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File: 1.11 MB, 1625x890, 2021-08-30 18.05.17 www.polygon.com cd23df08f3d6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8087410 No.8087410 [Reply] [Original]

>the best emulation box will skyrocket in price in the near future
it's over, MiSTerbros...

>> No.8087414

Is this Soulja Boy's new bootleg console?

>> No.8087418

It's open source you mouthbreather.

>> No.8087419

Well, yeah, the technology at its core is heavily-subsidized for outsourced RnD purposes. At some point the training wheels need to be taken off and the market has to determine if it can be profitable for real.

>> No.8087476


>> No.8087656

>its open source
lol if you say so
yeah dude just buy one of the other cheap FPGA boards out there haha!
no dude. there is literally one option for an FPGA if you want a mister. dont even try to pretend

>> No.8087662

Based haha, now I vestors and scalpers will get into emulation shit now

>> No.8087665

i already cant afford a mister. its genuinely less expensive for me to run the original consoles.
Now I doubly cant afford the mister when it explodes in price

>> No.8087764

It's only troublesome if you care specifically for the MiSTer. There are many other great emulation setups, but people fall for the meme that only MiSTer can provide good emulation.

>> No.8087946

>PCs don't exist

>> No.8089540

got my DE10-Nano and mister boards literally 1 week ago so I got lucky, but feel bad though for anyone who has been wanting one for a long time and it may now be more difficult for them

>> No.8089546

Is there any reason to get one when Retroarch has Runahead? Genuine question.

>> No.8089590

>paying $300+ for an emulator

>> No.8089603


>> No.8089759

Good thing I already got mine, when PSX and Saturn hits this shit will explode in price.

>> No.8089853

Remember when The Verge and other big tech websites did MiSTer articles and everybody said the prices would go up? Never happened, nor will it because of a Polygon article.

>> No.8090095

It's already about as expensive as a mini PC and isn't even worth that.

>> No.8090126

I've been fiddling with runahead the last couple of months. It does reduce input lag, but, sometimes, in a strange fashion, as if you pressed the button, then jumped to the future, when the action will take place. Yes, it's a result of how runahead works, with preemptive save states, but not all games give a smooth result (even if your machine has the power to do so). In any case, unnatural or not, input lag will be reduced.

Anyway, I don't use it. More because I don't need it, not because I don't like it. With a good screen (TV or monitor) and decent setup, input lag is kept at a minimum. Feels pretty natural to me, to the point I can easily play games which require precise timing.

My (personal) conclusion: runahead is fine, but, maybe, you don't even need it. Perhaps input lag in emulation is improving to the point of becoming a meme of the past.

>> No.8090136

It's time for Metal Jesus to enter the scene and change the status quo. But not before releasing it EARLY on Patreon, so subscribers can have a chance to get a jump on resellers.

>> No.8090138

MiSTer is by far the best emulation system, though. It supports RGB output for CRTs, it supports light guns for consoles, it supports all original peripherals.

I think it'll honestly be another decade before we get a decent FPGA board with expanded capabilities.

>> No.8090246

>the best emulation box
Cheap laptops are going to skyrocket in price? Oh nevermind, you're talking about a meme box that can't emulate as well as any computer built in the past 15 years.

>> No.8090290

Oh. No. Not this thing that can't even do 5th gen, and isn't any more compatible or responsive than my emulation setup. Stop.

>> No.8090296

It can't even do the best lightgun games, though.

>> No.8090324

You don't need all that shit though. I'm literally playing gba and genesis cores right now with nothing but the de-10. You will need at least more ram to play all the other cores. It's pretty gud. I'm getting a rasb pi just to compare experiences though.

>> No.8090363

I'm having good luck with a Rasp Pi 4. Found a sweetspot using Batocera Linux, but, last year, I used Lakka on a RPi3 and the result was good too. Results used to vary when I used Retropie though.

>> No.8090365

You’re a giant faggot.

>> No.8090367

imagine wanting to play these.

>> No.8090374

Open source doesn't protect against rising component costs, dingus.

>> No.8090379

lol at authors reasoning
>muh emulators have TOO MANY options
thanks for confirming this is literally for smoothbrain retards

>> No.8090408

The best emulation system is still a PC.
Mister has the potential but that's about it. Most stuff that runs on it isn't on par with PC emus much less cycle accuracy.

>> No.8090459

Sure, it'd be crazy to JUST use a MiSTer, there's plenty of hardware out there that's a hassle to own. I can live with some Z-fighting issues in HotD given I don't have to spend a fucking grand on a cabinet.

Generally speaking the emulation is fine, there are probably some obscure computers that are shit, but in terms of major consoles the worst I've ever noticed is some slight audio clipping.

>> No.8090820

price is up because of general parts shortage you dumb fucks

>> No.8090834

>it's more accurate that emulation on pc's because its hardware emulation not software!
>i-ignore all those glitches and inaccuracies it will be 1:1 with real hardware in the future

>> No.8091151

>Yes, it's a result of how runahead works, with preemptive save states, but not all games give a smooth result
Any issues like you describe are result of not setting it up correctly, the source of lag that you are removing is normally only one frame, don’t run ahead by more frames than a game actually has.

>> No.8091163

Interesting. Could you share your configuration ir general approach, so I can test too?

>> No.8091168

>But I’ve always found the number of options within software emulators to be … off-putting
and there it is

>> No.8091171

>Genuine question.
Why do tards always put this at the end of their post? Genuine question.

>> No.8091190

Not him, but, as it also bothers me, I will give my insight: people use expressions like "genuine question" or "unironically" because of the abundant presence of le master trolls in /vr/. It's like a form to say "hey, I'm not a dick wanting some lulz, I do have a question or opinion here".

>> No.8091843

does it support lightguns when using with analog output?

>> No.8091870

Yes. You need a SNAC board and adapters for each system, but it offers perfect passthrough.

There's also a guncon solution coming at some point in the future that will probably support everything if you don't already have half a dozen different guns lying around.

>> No.8091882

I by default set runahead frames to 1. I don't think I've had issues with any games doing this

If you want game by game settings, what you can do is load a game, pause retroarch, then hold a button down while advancing the emulator frame by frame. Count the amount of frames that you have to progress before the game reacts to your button input (like jumping or whatever) and that's what you can usually set runahead value to

for example Super Mario World buffers everything for two frames, so you can use a setting of two when playing it

>> No.8092007
File: 34 KB, 321x340, 1977_Black_Pill_On_steroids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing that is more cringe than your post OP is the SJW cringe in the comments of the article

>> No.8092262

How good is arcade emulation on mister? Is cps2 and other 90s arcade hardware up and running?

>> No.8092305

Thanks a lot! I will test your approach when I have the time.

>> No.8092309

thats not a xbox series s

>> No.8092980

>MiSTer FPGA - Capcom CPS 2 Core Review, Comparison to Original Hardware and Setup Guide!
Yes? Also he have more comparisons MiSTer to the original hardwares

>> No.8092987


>> No.8093024

There's really no reason it can't be made to work with any FPGA. Verilog is pretty portable.

>> No.8093032

>there is literally one option for an FPGA if you want a mister
Jotego releases most of his cores for 3 different fpga boards.

>> No.8095148

this shit better not happen until n64 gets a core

>> No.8095152

>implying this piece of shit will play anything with hardware accelerated 3D full speed
Not on this hardware, buddy. Maybe the next meme FPGA will handle it, but not DE10. They might sloppily, hackily get Zelda and Mario running full speed but a general N64 core? Not on your fucking life, cap this.

>> No.8095161

It's still the same price on Amazon. Why is it over?

>> No.8095371

which fpga-board is cheaper with the same performance or better at the same price than the de10 nano?

>> No.8095389

Probably because they feel it is a stupid question to ask.

>> No.8095538

am I just fucking retarded for not understanding this whole FPGA craze in recent years with emulators? like how is any of this shit more accurate than me just opening Higan or something of the likes on my PC? I don't know shit about hardware accuracy and the sort like actual devs but surely flashing some instruction sets to underpowered hardware can't make an emulation experience any more accurate than just running a fucking high-accuracy emulator on my PC?

>> No.8096290

fpgas are specifically designed to simulate hardware accurately. it's not just a raspberry pi or something.

>> No.8096304
File: 53 KB, 1080x810, my coomlection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my problem. Sucks to be the kind of retard who fell for the FUD and will end up paying double, but you can't say you weren't warned. For many months. Repeatedly.

>> No.8096321

No, it literally won't go up in price. Infact the new colonized MiSTer will save people at least a hundred dollars and provide them with a superior experience.

>> No.8096363

Fair point but that's a temporary problem.

>> No.8096376

I'd go further and call it an actual hardware implementation, not just simulating one. There's no fundamental difference between using an FPGA and a custom ASIC. The accuracy of the implementation depends on the quality of the verilog.

>> No.8096423

I'd reserve that terminology for ASICs which implement the logic physically but frankly it's splitting hairs.

>> No.8096745

This doesn't look like it would be able to handle sega saturn unless magic happened, the standard saturn emulation on PCs require beastly hardware to run full speed and minimal issues. How would the Mister even account for it's 9 cores?

>> No.8096765

Not defending the MiSTer, since I don't care for it, but Saturn emulation doesn't require a "beastly hardware". Not anymore, at least. Maybe if you want to pump a lot of graphical improvements, but if you're aiming for 1:1 visuals, then it can done even with an i3 with integrated graphics.

>> No.8096827

The thing that makes accurate conventional emulation of a multicore system costly is synchronisation, which isn't a problem for this.

>> No.8096890

>will skyrocket in price in the near future
rip hopefully i can get a job soon and buy one before that happens

>> No.8096906
File: 59 KB, 635x620, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>discord gets shilled
>noooo dont join its filled with racists
top fucking kek

>> No.8098232

yes but mist and sidi are shit Jotego only supports them for patreon bux