top left literally shows
Lol amigatards and lies

>> No.8335704


>> No.8335705

You're supposed to divide 50 or 60 (depending on your model, i.e. 50Hz or 60Hz) with that number.
So 60/3.7 is 16 FPS.

>> No.8335709

The Amiga guys really knew how to make hardware, both the 8bit Ataris and later Amiga
The PC as a gaming platform would have lagged behind for years if a game like that with Doom level design came out 5 years before Doom


>> No.8335715
File: 29 KB, 300x300, Gloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine if a game entirely conceived as a clone of an existing game came out before said game
Not sure what's your point OP

>> No.8335723

The point is hardware and market of the time, the "proper designer" part was mentioned already, the problem back in the day was lack of knowledge of optimization to this degree. Imagine Doom before Doom on hardware imagined to never run Doom.
Even Doom on PC has been optimized with source ports to run better on the same hardware than it did in '93.

>> No.8335760


>> No.8336047

you could've just said frametime

>> No.8336059

Kind of, frametime compared to the systems refresh rate, not a metric second.
What you'd usually call frametime would be around 62.5ms for 16 frames per 1 second.

>> No.8336064

>imagine if this obviously inspired by Y came out 4 years before Y

This is like saying imagine if medieval knights had guns

>> No.8336071

>This is like saying imagine if medieval knights had guns
what's the problem with that? /his/ does have such threads

>> No.8336094
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>roughly similar thing in a market where fewer people had the platform to run in and the demand was 1/10
Idk. The Wolf3d zeitgeist was really the culmination of widespread use of desktop computers as well as the demand for more visceral and advanced PC games in the 90s. In the 80s in NA, how many families did you know that had PCs?
I'm not saying it wouldn't be technically marvelous but it's missing the dynamic which turbocharged the advancement and demand for FPS games in the 90s.

>> No.8336109

I'm sorry, that's a selling point? Wolfenstein 3D ran far better than that on a 386.

>hardware that was much cheaper than even a PC that could play Wolf3D years later, yet alone Doom.
A 486 indeed cost more money, that much is true. Still, I think I'd feel more satisfied with a roaring (at the time) 486 running Doom at 20 (but usually 30+) frames per second over a lethargic Amiga 500 running this game at 10.
A 386 could reach 20 frames on average with Doom if you played in low detail mode and reduced your screen size a bit.

>a game like that with Doom level design
That's the issue, see, because even though this thing is a seriously cool demo (and I really admire the craft of it), it's still only a couple of steps above Wolfenstein 3D. It doesn't do elevators, stair building, crushers, floors and ceilings changing in real time (in fact it seems like the floor is perfectly flat in the shown demo, with the only existing height variation existing to detail the ceiling), and doesn't make doors, lifts, and passages out of anything and everything. In Doom you can construct levels really abstractly, a random pillar which seems like it would be decoration could be used to hide a monster for an ambush, or to hide secret items for the player to discover, a random ceiling detail could in fact turn out to be a trap to crush you (or to be used to crush enemies).

Again, I think Dread is really cool, but Doom is still lightyears ahead of it in complexity, not just in graphics, but in level design and gameplay, as well as the potential for level design. I hope that the dude continues developing it further for the Amiga 1000 to show more what that machine can do, without holding back for the 500's sake.

>imagine if medieval knights had guns
They did, one such gun is called a petronel, a 16th century matchlock musket. See also samurai, they used their own style of matchlock muskets rather extensively.

>> No.8336405

This would've been a sore sight for Amiga/ST owners, but it wouldn't have stopped the tides.

>> No.8336553

would have definitely been more of a "killer app" for those systems in 1985 or 1986 than wolfenstein 3d was for PC in 1992
at that time the pc compatible was pretty much irrelevant for gaming, vga and adlib didn't even exist yet

>> No.8336889


>> No.8336943

It also didn't come out until this year and not in the 80's, so what's YOUR point?

>> No.8336961

What does 10 fps even look like, it's been too long for me to remember correctly

>> No.8336978

>I think I'd feel more satisfied with a roaring (at the time) 486 running Doom at 20 (but usually 30+) frames per second over a lethargic Amiga 500 running this game at 10.
We're talking about a time when 486 didn't even exist, yet alone Doom

>A 386 could reach 20 frames on average with Doom if you played in low detail mode and reduced your screen size a bit.
"a bit" haha
A fucking 486SX can barely hit 10 FPS and that's still faster than the fastest 386's

>> No.8337004


>> No.8337006

Yeah but I mean for doom, a game that doesn't have complex animations to begin with.

>> No.8337013

10fps in doom is totally playable

>> No.8337024

I'm aware, I'm just saying I've completely forgotten what it looks like in 10 fps because source ports run it much better than that. I think the closest I'll probably find online to look at is the SNES version.

>> No.8337130

There were tons of 3d games for the amiga an st. Nobody simply came up with an idea for a doom like game. It would've been doable with flat textures, 2d enemies, and an engine that pushes 30 polys per sec.

>> No.8337265

Yeah, well, it didn't. It took nearly 4 decades of insane autism to come up with something that runs like shit and is barely more impressive than Wolfenstein. Doom hit at the right time and the right hardware. It didn't take a lifetime of toiling and poor Eurofaggot digital jalopy cope.

>> No.8337271

No it is fucking not. If I ran Doom at 10fps I probably wouldn't have fallen in love with PC gaming as I did playing it at 35 on my P75, or as someone would on a high end 486.

>> No.8337356

>Yeah, well, it didn't. It took nearly 4 decades of insane autism
He did the basic stuff in a week or so, check out the devlog videos.
>runs like shit
And doom on anything but 486 dx didn't? Its 12-15 fps. Even wolfenstein ran barely better back on launch day.
>barely more impressive than Wolfenstein.
It has more texture variations, lighting, and more 3D objects like triangles, pillars, and ceiling objects. It's many steps ahead of wolfenstein.
>Doom hit at the right time and the right hardware
It was struggling on 1200 dollar 90s computers. This thing runs on a 1985 computer.
Oh say can you shart....
By the aisles at walmart...

>> No.8337402

When Doom came out I played it thru at 8 FPS on a 486SX, totally enjoyable experience and better than having to reduce screen size or details

>> No.8337409

>Amiga predates VGA
The absolute state of retarded europoors

>> No.8337465

Amiga: 1985
VGA: 1987

>> No.8337554

i found some unplayable glitch with latest prboom plus build. It's doom 1 and it works on every other source port

>> No.8337924

I actually met the guy who made dread irl. Kind of an eccentric but okay guy

>> No.8338378

It's not.

>> No.8338410

Maybe not with mouse aim on a modern machine, on a 14" CRT playing with keyboard it was totally fine with even less.

>> No.8338736

I don't agree, 10fps is a really miserable rate for any game which requires any sort of speed, keyboard only makes it more miserable because of the fixed turning rate.

>> No.8338738

>implying it's not standing on the shoulders of autistic giants and applying decades of knowledge

>> No.8339454

pics of your 486 machine with a CRT

>> No.8339461

Never had my own, I'm 29 and when I first picked up Doom we had a way better PC than that.

>> No.8339809

So you're just talking out of your ass? You actually don't even know how Doom plays on a 486 with a sub-14" CRT at ~10 FPS?

>> No.8339858

No, *I* didn't own one, but I knew people who did, played the shareware (and registered game) a few times.

Actually looking back, I think it's been so long, and I've just been playing games like Doom on better computers for such a long time overall, I've just forgotten what 10fps was even like, because looking at some footage of various games and video running at 15fps and 10fps, it really doesn't look that bad, stuff running at like 5fps is basically what I had come to mind.

So I'll retract my statement, you were right, I was wrong, 10fps isn't actually that bad.

>> No.8339883
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>A 386 could reach 20 frames on average with Doom if you played in low detail mode and reduced your screen size a bit.


Smallest window size with low detail gets you 10 FPS, barely

>> No.8339886

20* not 10

We're talking about postage stamp size here though

>> No.8341503

I'll concede again, I genuinely forgot what 10fps actually looked like, because I haven't experienced it anywhere in a long time.

I was wrong, you were right.

>> No.8341539

Go play an N64 game

>> No.8342037

Nice one

>> No.8342190

>actually proper designers for levels
Not happening in 1993-.

>> No.8342195

Watch out for aggro skinheads.

>> No.8342474

N64 fans think this is fine.

>> No.8344062

spotted the sega fanboys

>> No.8344415

I don't think they are, because then they would have to face that the Saturn runs Doom like complete shit, while Doom 64 runs well and was an exclusive new game. Admittedly, lots of effort was put into Doom 64, while very little effort was put into the port of Doom to the Saturn, it's not like the machine can't actually do it.

>> No.8344572

Uh? Who was talking about Doom? Most games on N64 run like shit and at low FPS.

>> No.8344652

>FPS game that runs on stock Amiga 500/1000 and Atari ST, stock hardware from 1985 and with over 10 FPS
This was literally the plot of a Bones episode.

>> No.8344657

This post is peak larping zoomer irony.

>> No.8344658


>> No.8344695


>> No.8344768
File: 37 KB, 267x276, communicating badly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8344812

Goldeneye is like 6 fps. Perfect dark is 2 fps.

>> No.8344814

>literally says 10+ fps in OP
>"dude you're communicating badly"

>> No.8344819

>floppy is put inside a PC XT
>the keyboard is a Amiga with a black case
>the OS in UNIX