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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8299574 No.8299574 [Reply] [Original]

You ever experience the pure bliss of deleting an emulator you used for years because you now physically own all the games you wanted? Such utter satisfaction.

>> No.8299587

Nah, I just moved my romsets over to flashcarts. It is nice having the actual systems tho.

>> No.8299590
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>> No.8299591

have you ever felt the bliss of throwing out a console because the emulator is now better than the hardware?

>> No.8299608

No, because a considerable number of games are either impenetrable, because of a language barrier, or unattainable, because of their massively inflated price or scarcity.

>> No.8299618

No, because I enjoy games and I also enjoy crimes, so pirating a video game makes it twice as fun.

>> No.8299634

No, I prefer the bliss of playing Wipeout 3 SP in 60 fps and Sunshine in 1080p60fps.

>> No.8299645
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Based thief gamer.

>> No.8299658

>because you now physically own all the games you wanted

If my only gaming interest was Virtual Boy, then it probably could be a realistic scenario. Otherwise, not ever gonna happen.

>> No.8299663

Sounds limiting desu. Idk why people have an either or mindset when it comes to hardware and emulation. Play on hardware for the feelies and accuracy or emulate for convenience and enhancements.

>> No.8299672


>> No.8299680

i don't understand it either, i personally do both. i like owning physical games, but some of this shit is just way too expensive and i end up emulating. plus for some consoles emulation is just not up to par (namely ps2) and so i'd rather play those games on hardware.

>> No.8299685

No because I live in a PAL region and playing retro games at 50Hz fucking sucks.

>> No.8299686
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I'm most blissful when I find out that an emulator works on my pc (that previously didnt.) I dont get the appeal of buying old games

>> No.8299717

An ideal library is 30 games for each system, you don't need hundreds and thousands

>> No.8299857

Even that can be problematic, especially with limited budget. My hope of getting a complete set of Astro Boy: Omega Factor for GBA is getting thinner with each year passing.And no, Japanese import is not an option for this case, because US version is more polished.

>> No.8299862

Nah, wouldn't if they were given to me. Herbed and obfuscated.

>> No.8299863

>complete set of Astro Boy: Omega Factor for GBA
What do you mean complete set? It has more than one version?

>> No.8299868

emulators are only good if you keep the library small and curated, If you get to the point where you have dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of games, you went to far.

>> No.8299869

If you were really satisfied you wouldn't even think about deleting the emulator. You'd just be playing games.

>> No.8299875

My emulators are on my wii so really all I did was put the wii in my closet, I have basically no use for it now.

>> No.8299890

I mean box, manual and a game cartridge.

Game + shipping costs about $110 on Ebay now

>> No.8299895
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cart fags
>i-i need the box and the manual and the cart and the steelbook and the strategy guide and the bonus figure and the gravy boat and the OH NOOOOO 2,000,0000 dollars nooo...
emu fags
>that was fun, i have memories of this now

>> No.8300009
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>can't read Japanese
>Isn't rich

>> No.8300146

>strategy guide
>bonus figure
>gravy boat
heehee no

Nice strawman there

>> No.8300156

Why would you delete an emulator because of that? Your house must be full of arcade cabinets, you trolling fucktard.

>> No.8300157

Oh yeah, having to switch between 20 different inputs is a bliss and a joy.

>> No.8300163

>can't read Japanese
That's because I'm not a socially retarded weeb. Also, my native tongue is the language of commerce, so I don't see why I should capitulate to anyone else. Oh, and it's demonstrably superior.
>Isn't rich
Neither are most people, trannoid. What do you think this means:
>the 1%
What's more, most of the wretched filth on this board are either unemployed, or on relatively meagre incomes. And to cap it all off, no one affluent would ever post here, because they'd be far too busy enjoying an actual life, fellow scumbag. Cope indeed, non-entity.

>> No.8300263

You must weigh around 400lbs. Time for you to start hitting the treadmill - and to stop hitting your local fast food joint - you fat bastard.

>> No.8300272

can you do RAM editing/lua/disassembly on the real cartridge without having complex hardware debuggers from the 90s?

>> No.8300286

Why would I do that when I could instead be playing a video game with said cartridge

>> No.8300548

using an emulator is not the same shit and never will so that shit is out of the question. owning REAL games is even more retarded so thats out of the question as aswell. only thing reasonable is to use flashcards on real hardware. minimal cost, real experience. everything else is for basedboys.

>> No.8300553

Fucking based

>> No.8300568

I love how you shitposters turned a board that is about discussing and playing and collecting retro video games alongside playing them through emulation into a constant dull mess of forced shitposting and factionalisation that makes this board, and the site in general as you are trying this on every board, that I have been on since the day it was created (and the site from the mid 2000s) that I once considered better than the rest of the internet now, unironically, less appealing than the rest of the internet. You're litrally making me reconsider a life long avoidance of social media and other sites because I just want some conversation that isn't a pretend argument between two people who are just picking sides to shitpost and regurgitation of half-decade old forced memes. Believe it or not, that wasn't what 4chan was about.

>> No.8300589

tl;dr also unironically no one asked lol

>> No.8300592

>the pure bliss of deleting your emulator and roms after getting real hardware, a CRT, and everdrives
Feels good man

>> No.8300594

Pretty based.

>> No.8300680

this thread is sponsored by ebay

>> No.8301078

Personally I have everything hooked to a fancy AV receiver from the 90s, it's pretty nice and and switches with a remote.

>> No.8301089

No, it's not, what a weird assumption.

>> No.8301098

I feel the opposite. I had all my games/game systems stolen and was really too much to recover from but now i can just download roms and plug in whatever controller i want into my laptop. Pretty great.

>> No.8301104

I'm having the opposite experience. I used this site from 2005 to 2010 pretty regularly until I paid ten dollars to read another forum. Got hooked on regular social media along the way, eventually got tired of having a visible rap sheet on the other forum, became incredibly disillusioned with social media this year and came back after not wanting to touch this place with a ten foot pole because of stuff I saw from /pol/ while I was away. I'm sorry the shitposts have got you down.

>> No.8301112


I know the bliss of selling all the games I had, consolidating down to flashcarts, and having a shit-ton of extra money for other hobbies.

>> No.8301118

Yeah, yeah, I'll sell my shit in a few years when I grow up and stop being a manchild but I wanna play them for now

>> No.8301306

Well, I guess you can't play those games anymore! What a shitty thread.

>> No.8301323

>You must weigh around 400lbs
Because I don't want to switch between 20 video inputs, deal with 20 power supplies or want my living room full of video game shit? The absolute state of this retard.

>> No.8301353

I've never once emulated an arcade game in my entire life and I have no plans to, definitely not hoarding arcade machines, I don't see the appeal, and I don't know what point you think you're making.

>> No.8301889

You must have an extremely shallow knowledge of said console's library. Unless it was one of those failures with less than 50 games on it.

>> No.8301896
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i love both emulation and real consoles

>> No.8301901
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>> No.8301963

>emulators are only good if you keep the library small and curated, If you get to the point where you have dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of games, you went to far.

Uh... why?

>> No.8301976


>> No.8302041


>> No.8302045

ADHD retards projecting their issues on others.

>> No.8303257

That's right. You are mentally and physically bone idle. If those things really are too much of an ask, then you should genuinely consider placing yourself into care. Obviously, it's getting - or gotten - to the point that you're no longer capable of looking after yourself.

>> No.8303280
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>own extensive cartridge collection
>play everything on emulators for convenience anyway

>> No.8303776

>I've never once emulated an arcade game in my entire life
How pathetic.

>> No.8303784

>That's right. You are mentally and physically bone idle.
Sounds like you're both retarded and projecting. Keep using emulators and pretending to use the original hardware to stir up shit, whatever to get the attention you crave, fatass.

>> No.8303786

>paid ten dollars to read another forum

It really disillusioned young me when I learned that the guy who made animations making fun of extreme internet deviants in fact produced such content. What a hypocrite.

>> No.8303973

I'm sorry, I play good games.

>> No.8304051

Understood. Just the "good", not the "great".

>> No.8304131

Kys consoomer